GRD Journals | Global Research and Development Journal for Engineering | International Conference on Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICIET) - 2016 | July 2016
e-ISSN: 2455-5703
Partial Reconfiguration using FPGA – A Review 1M.
Jothi 2Dr. N. B. Balamurugan 3Dr. R. Harikumar 1 Department of Information Technology 2,3Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 1 K.L.N College of Engineering Pottapalayam, Sivagangai 630612, India 2Thiagarajar College Of Engineering, Madurai 3Bannari amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam Abstract This paper proposes a review on Partial reconfiguration using Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). By downloading configuration bit files Partial Dynamic Reconfiguration (PDR) dynamically modifies the hardware portion of the device. Both FPGA and reconfigurable are used to speed up the performance of various applications. This makes the FPGA to be used in new dimension with an advantage of more flexibility. Literature surveys on various reconfigurable computing techniques were performed with the results and discussions. A more suitable method can be selected based on the applications. A main contribution of this review paper is that it summarizes the current research, key enabling techniques, applications, Research issues and challenges in Partial reconfiguration. All these application are described with its basic block and its implementation. Keyword- Partial reconfiguration, FPGA, Static Reconfiguration, Dynamic Reconfiguration, Partial Dynamic Reconfiguration __________________________________________________________________________________________________
I. INTRODUCTION Reconfigurable computing plays an important role in this modern world. Select areas of an FPGA can be reconfigured any time after its initial configuration using Partial reconfiguration. Recent FPGA system allows the designer to update reconfigure only a specific part of FPGA internal structure. It has been used in various application like in the field of Hardware upgrades and remote area updates, Adaptive hardware algorithm, Run time Reconfiguration. Some important technical terms are Bit stream: Configuration data which can be downloaded into the device via the configuration port. Packet: Fragment of the complete bit stream sent to the device Configuration Memory: Processor memory dedicated for reconfiguration process. Dirty packets: Marked packets showing the changes made between last configuration and the present one. Only a single bit stream has been generated using FPGA regular synthesis. In contrast the PR flow physically divides the device in two regions. One is Static region which is the portion of the device is programmed at starting stages and never changes. In second method, the portion of the device will be reconfigured dynamically, potentially, multiple times and different designs. The two important benefits of Partial Dynamic Reconfiguration (PDR) on reconfigurable hardware. 1) The reconfigurable area can be exploited more efficiently with respect to the static design 2) Some portion of the application must change over time and react to changes in its environment. Partial Dynamic Reconfiguration (PDR) act as a middle point in the trade-off between speed of HW solutions and the flexibility of SW. PDR can be implemented using Xilinx & Altera tool.
II. RECONFIGURABLE COMPUTING A. Modular Reconfiguration using FPGA Sedcole et al. describes the reconfigurable computing using FPGA. Modular systems implemented on field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) can benefit from being able to load and unload modules at run-time, a concept that is of much interest in the research community. Although dynamic partial reconfiguration is possible in Virtex and Spartan series FPGAs, the configuration architecture of these devices is not amenable to modular reconfiguration, a limitation which has relegated research to theoretical or compromised resource allocation models. Two methods for implementing modular reconfiguration in Virtex FPGAs are compared and contrasted. The first method offers simplicity and fast reconfiguration times, but limits the geometry and connectivity of the system. The second method, developed recently, enables modules to be allocated arbitrary areas of the FPGA, bridging the gap between theory and reality and unlocking the latent potential of dynamic reconfiguration. The cost of this advancement is increased reconfiguration time.
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Partial Reconfiguration using FPGA – A Review (GRDJE / CONFERENCE / ICIET - 2016 / 023)
Fig. 1: Virtex-II configuration architecture
The second method had been demonstrated in three applications, including the first reported implementation of modular reconfiguration in a Virtex-4. In this paper, two methods for implementing modular partial reconfiguration on Virtex FPGAs are compared. The first method is, applicable to Virtex, Virtex-II and Virtex-II Pro devices, modules must occupy the full height of the device and the topology and connectivity are limited to 1D. This we term ‘direct dynamic reconfiguration’: it is fast and simple, and has been previously documented by Lim and Peattie. The second method, recently developed by the authors, demonstrates how 2Dmodular systems can be made tractable through the use of an innovative bit stream merging process and reserved routing. Figure 1 shows the Virtex-II configuration architecture. B. Partially Reconfigured FPGA with Global Floorplan The authors Pritha Banerjee et al. propose a global floorplan generation method. Partial Hetero FP to obtain same positions for the common modules across all instances. The Phase I is PartialHeteroFP, In Phase II, a set of slicing trees preliminary rectangular region is assigned to each of its modules depending on the similarities between the slicing trees for different instances, a set of groups is generated. In reconfiguration algorithm output is given as follows A Partition tree βi for each Ii as template for its slicing trees Bi-Partition netlist for SM into two super modules σL, σR; for each instance Ii do Bi-partition the netlist Si once such that σL is in the left partition and σR in right one; While there are more than one module per partition do Recursively perform balanced min-cut bi-partitioning; Swap sub-trees if required to retain σL and σR as leftmost and rightmost leaves; C. Mobile Robot Application
Fig. 2: Architecture for intelligent reconfigurable mobile robots
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Partial Reconfiguration using FPGA – A Review (GRDJE / CONFERENCE / ICIET - 2016 / 023)
The author Tadigotla presents a methodology for the realization of intelligent, task-based reconfiguration of the computational hardware for mobile robot applications. Task requirements are first partitioned into requirements on the system hardware and software. Architecture is proposed that enables these requirements to be addressed through appropriate hardware and software components. Figure 2 displays the reconfigurable mobile robot architecture. Hardware–software co-design and hardware reconfiguration are utilized to design robotic systems that are fault-tolerant and have improved reliability. It is shown that this design enables the implementation of efficient controllers for each task of the robot thereby permitting better operational efficiency using fixed computational resources. The approach is validated through case studies where a team of robots is configured and the behavior of the robots is dynamically modified at run-time. It is demonstrated through this implementation that the design procedure results in increased flexibility in configuration at run-time. The ability to reconfigure the resources also aids collaboration between robots, and results in improved performance and fault tolerance. D. DSP Filter Application
Fig. 3: Simulated Waveform for FIR Filter.
FIR filters are employed in the majority digital signal processing (DSP) based electronic systems by the author. Figure. 3 show the simulated form of FIR filter. The emergence of demanding applications (image, audio/ video processing and coding, sensor filtering, etc.) in terms of power, speed, performance, system compatibility and reusability make it imperative to design the reconfigurable architectures. This paper presents a partially reconfigurable FIR filter design that targets to meet all the objectives are low-power consumption, autonomous adaptability reconfigurability, fault-tolerance etc. on the FPGA. FPGAs are programmable logic devices that permit the implementation of digital systems. They provide an array of logic cells that can be configured to perform a given functionality by means of a configuration bit stream. Many of FPGA systems can only be statically configured. Static reconfiguration means to completely configure the device before system execution. If a new reconfiguration is required, it is necessary to stop system execution and reconfigure the device it over again. Some FPGAs allow performing partial reconfiguration, where a reduced bit stream reconfigures only a given subset of internal components. Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration (DPR) allows the part of FPGA device be modified while the rest of the device (or system) continues to operate and unaffected by the reprogramming . Module-based partial reconfiguration was proposed by Xilinx. And now many researchers have proposed many partial reconfiguration methods (JBits, PARBIT, etc). The modular design flow allows the designer to split the whole system into modules. The partial reconfiguration of reconfigurable symmetric transposed FIR filters was implemented on Xilinx. Virtex2pro FPGA device using test environment. XUPV2P FPGA test board and Agilent logi analyzer were used for board level verification. And configuration bitstream download is operated by Xilinx Platform Cable USB and IMPACT. For dynamic partial reconfiguration experiment, the partial reconfigurable module1 and module2 were reconfigured bypass module and 4-tap module respectively while other areas of modules remain operational. For verification, we have performed following two methods. First, 12-tap and 20-tap FIR filters before/after partial reconfiguration have been simulated to verify the output results on FPGA test board using Xilinx ChipScope Pro Analyzer.
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Partial Reconfiguration using FPGA – A Review (GRDJE / CONFERENCE / ICIET - 2016 / 023)
E. Erlang Slot Machine
Fig. 4: ESM Architecture overview
Mateusz Majer et al. was designed the erlangen slot machine. The Erlangen Slot Machine is used for the development of a new FPGA-based reconfigurable computer called the Erlangen Slot Machine. The architecture overcomes many architectural constraints of existing platforms and allows a user to partially reconfigure hardware modules arranged in so-called slots. The uniqueness of this computer stems from (a) a new slot-oriented hardware architecture, (b) a set of novel inter-module communication paradigms, and (c) concepts for dynamic and partial reconfiguration management. Figure 4 show the ESM architecture overview and Figure 5 display the ESM Babyboard and Motherboard implementation.
Fig. 5: Implementation of the ESM BabyBoard and Mother- Board
F. Dynamic Reconfiguration FPGAs
Fig. 6: V-4 LX25 with 4 partially reconfigurable regions
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Partial Reconfiguration using FPGA – A Review (GRDJE / CONFERENCE / ICIET - 2016 / 023)
Patrick Lysaght et al. describe the architectural enhancements to Xilinx FPGAs that provide better support for the creation of dynamically reconfigurable designs. Figure 6 displays the V-4 LX25 with 4 partially reconfigurable regions. These are augmented by a new design methodology that uses pre-routed IP cores for communication between static and dynamic modules and permits static designs to route through regions otherwise reserved for dynamic modules. A new CAD tool flow to automate the methodology is also presented. The new tools initially target the Virtex-II, Virtex-II Pro and Virtex-4 families and are derived from Xilinx’s commercial CAD tools. It consists of 7 design phase.
III. RELATED WORK Zaidi et al. explained the Power/Area Analysis of a FPGA – Based Open Source processor using Partial Dynamic reconfiguration. Utilization of run-time partial dynamic reconfiguration in Michael G. Lorenz et al paper using LEON 3 open source soft core processor It explains the possibilities of sharing different arithmetic tightly coupled to the integer pipeline and same silicon area. Author Eto Emi et al. discusses the difference based Partial reconfiguration design flow described in this application note allows a designer to make logic changes using FPGA-Editor and generate a bitstream that programs only the difference between the two versions of the design. Switching the configuration of a module from one implementation to another is very quickly because the bitstream defences can be much smaller than the entire device bitstream. Moraes et. al describes the dynamic and partial reconfiguration on System On Chips(SOCs) dynamic partial reconfiguration, also known as an active partial reconfiguration - permits to change the part of the device while the rest of an FPGA is still running; Static partial reconfiguration - the device is not active during the reconfiguration process. While the partial data is sent into the FPGA, the rest of the device is stopped (in the shutdown mode) and brought up after the configuration is completed. Blodget et al. explains that how the partial and Dynamic reconfiguration can be involved in adaptive systems. To solve the problem of substitution and I/o management main module is preferred to control the block. Open Source Partial reconfiguration (Open PR) toolkit for Xilinx FPGAs were designed by the author Sohanghpurwala et al.The Xilinx Partial Reconfiguration Early Access Software Tools for ISE 9.2i is superseded with the corresponding non free add-on for ISE 12.3 for performing wide variety of research on Xilinx FPGAs. Rectangular partial reconfiguration modules could be swapped in and out of a static baseline design with one or more PR slots. Being released as open source, it can be satisfies the needs of individual researcher with free of cost. Author Abhishek tiwari outlines a new approach of Digital Frequency Synthesis in conjunction with FPGA clock managers. Flexibility and Programmability provided by the FPGA is critical to the scope of applications they can support. FPGA configuration data at run time specific portion can be substituted using Partial and Dynamic reconfiguration.. Author proposed frequency synthesis using Dynamic Reconfiguration Port (DRP) of a Digital Clock manager primitive through the reconfigurable module in the fabric. Module hierarchy details, Design and simulation results, partial reconfiguration based implementation flow, Quantitative comparison were discussed. Solomon Raju et al. presents the algorithm for PR flow and implementation of Reconfigurable Modules(RM)on Xilinx Virtex-4(XC4VFX12).Modelsim 6.0d simulation tool and Xilinx 9.1i (ISE) synthesis tool were used. Device utilization summaries, resources used by the static and Dynamic Top module were discussed with the hyper terminal.
IV. CONCLUSIONS From this review, the authors focus on various types of reconfigurable computing especially on FPGA This paper starts with an introduction of Reconfigurable computing, after that various applications using reconfigurable computing were discussed with its research issues. This Partial reconfiguration overcomes many architectural constraints of existing platforms and becomes the user friendly. There are still challenging issues to be addressed in partial reconfiguration. Most complex issues must be checked by this technique. It is concluded that the Dynamic reconfiguration optimizes the use of hardware resources and produce reduction in power consumption. Thus the reconfigurable architectures offers user to deploy and implement many exciting application in the same device.
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Partial Reconfiguration using FPGA – A Review (GRDJE / CONFERENCE / ICIET - 2016 / 023)
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