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Section 4: Recommendations for Stakeholders
v. Communication is critical for maintaining positive sentiment and engagement on Games legacy
Our B2022 Commonwealth Games Business Barometer indicates that business sentiment on the impact of the Games on the city region, weakened in the months following the Games. In our poll undertaken immediately post-Games (AugustSeptember 2022) 90% of respondents identified that the Games had had a positive impact on the city-region to date. By our most recent poll (MayJune 2023) this had fallen to 80%. Several interview participants, while positive about the impact of the Games, highlighted wanting more clarity on postGames strategy and how businesses can engage.
Many interview participants highlighted the impressive level of partnership working seen between Games partners in delivering the Games. We recommend that regional stakeholders take a proactive approach to collaborating on consistent ongoing communication with the local business community on the impact of Games legacy on the city-region and how businesses can play a part of it. This includes both the social legacy aspects of the Games (for example, participation in the United by 22 Legacy Charity programmes) and economic impact (such as opportunities to supply future major sporting events in the region as part of the Birmingham Major Sporting Events Strategy).
vi. Maintain momentum by building on key programmes and lessons learned and embedding them in regional strategies
Our research indicates that businesses want to see the platform of the Games driving tourism, investment, business opportunities and positive outcomes for local people. Interview participants highlighted the positive impact on the city-region’s reputation among both visitors and investors alike. The need for a clear tourism strategy was highlighted. They also highlighted the importance of and commitment to, social legacy. vii. Prioritise Local Business Engagement and harness their appetite for ensuring a positive economic and social legacy from the Games
The Games involved many innovative approaches to delivery including the Jobs and Skills Academy, Business and Tourism Programme, sustainable transport planning, social value centred contracting, arts and culture led activity and community programmes. We recommend that stakeholder show how they are learning from and building on these outcomes and models and embedding those learnings in regional strategies for the long term.
Economic impact is central to the business case for hosting a major sporting event. Our research shows that the business community is positive about the local impact of the Games to date. Almost a third, 32%, of businesses participating in our latest poll reported that the Games had had a positive impact on their business to date. There are high levels of interest in ongoing engagement with Games legacy across social legacy, supporting arts and culture, attracting future major sporting events, developing trading opportunities with Commonwealth nations and engaging with local procurement opportunities.
Across every area of Games legacy, from economic to social impact, local businesses are critical. They are the wealth creators, employers, among key place makers and community anchors. Ensure local business engagement is central to ongoing Games legacy strategies and activity
We recommend that local stakeholders proactively harness this appetite from businesses to be part of Games legacy and utilise their expertise in order to maintain positive sentiment and further increase positive outcomes.