FPGA Implementation of Image Compression using Discrete Wavelet Transforms

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GRD Journals | Global Research and Development Journal for Engineering | International Conference on Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICIET) - 2016 | July 2016

e-ISSN: 2455-5703

FPGA Implementation of Image Compression Using Discrete Wavelet Transforms 1D.JensiDhankiruba 2A.Parimala




Research Scholar Department of Information and Communication Engineering 2 Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 1,2 KIT-Kalaignarkarunanidhi Institute of Technology, Coimbatore-641 402 Abstract

In this paper, we have proposed a DWT-based image compression algorithm via a popular Distributed Arithmetic (DA) technique for image and video compression. It is applied to determine the wavelet coefficients and so that the number of arithmetic operations can be reduced. The compression rate is enhanced by introducing RW block. It blocks some of the coefficients obtained from the high pass filter to zero. Then Differential Pulse-Code Modulation (DPCM) and Huffman-encoding are applied to acquire the binary sequence of the image. The functional simulation and performance of each module is analyzed with gate requirement, area, power, compression rate, and computation time. The proposed compression approach offers good performance in power efficiency than the prior methods. Furthermore, Altera FPGA based hardware realization shows 32% reduction in dynamic power consumption when compared to the literature. Keyword- Image compression, DWT, DA, DPCM, Huffman-coding. __________________________________________________________________________________________________

I. INTRODUCTION During the transmission and storage of raw images there is a necessity for large amount of disk space. A better compression technique that is memory efficient and faster can definitely satisfy the requirements of the user. Generally, image compression means compression of data in digital images. Its goal is to reduce the redundancy of the image data in order to store or transmit the data in an effective manner. And also to provide a best image quality at a given bit-rate or compression rate. Two types of compression techniques are often used for image compression. They are: Lossless and Lossy. In lossless compression techniques, the image after compression and before compression is identical to the original image and every bit of information is stored during the decomposition process. The reconstructed image after compression is an exact replica of original one. In lossy compression, the reconstructed image contains degradations with respect to the original image. So in lossy compression the decompressed image is different from the original image, but reasonably close to it. Three main steps followed during compression are DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform), quantization, and entropy encoding. This architecture offer less number of multipliers. In wavelet image compression, the quantization and lossy compression technique are carried out after wavelet, where a set of values are compressed to a single quantum value. After the quantization process, the quantized DWTcoefficients are converted into sign- magnitude representation before entropy coding. Normally, entropy coding can provide a much shorter image representation by means of short code words for images. Entropy encoding is a lossless type of compression. It is done on a certain image for making more competent storage. Normally, 8 bits or 16 bits are necessary to store a pixel on digital image. But, by means of efficient entropy encoding, only a small number of bits are needed to represent a pixel in an image and thus, this results in less memory usage to store or even transmit an image. In our study, we have proposed a wavelet-based image compression algorithm via a popular Distributed Arithmetic (DA) technique. Here, the reduction of wavelet coefficients is done using the RW block in each level of computation in order to increase the rate. Then, Differential pulse-code modulation (DPCM) is applied as quantization technique to abbreviate the range of wavelet coefficients. The quantized wavelet Coefficients from DPCM are given to Huffman-encoder. It is designed by combining the lowest probable symbols. Likewise, the images will get compressed.

II. OVERVIEW OF WAVELET DWT is based on sub-band coding, which is established to produce a speedy result of Wavelet Transform. It is simple to implement and to reduce the computation time. DWT evaluates the signals at diverse frequency bands with different resolutions by decomposing the signal into a coarse approximation and detailed information. The approximation components are acquired by passing the signal through the low pass filter H, which eliminates the high frequency components. The resolution get reduced to half at this time, nevertheless the scale stays unaffected. Subsequently, the signal is sub sampled, thus half the redundant samples

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FPGA Implementation of Image Compression Using Discrete Wavelet Transforms (GRDJE / CONFERENCE / ICIET - 2016 / 070)

are removed and the resolution gets doubled but it affects the scale. Likewise, the detailed coefficients are obtained by passing the signal through the high pass filter. Again, these values gets multiplied with the low pass and high pass filter coefficients to obtain the LL, LH, HL and HH band.

Fig. 1: Wavelet Transform

Figure 1 illustrates the block diagram to compute the wavelet coefficients.

III. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE FOR THE PROPOSED IMAGE COMPRESSION APPROACH The system architecture for the proposed image compression that increases the compression rate with low power consumption is given in fig 2. Here, we followed the procedure in JPEG-2000compression along with some modifications in wavelet computation. DA-based wavelet is used in the proposed architecture so that the performance gain can be achievable than the traditional arithmetic formulation of wavelet computation. Subsequently, DPCM is applied to reduce the number of bits in Order to represent the coefficients obtained from the wavelet so that the compressibility of images can be improved. Then, the data is transformed to bit stream with Huffman encoding module, an entropy encoding algorithm employed for lossless data compression. The steps involved in the proposed image compression scheme are 1) DWT module. 2) DPCM Quantization. 3) Huffman encoding module.

Fig. 2: Proposed Compression and Decompression approach

A. DWT Module Initially, the input image is given to DWT module, which transforms the input image into wavelet coefficients. Here, zig-zag scanning order is employed to determine the filter coefficients that are normalised to zero. This procedure is applied to the filter coefficients obtained only from the high pass filter in order that the compression can be improved. Accordingly, we have integrated this model into the wavelet computation, which is shown in Figure 3. In this figure, RWblock is included in every wavelet transformation level.

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FPGA Implementation of Image Compression Using Discrete Wavelet Transforms (GRDJE / CONFERENCE / ICIET - 2016 / 070)

1) RWblock This block is utilized to enhance the compressibility of the image by changing some of the wavelet coefficients to zero. Here, the pixel value is changed to zero only if the neighbourhood pixels contain the coefficient values. This process is applied to the coefficients obtained after applying the high pass filter in a way to maintain the visual quality of the image. Subsequently, the results obtained from the RW block and the low pass filter output are given to the next level to obtain LL,LH, HL and HH band. RW procedure is applied again in the second level of the high pass filter output and this process is repeated up to the desired level of wavelet computation.

Fig. 3: Wavelet computation with RW block

The VLSI architecture of the RWblock is shown in figure 4. Wherein 1-bit counter is present in between WHblock and m-bit register. After receiving a high signal on its clock input from the counter it loads the input bits. Otherwise it blocks the input. When the input gets blocked, the respective values are filled with zero. The coefficients obtained from the WH block is stored in the m-bit register.

Fig. 4: Implementation of RW block

DA-based wavelet is applied to reduce the computation time and arithmetic operations. Here, distributed arithmetic computations are bit-serial in nature, i.e., each bit of the input samples must be indexed successively before a new output sample becomes available. Also, a shift register is used to shift continuously the input bit data and accordingly multiplied with the filter coefficients stored in LUT.Subsequently, addition operation is carried out to add the multiplier output, so that the final coefficients are obtained. The VLSI architecture of the DA-based wavelet is shown in Figure 5.

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FPGA Implementation of Image Compression Using Discrete Wavelet Transforms (GRDJE / CONFERENCE / ICIET - 2016 / 070)

Fig. 5: VLSI Architecture of DA based wavelet computation

B. DPCM Quantization The wavelet coefficients acquired from the DWT module is applied on the DPCM coding, which is essential to enhance the compressibility of the images. At the same time, the quantization can also be possible. Here, the range of wavelet coefficients acquired from the previous steps varies in wider range that affects the compression rate of the images. In order to shunt this situation, DPCM coding is applied which quantizes the wavelet coefficients in a shorter range. Steps in DPCM coding are, Obtain the forecast wavelet coefficients FW using the below equation

Residual coefficients,

Fig. 6: DPCM Quantization

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FPGA Implementation of Image Compression Using Discrete Wavelet Transforms (GRDJE / CONFERENCE / ICIET - 2016 / 070)

The VLSI Architecture for DPCM quantization is shown in figure 7. It is used to implement the DPCM transformation. In this architecture, the wavelet coefficients are indexed in shift registers and the adder section adds such coefficients in shift registers. Subsequently, the wavelet coefficient value is predicted by performing averaging operation via multiplier. Finally, the predicted coefficient is subtracted with the current coefficient value using the subtracter in order to obtain the residual coefficients.

Fig. 7: VLSI Architecture of DPCM quantization

C. Huffman Encoding Module After obtaining the residual coefficients from DPCM, Huffman coding is employed to convert the residual coefficients into bit stream. In order to obtain the encoded bit stream, obtained frequency of the residual coefficients are arranged in ascending order. Then, two nodes containing the lowest frequency are selected to merge and the addition of two values is given into the new node. Same process is repeated for all nodes until we obtain a single node. Finally, the binary value is assigned to every node according to the location (left or right) of the node. Then, each value obtains a code vector, which is used to create the bit stream of the input image stored instead of the image.

Fig. 8: Procedure for Huffman encoding

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FPGA Implementation of Image Compression Using Discrete Wavelet Transforms (GRDJE / CONFERENCE / ICIET - 2016 / 070)


This section discusses the functional simulation of the system architecture of the proposed image compression. Here, the modules are programmed using Verilog Hardware Description Language and it is synthesized using HDL designer software. Simulation waveforms of the DWT module, DPCM module and Huffman encoding are shown in figures 9,10 and 11 respectively.

Fig. 9: Functional verilog simulation of DA based DWT

Fig. 10: Functional verilog simulation of DPCM

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FPGA Implementation of Image Compression Using Discrete Wavelet Transforms (GRDJE / CONFERENCE / ICIET - 2016 / 070)

Fig. 11: Functional verilog simulation of Huffman encoding module

Fig. 12: Power report for the proposed DWT based image compression

V. HARDWARE REALIZATION OF THE PROPOSED SYSTEM The hardware realization of the proposed DWT is initially modelled and tested in model sim software and then physically realized on a Altera FPGA device and tested through JTAG interface. Dynamic power consumption was estimated by using Xilinx Xpower analyser. The dynamic power consumption of the proposed architecture shows 32% reduction when compared with the approximate DTT.

VI. CONCLUSION In this paper, we have proposed a wavelet-based image compression algorithm using technique. Here we have added one more block called RW block in wavelet computation to enhance the compression rate. In addition, DA based wavelet method is used to ensure the low power consumption. Then the wavelet coefficients are given to DPCM technique that improves the compressibility of image. Subsequently, the bit stream was generated from the transformed coefficients using Huffman coding. The modules are programmed by using Verilog and synthesized by HDL designer software and power is analysed using Xilinx Xpower Analyser.

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FPGA Implementation of Image Compression Using Discrete Wavelet Transforms (GRDJE / CONFERENCE / ICIET - 2016 / 070)

Finally, we have concluded that the proposed method offers good performance in power efficiency corresponding to 0.345 mW/chip.

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