Remote Control System for Home Automation and Reduce Energy Consumption

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GRD Journals- Global Research and Development Journal for Engineering | Volume 1 | Issue 12 | November 2016 ISSN: 2455-5703

Remote Control System for Home Automation and Reduce Energy Consumption R. Gunasekaran Assistant Professor Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Excel College of Engineering & Technology, Komarapalayam

M. R. Mohanraj Assistant Professor Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Excel College of Engineering & Technology, Komarapalayam

A. S. Dhalapathi Assistant Professor Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Excel College of Engineering & Technology, Komarapalayam

G. Syed Zabiyullah Assistant Professor Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Excel College of Engineering & Technology, Komarapalayam

Abstract Energy consumption is major thing to be considered in day today life. There was an existing paper for this where the home appliances are controlled through remote operations and there was no usage of sensors in it. However, here we can control our home devices by our own anywhere through mobile application. Improve this project by using different sensors and android version mobiles with GPRS technology to control the devices. In this project we control the Home appliances like fan, gas cylinder in case of unwanted usages through GPRS with Android applied mobiles using temperature, gas, current, PIR sensors in a motto of energy conservation. A new approach is designed and implemented where we achieve an internet-based smart remote control system for home automation, purposely dedicated for power management that adapts power consumption to available power resources according to user comfort and cost criteria. Sensors and home appliances are connected to the controller, which is further interfaced with internet through an android applied mobile. Therefore, these devices can be monitored and controlled from every corner of the world through the Internet cloud. Added advantage is that the system is scalable and allows additional appliances to be added to it with no major changes to its core-processing segment. Keywords- Android mobile control system, Energy Consumption, GPRS, Micro Controller, Remote control

I. INTRODUCTION The Paper deals with the progress of controlling the home appliances through GPRS facilities in combination with android version mobiles. Automation plays a very important role here by using the components like microcontroller, sensors, relay, android version mobiles, driver circuits .To control the devices and to switch off the devices during unwanted times and to reduce the wastages we employed this home automation to reduce the human works as well as to make the energy conservation to be the major proportion. Enhance the lifetime of the components by operating them with proper maintenance and to avoid unwanted power usages. Due to busy life of the people nowadays, they do not have time to check the home appliances properly and to off them whenever it is not required. So to make people much more efficient to maintain the home appliances and to enhance the automation technique to switch off the devices automatically can be achieved. This may help people towards leisure to go to work without tension and to provide energy conservation, which is an important aspect beyond the available power demands. This project may take an opportunity to help the society to move towards the next steps towards the development.

II. METHODOLOGY GPRS methodology is employed here to control the devices from anywhere through internet .Android version mobiles with internet facilities are employed because of the unlimited applications to the users .Sensors are also employed for determining the variation that is provided to operate the home appliances whenever is necessary.

III. RESOURCE PROBLEM The problem that could occur here will be the signal because of the reason that our society has been still in endeavour condition that there may not be signals at some places .If there is no power supply to the circuit board then it may not be possible to provide this home automation. The cost of the sensors along with the availability of android version mobile in GPRS connection is not possible for lowest earning peoples.

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Remote Control System for Home Automation and Reduce Energy Consumption (GRDJE/ Volume 1 / Issue 12 / 005)

IV. OBJECTIVE The main objective of this project is to provide automation to the home appliances in a motto of the energy conservation. The life of the people could be enhanced by reducing their tensions in switching off the devices at the proper timings. This also helps to enhance the life time of the home appliances to some more years by operating them at the correct time of operations. Energy conservation is a major thing. Being a good citizen it is our duty to save our energy resources for the future generations.

V. SCOPE OF THE PROJECT There will be a good scope for this project because of the reason that the available renewable and non-renewable resources will be present only for few more years. The present generations have their duty in conserving the present energy to extend the life of the resources to some more years. Energy conservation & home automation can be done through innovative technologies for being in a busy world.

VI. MOTIVATION This Paper helps in motivating the people to conserve the energy and enhance the life of the devices that human beings use in their routine life. It also reminds us to provide our own efforts to improve our country and the society to make us to lead a sophisticated life style.


Fig. 1: Block diagram

VIII. BLOCK DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION The block diagram consists of various sensors like LDR, PIR, GAS and THERMISTOR. Each of the above mentioned sensors are connected to amplifiers and PIR sensor is connected to an interfacing circuit. Then the analog outputs from overview these

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Remote Control System for Home Automation and Reduce Energy Consumption (GRDJE/ Volume 1 / Issue 12 / 005)

devices are converted to digital signals by using an analog to digital converter. The input is then given to the controller. It also consists of a GPRS module that transfers the IP address to an android based mobile. Then the sensed details are sent to the mobile using internet. According to the user’s preference and need the relays can be switched ON.


Fig. 2: Circuit diagram A.

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Analog Applications Camera exposure control Auto slide focus- dual cell Photocopy machines- density oftener Colorimetric test equipment Densitometer Electronic scales- dual cell All rights reserved by


Remote Control System for Home Automation and Reduce Energy Consumption (GRDJE/ Volume 1 / Issue 12 / 005)

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Automatic gain control – modulated light source Automatic rear view mirror

B.      

Digital Applications Automatic headlight dimmer Night light control Oil burner flame out Street light control Absence / Presence (beam breaker) Position sensor

X. CONCLUSION This project helps in bringing a secure and sophisticated life. Day by day our resources are getting extinct and now it’s time to save for the future generation. Our project helps us to do both at low cost. We use android application mobile and an internet connection in this project. Since there may be variations in the signals, it may be taken as a drawback as it creates inconveniences.

XI. FUTURE SCOPE The usage of internet in this project can be considered as a drawback as well as advantage. Due to the varying signal there may not be proper receiving of output. This can be overcome by using of GSM module.

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