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GRD Journals | Global Research and Development Journal for Engineering | International Conference on Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICIET) - 2016 | July 2016

e-ISSN: 2455-5703

The Internet of Things in Healthcare: A Survey 1

Priyadarshini S 2Sahebzathi S 3Narmatha M 4R. Delshi Howsalya Devi 1,2,3,4 Department of Computer Science & Engineering 1,23,4 K.L.N College of Engineering Pottapalayam, Sivagangai 630612, India Abstract

This paper discourses about the Internet of Things. In the Internet of Things (IOT), devices gather and share information directly with every other connected and the cloud, enabling it to record and analyze new data streams faster and more accurately. This article reports on the current state of research on the Internet of Things by examining the literature in healthcare. Role in Healthcare domain is mandatory, which focuses on intra body monitoring services as well as maintaining the Healthcare records of patients. Also in this survey, it reviews the intra body networks, wearable technologies that are implemented in the healthcare context. Keyword- IONT, IOBNT, Healthcare, Wearable Technologies __________________________________________________________________________________________________

I. INTRODUCTION Internet of things is paradigm a generalization, which shows rattling progress in the trending wireless communication. It focuses on the ubiquitous and pervasive proximity around us of varied things such as Sensors, actuators, tags, RFID which has certain unique addressing criteria and through which it interacts with each other and pull together to gain the goals that are anticipated. The IOT is employed in Healthcare as it minimizes the cost (in total), increases the life's quality and enhances the services experienced by the potential users. IOT establishes itself in various aspects of everyday life like in providing the users an ambient living, in working and in the domestics. Also IOT is flourishing its wings in e-health, both in monitoring the patients‟ health details (like BP monitoring heart beat rate checkers, ECG monitoring) and in maintaining the patients‟ health record (like patient history, medicine stock available.) Another notice is that IOT [27] has an exceptional scheduling procedure of resources, though available in less number, by ensuring the efficacy use and service for a large pool of patients. As aforementioned details, IOT has its hand both in preserving the health records and early diagnosis. The former is done with the help of Healthcare Network and the latter is done with the help of sensors actuators over a healthcare network. By taking these in regard this paper focuses in contributing the following  A deep survey of IOT based healthcare services and area of its applications.  Especially in diagnosing the Parkinson's disease.  The means by which IOT is casted in upholding the health records and other such details. This literature survey is mainly directing the application of IOT in Healthcare management and the subcategories encompasses the classification based on  Hardware scaled to IONT, IOBNT.  Wearable Technologies.  RFID in maintaining the patient's health records and history etc. The rest of the article is regulated as follows: Section II provides a description of the research process used in variety of applications. Section III describes the classification scheme used to summarize the existing research. Section IV presents the technologies used in healthcare using IOT. Section V provides conclusion of this paper.

II. APPLICATIONS OF IOT Patients and external source providers both stand to benefit from IOT carving out a bigger presence in Healthcare. Some applications of Healthcare IOT embrace medical applications that are mobile in nature and wearable devices that all patients use to confine their data related to health status, and IOT is employed in hospitals to watch and be aware of the location of medical devices and personal history of patients. The Healthcare industry remains among reckless to adopt IOT, and the reasons to adopt this drift is that IOT integrates features into medical devices greatly to improve the quality of life and effectiveness in the service especially high value for the elderly patients with chronic conditions and those who requires constant supervision. The IOT plays a momentous role in a wide range of healthcare applications, as of managing chronic diseases at one end of the variety to prevent disease. Some potential examples of how it‟s already playing out:

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The Internet of Things in Healthcare: A Survey (GRDJE / CONFERENCE / ICIET - 2016 / 090)

A. Clinical Care Hospitalized patients whose physiological condition requiring close attention can be relentlessly monitored using IOT-driven, interruptive monitoring. This kind of solution makes sensors to pull together comprehensive physiological information and uses gateways and the cloud to scrutinize and store the information [6] and then send the analyzed data wirelessly to caregivers for added analysis and review. It provides a continuous automated flow of information in the place where a medical professional at regular intervals have to monitor the patient‟s health status. In this way, it concurrently improves the quality of care through steady attention and depresses the cost of care by abolishing the need for a caregiver to actively slot in data compilation and analysis. B. Remote Monitoring Many people throughout the world whose health may suffer due to the lack of access to effective health monitoring. But miniature, powerful wireless solutions connected through the IOT are now a promising solution to reach these patients instead of its counterpart. These solutions can be used as a possible way of securely capturing the patient‟s health data from a variety of sensors, pertain complex algorithms [6] to study the data and then contribute it through wireless connectivity with medical professionals who can make apposite health recommendations. C. Early Intervention/Prevention People with sound health can also benefit from IOT-driven monitoring in their day to day activities and comfort. An elderly person living unaided, for instance, may crave to have a monitoring device that can spot a fall or other intermission on a daily basis activity and report it to emergency responders or well-wishers. In this focus, an active athlete such as a hiker or biker could profit from such a solution at any age, particularly if it‟s accessible as a piece of wearable technology. The internet of things in healthcare is outlined in Fig 1.

Fig. 1: IOT in Healthcare

III. CLASSIFICATION METHODS The literature is classified according to its subject into the following major categories: technology, applications, business models, challenges, future directions and overview/ survey. Some of the cream level categories are again broken down into subcategories and some of the sub-categories are broken into sub-sub-categories. Table 1 summarizes our proposed classification plan and the remaining of the section elaborates on each of the categorization. Major category Technology



Hardware Software

RFID NFC Sensor Networks Middleware Search/Browsing Hardware/Network Architectures Software Architectures Process Architectures Genera

Architecture Applications


Smart Infrastructure Healthcare Supply Chains/Logistics Social Applications Security Challenges Privacy Challenges Legal/Accountability Challenges General Challenges Table 1: Classification Scheme



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The Internet of Things in Healthcare: A Survey (GRDJE / CONFERENCE / ICIET - 2016 / 090)

A. Technology The core idea of the Internet of Things is that every day “things” such as automobiles, refrigerators, medical equipments, and general other consumer goods can be equipped with tracking and sensing capability. When this is fully actualized, “things” may also contain more sophisticated dealing out and networking capabilities that will enable these smart objects to be aware of their environments and intermingle with people. Like any other information system, the IOT may rely on a mixture of hardware, software and architectures. B. Applications The application areas for the IOT are restricted only by thoughts at this position. Based on the asses of the literature conducted for this research, the applications category is sub-classified into the below mentioned domains of applications: healthcare, supply logistics, smart infrastructure, and the social applications. C. Challenges The challenges in front of the materialization of the IOT are copious which are technical as well as social. These challenges must be overcome in order to make certain the IOT adoption and diffusion. The challenges can be sub-classified into Security, Privacy, Legal/ Accountability and General. The detailed scheme of classification is outlined in Table 1.

IV. TECHNOLOGIES USED IN HEALTHCARE USING IOT A. IONT IOT in monitoring the patients‟ health directly are of various types they are widely used in providing the users an ambient healthcare. In that focus IOT is extended as IONT Internet of Nano things. IONT interconnect the nanoscale devices which are generally termed as Nano machines. These Nano machines are deployed inside the body of the human and controlled remotely by an external user, generally a Healthcare provider. IONT in modern trends are used to monitor the human nervous system by encompassing the features like the dimensions similarity of the Nano machines with that of the biological nervous structures Before these breakthroughs, the physiological functionalities must be learned and then the design of these types of intra body [4] Nano network devices must be designed in adaptive to the learned data. Biological nerves, with the help of the, physical projections called dendrites propagate the electrochemical stimulation that are received via the synopses to the cell body or Soma. These dendrites function as the independent processing and also as signaling units, referred to as dendritic subunit. The local processed results are broadcasted within the neuron or to the other neuron over the dendritic transmission. This learning of physiological functions is forwarded in designing a receiver model to internment the behavior of the biological neurons. The neuronal information obtained is encoded in the stimulus temporal pattern i.e. this can be well understood that the communication among the biological neuron is spatial selective and frequency selective. B. RFID The radio frequency identification RFID technology [2] is one of the core Technologies of IOT deployment in the Healthcare environment, to satisfy various security requirements of RFID technology in IOT is accomplished by many RFID authentication schemes that have been projected. Recently elliptic curve cryptography is ECC based RFID authentication structures have engrossed a lot of responsiveness and have been used in Healthcare environment. Elliptic curve cryptography system [1] is more suitable for RFID system because it provides similar security level but with shorter key size and has low computational rations. The low processing overhead expense associated with ECCs makes it suitable for use with RFID tag because they have limited computing power the various schemes of ECC are heavyweight schemes, middle weight schemes, and light weight schemes. C. IOBNT As IONT, IOBNT Internet of Bio Nano Things, assure to support applications such as Intrabody sensing and actuation networks i.e. it will collaboratively gather the health regarding information and convey it to an external Healthcare provider by the internet. The IOT device imitates a biological cell wherein the functions are also alike that of the biological cell. For instance, the nucleus is the controlling center of the biological cell, in the IOT device a controller plays this role. Like the chemical receptors, in IOT there are sensors, like flagella there is actuator. Fig 2 describes this scenario.

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Fig. 2: Biological Cell and aIOT Device

The molecular communication [5] for IOBNT is done by exchanging the synchronization signals, logical operations results. D. Wearable Technologies Number of objects connected to the Internet is generally the envisioned concept of IOT, in that focus the devices connected to Internet is increasing exponentially .In 2010 it was 12.5 million and expected to be 50 million in 2020 and in 2030 it would be 100 trillion. Wearable technologies in IOT are established by mobile devices equipped with different types of sensors which are used to gather the spatial and temporal information parallel. As the aforementioned merits of IOT they are capable in handling the resources they use smart algorithms to handle a large amount of data which are multidimensional always. For instance consider the PD patient's gait differing from that of healthy population; needs data to knowledge translation i.e. the data that are collected from these wearable sensors are mounted near the patient's body and quantified. This is done in 3 steps  segmenting the gait  extraction of gait parameters  Analysis of gait parameters Machine learning is important in this; as automatic recording and quantification of PD [3] symptoms in joint venture with smart objects have to be made possible. Because these recordings may prevent fall or adverse health conditions in a PD affected patient. Another example for wearable technology is drug administration; this is done by Deep brain stimulation and the continuous delivery of drug through transdermal patches are through the subcutaneous pumps. Also other recent trends in wearable devices of IOT include: Trio Motion has manufactured the customized wearable device [26] that is issued to participants of the Motion program shown in Fig 3. United Health care and Qualcomm Life co-developed a proprietary set of algorithms that are run in Trio Motion. The wearable device produces a set of data that is able to see the actual physical effort of each individual and their activity, also their muscle mass, body mass and physical height. The wearable device broadcast data through an Embedded Bluetooth Radio to the United Health care mobile application of motion which is running on a user's mobile phone or tablet. The phone or tablet then uploads that data, through a cellular or Wi-Fi network connection, to Qualcomm Life's Mobility platform, that is HIPPA licensed and also provisions other wireless health applications, such as those focusing on in-care monitoring for elders.

Fig. 3: Customized wearable device developed by Trio Motion

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United Healthcare obtains the participant's activity data and adds endowments to his or her HSA accordingly. The milestones are prepared so that they can be met throughout the week such as walking 300 steps in five-minute increments for a total of six times. Spouses can also receive an activity tracker.

V. CONCLUSION The IOT holds the promise of improving life quality of people through both automation and augmentation. This paper surveys the differential attitudes of IOT based healthcare Technologies and how IOT expedite the communication and perception of the medical data. Also it focuses on the Private Health monitoring, chronic disease supervision. Thus, this paper would be a stepping stone for those who are interested in doing research in IOT.

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