Villefen Ray Sculptor
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Ray’s hobby of pumpkin sculpting was brought to an entirely new level in 2007 when he was contacted by High Noon Entertainment and asked to participate in the Food Network’s Challenge Show. Toys – Ray’s first “practice” sculpture actually became his first professional sculpture. The exposure of Ray’s style, talent and creativity amassed an all-new appreciation for pumpkin “carving”, and his artistic take on the traditional jack-olantern has granted him invitations from across the globe for VIP Galleries (Very Impressive Pumpkins). Sandsculpting — After seeing him compete on the first of the Food Network’s Pumpkin Challenge Shows, Ray was contacted by a professional sand sculpting company and invited to Jesolo, Italy.
Villefen Ray Kabaktan Heykeller Villefen Ray Kabaktan Heykeller
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Made by Lukas Kavaliauskas, Lithuania