Mobilidea - Catalogo 2012

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Index Living

Storage Units


07 Margot 13 Brera 14 Maxi Brera 15 Mini Brera 17 Wave 19 New Chester 23 Cindy 25 Bond 31 Bond Elite 34 Cube 35 Jaquelin XL 39 Capitone 41 Regency 43 Chiavari 44 Soho 45 Verri 47 Brookyln 52 Manager 54 Ground 57 Bogart 61 Imperial 63 Kennedy 65 Havana 67 Grand Central 68 Central 71 Madison 72 Athena 73 Big Truman 75 Slice 79 Royal 81 Cannes 84 Antibes 85 Tribeca 87 Spiga 91 Baltic 93 Santos 95 Union 97 Isola

99 Washington 103 Newman 105 Victura 106 Petrus 107 Lafite 109 Big King 110 Big Queen 112 King 113 Queen 114 Square - Tris 115 James 116 John 117 Harris


121 Chairman 127 Wallstreet 129 Stripe Class 131 Big Truman 135 Cervantes 136 Big Chic 137 Chic 139 Truman 141 Trim 143 Vip


147 Margot 151 Taylor 154 Paravento 155 Marylin 157 Dream 158 Narciso 159 Bellissima 162 Sibilla 163 Manhattan 164 Milano 169 Manhattan 171 Shell 175 Uni 177 Hollywood 178 Hollywood

Living 07 Margot 13 Brera 14 Maxi Brera 15 Mini Brera 17 Wave 19 New Chester 23 Cindy 25 Bond 31 Bond Elite 34 Cube 35 Jaquelin XL 39 Capitone 41 Regency 43 Chiavari 44 Soho 45 Verri 47 Brookyln


olumi soffici ed avvolgenti, tessuti caldi e pelli spumose si fondono al legno puro lavorato con

maestria artigianale. Un connubio perfetto che lega ed unisce passato e presente. Frothy volumes, warm fabrics and soft leathers blend together with pure wood carved by master craftsmen. This is the perfect marriage between past and present.

margot Poltrona/Armchair

QUEEN Tavolino/Low Table

Sibilla Specchio/Mirror

margot Divano/Sofa 7

MARGOT Poltrona/Armchair 9

MARGOT Dormeuse/Dormeuse 11


ook at the stars l o o k h o w t h e y s h i n e fo r yo u

a n d e ve r y t h i n g yo u d o ye a h t h e y we r e a l l ye l l o w I came along I w r o t e a s o n g fo r yo u a n d a l l t h e t h i n g s yo u d o a n d i t wa s c a l l e d ye l l o w So then I took my turn o h w h a t a t h i n g t o h ave d o n e a n d i t wa s a l l ye l l o w

BRERA Poltrona/Armchair 13

MAXI BRERA Poltrona/Armchair 14

MINI BRERA Poltrona/Armchair 15


our skin oh yeah your skin and bones

turn into something beautiful and you know you know I love you so you know I love you so I swam across I jumped across for you oh what a thing to do ‘cos you were all yellow I drew a line I drew a line for you oh what a thing to do and it was all yellow

WAVE Poltrona/Armchair 17

ATHENA Vetrina/Display Cabinet

Queen Tavolino/Low Table

New chester Divano/Sofa 19

New chester Divano/Sofa 21

CINDY Poltrona/Armchair

CINDY Pouff/Pouf

CINDY Poltrona/Armchair 23

BOND Poltrona/Armchair

Petrus LAFITE Tavolino/Coffee Table Tavolino/Coffee Table

BOND Divano/Sofa 25

BOND Divano/Sofa 27


nd your skin oh yeah your skin and bones

turn into something beautiful and you know for you I bleed myself dry for you I bleed myself dry it’s true look how they shine for you look how they shine for you look how they shine for look how they shine for you look how they shine for you look how they shine look at the stars look how they shine for you and all the things that you do

BOND Poltrona/Armchair 29

BOND Elite Divano/Sofa 31


an anybody fly this thing? B e fo r e m y h e a d e x p l o d e s ,

B e fo r e m y h e a d s t a r t s t o r i n g We ’ ve b e e n l i v i n g l i fe i n s i d e a b u b b l e , We ’ ve b e e n l i v i n g l i fe i n s i d e a b u b b l e C o n f i d e n c e i n yo u , Is confidence in me, Is confidence in high speed Can anybody stop this thing?

CUBE Pouff/Pouf 34

JaquelinE XL Divano/Sofa 35

JaquelinE XL Divano/Sofa 37


o n e s s i n k i n g l i ke s t o n e s A l l t h a t we ’ ve fo u g h t fo r

A l l t h e s e p l a c e s we ’ ve g r o w n A l l o f u s a r e d o n e fo r A n d we l i ve i n a b e a u t i f u l wo r l d Ye a h we d o , ye a h we d o We l i ve i n a b e a u t i f u l wo r l d

CAPITONE Pouff/Pouf 39

CHIAVARI QUEEN Poltroncina/Armchair Tavolino/Low Table 40

REGENCY Divano/Sofa 41

CHIAVARI Poltroncina/Armchair 43

SOHO Poltroncina/Armchair 44

VERRI Poltrona/Armchair 45

KING Tavolino/Low Table

BROOKLYN Divano/Sofa 47

Storage Units 52 Manager 54 Ground 57 Bogart 61 Imperial 63 Kennedy 65 Havana 67 Grand Central 68 Central 71 Madison 72 Athena 73 Big Truman 75 Slice


inee pulite esaltano la raffinatezza che solo la purezza del legno può donare. Forme essenziali

che hanno la capacità di trasmettere armonia, l’ar te della tradizione accoglie la semplicità dei nostri giorni. Clean lines enhance the refinement that only the naturalness of wood gives. Essential shapes convey a sense of harmony and the art of tradition welcomes semplicity.


ones sinking like stones All that we’ve fought for

All these places we’ve grown All of us are done for And we live in a beautiful world Yeah we do, yeah we do We live in a beautiful world

MANAGER Contenitore/Cabinet 51

MANAGER Contenitore/Cabinet 52

GROUND Contenitore/Cabinet 54

BOGART Mobile Bar/Bar Cabinet 57


nd we live in a beautiful world Yeah we do, yeah we do

We live in a beautiful world Oh all that I know There’s nothing here to run from ‘Cos yeah, everybody here’s got somebody to lean on

IMPERIAL Credenza/Sideboard 61

KENNEDY Credenza/Sideboard 63

HAVANA Credenza/Sideboard 65


nd we live in a beautiful world Yeah we do, yeah we do

We live in a beautiful world Oh all that I know There’s nothing here to run from ‘Cos yeah, everybody here’s got somebody to lean on

GRAND CENTRAL Credenza/Sideboard 67

CENTRAL Contenitore/Cabinet 68

MADISON Vetrina/Display Cabinet 71

ATHENA Vetrina/Display Cabinet 72

BIG TRUMAN Libreria/Bookcase 73

SLICE Vetrina/Display Cabinet

SLICE Vetrina/Display Cabinet 75

Day 79 Royal 81 Cannes 84 Antibes 85 Tribeca 87 Spiga 91 Baltic 93 Santos 95 Union 97 Isola 99 Washington 103 Newman 105 Victura 106 Petrus 107 Lafite 109 Big King 110 Big Queen 112 King 113 Queen 114 Square - Tris 115 James 116 John 117 Harris


’attenzione al dettaglio, lo studio di nuove forme, la creatività del presente, reinterpretano la familiarità ed

il carattere dei materiali nobili. Interpretazione stilistica di nuove concezioni. Care of details, the study of new forms, present creativity, reinterpret the familiarity and quality of noble materials. Stylistic interpretation of new concepts.

IMPERIAL Credenza/Sideboard

CANNES Sedia/Chair

ROYAL Tavolo/Table 79

ROYAL Tavolo/Table

CANNES Sedia/Chair 81


i g h t s w i l l g u i d e yo u h o m e a n d i g n i t e yo u r b o n e s

A n d I w i l l t r y t o f i x yo u H i g h u p a b ove o r d o w n b e l o w w h e n yo u ’r e t o o i n l ove t o l e t i t g o b u t I f yo u n e ve r t r y yo u ’ l l n e ve r k n o w J u s t w h a t yo u r wo r t h

ANTIBES Sedia/Chair 84

TRIBECA Tavolo tondo/round Table 85

SPIGA Poltroncina/Armchair 86

SPIGA Sedia/Chair 87

SPIGA Poltroncina/Armchair

CUBE Pouff/Pouf

QUEEN Tavolino/Low Table

TRIBECA Tavolo ovale/oval Table 89

Baltic Poltroncina/Armchair 90

Baltic Sedia/Chair 91

UNION Sedia/Chair

SANTOS Tavolo/Table

GRAND CENTRAL Credenza/Sideboard 93

UNION Poltroncina/Armchair 95

WASHINGTON Poltroncina/Armchair


ISOLA Tavolo/Table 97

WASHINGTON Poltroncina/Armchair 98

WASHINGTON Sedia/Chair 99


i g h t s w i l l g u i d e yo u h o m e a n d i g n i t e yo u r b o n e s

A n d I w i l l t r y t o f i x yo u Te a r s s t r e a m i n g d o w n yo u r f a c e W h e n yo u l o s e s o m e t h i n g yo u c a n n o t r e p l a c e Te a r s s t r e a m i n g d o w n yo u r f a c e a n d I

NEWMAN Consolle/Console 103


ears streaming down your face I promise you I will learn from my mistakes

Tears stream down your face and I Lights will guide you home And ignite your bones And I will try to fix you

VICTURA Consolle/Console 105

PETRUS Tavolino/Coffee Table 106

LAFITE Tavolino/Low Table 107


ow long before I get in before it starts, before I begin

how long before you decide before I know what it feels like where to? Where do I go? if you’ve never tried then you’ll never know how long do I have to climb up on the side of this mountain of mine

BIG KING Tavolino/Coffee Table 109

BIG QUEEN Tavolino/Coffee Table 110

KING Tavolino/Low Table 112

QUEEN Tavolino/Low Table 113

SQUARE Tavolino/Low Table

TRIS Tavolini/Nested Table 114

JAMES Tavolino/Low Table 115

JOHN Tavolino/Coffee Table 116

HARRIS Tavolino/Coffee Table 117

Office 121 Chairman 127 Wallstreet 129 Stripe Class 131 Big Truman 135 Cervantes 136 Big Chic 137 Chic 139 Truman 141 Trim 143 Vip


ome la vita stessa, spazi abitativi sono in uno stato costante di cambiamento. Medea è lieta di presentare

una nuova selezione di mobili solo per l’ufficio - soluzioni di design che possono cambiare e crescere con voi, mantenendo uno stile elegante e di charme. Living spaces change as fast as life. Medea is pleased to introduce a new selection of furniture only for bureau – design solutions that may change and grow up with you, maintaing at the same time elegance and charm.

BIG TRUMAN Libreria/Bookcase

chic BIG chic Poltroncina/Armchair Poltroncina/Armchair

CHAIRMAN Scrivania/Desk 121

CHAIRMAN Scrivania/Desk 123


ook up, I look up at night planets are moving at the speed of light

climb up, up in the trees ever y chance that you get is a chance you seize how long am I gonna can stand with my head stuck under the sand I’ll star t before I can stop before I see thing the right way up

CHAIRMAN Scrivania/Desk 125

BIG TRUMAN Libreria/Bookcase

STRIPE CLASS Poltroncina/Armchair

WALL STREET Scrivania/Desk 127

WALLSTREET Scrivania/Desk

BIG TRUMAN Libreria/Bookcase

STRIPE CLASS Poltroncina/Armchair 129

BIG TRUMAN Libreria/Bookcase 131


ll that noise, all that sound a l l t h o s e p l a c e s I g o t fo u n d

and birds go flying at the speed of sound to show how it all began b i r d s c a m e f l y i n g f r o m t h e u n d e rg r o u n d i f yo u c o u l d s e e i t t h e n yo u ’d u n d e r s t a n d

CERVANTES Scrivania/Desk 135

BIG CHIC Poltroncina/Armchair 136

cHic Poltroncina/Armchair 137


deas that you’ll never find or the inventors could never design

the buildings that you put up Japan and China... all lit up the sign that I couldn’t read or the light that I couldn’t see some things you have to believe but others are puzzles, puzzling me

TRUMAN Libreria/Bookcase

SPIGA Class Poltroncina/Armchair 139

CERVANTES Scrivania/Desk

TRIM Scrivania/Desk 141

VIP CHIC Scrittoio/Desk Poltroncina/Armchair 143

Night 147 Margot 151 Taylor 154 Paravento 155 Marylin 157 Dream 158 Narciso 159 Bellissima 162 Sibilla 163 Manhattan 164 Milano 169 Manhattan 171 Shell 175 Uni 177 Hollywood 178 Hollywood









volumi e forme geometriche. Il superfluo dĂ spazio

all’essenziale equilibrato da superfici morbide. Il piacere della comodità ed il gusto di elementi armoniosi, reinterpretano una nuova concezione di indossare uno stile capace di trasmettere forti emozioni. Memories hide away, emotions play with materials and geometric forms. Surplus gives room to basics, in harmony with soft surfaces. The pleasure of comfort and taste for harmonious elements, reinterpret a new style able to transmit strong emotions.

JAMES Tavolino/Night Table

VERRI Poltrona/Armchair

MARGOT Letto/Bed 147

MARGOT Letto/Bed whit footboard 149

JAMES Tavolino/Low Table

TAYLOR Letto/Bed 151

TAYLOR Letto/Bed 153

CUBE Pouff/Pouf

PARAVENTO Paravento/Screen 154

MARYLIN Toilette/Toilette

MARYLIN Toilette/Toilette 155

Dream Letto/Bed 157

NARCISO Specchio/Mirror 158

CUBE Pouf/Pouf

BELLISSIMA Toilette/Toilette 159


ll that noise, all that sound a l l t h o s e p l a c e s I g o t fo u n d

and birds go flying at the speed of sound to show how it all began b i r d s c a m e f l y i n g f r o m t h e u n d e rg r o u n d i f yo u c o u l d s e e i t t h e n yo u ’d u n d e r s t a n d

MILANO Comodino/Bedside Table

Sibilla Specchio/Mirror 162

MILANO Comò/Chest of Drawers

MANHATTAN Letto/Bed 163

MILANO Comò/Chest of Drawers 164


all those signs I knew what they meant something you can’t invent

Some get made, and some get sent, ooh words go flying at the speed of sound to show how it all began birds came flying from the underground if you could see it then you’d understand oh, when you see it then you’ll understand

MANHATTAN Letto/Bed 167

MANHATTAN Comodino/Bedside Table 168

MANHATTAN Comò/Chest of drawers 169

SHELL Letto/Bed

QUEEN Tavolino/Bedside Table 171


o w I n e ve r m e a n t t o d o yo u w r o n g t h a t ’s w h a t I c a m e h e r e t o s ay

b u t i f I wa s w r o n g , t h e n I ’ m s o r r y I d o n ’ t l e t i t s t a n d i n o u r way

UNI Comodino/Bedside Table 174

UNI Comò/Chest of Drawers 175


ecos my head just aches when I think of

t h e t h i n g s t h a t I s h o u l d n ’ t h ave d o n e b u t l i fe i s fo r l i v i n g , we a l l k n o w a n d I d o n t wa n n a l i ve i t a l o n e sing ah, sing ah a n d yo u s i n g a h

HOLLYWOOD Letto/Bed 177

HOLLYWOOD HOLLYWOOD Comodino/Bedside Table Comò/Chest of Drawers 178


World of Wood La provenienza del legno Where wood comes from


l legno tranciato è ricavato dalla sezionatura dei tronchi degli alberi. Le piantagioni rispettano le norme mondiali per

il disboscamento e i tronchi sono soggetti a stagionatura a più cicli per una maggiore resistenza delle fibre. O ur timber is obtained by tree trunks section. The plantations respect the worldwide standards relating to deforestation and wood undergoes several seasoning cycles in order to have greater resistance.

La manualità Crafting the wood


e procedure per la lavorazione del legno seguono le antiche tradizioni di falegnameria e i segreti delle maestranze da

oltre 50 anni. Le lastre di tranciato sono sempre accompagnate per una maggiore uniformità di vena. Tutte le fodere delle sedute sono dotate di rinforzi in nylon e cordoncino di ribattitura. Wood working procedures have been following the ancient traditions of cabinet making and the secrets of skilled craftmanship for more than 50 years. The panels are always matched to give greater uniformity to the grain pattern. All the fabric covers of the chairs are re-enforced in nylon and have strengthened seams.

Living 5536 BOND Design Umberto Asnago

Pag. 25

Divano con basamento in legno massello. Rivestimento in tessuto o pelle.

Sofa with solid wood basement. Covered with fabric or leather.

Dimensions L240 D110 H85cm 2 Seats L300 D110 H85cm 3 Seats

5536 BOND ELITE Design Umberto Asnago

Pag. 31

Divano con basamento in legno massello. Rivestimento in tessuto o pelle.

Sofa with solid wood basement. Covered with fabric or leather.

Dimensions L240 D110 H85cm 2 Seats L300 D110 H85cm 3 Seats

5535 BOND Design Umberto Asnago

Pag. 29

Poltrona con basamento in legno massello. Rivestimento in tessuto o pelle.

Armchair with solid wood basement. Covered with fabric or leather.

Dimensions L102 D110 H85cm

5565 BRERA Design Studio Tecnico

Pag. 13

Poltrona con struttura in legno massello. Rivestimento in tessuto o pelle. Dimensions L85 D80 H115cm

Bergere with structure in solid wood. Covered with fabric or leather.

5563 MINI BRERA Design Studio Tecnico

Pag. 15

Poltrona con struttura in legno massello. Rivestimento in tessuto o pelle.

armchair with structure in solid wood. Covered with fabric or leather.

Dimensions L85 D86 H84cm

5566 MAXI BRERA Design Studio Tecnico

Pag. 14

Poltrona con struttura in legno massello. Rivestimento in tessuto o pelle.

armchair with structure in solid wood. Covered with fabric or leather.

Dimensions L140 D80 H115cm

5573 BROOKLYN Design Studio Tecnico

Pag. 47

Divano 3 posti con struttura in legno massello. Rivestimento in tessuto o pelle.

3 seat sofa with legs in solid wood. Covered with fabric or leather.

Dimensions L215 D98 H100cm

5588 CINDY Design Umberto Asnago

Pag. 23

Poltrona con base in legno massello. Rivestimento in tessuto o pelle.

Bergere with solid wood structure. Covered with fabric or leather.

Dimensions L77 D77 H94cm 5589 CINDY Design Umberto Asnago

Pag. 23

Pouff con base in legno massello. Rivestimento in tessuto o pelle.

Pouff with solid wood structure. Covered with fabric or leather.

Dimensions L65 D48 H40cm 5524 CAPITONE Design Studio Tecnico

Pag. 39

Pouf capitonnè rivestito con tessuto o pelle. Base in essenza. Dimensions L120 D120 H40cm L60 D60 H40cm

Pouf capitonnè finished, covered with fabric or leather. Wood base.

5550 CUBE Design Studio Tecnico Pag. 34/158 Pouf rivestito con tessuto o pelle.

Pouf covered with fabric or leather.

Dimensions L40 D40 H45cm

5534 JACQUELINE XL Design Alessandro La Spada e Samuele Mazza

Pag. 35

Divano con piedi in legno massello. Rivestimento in tessuto o pelle. Dimensions L250 L250 L200 L100

D140 D100 D100 D100

Sofa with feet in solid wood. Covered with fabric or leather.

H100cm 3 Seats H100cm 3 Seats H100cm 2 Seats H96cm Armchair

5590 MARGOT Design Studio Tecnico

Pag. 9

Poltrona con struttura in legno massello. Rivestimento in tessuto o pelle capitonnè.

Loveseat with solid wood structure. Covered with fabric or leather in capitonnè finish.

Dimensions L130 D100 H85cm

5591 MARGOT Design Studio Tecnico

Pag. 11

Dormeuse con struttura in legno massello. Rivestimento in tessuto o pelle capitonnè.

Dormeuse with solid wood structure. Covered with fabric or leather in capitonnè finish.

Dimensions L200 D100 H85cm

5592 MARGOT Design Studio Tecnico

Pag. 7

Divano 3 posti con basamento in legno massello. Rivestimento in tessuto o pelle capitonnè. Dimensions L256 D104 H85cm 3 Seats

3 seat sofa with solid wood basement. Covered with fabric or leather in capitonnè finish.

5631 NEW CHESTER Design Umberto Asnago Poltoncina con basamento in legno massello. Rivestimento in tessuto o pelle trapuntata.

Armchair with solid wood basement. Covered with fabric or quilted leather.

Dimensions L93 D102 H70cm

5633 NEW CHESTER Design Umberto Asnago Pag. 19 Divano con basamento in legno massello. Rivestimento in tessuto o pelle trapuntata.

Sofa with solid wood basement. Covered with fabric or quilted leather.

Dimensions L242 D102 H70cm 3 Seats L172 D102 H70cm 2 Seats

5593 REGENCY Design Euro Sironi

Pag. 41

Divano 3 posti con basamento in metallo. Rivestimento in tessuto o pelle.

3 sofa seat with metal basement. Covered with fabric and leather.

Dimensions L255 D115 H87cm 3 Seats L109 D107 H43cm Pouff

5570 VERRI Design Studio Tecnico

Pag. 45

Poltoncina con struttura in legno massello. Rivestimento in tessuto o pelle. Braccioli in legno massello.

Armchair with structure in solid wood. Covered with fabric or leather. Arms in solid wood.

Dimensions L77 D77 H82cm

5540 WAVE Design Alessandro La Spada e Samuele Mazza

Pag. 17

Bergere con piedi in legno massello. Rivestimento in tessuto o pelle. Dimensions L105 D110 H100cm

Bergere with feet in solid wood. Covered with fabric or leather.

Storage Units 5233 ATHENA Design Alessandro La Spada e Samuele Mazza

Pag. 72

Vetrina in essenza con lavorazione a folding. Anta in cristallo molato con cornice in legno. Ripiani in legno. Schienale in specchio.

Display cabinet in “folded” wood. Door with grinded cristal and wood frame. Wooden shelves. Back in mirror.

Dimensions L70 D45 H179cm

5238 Bogart Design Umberto Asnago

Pag. 57

Mobile bar in legno e dettagli in cuoio. Gambe in metallo.

Bar cabinet with wooden structure and rawhide leather details. Legs in metal.

Dimensions L80 D50 H155cm

5005 CENTRAL Design Studio Tecnico

Pag. 68

Mobile contenitore con cassetti, ante frontali e laterali. Struttura in essenza con lavorazione a folding. Basamento e maniglie in metallo.

Bar cabinet with drawers, frontal and lateral doors. “Folded” wood structure. Metal handles and basement.

Dimensions L130 D27 H125cm

5007 GRAN CENTRAL Design Studio Tecnico

Pag. 67

Credenza con 4 ante e 2 cassetti interni, top 6 cassetti con maniglie. Struttura in essenza con lavorazione a folding. Basamento e maniglie in metallo Dimensions L225 D57 H89cm

Sideboard with 4 doors and 2 internal drawers. Top with 6 drawers with handles. “Folded” wood structure. Metal handles and basement.

5056 GROUND Design D. Lo Scalzo Moschieri

Pag. 54

Mobile contenitore con struttura in essenza lavorato a folding. Base in metallo. Ripiani interni in legno e ante battenti rivestite in cuoio.

Cabinet with wooden structure and “folded” wood details. Metal basement. Wooden shelves and 4 doors covered in rawhide leather.

Dimensions L125 D55 H137cm

5236 IMPERIAL Design Umberto Asnago

Pag. 61

Credenza in essenza con dettagli in cuoio. 4 cassetti e 4 ante. Base e maniglie in metallo.

Sideboard in “folded” wood with 4 drawers and 4 doors. Metal basement and handles.

Dimensions L240 D55 H91cm

5054 HAVANA Design D.Lo Scalzo Moscheri

Pag. 65

Madia con 3 cassettoni e ribalte portaoggetti in essenza con lavorazione a folding. Base in metallo.

Sideboard with 3 drawers and tip-down trays in “folded” wood. Metal basement.

Dimensions L192 D55 H76cm

5230 KENNEDY Design Design Alessandro La Spada e Samuele Mazza

Pag. 63

Credenza in essenza lavorata a folding, con 4 cassetti e 4 ante battenti. Dettagli e maniglie in metallo.

Sideboard in “folded” wood with 4 drawers and 4 doors. Metal details and handles.

Dimensions L200 D50 H83cm

5234 MADISON Design Studio Tecnico

Pag. 71

Vetrina in essenza con lavorazione a folding 6 ante in cristallo. Base in metallo. Dimensions L254 D49 H110cm

Cabinet in “folded” wood with 6 crystal doors. Metal basement.

5009 MANAGER Design Umberto Asnago

Pag. 52

Mobile contenitore con 8 cassetti, 2 ante e 1 anta a ribalta. Dettagli in cuoio. Base e maniglie in metallo.

Cabinet with 8 drawers, 2 doors and 1 flap door. Rawhide leather details. Metal base and handles.

Dimensions L80 D54 H153cm

5026 SLICE Design Matteo Nunziati

Pag. 75

Mobile vetrina con struttura in essenza realizzata in folding. Vetrina con anta a battente in cristallo fumè. Ripiani interni in cristallo trasparente. Vano laterale anta con apertura in essenza. Ripiani interni in essenza.

Display cabinet with structure in foldedwood. Display case with smoked glass door. Interior shelves in clear glass. Side compartment with doors in wood. Interior shelves in wood.

Dimensions L82 D42 H190cm

5232 TRUMAN Design Alessandro La Spada e Samuele Mazza Pag. 139 Elemento libreria in essenza lavorata a folding con anta e ripiani fissi.

Bookcase in folded wood, with doors and fixed shelves.

Dimensions L46 P46 H235cm

5235 BIG TRUMAN Design Studio Tecnico Pag. 131 Libreria in essenza con dettagli in cuoio. 2 ante, 2 cassetti e ripiani fissi. Dimensions L100 D47 H237cm

Bookcase palisander wood and rawhide leather details. 2 doors, 2 drawers and fixed shelves.

Day 5069 NEWMAN Design Studio Tecnico Pag. 103 Consolle con 4 cassetti. Struttura in essenza con lavorazione in folding.

Console table with 4 drawers. Folded wood structure

Dimensions L160 D40 H85cm

5160 VICTURA Design Alessandro La Spada e Samuele Mazza Pag. 105 Consolle con piano in essenza lavorato a folding. Basamento in acciaio cromato.

Console table with top in folded wood and chrome-plated steel base.

Dimensions L180 D40 H76cm

5102 HARRIS Design D. Lo Scalzo Moschieri Pag. 117 Tavolino in essenza con gambe in metallo. Piano con lavorazione a folding.

Coffee table with “folded” wood top. Metal legs.

Dimensions L100 D100 H32cm

5221 JAMES Design Umberto Asnago Pag. 115 Tavolino rotondo in palissandro e inserti in cuoio su top, cassetto e base. Base metallo. Dimensions Ø46 H56cm

Round side table in palisander wood with rawhide leather inserts on top drawer and base. Black metal.

5106 JOHN Design Studio Tecnico Pag. 116 Tavolino in essenza con lavorazione a folding. Piedi in metallo.

Small table in “folded” wood. Legs in metal.

Dimensions L140 D70 H16cm

5105 KING Design Alessandro La Spada e Samuele Mazza Pag. 112 Tavolino quadrato con piano in essenza e basamento in metallo.

Square low table with wooden top and metal basement.

Dimensions L65 D60 H60cm

5146 BIG KING Design Alessandro La Spada e Samuele Mazza Pag. 109 Tavolino quadrato o rettangolare con piano in essenza e basamento in metallo.

Rectangular or square coffee table with wooden top and metal basement.

Dimensions L134 D64 H35cm (Top 130x60) Dimensions L124 D124 H35cm (Top 120x120) Dimensions L104 D104 H35cm (Top 100x100)

5157 LAFITE Design Umberto Asnago Pag. 107 Tavolino rotondo con top in vetro nero. Struttura in essenza rivestita in pelle trapuntata.

Round low table with black glass top. Structure in wood covered with quilted leather.

Dimensions Ø60 H65cm

5156 PETRUS Design Umberto Asnago Pag. 106 Tavolino rotondo con top in vetro nero. Struttura in essenza rivestita in pelle trapuntata. Dimensions Ø120 H38cm

Round coffee table with black glass top. Structure in wood covered with quilted leather.

5104 QUEEN Design Alessandro La Spada e Samuele Mazza Pag. 113/171 Tavolino rotondo con piano in essenza e basamento in metallo.

Round low table with wooden top and metal basement.

Dimensions Ø60 H60cm

5147 BIG QUEEN Design Studio Tecnico Pag. 110 Tavolino da caffè tondo con piano in essenza e basamento in metallo.

Round caffee table with wooden top and metal basement.

Dimensions Ø120 H35cm Ø100 H35cm

5123 SQuAre Design Studio Tecnico Pag. 114 Tavolino con piano in essenza e basamento in metallo.

Low table with wooden top and metal basement.

Dimensions L45 D45 H50cm

5103 TRIS Design D.Lo Scalzo Moscheri Pag. 114 Tavolini sovrapponibili in essenza realizzati a folding. Impiallacciatura incrociata. Dimensions L45 D45 H52cm

Nested occasional tables in wood. Crossbanded veneer.

5000 SANTOS Design Matteo Nunziati

Pag. 93

Tavolo con in essenza realizzato con lavorazione folding. Gambe in metallo.

Table in “folded” wood. Metal legs.

Dimensions L220 D100 H76cm

5001 ROYAL Design Umberto Asnago

Pag. 79

Tavolo rettangolare o quadrato in essenza. Basi in legno.

Rectangular or square table in “folded” wood. Bases in wood.

Dimensions L260 D120 H76cm L350 D150 H76cm L160 D160 H76cm

5057 ISOLA Design D.Lo Scalzo Moscheri

Pag. 97

Tavolo rettangolare o quadrato in essenza. Piano di forte spessore realizzato a folding e base con fascia in metallo.

Rectangular or square table in “folded” wood. Central base in wood and crome-plated trips. Thick top in folded wood.

Dimensions L240 D95 H77cm Rectangular L130 D130 H77cm Square

5096 TRIBECA Design Euro Sironi

Pag. 85

Tavolo rotondo o ovale in essenza. Gambe in legno massello. Dimensions Ø170 H76cm Round Dimensions L250 P120 H76cm Oval

Round or oval table in “folded” wood. Solid wood legs.

5600 ANTIBES Design Studio Tecnico

Pag. 84

Sedia con gambe in legno massello. Seduta e schienale imbottiti. Rivestimento in tessuto o pelle trapuntata.

Chair with legs in solid wood. Seat and back upholstered. Covered with quilted fabric or leather.

Dimensions L50 D55 H90cm Seat height 45cm

5520 BALTIC Design D. Lo Scalzo Moschieri

Pag. 91

Sedia con struttura in legno massello. Seduta e schienale imbottiti. Rivestimento in tessuto o pelle.

Chair with structure in solid wood. Seat and back upholstered. Covered with leather or fabric.

Dimensions L47 P53 H78cm Seat height 47cm

5521 BALTIC Design D. Lo Scalzo Moschieri

Pag. 90

Poltroncina con struttura in legno massello. Seduta e schienale imbottiti. Rivestimento in tessuto o pelle.

Small armchair with structure in solid wood. Seat and back upholstered. Covered with fabric or leather.

Dimensions L51 P53 H78cm Seat height 45cm Arms H64cm

5603 CANNES Design Umberto Asnago

Pag. 81

Sedia con gambe in legno massello. Seduta e schienale imbottiti. Rivestimento in tessuto o pelle trapuntata.

Chair with legs in solid wood. Seat and back upholstered. Covered with quilted fabric or leather.

Dimensions L57 D57 H80cm Seat height 46cm

5560 CHIAVARI Design Studio Tecnico

Pag. 43

Poltroncina con struttura in legno massello. Seduta imbottita. Rivestimento in tessuto o pelle. Dimensions L55 D54 H87cm Seat height 49cm

Armchair with structure in solid wood. Seat upholstered. Covered with fabric or leather.

5505 SPIGA Design Studio Sigla

Pag. 87

Sedia con gambe in legno massello. Seduta e schienale imbottiti. Rivestimento in tessuto o pelle trapuntata.

Chair with legs in solid wood. Seat and back upholstered. Covered with quilted fabric or leather.

Dimensions L46 D53 H82cm Seat height 48cm

5506 SPIGA Design Studio Sigla

Pag. 86

Poltroncina con gambe e braccioli in legno massello. Seduta e schienale imbottiti. Rivestimento in tessuto o pelle trapuntata.

Small armchair with legs and arms in solid wood. Seat and back upholstered. Covered with quilted fabric or leather.

Dimensions L54 D53 H82cm Seat height 48cm Arms H64cm

5526 SPIGA CLASS Design Studio Sigla Sedia con gambe in legno massello. Seduta e schienale imbottiti. Rivestimento in tessuto o pelle trapuntata.

Chair with legs in solid wood. Seat and back upholstered. Covered with quilted fabric or leather.

Dimensions L46 D60 H98cm Seat height 48cm

5527 SPIGA CLASS Design Studio Sigla Pag. 139 Poltroncina con gambe e braccioli in legno massello. Seduta e schienale imbottiti. Rivestimento in tessuto o pelle trapuntata.

Small armchair with legs and arms in solid wood. Seat and back upholstered. Covered with quilted fabric or leather.

Dimensions L55 D60 H98cm Seat height 48cm Arms H63cm

5561 SOHO Design Studio Tecnico

Pag. 44

Poltroncina con gambe e braccioli in legno massello. Seduta e schienale imbottiti. Rivestimento in tessuto o pelle. Dimensions L58 P60 H82cm Seat height 49cm Arms H70cm

Small armchair with legs and arms in solid wood. Seat and back upholstered. Covered with fabric or leather.

5529 UNION Design Euro Sironi

Pag. 92

Sedia con struttura in legno massello. Seduta e schienale imbottiti. Rivestimento in tessuto o pelle.

Chair with structure in solid wood. Seat and back upholstered. Covered with fabric or leather.

Dimensions L56 D58 H106cm Seat height 50cm

5530 UNION Design Euro Sironi

Pag. 95

Poltroncina con struttura in legno massello. Seduta, schienale e braccioli imbottiti. Rivestimento in tessuto o pelle.

Armchair with solid wood structure. Seat, arms and back upholstered. Covered with fabric or leather.

Dimensions L56 D58 H106cm Seat height 50cm Arms H71cm

5574 WASHINGTON Design Alessandro La Spada e Samuele Mazza

Pag. 99

Sedia con struttura in legno massello. Seduta e schienale imbottiti. Rivestimento in tessuto o pelle.

Chair with solid wood structure. Seat, and back upholstered. Covered with fabric or leather.

Dimensions L50 D56 H95cm Seat height 50cm

5575 WASHINGTON Design Alessandro La Spada e Samuele Mazza

Pag. 98

Poltroncina con struttura in legno massello. Seduta, schienale e braccioli imbottiti. Rivestimento in tessuto o pelle. Dimensions L57 D56 H95cm Seat height 50cm Arms H68cm

Armchair with solid wood structure. Seat, and back upholstered. Covered with fabric or leather.

Office 5077 CERVANTES Design Matteo Nunziati Pag. 135 Scrittoio in essenza con lavorazione a folding. Piano con inserto centrale in pelle e porta penne in legno.Cassettiera 4 cassetti e anta con ripiano interno in essenza.

Writing desk in “folded” wood structure. Top with central leather insert and pen trays. 4 drawers and 1 door with wooden shelf.

Dimensions L180 D80 H77cm

5125 CHAIRMAN Design Umberto Asnago Pag. 121 Scrivania con lavorazione a folding. Piano con inserto in cuoio. 2 Cassettiere 4 cassetti con frontali in cuoio.

Writing desk in “folded” wood structure. Top with rawhide leather insert, 2 chests of drawers with rawhide leather details.

Dimensions L250 D100 H79cm

5027 TRIM Design Matteo Nunziati Pag. 141 Scrittoio in essenza con lavorazione a folding. Cassetti estraibili con vassoi portapenne. Ribalte soprapiano in essenza.

Writing desk with “Folded” wood sructure. Pullout drawers and wooden pen trays. Top in wood with 2 lift-up trays.

Dimensions L145 D72 H77cm

5124 VIP Design Umberto Asnago Pag. 143 Scrittoio con 1 cassetto e 5 scomparti. Soprapiano dettagli in cuoio. Base in metallo. Dimensions L120 D65 H88cm

Writing desk with 1 drawer and upper top with 5 compartments. Rawhide leather details. Base in metal.

5079 WALL STREET Design Alessandro La Spada e Samuele Mazza Pag. 127 Scrittoio in essenza con lavorazione a folding, Cassettiera separata con 2 cassetti. Gambe in metallo.

Writing desk in “folded� wood. Separate filing cabinet with 2 drawers Metal legs.

Dimensions L185 D85 H76cm Writing desk L60 D45 H64cm Filing cabinet

5604 CHIC Design Umberto Asnago Pag. 137 Poltroncina girevole con base in legno massello. Seduta e schienale imbottiti. Rivestimento in tessuto o pelle.

Swivel armchair with solid wood base. Seat and back upholstered. Covered with quilted fabric or leather.

Dimensions L57 P57 H80cm Seat height 46cm

5602 BIG CHIC Design Umberto Asnago Pag. 136 Poltroncina girevole con base in metallo. Seduta e schienale imbottiti. Rivestimento in tessuto o pelle trapuntata.

Swivel armchair with metal base. Seat and back upholstered. Covered with quilted fabric or leather.

Dimensions L65 P75 H116cm Seat height 50cm Arms H70cm

5625 STRIPE CLASS Design Studio Tecnico Pag. 129 Poltroncina girevole con base in metallo. Seduta e schienale imbottiti. Rivestimento in tessuto o pelle.

Armchair with metal swivel base and arms solid wood. Seat and back upholstered. Covered with quilted fabric or leather.

Dimensions L55 D60 H98cm Seat height 48cm Arms H69cm

5212 PARAVENTO Design Studio Tecnico Pag. 154 Paravento rivestito in tessuto o pelle trapuntata. Dimensions L150 D3 H160cm

Quilted screen covered in fabric or leather.

Night 5225 DREAM Design Umberto Asnago

Pag. 157

Letto imbottito con testata trapuntata. Rivestimento in tessuto o pelle. Basamento in legno.

Upholstered bed with quilted headboard. Covered with fabric or leather. Wooden basement.

Dimensions L330 D215 H127cm

5250 HOLLYWOOD Design Alessandro La Spada e Samuele Mazza Pag. 177 Letto a baldacchino con struttura in metallo. Rivestimento in tessuto o pelle.

Canopy bed enterely covered with fabric or leather, metal structure.

Dimensions L210 D230 H210cm

5085 MANHATTAN Design Euro Sironi Pag. 163 Letto imbottito disponibile con o senza pediera. Rivestimento in tessuto o pelle Base in metallo.

Upholstered bed available with or without footboard. Covered with fabric or leather. Metal base.

Dimensions L185 D250 H128 with footboard Dimensions L185 D240 H128 without footboard

5220 MARGOT Design Studio Tecnico Pag. 147 Letto con testata capitonnè disponibile con o senza pediera. Struttura in legno massello. Rivestimento in tessuto o pelle. Basamento in legno.

Capitonnè bed available with or without footboard. Solid wood structure covered with fabric or leather. Wooden base.

Dimensions L216 D223 H130cm with footboard Dimensions L216 D223 H130cm without footboard

5200 SHELL Design Alessandro La Spada e Samuele Mazza Pag. 171 Letto imbottito in tessuto o pelle. Piedi in legno massello.

Upholstered bed with solid wood legs. Covered with fabric or leather.

Dimensions L212 D233 H99cm

5205 TAYLOR Design Leonardo Dainelli Pag. 151 Letto imbottito con testata trapuntata in tessuto o pelle. Rivestimento in tessuto o pelle Basamento in legno.

Upholstered bed with quilted headboard. Covered with fabric or leather. Wooden basement.

Dimensions L224 D244 H99cm

5109 NARCISO Studio Tecnico Pag. 158 Specchio con cornice in essenza lavorata a folding.

Mirror with frame in “folded� wood.

Dimensions L80 D6 H180cm

5108 SIBILLA Studio Tecnico Pag. 162 Specchio con cornice rivestita in pelle. Dimensions L70 D5 H140cm

Mirror with leather frame.

5252 HOLLYWOOD Design Alessandro La Spada e Samuele Mazza Pag. 177 Comodino in essenza lavorato a folding. Dettagli in metallo.

Bedside table in “folded” wood. Metal details.

Dimensions L60 D40 H54cm

5254 HOLLYWOOD Design Alessandro La Spada e Samuele Mazza

Pag. 178

Comò in essenza lavorato a folding. Dettagli in metallo.

Chest of drawers in “folded” wood. Metal details.

Dimensions L120 D55 H82cm

5086 MANHATTAN Design Studio Tecnico Pag. 168 Comodino in essenza lavorato a folding. 2 cassetti frontali ed 1 sul top. Base e maniglie in metallo.

Bedside table in “folded” wood structure. 2 frontal drawers and 1 on the top. Metal base and handles.

Dimensions L60 D47 H65cm

5087 MANHATTAN Design Studio Tecnico Pag. 169 Comò in essenza lavorato a folding. 4 cassetti frontali e 3 sul top. Base e maniglie in metallo.

Chest of drawers with structure in “folded” wood. 4 frontal drawers and three on the top. Metal base and handles.

Dimensions L130 D57 H89cm

5256 MILANO Design Alessandro La Spada e Samuele Mazza Pag. 162 Comodino in essenza lavorato a folding, piano e spalle in specchio con 2 cassetti. Base e maniglie in metallo. Dimensions L60 D42 H45cm

Bedside table in “folded” wood with mirror top and sides. Metal base and handles.

5257 MILANO Design Alessandro La Spada e Samuele Mazza Pag. 164 Comò in essenza lavorato a folding, piano e spalle in specchio. 1 anta e 4 cassetti. Base e maniglie in metallo.

Chest of drawers in “folded” wood with mirror top and sides. 1 door and 4 drawers. Metal base and handles.

Dimensions L140 D52 H87cm

5091 UNI Design D.Lo Scalzo Moschieri Pag. 174 Comodino in essenza lavorato a folding. Frontale lavorato a folding. 1 cassetto con cassettino interno.

Bedside table with structure in “folded” wood. 1 drawer with smaller internal drawer.

Dimensions L60 D45 H 45cm

5092 UNI Design D.Lo Scalzo Moscheri Pag. 175 Comò in essenza lavorato a folding. Frontali lavorati a folding. 2 cassetti e cassettino interno.

Chest of drawers with structure in “folded” wood. 2 Drawers and 1 smaller internal drawer.

Dimensions L140 D60 H80cm

5126 BELLISSIMA Design Umberto Asnago Pag. 159 Toilette con 3 cassetti, 4 scomparti soprapiano e dettagli in cuoio. Base in metallo.

Dressing table with 3 drawers, upper top with 4 compartments with rawhide leather details. Metal base.

Dimensions L147 D56 H120cm

5127 MARYLIN Design Umberto Asnago Pag. 155 Toilette in essenza, piano con inserti in cuoio. 2 cassettiere con frontali in cuoio e specchio in appoggio. Dimensions L180 D60 H76cm

Dressing table with structure in wood and rawhide leather details. 2 chest of drawers and upper top with mirror.







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