Comenius project Listening to the voices of churches and mosques from Western to Eastern Europe
Mete Has Ilkogretim Okulu , Sanliurfa, TURKEY 2009-2011
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
1- *mosque [ mosk ] (plural mosques)(noun): Muslim house of worship.
2- *min·a·ret [ mìnnə rét ] (plural min·a·rets)(noun): a tall slender tower attached to a mosque, from which the muezzin calls the faithful to prayer.
3-*kib·lah [ kíbblə ]: the direction of Mecca that Muslims must face when praying
4-*mih·rab [ mi rəb ] (plural mih·rabs)(noun): A niche in the wall of a mosque or a room in the mosque that indicates the direction of Mecca where the kiblah is.
5-*min·bar [ ] (plural min·bars) or mim·bar [ ] (plural mim·bar (noun): a pulpit in a mosque from which the sermon is delivered. It takes the form of a domed box with a door at the top of a staircaseis reached through a doorway that can be closed.
6-*prayer hall [prâr(hôl ]:large room inside the mosques which is used for worship and rarely has furniture so as to allow as many worshipers as possible to line the room.
7-*preaching chair [prēchĭng châr](plural preaching chairs):the place where the imam(religious functionary) delivers sermon.
8-*dome [dōm] (plural domes)(noun): A vaulted roof having a circular base and a generally hemispherical or semispherical shape which helps to echo the prayers around the mosque.
9-*ab·lu·tion foun·tain [ə fównt'n ](plural ablution fountains): typically located in the center of a mosque's courtyard. It is where Muslims perform a ritual washing before entering the mosque for praying.
10-*Al·e·m [ àllə me ](noun):the crescent on top of a minaret that is used as religious symbols of islam.