The Herald 041711

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The Herald April 17-24, 2011

Palm Sunday, Holy Week, Easter Sunday

From the Rector: Of Hearing what the Spirit is Saying to God’s People We are making a liturgical change beginning this Palm Sunday. It is a small change, but I think most meaningful. At the acclamations following the readings, instead of the reader saying, “the word of the Lord,” the reader will instead say, “hear what the Spirit is saying to God’s people.” This form of versicle was used extensively in the second century church according to the Didache, a second century manual for liturgical practice and moral behavior. In my view it bids the hearers to engage their own imaginations as to the interpretation of these ancient texts we read Sunday after Sunday…bids us to hear critically and make studied judgment as to what the Spirit is saying in our own day, amid the changing circumstances of our 21st century world…. prayer in short, prayer being both speaking and hearing. Simply saying “the word of the Lord” offers no such invitation. It reminds me of my father’s distaste for Walter Cronkite’s (former CBS News anchor way-back-when) signature signing off of the evening news saying, “and that’s the way it is,” to which my father would ritualistically reply as he tapped the tobacco ashes out of his pipe, “well, not necessarily.” You hear me preach a great deal about our Christian lives being lived for the good of the whole….an ethic of sacrifice for our neighbor….to be the “good servants” living our lives for a better world… a world that God envisions for us all. I believe that, but there is more for us as the gathered people of faith…we are to read what it is the Spirit is doing, and name what the Spirit is doing…there is energy and authority (authority meaning confidence derived from practice and experience)….energy and authority in such work… The reason we gather as the church is to name and celebrate our lives in the Spirit….to sing and pray and praise our vocation into perspective….It is why we put so much emphasis on our liturgy….liturgy being artistic expression of what the good looks like… hearing and seeing what the Spirit is saying and doing in us. My children ask me, “isn’t it just enough to do good in the world?”… and my answer is that we need as often as we can gather and, through the expression of beauty, in readings, in prayer and singing and procession, name the profound importance of our being vessels of the Spirit, oracles of truth no less, truth that is still becoming, never in stone….and sharing a symbolic common meal as sacred nurture in the Spirit for the way ahead….and most of all we need a place and time as community to give thanks for such a high calling. Another way to put it is that ours is to make visible as well as audible the Spirit, and to celebrate our role in that work…this is no passive task, but a life of paying rapt attention to the Spirit’s presence all around us, a life of continuous prayer, as it were…prayer being the rigorous art of paying attention…paying attention in each other, in nature, in the stranger, even in the shameful corners of our world, wherein most importantly we are to hear what the Spirit is saying and doing, and then our artful articulation of it… and our vital response to it. This is no solitary enterprise, but a collective and collaborative one that the Spirit requires…the Spirit that thrives in enlightened community. “O wide embracing love, we read thee in the sky above; we read thee in the earth below, in seas that swell and streams that flow; we read thee best in him who came to bear for us the cross of shame; we read thy power to bless and save e’en in the darkness of the grave.” (from de Tar Hymnal 1982) Read, mark, learn and inwardly digest…think and act in the Spirit with our fellow pilgrims along life’s way….and forever hear what the Spirit is saying to God’s people….and give thanks to God for it.

On the Calendar: Tuesday, April 12 3:30pm St. Michael choir 6pm 15 Place Board meeting Wednesday, April 13 8am Race Relations Committee 9am Lenten Bible Study (chapel) 10:30am Palm Cross making 12N Holy Eucharist (chapel) 4pm St Cecelia choir 6pm Taizé service & supper 7:30pm Adult choir rehearsal Thursday, April 14 12N Al-Anon 7pm AA Friday, April 15 5:30pm Food Share preparation Saturday, April 16 7:30am Food Share distribution Sunday, April 17 8am Holy Eucharist 9am Breakfast 9:25am Adult Christian Ed 10:20am Liturgy of the Palms, Courtyard 10:30am Holy Eucharist Reception following Monday, April 18 7:30am Holy Eucharist Tuesday, April 19 7:30am Holy Eucharist 12N Golden Circle Wednesday, April 20 9am Lenten Bible Study (chapel) 12N Holy Eucharist (chapel) 4pm St Michael and St Cecelia combined rehearsal 6pm Taizé service 7:30pm Adult choir rehearsal

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- continued from 1st page Thursday, April 21 12N Al-Anon 5:45pm Nursery open 6pm Maundy Thursday Holy Eucharist, Foot Washing & Stripping of the Altar 7pm AA Friday, April 22 6pm Good Friday liturgy Saturday, April 23 9am Holy Saturday liturgy 9:30am Acolyte and Usher rehearsal 6:30pm Nursery open 7:30pm The Great Vigil of Easter Agapé meal to follow (Stirling Hall) Easter Sunday, April 24 7:45am Nursery open 8am Holy Eucharist 9am Breakfast in the courtyard 9:30am Egg hunt, flowering of the cross (courtyard) 10:30am Holy Eucharist Reception to follow Monday, April 25 Office closed Tuesday, April 26 No choir rehearsal Wednesday, April 27 12N Holy Eucharist (chapel) No choir rehearsals

Holy Week Service Schedule: April 17-Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday 8am-Liturgy of the Palms & Holy Eucharist (church) 10:20am-Liturgy of the Palms (courtyard) 10:30am-Holy Eucharist (church) April 18-Monday in Holy Week 7:30am-Holy Eucharist, chapel April 19-Tuesday in Holy Week 7:30am-Holy Eucharist, chapel April 20-Wednesday in Holy Week 12N-Holy Eucharist, chapel 6pm-Taizé service April 21-Maundy Thursday 6pm-Holy Eucharist, Washing of Feet, Stripping of Altar (church) April 22-Good Friday 6pm-Good Friday Liturgy (church) April 23-Holy Saturday / Easter Eve 9am-Holy Saturday Liturgy, church 7:30pm-The Great Vigil of Easter, church Agapé Meal following, Stirling Hall April 24-Easter Sunday 8am-Holy Eucharist 9am-Breakfast in the courtyard 9:30am-Flowering the Cross & Easter Egg Hunt 10:30am-Holy Eucharist Reception following

Would you like to give Easter flowers in memory or in thanksgiving for loved ones? If so, please turn in this form and your donation (suggested: $50) by putting it in the offering plate or by sending it to the church office. The deadline is Monday, April 18, at 4pm. The check should be made out to All Saints Episcopal Church. Please PRINT the name(s) as you would like them to appear. Check  M (Memorial) or  T (Thanksgiving)  M  T _________________________________________________________________________________  M  T _________________________________________________________________________________  M  T _________________________________________________________________________________  M  T _________________________________________________________________________________

This is a two-week Herald! Please pay attention! Wednesdays in Lent

On Saturday, April 23, at 7:30pm,

Our programs for Lent continue for the nest two Wednesdays. Morning Prayer begins at 9am, followed by Bible study in the chapel. At noon, Holy Eucharist is celebrated in the chapel. At 6pm, the chapel is the location for the Taizé service, followed by supper in Stirling Hall. The nursery is open at 5:45pm. Everyone is invited to participate in any or all of these activities.

we begin the Great Fifty Days of Easter with the celebration of the Easter Vigil. An agapé meal, accompanied by the Excelsior Band, will follow the service in Stirling Hall. Everyone is asked to bring a potluck dish to share. Meat and beverages will be provided. Food can be dropped off at the kitchen before the service begins. Don’t miss this fabulous event!

Palm Sunday Crosses for this Sunday will be made in the kitchen of Stirling Hall beginning at 10:30am after the bible study on Wednesday, April 13. If you’ve always wanted to know how those things are put together, this is your chance to learn how! Everyone is invited; please bring a pair of scissors with you if you can!

On Easter Morning there will be a lot

Food Share this weekend!!

At 9:00, stand-up breakfast will be served in the courtyard (weather permitting, of course). Everyone is asked to bring some type of finger-food to share. Tables will be set up in the courtyard.

April dates for Food Share are Friday, the 15th and Saturday, the 16th. Come at 5:30pm on Friday to help pack the bags of food. On Saturday, arrive at Stirling Hall by 7:30am to help bag the frozen food; distribution of the food begins at 8am. These days are the beginning of Spring Break for public school kids — why not come out and help our hungry neighbors?!

The choirs of St. Michael and St. Cecelia will have a combined rehearsal on Wednesday, April 20 at 4pm. There will be no rehearsal on Tuesday, April 19, for the St. Michael choir. Please mark your calendars!!

On Wednesday in Holy Week

(April 20), we will have the last Taizé service of Lent. Because Holy Week is such a solemn time, things will be just a bit different: there will be no supper following the service; during the service we will extend our silence somewhat in between songs and readings; and at the end of the service, people may remain in silence in the chapel as long as they would like .

Flower Guild:

Easter Work Schedule Wednesday, 4/20—pick up Easter lilies Thursday, 4/21—prep work and cut flowers Friday, 4/22—pick up cut flowers at florist Friday afternoon—work on Easter lilies and entrance arch Saturday, 4/23, 9:15am—altar flowers, swags and Paschal Candle

of celebrating going on! We begin with the 8:00am service, which will be a full choral service. The nursery will be open from 7:45am until after the 10:30 service is over. Come sing your favorite Easter hymns! All are welcome.

At 9:30, we will flower the cross. All ages are asked to bring something blooming to decorate it. (It is helpful to wrap the stem in a damp paper towel and some foil.) Afterward, there will be an Easter egg hunt. If you are a young child, bring your Easter basket and join in the fun! Do you have an Easter bonnet? If so, wear it and we’ll take pictures of the All Saints’ Ladies’ Hat Society! At 10:30, we will begin the morning’s second full choral celebration of the Holy Eucharist. If you haven’t come to one of the previous services on Saturday night or earlier in the day, this is the time to come sing, to rejoice, and to proclaim “Christ is risen!” All are welcome. Following the 10:30 service is a champagne reception! Come and join the fun in the courtyard, weather permitting. There will still be time to have your Easter dinner and a nap! 

The Presiding Bishop's 2011 Easter message April 07, 2011 The Resurrection must be understood in significantly different images and metaphors in the southern hemisphere, when Easter always arrives in the transition from summer to winter. Even as a hard, hard winter lingers on in northern climes, with unaccustomed April snow in many places, we yearn for the new life we know is waiting around the corner. As Christians, we're meant to have the same hunger for the new creation emerging all around us. We can see the broken places of our world either as complete and utter disaster, or as seedbeds -- graves, even -- in which God is doing a new thing. The situation in Haiti is dire, yet day by day and person by person hope lightens and leavens. Plans are emerging for civic reconstruction in Port-au-Prince that would bless the nation with pride in its heritage and more effective government. The Episcopal Church is a partner in those possibilities, as the vision for a rebuilt cathedral takes form. The graves are becoming gardens, at Cathédrale Sainte-Trinité and Collège St. Pierre. New and more life-giving relationships are emerging between development ministries and the lives of the people. Resurrection is happening in many places, even if one must search for it, like looking for the first buds on the trees as ice and snow give way to the warmth of spring. The aftermath of earthquake and tsunami in Japan continues to look a great deal like winter, and the trials and failures at Daiichi Fukushima currently resonate more with apocalypse than Easter. Yet across northeastern Japan the work of the faithful is feeding senior citizens, ministering to displaced persons in shelters, and prompting challenging questions about social priorities, energy use, and consumerist lifestyles. The gift of Easter insists that human beings are capable of divine relationship, for as Athanasius put it, "God became human that human beings might become divine." The life, death, passion, and resurrection of Jesus are the cosmic insistence that nothing can separate us from the divine passion for humanity. Easter people are imprinted with the assurance that God is always working some new grace of creation out of death and destruction. For most of us the dying is not cosmic. It may start with a small willingness to set aside self, or a new opportunity for grafting onto a greater whole. Or it may involve lowering the barriers between self and other to become more readily aware of our fundamental oneness, our common heritage as offspring of the Holy One. If we are to be followers of Jesus, we share the work he did on our behalf. We give thanks for the Resurrection, and we become part of Jesus’ ongoing work, as we become aware of its power in our own lives. May your Eastertide be filled with the grace of new life. Go, discover, and BE resurrection for the world around you. The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori Presiding Bishop and Primate The Episcopal Church

Attention, please!

Here are assignments for those who serve during the liturgies of Holy Week and Easter (April 17-24).

If you won’t be present for your assignment, PLEASE call or email Mary Robert ASAP: 438.2492 or

Palm Sunday, April 17

The Great Vigil of Easter, April 23



Isaiah 50:4-9a Philippians 2:5-11

Psalm 31:9-16 Matthew 27:11-54

8:00am Lector: Steve Powell Intercessor: Serena Willcox Chalice bearer: Mark Taylor Ushers: Bill & Barbara Evatt 10:30am Lectors: Rob Gray, Molly Allison Intercessor: Debi Foster Chalice bearers: Michael Morrison, Albert Lilly Acolytes: Boone Reeves, Darrel Williams, Dustin Reeves, David Reeves Ushers: Andy Mitchell, James Hamilton, Chris Conte, Bill Hines

Vigil: TBA Eucharist: Romans 6:3-11

7:30pm Vigil Lectors: Thomas Locke, Diana Nichols, Martha Hennessy, Lee Van Dyke, Valerie Mitchell Intercessor: Melanie Petithory Eucharistic Lector: James Hamilton Chalice bearers: Frances Rouse, Marion Elledge Acolytes: Darrel Williams, Louie Wood Ushers: Burl Ratcliffe, Doug Greene, Harold Dodge, Pete Mackey, Skeeter Robertson, Ricky Bradford

Easter Day, April 24 Lectionary:

Maundy Thursday, April 21 Lectionary: Exodus 12:1-4, 11-14 1 Corinthians 11:23-26

Psalm 116:1, 10-17 John 13:1-17, 31b-35

6:00pm Lectors: Pete Wilson, Claudia Zimmermann Chalice bearer: Skeeter Robertson Acolytes: Ben Foster, Mark Williams Usher: Louie Wood

Good Friday, April 22 Lectionary: Isaiah 52:13-53:12 Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:7-9

Psalm 22 John 18:1-19:42

6:00pm Lectors: Valerie Mitchell, Andi Barrett Usher: Louie Wood

Jeremiah 31:1-6 Acts 10:34-43

Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24 John 20:1-18

8:00am Lectors: Paul Carsten, Mary Hunter Slaton Intercessor: Joe Basenberg Chalice bearer: Serena Willcox Acolyte: William Kelly Ushers: Caroline Coker, Mark Taylor 10:30am Lectors: Catherine Mackey, Amy Hunter Intercessor: Kay Montgomery Chalice bearers: Ben Harris, Lister Thomas Acolytes: Darrel Williams, Louie Wood, Emily Doyle, Sarah Frances Greene Ushers: Michael Morrison, Henry Brewster, Thomas Locke, Bill Hines, Andy Mitchell

Many thanks to the EYC and parents, especially Clark Kelly, who sure can fry up some fabulous fish, for the wonderful Fish Fry Fundraiser on Sunday. All the food was terrific, everyone had fun, and $782 were raised toward the EYC Mission Experience this summer! If that isn’t enough, we also enjoyed the sound of The Next, a new up-and-coming band starring our own William Kelly. They are bound for rock-and-roll fame someday!

The Next: William, Graham and Mitch

Special Ministries Camp

Speaking of EYC Fundraisers!

For more than 30 years, All Saints Parish has sent children from Leinkauf Elementary to Camp Beckwith for several days, paying for the children’s tuition through fundraising and donation. This year’s session will be Thursday, June 30 through Sunday, July 3 and we hope to be able to send 30 children again this summer. This is a special time for these 2nd and 3rd graders, who will do things such as spend the night away from home, learn to swim, even ride across the Bay for the very first time. They love it and the Beckwith staff love them! The cost to go to camp is $200 per child. Can you help by sponsoring one of these children? If so please make your check to All Saints Episcopal Church and mark it for Special Ministries Camp. Drop it by the church office, put it in the offering plate, or mail it; your help is appreciated!

The EYC is holding a garage sale on May 7 to raise money for their summer Mission Experience. Almost every type of knick knack, white elephant, furniture, etc, is welcome, but no clothing, please! It’s time to clean out and the sale is only a few weeks away. Please bring donations to the EYC room Stirling Hall for storage. For more information, call Catherine Mackey at 490-6675.

Prayer List

EYC NEWS Sunday, April 17th Mulherin Home. POSTPONED!!!

Sunday, April 24th Easter Egg Hunt. After breakfast the EYC will be hiding Easter eggs and helping the children on the hunt.

COMING IN MAY...... Saturday, May 7: Yard Sale Sunday, May 8: Mother's Day Brunch Sunday, May 15: Mulherin Home Sunday, May 22: Youth Sunday

Contact Info Catherine Mackey 490.6675

The Friday Night Supper Club will meet at Beth Hardaway’s home, 6438 B Cedar Bend Ct., on April 15 at 7:00. Please RSVP to Beth by calling 343-7765. Everybody is welcome!

The Vestry meets Monday, April 18, at 6pm in the Saad Room. Please let the Rector know of you will be able to attend.

Golden Circle meets on Tuesday, April 19, at 12 noon for lunch and bingo in Stirling Hall.

Refugee Pantry Items

We need items such as laundry soap, toilet paper (multi-packs), paper towels, adult-size toothbrushes, dish soap, bath soap and garbage bags. Please put them in the church office or the Ann St. narthex. Thanks!

Please keep in your prayers for healing: the people of Japan Libby Davidson Hugh Mauldin Leder Stokes John Stevens Ken Sarah Shannon Reeves Debbie Phillips Linda Coarsey Jerry Martha Mason Sylvia Spann Richard Melton Hank Caddell Martha Murdock LaNiece Bland Lamar Elledge Sharon Cleverdon Danny Moreau Mike Downing Celeste Taylor Pauline Oliver Cheryl Peach Butch Boyington Devanie Ellison Barbie Driver Patsy Childress Debbie Davis

Serving in the military:

Spencer Abbot Matt Abbot Glenn Foster, Jr. T. J. Sherman Haley Jones Thedford Daniel Jones, Jr. Daniel Taylor Charley Taylor Daniel Robert Wes Parks Jonathan Carter Scott Tanos

Music for Palm Sunday-April 17

Music for Maundy Thursday-April 21

Processional Hymn 154 Valet will ich dir geben plainsong, Tone VII,3 Psalm 31:9-16 Sequence Hymn 158 Herzliebster Jesu Offertory Anthem Sam Batt Owens Drop, Drop Slow Tears Presentation Hymn 458 Love Unknown David Hurd S-124 New Plainsong, Sanctus and Benedictus Franz Josef Haydn Missa Brevis St. Joannis de Deo, Agnus Dei Communion Hymn 170 The Third Tune Communion Response Jacques Berthier Jesus, remember me Motet Giovanni Croce O Vos Omnes Post Communion Hymn 168 Herzlich tut mich verlangen

Voluntary Olivier Messiaen Lé Banquet Céleste Processional Hymn 314 Canticum refectionis Alexander Archangelsky S-102 Trisagion plainsong, Tone VIII.1 Psalm 116: 1, 10-17 Sequence Hymn 322 Tucker At the Foot Washing 576 Mandatum, 581 Cheshire, Ubi Caritas Offertory Anthem Peter Aston Author of Life Divine Presentation Hymn 315 Song I David Hurd S-124 New Plainsong, Sanctus and Benedictus John Taverner Agnus Dei Communion Hymn 439 Wondrous Love Motet Edward Elgar Ave Verum Corpus Post Communion Hymn 329 Pange lingua Stripping of the Altar Jacques Berthier Stay with Me

Music for The Great Vigil-April 23

Music for Easter Day-April 24

At the Vigil: Hymn 398 Forest Green Hymn Tzena ‘The Horse and Rider’ Robert Knox Kennedy The Song of Hannah Hymn 678 College of Preachers Hymn 905(Wonder, Love and Praise ) Brewer At the Eucharist Hymn 180 Unser Herrscher Sequence Calvin Hampton A Repeating Alleluia Offertory Craig Phillips Light’s Glittering Morn Presentation Hymn 174 Salzburg Craig Phillips Festival Eucharist, Sanctus and Benedictus Craig Phillips Festival Eucharist, Christ our Passover Communion Hymn 187 Straf mich nicht Motet Eugene Englert He is Risen, Alleluia! Post Communion Hymn 210 Ellacombe For the Procession The Excelsior Band

Voluntaries Johann Sebastian Bach Christ ist erstanden BWV 627 (Christ is Risen) Christ Lag in Todesbanden BWV 625 (Christ Lay in Death’s Strong Bonds) Jesus, Christus, Unser Heiland BWV 626 (Jesus Christ, our Lord and Redeemer) Erstanden Ist Der Heil’ge Christ BWV 628 (The Blessed Christ is Risen) Erscheinen ist der Herrlich Tag BWV 629 (On Earth Has Dawned This Day of Days) Heut’ Triumphiret Gottes Sohn BWV 630 (Today God’s Only Begotten Son Arose from Death ) Introit: Hymn 183 Victimae Paschali laudes Processional Hymn 207 Easter Hymn Craig Phillips Festival Eucharist, Gloria in excelsis Deo George Elvey Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24 Sequence Calvin Hampton A Repeating Alleluia Offertory Anthem John Rutter Christ the Lord is Risen Again Presentation Hymn 192 Vruechten Craig Phillips Festival Eucharist, Sanctus and Benedictus Craig Phillips Festival Eucharist, Christ our Passover Communion Hymns 190 Fisk of Gloucester, 204 Noel nouvelet Motet Ronald Nelson He Rose! Post Communion Hymn 210 Ellacombe Processional Dan Locklair “…'Hallelujah,' has been restored…”

All Saints Church 151 SOUTH ANN STREET MOBILE, AL 36604


The Rt. Rev. Philip M. Duncan II, Bishop Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast The Rev. James B. Flowers, Jr., Rector Office: 438.2492 Home: 436.8932 The Rev. Mary C. Robert, Assistant Rector Office: 438.2492 Home: 479.7398

All Saints Church Staff

Jeff Clearman, Principal Parish Musician Mary Holbrook, Financial Administrator Parish Administrator Irene Raymond, Parish Sexton Jessica Trent and Gretchen Thiel, Nursery Workers

All Saints 2011 Vestry

Henry Callaway Valerie Case Harold Dodge Marion Elledge Rob Gray Renea Greene Woody Hannum Amy Hunter Clark Kelly, Treasurer Pete Mackey Susan Meztista Michael Morrison, Junior Warden Diana Nichols, Clerk Jean Tucker, Senior Warden Darrel Williams

All Saints Committee Chairs

Acolytes: The Rev. Mary Robert Addiction & Recovery: Becky Wilson Adult Christian Education: The Rev. Jim Flowers Altar Guild: Betty Bentley, Melanie Petithory Choirs: Jeff Clearman Communications: The Rev. Mary Robert Community Ministries: Matt McDonald Constitution & By Laws: Pete Mackey Episcopal Youth (EYC): Catherine Mackey Finance Committee: Clark Kelly, treasurer Flower Guild: Katharine Flowers Food Share: Susan Meztista, Mark Taylor, Burl Ratcliffe Golden Circle: Laura Rutherford, Wylly Stirling Hospitality & Events: Jean Tucker IHN/Family Promise: Henry Brewster Lectors & Chalice Ministers: The Rev. Mary Robert Long-Range Planning: Curt Doyle Nursery: Elizabeth Doyle, Amy Hunter, Jim Ayres Parish Development: Clark Kelly Property: Michael Morrison Refugees: Martha Harris Ushers: Bill Evatt, Louie Wood Stewardship: Woody Hannum, All Saints Vestry Youth Christian Education: Renea Greene

All Saints Episcopal Church 151 South Ann Street, Mobile, AL 36604

Service Schedule Sundays


8:00 am Holy Eucharist 9:00 am Breakfast 9:25 am Christian Education Classes (during school year) 10:30 am Holy Eucharist 12 Noon Holy Eucharist (Chapel)

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