GRD Journals | Global Research and Development Journal for Engineering | International Conference on Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICIET) - 2016 | July 2016
e-ISSN: 2455-5703
An Advanced Two Level Double Dual Boost Converter 1Ms.K.Sneha 2T.Anitha 3Shwetha
Subburaj 4B.Surabhi 1 Faculty 2,3,4 UG students 1,2,3,4 Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 1,2,3,4 Velammal College of Engineering and Technology Abstract
This proposed work has two converters connected in cascade to have output voltage 4 times of input voltage. This converter is a non-isolated boost converter, which can level up Dc voltage from 24 Vdc input voltage to 120 Vdc output voltages. This is adequate suitable in order to develop and apply with any dc output renewable energy source, such as pv generation system etc. The proposed converter has totally four modules of Dc boost converter, which are connected in parallel. At the same time, the switching devices are controlled by 90 degree shifting, due to an interleaving technique. This will lead to a smoother output dc current. Two modes of operation are available for interleaved boost converter: Half mode and Full mode operation. Based on the power loss efficiency of the converter the reliability of the converter can be calculated. In an interleaved boost converter high reliability is present and increase in power will lead to a decrease in the reliability. Keyword- Interleaved DC-DC converter, DC input source, Driver circuit, MOSFET. Model of reliability __________________________________________________________________________________________________
I. INTRODUCTION The solar cell can transform the energy from light source into an electrical dc source. By connecting a load to the system, the current will flow into an electrical circuit. In order to increase the power processing capability and to improve the reliability of the power electronic systems interleaved converters are used. This system is used to calculate the reliability of interleaved boost DCDC converter and presents a comparison with the reliability of the conventional boost converter. DC converter have a good reliability in long time operation. The failure rate and the power loss effect on the interleaved converters are calculated. The system should be small in size in order to ease installation, maintenance, power lossless, and toughness. The advantages of reliable products beyond the current state of the art. The military forces and space programs have resulted in a need for vastly improved reliability in machinery components. This paper concentrate the reliability of interleaved boost dc–dc converter and presents a comparison with the reliability of the conventional boost converter. Two different operation modes are used (half-power and full-power operation) are used for the interleaved converter. Also the power loss effect on components and on the reliability of converters is discussed. A two- modes are used for interleaved boost converter. The Double dual boost converter was analysed and this double dual boost converter increase the voltage gain and the system reliability. A two-phase interleaved boost converter is used as critical conduction mode power factor corrector, which uses as variation-tolerant phase shifter to ensure accurate 180° phase shift between the two interleaved converters. Application of interleaved dc–dc boost converters for the photovoltaic generation system. Their features are continually being improved, power devices MOSFET, insulated gate bipolar transistor ((IGBT) diode, etc. remain clearly the weakest components in a power converter. The failure mode considered here is a permanent fully on-state mode of the devices that will be modelled by an ideal short-circuit state. A capacitors are widely used for dc links in power converters to balance instantaneous power difference between the input source and output load, and minimize voltage variation in the dc link. In some applications, they are also used to provide sufficient energy during the hold-up time.
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An Advanced Two Level Double Dual Boost Converter (GRDJE / CONFERENCE / ICIET - 2016 / 056)
Fig. 1: Proposed system
III. DC BOOST CONVERTER A. Boost Converter A traditional boost converter consists of an inductor, a switch, and a diode. High voltage gain DC converter is considered from a traditional non isolated DC boost converter is shown in FIG 2. The difference between the two converters in FIG 2 and FIG 3 is the location of the diode, but its operation on both the circuits are same. Boost converter is a DC-DC power converter with an output voltage greater than its input voltage. The key principle that drives the boost converter is the tendency of an inductor to resist changes in current by creating and destroying a magnetic field. Boost converter is output voltage is 2 times that of input voltage that is output voltage is 36v input voltages 14V boost converter boost up the voltage. It consist of MOSFET switch, capacitors.
Fig. 2: Boost converter with inductor and diode in positive side
Input supply is given if diode is reverse bias its based on inductor terminal, inductor passed the energy only to switch and diode is forward bias energy passed inductor to capacitors through diode, finally to load. Positive and negative side have same operation. Capacitor polarity changed because of charging and discharging operation and inductor polarity remains same.
Fig. 3: Boost converter with inductor and diode in negative side.
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An Advanced Two Level Double Dual Boost Converter (GRDJE / CONFERENCE / ICIET - 2016 / 056)
B. Double Dual Boost Converter The topology of a double dual boost converter is given in FIG 4. The configuration is composed of two conventional boost converter with input coupled inversely. The commands given to switches of each boost are delayed of a half switching period. Higher the duty-cycle, lower will be the efficiency. This is an advantage of the double dual boost converter compared with a classical boost converter in case of same power, same input and output voltages. The Double Dual Boost Converter increases the reliability and voltage gain.
Fig. 4: Double Dual Boost Converter
C. Interleaved Boost Converter The block diagram of an n-stage interleaved boost converter is shown in FIG 5. The two stage interleaved boost converter is considered to calculate its reliability. The connection of converters is based on the basic boost topology. The two converters connected in parallel drives the input voltage sourced by a single DC source. They operate at same voltage and current. In this system the interleaved structure contains, the boosting of voltage which is not efficient, where the charging and discharging happens only in one arm. The advantage of the interleaved boost converter is to reduce the converter size, reduce the ripple current and also increase the converter’s efficiency. The disadvantage of this system results in an increase in power where the reliability of the whole converter decreases. It provides low voltage gain and it does not provide a smooth DC output when driven by a gate driver circuit. The failure rate of the system is calculated when the circuit is operated on the full power mode.
Fig. 5: n-stage interleaved boost converter
D. High Voltage Gain Interleaved Boost Converter High voltage gain DC boost converter consists of two 2 phase interleaved boost converter is shown in FIG 6. It consists of four switching devices and is controlled by 90 degree phase delay to each other. The switching operation of this converter takes place at a very fast switching rate of 25 KHz. The driver circuit used in this model provides the necessary current to trigger the interleaved converter. During the 1st phase: During this stage the switches S1 and S2 remains in closed condition due to which the inductor stores energy when the circuit is in operation. The energy level stored is equal to vs+vs1 in one arm and vs+vs2 in the other arm to its tolerable range where the diodes D1 and D2 remains reverse biased.
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An Advanced Two Level Double Dual Boost Converter (GRDJE / CONFERENCE / ICIET - 2016 / 056)
During the 2nd phase: During this stage the switches S3 and S4 remains in closed condition due to which the inductor stores energy when the circuit is in operation. The energy level stored is equal vs+vL3 in one arm and vs+vL4 in the other arm to its tolerable range where the diodes D3 and D4 remains reverse biased. This is connected to the negative source where the current polarity changes accordingly. The current direction through the inductor remains the same, whereas the current through the capacitor changes when it is charging and discharging. The converter operates for an AC and DC supply and provides output voltage for AC and DC load, when operating under input AC source positive and the negative half cycle acts as the two terminals of the DC supply.
Fig. 6: High voltage gain Interleaved DC boost converter
The advantage of a high voltage gain Interleaved boost converter provides smooth output ripple current, and also increases power rating and efficiency. It provides high voltage gain in the system. It can level up DC voltage from 24 Vdc input voltage to 130 Vdc output voltage. This is suitable in order to develop and apply with any dc output renewable energy source, such as PV generation system.
IV. PROTOTYPE MODEL The modelling of the advanced double dual interleaved boost converter is shown in FIG 7 in which it would help to increase the output voltage with a minimum input given to the system.
Fig. 7: Prototype model
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An Advanced Two Level Double Dual Boost Converter (GRDJE / CONFERENCE / ICIET - 2016 / 056)
V. CONCLUSION The reliability of the conventional and the interleaved dc-dc boost converter have been presented. The failure rate of the converter component has been calculated based on the power loss in the system. The reliability of the converter decreases and the output can be obtained 4 times than that of the input voltage given to the supply system. It also increases the efficiency and voltage gain.
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