Collision of Train Prevention System Using RF and RFID Technology

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GRD Journals | Global Research and Development Journal for Engineering | International Conference on Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICIET) - 2016 | July 2016

e-ISSN: 2455-5703

Collision of Train Prevention System Using RF and RFID Technology 1Mrs.

R. B. Jeyanthi Rajee 2M. Anandhi 3P. Revathy 1 Assistant Professor 2,3UG Student 1,2,3 Department of EEE 1,2,3 Velammal College of Engineering & Technology, Madurai, TN Abstract The world’s fourth largest railway is Indian railway next to USA, Russia and China. Now a days there are many problem on trains collision. Therefore now our main aim is “Happy and Healthy Journey”. The work that we are proposing in this paper is preventing train collision prevention system using RFID technique. Here we use RFID tag and RFID reader which are attached to engine and track in order. Hence now by implementing these components we can get the information about track in which it is running and stores it in microcontroller. The same procedure is done in all the trains. And if any two trains RFID tags ID is same the LCD shows “it is wrong path”. Thus by doing so the collision of trains can be avoided, we just added another application also. It is that, if any obstacle is being detected then it is sensed by object sensor and the train will stops the loco pilot gives the current situation of the train to the station then they remove the obstacle. Keyword- RFID, Railway track finder, Train collision avoidance __________________________________________________________________________________________________

I. INTRODUCTION Due to error of human and machine failure the accidents generally happen. Also during winter season many cancellation of train happen and due to this reason large amount of money is wasted. Also during winter season, running of train is more difficult. The main cause of this problem is fog. And our Indian Railway has done many research on many technologies to overcome from the above problem of occurrence. Now in this paper it is said that we used innovative approach for this problem. Already in many inventions they have to curb the problem of train collision of obstacle detection [1]. The Anti-Collision Device (ACD) has been developed by Konkan railway and they use GPS technology for tracking the train in dangerous position. This is more helpful in southern railway they are under practice [2]. This ACD uses the GPS system and embedded controls for preventing train collision. Based on the environment factor we cannot use this GPS technique methodology. Also the problem may occur due to bridges collapsation and these problems cannot be overcome. Here in the paper we have developed the system which uses RFID technology for preventing train collision and also we can locate the missing train. RFID is used to prevent head-on collisions of trains. It does not require line of sight. In dangerous situation tracking of train is easy and read multiple tags simultaneously. It has advantages such that portable database, data transmission in greater range, accuracy is better. We have to fix RFID tag between the tracks so that the train will receive the information of track’s details. Each track has unique ID. Based on ID we have to fix RFID tag. Fix RFID reader under the engine. This information stored in microcontroller. It will transmit to the encoder convert parallel information into serial data. From encoder the data transmit to RF transmitter. Each train has unique RF transmitter and RF receiver. From transmitter it will transmit into atmosphere frequency. From the atmosphere, the data is received by the RF receiver in the nearby train. Then it will transmit into decoder which converts serial data into parallel data. The data given to the microcontroller. Microcontroller compares RF receiver and its unique ID. If they are match, microcontroller alerts the loco pilot on the situation. Using object sensor, obstacle detection like rock can be detected in the path of the train. Two object sensor are used in this project. One sensor is fixed at the front side of the train and another sensor is fixed near the wheel. Front end of the train is to detect the distance of the obstacle. Near the wheel of the sensor is to detect distance of the turning point in the track from the point where now the train is. If any obstacle is present the trains stops for 30 sec using relay driver circuit and if the obstacle is on the track continuously then the alarm rings and the information is given to the loco pilot and they report to the station about current situation.


Microcontroller RFID module RF transmitter-receiver Encoder-Decoder pair

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Collision of Train Prevention System Using RF and RFID Technology (GRDJE / CONFERENCE / ICIET - 2016 / 061)

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Object sensor LCD

These are the hardware used for the train collision prevention A. Microcontroller: (ATMEL 89S52) A microcontroller has features of micro processor’s internal memory, timer/counter, I/O ports. Use of microcontroller is to control the operation of a machine using a program that is fixed which is stored in the ROM. For example, the microcontroller chip in calculator calculates the function of calculation alone. The microcontroller has 62% of its total instruction as multi byte instruction. The program is compact and run faster to accomplish similar tasks. The features of the above microcontroller are its external processor along with internal memory and I/O components, circuit is small, cost of the system is low, number of registers. Speed upto 33MHz are used in this microcontroller. B. RFID Module Radio Frequency Identification is one of the families of AIDC used to describe a system that transmit the identity of the object or people wirelessly without physical contact. The RFID system typically consists of a tag that is made up of a chip of small size nearly micro with an antenna, and a reader, which is embedded with a single chip processor and an antenna. The purpose of an RFID system is to enable the data to be transmitted by a tag, which is read by an RFID reader and process according to the what the application needs. Moreover, the data transmitted by the tag may provide trains location or identification or it specifics about the product, for examples price, colour, date code etc. Also, RFID systems can be employed for tracking objects as an invasion of privacy. In short, RFID tag is used for carrying data and it serve as agent for data transfer. A reader in range of the tag’s signal will receive the information, decrypt it, and forward it to the host computer for storing all the collected data within a database. C. RS-232 Many PCs and compatible computers which are equipped with one parallel port and two serial ports. Although the above two types of ports are used for communication purpose with external devices, they work in different ways. A parallel ports sends and receives data eight bit at a times 8 over separate wires. This allows data to be transferred in short span of time however the cable required is large because of the number of individual wires it needed. Parallel ports are typically used to connect PC to a printer and rarely used for much else. A serial port sends and receives the information in one bit at a time over one wire. While it takes eight times as long to transfer each byte of information this way, only a few wires are required. In fact, two-way communications is possible only with three separate wires in which one for sending and one for receiving, and a common signal ground wire. D. RF Transmitter-Receiver Each train has unique RF transmitter and RF receiver with a frequency of 433.92 MHz and frequency of 315 MHz respectively .The transmitter converts parallel data to frequency signal at atmosphere frequency of 433.92 MHz through antenna. The receiver receives the frequency signal at a frequency of 315 MHz through antenna and converts it to digital data and gives it to the decoder. E. Coder Encoder Pair They are capable of encoding information which consists of N bits of address and 12-N bits of data. Each address input can be set as logic states 0 or 1.The features are:  High noise immunity and low power  Standby current is low  Operating voltage 2.4-12V for HT12E  Data code has positive polarity. It is used for remote control system applications. It has same number of address and data format. The features are:  High noise immunity and low power  Standby current is low  Operating voltage 2.4-12V for HT12E  Binary address setting  Easy to interface with RF and RFID F. Object Sensor At the core of a PIR sensor is a solid state sensor or a set of sensors, which are made from pyroelectric materials and the materials which generate energy when exposed to heat. Normally, the sensors are approximately 1/4 inch square which is 40 mm2, and take the form of a thin film. The sensor is regularly manufactured as part of an integrated circuit in electronic devices for such purposes. It is used to sense the object on the train path. All objects above absolute zero emit heat energy in the form of

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Collision of Train Prevention System Using RF and RFID Technology (GRDJE / CONFERENCE / ICIET - 2016 / 061)

IR. Usually infrared light is invisible to the human eye, but it can be detected by infrared radiation that enters through the front end of the sensor, known as the 'sensor face'. G. LCD Liquid crystal display has materials which combine the properties of both crystals and liquids. Instead of having melting point ,the range of temperature within the molecules are almost as movable as they would be in a liquid but are grouped together in an ordered to form a similar crystal .An LCD consists of two glass panels, with the liquid crystal material which is inserted between them. The inner surface of the glass plates are coated with transparent electrodes which define its character, symbols or patterns to be displayed. Polymeric layers are present in between the liquid crystal and electrodes, which is used for making the liquid crystal molecules to maintain a defined direction angle.

III. DETAILED DESCRIPTION A. Procedure for wireless transmission via RF Microcontroller will transmit the information to encoder (HT12E). This encoder IC converts the parallel information to serial data. From encoder, the data are transmitted to RF transmitter. It then converts the digital data into frequency. This then transmits the data to the atmosphere in frequency 433.92MHz. This data is then received by the RF receiver in the nearby train. This receiver converts the data in frequency format into digital data (serial).This data is then converted to parallel digital data using decoder HT12D.These data are then given to microcontroller .Microcontroller will compare the ID received by the RF receiver and the ID in its memory. It they match, sooner the microcontroller will alert the loco pilots regarding the situation (future occurrence of head-on collision of trains). B. Procedure for obstacle detection In addition, obstacle detection could be done with the help of object sensor. Two object sensors are used in this project. One is fixed at the front side of the train and another is fixed near the wheel. Object sensor helps calculating the distance between the obstacle and the train. This sensor has object transmitter and receiver. If any obstacle comes in the path of the sensor, it reaches the object receiver. Based on the time between the transmission of signal and its reception, the distance of the object is calculated. There is a timer module in the object sensor for performing this operation. The output from this sensor is given to microcontroller 89s52. The sensor at the front end of the train detects the distance of the obstacle from the train. The sensor near the wheel detects the distance of the turning points in the track from the point where now the train is. If the distance of the obstacle is less than the distance of the turning point in track, we can identify that there is an obstacle in the path of the train. Otherwise, there is no need to stop the train, because the obstacle is being moved out of the railway track. If the obstacle seems to be closer to the train, the microcontroller starts its counting. Its waits for a pre-set time (say 30 sec). If the object moves out of the path of the train, within this pre-set time, no further processing is needed. If the object remains in the path of the train continuously, microcontroller takes train stopping decision. Microcontroller makes the alarm to blow. This is done with the help of relay and relay drive circuits. Alarm indication is made to alert the loco pilot. Meantime, the train is also stopped.

IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS The prototype has been tested for the work and they are all described in this paper. The usage of RFID is a modern approach for prevention of collision of train. Each component in this project has been successfully worked. The present work in this paper is more effective practical level. Also the prototype is working well with this idea. The microcontroller used in this idea. The microcontroller used in this store all the information about the train. Since there are many drawbacks using GPS we use RFID and it has many unique features such as a the communication takes place within two trains accuracy is better and since we use atmosphere frequency jamming problem does not occur. In addition to it Interfacing with other devices is easier compared to other communication devices and distance of communication is less when compared to GPS so signal is strong.

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Collision of Train Prevention System Using RF and RFID Technology (GRDJE / CONFERENCE / ICIET - 2016 / 061)

Fig. 1: Train model

Fig. 2: Hardware model

V. CONCLUSION The prototype discussed in this paper is a key idea for practical applications. By this modification railway working is improved if implemented. Occurrence of accidents can be avoided extensively and also it is much more cost effective and RFID tag installation is very easy. Since it has many applications when compared to other technologies which are currently running. Also this prototype leads to prevention of train collision in better way when compared to other technologies. Obstacle detection is also sharper in detecting obstacles. The aspect of the system in future is very important. Automation of railways would reach to a stable level when we implement this technique. The track of the train in which it is running can be identified easily so tracking of train is also easier. The train width high speed can also run using this RFID technology.

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