1 minute read
Open your mind & heart to your best & highest dreams.
The mentor suggested that we start a nonprofit organization dedicated to consulting and counseling and made me the director. I agreed, then we scheduled our first board meeting. The board members announced that they had already made many decisions that left me astounded.
1. My salary was to be twice what I had been making at the church.
2. They asked me to list the courses and seminars that would best train me for the work I was to do. They said ‘yes’ to every item on my list!
3. They suggested that I get my doctorate and they agreed to pay for all expenses.
4. My mentor donated $100,000 to make all this possible.
The point: If I had given in to my selflimiting ideas, my life would have been very different and certainly far less satisfying.
The message: Open your mind and heart to your best and highest dreams and say ‘yes’ to anyone who wants to offer their support. Miracles will follow.
Homework: Write down your top three life goals. Then ask yourself if they are truly miraculous. Then imagine expanding them to the miraculous level. This is how to set your life goals.
Now go for it. Have a miraculous life.
Dr Matthew Anderson has a Doctor of Ministry specialising in counselling. He has extensive training and experience in Gestalt and Jungian Psychology and has helped many people successfully navigate relationship issues. Dr Anderson has a best-selling book, ‘The Resurrection of Romance’ and he may be contacted via his website.