Massively Mul+player Quickfire Challenge Dr. Leigh Graves Wolf @gravesle Michigan State University @maet
do not open the bags until I say GO (please)
In small groups, you have 5 minutes to make as many representa+ons of a PELICAN that you can using the materials in the bag.
What is the Quickfire Challenge?
Failure & Itera+on
Learning how to enjoy..... Failure & Itera+on
Noah Scalin’s 365 Skulls
Theory Behind the Quickfire Transforma+ve Learning Theory -‐ Jack Mezirow 10 steps leading to a new percep+on of the world (Taylor)
(a) a disorien>ng dilemma; (b) self-‐examina>on with feelings of guilt or shame; (c) recogni>on that one’s discontent and the process of transforma>on are shared and that others have nego>ated a similar change; (d) explora>on of op>ons for new roles, rela>onships, and ac>ons; (e) a cri>cal assessment of assump>ons; (f) provisional trying of new roles; (g) planning of a course of ac>on; (h) acquisi>on of knowledge and skills for implemen>ng one’s plans; (i) building of competence and self-‐confidence in new roles and rela>onships; and (j) a reintegra>on into one’s life on the basis of condi>ons dictated by one’s new perspec>ve Taylor, E. (1998). The theory and practice of transformative learning: A critical review. Columbus, OH: ERIC Clearinghouse on Adult, Career, and Vocational Education. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. 423 422).
Where I go for inspira+on
flickr: dave pullig flickr: duncan flickr: ecokarenlee flickr: 46137
Quickfire Challenge Examples
PLN Quickfire Think about your PERSONAL LEARNING NETWORK Who do you connect with? Where (when) do (did) the connec>ons take place? What types of things do you learn from these people? REPRESENT THEM VISUALLY
PLN Quickfire Think about your PERSONAL LEARNING NETWORK Who do you connect with? Where (when) do (did) the connec>ons take place? What types of things do you learn from these people? REPRESENT THEM VISUALLY in 20 minutes
flickr: 46137
flickr: 46137
Stop  Mo+on
Stop  Mo+on Haiku
Flip Cam Switch
flickr: 46137
windows to the world
flickr: m.snodgress
flickr: linda.lidesma
flickr: houziboy
There is no such thing as an “educa>onal technology” @punyamishra
Users redefine technologies
Photo: NY Times
the redefini>on or repourposing of technology is a crea>ve act
To develop a successful quickfire: impose >me constraints give specific, yet vague direc>ons embed tangible outcomes keep learning at core share
To develop a successful quickfire: impose >me constraints give specific, yet vague direc>ons embed tangible outcomes keep learning at core share
Create | Explore | Share @gravesle @maet
Create | Explore | Share @gravesle @maet