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The answers to my questions are found through prayer and yet I would rarely pray. I’d bless the food before my children ate after preparing it and I would occasionally pray for successful days at work as I would commute back and forth to my office in Buford, but I can’t recall taking the

time to meet with God. I am quick to consult with my smart phone on traffic, weather, work related emails, and almost unconsciously use it for guidance throughout the day, but I’m perplexed as to why I would not spend time with someone who already knows my path and can help


me with my hurdles along the way. After growing up in church for a majority of my life, I found that my adulthood had become occupied with marriage, work, children, television, cleaning, Pinterest, etc. etc. I had allowed my relationship with God to fall equivalent to a casual Grayson Magazine

acquaintance like that of an old high school friend that I would reach out to once or twice a month or give a thumbs up to on their Facebook page. That’s insulting. He is so patient and forgiving. In my opinion, the entire Word was established to show us how to have a relationship with God or how to enter a life of fellowship with Him and for some reason I allowed all of the things throughout the day to push my prayer time with God lower and lower on my to do list. In December of last year I made a new commitment. Far more important than my new year’s resolution, which was to lose ten pounds, was to make a deliberate attempt to seek God. To start my day with an intentional seeking of a stronger fellowship with Him and to embrace the power of prayer. In 1Kings Chapter 3, Solomon asked for wisdom instead of wealth when God said, ‘Ask for whatever you want me to give you.’ He asked for wisdom! That’s inspiring. We’re faced with thousands of decisions throughout the day and money can only solve a handful of them, but wisdom is what keeps us from failing. For example, I began to pray for wisdom in raising my children; wisdom for my boss at work to make the right decisions, wisdom for my Buford Drive church pastor and in an election year, wisdom for the voters and candidates as a new man or woman will decide the direction of our great country.

Grayson Magazine

My new dedication to prayer has brought about significant changes in my life, but most importantly has renewed a relationship that was being neglected on my part. I’m reminded of my grandmother and how elated she was when I would pick up the phone to call her on a rare occasion. Imagine how God feels when we begin the day thanking Him and thinking of Him and asking for guidance and wisdom through prayer.

Mark 11:24 Therefore I tell you,

whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. Most of us know someone who has benefited from the miracle of prayer which is amazing and surely God’s grace. My story is not as sensational. I’m just a 50 hour a week worker, dedicated spouse and parent of three. However, since December, I changed my prayer life and discovered something remarkable. I began to seek wisdom and found new priorities. I began to seek patience and found love. I began to seek guidance and found the power of prayer.

I began to seek wisdom and found new priorities. I began to seek patience and found love. I began to seek guidance and found the power of prayer.

Diane Collins Lawrenceville, GA Grayson Magazine


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