Ipdx14 quickfire slides

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IPDX14 Quickfire Challenge !

with Dr. Leigh Graves Wolf & you! !

@gravesle & @maet & #ipdx14 !

CollaboraBve notes: bit.ly/ipdx2014

The 15-­‐Second Video Quickfire

flickr: 46137

15-­‐Second Video Quickfire Challenge Step 1: Plan Step 2: Record & Produce Step 3: Watch

15-­‐Second Video Quickfire Challenge !

Step 1: !

I will put you in groups and hand your group a secret topic. You have 5 minutes to plan your video with your group. I will pass out storyboard paper, each scene should be 5 seconds. You can use any items available to you in this room & any app on your computer or device. The video should allude to your topic, but not state the topic specifically. When we view the videos, we will try to guess your topic!

5 minutes

Are you ready…

15-­‐Second Video Quickfire Challenge !

Step 2: !

Pass your storyboard to the group to your leW You have 15 minutes to record the vision arBculated by the other group

15 minutes

Are you ready…

15-­‐Second Video Quickfire Challenge !

Step 3:

What did you create?


What is the Quickfire Challenge?

Failure & IteraJon

Learning how to enjoy..... Failure & IteraJon

Noah Scalin’s 365 Skulls

Theory Behind the Quickfire TransformaJve Learning Theory -­‐ Jack Mezirow !

10 steps leading to a new percepJon of the world !

(a) a disorienBng dilemma; (b) self-­‐examinaBon with feelings of guilt or shame; (c) recogniBon that one’s discontent and the process of transformaBon are shared and that others have negoBated a similar change; (d) exploraBon of opBons for new roles, relaBonships, and acBons; (e) a criBcal assessment of assumpBons; (f) provisional trying of new roles; (g) planning of a course of acBon; (h) acquisiBon of knowledge and skills for implemenBng one’s plans; (i) building of competence and self-­‐confidence in new roles and relaBonships; and (j) a reintegraBon into one’s life on the basis of condiBons dictated by one’s new perspecBve Mezirow, J. (1978). Education for perspective transformation: Women’s re-entry programs in community colleges. New York: Teacher’s College, Columbia University.

Where I go for inspiraJon

flickr: dave pullig flickr: duncan flickr: ecokarenlee flickr: 46137


Quickfire Challenge Examples

PLN Quickfire !

Think about your PERSONAL LEARNING NETWORK Who do you connect with? Where (when) do (did) the connecBons take place? What types of things do you learn from these people? REPRESENT THEM VISUALLY

PLN Quickfire !

Think about your PERSONAL LEARNING NETWORK Who do you connect with? Where (when) do (did) the connecBons take place? What types of things do you learn from these people? REPRESENT THEM VISUALLY in 20 minutes

flickr: 46137

flickr: 46137

Stop MoJon

Stop  MoJon Haiku

windows to the world

flickr: m.snodgress

flickr: linda.lidesma

flickr: houziboy

There is no such thing as an “educaBonal technology” @punyamishra

Users redefine technologies

Photo: NY Times

the redefiniBon or repurposing of technology is a creaBve act

To develop a successful Quickfire: impose Bme constraints give specific, yet vague direcBons embed tangible outcomes keep learning at core share

To develop a successful Quickfire: impose Bme constraints give specific, yet vague direcBons embed tangible outcomes keep learning at core share

Quickfire, Quickfire !

You have now experienced the Quickfire challenge now it’s your turn to create an epic Quickfire!

Quickfire, Quickfire !

You have now experienced the Quickfire challenge now it’s your turn to create an epic Quickfire!

in 20 minutes

To develop a successful quickfire: impose Bme constraints give specific, yet vague direcBons embed tangible outcomes keep learning at core share

Are you ready…

To develop a successful Quickfire: impose Bme constraints give specific, yet vague direcBons embed tangible outcomes keep learning at core share

Create | Explore | Share !

@gravesle @maet !

www.leighgraveswolf.com edutech.msu.edu

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