mxNext Owners Manual

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1. Notice 2. Introduction 3. Safety First 4. Design Features 5. Rigging Your mxNext 6. Handling Your mxNext 7. Care and Maintenance 8. Emergency Procedures 9. Warranty






International MX Composites has developed this manual with the intent to produce a useful guide to using your mxNext sailboat. All statements, technical information and recommendations in this manual are believed to be reliable, but the accuracy and completeness are not guaranteed nor warranted. The mxNext sailboat sold to you is subject to limited warranties set out in the warranty section of this manual. International MX Composites reserves the right to make changes to the mxNext design and specifications within the Class Rules at any time without notice. Therefore some features of your boat may differ slightly from the ones described in this manual. COPYRIGHT Š 2014 International MX Composites All rights reserved. mxNext is a registered trademark of International MX Composites






Congratulations on your purchase of the mxNext and welcome to the rapidly growing worldwide mxNext-Team. With the mxNext you have chosen a totally new concept that brings highspeed “skiff” sailing to the individual sailor. The boats innovative features make it possible for a single person to handle both the main and asymmetrical spinnaker while sailing at speeds of up to 25 knots. The mxNext was designed not just as a fast boat - she is also relatively simple to sail and approachable for people of most levels of sailing ability. This manual explains the mxNext’s design features and provides you with the basic knowledge of how to rig, handle and care for your boat. If after reading this manual you have further questions, please contact your local dealer or International MX Composites directly. Dealers are listed on the mxNext website where you will also find mxNext news, information on upcoming events and answers to the most frequently asked questions. You can contact us at: MARK LE BLANC International MX Composites 1 (978) 320 9435 Welcome to the mxNext-Team and enjoy sailing your mxNext






SAFETY TIPS • Every time you sail, be alert to the power of nature and the elements. Any body of water, even a small pond, may be dangerous if you do not treat it with respect. • Know your own limits. The mxNext is a high performance boat and requires a certain level of knowledge and skill to handle. Carefully read this manual and get acquainted with all of the boat’s systems on shore before taking her out on the water. • Plan for emergency conditions. The weather can change very rapidly and even if it’s a nice sunny day when you start out, take appropriate precautions. Carefully read the section “Emergency Procedures” of this manual and find time to practice these procedures so you’ll know what to do and stay cool in case of a real emergency. • Always wear your life jacket while sailing. • Always carry a small paddle on the boat. • The safest way to learn how to sail the mxNext is by going out on the water with sailors from your local Yacht Club who can provide assistance if necessary. If you go sailing alone, always inform someone else where you will be sailing and what time you plan to come back to shore. • Get familiar with your mxNext gradually. Start in a light wind in a wellprotected area and go through all the routine maneuvers: tacking, jibing, spinnaker hoisting and dousing, etc. Try to capsize the boat few times to develop the skill of righting her. • Secure yourself properly to the boat. During hiking or rapid acceleration keep your feet under the hiking strap. Wear non-slip dinghy boots. It is also a good idea to wear kneepads.






SAFETY TIPS • If you fall overboard, hold on to the mainsheet or other lines. Try to avoid holding on to the tiller, especially if the boat is moving at a high speed, as this may break the tiller or rudder or both. • Make sure that the boat and all the systems are in working order and do not show signs of excessive wear and tear. Periodically check all hardware and running rigging and replace parts if necessary. • Periodically open the inspection port and check for large amounts of water that might indicate a leak. It is normal for a small amount of water to accumulate inside the hull - just be sure you drain the boat completely through the transom drain plug every time you go sailing. If a serious hull leak develops, immediately stop using the boat and contact your local dealer or International MX Composites. • Check that the inspection port and drain plug are always closed tight before leaving the shore. • The hull is constructed with closed cell foam that provides 1,000lbs (453kg) of buoyancy so there is no danger of your boat sinking. • The mxNext hull, mast and boom are made of carbon fiber, which is an excellent conductor of electricity. Rigging or sailing your boat near electrical lines or during a storm with lightening could be extremely dangerous. • Contact your local dealer or mxNext representative if you have any questions about safe mxNext sailing. By putting safety first, and always knowing your limits, you will ensure that you have a great and troublefree time sailing your mxNext















CONCEPT The mxNext represents an entirely new innovative concept for high performance, single-handed sailing. The design goal was to create a boat that would be challenging and exhilarating for the most experienced sailors, yet relatively simple and safe enough for less experienced sailors. The result is a boat that is approachable for most levels of experience. As long as you know the basics of sailing and never overestimate your abilities, the mxNext can provide you with one of the most invigorating sailing experiences you will find anywhere. The secret of the mxNext’s exceptional performance and simplicity lies in her unique combination of a sail plan that features a large square-headed mainsail and an equally large asymmetrical spinnaker, both there to provide ample power. This power, when combined with a hull shape that generates minimal resistance, results in a fun, fast ride in most wind conditions and on all points of sail. The hull features a unique wave-piercing bow that slices easily through waves providing a smooth ride in all conditions. There is ample reserve buoyancy in the hull shape so that should the boat nose dive it will immediately recover keeping you safe and sailing fast. The hiking wings allow you to get your weight as far out from the centerline as possible to provide maximum righting moment. They are also contoured to be ergonomically comfortable when hiking for long periods of time. While sailing upwind, when the apparent wind is stronger, you use only the main, and the boat is easily controlled and not overpowered. Then, on reaching legs the sail area may be instantly doubled to allow the boat to plane even in light wind. The key to this quick transformation is the mxNext’s unique spinnaker handling system which enables one person to do the job.






SAIL PLAN While sailing upwind, the mxNext uses an efficient square-top mainsail with a big roach that brings the sail shape fairly close to the aerodynamically ideal ellipse. The battens are full length and the sail can be adjusted to a wide range of shapes by using the vang, cunningham/downhaul and outhaul. The primary mainsail fibers are Technora and the sail is made of a clear membrane which you can see through to see other boats and obstacles that might be in your way. The asymmetrical spinnaker has a long luff for more power and a large head area that keeps it stable even in a light breeze. The spinnaker handling system was developed with input from Vladimir Kulinichenko, a two-time Whitbread veteran and sailmaker, and includes a halyard/ retrieval line, tackline and a continuous spinnaker sheet. The halyard has a reverse 3:1 purchase, which requires only a 4-foot pull to deploy the spinnaker. The tack line is connected to the halyard so the same pull that raises the spinnaker also pulls the tack out to the bow of the boat. To lower the spinnaker you simply uncleat the halyard and pull the retrieval line and the sail folds up for easy storage in the spinnaker sock. The retrieval line is led through a lower patch on the sail and attached to the upper patch. When the retrieval line is pulled the spinnaker folds up in three portions and is almost totally hidden inside the 4 ft. long spinnaker sock. Only the three corners are left outside the sock, ready for the next hoist. The spinnaker overlaps with the mast a small amount so when jibing, the spinnaker sheet requires only minor ease or trim. Both the spinnaker halyard/retrieval line and spinnaker sheet are continuous lines for ease of handling and to reduce the number of lines on the boat. By equipping the mxNext with an asymmetrical spinnaker we have created a totally new type of one-person sail craft with numerous benefits. Probably the biggest benefit is on the racecourse where the spinnaker allows for much more interesting and challenging tactics on the downwind legs.






SAIL PLAN Additional benefits of the spinnaker are: • Power is instantly doubled on the downwind legs when the apparent wind is less and you can comfortably use this extra power. Greater power in combination with the mxNext’s slippery hull immediately translates into more speed. • Better balance. Older, cat-rigged dinghies are pretty tricky to handle downwind. As soon as the main is eased on cat-rigged dinghies, the center of efforts moves causing the boat to broach. On the mxNext the spinnaker brings the center of effort well forward and effectively counterbalances this momentum. In addition, you do not need to ease the main very far as the boat sails much faster than older designs and the apparent wind is always at a closer angle. • Increased control in really heavy conditions. The spinnaker lifts the boat’s bow so it easily slides over the waves and practically never buries itself. The wave piercing bow also helps. Additional benefits of this “high-bow-sailing” are a much drier ride and, of course, the incredible feeling of slicing through and flying over the waves.

TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS LOA - 14’ 4” (4.35 meters) BMAX - 6’ 6” (2.0 meters) Hull Weight - 90 lbs.


Sail Area Mainsail 110 sq. ft. Gennaker 110 sq. ft.

(10.2 sq meters) (10.2 sq meters)

Suggested Crew Weight 150 — 190 lbs.











HULL SHAPE Of course there is much more to the mxNext high performance equation than just the addition of the spinnaker. The extra power provided by the boat’s rig would not do you any good if the hull could not make use of it by instantly transferring the power into motion. It would be like putting a monster engine on a car with narrow tires and bad suspension. But that is obviously not the case with the mxNext. Her innovative hull shape is a real match for her sail power. To some extent there are similarities with modern skiffs, like the Australian 18-footer or the 49-er, so sometimes we refer to the mxNext as a “personal skiff.” However, the differences are significant so it would probably make sense to introduce an entirely new category - the “mxSkiff.” The mxNext hull is very sleek and narrow on the waterline. This is part of the secret of the boat’s speed. A narrow waterline reduces wetted surface which in turn reduces drag translating into speed. The cross sections of the hull are fairly deep and rounded forward, gradually shifting to an elliptical shape that gets flatter as you move aft. This is a perfect planing hull. The aft-swept wave piercing bow slices effortlessly through waves at any point of sail. There is plenty of reserve buoyancy in the forward hull sections so that if you surf down a wave and the bow starts to become submerged, the buoyancy immediately kicks in and lifts the bow right out of the water. There is almost zero chance of pitchpoling. The elegant hiking wings are there to allow you to get your weight as far outboard as possible. They are also ergonomically designed so that you can hike comfortably for long periods of time. The principal control lines; the mainsheet, vang and cunningham are all within easy reach of a full-hiking position. All in all the combination of a narrow low-drag hull shape with perfect planing sections and the ability to hike far out for long periods of time results in a fun, fast and exciting ride.











HULL CONSTRUCTION Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, populo viderer ex mea, ne animal mediocrem vim. No corpora repudiandae mediocritatem nam, nominavi phaedrum dignissim cu quo. Tale tibique persecuti sit ut. Brute epicuri mei ei. Eum an aperiam efficiendi ullamcorper. Te cum placerat ocurreret. No mei delectus patrioque, ei mea solet ridens argumentum. Nam esse eruditi ad. Purto nobis vel cu, ei sea soluta posidonium, no congue laudem definitiones eam. Sed cu option dolorem. Per id dicunt contentiones. At sed minim iisque petentium. Dico scripta ea est. Cu possit ponderum laboramus duo. Duo impedit accusamus ea, mel ferri quaerendum ei, qui ancillae electram partiendo an. Legimus mentitum platonem ne nec, solet pericula vituperatoribus eu nec, affert fierent detracto at his. Aliquip temporibus an sea, tation inciderint ei vix. Ad per minimum constituto expetendis, est cu magna iisque conceptam. Diam possim expetenda at vis, homero consequuntur pro cu. Persius fabulas liberavisse ut per, ea sale maiorum usu, ei natum corrumpit mel. Ne sit elit iuvaret facilis, nibh meliore his ea.






MAST The mast on the mxNext is a freestanding, rotating, two-piece, carbon fiber spar. The lower part is relatively stiff to provide enough power for light wind conditions and to support the spinnaker hoist. The stiffness is reduced by parabolic progression - very slow at the lower part and than more drastically at the top. This gives the tip great flexibility and automatically spills extra wind in heavy gusts. For controlling the mast bend and sail shape, the mxNext is equipped with a powerful vang and cunningham/downhaul. Before inserting the mast into the mast well, be sure that the mast well and end of the mast are free of sand and dirt to allow for free rotation. The mxNext mast is made of carbon fiber, which is an excellent conductor of electricity. Rigging or sailing your boat near electrical lines or during a storm with lightening could be extremely dangerous.

RUDDER AND DAGGERBOARD Both the rudder and daggerboard are high-aspect efficient foils made of solid carbon fiber. The leading edge has an elliptical shape and both foils have a very narrow tip which significantly reduces end vortex and makes this shape more efficient than a classic elliptical shape especially in rough seas. The daggerboard and rudder blades have different profiles because they do different jobs. The daggerboard’s function is to create a lateral force, which prevents the boat from sliding sideways. It always works at a small angle of attack (except for the moment right after the tack, especially in light winds - you’ll learn more about that in the section “Handling Your mxNext) and therefore is a thinner section than the rudder. The rudder needs to be capable of operating at much larger angles of attack during aggressive maneuvers without stalling. That’s why the rudder has a thicker section with a fairly blunt leading edge and maximum thickness moved forward - all to retain the attached flow longer.






RUDDER AND DAGGERBOARD The daggerboard is equipped with a handle to raise is up and a shock cord which you attach to the mast step. Always keep it attached while sailing. Besides keeping the daggerboard attached to the boat when you capsize, it also holds the daggerboard in the lifted position while sailing ofiwind. You can find out how far you need to lift the daggerboard in section 5, “Handling Your mxNext. The mxNext rudder is a kick-up type for easy beach launching. There is a line led to a cleat on the tiller that holds the rudder down while you are sailing. It is generally a good idea to wet sand and polish the foils periodically to maintain smooth surfaces as during high speed planing they contribute a big part of the whole boat’s resistance. For care and maintenance refer to section 7 of this manual.











RIGGING YOUR mxNEXT The mxNext comes with most of the hardware and equipment already installed. You just need to go through a few easy steps to get your boat ready for sailing. Put your mxNext in a place that is exposed to minimal wind and point the bow into the wind. Later on you will be able to easily rig the boat in any condition, but it is important to start out slow and in good weather conditions.

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HIKING STRAPS Start by installing the hiking straps. At the forward end the hiking straps are lashed to mast bridge. At the aft end they are attached to athwartship lines mounted on the transom. This keeps the hiking straps raised off the deck so that you can easily get your feet under them. The exact placement where you attach the strap at the aft end will depend on your size and sailing style. Play around with different locations until you find the most comfortable place.






MAST AND MAINSAIL Assemble the two-piece carbon mast making sure that the joint is completely together.

Lay out the mainsail and insert the battens into the batten pockets starting from the leech, tapered end first. Each batten is numbered with the number one batten inserted in the top pocket. The sail comes with cambers for each batten. You will notice on the luff of the sail that there are short zippers adjacent to each batten pocket. Insert the camber into the luff pocket and then install the batten making sure that the tapered batten tip slides all the way into the camber. Failure to do so will lead to improper sail rotation and battens breaking. Tension battens snugly until all wrinkles along the pocket disappear. It is not necessary to adjust the batten tension after the initial rigging unless additional wrinkles appear. Slide the mast into the luff sock on the mainsail. After the mast is halfway inserted, it helps to move up the luff and bunch the sail onto the mast by pulling from the top down. Then move to the base of the mast and pull






MAST AND MAINSAIL (CONTD.) the bunched portion down. The cambers do not require special rigging. The mast slides by them as you are installing the sail. The cambers automatically cradle the mast once it’s rigged. After the mast is installed, slide your hand over the mast sleeve where the two piece joint is located and make sure that the joint is still securely together and has not become slightly dislodged. Improper joint coupling can lead to the joint breaking while sailing. Once the sail is on the mast you will need to add the spinnaker halyard block. roughly 30 inches down from the top you will see a small opening in the luff sock. You need to use the small bullet block that is supplied. Using the line that is attached to the block tie a clove hitch around the mast. Tighten the hitch and then add a second clove hitch. Tighten and finish with an overhand knot snug up against the last hitch. Because the mast is tapered the clove hitches and halyard block will not slide down once you hoist the spinnaker. At this point with the mast laying alongside the boat you can install the spinnaker halyard or if you prefer you can heel the boat on it’s side later and install it at that point.






MAST AND MAINSAIL (CONTD.) With the boat pointing into the wind step your mast. Make sure that there is not any sand or other material in the mast socket as it will hinder the rotation of your mast when you are tacking or gybing. As you raise the mast you can use the mast bridge to steady the base of the mast. Once the mast is inserted and without a boom attached, your boat is quite safe if the wind picks up.

CUNNINGHAM/DOWNHAUL The Cunningham or downhaul consists of two (2) components: a line that is attached to a grommet that is located inside the mainsail sleeve, and a block and tackle system that is led to cleats on either side of the boat. First attach the lower end of the block and tackle to a metal bracket located at the base of the mast. The lower end consists of a double cheek block and two single blocks. Attach all three with the double in the middle. The lines that exit through the single blocks are led directly to the upper cleat located on the wings. The line through the port sheeve goes to the port cleat and the other goes to the starboard cleat. This allows you make adjustments to cunningham tension while hiking out. It’s a good idea to tie “figure-8” knots in each end of the cunningham line so that it can’t come undone. Tie the single piece of line to the grommet on the sail and then attach it to the becket on the top of the three blocks that forms the upper part of the block and tackle system. You can add some tension to the sail to take the wrinkles out of the luff. This is a good time to make sure that all the battens are neatly in their cambers and have sufficient tension.

BOOM The inboard end of the boom has a shaft into which you slide the gooseneck. Before you attach the boom to the mast you need to pass the outboard end through a loop that is attached to the clew of the mainsail. Slide the boom through the loop and then attach the forward end to the gooseneck. You will see a line on the outboard end of the boom going through a cleat located on

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BOOM (CONTD.) the top of the boom. This is your outhaul. Pass it through the small block attached to the top of the boom and tie to the clew of the sail. Tension the outhaul and cleat it off. Note: At this point you are more vulnerable if the wind comes up, but it’s only when you have attached the mainsheet that you may have a problem.






VANG The Vang also consists of two (2) components and is rigged similarly to the cunningham. There is a short length of line that attaches to a piece of webbing that is fastened to the boom. As with the cunningham it’s then attached to the becket on the top of the the three cheek blocks that form part of the vang block and tackle system. The lower end is rigged aft of the cunningham system in a similar fashion with each line led to the lower cleat on the wings. Remember to tie “figure-8” knots in each end.

MAINSHEET Attach the two upper blocks to the webbing on the boom using the shackle that comes with the system. Then attach the lower end to a bracket that is located just in front of the ratchet block and cleat. Finally lead the tail through the ratchet block and cleat and tie a figure-8 knot in the end.

SPINNAKER The spinnaker retrieval sock will come installed on the boat when you receive it. You will need to install the spinnaker and attach the lines. There are three lines; the tack line, the halyard and the retrieval line. Attach the tack - The tack line is led forward and comes out of a small hole on the bow of the boat. Attach it to the tack of the spinnaker. Attach the sheet - Tie the single continuous spinnaker sheet to the clew of the sail and then run it aft through the small block located on the side of the boat amidships. The sheet then is led across the boat to the small block on the opposite side and then around the front of the mast to the clew. Attach the retrieval line - The retrieval line is led through a hole in the aft end of the spinnaker sock and goes through the lower hole located in a patch in the middle of the spinnaker. You need to be very precise with these next instructions as it will make dousing the spinnaker work properly. After you






SPINNAKER (CONTD.) have fed the retrieval line through the lower hole you need to tie a “figure-8” knot in the retrieval line. This knot needs to be exactly xx inches from the end of the line. Then pass the line thought the hole in the upper patch and tie a “figure 8” knot so that it can’t come back out of the hole. This way when you pull the retrieval line, the lower knot is pushing the lower patch and the upper knot is pushing the upper patch, separating them. The spinnaker will slide into the sock more evenly and smoothly without jamming. Attach the halyard - If you did not already feed the halyard through the block on the mast you need to either capsize your boat or take the mast out again and run the spinnaker halyard through the block. It then goes to a series of turning blocks located at the base of the mast forward of the mast. These blocks serve as the reverse purchase allowing you to douse the spinnaker with one short pull of the halyard. The reverse purchase system is then attached to a line that is led through a channel aft to a cleat on the starboard side of the boat. Let’s try it hoisting and dousing the spinnaker. To pull the spinnaker down, first release the halyard from the cleat, then pull the retrieval line through the sock until the spinnaker is completely inside. Only the three corners will stick out ready for the next hoist. Next try to hoist the sail. When sailing you will straddle the halyard cleat and with a swift pull raise the sail. The reverse purchase means that the full length of the halyard will raise the sail while at the same time it will pull the tack out to the bow of the boat. Try setting and dousing the sail a few times to get used to how it works.

RUDDER You can install the rudder before you launch the boat. There is a bungee that keep the rudder in the up position. Lower the rudder over the pintals on the back of the boat and make sure that the metal lock clicks into place so that they rudder does not come out should you capsize. To remove the rudder push the plate in and lift up the rudder.






CENTERBOARD Wait until you have launched the boat before installing the centerboard. You will need to get the boat situated and the boom on the correct side of the boat before you put in the centerboard. If you try and do this too early you will end up with the vang getting hung up on the board and causing all kinds of issues.

SETTING SAIL As you prepare to set sail make sure that all your lines are free and ready to run. Have the tiller and mainsheet in hand and climb on board moving quickly to the middle of the boat. If you have not already done so pull the line that lowers the rudder and cleat it off. Lower the centerboard and slowly sheet in the mainsail moving your weight to compensate for any heel.











TRANSPORTING The mxNext is an easy boat to transport - either by trailer or on top of your car. Always place the boat bow forward and properly secure it so that it can’t move in any direction. Small trailers with fore-and-aft running pads are a convenient way to transport the boat. Car-topping is the most convenient for both driving and parking. The mxNext hull creates minimal wind resistance, and because the boat is very light most standard roof racks can be used for car-topping. Always check the roof rack’s specification for loading capacity. The best way to car-top transport the boat is to build and attach a simple plywood cradle to each rack. The cradles should be padded with carpet and match the hull shape of the boat. A small beach dolly makes it very convenient to move the boat around and launch her. You may order a dolly either from your local dealer or directly from International MX Composites.

FIRST SAIL Before you take your mxNext on the water for first time, be sure that you are familiar with the boat and her systems have read this manual carefully and are ready to take control of the situation. Also be sure to be wearing your lifejacket. Even if you are an experienced sailor, the mxNext will provide you with a new kind of sailing experience. She is quite different from any other boat, so take your time and get used to her gradually. For the first sail choose a day with a steady, light wind (five to seven knots is good) and start in a well-protected area with smooth water. You may initially find the boat a bit tippy. This is because of the narrow waterline. As soon as the mxNext starts moving, the boat becomes more stable. Hike gently at first to get used to the feel of the boat and be aware that when hiking your weight will be quite far outboard. If the wind suddenly drops you need to quickly move back to the center of the boat to avoid capsizing to windward.






CAPSIZING AND RIGHTING The mxNext a high performance boat with ample power, so capsizes can and probably will happen. The good part is that the boat is very easy to right. The mxNext does not have a tendency to broach and her capsizes are not as violent as some other boats. During a capsize, the leeward wing resists going into the water thereby slowing down the capsize. This gives you some extra time to either recover the boat or get ready for a swim. We are not talking about a lot of time here - just a few seconds - but in many cases that’s all you need to take action. Even if you do capsize you won’t necessarily go for a swim - in fact most mxNext capsizes are “dry.” If you feel that despite all your efforts the boat is still going over, move further to the edge of the wing, let the boat come upwind, and then step on the daggerboard. When capsized, the mxNext floats on the narrow edge and it will take only push on the daggerboard for her to start rolling back. Quickly climb back into the cockpit, sheet the






CAPSIZING AND RIGHTING (CONTD.) mainsail on and you are off again. If you fall into the water while righting, it is easier to climb back onboard through the transom. If you capsize while sailing downwind, you will need to douse the spinnaker and get it back into the sock before you start to right the boat. This is simple to do; just operate calmly and pull on the retrieval line. If you do not get rid of the spinnaker there is a good chance that you’ll get knocked down again as soon as the spinnaker begins to fill with wind. The mxNext accelerates very quickly which creates the possibility of falling overboard through the transom. If this happens, do not hang on to the tiller or tiller extension - let it go. Hold on to the mainsheet or other lines instead. If you hold on to the tiller, the rudder might turn 90 degrees and become perpendicular to the boat’s centerline. At high speeds this would put a tremendous force on the rudder blade, rudder head and tiller — so much that it could cause the pieces to break. Your warranty does not cover such damage. If you happen to turn turtle (a 180 degree capsize) step on the side of the hull and pull on the daggerboard until the boat comes onto her side. At that point climb on the daggerboard and finish righting the boat. The danger when you turtle is that the mast could get stuck on the bottom and you may break it while righting the boat. Your warranty does not cover such damage.

SAILING UPWIND AND TACKING While sailing upwind, the mxNext handles similar to any cat-rigged, small boat. She is light and doesn’t have a lot of inertia to power through the chop. The wave piercing bow really does help but still the fastest way to sail upwind is to bear off a little and sail slightly lower, but with much higher speed. This way you will maintain better VMG (Velocity Made Good) than if you had tried to stay close to the wind. If the water is relatively flat, you could bring the boat onto a plane to increase your speed even more. It is crucial to maintain proper longitudinal trim of your mxNext. In very light air, move well forward of the daggerboard and closer to the centerline






SAILING UPWIND AND TACKING (CONTD.) to avoid capsizing to windward when the wind dies off. As the wind and boat speeds increase you should start gradually moving aft and hiking further outboard. With a bit of practice you will find your ideal position for different wind and wave conditions. The general rule is to keep the waterline as long as possible, keep the bow knuckle at least one inch into the water and maintain a nice exit flow off the transom. The mxNext is equipped with a Cunningham/downhaul, vang and outhaul. They are the tools you need to adjust the mainsail shape to suit the varying wind conditions. By pulling on the downhaul, you can flatten the sail, move the draft forward and to some extent, bend the top of the mast. By applying the vang you can further bend the mast which in turn flattens the sai. It also tightens the leech so apply the vang carefully. Too much vang will also result in increased mast pressure, which will restrict its free rotation and will make tacking more difficult. You might even stall the boat. The best way to flatten your mainsail is with a proper combination of downhaul, vang and outhaul trim, which will be developed as you practice sailing. To make a good, quick tack you need to have sufficient speed. Bear off a little if necessary, ease the mainsheet and accelerate. In choppy conditions find the calmest area between waves for your tack. Check that the vang is not over-tightened and ease it slightly if needed. This will ease the leech, helping you gain speed faster after the tack and preventing the boat from stalling. If you stall the boat in heavy winds, it may be challenging to start moving again. You need to lift the daggerboard a little and ease the vang considerably to let the boat bear off the wind. Then lower the daggerboard, trim the mainsheet and vang as necessary and sail your course. Remember that moving aft on the boat during the tack is like applying the brakes at a time when you need maximum speed. so try to be as far forward during the tack as conditions allow.











BEARING AWAY Bearing away in a fresh wind can be challenging as the mxNext tends to accelerate quickly. This sudden increase in speed takes some time to get used to. As the speed increases, you need to move aft as quickly as possible. Be careful that the sudden acceleration does not end up with you in the water behind the boat. If this happens, don’t hang on to the tiller or tiller extension - you could break it or break the rudder. Hold onto a line instead, let the boat capsize and you can get back on after righting her. Bear off gradually - especially when you first start learning how to sail the mxNext. This way, the speed increases at a slower rate and you have more time to do everything right. Ease the vang so the main leech opens - the sail will twist and spill extra air out the top. After you hoist the spinnaker and set your course, adjust the vang as necessary. Another important reason to ease the vang is to reduce pressure on the mast so that it will rotate more freely.

SPINNAKER HOISTING/DOUSING Before hoisting the spinnaker, make sure that all lines are free. In particular, check that the retrieval line is not tangled anywhere. Bear off downwind so the spinnaker will be blanketed behind the mainsail and will not catch the wind and open before it is completely hoisted. Because the halyard has a reverse purchase of 3:1, it requires only a pull of approximately 4-ft. During the hoist, your best position is close to the centerline on the windward side of the boat (so you are ready to hike) with the tiller jammed under your armpit, leaving both hands free. When the spinnaker is all the way up, let the boat come up a little to increase the apparent wind. Fill the spinnaker and trim the main sheet and spinnaker sheet as necessary. For convenience, the spinnaker sheet is a continuous line. To douse the spinnaker, you need to bear off so that the main will blanket the spinnaker. Then ease the spinnaker sheet and take the slack out of the retrieval line. Take the halyard out of the cleat and pull the retrieval line until the spinnaker slides completely into the spinnaker sock.






SPINNAKER HOISTING/DOUSING (CONTD.) To make raising and lowering the spinnaker easier, buy a can of McLube or another good silicon spray and apply it to the spinnaker and the inside of the spinnaker sock. If during the hoist or drop you feel strong resistance, don’t try to use more force. Look around - probably the halyard or retrieval line is tangled or cleated. Simply applying more force may end up with the sail ripping.

SPINNAKER (CONTD.) It is all about apparent wind when you sail off the wind. Bring the boat up as the wind diminishes and bear off in gusts to maintain maximum apparent wind and keep the mxNext on the plane. Unlike cat-rigged boats, which can become tricky downwind, the mxNext remains very well balanced and controllable. The spinnaker brings the center of effort far forward and doesn’t let the boat broach in gusts. By playing with the spinnaker sheet, you can effectively steer the boat by applying less rudder and thereby reducing the boat’s resistance. Remember that the daggerboard needs to be pulled up when sailing off the wind. The faster you go, the less daggerboard you need in the water. Just be sure that you don’t lift it too high so that you restrict the movement of the boom. Gybing the mxNext is much easier than on other boats. The spinnaker overlaps the mast very little so it goes to the other side almost automatically. During a gybe the spinnaker acts like a self-tacking jib and lets you concentrate on the mainsail and steering the boat. To gybe, bear off so you are practically on a downwind course, ease the main slightly while maintaining the maximum speed. Cross through the wind line. After the main goes to other side, hold the boat dead downwind for a moment and move to the new windward side. Take in the slack of the spinnaker sheet during this move and then gradually start to bring the boat up toward the wind and trim the main. The entire move should be fast and smooth.

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HULL AND APPENDAGES mxNext sailboats are constructed to be as strong as possible, yet lightweight to meet the performance needs. The hull and deck are built separately each of them on molds. Layers of resin-infused carbon fiber are laid in a precise manner to meet the engineering requirements of the design. Sandwiched between the layers of carbon is a closed cell foam there to provide stiffness as well as bouyancy in the event the hull is damaged while out sailing. The molds, with the materials, are then baked in an autoclave for eight hours. This kind of construction provides the best stiffness and strength-to-weight ratio and is strong and durable, but it can be damaged more easily than traditional, heavier, solid laminate. The mast, bowsprit, tiller, rudder and daggerboard are built with carbon ďŹ ber to achieve the balance of strength and lightweight for this high performance boat. But lightweight equipment can also be damaged when overloaded. Be






HULL AND APPENDAGES (CONTD.) sure that you carefully study this manual and know how to safely operate the mxNext and are prepared for emergency situations. When out of the water, the mxNext hull should be properly supported. The best way to handle the boat is to keep her on a beach dolly. The majority of boat damage occurs off the water. Avoid direct contact with hard objects such as roof racks and rocks. If you need to put the boat on the grass or sand, check that there are no sharp or angular objects such as stones or glass underneath it. Place soft padded cushions (or at least a life jacket) under the boat. Never leave a rigged boat unattended on the shore or on the water. An unexpected gust of wind could capsize and damage the boat. Keep your boat clean. Rinse off sand, dirt and salt with fresh water. Be sure to clean the mast well to assure free rotation of the mast. Wash the boat






HULL AND APPENDAGES (CONTD.) periodically and remove stains with a soft brush or sponge, fresh water and soap or detergent. Do not use an abrasive cleanser. Minor scratches can be removed by careful wet sanding and polishing the area. Wetsand the surface first with 400-grade sandpaper, then with 800-grade, then buff and polish the sanded area. Deeper scratches or cracks should be repaired as soon as possible. The job is simple. If you have some experience you can do it yourself using a fiberglass repair kit which can be purchased in most marine stores. Or consult your local mxNext dealer or International MX Composites representative. For more serious repairs it is a good idea to bring the boat to a specialized marine shop. Always dry the boat before storage. Open the transom drain plug and drain the hull with the bow placed high up to get all the water out. If you store the boat inside or under a shelter, leave the drain plug and inspection port open to allow free air circulation. Keep the boat away from direct sunlight. You may want to invest in a boat cover if your boat will be stored outside for long periods of time. A good idea is to apply a couple coats of wax to a clean dry hull. This will reduce sun fade and make later cleaning easier. The rudder blade and daggerboard are made of carbon fiber and require the same general care and maintenance as the hull. During high speed planing they contribute a large part of the whole boat’s resistance and it is important to keep them in the best shape possible. A smooth surface on the foils, especially at the leading and trailing edges, is essential to minimize drag. Fill in dents, gouges and scratches as soon as you find them. Wetsand the surface first with 400-grade sandpaper, then with 800-grade, then buff and polish the sanded area. Two layers of wax, applied periodically, will keep your blades smooth and shiny all the time. Don’t forget to remove the wax with acetone or some other wax remover before you perform any fiberglass repair.











HARDWARE The best possible maintenance program for the blocks, cleats and other hardware is to keep them clean and as free from salt as possible. If you sail in salt water, always rinse the boat and all the fittings thoroughly with fresh water after sailing and before salt crystals can form. Salt is abrasive and will wear down the ball bearings and other surfaces. Salt also accelerates general corrosion - so keep it away from the boat. Do not lubricate the hardware with liquid lubricant. Oil will attract and retain small particles, sand or dust and this mix soon becomes an efficient grinding paste. Fresh water, and a lot of it, is the best protection.

SAILS Both the mxNext mainsail and spinnaker are made from the best materials for the job, cut by computer and built to the highest quality standards. With proper care they will last a long time and will provide you with many hours of great sailing. Wash your sails with fresh water after each time you go sailing and dry them before putting them into the sail bag. Don’t store sails while they are wet. For prolonged storage, remove the battens or at a minimum reduce batten tension and then roll the main loosely and put it in the bag away from sunlight and dust. Inspect sails periodically and do all repairs as soon as they are needed, no matter how minor and unimportant the damage seems. Prevention is much safer and less expensive than a serious repair that may result because of delay.











When sailing any boat, including the mxNext, there are certain steps you should follow in an emergency. You may encounter emergencies such as: • broken mast or sail • broken rudder, tiller or daggerboard • broken boom and • damaged hull or water leaks Be prepared for emergency situations. Find time to practice the procedures for handling emergency situations to better understand the extent of the boat’s abilities as well as your own limits. Always take a bottle of water and some food with you. Keep a simple paddle aboard - you can tie it underneath the spinnaker sock so that it will be out of the way. If the mast breaks, take it out of water with the sail and put it on the deck. Take off the spinnaker halyard block, Cunningham/downhaul and outhaul. Slide the mast off the sail and take it apart. Roll the sail and place it along with the parts of the mast and boom in the middle of the boat and securely tie them with the mainsheet. The mxNext provides a fairly stable platform for you to be able to perform these maneuvers. Again, the key is to practice so you can stay calm and you will know what to do in a real emergency. Now take the paddle, move to the boat’s bow (forward of the mast step) and paddle your way to shore. If you don’t have a paddle or it has been washed away, you can use a piece of the mast. If you break your mast near the leeward shore and the weather is good, you can try to “jury rig” the mast and make your way to the shore. But if the wind is blowing from the shore or the weather is deteriorating - do not waste time and proceed as described above.






If you break the boom, take off the outhaul, disconnect the boom and tie it to the deck. If conditions permit, try to operate the main without the boom using the outhaul, or tie the mainsheet directly to the clew. If this doesn’t work, take the mast off and proceed as described above in the case of a broken mast. If you break the rudder, tiller or daggerboard, first assess the extent of the damage. If the damage is minor and you are still able to steer the boat, try to make it to shore. If there is major damage take the mast off and proceed as described above. Prevent damage to the rudder or tiller: Check them regularly for signs of wear and tear and make repairs if necessary. Never step or sit on the tiller. If you fall off the boat, do not hang on to the tiller or tiller extension - hold on to the mainsheet or other lines instead. If you hold the tiller, the rudder might turn 90 degrees, which would put tremendous force on the rudder blade, rudder head and tiller itself. This may result in damage to any or all three parts. If you damage the hull or have excessive water leaks, immediately turn to the shore. Don’t make any abrupt maneuvers and try to avoid capsizing - it is much more difficult to right a boat if she is filled with water. If you have difficulty controlling the boat, take the mast off and paddle your way to the shore as described earlier. The closed cell foam that is used in the construction of the hull provides a 1,000 lbs of floatation so there is no danger of your boat sinking, but a boat that is filled with water is a liability and your main concern should be with your own safety first.






LIMITED WARRANTY POLICY International MX Composites warrants to the original retail purchaser of a new unused mxNext (the “Purchaser”) that such mxNext shall be free of any defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one (1) year after the date of purchase, if used under normal, non-commercial operating conditions in accordance with the mxNext Owner’s Manual. This warranty does not cover the following: (a) equipment and accessories not factory installed; (b) non—structural (cosmetic) defects such as bubbles or hairline cracks in the paint (outer surface); (c) mxNext’s used for commercial purposes (i.e., rental, demonstrator, etc); (d) mxNext’s used other than in accordance with the mxNext Owner’s Manual; (e) abuse caused through poor technique, poor judgement or improper selection of wind and water conditions; or (i) any mxNext. Should any materials or workmanship prove defective during the warranty period, International MX Composites will, at its option, repair or replace said defect at no cost to the Purchaser, or International MX Composites may, at its option, offer a full or partial refund to the Purchaser. This remedy is the Purchaser’s SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY under the contract of sale. IN NO EVENT SHALL INTERNATIONAL MX COMPOSITES BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING FROM THE SALE OF THE mxNEXT, INCLUDING CLAIMS FOR PERSONAL INJURY, PROVIDED THAT THE PURCHASER’S RIGHTS UNDER THIS LIMITED WARRANTY MAY VARY FROM STATE TO STATE.






All claims by the Purchaser pursuant to this limited warranty shall be made prior to the expiration of the warranty period, either by: (a) presenting the defective mxNext or part for examination at an authorized mxNext dealer; or (b) submitting a claim in writing to International MX Composites at the address indicated below, including a description of the defective materials or workmanship, together with photographs or other evidence to support the claim. All claims must be submitted with proof of purchase. mxNext will determine if claims are covered by this warranty and will notify the Purchaser in writing, together with instructions on how to proceed. All warranty work must be performed by International MX Composites or an authorized mxNext dealer/repair center. The Purchaser is responsible for shipment of goods returned to International MX Composites or an mxNext dealer/repair center for repair or replacement. To assure coverage under this limited warranty, the Purchaser must follow the use and care instructions provided in the mxNext Owner’s Manual and the warranty card must be ďŹ lled out and returned to International MX Composites. International MX Composites 1 (978) 320 9435



International MX Composites 1 (978) 320 9435

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