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Recommendations for Stakeholders
1. Communication is Critical: our results indicate a decrease in the proportion of businesses identifying a positive impact from the Games as time passes. Some interview participants and comments provided by businesses suggest a lack of awareness of Games related strategy, opportunities and impact post-Games. Build on the partnership working shown during the Games to continue to collaboratively and consistently communicate the impact of Games legacy and how local businesses can engage with it.
2. Maintain the Momentum: businesses want to see the platform of the Games driving tourism, investment, business opportunities and positive outcomes for local people. Build upon the initial success of the Business and Tourism Programme, Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games legacy programmes and lessons learned from major programmes on transport and skills, embed and align them with regional strategies and demonstrate their role in the Levelling Up agenda.
3. Prioritise Local Business Engagement: Across every area of Games legacy, from economic to social impact, local businesses are critical. They are the wealth creators, employers, among key place makers and community anchors. Ensure local business engagement is central to ongoing Games legacy strategies and activity.
“We were involved in supporting businesses for the Commonwealth games and overall the event was greatly received and gave a short term economic boost to both us and the wider city.”
B2022 Business Barometer participant: Services firm with 107 members of staff
“Having met many international business links, the city’s image has greatly improved and our international reputation is growing”
B2022 Business Barometer participant: Services firm with 15 members of staff
“For us, it was more than just another corporate partnership but something which we felt could create significant positive impact through the enjoyment of a broad range of people based activities.”
Matthew Hammond, Senior Partner, PWC
“As a business we had the best ever July and August period by 15% - it was amazing! The perception of the city has gone through the roof”
Tracey Stephenson, Managing Director, Staying Cool
“Our new owners have invested over £15 million in new systems and a new office refurbishment in Oldbury. The Commonwealth Games was the springboard and now the legacy is for us.”
Ed Grigg, General Manager, Incorporatewear
“It was fantastic to showcase the region, the buzz was terrific for people that live and work here”
B2022 Business Barometer participant: Manufacturing firm with 175 members of staff
“I realise that the Commonwealth Games was a unique, exceptional event to boost our tourism pull, but what is the strategy to build on this?”
Janey Bingham, Commercial Director, Holiday Inn