107年臺灣銀行新進人員甄試試題 甄試類別: 五職等/一般金融人員 科目一:國文、英文
1.( ) 下列文句,何者用字完全正確? (A)先祖渡海而來,就在這片土地繁演後代 (B)好客的主人端來佳餚,真讓人吮指回味 (C)長官剛上任,一時間難以捉模他的想法 (D)越是謙遜好學的人,越是願意不齒下問 2.( ) 長「ㄑㄩ」直入、「ㄑㄩ」炎附勢、「ㄑㄩ」指可數、「ㄑㄩ」水流觴的4個 「ㄑㄩ」字依序應是: (A)驅/趨/屈/曲
3.( ) 下列各組「水」部的詞,何者兩詞的詞義相差最大? (A)涸/溽(B)潤/濡(C)洩/泄(D)濯/滌 4.( ) 下列各組成語,何者意義相近? (A)危言危行/剛正不阿
5.( ) 閱讀下文,推斷□內最適合填入的詞語依序為何? 昨夜曾在這世界下過多的睡意,蝴蝶們,蜜蜂們,金龜子們,紅的、白的、黃的 小花們,以至它們的眸子積著□□。驟然想到夾竹桃的馨香如酒,於是醉落了一 地的胭脂。那天,我將去品飲一杯由六月的氤氳□出的山光與潭影綠。(蕭白 〈六月的眸光〉) (A)迷糊/釀(B)迷糊/烤(C)惺松/釀(D)惺松/烤 6.( ) 下列古代用來描述美麗女子的文句,何者屬於側寫? (A)巧笑倩兮,美目盼兮
7.( ) 下列詩句表達的感受,何者最接近「人生有酒須當醉,一滴何曾到九泉」? (A)十觴亦不醉,感子故意長
8.( ) 下列文句畫底線處的詞語,何者運用恰當? (A)她的體質克紹箕裘自母親,平常就敏弱多病 (B)美景當前,大家紛紛行將就木的在樹下拍照 (C)祖母把子女教養得很好,真可說是無忝所生 (D)被問及貪污案,他立刻閃爍其詞,諱莫如深 國文
9.( ) 下列詞句中的植物,何者投射作者憂傷的心情? (A)修竹凝妝,垂楊駐馬,憑闌淺畫成圖 (B)六曲闌干偎碧樹,楊柳風輕,展盡黃金縷 (C)戀樹濕花飛不起,愁無際,和春付與東流水 (D)長溝流月去無聲,杏花疏影裡,吹笛到天明 10.( ) 「能者多勞」的構詞方式,是以「多勞」描述前面的「能者」。下列詞語,何者 有相同的構詞方式? (A)無邊風月(B)賞心樂事(C)出水芙蓉(D)世態炎涼 11.( ) 下列「章回小說回目」與其所屬「小說名稱」的配對,何者正確? (A)曹孟德移駕幸許都,呂奉先乘夜襲徐郡/水滸傳 (B)林瀟湘魁奪菊花詩,薛蘅蕪諷和螃蟹詩/紅樓夢 (C)吳學究雙掌連環計,宋公明三打祝家莊/儒林外史 (D)林教頭風雪山神廟,陸虞候火燒草料場/三國演義 12.( ) 「馬超大戰葭萌關,劉備自領益州牧」、「劉玄德攜民渡江,趙子龍單騎救 主」、「劉先主遺詔託孤兒,諸葛亮安居平五路」、「蔡夫人隔屏聽密語,劉皇 叔躍馬過檀溪」是《三國演義》的回目,關於劉備、劉玄德、劉先主、劉皇叔的 敘述,何者正確? (A)劉備、劉玄德、劉先主、劉皇叔皆為同一人 (B)劉備、劉玄德、劉先主為一人,劉皇叔為另一人 (C)劉備、劉先主、劉皇叔為一人,劉玄德為另一人 (D)劉備、劉先主為一人,劉玄德、劉皇叔為另一人 13.( ) 下列何者屬於工整的「對仗」? (A)天秋月又滿,城闕夜千重
14.( ) 閱讀下文,推斷□□內最適合填入的詞語依序為何? 過去幾年,全球經濟平均每年減少0.35個百分點的GDP成長率,這□□會阻礙人 力資本的累積,也將使貧困孩子無法獲得更好的教育成就,無形中□□社會的流 動性與技術發展。 (A)不但/翻轉(B)不但/降低 (C)雖然/翻轉(D)雖然/降低 15.( ) 依據下文,下列敘述何者正確? 寫作即使有其規矩門徑,重要的仍在性識與靈氣,缺乏神明變化的性識靈氣,規 矩門徑都變成了「死法」。這使我想起了「八股文」,八股原是文章結構中最嚴 整工緻的,自從成為庸俗眾手可以依循的「時套」,作文變成了「填寫」,再神 奇也化為腐臭了!因此,如何去談寫作的門徑,都未必不誤人。
01 - 10
11 - 20
21 - 25
26 - 30
備註 無更正紀錄。
解析 1. (B) (A) 錯誤,先祖渡海而來,就在這片土地繁「演」後代:應為繁「衍」,孳生眾多。 (B) 正確,好客的主人端來佳餚,真讓人吮指回味:吮,音ㄕㄨㄣˇ,用口吸取。指食 物美味到令人舔手指回味。 (C) 錯誤,長官剛上任,一時間難以捉「模」他的想法:應為捉「摸」,揣測,料想。 (D) 錯誤,越是謙遜好學的人,越是願意不「齒」下問:應為不「恥」下問,不以向身 分較低微、或是學問較自己淺陋的人求教為羞恥。(語出《論語‧公冶長》) 從上述內容可知,答案為(B)。 2. (A) 長「驅」直入:挺進迅速,銳不可擋。(語本《漢書‧竇田灌韓傳‧韓安國》) 「趨」炎附勢:指奉承依附有權勢的人。(語本晉‧王沈〈釋時論〉) 「屈」指可數:彎曲手指可計數,形容數量很少。(語本《三國志‧魏書‧張樂于張徐 傳‧張郃》) 「曲」水流觴:古人飲酒時為助酒興所進行的一種遊戲。將酒杯放在彎曲水渠的上游,任 其飄流而下;參與遊戲者則環坐渠旁,當酒杯停在那個人附近,便由他取來飲酒。 從上述內容可知,各成語中的ㄑㄩ分別為「驅/趨/屈/曲」,答案為(A)。 3. (A) (A) 涸:音ㄏㄜˊ,水乾竭、乾枯。/溽:音ㄖㄨˋ,潮溼、濃厚。 (B) 潤:音ㄖㄨㄣˋ,指潮濕、不枯乾,或為修飾,使得到好處、幫助。/濡:音ㄖㄨ ˊ,指浸溼、沾溼,或為習染、感染,停留、停滯之意。 (C) 洩:音ㄒㄧㄝˋ,指液體排放、氣體散逸,或為發散、發抒,透露、露出。/泄: 音ㄒㄧㄝˋ,指液體或氣體排出、漏出,或為透露、露出,發散之意 (D) 濯:音ㄓㄨㄛˊ,指洗滌、清洗。/滌:音ㄉㄧˊ,指洗濯、清掃,去除之意。 從上述內容可知,「涸/溽」二字字義不同,答案為(A)。
4. (A) (A) 危言危行:言行舉止均正直不阿。(出自《論語‧憲問》)/剛正不阿:剛強正 直,不徇私逢迎。 (B) 啞然失笑:情不自禁的發出笑聲。/泣不成聲:哭得發不出聲音。形容十分悲傷。 (C) 坐言起行:言行一致。比喻勇於實行。(語本《荀子‧性惡》)/紙上談兵:在文 字上談論用兵的策略。後比喻不切實際的議論。(典出《史記‧廉頗藺相如列傳‧ 趙奢》) (D) 弊絕風清:弊端絕除,風氣良好。形容政風清明。/積重難返:長期所形成的不良 習慣與弊病,難以改變。 從上述內容可知,「危言危行/剛正不阿」的意思相同,答案為(A)。 5. (C) 題幹文句開頭提到「昨夜曾在這世界下過多的睡意」,既然使用「睡意」,可以得知後面 的□□應與睡眠有關,惺忪為清醒、睡醒,恰可表達清晨萬物甦醒之感。接續「驟然想到 夾竹桃的馨香如酒」,此句之中提到「酒」,因此在文意的承接上作者所品飲的應是與酒 可做聯想的事物,因此使用「釀」,正好可以承接前句文意。 從上述內容可知,□內分別應填入「惺忪/釀」,答案為(C)。 6. (C) (A) 巧笑倩兮,美目盼兮:出自《論語‧八脩》,此段文句為子夏描繪女子微笑時的神 情,屬於主觀描寫。語譯為「有位女子笑起來多麼地巧妙,眼睛動起來,多麼地靈 活傳神。」 (B) 腰如束素,齒如含貝:出自戰國楚‧宋玉〈登徒子賦〉,透過譬喻法形容女子的身 材與樣貌。語譯為「她的腰身如同一束絹帛般纖細,牙齒有如口中含著海貝般的潔 白整齊。」 (C) 魚見之深入,鳥見之高飛:出自《莊子‧齊物論》,藉由側寫魚隻、飛鳥見到女子 的反應,凸顯女子的美貌。語譯為「魚見到她們就潛入水底,鳥見到她們就飛向高 空。」 (D) 黛眉印在微微綠,檀口消來薄薄紅:出自唐‧韓偓〈余作探使以繚綾手帛子寄賀因 而有詩〉,詩人藉由春天綠意盎然、百花盛開,形容女子的美貌。語譯為「她青黑 色的眉毛拓印在春天的綠意之中,紅豔的雙唇消失在百花盛開的鮮紅之中。」 從上述內容可知,答案為(C)。
103年 107年
107年臺灣銀行新進人員甄試試題 甄試類別:五職等/一般金融人員 科目一:國文及英文
一、字彙【請依照句子前後文意,選出最適當的答案】 1.( ) Environmentalists are concerned that wide-scale logging would result in the ___________ of the mountains. ① accord ② erosion ③ ingenuity ④ outlaw 2.( ) Assessment probably provokes more anxiety among students and ___________ among staff than any other feature of education. ① abbreviation ② artifact ③ instance ④ irritation 3.( ) The investigator ___________ every detail in the scene, making sure all relevant evidence was collected. ① pretended ② resembled ③ scrutinized ④ transferred 4.( ) Consumers start to be aware that the purchases of unfair trade products may ___________ noble values of justice. ① reinforce ② constitute ③ tranquilize ④ undermine 5.( ) After three rounds of ___________ prescribed by my doctor, the cough I had struggled with still did not go away. ① antibiotics ② biochemistry ③ cholesterol ④ expeditions 6.( ) Gene editing is getting fresh attention because of a recent lab experiment with human ___________. ① anecdotes ② boycotts ③ embryos ④ concentrates 7.( ) Senior citizens in the city receive ___________ care from a physical therapist a few times a year. ① intermittent ② mineral ③ obedient ④ removable 8.( ) The new technology allows the sensor to ___________ information it collected to your mobile device. ① raid ② relay ③ shed ④ spire 二、文法測驗【請在下列各題中選出最適當的答案】 9.( ) For nearly 100 years, the ancient trail was a vital trade route, ___________ in both directions. ① goods moved ② moved goods ③ with goods moving ④ with moving goods
10.( ) ___________, this National Monument was established primarily to protect archaeological resources. ① Northern Arctic Circle
② Toward Arctic Circle north
③ Locating the north Arctic Circle
④ Located north of the Arctic Circle
11.( ) The gorge is ___________ where thoughts are silenced by the raw power of nature. ① so rare place ② rarely one place ③ most rare places ④ one of those rare places 12.( ) ___________ around the year 1425 the native people abandoned their homes here for reasons unknown. ① Sometime ② Some time ③ Sometimes ④ Some times 13.( ) The whale oil was once a lucrative and much ___________ commodity used in lamps to light homes. ① desire ② desired ③ desiring ④ desirably 14.( ) The museum offers a variety of guided tours and special events, ___________ vary by season. ① some of them ② any of those ③ most of which ④ many of what 15.( ) ___________ the importance of trust, teams with positive relationships have better chance to succeed. ① Give ② Given ③ Giving ④ To Give 三、克漏字測驗【請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案】 Fall colors can be very different from place to place. Some areas have a very short color-changing season of a week or less, 16 elsewhere it can last nearly a month. Every location produces different colors, 17 the type of flora and other factors such as climate and soil. The hillsides of New England, which attract thousands of photographers every year, are famous for 18 dappled assortment of species producing different shades, ranging between reds and greens. 19 some research to find out when the leaves are expected to change so you can make the most of your opportunity. If it's sunny, you have plenty of light to work with, 20 you may get harsh shadows and glare that can diminish the colors. To conquer this, try using a polarizing filter, changing your angle of view, or shooting when the sun is low in the sky. 16.( ) ① therefore ② because ③ while ④ so 17.( ) ① consisting of ② depending on ③ resulting in ④ dealing with 18.( ) ① it ② its ③ their ④ which 19.( ) ① Do ② To do ③ Doing ④ Having done 20.( ) ① as ② for ③ if ④ but
103年 107年 四、閱讀測驗【請在下列各題中選出最適當的答案】 It all began with good news. On August 17, the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) touted gains on the PARCC exam-short for Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers-for economically disadvantaged students in grades 3 through 8. OSSE reported that those students improved by 9.2 percentage points in language arts and 6.4 percentage points in math from 2016 to 2017, in terms of their readiness to perform at the next grade level. The mayor chimed in with upbeat press releases. But in mid-September the local newspaper found a clerical error. That is, at one school, OSSE counted all students as economically disadvantaged, when in fact many at that school are not disadvantaged at all. The mistake raised the aggregated scores that applied to lower income students. The error was significant enough that it inflated scores of disadvantaged students throughout the area. True, the test scores of disadvantaged students had improved, but by much less: 5.2 percentage points in language arts and 3.2 percentage points in math. Scores of economically disadvantaged students haven't improved as much as was initially reported. The newspaper did not report the error at the time. Instead, it informed OSSE, which claims to have discovered the error themselves just 48 hours earlier. After confirming the results, OSSE posted corrected figures on its web page and informed education agency heads, according to a spokesperson. OSSE did not take steps, however, to alert the general public to the error-or the correction. That was left to the newspaper, which reported last week that “economically disadvantaged students still made gains over the previous year but not as much as first reported because of the coding mistake." “Whom are we fooling?" asks Mary Levy, a respected budget expert who has been watching school officials fiddle with the way they report the data for years. “The misleading use of data and the positive spin on limited achievement gains continues to undermine efforts to give education reform the urgency that it needs." 21.( ) What is the passage mainly about? ① An education initiative.
② A government aid program.
③ A revised supervision regulation. ④ An error with the report of statistics. 22.( ) According to the author, whom is to be blamed for the incident? ① The city mayor.
② The OSSE officials.
③ The newspaper journalist.
④ The budget expert Mary Levy.
23.( ) What was the problem discussed? ① The test given to students was problematic. ② The newspaper did not release data truthfully. ③ The mayor asked the newspaper not to report correct figures. ④ The OSSE personnel did not clearly inform the public of their mistakes.
103年 107年
英文 107年臺灣銀行新進人員甄試試題-一般金融人員
01 - 10
11 - 20
21 - 30
31 - 40
備註 無更正紀錄。
解析 一、字彙 1. (②) 翻譯: 環境保護論者擔憂大規模伐木會造成山地的 傷害 。 ① accord: (n.) 一致、符合 ② erosion: (n.) 侵害、腐蝕 ③ ingenuity: (n.) 心靈手巧、獨創性 ④ outlaw: (n.) 歹徒、罪犯 解析: 依常理推斷,大規模砍伐原木(wide-scale logging)會侵害山坡地,故空格中選填 erosion(侵害、腐蝕)最為合理,答案選「②」。 備註:environmentalist: (n.) 環境保護論者、環境論者 concerned: (adj.) 掛慮的、擔心的 wide-scale: (adj.) 大規模的 logging: (n.) 砍伐原木、砍伐運出 2. (④) 翻譯:比起其他的教育特質,評量可能會引發學生更大的焦慮和教職員的 煩躁 。 ① abbreviation: (n.) 縮寫字、縮寫式 ② artifact: (n.) 工藝品、手工藝品 ③ instance: (n.) 例子、實例 ④ irritation: (n.) 惱怒、煩心事 解析: 從「引發學生更大的焦慮」(provokes more anxiety among students)可推知說話 者對評量(assessment)所持的態度較為負面,選項中與 anxiety(焦慮)同為負 面的情緒名詞是 irritation(惱怒、煩躁),答案選「④」。 備註:assessment: (n.) 評量、估價 provoke: (v.) 引發、挑釁、煽動 anxiety: (n.) 焦慮、掛念 staff: (n.) 全體職員、工作人員
103年 107年 7. (①) 翻譯:這座城市的年長市民享有一年數次物理治療師的 周期性 照顧。 ① intermittent: (adj.) 間歇的、週期性的 ② mineral: (adj.) 礦物的、礦質的 ③ obedient: (adj.) 服從的、順從的 ④ removable: (adj.) 可移動的、可去掉的 解析: 由「一年數次」(a few times a year)可知這種對年長市民的醫療服務是以年為週 期的,空格中選填 intermittent(間歇的、週期性的)最為合適,答案選「①」。 備註:senior citizen: (n.) 年長的市民 physical therapist: (n.) 物理治療師 8. (②) 翻譯:新科技允許感應器將所收集的資訊 傳輸 到你的行動裝置。 ① raid: (v.) 襲擊、發動突襲 ② relay: (v.) 傳遞、轉達 ③ shed: (v.) 流出、溢出 ④ spire: (v.) 塔狀矗立、聳立 解析: 從「information it collected to your mobile device」(它所收集的資訊“到”你的行 動裝置),可推知意指新科技能讓感應器將資訊「傳送、傳輸」到行動裝置,空格 中選填 relay(傳遞、轉達)最為合適,答案選「②」。“it collected”為省略關係 詞 which/that 的關係子句,修飾 information。 備註:sensor: (n.) 傳感器、感應器 mobile device: (n.) 行動裝置 二、文法測驗 9. (③) 翻譯: 在將近一百年的時間裡,古老的路徑是熱絡的貿易路線, 貨物 在雙向道上 流動 。 ① goods moved:貨物流動 ② moved goods:被移動的貨物 ③ with goods moving:(伴隨)貨物流動 ④ with moving goods:(伴隨)活動的貨物 考點:獨立分詞構句 解析: 句子有主、動詞(the ancient trail was),因此空格之後在沒有連接詞的情況下不 能出現另一組主、動詞,排除① 。 ② 的 moved 若不是過去式動詞,就是分詞作形容詞修飾 goods(商品),過去分 詞表被動,因此 moved goods 即「被移動的商品」。空格填② 形成單獨一個 名詞片語在句末,由於 moved goods 與逗號前的 trade route(貿易路線)沒有 互代的關係,故非同位語的用法,語意不合理。 ③ 為「with+獨立分詞構句」(with+名詞 goods+分詞 moving」)的結構,獨 立分詞構句的主詞(goods)與主句主詞(the ancient trail)不同,因此不可省 略。介系詞 with 表「伴隨、樣態」,搭配獨立分詞構句表示主句發生的時候, 同時伴隨著另一個情況存在。故這裡構句的意思就是表達「(古老路徑是熱絡 的貿易路線,伴隨著)貨物在雙向道上流動」的情形。文法正確、語意合理, 正解為③ 。 英文
留意,move 作不及物動詞原意是「動、移動」,然而商品(goods)是沒 請 有生命的物,不會自行移動,因此這裡的 moving 應非「移動」之意,而是有 「(商品)銷售、販賣、流動」快速的意思。 ④ 的 moving 為分詞形容詞,意為「活動的、可移動的、感人的」,修飾 goods 意為「活動的商品」,語意不合理。 備註:trail: (n.) 路徑、小徑 vital: (adj.) 生死攸關的、生氣勃勃的 route: (n.) 路線、路程 direction: (n.) 方向、方位
10. (④) 翻譯:這座國家級遺蹟 位於北極圈的北方 ,其設立主要是為了保護考古資源。 ① Northern Arctic Circle:北方的北極圈 ② Toward Arctic Circle north:朝向北極圈北方 ③ Locating the north Arctic Circle:找尋北北極圈的位置 ④ Located north of the Arctic Circle:位於北極圈北方 考點:分詞構句 解析:選項提示空格填名詞片語、介系詞片語或分詞構句,分析如下: ① Northern Arctic Circle:意為「北方的北極圈」,為一名詞片語,與後面的名詞 this National Monument(國家級遺蹟)之間有逗號分隔,形成同位語的形態, 但兩者不相等(一個是地點、一個是建物),不能互代,故① 非正解。 ② Toward Arctic Circle north:為介系詞片語,直譯為「朝向北極圈北方」,但 「北極圈北方」的說法應是「the north of the Arctic Circle」,Arctic Circle 在前 面修飾 north 的用法不正確,且主句描述「國家級遺跡被設立」(this National Monument was established),與「朝向北極圈北方」所構成的句意較不合理。 ③ Locating the north Arctic Circle:此為 Locating 引導分詞構句的結構,動詞 locate 意為「把...設置在(某處)」、「確認...的地點、找出...」,故現在分詞 locating 表主動的「設置某物、找尋某物」。由於構句主詞=主句主詞=this National Monument,因此構句的意思就是指「國家級遺跡要確認北北極圈的位 置」、「國家級遺跡要找尋北北極圈」,顯然語意不合理。 ④ Located north of the Arctic Circle:此為 Located 引導分詞構句的結構,動詞 locate 意為「把...設置在(某處)」,故過去分詞 located 表被動的「被設置(在某 處)」,相當於「座落於(某處)」之意。由於構句主詞=主句主詞,因此構句的 意思就是指「國家級遺跡被設置在北極圈北方」、「國家級遺跡座落於北極圈 北方」,語意正確,④ 為正解。north 為副詞用法(在北方)。 備註:monument: (n.) 紀念碑、遺蹟 primarily: (ad.) 首先、起初 archaeological: (adj.) 考古學的 Arctic Circle: (n.) 北極圈