Mariagrazia Dalò_Portfolio 13 | 19

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ARCHITECTURE PORTFOLIO Selected projects 13 | 19 Mariagrazia Dalò

MARIAGRAZIA DALO’ Date of birth: 24.09.1993 Adress: Palagianello (Ta), Italy Via Amerigo Vespucci 12 Mail / Mobile: +39 3405041864 Skype / Linkedin: m.graziadaloò-077614191 Purpose: Junior architect job / Trainship ABOUT ME I’m very passionate about Architecture. I’m interested in the relation-ships between architecture design, human activities and how they effect or in- teract with each other.I believe to be a sociable, dinamic, punctual and reliable person, willing to learn new techniques of urban designs,interior and exhibit designs, and would like to discover new ways to live architecture. An experience as a trainee or junior architect will aid me to get to know new realities of designs and to learn how to implement what I studied at University. I think that having the opportunity to be a part of your studio could teach me to push my abilities and fuel the great enthusiasm I have towaward Architectural Design. The following is a collection of my work. Thank you for your time!

Curriculum vitae EDUCATION Università degli studi di Camerino Ascoli Piceno, Italy July 2019 _ Master of Architecture. Thesis advisor: Luigi Coccia / Co-advisor: Emanuele Marcotullio, Silvia Lupini Università degli studi di Camerino Ascoli Piceno, Italy March 2016 _ Bachelor of Architecture Thesis advisor : Luigi Coccia Co-advisor : Alessandro Gabbianelli Liceo scientifico De Ruggeri Massafra , Italy June 2012 _ Classical Lyceum Diploma

EXPERIENCE Internship SeArch Urban Planning _ Amsterdam March 2018 | August 2018 Professor Assistant Course of Architecture Design Prof. Luigi Coccia SAAD , University of Camerino October 2016 | March 2017 Professor Assistant International Workshop Coast2Coast 13th edition “Back to the sea” SAAD | California State University May 2016 Professor Assistant International Workshop Coast2Coast 15th edition “Adriatic Archaelogy” SAAD | California State University May 2018 International Workshop Coast2Coast 12th edition “Escape from the sea” SAAD | California State University May 2015 International Itinerant Workshop Villard 18th edition Seminar Piacenza | Paris | Milan | Venice | Piacenza October 2016 | July 2017

HONORS + AWARDS Erasmus + Traineeship Università degli Studi di Camerino September 2017 Honourable mention Yac competition October 2018 Coast2Coast 13th edition International workshop _ May 2017 Pubblication on Mappe n°10 _ July 2017 Villard 18 winner International Itinerant Workshop Exhibition at Politecnico of Milan October 2016 | July 2017 Honourable mention DMKM278, Demanio Marittimo KM 278 OSMOSI Temporary exhibition for Marzocca, Italy July 2016 Illustration competition _ Social Winner Call for Illustration #3 Library illustrazioni May 2017 Walking Through Art Didactic Bachelor Workshop Publication on CIVITANOVISSIMA Publication on Re-Cycle Italy , Reciclasi Capannoni October 2016 | March 2016

SKILLS Adobe Illustrator Adobe Indesign Adobe Photoshop Autocad Rhinoceros Cinema 4d V-Ray Lightroom Archicad Model Making _ Manual

LANGUAGES Italian : native English : B1 level

Contents UNIVERSITY PROJECTS 01. Carcere 2.0. Verso la dimensione pubblica del carcere Master thesis

02. Re - Start Architecture Urban Design Studio

03. Housing Strategies 3.0 Architecture Urban Design Studio

04. Dissoluzione Architecture Urban Design Studio

05. Green Walk Envirolmental Design Studio

06. In Flow Architecture Urban Design Studio

CONTEST PROJECTS 07. Seduction pavillion Competition | Temporary pavillion

08. Osmosi Competition | Temporary pavillion

EXTRA CURRICULAR PROJECTS 09. Escape from the sea Workshop

10. Dig it! Research and grafic work for book pubblication

01. Carcere 2.0


TEAM Mariagrazia Dalò Silvia Diomedi

LOCATION Haarlem, Netherland

EXAM Master thesis

PROFESSOR Luigi Coccia Emanuele Marcotullio Silvia Lupini

Gevangenis De Koepel is a former prison in the city of Haarlem in the Netherlands, located on the border of the historic center in the Haarlem-Oost area. It is one of the three Panopticon-style penitentiary buildings existing in the Netherlands, conceived, in the 18th century, as a model for exercising a new type of supervisory power, with the aim of annihilating the spirit through a solitary confinement as a form of punishment. Is it possible to imagine a confined space where prisoners can find a path of rehabilitation and rehabilitation? The project aims to subvert the concept of panopticon, to eliminate all forms of centralized power, to think of prison not as a place of segregation but as a place of life, work, rehabilitation and socialization. The principle of normalization takes shape bringing the exterior inside through the design of an urban park, which allows the prisoner to be in constant interaction with the local society in a controlled manner. The penitentiary structure, articulated in the intimate spaces of the cells and in the common spaces such as work, training, leisure and catering areas, is conceived as a village that takes into account all the limits implicit in a prison but which improves the dignity and life of the prisoners. Architecture is not only physical construction but it is also social and human: Prison-Architecture-Man are understood in a correlated manner.


Ground floor

First floor

Second floor

Third floor

Axonometric view

Axonometric exploded view

Axonometric view

02. Re - Start

PROGRAMME Market + Offices

TEAM Mariagrazia Dalò Silvia Diomedi

LOCATION Giulianova Teramo , Italy

EXAM Architecture Urban Design Studio

PROFESSOR Pippo Ciorra Maria Federica Ottone

We are in Giulianova city, inside this area we find the former indoor mar- ket, now abandoned but which still breathes life twice a week thanks to the presence of the mobile merchan- ts who occupy the space outside the market. The projects aims to the re-activation and re-generation of the building, keeping the function of the market outside and adding new ser- vices for the public/semi-public insi- de the new structure. We decided to keep only the circular part of the old building, deemed more interesting, the two towers are strictly connected to each other,one serves the other, thanks to several walk paths set at different heights. There are three materials used, the level of transpa- rency was utilised based on the level of users had in every block: glass for the public,translucent for the se- mi-public and opaque for the private.




Vertical connection

Public | semi public | private


Axonometric view

Axonometric exploded view

03. Housing Strategies 3.0

PROGRAMME Co-housing

TEAM Marigrazia Dalò Aldo D’Autilio Silvia Diomedi

LOCATION Senigallia Ancona , Italy

EXAM Architecture Urban Design Studio

PROFESSOR Emanuele Marcotullio Bianca Maria Rinaldi

A village for chef in the centre of Se- nigallia, the Hotel Marche rapresent a junction between the inner city and the sea-side. A sort of caesura defined by the station and two disused preexi- stences determines a neglected area. The design strategy propose a grid, of beams and columns, that moves like a parasite to the hotel and like generator to new spaces. The aim of the project is to give a 3x3x3m modular scheme to have a flexible architecture over time and to give the possibility to the structu- re to become the regular element for the future growth of the project.



Axonometric view

04. Dissoluzione

PROGRAMME Exhibition

TEAM Marigrazia Dalò

LOCATION Disco La Terrazza San benedetto del Tronto, Italy

EXAM Interior Design Studio

PROFESSOR Emanuele Marcotullio

A set-up for a 24h exhibition about metamorphosis inside a disused disco. An exhibit be about introspective process , starting from the abstraction of the body to the self knowledge, physically and mentally. A process that aim to singula- rity of the observer, we consi- der ourself unique everytime.


Axonometric exploded view


05. Green Walk

PROGRAMME Polifunctional Centre

TEAM Marigrazia Dalò Silvia Diomedi

LOCATION Roma , Italy

EXAM Envirolmental Design Studio

PROFESSOR Maria Federica Ottone Roberta Cocci Grifoni

The peculiar Aurelian walls and the historic Porta Maggiore are the stu- dy objects of a new project based on environmental sustainability. Very im- portant infrastructural junction for the city, where trams ,buses, cars and trains meet, little importance given to the historical monuments, absen- ce of green and public zones, the area is considered just a crossing spot and not of permanent stay. The design of a big elevated walkpath, derived from the tram lines found at level zero. The resulted spaces cre- ated by the elevated walkpath have become the new pavillions, each of them having their own architectural and functional feature, moreover the new infrastructure is characterised by the presence of trees, nebuli- sed water and of solar panels that allow to produce energy naturally.



Pavillion 1

Pavillion 2

Pavillion 3


06. In Flow

PROGRAMME Polifunctional Centre

TEAM Marigrazia Dalò Aldo D’Autilio Silvia Diomedi

LOCATION Valle del Metauro Fano, Italy

EXAM Architecture Design Studio

PROFESSOR Luigi Coccia Alessandra Marchetti

In Flow is the result of a detailed analysis of the Adriatic territory, marked by different landscapes between a ristrected area (from the sea-side through hills until the mun- tains). An abitious project with the aim to give cultural spaces that al- low to create new job opportunities and to offer collective spaces for the free-time. The sinuous and dynimic shape of the new elements is sug- gested by the morphology of the Adriatic territory and is born through the accurate modelling of the land. Geometric shapes characterise the design making those that are the per- fect circles in plans volumes and the oval shapes in plans depressions by creating different altitude discernible both inside and outside the complex.


Congress hall


Public space

Work space


07. Seduction Pavillion

PROGRAMME Exhibition pavillion

TEAM Marigrazia Dalò Elisa Cardinali Silvia Diomedi Samantha Gazzolo Gianluca Lattanzi Kyle Mcguire

LOCATION Bologna, Italy

COMPETITION Yac competition

The experience of desire is not about achieving our ambition. It takes form as a sense of surrender, into the illicit labyrinth of submissive and dominant sensations that follow. The aim of the intervention is to transmit the neuroprosthetic movement of seduction in an artificial simulator. The experiment conditions a weave of perception. Brief moments of interaction lie within the curtains, the exhibition communicates with our sense of sight from the circular gateways. The “yarn curtains” casts a segmented composition of; hair, lips, breasts, arms, legs and feet throughout the experience. As you move through the intervention, you pass through the wires - triggering a tactile sensation when discovering the exhibition. The user concedes into the pavilion without a defined path. The architecture aims to interact with our consciousness at a primal level. Circulation is defined by the senses alone, a single path of light orchestrates the user around the extent of the intervention. The user is offered 15 private moments of temptation, where they are able to fall into the illicit intimacy of the exhibitions. Within the transaction the pavilion offers in return, an opportunity for the user to take home their favourite image of the women. From this moment, the pavillion flirts with the social convention of hanging an attractive poster on a wall. As a result, completing the odyssey of being subjected into seduction and the subject of seduction.


Elements of the project

Axonometric view

08. Osmosi

PROGRAMME Temporary Exhibition

TEAM Marigrazia Dalò Aldo D’Autilio Silvia Diomedi Mattia Di Furia

LOCATION Marzocca Senigallia, Italy

COMPETITION Contest July 2016

The competition requires the set- ting-up of the beach with 7 specific areas. The project focuses on people, ideas, speeches, so that it is iso- lated from the rest. The sorrounding lanscape is denied through a frame of tents that simulate a barrier that let see partially the location. This exhibit machine exists thanks to the ideas of its host and thanks to their way to live that space. There aren’t any pre- ferential directions of entrance and exit or demarcated areas, in- fact the interested areas are highlighted by the lighting sy- stem that ideally marked that.


09. Escape from the sea

PROGRAMME Spaces for Turism

TEAM Marigrazia Dalò Aldo D’Autilio Luca Florii Miranda Mills

LOCATION Colle San Marco Ascoli Piceno, Italy

WORKSHOP International Workshop SAAD | California

The Adriatic hinterland discovery and exploitation of its resources, natural and cultural, are the basis of a design workshop about new spaces for tourism. A place: the hill of San Marco near Ascoli Pice- no. An artist: the sculptor Giuliano Giuliani. A material: the travertine, will constitute the terms of confron- tation for the project of a park in a disused quarry on top of the hill.


Elements of the project

10. DIG IT !

PROGRAMME Pubblication

TEAM Search architects

LOCATION Amsterdam, Netherland

WORK Research and grafic work for book pubblication

For many years SeARCH has been engaged in researching the intertwining of architecture and landscape. In collaboration with photographer Iwan Baan, has produced a book entitled Dig It. This book sifts through the last Millennia to highlight historically overlooked projects and fascinanting examples of a building culture bound to the ground. Six different strategies were identified and analysed: Buried Alive, Rooted, Architecture as Geology, Whatever Happened to the Spriral, Encapsulating the Void & Synthetic landscapes. The majority of this visual content is comprised of black and white analytical drawings and photo.

Axonometric section exploded of Villa Vals | Switzerland

Axonometry of Serpentine Pavillion 2012, Herzog & de Meuron| London

Axonometry of Roof made city

Plan of Hussain-Doshi Gufa |Ahmedabad, India.

Axonometry The Church of Saint George, Lallibela | Ethiopia

THANK YOU! MARIAGRAZIA DALO’ Adress: Palagianello (Ta), Italy Via Amerigo Vespucci 12 Mail / Mobile: +39 3405041864

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