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N A u T I L u s l'ublish<'d by th(' Associated Stud<'nt Body of Crays Harbor ColiÂŤJ.!:t'.
19 70-71
CONTENTS Title Page . . . . . . In Memoriam President Smith Administration . Activities . . . . . . . School Life Athletics . Students . . . . . . . . Ads . . . . . . . . . . . . Index Acknowledgements .
I 3 4 5 . 19 43 61 . 81 138 143 144 .
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I sillcnely hop" that your ('(lucatiollal ('x1wri(·11n· at Crays 1 l arlior Collq,:(· this past vntr has lw .. ll stirnulatilll.( alld rneallilli.:ful. 'l'ht' faculty. adrnillistra t ioll, alld hoard of trust!Ts wallt you to hav(' th" firH'st .. ducatioll ohtair1abl(· durilll.( vour two v"ars hl'IT. I wallt you to know that all our dforts ar .. cha111wkcl with that ('IHI in rnillcl. Thos" of you who will lw returnilll.( ll('Xt ycar will be pkas(·cl to SIT tlH' cornpktior1 of our currellt huilclilll.( t'Xpallsioll proi.:rarn. The physical scil'lllT facility should IH' rt'acly for ocrnpancy ill tlH' fall, alld th(' vocatiollal-technical additioll should he in US(' hy tlH' wintn quartn. ;\ i.:rt'atn divnsity of proi.:rams will thell he a�ailahk, aloni.: with proi.:rams of improvt'd quality. I would lib· to coni.:ratulatt' the staff of thl' NAUTILUS for tht'ir 1·xc(·lkllt yt'arhook, alld I would likt' to wish (·ach of your ('lld('a vors.
uncil Proves to be Valuable
I I 1111111 II l111 l11cloi. Richard Harris. Gordon Simmons. Russell Scott. Ed Stricker. Richard Frost. Louis Messmer. Harold Enrico. Joe Scott. Monte Givens. f 1hl Ill Ali�11111 Ii om picture are Jeanne Jones. John Killian. Peter Dufour. and Anne Smith.
70-71 Board of Trustees Includes New Member
Board of Trustees are Doctor William McKinney, Edwin Van Syckle, Edward Smith. Lawrence Weinstein. Stanley Gillies. and Oliver Tibbetts.
, II
Ad rn in istration
11111 1d I111 I 1111111111111111111
John Killian Business Manager
Maurice Phipps
Dr. John Smith
D1roctor of Student Affairs
Jeane Jones Director of Guidance Dean of Women
. ..� •"
Virginia Adams
Dale Brighton
LPN Instructor
Harry Beeler Physics
Edwin Akerson
Lionel Brown
Data Processing
Sociology. Anthropology
James Bicknell Biology
Vincent Aleksey
Polly Brown
Health. PE
Robert Basich
Donald Butler
PE. History
Pansy Bray Lab Assistant
I 1111 L11pps 1111111 Ii ll1nma
John Crew
Richard Frazer
Gary Frey
Geography. PE
Donald Cates
Peter Dufour
Robert Gehrke
llofcrence librarian
Political Science
Harold Enrico
Ruth Goodman
James Griffith
Raeburn Hagen
Alfred Izatt
Kenneth Leach
Louis Messmer
Electronics Technology
Counseling. Math
Leo Hake
Ralph Koal
Maxine L'Ecuyer
M athematics
Margaret Hansen
Richard Landberg
Shirley Lundstrom
Economics, B.A
Art. Judo
I y1111111
Russel Scott
ill'olOI y
Speech. English
Dorothy Savage English
!1111111� l'l11pp•. I 1111l1111Y
H. Winfield Shaffer Electronics
I 111111111111••11l1y
Eugene Schermer Chemistry
I wilht !1111!111 '"
Pagels Music
John A.F. Spellman
Joseph Scott Business
Eugene Stensager
Marvin Tennefoss
Music. Philosophy
Edward Stricker Chemistry
Donald Stensland
James Thrasher
PE. Coaching
Ronald Swartz Engineering. Math
Kenneth Stevens
Roy Undem
Data Processing
Jack Stoddard
William Van Vactor
Athletic Director
Roberta Tait General Business
Elmer Wagner
Craig Wellington
Russian. Counselor
David Waller
Virginia Younger
English. Counselor
Office Ladies Aid School Functioning
Business Office staff members include Margaret Hatfield. Phyllis Hyde. Annamae Williams. and Sue
Ladies in the front office are. seated from left. Elnora Cote and Velma Cozzutto. Standing from left are Bonnie Anderson and Muriel Moore.
Kay Evans is President Smith's private secretary.
kstore, Library Facilities Aid Student Learning
Bookstore staff includes Mrs. Bernadine Hermann. Anne Smith. Mrs. Janet Lachiondo. and Anne Mayton.
Librarians include Mrs. Alice Delaney. Mrs. Yvonne Fields. Mrs. Bebe Scott. and Mrs. Bonnie Kalinowski.
Scotty's Staff, Cafeteria Ladies Indispensable
Custodial staff includes from left:
George Jugum. Scotty Lyden. Anne Krulich.
Miller. and Shirley Miller.
School stalwarts include Ernie Aschim. Sam Kilmer. Ron Morrow. Frank Bullard. Hjalmer Klock and Heston Weyrich.
Connoisseur's Delights: Delores Sackrider. Anita Sundstrom. Mary Epperson. Prudy Olsen. Josephine Frye and Estelle Gisbrecht.
Urab II
Leads 1970-71 Club Co-Ordinating Council 111 I lid1 ( "' 111di11:iti11J!: Cou11cil co11sist·s of the 11 p11 ..1d1·11t, a 11d thl' prl'sidl'11t s o r I I 111111111 iii :ill va1npus cluhs. Tit(' primary II 1 1tl 1111 1 l1d1 is to co-ordi11at1· a11d promot(' 111111!1111 .l11p� :i11d fu11ct i o11s o f s c hool . 11·v1· FlaJ!:J!:, I <J70-7 I /\SB vtcl' 111 11 111 111 llli Ill d1111 11•d ('('C's ac tivitit·s this yl'ar.
t 1t1Mlllltt11" 1111 l11<1u front row from left ft1t111 I fl 11111I0111y Lutz. Denise Burke.
pre sides at a CCC meeting.
President Steve Flagg. Debbie Kay. Kathy Siese. Sally Zepp. Candy Crowley. Jane Osborn. and Chris Stensager. Back Carmen Hoggatt. Karen Larsen. Jerry Thomas. and Ron Kalinowski.
. .,
Chilly Tyee members are. first row: Marva Curl. Suzie Young. Sheryl Scott. Vicki Campbell. and Jan Fitzpatrick. Second row: Carol Fitterer. President Jane Osborn , Sally Turnbull. Justa Polloi. and advisor Virginia Younger. Third row: Peggy Zimmerman. Harlyne Huhta. Claire Scott. and Mary Ann Messmer.
Claire Scott and Jan Fitzpatrick help during busy registration at th beginning of each quarter.
Tyee Tyce Society is a service organization composed of fifteen Grays Harbor College womrn. The objectives of the club arc to serve the college, improve the community life of the college, promote student interest and develop student responsibility. Tyce is primarily responsible for assisting tht: registrar during rt:gistration. Tyt:c girls also usher at community affairs such as concerts and plays. This year's Tyce Club usht:rcd at HELLO DOLLY and at the concert lecture. Tyces also hold money-raising activities such as program-selling and shoe-shining. This enables them to purchase a gift for the school and grant a scholarship. Tyct:s have been led by President J anc Osborn, Vice-president Mary Ann Messm e r, Secretary Pam De an, Treasurer C a r o l Fitterer and Historian Jan Fitzpatrick. Other members include Vicki Campbell, Marva Curl, Harlyne Huhta, Justa Polloi, Claire Scott, Sally Turnbull, Terri Weber, Suzie Young, Peggy Zimmerman and advisor Mrs. Virginia Y oungcr.
A WS Sponsors Pajama Dance AWS is an organization for all woml'n students at Grays Harbor Colleg<路. At the beginning of l'ach year, A WS officers plan a nwcting for all women studl'nts to introduce them to the organization and to sckct four district representativl's. This ycar thl' AWS leaders carried out many activities for the womrn studrnts. Tlw A WS Pajama Dance was their first project, follow<路d by the Valentines "Kiss Day" an.c l the annual Mother's Tea in thl' spring.
111 y
!Iii 1111111.i Slwy pose with ML James Phipps. (in his P.J.'s?)
11111111l 1111111111111l.111cc sponsored by AWS.
illh 11 Iii I
1111 l11du
President Candy Crowley. sitting; Jackie Crowley. Freshman Representative: Vicki Campbell. Sophomore Representative;
11111111 y I 1casurer: and Suzie Schwarz. Vice-president: standing.
Student council members standing from left include: Anne Smith, Publications Commissioner and Instructional Council Representative: Denise Burke, Publlolty Dawn Asikainen. Forensics Commissioner; Chris Stensager and Curtis Brennan. Freshman Representative; Maryann Messmer. WACCS Representative: and Janet Kralevich. Social Commissioner. Members seated from left are Harlyne Huhta. Treasurer; Sheryl Scott, Secretary; Steve Flagg, VI tt Manager:
president; and Monte Givens. President. Not pictured is Candy Crowley, AWS President.
Givens Ably Leads GHC Student Council Besides fulfilling the regular executive duties of studt:nt council, this year's council has made a particular t'ffort to provide the studrnt body with an i mproved social activities program, to support projects initiatt'd by various studt"nt groups, and to provide students with the opportunity to bt"comt' involved on a state lev(路I with politit"al matters whit"h concern tht"ir individual interests. The council s i n cnely appreciates thosl' students who have b('cOm(' involvt'd and helped to make our efforts seem worthwhile. We also appreciate tlw cooperation from the administration and parti cularly the patlL'llC(' and encouragement of our advisor, Mr. Phipps.
Monte Givens discusses a proposed constitutional amendment with Student Council advisor. Mr. Phipps.
GHC Lettermen Superior Athletes
Letterman's Club vice-president Steve Huhta and president Jack Weber review football statistics.
Chokerettes Add Spirit To Choker Games
Chokerette members Gayle Farren and Kathy Harper put the finishing touches on two signs.
Chokerette officers: Suzie Schwarz. Denise Burke. Debbie Kay. Claire Vander Linden. and Harlyne Huhta.
Ayudas Assist Public At College Events Ayudas is a service organization for the men and women who desire to be of assistance on the college c ampus. The club's major projects involve the selling and taking of tickets at the football and basketball games, and also at wrestling matches.
Carl Weed purchases a ticket from Karen Larson and Carmen Hoggatt while Mary Ann Beisel watches.
Members of Ayudas include. left column. top to bottom: Marie Sackrider. Mory�lllt Messmer. Janet Kralevich. and Lucy Vest. Right column. top to bottom: Kathy OoyMI Karen Larson. Mary Beisel. President Carmen Hoggatt. and Kathy Siese.
1111! 1• 1111110 11owly formed International Club include: (front row from left) Nophadol Meesamanyon. Justa Polloi. Kyoko 1111111 h1l111111 M a rk Kremen. Allan Creviston. Eduardo Zuniga. and Mike Mizukami. Not pictured is Narong Hanatipataya.
Suto. and Vichai Porntasapon. Back
International Students Add Flavor to GHC l 11ternatio11al Club was organizl'd last quartn mainly to ht·lp fon·ig11 studl'11ts to lwconw acquainted with one anoth er
and w i th thl' o t he r studen ts. The club's
membership is opl'n to all studl'nts n·gist<·rt'CI at Crays Harbor Collegl'. As of now, tlw 1rn·mlwrs arl' mostly forl'ig11 studl'11ts;
t ll('y c oml' f ro m Thailand. the
Philippi11es, Japan, and Microlll'sia. American studl'nts havl' also joill(·d the club to make it mon· intt·n·sting and fun. Mrs. Hag<·n sl'rvl'd as thl' advisor to the club a11d offic('rS Wt'fl': Presidrnt .Justa Pol loi, V ice-presidl'nt F.dwardo Zuniga, Secrt'tary Kyoko Suto, a11d Trl'asurer Salvador Ueda.
•11111111 .Justa Polloi assists Scotty at the club's tea.
�,. . .¡
Ski Club members pause on College Heights while preparing for a ski trip.
Ski Clubbers HSchuss"
Ski Club was led through thl' 1970-71 ski season undl'r the leadership of Prcsidl'nt Gl'ary Lutz, Vicl'-president Rick Silvan, and Treasurer Dick Orr. The mt'mlwrs rnjoyl'd ski trips at White Pass and Crystal Mountain during Christmas vacation. Ski Club invites anyone interested in skiing to be a member of thl' club rt'gardless of his skiing ability.
Three aspiring Jean-Claude Killys attempt a ceremonial snow danoo, hi of ski weather.
Hiking Enthusiasts Enjoy Wilderness Th<" Grays Harb o r Colll'.ge Hiking Club w as establislwd to provid1· stud1·nts with an opportunity to take advantage of outdoor n·cr<"atio11. Hiking Club is for both mt'tt and womt'n, and members go on hikl's both nt'ar and far. This year the club went to Olympic Na tional Park for a Wl't'k1· 1HI h i k1· and t·njoyt·d tlwmst·lvt·s whilt· walking through tht' opt'n wildnness. This was just one of their many l'Xpt'ditions during die I <J70- 71 hiki 11g Sl'ason.
111�1111ll11111"cs to view the magnificent scenery at Cape Aiava.
include front. from left. Ron Kalinowski. Kathy Smathers. Carol Fitterer. Jeanne Shroeder. Karen Larson. and Paula Napp. Back row. from
M1 1111 l1111cl Landbe r g. Alice Hill. Mark Walden. Steve Flagg. Joetta Libby. Jim Duree. Bob Smith. Carl Weed. and Mike Harvey.
Engineering Club President Dick Barbee. with members Brent Butcher. Rich Daneker. Bob Jensen. Tom Wilcox. Donn Pinckney. Miles Barrett and Gary
plan future activities. Rich Daneker. Tom Wilcox. and Brent Butcher consult Mr. Swartz concerning Lake Swano.
Engineers Plan, Build Swano Bridge The main activity of tlw Enginl'ning Club was th(' designing of a 126 foot susrwnsion hridgt' to bt' located on Lakl' Swano. Construction of thl' bridge startl'd in l'arly spring. All of tlu路 matnial was donated hy the community's industrial firms and the labor was voluntl'ncd hy G HC stud<路nts.
111 ti
ELTEK Members Promote Electronics The l':lt-ctronics club offers a lift.time membership to l':LTl':K majors and int<'f('St('d C HC stud('nts. Its activities this year included participation in Homecomin12:. Th<" traditional Elt<·k car hash was a "smashin12:" success. This y('ar's officers wn(': Pr('sident Richard Brawl<·y, Vic('-president Ted Bland, secretary Ray Otto, and tn·asun:r Al Cook.
Rich Brawley practices his skills in the electronics lab.
II � 1rn1111la!ls include Al 11i1l•i111, 1111d Jerry Brown.
Cook. Chuck Hulet. Mr. Izatt and Mr. Shaffer (advisors). Ted Bland. Ray Otto. George Halverson. Randy Brown. Rick Wilcox. Dan
Ecologists Revive GHC's Lake Swano Students for F.nvironmental Action was estahlished following F.arth Day in 1970. Realizing that solving problems of the environment start at horn<", their main p roject was rehabilitating Lake Swano. Wo rk p a rties were held e a c h Frid a y afternoon, giving interested students an opportunity to do something physically cons t r u c ti ve to i m p r o ve the ca m p u s . Knowing that education plays a big part in correcting pollution, the club sponsored movies on pollution and had guest sp<"akcrs discuss environmental problems.
Four intrepid ecologists clear brush from the shores of Lake Swano.
Members of GHC"s Environmental Action Group are: Dionne Benson. Jim Duree. Steve Flagg. Cathy Mustard. Sally Zepp. and Dr. Jim Bicknell.
Ernie Keene receives assistance from
Kathy Siese in the drama group's
production of the "Imaginary Invalid."
Choker Jokers Dugan Pearsall. Pat Atkinson (donkey). Bill May. Kathy Siese. Bob Southard and Trelani Pibel performed "Pinocchio" for grade schoolers in the area.
mega Provides Dramatic Entertainment I
1111' 11atio11al dramatic fraternity for thos<: who hav<: participat<:d in community colkg<: I 111 I fl "I I I 1111111 ( 'ollq�1· Players affiliat<:d with this organization c:l<:ven y<:ars ago, and as a chapt<:r they hav<: 11 1 111d 11111111111111 !llC'Hlr(' in th(' colkgc: community. Each yc:ar th<: local chapt<:r sponsors thr<:<: plays: a comc:dy, 1111 1111111 111111 1•1·111 � 11 childn·n's play or a musical. This year a childrc:n's play was performed at various schools
1111 pl 11il 111 S1·1111i('.
l111w11111L111clo 01tt1ng. from left. Dennis Acuff. Kathy Siese. Chris Walden and Ernie Keene. Standing are Bill May and Paul Stutesman.
Creviston Initiates New Fencing Club
Allen Creviston stands victorious over fallen opponent Pat Atkinson.
Fencing Club officers include Wayne Frost. vice-president: Allen Creviston. president: Pat Atkinson. secretary: and Pat Smith. treasurer.
Kappa I olars
President Sally Zepp and vice-president Steve Huhta discuss a brief altercation.
lllllV I 111 I 1 : 11 1 11l I l11oror. Anne Mayton. Suzi I 111111!11 l11v11 11111111. t vo Huhta. and Charles
Young. Sally Zepp. and advisor John Spellman. Back row includes Brent Butcher. Roy Russell.
Democrats Active; Republicans Defunct The pur pose of the Grays Harbor C ollege Young Democrats is to promote interest and youth involvement in local, state, and national politics, and to support Democratic policies and party candidates. This year the group held several bake sales in order to send five delegates to the state convention held in Bremerton. The five included Anne Smith, Chris Stensagn, Dawn Asikainen, Nick Alvarez, and Tom Casey. Fall quarter, the club arranged for Daniel Conroy and William Strance to come and debate the abortion issue. The 1970-71 officers included Chris Stensager, President, and Anne Smith, Secretary. Mr. Peter Dufour served as club advisor.
King Tom Casey dictates the party platform to subservient subjects.
Young Democrats include Harlyne Huhta. Tom Casey. Donna Snow. Anne Smith. Bruce Busenbark. Chris Stensager. Bill Hannon. Jim Duree. Claire Scott. and Dawn Asikainen.
Tlw Student Washington f:ducation Association an affiliate of the Washington f:du cation :\,sociation and the National f:ducation Association. 1"111路 purpose of this organization is to promote
p111ft"ssio11alism among education maj ors, to inten:st t 111lt-11ts in the tl'aching profession, to foster the dt"vt"loprnl'nt of student leadership, and to provide 1 lw membership with the benefits of SWEA and .ilfiliatt"d clubs. The officers for the 1970-71 yt:ar
w1路1T Pn路sident Karn1 Larsen, Vice-president Curt Bn路1111an, Secretary Paula Nopp, and Treasurer l\llargarl't Allan.
Teaching aspirant Paula Nopp chats with four small comrades.
Student Teachers Strive Toward Goal
Officers of the Student Washington Education Association includes from left. President Karen Larson. Secretary Paula Nopp. and Treasurer Curtis Brennan.
Veterans Petition For Fair Treatment of POW's in Viet Nam The Associated Vctcrans of Grays I !arbor was oq.!;anizcd in the spring of 1969. All students and nwmbcrs of the college staff arc 1:ligihlc nwmb1:rs of th(' Club. Th<: local organization is a m1:mbcr of th<: stat<:wide Association of Collcgiat<: V<:t1:rans. During th<: past two y<:ars th<: Association has spon sor<:d sp('akcrs, b ee n active i n veterans' legislation, and has established an annual scholarship for a nel'dy deserving veteran, calll'd the Kenneth Boutin J\ nderson Memorial Scholarship. Holder of the scholarship for the current year was Ron Ritter. The scholarship honors the m1:mory of one of our form<:r Grays Harbor student v<.;tnans. This spring, thl' Association also set up a campaign to send letters and petitions to North Viet Nam on IH'half of our prisoners of war. Officers for th<: current yl'ar wne: Charil's Rus sl'll, Pr1:sidcnt, Davl' Wrl'n, Vice足 presidl'nt, and Carl Rasmussl'n, Trl'asurn. Mr. Ralph Koal snvl'd as the advisor. Mike Jolly raises his hand in question to a statement by President Charles Russell.
GHC veterans listen attentively to advisor Ralph Kaai as he explains election procedures.
College Life Interests Students In Religion 1111· 1'170-71 year has marke d Colil'g(' Life's 111111cl
y1·ar 011 campus.
An outr('a ch for tht:
11111 111:it i1111al oq,:ani:1.ation, Campus Crusad(' for
I lt1 i'I, Collq,:1· Li fr consists of a variety of stud('nts 1111111 :ill d1·110111i11atio11s or 110 de11omi11atio11 with the p111p11'" of sharing the pnso11 J ..sus Christ with 111111·1 '1111 kn ts 011 campus. B('sidl's sharing thl'ir faith 11111l li1·lids. tlll' stud1·11ts l'lljoy sevnal hours of songs, 1•111111· , d«votions, and fri1·11d ship at the w1 ...kly 111<Tl111g' h.. Id in a stu<knt's 110111('. Tht' u11iqu1·1H·ss 1tl 1 11« organization li1·s in th1· f lul'tuation in 11l l « 11d : i 11 < · < ' for 1·vnyrnw is Wl'konw and. thus far, thl' 1111 '"" lwlding tlw higlwst att1·nda11r1· rl'cord is Jl'sus I l 1111'" If.
Nancy Gustafson. center. accompanies Vaughn Redding. Baxter and Ann Clavadetscher in some soul singing.
College Life members sing the closing lines of a now-hymn at a meeting held at Doug Luark's home.
Laurie Breckow. Jane
lomecoming Survives Wet November Week
Homecoming HRains" But Spirit Shines
MUN Represents Republic of Yemen The Grays Harbor College Delegation to the XXl session of the Far West Model United Nations representt:d the Arab Republic of Y em!'n this year. The delegation attended a Regional Conference at Seattle University March 5-6 prior to flying to Los Angeles for the Far West Conference sponsored by Occidental Colleg e at the Ambassador Hotel. Delegates attending the Conference were: Bruce Burdin, Darrell Prowse, Tom Casey, Lee Goodin, Marie Sackrid1路r, Keith Preszler, and.fames Duree. Delegation Chairman Maryann Messmer a n d advisor Peter Dufour also attended.
MUN chairman Maryann Messmer talks with delegates Lee Goodin and Darrel Prowse.
MUN members include. from left. Lee Goodin. Maryann Messmer. Tom Casey. Keith Preszler. Marie Sackrider. Jim Duree. and Darrell Prowse.
Candy Crowley
Maryann Messmer
Sue Schwarz November
Girls Of The Month
Jackie Crowley
Harlyne Huhta
Mona Gaidrich
Stella Gudyka
Denise Burke February
11111111111111111 111 11111111
Sally Zepp December
Al Gozart November
Lee Goodin
lh11ll11 1111111111 v
Scholars Of The Month
Emily Frost April
11 1 11111111 M 1111
Jane Knudson May
Journalism Department Improves Publications This year th!' G HC j ournalism department has strivl'n toward improving th!' quality of thl' school publications. Serving as editor, Stella Gud y k a initiatl'd several innovations onto th!' Timberline. Her relatively inexpcri!'nced staff adapted quickly to the rigors of producing a hi-monthly papn, and soon were turning out issu<路s with clockwork precision. Hampn!'d at first hy the late arrival of last year's hooks, Nautilus co-editors Anne Smith and Roh Bezzo and thl'ir staff went on to laying out, pasting up, and putting out a better annual. Wl' sincerely hope you en j oy our creation and would appreciate any suggl'stions which might improve ll!'Xt year's Nautilus.
Journalism instructor Barbara Elliott assists Nautilus co-editors Anne Smith and Rob Bezzo in choosing pictures for layouts.
Dedicated Nautilus staff members are. from left. Mark Kremen. Christi Williams. Denise Burke. Gayle Farren. and co-editors Anne Smith and Rob Bezzo.
111111 I o 1 11lyka seated. served as editor for the 1970-71 Timberline. Her staff included. from left. Lonnie Eaton. Gayle Farren. Curtis Brennan. and sports editor .
11111 1111111'1011
Timberline photographer
Carl Rasmussen takes pictures of Karen and Sharon Dewey for Gayle Farren's fashion article.
Bob Neisinger dire,cts GHC band.
Music Department Offers Outstanding Programs Newly formed pep band adds spirit to Choker basketball.
...... .
Choir members rehearse for a concert at Weatherwax High School.
Craig Wellington leads GHC's outstanding choir during a practice in preparation for a concert.
HDolly" Stensager Captivates Audience
Jan Fitzpatrick and Becky Best take a break between scenes.
Marianna Stensager wowed the audience night after night in her stirring rendition of Dolly Levi.
Dolly debuts with assistance from Mark Short. Mike Boss. Bill May and John Baxter.
"Hello Dolly," written and scored by J erry Herman, was presented through the combined efforts of the Grays Harbor College m u s i c department and the Grays Harbor Civic Choir. Each of the four performances was viewed by a sell颅 out audience, and will long be remembered for its wide range of talent. Marianna Stensager starred as the matchmaking Dolly Levi in this musical comedy.
I 1111 y Root offers Bob Southard a taste of her goodies as Bob Heth looks on.
"We're off to New York. Barnaby.'' cries Cornelius Hackle (Robert Neisinger).
Craig Wellington directs the vibrant GHC orchestra accompanying
Dolly and
li1111111"' Sturm. Bob Southard. Michelle Stratton and Mike Sturm 11111111111110101n the New York parade.
Thespians Present Moliere's Hlnvalid" Moliere's "The Imaginary Invalid" was presented by tlw GHC drama cll'partment under thl' dirl'ction of Carl Capps. Paul Stutesman held tla路 title role. and was supportl'd by a cast of ninl' others including: Kathy Sil'Sl', Dennis /\cuff, Kirk Sund, Emil' K(Tllt", Sandy Dunigan, Paula Nopp, Carolyn Moons, Chris Waldl'n and Bob Southard.
Carl Capps directs his first public dramatic offering at
Ac u f f h i t ches up his pants and
prepares for his stage debut at GHC.
Kathy Siese and Sandy Dunigan give comfort to malingering Paul
SWiil Ill
Ernie Keene prepares Paul Stutesman for a foot soak. part of his medical treatment.
I 1 11111111 l)1·p11rt111t· 11t has formed a 1111 1•1 1111111'111i1l .. d th" Chok<·r Jokers. 1 I I 111 1 1111 111 • · w a � a 11 o I cl f a v o r i t c ,
1111 11111111" took tht·ir play on tour to 1 111 1 11111d1• l'l11111ls. 'ast i ncludi:d: M ikc 11111 1 111 11 1 1• l'1·1·11t·-Pi11occhio; Carolyn
I tit\ 1 I liq 1111 P<'arsall-Candlewick; Bill ll1il 1, r1 1 1· d1·ll-llarl<'qui11 and Eastn I 1111 l'il1 1•I ( '1il111nhi11l'; Pat Atkinson ! t1li 1111111111 ii PoliLT111a11; Dl' nnis Acuff11!1 I' I ti I r�11pp 1111d Cad1y Si('S(' pl'rformed as j1 1
Director Carl Capps places Bill May in an appropriate spot.
hoker Jokers Present HPinocchio"
Ill 1111 111•
11111 Muy horrifies Dugan Pearsall. Pat Atkinson. Kathy Siese. Bob Southard and Trelani Pibel by his theft of the Easter basket.
Pep Staff Cheers Team To Victory
Kathy Harper. Nancy Dobosz. Cathy Morehead. and Debi Falk cheer on the Choker Basketball squad.
I 1tll1y Morehead and Nancy Dobosz confer after one
Kathy Harper bestows Captain Dale Parker with the pep staff's coveted
ltl 1111111 L1mous renditions of "Watermelon Rind."
"Drifty Award."
Cheering on the Chokers are: Debi Falk and Cheryl Barth. kneeling; Nancy Dobosz. Cathy Morehead. Kathy Harper and Joanne Eaton. standing.
Homecoming brings out the staff to adorn a float in the annual parade.
Showing the true spirit of the pep staff. Nancy Dobosz. Kathy Harper and Debi Falk clown for the photographer.
Choker defensive players Carlos Warren. Larry Smartt. and Ron Smith. take down the opponent during a grid play.
Chokers and rivals dash in an attempt to gain control of the ball.
1111 American Gary Bowles scoots over the line for one of many touchdowns
""an opp onent tries. but fails. to tackle him.
1970-71 Western Division Champs
Chokers Place 2nd At State Grays Harbor Collcg<" griddns had an outstanding football season throughout its kagw-. Four of the nine season games were situtouts. In the state playoffs, Grays Harbor was stymi<"d by the Columbia Basin Hawks, t"Ven though GHC held a previous 12-0 league victory over them. Gary Bowles was chos<"n as All-American, and Bill Campbt"ll and Jim Smith were chosrn for first team honors at the conferencl" levd. Defense all-conferl"nce members included Jerry Linnenkohl, Gary Sw<路aring<路n, Ron Cruse, and Chris Halpin. Honorable mentions were given to Jim Hann, Tom Irwin, Mark Jones, Bryan McCourt, BiII Potter, Bruce Myers, Bob Foster, Jerry Shaff<:r. Jerry Elliott, Wally Mason, and Ron Smith.
Gary Bowles
Season Record CHC
32 ...
28 .
..Walla Walla
. E Vl'rl'tt
..Mt. Hood
6. .
12 . .
....Columbia Basin
.... Wt·natclw!'
I <J ..
3S. .......Olympic
.. Yakima
0 20 () 3
Statt· Playoff Cl-I C
13. .......Columbia Basin
Chokers of the Week Jim Hann Jerry Simon Wally Mason Mike Steinbaugh Bill Potter
Jerry Elliott Ron Cruse Mark Albertine Ron Smith Gary Swearingen
Rick Dodds Bryan Mccourt Jerry Linnenkohl Gary Pruyn Jack Hansen
GHC Basketball T earn Coastal Division Champs Showing a markcd improv<·ml'nt ovn pn·vious years, the Crays Harbor hask<·tball tl'am compil<·d a 20 4 overall -
rl'cord. Thl' Chokns, undn thc guidancc of Bob Basich, dfortlcssly took tlw Coastal Division Championship title with only orn· kagu<· loss. Ll'd by Captain Dale Parkn, CI IC hoopstns sailed into tlw stat<' playoffs with high hop<'S that n<'vn matnializ<'d. Ending th<'ir bask<·tball can·ns at CI-IC wn<· John Basich, Bob Fishn, St<'V<' Philpot, Dale Parkn, Brue<' Zulauf. and I ohn Allison. . l<t·turning fn·shnwn standouts indud<' Mik<· B<·rnoski, Ron 1-f<·ndrickson, Mik<' Halpin, Jack 1-fans<'rl, Roy Kinsman, Doug Pinl'<', Ron Slwcts, Craig Martin, N<'il Martin, and Dale Ti<'nhaara.
Here are the Coastal Division champion Grays Harbor Chokers. They include front row. From left: Mike Bernoski. Ron Hendrickson. Mike Halpin. Brull John Allison. John Basich. Bob Fisher. Jack Hansen. Roy Kinsman. Back row: coach Bob Basich.Doug Pierce. Ron Sheets. Cr;;iig Martin. Steve Parker. Neil Martin. Dale Tienhaara. and assistant coach Dick Frazer.
Basich Leads H oopsters To Incredible Record
Joe Vukich. Nancy McDowell. Ken Vetter. and Bob Hilliard. members of the
new pep band. add variety and spirit to Choker basketball games.
John Basich deftly out-maneuvers an opponent as he makes a break toward the basket.
Craig Martin snatches a rebound away from a determined Skagit defender.
!111111 Benn gym's scoreboard indicates a possible Choker victory.
I 111v11ll11. liasketball star Craig Martin shoots a foul shot. while Dale Tienharra and John Basich prepare for the rebound on the off-chance that he might miss.
GHC Grapplers Take Second At State Individual Plac<·rs
Billy Ree
Billy RcT
2nd Place:
Kris D!'x tcr
2nd Placl'
Cn·i.!: Ll'ollard
2nd Plact"
Bob Shipll'y
3rd Place
Do11 Walki11�d1aw
3rd Placl'
Carl Hrns!'I
3rd Place
Bill Kost<·nbordn
3rd Placl'
Jnry F:lliot
3rd Plac!'
Mark Hatten
4th Place
Kris Dexter
Greg Leonard
Mark Hattan
Don Walkinshaw
Carl Hensel
Bill Kostenborder
Bob Shipley
Jerry Elliott
Tlw Crays Harbor grapplns plan·d s1·rond in tht' Start· Wn·stling Tourr1anwnt this y<'ar. U ndn tlw l1·adns hip of Coal'h Cary Fr<'y, tht' wrt'stlns n>mpil<'d an outstanding 12-2 s1·aso11 rt'cord. Placing in tlw stat<' to11rr1anwnt w1·n· Billy RtT, Kris lkxtn, ( ;r .. g Lrnnard, Bob Shipky, Don Walkinshaw, Carl I lans1.J, Bill Kostrnhordn, Jnry Flliott, and Mark 11 attt'n.
fill• y11111'•1 varsity wrestlers include (back row): Jerry Skurskie. Randy Eckinger, Carl Hensel. Jerry Elliott. Greg Darden, John Calvan. Bill Kostenborder. 11y111, 11nd Merle Schuler. Front row includes Bob Shipley. Chuck Smith. Mike Buckendorf. Mark Hatten. Billy Ree. Bruce Faber. and Jerry Hunter.
Golfers Club Out Another Season Tlw Grays Harbor Coll('gt· golf t('am enjoyed anothn t·xcdknt S('ason u11dn th(' coachi11g of Vi11ce11t Akks('y. Clwkn li11kstns battled right to th(' win· i11 qu('st of a11oth('r stat(' tour11a11w11t t·11try. Captai11 Scott .I oh11so11 was tlw 011ly rt"tur11i11g lt'ttnma11, h ut hl' got t·xn·lk11t support from frl'shma11 Ro11 Sll<'t"ts, Stt·vt· lk11;1.i11, Jim Swa11so11, and Tom Rt·t·s1·. T lwsi· golfns put i11 Sl'vnal hours of hard prac.ticl' as Wl'll as playing undn vny i11ckme11t weath('r. All Chokl'r hom(' matcll<'s an· play('d out at thl' Grays Harbor Country C lub. Practic(' rou11ds ar(' playt•d at th(' Higlda11ds Coif Coursl'.
Scott Johnson
!low one: Jim Lemon. Jim Venable. Steve Carter. Greg Lamb. Bruce Myers. Row two: Jim Piccolo. John Guthman. Larry Jamison. Doug McDonald. Gary ( olil1cy. Tom La Forest. Row three: John Basich. Jim Delaurier. Joe Nelson. Gary LaCroix. Ron Hendrickson. Bruce Burden. Lyle Delaurier.
Basich slams one.
Baseball Boys HWork It On Out" Jim Piccolo winds it up.
GHC Offers LPN Course
ate Debby I 1-'N st dent Anita Maria c llionnes� Pulse rate under !�� �:���f�I ��:::r instructo r V11�pn1a Adams.
' 6.
rse are fro nt row. fro m left. Car I L o s arcella St1llweII Vella Ercums. ico le C uro tte. s laking GHC's Licensed Pra t c '"''" Dooley Sandra Peterso n an � � :�o��� ;r;���s �i� �o������ft are Jo yce �ro :es�� �t� Duckwo��h . �: .:�i Brown. ShirINey Wo o druff. Catherine Prio r. l�grid Germeaux. Anna Mariano . a 1 n r o r Virginia Adams 11,111y-Co Ie Jo sephine Jo hnso n. Kathleen Nelso n.
Wllllltll> i1111lc11 .M111y
Gayle Ainsworth
Margaret Allen
Nick Alvarez
Gary Antich
Dan Archie
Paul Arusell
Dawn Asikainen
Ed Backholm
Dottie Barreith
Miles Barrett
Chery I Barth
Allen Barry
John Basich
Sharon Beckett
Mary Ann Beisel
Bill Bickar
Van Bingham
John Bjorndahl
I J George Bennett
Rob Bezzo
Ted Bland
Ron Bodwell
Cheryl Bogdanovich
Dave Bossert
Gary Bowles
Dennis Boyer
Kathie Boyer
Rick Brawley
Shari Brown
Gary Brunt
Miko Buckendorf
Denise Burke
Brent Butcher
Bill Campbell
Vicki Campbell
I tcven Carlson
Ron Caton
Jo Ann Church
Ed Clay
Janet Clay
Alan Cook
Barry Cox
Adriana Cozzutto
Doug Craig
Joseph Crew
Nadine Crow
Candy Crowley
Ron Cruse
Marva Curl
Stella Curtis
Jim Dalbey
Rich Daneker
Anna Daniels
Manford Davis
Elizabeth Deadey
Pam Dean
Kathy De Courcy
Louis De Lateur
John Delia
Nancy Dobosz
!lick Dodds
Wayne Donaldson
Michelle Donovick
Welthie Drake
Seran Druzianich
Ken Du Bois
Dan Dugas
George Dunkel
Steve Dunigan
1" lsio Du Bois
1, ; -/ ;
/ .lo Anne Eaton
Carol Edinger
oorge Elting
Marie Enrico
Nancy Eklund
Richard Epperly
Don Ellen
Jerry Elliott
Tom Evans
Patty Evenson
Dennis Fischer
Debi Falk
Steve Flagg
Jan Fitzpatrick
Carol Fitterer
Bobby Foster
Richard Frazier
Bev Frost
/ Steve Fry
Emily Frost
' �.
Maj el Furu
Vivian Gailey
Chloris Giese
Jim Gerchak
Terry Garrow
I� ,\
David Gillham
John G irgich
Monte Givens
John Godfrey
Guy Goebel
Charles Good
Lee Goodin
Greg Grubisich
Stella Gudyka
Robert Hadman
Jim Hann
Shirley Grant
Joanne Graves
Cheryl Gunter
Donna Gunter
Lenny Haborsot7er
Vern Haerling
Paula Hageman
Gayle Hake
Michael Hale
John Hansen
Kathy Harper
Shirley Haskell
Mickey Heath
Alan Gozart
I Sherri Hermsen
Andy Holt
Wayne Hughes
Jerry Jarvi
James Herring
Dan Hodges
Carmen Hoggatt
Stephen Hood
Dennis Hopkins
Patty Houghan
Keita House
Steve Huhta
Kathy Imhof
Harold Isl itzer
Harlyne Huhta
Sam Jelovich
Bill Jenkins
Bob Jensen
Jack Hollingsworth
Richard Johansen
Scott Johnson
Sandy Jones
Charlene Kaivo
Rick K linger
Ron Knotek
Jane Knudson
Barbara Kolodzie
Gerald Korst
Bi 11 Kostenborder
Janet Kralevich
Karen Larson
Tom Le Compte
Robert Lencioni
Gary Lacroix
Ron Lacroix
Margaret Levering
Jerry Linnenkohl
Chris Lowe
Pat Lozar
Geary Lutz
Kathleen Manenica
Tim Martin
Kenneth Matheson
Bill May
Anne Mayton
I John McCarthy
Eileen McElwee
Pat Meldrich
Jerry Melheim
Charles Miller
Maria Mingo
Kathy McKay
Mike McKinney
Bryan McPeak
Dick Messer
Maryann Messmer
Ray Meyer
Dianne Moore
Cathy Morehead
John Morehead
41I1 \, I Cliff Mowitch
\ll Bruce Myers
Laura Myers
Joseph Nelson
Pam Nelson
Don Norkoski
Barbara Odle
Dick Orr
( I
Larry Nielson
Roy Nordman
Jane Osborn
Lance Ostrom
John Palmer
Linda Parker
Dave Parks
Don Parks
Dan Parnel
Nancy Pearsal I
Dugan Pearsall
Donna Pearson
Gene Peeples
Justa Polloi
John Prudhomme
Hans Reime
Alberts Phillips
Debbie Postma
Gerry Pruyn
Noel Rich
Steve Philpot
Warren Pratt
Clark Pierce
Keith Preszler
Dennis Ransdell
Cammet Reeves
Micheal Reibel
Robert Richards
Susan Richart
Gailyn Rickey
Matt Riippa
Patricia Rogers
Charles Russell
Dick Rydman
Gary Sand
Stephanie Schlott
Karl Schmidt
Eugene Scibelli
Claire Scott
Sheryl Scott
Jerry Shaffer
Gloria Shay
Bob Shipley
Russell Shofner
Larry Shucka
Kathleen Siese
Jerry Simon
Kathy Smathers
Charles Smith
Ed Rienks
Gary Smith
Greg Smith
Jim Smith
Leonard Smith
Richard Smith
Ron Smith
Donna Snow
Leona Somero
Rick Sorenson
Bob Southard
Dan Spear
Donna Spencer
Timothy Stephens
Danny Steuermaur
Mike Stinebaugh
Mike Sturm
Janice Suther
Lawrence Sturgill
Jennifer Sturm
Bruce Sutten
Cary Swearingen
Jill Thompson
laire Vander Linden
Marija Vojkovich
Stanley Targus
Wayne Tomlinson
Bonnie Taylor
Jim Torgerson
Bob Thierolf
Miriam Trygstad
Jere Thomas
Sally Turnbull
Peter Van Hess
Robert Vaughn
Susan Vessey
Tom Vetter
Frank Volz
Joe Vukich
Don Walkinshaw
Rusty Walston
Stephen Watts
Dennis West
Lynne Webb
Deland Whipple
Jack Weber
Thomas Wilcox
Teresa Weber
Carl Weed
David Wildner
Chris Williams
'-\j/. I j
ďż˝. )
Ray Williams
Janice Wilson
Michelle Wilson
Robert Wilson
Carl Winter
John Wood
Bob Woodard
Hank Woon
Kathy Wyatt
Gene Yakovich
Dennis York
Peggy Zimmerman
Suzie Young
Kathy Zelasko
Joe Zembal
Sally Zepp
Bob Drugge
Barb Reichter
Stephen Esses
Jean Dugas
i Mike Descher
K.M. Brook
Heidi Horne
Julie Tingwall
\ Colleen Tomlinson
Debbie Dutro
Eric Akerson
Ken Abel
Dennis Acuff
Mark Albertine
Patricio Alcantra
Steve Allen
John Allison
Jim Allman
Diane Anderson
Barb Anglin
Jim Arbogast
Paul Arnold
Kathy Ancich
Mike Aiken
Jean Airhart
I I"
Terry Arnold
Carol Asplund
Mike Asbury
Pat Atkinson
Raymond Austin
I .I
Dorothy Bach
Devin Backholm
Dayle Beck
Dave Backstorm
Perry Bagley
Dan Baker
Neal Baker
Beverly Balderston
John Baldwin
Steve Balgaroo
Randy Bale
Beverly Ball
Guy Barrett
Jerry Barrow
Charlotte Barton
Ron Bauman
Jane Baxter
Glennis Beck
Jerry Beck
Donald Beekman
Ed Beerbower
Dave Bemis
Ray Behnesl
Sarah Bell
Dave Bender
Rich Benn
Mike Bellafatto
Nita Bennett
Roxanna Bellis
Steve Benzin
fl) Diane Bergerson
Mike Bernoski
Betty Birdsell
Elizabeth Bjelland
Mike Betts
Valerie Black
Earl Bethel
Todd Bigelow
Wayne Blake
Cheryl Blanton
,-)I\ â&#x20AC;˘ Chris Blessing
Carol Block
Bruce Borley
Fred Boie
Gerardo Bolong, Jr.
Jim Bonfield
Mike Boss
Steve Bostrom
Anna Bralens
Allen Bratvold
Greg Brawley
\, I Bob Bondurant
Cheryl Bonfield
- 'I '
Jeff Bowers
Andy Brakebill
Wayne Bray
Curtis Brennan
Pete Brewer
Marshall Briggs
Bruce Brines
Forest Brown
I 1
'I '
ďż˝.'Gary Brown
Randy Brown
Jerald C. Brown
Tom Brown
,. I Jackie Brumfield
Gary Buchanan
Ruth Burden
George Burgess
Bob Burtner
Bruce Busenbark
Steve Buchanan
Linda Bundy
Louie Burch
Rick Burke
Brian Burkhalter
Sidney Burns
Brian Cabe
John Cady
Nancy Campbell
"' I nrry Carlson
Carol Carpenter
Charles Carr
Jack W. Carter II
Steve Carter
/ Larry Carty
Mark Caryl
Lloyd Case
Kevin Caskey
Doug Cator
Renie ChiIman
Yvonne Chouinard
Ken Christianson
Linda Christianson
Dan Christie
Linda Clark
Ann Clavadetscher
Duncan Cobb
Mark Coburn
Delmar Cole
Jerry Cook
Larry Cornelius
Ron Ritter
Sandi Coulter
George Cowan
Jane Cozzutto
Martha Craighead
Ray Crenshaw
Allan Creviston
Loretta Crone
Michael Crose
Jacki Crowley
Mike Croy
Marie Culver
James Cummings
Cari Jo Cyr
Diane Dahlstul
Clara Dalbey
Dlonno Druooo
. 1
Greg Darden
James Duree
Sandy Dunigan
Terri Dunbar
James Drake
Sandy Downs
Nancy Dorland
Jim Donovan
Chris Dixon
Sharon Dewey
Karen Dewey
Dan Descher
J Dan Diguilio
Kris Dexter
Dale Denney
Lyle Delaurier
James Delaurier
Kathleen Deits
I ; I
Jane Davenport
Marsha Darrin
Ann Duyer
Steve Eagon
Colleen Eaten
Lonnie Eaton
Pete Eichenberger
Randy Ekangen
John Elbert
Calvin Elliott
John Ellington
Patty Ellis
Steve Ealey
Pete Elsos
Uruce Elting
Mike Erickson
Karl Erickson
Gary Erickson
Russell Esses
. .f f{( I
Bruce Faber
Michael Escalante
Bill Evans
Bruce Evans
Gayle Farren
Steve Ferris
Dan Fimay
Kathy Finch
Gloria Fish
Bob Fisher
Mike Fitzpatrick
Pat Fitzpatrick
_::_ I
Gary Fagerstedt
Marcia Finical
Paul Fitzpatrick
Mary Flodstrom
Bridget Flory
Todd Foss
Cathy Foster
Wayne Frost
Carl Fykerud
Mona Gaidrich
Kim Gardner
Gary Geddes
Ed Gegen
Mary Gilberson
Gordon Girard
E. B. Glazier
Donald Glud
Barbara Goodin
Roger Goodwin
Cliff Grady
Lori Frary
Evelyn Frances
\ I,
Marilyn Graham
Robert Graves
Carol Granger
John Greenwalt
Donna Geier
Larry Grigsby
Brenda Gunderson
Mark Gunnerson
Nancy Gustafson
Ted Hackstadt
Mike Haffey
Russell Hagfors
路\ Becky Gronberg
Janet Gustavson
George Haemod
Robert Guile
John Guthmann
Susan Halbut
Allen Hall
Dorothea Hall
Julia Hallett
Chris Halpin
Narong Hanatipatag
Mike Halpin
Ken Hampton
George Halvarson
Ed Hamilton
Peggy Hamilton
Bill Hannon
Kathy Hansen
Jack Hansen
Virginia Hansen
Donald Hara
Bob Hardy
Linda Harsch
Mike Harvey
Mark Hatten
Joan Hardy
Gail Haves
George Harp
Paul Hayte
Bonnie Heintz
David Heiny
Terry Helland
Paul Hendrickson
Bettejo Hensler
Carl Hensyel
William Helm
Dave Hendrickson
Sid Herron
Mike Hermsen
Peggy Hermsen
Glenn Hevyford
Alice Hill
Bob Hilliard
Jim Hinton
Jerry Hircock
John Hottowe
Jim Holbert
Larry Holt
Fred Holmeide
1 l'l
Cheryl Holland
Rick Hoffer
Teresa Hagar
Rick Holley
Mike Hamar
John Hughes
Steve Hu Ibert
\ J /\ Howard Hosford
Jeff Hottowe
Shirley Howell
Terri Hutchinson
Phyllis Hyde
Tom Irwin
Robert Isaak
John I unzpades
Eugene Jackson
Bob Jackson
Mary Jackson
Robert Jacobson
Paul Jakeman
Cheryl Ann James
Mike Jamison
John Jarmin
Cindy Jasper
Catherine Jelovich
Catherine Jensen
Jackie Jensen
Bob Johnson
Dale Johnson
Ray Johnson
Rex Johnson
Ruth Johnson
Sonja Johnson
Tim Johnson
Maretta Johnston
Mary Johnston
Greg Joines
Judy Jonason
Janet Jonassen
Barb Jones
Brenda Jones
Mark Jones
Dan Jyall
Kris Juul
Steve Jordan
Phil Jurasin
Ed Kain
Jeff Kaiura
Donna Kaiyala
Mike Jones
Laura Kaleb
Ron Kalinowski
Janet Karamatic
John Karhu
Veikka Katainen
Don Keefer
Ernie Keene
Nancy Keeton
David Keller
Marta Keller
Donald Kenn
Carol Sue Kilcup
Mike Kindle
John King
Dan Kroll
Paul Knutson
Samuol Kochrlon
Roy Kinsman
John Kirkwood
Jim Klahr
Roxanne Koepp
Jancie Kombol
Alan Koph
Mike Korman
Laurence Krack
Mark Kremen
Eva Kronlof
Bob Kugen
Nancy Kuhns
Stanley Kurezodyna
Diane Lachel
Jesse E. Lacy
Jim Laforest
Debra Lamb
Greg Lamb
Kris Larsen
Jon Latti
Dennis Lawson
Chuck Layng
Dennis Lea
Dan Lee
Terry Lee
Willie Lee
Becky Leeck
Ron Leeck
Carol LeMoine
Gary Leonard
Greg Leonard
Robbin Levenhagen
Joetta Libby
Diane Lindskov
Debra Lindstrom
Ila Linn
Bill Linne
Linda Locke
John Loncar
Rick Sanders
Roberta Loucks
Doug Luark
Janice Lucke
Steve Ludwig
Janice Lundgren
Leslie Lundquist
Sam Lunke
Mike Lytle
Doug MacDonald
Bob MacKenzie
Jesse Mack
' Glen Ludwig
II I Tracey Lutton
Steve Madison
Jerry Martin
Gloriana Mathis
Robert McClelland
Dick Manwell
Neil Martin
Mike Marbut
Karter Marzolf
John Mihovilich
Wally Mason
Craig Martin
Mike Matthews
Shirley Matson
Steve Matteson
Lynn Matthews
Dave Mayer
Larry McCluskey
Bryan Mccourt
Art McDonald
Jim McDonald
Lynn McDonald
Nancy McDowell
Debbie McDowell
Colin McFee
Jeff McGarrah
Tim McGlothin
Carla McGuire
Duane McGuire
Marcie McGurie
Kathy Mcl<oon
Janet McKinney
Mike McKinney
Carole Mclaughlin
Rick Mclaughlin
Francis Mclucas
f(.< Ray McMasters
ti Steve McMillan
Wanda McMunn
Kevin McMurray
Sylvia Moore
\ .
Rick McPeak
Dennis McPhee
Karen McPhee
Albert Megrath
Tamara Meridith
Bill Merrill
Pat Meservey
Jim Messer
Jessie Meyer
Dave Mickelson
Dan Michalak
Bob Miller
Mel Miller
Pat Miller
Sherry Mi Iler
Brian Mills
April Minks
Dave Minks
Steven Mitzger
Terry Mohrmann
Chuck Mabray
Ernest Monday
Sharon Monjay
Claudia Moody
J Jon Moore
. , Steve Moore
Debbi Moorman
Chris Morgan
Tom Morloy
\ \'
Doug Morrill
Jim Morrison
Francis Moore
Mary Munk
Alan Myers
Paula Napp
Louis Muller
Raina Nations
Catherine Mustard
James Nelson, Jr.
Paul Nelson
Roy Nelson
Gilbert Newman
Dave Norton
Janice Norton
- , Lauren Norton
Charmon Odle
Pat O'Hagen
Tom Oien
. .,. ,
Chuck Olesen
Alan Olsen
Scott Olsen
Nancy Olson
Shelley Olson
Jim Orkney
Ray Otto
Judy Ounsted
C arolyn Overby
Mary Anne Palmer
Cora Parker
Dale Parker
Dick Paylor
Greg Pearson
Chris Pehl
Sam Pharris
George Peirsol
Troiani Plbol
Frank Peterson
Kathy Peterson
Vicki Peterson
Jim Piccolo
John Pickerel
Michele Pickett
Doug Pierce
Ron Pikutark
Randy Pixton
Melinda Pizzitola
Chris Porter
Cindy Porter
Jane Potts
Martin Powell
Jerry Power
Bill Prolhar
Harold Price
Greg Prince
) Ray Prouty
Chris Quinby
Cheryl Quinn
Richard Raby
John Radonski
Calvin Ranbois
Carl Rasmussen
Dan Rassett
Vaughn Redding
David Redfern
k Earl Ralston
Sandy Ramiskey
Adele Rattie
Austin Ray
·r •;
Joyce Reckner
William Ree
Carol Richards
Tom Reece
Chris Reed
Steve Richardson
Elise Rickey
Juanita Rold
Dave Rings
,101111 111111111
( James Roberts
Sue Rodin
Robin Rodrique
John Rogers
Jan Roinas
Robin Reines
Vicky Root
Pam Rothrock
James Rotz
Dave Rowland
Sandra Royfield
Scott Ruff
Marie Sackrider
Roger Russell
Bob Rutledge
Paul Sagen
Steve Salonen
Ralph Sanchez
Mike Sandusky
Ricky Sapp
Dan Sarber
Don Scherr
Maureen Schmack
Francine Schmid
Roger Sauer
Don Schmidt
Jeanette Schroeder
Sue Schwarz
Gordon Shellgren
Kristie Senn
Phil Sergent
Ron Sheets
Ken Shortt
Dennis Shrier
Mike Shrier
Merle Shuyler
Susan Sill
Robert Shelton
Betty Shumate
Kris Sims
Jerry Skurski
Bob Smith
Cheryl Smith
I Sandra Slater
Anne Smith
Betty Smith
Don Smith
Larry Smith
Debbie Snider
Nick Somero
Marilyn Spahr
Dale Spears
Kathy Spears
Philip Spence
Don Stedman
Fredricka Steele
Ervin Stein
Dianne Smith
:'::'--- --
--; J
George South
Janice Spradlin
Bob Steudler
, \
Nancy Stewart
Bi II Staricka
Cheryl Stomer
Sue Stone
Mike Stone
Toni Sund
Patty Tait
Teri Tibbetts
Bill Straughn
Ken Sunde
Karen Taylor
Dale Tienhaara
Martha Stute
Paul Stutosmon
Bobby Sutherland
Kyoko Suto
Mike Taylor
Janet Tesia
Lloyd Tommila
William Tondre
Terri Thompson
Marv Townsend
Wayne Toy
Jan Undem
Tony Trambitas
Roland Valentine
Paul Travis
Mike Vanblaricom
Roy Turvey
Janet Vanderslice
Herbert Vaughn
Julius Vegh
James Venable
Lucy Vest
Ken Vetter
Dale Wagner
Marcella Wagner
Nancy Walczyk
Chris Walden
Mark Walden
Randy Walden
Joe Walczyk
Robin Walsh
Doug Wandrey
Ted Ward
Carlos Warren
Ken Watkins
Randy Ward
Jann Watkins
w rel
Lennela Watters
Cheryl Webber
Peter Wedin
Jason Wehl
Don Wells
Roy Werner
David Wheeler
Larry Wheeler
Dave Whitney
John White
Leslie Wigley
Richard Wilcox
lone Williams
Larry Williams
Mike Wilson
Rick Winberg
Sylvia Wisner
Melvin Wood
Bob Wildner
Leslie Williams
Steve Wincewicz
John Wooldridge
Charly Wiley
Bill Williams
Willis Williams
Mary Wilson
Terry Wines
Jerri Wright
Gayle Wrona
Sue Yearout
David Wren
(/ďż˝ Bruce Zulauf
Eduardo Zunigo
Jonnie Yonich
Jono Zornbol
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� -.. --� "°'�
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110 East Heron Aberdeen, Washington 533-3880
WllTAMAKI JEWELRY STORE WO LFF'S WOMEN'S APPAREL 215 East Wishkah Aberdeen, Washington
209 South Broadway hlnot n
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AXLAND-O'HARE 111 fot Wi•hkah Aberdeen, Washington
JONES PHOTO CO. 123 South 'I' Aberdeen, Washington
Elks Building Aberdeen, Washington
110 South 'H' Aberdeen, Washington
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218 East Wishkah Aberdeen, Washington
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Simpson and Oak Aberdeen, Washington
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Twin Harbors Area
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Rich's Portrait Studio Leslie's Colour Studio Carl Rasmussen Garrett's Camera Center
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