2 minute read
Opportunity Find in Adversity
Terry Sidford
ave you ever looked at the challenging times in your life as a gift? When you are in the midst of adversity, it isn’t always easy to see the good that can come from the situation. H
Believe it or not, the most difficult and trying times can be an opportunity to push past our comfort zone and grow from the experience. Some of the most humbling and painful experiences in my life were the most transformative.
We can find the opportunity in our adversity.
Life is ever changing with many ups and downs. One thing you can always count on is change. Although you can’t always control these changes, you can control how you respond to any given situation. Find the silver lining and gifts or lessons in the unknown. It is easy to react out of fear when life throws you a challenge. Take a moment to pause and find your courage to respond differently. We are here to grow from a life that presents many difficulties and pain, but this is how we find out who we are and what we can become. Just like our children, we must make mistakes and experience the painful moments to grow and learn. No one is immune to learning these lessons of life.
Our world today is faced with the most challenging of times. Now, more than ever, we need to find the opportunity in our adversity. We can take this moment and let it change us for the better. What if we came out of this stronger than when we started? Struggle gives us an
opportunity to connect to our hearts and find hope and compassion. Let’s decide to not only survive, but to thrive.
Steps to find your opportunity in adversity:
1. Awareness: Face what is. Be aware and acknowledge your emotions and feeling.
2. Breathe: Remember to take deep breaths and release the stress. Your breath connects you to your life force
3. Pause and reflect: Ask yourself how you want to respond to this situation, feelings and emotions.
4. Go outside: Go outside and find space. This will give you a new perspective.
5. Find the opportunity in this
situation: Find your strength, gift. Learn or grow and see the opportunity in this adversity.
You have the power within you to find opportunity and the good in what can seem to appear so hopeless. Hope connects us to our trust in life and something bigger than all of this. It reminds us that we are supported, and life is good with all its challenges. We have the opportunity, in this moment, to come together as a community and get through this with grace and determination. We have the chance to show the best of our world.

Terry Sidford has been a certified life coach in the United States for the past 15 years and has assisted scores of people in achieving their dreams. More information is available from Terry’s website.