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cover story
smart growth When the McColl School of Business hired Dr Pamela Lewis as its new dean earlier this year. her Drexel associates were surprised by her affinity for the Queen City college. But Lewis had
• • •
few doubts. "The McColl School reflects Queens Colle5e's liberal arts tradition. You see much more critical thinking, debate and dialogue. It's a much better frt for who I am personally:'
tv sweepstakes
November is another Nielsen "sweeps" month. But while network programs provide the lion's share of revenues for Charlotte-area stations,
• •
Stuart Powell (right) and other local general managers will tell you it is local programming that can mean the difference between ratings success and failure .
• • •
the doctor is in Don Doctor (right) and Jim Shannon
de artments publisher's post
biz digest
of Premier Systems Integrators first began hosting and managing complex computer applications for customers two years ago. By April of this year. the business had grown so large they spun it off, creating a separate business unit called i-bridge, L.L.C. With its headquarters
and data center in Charlotte, the privately-held ASP is
projected to grow at a healthy 50 percent clip per year
enabling the visionary Logo Nation's founder knew how his
company needed to grow and looked to Matthews software developer lnSite to show him the way. Although only two
years in business, lnSite already has a track record of helping solve problems
calendar of events
regional biz
a sense of time and place
The people in Rowan County have a good sense of history. And they're using it to build a promising future for the county.
real estate biz
going going gone
Seddon "Rusty" Goode has been so successful selling University Research Park that he's down to his last four acres.
community biz
do your BEST
for unique businesses. "What we do is show them how custom
software can help them automate their routine business processes," says lnSite co-founder Brandon Fox (left).
on the cover: This
month's cover features Dr. Pamela Lewis in front
54 credit unions reach out As president of the 26,000-member
• • • •
Charlotte Metro Credit Union, Bob Bruns (right) has launched an aggressive campaign to affiliate with hundreds of area companies, large and small, at no cost to the companies. He's spreading
of the new Sykes Learning Center at the McColl School af Business at Queens College. Photo by Wayne Morris.
the "credit union gospel," as he calls it. trumpeting the advantages of credit unions for businesses and their employees.
gr e at e r c 1 a r Io tt e b i z
cliaflotte nov e mber 2000
cliaflotte iz November 2000 Volume I â&#x20AC;˘ Iss ue I 0
[publisher'spost] do elections reflect our personal indifference and lack of involvement?
Politics has been in my blood for much of my adult life.
John Paul Galles jgalles@greatercharlottebiz.com
Ever since my early days in college in the late sixties, I
Associate Publisher Maryl A Lane maryl.a.lane@greatercharlotte biz.com
have been involved in political campaigns of one sort or another. From campus student movements to mayoral,
john Paul Galles Publisher
congressional, senatorial and gubernatorial races, I have been engaged in campaigns in nearly every election cycle. Until about a year ago, I lived in the Washington, DC area and was chief staff executive for a national trade association advocating the interests of
Editor Timothy J. Parolini t parolini@greatercharlottebiz.com
small business to Congress, federal agencies, the White House and the media. It was a grand experience, but it was exhausting. I was amazed by the abundance of diverse interests and the money that drove the political system. The struggles between political interest groups were constant and the pressure
Vice President/Director of Sales Talbert Gray tgray@greatercharlottebiz.com
Account Executives Polly A Eppley
between factions within my organization was nearly as intense as that from similarinterest groups outside my organization. During the years from 1987 to 1999, I witnessed the Reagan, Bush and Clinton administrations up close . From the budget battles and tax issues to regulatory reform and health care, I had the chance to engage issues at the highest levels of our federal government. Yet after all that time, to a large
degree, the same issues came up over and over and over again. I grew tired of all the
Kathryn Moseley kmoseley@greatercharlottebiz.com
agenda. It was t ime for me to exit and get back into the real world of communities,
political logjams and the overwhelming influence of money on the national political families, neighborhoods, businesses, entrepreneurship and economic opportunities .
Contributing Writers Kenneth S.AIIen Casey Jacobus Kathy Mendieta Bea Quirk Nethea Fortney Rhinehardt
Contributing Photographer Wayne Morris
Greater Charlotte Biz is published 12 times per year by: Galles Commun ications Group, Inc. 804 Clanton Road, Suite B Charlotte, NC 28217 -I 358 www.greatercharlottebiz.com For editorial or advertising inquiries, call 704.676.5850. Please fax subscription inquiries to 704.676.585 3 or e-mail them to info@greatercharlotte biz.com All co ntents Š 2000, Galles Communications Gro up, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is
prohibited. Products named in these pages are trade names or trademarks of their respective companies. The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily
those of Greater Charlotte Biz o r Galles C ommunication s Group, Inc.
november 2000
Watching this year's Presidential race from Charlotte has been similarly frustrating. Other than the debate in Winston-Salem, the candidates virtually ignored North Carolina. It was decided early on that the Carolinas were not in contest. Growing up in the Midwest, I watched candidates battle over the southern states . Now they battle over Ohio, Michigan, Illinois and Wisconsin. As a result, it was hard to get excited about the Presidential race. The public's indecision, lack of interest and the apathy this year were also readily apparent, even if easily understood. While the differences in the positions of the candidates were sometimes clear, the direct impact of their positions on our lives is not so clear. Rhetoric flows so easily, change is not so easy. Campaigns simply advocate. Numerous layers of elected officials govern in a system of "checks and balances" influenced by well-healed lobbyists and multinational moneyed interests. We cannot always be sure about which candidate will do a better job of improving our schools, preserving our environment, widening our highways and keeping the economy rolling along so we can keep our jobs and pay our mortgages and feed our families . It seems to me, though, that ultimately the results of this year's elections will be a reflection of the elections we make ourselves- to express our concerns to appropriate officials in a time ly fashion, to participate in our own governance in whatever ways and to whatever extents possible (from involvement in local PTAs to becoming full-time government representatives), to perform our own roles in the system - i.e. our jobs responsibly and to hold others to the same high standards, and to in still these same initiatives in our children . The best example we can set for our elected officials is that of our own . If we do not personally elect to make the world we live in better, we can hardly expect that of anyone else . So ...when I feel rather confused and powerless to change such a megasystem of substantially competing interests, I ask myself "Am I doing all that I can be doing to make known my dissatisfaction, personally participating in ameliorating those dissatisfactions, and doing my own job as well as I expect others to do theirs?" It helps .
greater charlotte biz
\ 'I
Pull UJl your soc iS and grab )'O tr l{nic.l(ers ... ~le have a good one top ay! Join us for the Greater Char .otte B z Golf Outing at the Olde Sycamore (~o~f Planta.tion. C<ome frw
dny of golf, lunch nd a "!tle gam.... 8mamhi.p. We wi.U have r
aJI! Br·ing y o ur regular· grot p, or w::-'11 he]p _ ou network with ~ . 3p .... akers, '10
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................................ J. Richards
Gallery to host Peter Max
telecoms do ·nate top by d;wid
50 list
t:oraks, localbusine~s.cc m
World-renowned artist
Click -act ics, Charlotte:
Peter Max will present his
~ ctics With $6 mil-
"Millennium Series" at the
linn from pri-
vate inves:n-s and more venture capite: . r~portedly in the works, this ~ : art-up uses the A company that makes op:i c:al netw:• r<irg
J. Richards Gallery in Charlotte's Phillips Place on November 4, 2000, from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. On
nte ·net tn
elp small businesses shop for anj
components, a major suppl · ~r C•f tel~conT u-
buy direct marketing services,
nications cable and an eiEcr-oni•: 'T1E.r<e: J:I3 ce
from nrai[ings to online
where banks can trade de·ivaf\'e:S a·e 3Tc-~
campaigns. It launched
the companies on the 50 ·o vva :c L s: fo · j,Efourt
quarter. Here are details on c. fe"' of th~
companies worth watching:
display for purchase will be more than I00 pieces of original art. Reservations are required and can be made
Digitll Optics Corp., O!arlotte:
Thi ; E-ight-~,EJ-c lc t~cl
nralu"3cue- i~
the nrost successful com:Bry ete:r to
by calling 704.554. 1881 .The
of the. University of North ~olira a: :=h3ri J:::! wherE- its founders oncE ~or kec . :=1::JC'~ IJC'OP-
from October 29th through
etary Nafer-based procEss f:- pr:xluc n& ric(}-
November 5th.
optical components plac~ itsqu:;reh
thrilled to bring an artist
s.n n :._:
exhibit will be at the gallery
"J. Richards Gallery is
pa rtner:
the niltion's hottest fields- Jpt cal re:'lJJC'Ij15. That helped the company rc.i.;e S35 mi l iJn i·
XBo,d Cc rp., Char otte:
rcr 0
More : han 200 companies have set up shop to trade gov-
::rnnent 3rd corporate b :.-d s on the Internet :;;ee top 5
on next r:agE > > >
with such international influence to Charlotte for people
Ve·i:an iechncj:)gies
to experience his work;' says
t\ealttlink I~
Sheila Spiu, director of the
ActeP C~lii!ge Corp.
gallery. J. Richards Gallery is a family-owned business that
r<Can l!chll 'JIV
served the New York tri-
state area for over thirty years. The gallery holds special exhibitions throughout the year and features works by Jean Dufy, Marcel Dyf and
ldeaGatemm soOeog ted\nologle
At.tDPa:tCar Servic! TtcmVes
greater charlotte biz
no';e-nber 2000
> > > top 50 Presbyterian Hires CEO, Regains Blue Cross and Blue Shield Business
but XBond takes a different approach.
Sutton Online, an Internet
The company doesn't want to replace
brokerage and technology firm; and
traditional broker-dealers; but to help
MoneyZone.com, a Charlotte-based
automa t e what they do . Founded by
online commercial financing site. Global
recently named St. Louis,
ex-First Union executive and math Ph .D.
Capital's shares were up 78 percent as
Mo. healthcare executive
Webster Hu_shes, the company is close
of September 15.
to launching its XBond Order System, or X-OS. XBond has raised about $4.25 million from private investors and is in
Presbyterian Healthcare
Edward B. Case as its new chief executive officer. Case is the
CommScope Inc., Hickory:
former acting CEO and One of a growing list
the hunt for more money.
of companies that make North Carolina
Global Capital Partners, Charlotte:
a hot spot for telecommunications cable
The investment firm
and fiber-optics, CommScope is the
got its start establishing
world's largest supplier of coaxial cable.
brokerages in Eastern Europe, but now
It is expanding rapidly as large carriers
has a variet•t of holdings. These include
including AT&T upgrade their networks with
brokerages ·n the U.S. and Europe;
a combination of fiber and coaxial cable.
chief operating officer of St. Louis-based BJC Health System. Presbyterian , and its parent company, Novant Health , has also reached a new, two-year agreement w ith Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (BCBSNC) to be part of the company's HMO plans beginning January I, 200 I. "This new contract puts choice back in the hands of consumers," said Bob Seehausen, senior vice president of managed care for Novant Health.
That's why we're proud to sponsor the Hood Hargett Breakfast Club Athlete of the Month, which honors students for their performance both on and off the field. Every month through June 2001, a high school senior in the Charlotte area will be named Student Athlete of the Month and will receive a $1,000 scholarship. And in June, one of them will win $5,000 as our Athlete of the Year. We especially admire these outstanding seniors because at Hood Hargett we strive to be the best in our field too. We take a different approach to commercial and personal property and liability insurance. We don't just sell insurance. We provide insurance counseling so you know you're getting exactly the coverage alYIRIOT AI.IIIDTOSlD'!UmmDS you need, not too much or too little. So call us at 374-1863.
november 2000
greater charlotte biz
BreakfastClub Presents:
UNC Charlotte Institute to Focus on Strengths Leaders of the Advantage Carolina initiative have introduced plans to accelerate UNC Charlotte's development as a research university.To launch this initiative, UNC Charlotte has proposed the development of a new research and technology campus- the Charlotte Institute for Technology Innovation (CITI).The institute would be situated on I 00 acres of the UNC Charlotte campus, adjacent to Highway 29. CITI will emphasize the university's strengths and relevance to the region 's economy. The initial areas of concentration are: • Precision Metrology and Intelligent Manufacturing; • Opto-electronics and Optical Communication; and
Stabler Kicks Off Breakfast Series
• Software and Information technology.
The seco1d annual Hood Hargett Breakfast Club series : resErrt~
" The technology research area is a relatively new,
former Oakland Raider Quarterback Ken Statler at its ki ck- oF
untapped frontier among major universities, including
event on September 15 at the Charlotte Marriott Over
other institutions in the
business executives attended the breakfast at the invita :i)n of
Carolinas," said Peter
event sponsors . Here {left ro right), John Allred Chris Rc: nse·/,
Sidebottom, a managing
Forrest Garvin and Vance Wheeler of Broadban:J Ave nuE pos =
partner in McKinsey and
Charlotte Institute for Technology Innovation
which provided expert
with Statler (center). The 1ext meeting will be held Novembe t 17, 2000 :: rxl wil feature )chn Schuerholz, general manager fo · t1e Atlantc Brcv~s..
Co.'s Charlotte office, analysis. "This would set UNC Charlotte apart."
For nformation regarding this series, cc:l. Scott Cr":es o" :.s: and 10 fl/c.rketing at 704.556.7330.
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Also featuring Joe Gibbs and Steve Beuerlein (Vza Satellite)
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[regional iz I
by tea q..Jirk
a sense of time and place
bi:': info
rowan county uses its past to build for the future
RcV"an oR!rs corr panie:; i mr~ediate
Some 100,000 people visit Rowan County
to 1.;85, 1-;7 and
<www.co.rowan.nc.us> each year to explore
1-LC and is located
the North Carolina Transportation Museum
halt.vay !::!tween
in Spencer, located on what was once the
n..-lotte 3nd tlE
site of the largest steam locomotive repair
facility for Southern Railway Company.
Hi!:P Poir :/
Many of those tourists also visit the adjacent historic district, Historic Spencer Shops, with
Gre:!nsbc ·o ar::!~ ... Ro.,an
a pepulat~n of
322 residential and commercial buildings, mostly
Cleveland, West Spencer, Faith, Granite Quarry,
from the first 20 years of the 20th century, where
Landis, Rockwell, Spencer and Kannapolis.
the workers lived and went about their business.
=.ooo, Jllith
atoot 30.)00
In the heyday of the railway, Rowan's location
Things are booming in Rowan. According to the Sausbury-Rowan Economic Development Commission
was a key to its success. It still is today. Centered
<www.rowanedc.com>, $273 .5 million of capital
in the triangle of three major interstates, Rowan
investment in new projects was announced from January 1999 to August 2000.
peq:>le li\" ng in
The largest of these projects- in fact,
t he<ount- seat
the single largest investment in Rowan's
of Salisb~y ...
history- is the Carolina Power &Light
,\ 'lalufactJuing
Company power plant on Highway 70 near Cleveland. When the original announcement
is tile bi~est
was made in December 1999, the plant was
to be for peak power production and cost generator in
about $225 million. But in May, CP&L decid-
RcV"an, Vllth more
ed to expand the plant's generating capaci-
: hal 31 f=::!rcent
ty, bringing the investment total to $400 million. Rowan County Manager Tim Russell has
of t1e wo1kforc:!
said he taxes the plant will generate will
employe!l in th s
offers companies immediate access to 1-85,
secor...T~ coun-
1-77 and 1-40, and it's located halfway between
:y's unemploymen:
Charlotte and the Winston-Salem/High Point/
paid off with another major investment that will
Greensboro area. Businesses also have access
not only bring more jobs to Rowan, but also spruce
to three international airports, 13 regional airports
up a long-time eyesore. In 1989, Quantum Films
and two modern deep-water ports, plus same-day
began building a 254,000-square-foot facility on
highway access to all the East Coast markets.
Statesville Boulevard with a planned investment
gen:rated $91.3~
And while railroads no longer play the pivotal
for all of 19S9
a~ ·aged
•Td[on in ·even u::!s in !«>wan .ast y::!al.
pay to send 3,000 children to school. In September, economic development efforts
transportation role they once did, Rowan's status as a hub within 3,600 miles of railroad along the East Coast is still important to many companies looking for a home. Rowan has a population of approximately 125,000, with about 30,000 people living in the county seat of Salisbury. In addition
e :::onocmic cevelop mllnt ...vtnmission
to Salisbury, there are nine other munici-
1 _,
palities within the county: China Grove,
I f
N At
~re c: ter
:har lo:te biz
november 2000
WEBdirectory it's business, as usual. ..
of $100 mil-
3,600 employees, followed by KoSa with
lion. Things
about 1,300 and Fieldcrest Cannon with
went sour for
nearly 1,100. The county's unemploy-
the firm and
ment rate in May was 2.7 percent, while
the project
the unemployment rate for all of 1999
was aban-
averaged 2.84 percent.
doned, leav-
You cannot get 1nto a more competitive channel on the web than online travel planning. Spend a little and get a lot, Embassy Suites needs to be on your itinerary. Embassy Suites of Charlotte has regular email specials for savings at their hotel property, one of the premier places to stay and play in Charlotte. Visit www.embassy-charlotte.com and start saving when you book your next meeting 1n Charlotte.
PARTNERSPEO www.partnerspeo.com
Are you running your business or is your business running you? Partners PEO takes the burden of administering our company's H/R and Compliance Procedures, Workers' Compensation and Safety, Benefit & Retirement Programs, and Payroll & Tax Administration so you can focus on our business and improving your bottomline. With years of expenence, Partners PEO, a Professional Employer Organization, provides small to medium sized companies with the complete range of services to grow and protect the1r business.
role in the Rowan economy. According
shell building
to North Carolina Travel & Tourism , the
tourism industry generated $91.39
albeit, one of
million in revenues in Rowan in 1999.
the largest in
Judy Newman, executive director of the
the state.
Rowan County Convention & Visitors
But now,
Bureau (CVB) <www.visitsalisburync.com>,
says that about half the tourists came
from within North Carolina, and half of
these came from within a 50-mile radius.
While the Lazy 5 Ranch, a drive-through
Systems will
animal park located 17 miles from
invest $18
Salisbury, is highly popular, most of the
million for
visitors to Rowan come for the history,
especially in Salisbury.
equipment and improve-
Specializing in Luxury Golf Vacation Packages, The Welton Sports Website offers deluxe golf vacations to the legendary golf courses and golf resorts of Scotland, Ireland, Spain, Morocco and the United States. Want to attend major golf events such as the U.S. Open, the Bntish Open or the Masters? Welton Sports is your ticket to first class service and personalized attention that makes for a truly memorable golf outing . For your next corporate retreat or for your own personalized dream golf vacation, Welton Sports offers you the world.
district, downtown Salisbury and the
factures molded hoods for heavy trucks,
Salisbury Depot, a renovated 1908 train
will employ about 140 people.
station used for offices and special events.
Other new businesses coming into the area include Pinnacle Corrugated,
It also remains a working train station. The North Carolina Transportation Museum
LLC, which opened in a 100,000-square-
in Spencer
foot facility in Landis in late 1999, and
is the fourth
the Aldi Distribution Center, located near
most popular
1-85 at Spencer, a $25 million project.
destination. Salisbury
high gear. The largest is the $85 million
has worked
investment announced by KoSa (formerly
long and hard
Hoechst Celanese) in September 1999
to use its
to upgrade its manufacturing technology
history to
and significantly expand technical
revitalize the
filament capacity at its Salisbury plant.
Packaging Services of North Carolina
has purchased an additional building
Salisbury, Inc.
next to its existing facility; W.A. Brown
was founded
& Son recently bought the C&A Building;
in 1980 to
and American LaFrance is planning a
20,000-square-foot expansion.
the area's
As these announcements demon-
strate, manufacturing is the biggest
assets, diver-
employment generator in Rowan, with
sify the eco-
more than 31 percent of the workforce
nomic base,
proudly sponsored by CC Communications
employed in this sector. Retail and
promote the
wholesale trade account for just more
area, encour-
than 23 percent of the workforce, and
age public-
Of the four top travel destinations in Rowan, three are in Salisbury- the historic
ments to the facility. The firm, which manu-
Expansion of existing firms is also in
Tourism also plays an important
ing only a
november 2000
services another 19 percent. Freightliner
private ven-
is the county's largest employer with
tures and
grea t er cha r lo tt e biz
enr r
ts \' isu-
al ir:=§"e T1ere are l:::t h ~ toric
office. For example, the seven-stJry Wallace Building, now called ThE Plaza, has shops on the first floor, offic:=s on
districts i1 Sal5bury t1e la GE-3: b:=ing 30
the second and third floors, and then
square bled::-: in Jown:ow1. T: -e p visi-
four floors of luxury apartments. The
tor:; explorE t h3t :: re;o., : he C. & t~e.s dE':=I-
Cheerwine Building is also being
oped a w31~ r ~tour 3 - d ma-.E-'3 •: 3Sset:es
converted into apartments.
availat: e. T-:: :::VB h3 S: also :.3.-::voefo~ej
While the historic nature of S31isbury
an A.frican -ATer'C3n -:oor, ar :: ·tis no..,,
is attracting both visitors and residents, the
de,•eloi= i 1§" 31 3:cofT1):: nying c:.os:!t2 /CD.
CVB is also using the county's trair-steeped
The dot.n·o.-m
r=rnissa - c~
ues. F&\1 Bank is rero·..ating~ - c t. ·ingi rs back to life:
e koO-b.c·: k a ·e:: :~ e t'"l een 11e
Saisb u -y Oeo::t .:.1d 'vlain St:! ::t CO<N1 in the 19:!0s as
Street." Tr := Y-:destr'-
an "''ai~~wa{Ytl ir:lu:J :: a nul: e·dbu-.ding;; rehc.b~.:: for ad3f:live r~L.:Se . :)ne suer build ni 1- as be =n done-E j :>y F&l'.l to the Wa:=r,..oi.s
11 sue: I Arts
C-::r : e·. <V1ic1
wilt mo.-e i:s ~c:l.=:ry t:J tJe ar-::c: "11- is will make tte proj21:t :=ve1 more 1: :=--=s:ing and
excitin§",~ 1-J~m a n
The na: :11al tre1 c of re_xa:ior t:) the cer : e- city is :: !so ?vider: 1
history to draw conventions. Next year, Rowan will host two conventions neeting in tandem for the first time- the Association of Railway Museums and th = Tourist Railway Association, a trade group dedicat-
on t· = three business parks located
ed to train transportation and resbration.
with ·n Rowan - the 182-acre Whitney
Rowan, however, is not living in the past. The Economic Development
lndL..Strial Park, the 182-acre Sum n-it Corp: rate Center and the 13J-ac re
Commission uses its Web site to list
Sou·- mark Commercial C2nt2r. At
available properties for sale and lease
Sumnit, Pearson Properties has a
for office and industrial uses. The list is
56,C•: O-square-foot shell building Lnder
a detailed one, including a myriad of
con 5:-uction, while a 31,25C-square-foot
information, such as zoning, ava lability
structure is being built at SoJtlmark.
of water, sewer, gas and electricity, the
F.owan also touts the te : hnica l train-
Sa sbL -y Mon•t Jf t1E struc-ves Jein 5
asking price, list of current tenants (when
ing i: offers, especially th ·o ugh Rowan-
reilabbed n : ol', · to-v - Sa lio : • l!'ilciuje
applicable), and what the owner is look-
Cabarrus Community College, which
res· der: ial Sp'OCe n ;o.d.::litior t:• rEta I ::nd
ing for. The site also provides inf:lrmation
see Rowan, continued on poge 57.
c a - otte bi;::
november 200C
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CORPORATE OFFICE 4529 Sharon Road Charlotte, NC 28211 (704) 366-5548
[realestate iz]
oy tea quirk
go1ng go1ng gone universit} research :>ark is almost out of rec..l estate ThE wall~ of t he:
co'"lfe ~e: r ce
roo11 at
Unio'e"Si:( R;searc- Park :uRP) offices -
a~L aJ
y oc1ted
the Two First Uni ::>n
Tower ir d:rt,ntow n Charlotte -
hErE w::. s built ir :.9!34, 31C this one in 198;). They are the b3ckbo1€ of wha· s gone on here- we would n: have h 3d :h e SLo: cess we'vE had if they had n't t.c.d :he vision to pu: them i 1.' He ac ds th3t when EOS move:! in in 1535, it sent 3 message to
cov·= nd flccr-to-ce ing wit:1 aerial maps
othEr mnp3n ies fhat UEF had suit3tle power for
of t"t 3..:00-acre Fark. dati 1g bc..:k nearly
s::>pris: :ated ccrr~• Jter ~5tems.
~ears. The·t·
hi>tor y of
only abou: foL r a·: res of Park-owned lan<l
left, :;code has, ir - is
OA 1 words,
"worked 'Tlyself
URP. first. detelope:j in 1766. and the
out of a iJb" But ·N flat ;: Jb he
Fhe r cnenal grcwt- it has urdergone far
net Effert of hi5 NJ r< go2::. far beyo1c the borders
more vi\ idly d"1an al)' written w:>rds.
of U~P. ::..; the Pal:'!: success has beEn a mc: jor
TI-e m3J=Sal'2 alsc Sedd01 ~Rust•(' GoodE, Jr.'s pride and j::>y arx. the way 1e exJl:Jres and rev ews
cone. And the
C3: atyst il t1e fast-pace·:! :levelopme1t and growth '1 nort1 M2.:klent Jrg. Gc· : de es ti nates that by 2005. URP wil have
the Park's .1ccmplishmems. UP.P straddles 1-85 <nd \'fT. -iar-is Boulevard, S:P-td -1g north to
cea i ec !r5,000 jo JS anc 2c: rned $18 millior for the University
Mall3f'd ::: ·eel: ChUI ·:h ~:o.cd
of North
and I'Est to
Carolina at
Maii3J'd ·::: ·eel:
Charlotte .
Road • .-.bout
The Park is a
non -profit
niesinciLdhg : 1e.
and UNCC is
likes JliB \J,
its sole bene-
F rst Jr ion
ficiary. But
the Park never owned
S 1ce t1is 996 a-=rial maF was
Wach·'i3 ,
s~ ot, UF.P
ha ; ~old a I bl t iour ce res.
all the land
Allst3.:E ln::;z..u:: 11 : e, Ver:atim a1d EDS- call U~:P
with i1 iL •:JoJde say'S. "It Aas just a zo1ing di~rict
and ts V"Ood:ry campu~ setti 1g ~orne and emj:loy
that happenec to lave a na11e," he says.
sJme :;;3.00:: r:eople. 1-
·.:s c:l oo Goode'; map5:. ·•see- this sho: was
::}L€ens P·oJerties, c subsidiary of JA Jcnes, a ~o oV"- -:?d as rruch as 5JO acres of .and within
take1 il A::ril d 1984, v1hen -arris BcLievard was
the Far< at one time . It st I owns almJst 300 acre5,
just .:>€ ng grc:d::l," he says, leaping out of his :hair
whic1 it '5 lookirg t :• sel ::>r build 01 oy 2002. Rick
a1d :x> rt irg o.r1 the a·;:;ca c·n t1e map 1vith his
P·YtEr, president cf Quee - s PropertiES, says he hc:s
han c. • The fi-5 : :>arts o=the ro<:c cpen ed in 1935."
two ~ood prosJecs righ : now, "nanes we can be
Ccod::, ..... r.: has readec up URP operations s nce1933. t:;inksthe ·:on3t'Lct oo ofW.T. Harris Boul~· 3rd "VcS
ore of the ma o- -easo r 5 for the
p·ou.::l of: hc:t v1 II cr=ate good paying jobs." Th =·='s plert\' d oth .= r new actil..ity goi r g on a: J~P <:: well. ::::rEscent ~ e sources is working on a
P3rk 5 $LC:e5:s bEcause it i11 Jrol·ej ac•:essibility to
sp2CJiatiJe mu ti-· enant building. Th= finishing
the i --tr,r.;tctes ::. 'ld the rest of er a ·lotte.
touche s are Jei ng pu: on !be 460,000-5quare- 1oot
Th2 con5:1ru:.tion o=twJ p:JV\e- sub-station5 by
TLM: CP.:'.F serv·ce center, wh ich is only the firs: phase
DukE ::>JI'Ie - c:ISJ Jlaye: an im:ort3nt role. "Se-:?,"
of a pla-lled th ree-J " ase poject that muld ultimate y
Goode .5ay5, pcinting t: anJthH rrap, "this on=
rEad· 3 5 mi .lior sqLare f=2t and emp!Jy
o:Jvembe- 2000
!=e Jp l ~ =i-s1 Chat1~ r Eank will
mJ.E ir o ts new ope ra : ions cE nter
~ :> :n
he a dqu z ~ ·s. And [)ij5ita Op: ics
C•:.:}. recenjv bJLght 18 ac~ 3 from (\. e-::r ~ Prop :: rt ~ fJr
z 1 ) 0.0CO-square-
lco: offi•::E c. 1d pr:Jd.Jctic r facHity th ::tt ....~ I i no:
ooe d ~ 1 roan pmduction areas.
"As an eco1cmic
ce~loper for th e
c:>- I U1 ty, th = C 1amJ~ .vi ii miss t 'le
P•·:." s;;•ts Ten
Orell. :;-::r ior v ce p-esi-
d;:rl cfl:u;i re 3> growth ;r: the Char Jtte C-.amb ::r cf C•: n merce. MBecause of ts lc~g:: pari: set: r g and c c--~na n :s wit1 lc ~g:: se :J ad s m:J preserva: iJn
of tr ees,
')15 :~n e::~romic
de.-elo-;er for :"e COO'lr.lU11t_t, the D·awber w.:Y/ n ::.s !1-te #J(lr}c~ 8Ecaus~ of its large p:Jrlc :.Et<in~ and cov=nants widt
.crge sej;•tris of rre~s,
and ~-esEr~Oli01'
got a n!lmber -::>(
r.av cvn:xmies
/bV!! ot.'Joerwise missed. It
so mu:h for
tm~'!n end deveKpwEnt
ir. ;:i-.s m'1li1U#:ity. ' Te '""Y 0~1 senior vice pr=:iden:
cf :x.!illess ~rcowtla at the Chrlo:xe ::lllflll>er o: Com-nerce
... e p:.a lL 11ter ::>f new :•Jmpani =s ..ve ·•. au ld oaVE o ~ 1 e rwlse n- issEc. It ha:
:;:; mlKh Fo - g·owth a nd deve :>p · 11 :::r r n -,i s :cm m Lnit~ .'
Look like a genius in front of your employees. Even Einstein cou ld appreci a te the intellige1ce of joining Charlotte Metro Credit Unic·n . Yo.Jr =n1Jioyees get great financial benefits like lower loan rate: . higr -,vestment rates and Fee - Free
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::~ark bet,Een UtKC
jso- CJIIe5e and develop· -, g
"'Jnfl.ersi: ,t :. t:( aro.Jnd UN :C. Ea r.y
3LC., a park wc ulrl creat:: .3bout D ,•:tOO
Charlotte Metro :: R E D I T
Jr =s ide~t
:JOll01ional li· eratue estima :ed tha-
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::rJ: l 3!: t:e·: two main a :t vi ties: de. el-
Call (704) 375 - 0 ·33.
lEad in
·'1 =- ::he. ~ b :: r i 1 1966, it; wvc· r~ progam
Fees associa ted with banks. And your =·r'Ja niza ti o n an jo in without spe nding c; dime.
e3 ·1 ~
f;i, a 551 ,O(tO irvestm ert rai sed ::.r .-at=l't fron 3fea Jusines~ k!3ders.
checki ng with direct deposit. Vv'hat the:- don't get are all the exorbitant
Fee-free Checking w / Direct Deposit CheckCard
::t- 3n- toe· took a-
1:: : r~31 i cn : I U~: P, whic - go: sta 1 ~d
o:s ar
pod J: e a $2 0:• m Ili on n~st-
1::.-r : . Allh ot...g~ t-,e·r d ·e:= 11 voas i-, c ~ ed ,i:;i J nc. ~. t 1e 'oLncers llsned ou: to: be
Now that's smart.
H ~ul
y ::Jno:er;ati·; e ab:::.ut i:s imp3ct.
Th e) ·,.,erE 3lso o"f in what the Fa rk
718 Centra l Ave. 1928 Rando lph Rd.
november 2000
375-0 183
actuall"y become. tl W3 3 origi r ally
:r:rKei ~·::- :J
.:s arc•ther Re :;=arcr Tri ar gle
:ha- o-:te biz
Park, wi ~ h it= close ties to t1 ~ local Jnivusi: ies a1 d a cen :erfor re:;earch fa c ili ~ ie ~..
BL : n ~tead of resea -:h, it
beca11e a h _: =or call ce 1teG, operation centers, ser1i:e
and oiler hig<
te(h fac lities. "CaLinf it a res 2arch pa -k is rec.lly a rri!: 1nmer," GoodE' admits. Vla'jbe itst10uld be :ailed UniveGi ~y Hi5h Tech Pati:.. For example, obsErves Porter, "When Soufhern Be l moved ~mal.
o r atic
Bu"i.ldin&_ Vl ec.l th. Th-v-oUDh Custorri zed Po: tjc!1·c i\Janajemen r ?3e-3csed 'n ; estrr.er L-:t:·t. lt'rlors
james L. Mont!!g
}e./fre:.- G. Vaztglnli
29 15 Provid::-1ce F.o3Ci, Suite 25::: C- :rrlotro:, N•::: 2821 1 Telephone: ~04 362. : 886 F3c~ m i e.: 70L 356 5264 ''''N\o\...1101 .a:5mcr .3~ m e -1 cor
into its JOOo<X)}-squa re fact data :enter, it ha:l 3
1\l a n a:J• rre.nt
head ount, but
lo1s of omJ: _ ers- its not lesea -ch, it's high tec . h nd :3t theM chelin facili:y,
~ hey
est ai -crc.ft
: ire~....
be d~velopment of URP 11oved r:ainfulty ; lowly a: b25i nnirg. Collir:; & Aik11an
e to
Par k r 196 7, fcl-
.owed b1 Alls3le l n ~.rarce in 1971. Th=n :here was a lc•ng droJght. IBM bought 428 acres ir -:.. 970, b-ut it was n't u1til
1S78 th:3t it; fecdlity oJened E!ig Blue' .; Jresenc~ ca.J ~ ht
tire eye of ethers, wt-o
.soon foUowed: Electric Power
~ esearn
nstitute in : 97S; ve -tatim in .::. 980; ard Jrion Oil of :a i=onia . Do11. .ones anc =a rfcx Frop2rti2:; in 1981. Duke P•JWer's ; ut-staticns ard tre co1s1ructior cfHarri:; Boule\ard open£d JP t1ings scme more. Urive[S :y FlacE, :3 mixed-u:;e de..'elopme1t Nitt- retafl, thE dty's first Wtto1 Hc•tel ard ·E'sidential offe rings,
w~ unveil~d.
And most
i mportantly,t"le city and coun: y made
a consci::>us de : isicn t::> P-d -rect jevelop-nert tc•vJard the nor· hern end Jf 'IJ\ec{jenbur~
3nd aNav from the S•Jutr _
Ob s erv~
Goode, "T1e Cit\' ard
sreater c -<: rlc-tt.e b iz
> n:vem.Jer 20)0
:ountv wen t ahead and built water and develo::~ment
to the Park itself. He was instru-ne 1tal
about 15 months when he's 70, is
in putting land together for constructio·
modest about his accomplishments. for
=allow, rat h.=- than waiting or develop·
of a YMCA in 1996, as well as toe estab-
example, he credits UNC system pre~
-nent : 1 h<Dpen and respording to it.
lish -ne1t of Charlotte-Mecklenl:urg
dent Molly Broad for landing TIAA·CR~F.
They char r eled the growth here, and it
Schools' Education Village, an c.
Nas wonce·ful for the community. They
helped push through a zoning cha1ge
sewer .i1es . figuring
one of the world's largest private pers·on funds. But those who have worked
:reated a re·N tax base, and made the ·ax
with Goode are not so reticent. In tr E 1999 book, Vision, Engineering and
:Jase 360 cegrees, not 270 deg·ees."
Science/The Founding of the C.C.
The Chamber's Orell ae-rees, "The P3rk c.nd the infrastructurE' that
Cameron Applied Research Center,
3uppcrted it were magnets :hat started
author Mike Hermann praises Goode
: he gr:wt1 i n north Mecklenburg more
for his "masterful deal-making, intriC3tE
: han C.T/th ng else. The putlic c.nd
coordination, perseverance [and abil :y
::>rivat:: SECl crs decided it rrade sense
for] political high wire act[s]."
dd it tDgether."
Says Queens Properties' Porter,
Then c3me residential. Goode points rra:>~
"Working with the Park is really worki1_s
3gain. "In April198.4, there
with Rusty. He is a mentor and master
.tvas n:•th i ng residential har:pening," he
of making things happen with govem·
t o his
:says. "Ey .A:Jril1988, you ce:n see the
ment and with industry. Having him c.s
first mJJerrent of residential. lr April
th3t made the first sit-down restaurant
an ally has been a big part of our
1992, it r=al y got going. And by April
in the area possible. He was also
and of the Park's."
1996, it l-ad exploded.
instrumental in the creation of : he
"I had no more idea th3n a billy
c..::. Cameron Applied
Queens and URP have worked together on a number of projects over :he
Researct- CerJte· thi~s
-soat t-ct rESi dential would :>e as
or the UNCC campus. "I always did
successfu l:~s
th3t related to making the Park mere
ing new companies, but have never hd
sLccessful," he says.
a signed contract. "It has been in thE
it has been," .:Joo:le add=,
3haking- his head. Gooce s vision was ne,.er I mited
Goode, who plans to retire in
years, such as building roads and co _r1-
URP, continued on page 57.
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orth Carolina at 1-800-733-1355 or visit www.ustrust.com.
DocToR Is IN
Local entrepreneur Don Doctor thinks he has the cure for companies that need a fresh transfusion of ideas on how to manage their technology resources.
wo years ago, Premier Systems Integrators, an eight-year-old Charlotte-based technology architecture firm, began hosting and managing compu ter applications for some of its customers. By April of this year, the business had grown so large it was spun off, creating a separate business unit -
i-bridge, L.L.C.
-as an application service provider (ASP).
With its headquarters and data center in Charlotte, the privately-held ASP now has 70 employees.
E <1J
c ~ ~
Last year, it reached revenues of $10 million and is projected to grow by 50 percent this year. The brains behind the new business are long-time partners Don Doctor and Jim Shannon. Together, they plan to give
0 ....
0 ..r::.
mid- to large-sized companies a better option in hosting critical mission data services.
grea t er c har lo t te bi z
nove mbe r 2000
f the Dynamic Duo of information technology were unmasked, it would be recognized as Don Doctor and Jim Shannon of Premier Systems Integrators <www.premier-systems.net>. The team founded the company eight years ago, and it qu ickly matured from a small equipment reseller to one of the fastest-growing technology architecture firms headquartered in the Southeast. Today, with offices across the country, Premier Systems Integrators, L.L.C., is an end-to-end e-business infrastructure integrator that delivers technology solutions to companies throughout the U.S. Its revenues reached $185 million last year. Premier is privately held and is backed by Chase Capital Partners, Frontenac and Salt Creek Ventures. It develops partnerships with leading technology providers such as Oracle, Cisco, EMC, Checkpoint, Veritas, Hewlett Packard and others. It was in 1998 that Premier first began offering an outsourcing solution, hosting and managing complex computer applications for customers. By April of this year, however, the business had grown so large it was spun off, creating a separate business unit- i-bridge, L.L.C. <www.i-bridge.com>- as an application service provider (ASP) . "[i- bridge's) portal offers full, up to the moment disclosure by providing visibility into the client's whole environment through a Web page. This portal provides a way for a customer to measure what it signed up for and how i-bridge is performing against that. It's a good balance of our services and the performance of the customer's gear." - Greg Hoogerland
With its headquarters and data center in Charlotte, the privately-held ASP has 70 employees. It achieved 1999 revenues of $10 million and is projected to grow at a 50 percent clip per year. The company targets mid to large-sized companies that are investing in technology, are in post merger integration, or are in a growth mode. Doctor, the driving force on the technology end, admittedly spent his early years in business caught in a bit of an identity crisis. "I had a double major in computer science and accounting," relates Doctor. "Being a CPA by trade, I bounced careers, not knowing which one l wanted to be involved in. I first bought into a manufacturing company in the early '80's. Then 1 started a software company with two other gentlemen, stepping back into technology. We grew the software company to 300 employees in five years with revenues of $50 million." In 1992, Doctor decided to create his third company, Premier Systems Integrators, also in technology but focused on
no vember 2000
"Jim [Shannon) (right) functions as our eyes and ears in the field. He has a good read on the marketplace and a good relationship orientation. People in this business can become enamored with their own technology and lose site of the market. Jim understands how tech nology can be applied to and truly add value to a customer's business." -Don Doctor
infrastructure rather than software. He knew he needed a partner to round out his skills and, according to Doctor, Jim Shan non was the dynamic part of the duo who did just that. "Jim was, at the time, a competitor working for Hewlett Packard. He was, bar none, the best sa lesman I'd ever met, " confesses Doctor. "Through previous experience, I'd learned that technology is all about excelling in sales, management and delivery. The business is qualitative, not quantitative. You need the most knowledgeable sales people in the industry and the best delivery people money can buy. If you combine the two with a focus on management and strategy, you can grow companies rapidly a nd profitab ly." At Premier, Shannon covers the front street and Doctor, the back office. Doctor elaborates, "Jim functions as our eyes and ears in the fie ld . He has a good read on the marketplace and a good relationship orientation. People in this business can become enamored with their own technology and lose site of the market. Jim understands how technology can be app li ed to and truly add value to a customer's business."
! -bridges the Gap Working together, Shannon and Doctor uncovered a cri tical change in the buying habits of customers. "It is not uncommon in technology to hear abou t projects failing to meet budget, missing return on investment projections and missing deadlines for implementation," Doctor says. "Too often, after implementations were complete, the consulting company left and the customer had difficulty maintaining the system they had just had installed. In response, the customer has had to become a more savvy and experienced buyer of technology. As a result, they are hungry for providers of services to give guarantees of performance and pricing." Both Doctor and Shannon owe their success to listening to their customers and seeing the pains they were enduring. As Doctor says, "We want to lead the industry in providing so lutions that guarantee performance and positive results. That's why i-bridge was created - to provide companies with a fu ll service management solution that wou ld relieve them of the burden of day-to-day management of complex infrastructure systems, so they cou ld focus their efforts more strategica lly.
grea ter char lotte biz
"At i-bridge, we believe that for the money you pay, you deserve to have your technology work. We are all about helping maintain mission-critical systems. The new wave is 'I want to stay involved with you: " The challenge for companies today is to keep up with technology changes, be able to satisfy the increasing demands of
With these fur_ctions taken care of, the customer can fo: us on core elem ents of busin ess, of whid1 inform ation tecJ-ncol cgy may not be one." Fear of losing co ntrol of their systems may be the reasm1 some businesses are hesitant to approach a n ASP. 1-lx cgE airr_s to overcome that fear with their methodology, se1vice b 1d
users and continue to add new skill sets. The cost is high and finding skilled technology people is difficult. Businesses are increasingly contracting their applications to outsourcing companies. Businesses are then free to use their in-house technology people to work on more strategic applications. "AS Ps are one of the fastest growing areas of technology today, " says julie Cochran, vice president of marketing. According to International Data Corporation, a well-known ted1nology research firm , by the year 2004, ASP spending will approach $7.8 billion with a 92 percent annual growth rate. "What we offer is value in skill, scale and speed," Cochran says. Doctor elaborates. "We strive to execute I'lawlessly. We have high-end technology people 24/7, who can spread their skills among multiple customers creating economies of skill. Because
"ASPs are one of the fastest ~row in~
areas of technolo~y
today. I- brid~e presents a partner relationship. Even thou~h
we are
tions at a ce-nter off-site, we really are
as an
extension of a customer's information techno l o~y department. Both custorrers and
personnel are trained on the same processes and procedures." -Julie Cochran
we do the same thing repetitively, we can do it a lot faster than " 1 - bri~
a customer could do it on its own, offering economies of
agreements and their unique monitoring system.
speed. Then because we can leverage our facility for multiple
presents a partner relationship versus a vender relationsh-q: : say>
customers, we have eco nomi es of scale. These economies are a
Cochran. "Most outsourcing companies provide conne:::::i-r r,r but
great advantage to a customer from a skills and cost perspective.
don't provide q uality, on-going management of the sys c::n.s."
---~"· ---
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The Doctor's Prescription In the in itial phase, i-bridge brings in a team to document the customer's business operating procedures. Although this is tedious work, when the methodology is in place and documented so that it's understood, the quality of operations can be improved significantly. "Open communication leads to improved quality," says Cochran. "Even though we are running applications at a center off-site, we really are functioning as an "We have high-end technology extension of a people 24/7. who can spread customer's infortheir skills among multiple mation techcustomers creating economies of nology departskill. Because we do the same ment. Both thing repetitively, we can do it a customers and i-bridge person- lot faster than a customer could do it on its own, offering nel are trained economies of speed . Then on the same processes and because we can leverage our procedures. fac ility for multiple customers, "Service we have economies of scale. level agreements -Don Doctor (SLAs) are written guarantees between the outsourcing company and the client which require us to adhere to specific performance standards," Cochran continues. "We think the way these are uaditionally done is inadequate in the business today. SLAs are more realistic the more measurable they are. When we go through the documentation process we find the most important pieces of information that need to be measured to meet the client's needs. Then we give the cl ient a tool to constantly measure how we are doing against the SLA." At i-bridge, that tool is the "portal." The concept of the portal was chief operating officer Greg Hoogerland's vision even before joining i-bridge. But here, the vision became a reality. "A portal offers full, up to the moment disclosure by providing visibility into the client's whole environment and status of its systems at any time through a Web page that links back to information about the customer and its system," Hoogerland explains.
gr e a te r ch ar lot te b iz
"It conta ins the SLA, the documented process and procedure information, any probl ems encountered with its systems and reports on how long it took to remedy problems and any other information important to that particular customer. The customer can access that information at anytime, from anywhere through the Internet. A customer can even use the portal to track development projects and other non-technical activities. "There's a trust factor in any relationsh ip. Thi s portal provides a way for a cus-
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what it signed up for and how i-b ridge is performing agai nst that," Hoogerland says. "It's a good balance of o ur services and the performance of the customer's gear. Then we also sit down with each customer o nce a month and recommend the best way for it to run its information technology a nd provide the tools to see how it's running. It's a very pro-active approach ." Doctor summarizes the i-bridge philosophy: "! believe wha t makes or breaks a relationship is how yo u
respond when there is an issue. That's wh at distinguishes a good
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fai lure we co nduct a post mortem to learn what we could do differently in the future. We write that in th e SLA. It's mo nitored th ro ugh the portal. We are
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sign ing up to be acco untab le under no uncerta in terms."
Kathy Mendieta is a Charlotte-based freelance writer.
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november 200 •J
. . .. . . . . .. .. . . . . . .. . .. ... .
Dr. Pamela Lewis wants to take the McColl School of Business at Queens College to the next level.
Here's the plan.
Dr. Pamela Lewis can predict the future.
O r at least craft
and imp lement a pl an to make it happen. Armed with a Ph .D . in strategic planning, she has fas hi o ned tactics fo r dozens of orga nizatio ns in d iverse ind stries including hea lth care, engineering, ente rtai.nm ent and education. The newly na med Dean of the McColl School of Business <www.mccollschool.edu> at Queens Coll ege <www.queens.edu>. she is charged with strategic leadership and operationa l effective ness. A proven leader and scholar, Lewis is excited by th e chall enge. "The McColl School has onl y tapped into a small part of its potenti al," she says. "It has a very strong fo undati o n to leverage its competitive adva ntages."
te biz
november 2000
ntil recently, Lewis nexed her leadership
Hewlett Packard. The schoo l hired
Drexel associates were surprised by her
20 new faculty, added two new chaired
affinity for th e Queen City college. But
might as Dean of
professorships and strengthened
Lewis had few doubts. "! had basically
the Lebow School
ties with the local and national
accomplished in large part what I had
of Business at Drexel
business community. During her tenure,
set out to do at Drexel and have always
University <www.drexel.edu>
fundraising soared to a whopping
sought out new challenges. The McColl
in Philadelphia, Pa. "Drexel Uni versity
$14 million+ from $800,000 just three
School renects Queens College's libera l
is an engin eering school that grew a
years ea rli er. The co ll ege has invested
arts uadition. You see much more critical
b usiness school," Lewis exp lains. The
over $2 m illion in technology and
thinking, debate and dia logue. It's a much better fit for who I am personall y."
Lebow School serves approximately
facilities improvement, wi th an
3,000 students in undergraduate,
additional $7 million devoted to
masters, Ph.D. and execu tive education
expansion . Today, prospective stud ents
Drexel was a painful decision, she found
programs with 87 fu ll -time fac ul ty.
face more stringent entrance require-
the McColl Schoo l simply irres istible.
As the university's first woman dean, Lewis faced the daunting task of rebuilding a school beset by declining
While she admits that leaving
ments; admitted student test scores
"The McColl School has so mu ch sup-
and GPAs are on the rise.
port from the Charlotte community. It
How did she do it? Lewis under-
has an excellent facu lty. It has all the pieces of the puzzle a nd I accept the
enro llment a nd stud ent quality, low
sta nds that success is more th an just
faculty morale and stagnant programs.
strategy. "It's not just castin g a vis ion,
responsibility of putting the pi eces
As she interviewed for the top
but putting legs on it," she emphasizes.
together and executing the plan taking
position, Lewis found hope despite
"I am very much
the McColl School
the business school's deterioration.
aware of the
"Th ere were tons of prob lems,"
importance of
on success:
to the next leve l. "
she adm its. "It was a tough situation,
implementation. "
"It's not just cczsting cl uision,
but I was excited at the prospect of w hat the schoo l cou ld be." Lewis rolled up her sleeves and
Making a spe-
Unlike large,
cialty of competitive
but putting legs on it. I mn uery
and new ve nture
much murzre of the importrmce
went to work. She spearheaded a
strategy, Lewis has
number of new initiatives: the Center
studied, written
of implememmion"
for Elecuonic Commerce Management,
about and faci litated
enterp rise resource planning (ERP)
strategy for eighteen years. Despite her
institutions, smaller business schoo ls must develop and capitalize on core co mpetencies to raise their stature. As she
exp lores Charlotte's bus iness commun i-
education and research, as well as an
n air for the process, Lewis is aware that
ty and the Queens Co ll ege constituency,
on lin e MBA program. She worked in
strategic planning strikes fear at the
the concept of leadership has become
tandem with the University's marketing
heart of most organizations. "Strategic
central to her emerging vis ion for the
efforts to improve the sch ool's brand image. She aggress ively pursued
planning carries negative connotati ons because of the failure in execut ion," she
McColl School. "Not everybody will be a CEO," she offers, "but we can deve lop
co rp orate and alumni gifts and threw her support behind facu lty research
says. "In some organ izations, it's an
peo ple into leaders wherever th ey are."
and endowed chairs. And, in addi ti on
never actually used, so strategic planning gets a bad name."
to her adminis trative respons ibilities, Lewis taught a new venture strategy course at the graduate level. Th ree years later, Lewis had achieved the seem-
annua l process. But the information is
Lewis faced signifi cant hurdles to convin ce skeptical Drexel colleagues that planning could yield expo-
on charlotte:
ingly impossible.
"Ciwrlotte is the most civic-minded
The Lebow School
comJIIllllity I haue euer seen 11-f
nized as a leader in
ed th is very dis tin ctive cu ltu re in this
nential results.
city." Those role models include Bank of America CEO llugh McColl , Jr.; McGuire
"People were very
Woods partner john Fenneb resque; Queens Co ll ege President Bill Wireman; and Bank of America executive Wi lli am
luwe outstmzding role models who
hard work for
Vand iver- all members of Queens
hrwe crerzted this uery distinctive
them to re-co mmit,
Co ll ege's Board ofTrustees.
culture in this city"
process and
buy into the
MBA concenuation in e-commerce and boasts innu ential corporate partners including SAP and
outstanding ro le models who have creat-
"It took a lot of
ERP ed ucation . The co ll ege offers an
from the broad est perspective. We have
jaded," she recalls.
of Business is now nationally recog-
"Charlotte is the most civic-minded community I have ever seen," she observes. "It's really about leadership-
november 2000
participate." When th e McColl School lured Lewis southward earlier this year, her
Lewis is dedicated to integrating leadership and mentoring opportunities throughout th e school's coursework to strengthen th e leadership emphasis. The focus on leadership does not, however,
greater charlotte biz
Heir: ng thE 5r.1duate p-o~ar;.A-drea
d ~ctrrn\.e::n .
fbu·ish at the r1cColl S:llocl
bst~-= ;a -:~ore
~r:;pneui n§
scienjfi:, tech:10logy-
ille>s ~ch.::>o l. Lo:-vi> looks to
c·de:J Ed b
B-Js 'leis ar-e ( ffi tor grt) G nr" · Hl..dson, director of the Executive MBA
director of the E>ECJ:P.-: 'iB.A p·o-§;ra:n; and •:atie Vv'irerrn dit.:ctor of t'le MBA program.
tEchno.•J§? ioitiatiYes. While
D:ae.! l_o ':ers ity's
esta"::•Lis - a
:-::C111:Jios-r presen -: e
edJCa i Jn rr...:He: e:: ective .y." L~wis ~ees
the globalt.:aricn of
IT. a~ c.~
" sig1i =t .:c.nt bn:e affect..n.s th e:: d :':l ive ry c f bu ; in ~ss e-c..JGltion . '' Of
co·JlSE -ve t ::ach rr. c.r ~
stud ~ nt>
c. xu: gb:Jal
education is technology. While
Le·,,·s cannot overstate the ioportance of e-<ommerce, she also sezs technolog-y frcm a broader perspectiw. rTecl-nology h as 10t o nly changed the way pe-Jple
ct tJ-..e l:it·er< I arts 1\t.:Coll S:hool. '"Te · no a_;_; has ir;-_p :.c:.d bot.l the
ir. -31 crtem : tio :r J marb:> ~"J ).:Ic ~,' Sle
"To:.ay's workforce has very diffe ent
cc n ~Lt H lC th ~
E:: pl.3..i "1>. '·f ,_: ot.Ir classro oc3 are also
E:XJ: :Octations about their wo rl<: and stu·
EC. uca-t"•:r. c..cro» ''11 •)rce::: t:::
ddv::=-:1 of t udn esE th ~
board/ she says. ·: u:- m:tdEnts about
roY\. te:r.h n::: logy is affe::ting blt3ines ;, \../e ik">>e t ::: ·J ~ e cecbnclogy I •:· delive· ;:::r e 1t e r chc.rlc· -. t':' :)i::
a ad ho .v 10 :::ord _c: busi:u'S3
rr.. oiZ d ve·so:, and it's cr stt.:der
:""JC.,. tc
· :<~ I
v c•r < wit
l£3 ~"1
: I( he~
Er::J m
ffE l"Er1 :::::a cJ.:gDLr.CS. " A..u lbe: mJ.jor trend ir:- ~ c. cti...l?,
>vorl::, but how th ey think,' she says.
de ts have to learn a more: partie pator:; man agem e nt style. " As the McColl School
p ~epares
de"lt3 to manage, Lewis disCJsses other n ov e mb er 2000
> 33
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greater charlotte biz
key developments in business education. "Business schools have to be sensitive to entrepreneurship and new venture development. .. particularly with e-commerce." She adds, "But even before e-commerce, entrepreneurship has been the foundation of what we're all about- capitalism." amela Lewis was always on the fast track to
------;. e::>1111erc-e
so ut ons
success. Born and raised
-.....,. h
in Co lumbia, Missouri, her
d:; gnlfla s
business acumen was apparent
at an early age. Her father owned
co 1:; 1.lting
several businesses, including a small
-.....:. irwpiellent c t Jcn
grocery store. By age 13, Lewis was
running the store. "My dad said I came out of the womb understanding financials," she quips. "!always knew I wanted to be a business person. "
i1 t egrat
----:. a:>D icatio r, :; d:.- ~ opme t
---;. W'lleless Sl") 1. t ons
After receiving a bachelor's degree from the University of Florida, Lewis spent a few years in the corporate world before pursuing an MBA. A newlywed,
on technology: "'li:clmology lws not o11ly clumged the wny people work, but how they think. iodny's workforce hns uery different expectmio11s (!bout their work n11d student. h({ve to lmm a more participmory IIUHwgement style." she entered the Ph.D . program at the University ofTennessee-Knoxville , but gave birth to her daughter, Ash ley, ten months later. "No one expected me to finish the program," she says, but Lewis return ed to class within a few days. ller son, Patri ck, was born during her third year in th e doctoral program . "Ra ising a family in graduate school was a lot easier than in the corporate environ ment, " Lewis insists. She names her
greater charlotte biz
>nc 路.ember 2C))
husband, Terry, an IT consulta nt, her staunchest supp o rter. Lewis laun ched her professo rship at th e Unive rsity o f Central Flo rid a. While chair o f th e managem ent
experien ce an authentic
d epartment, Lewis ass umed ano th er rol e: author. As the lead writer o f
clwrrascaria rodizio , or B razilian
Manage m ent: Chall enges in th e 21st
S t eal<h ouse, and be sure t o brin g
Centu ry, she highlighted majo r shifts in
your appetite . Waiters circle the room with sizzling skewers of over
on teaching:
20 k inds of freshly grilled m eat and
"The McColl School doesn't
carve them directly onto yo ur plat e .
hire professors without real
Enjoy ou r h ot bar, with delectable item s su ch as garlic sh rimp in lobster
world experience. Our professors
sauce and our cold bar with t ropical
have to understand renllife
fTuits and oth er delicacies . It 's a t aste
and we encourage them to con-
experience you won 't want t o miss !
Brazas Brazilian Grill
sult nnd stc1y engnged. That's OJ= en fn- Di n ~ Onf_ - ues:lay thr:1ug.. - atlltda,. and b Lu, ch an:! Dineâ&#x20AC;˘Âˇ on Sa :.ay Eese-vation g ~corr m:.ode::l
why I continue to do stmtegic plmming work. I come back much ric he~; intellectually." th e fi eld of m a nagem ent. This college textboo k pro posed a new managem ent
Who's Your Direct Marketing Partner?
m o del fo r th e 199 0s and beyo nd .
in its thi rd editi o n, th e text h as becom e a m ainstay fo r undergraduate m an agem ent courses across the nation and
Our ability to deliver unparalleled service, innovative ideas and superior quality has
as far away as China. Despite her academic focu s, Lewis und ersta nds the value of real-
Who brings the right mix of capabilities, experience and solutions to support almost any direct marketing and sales effort? earned us the right to call ourselves a partner to each of our clients.
wo rld business experien ce. "The McCo ll Schoo l doesn't hire professors witho ut real wo rld experien ce. Our professo rs have to und erstand real life and we en courage th em to consult and stay engaged. That's why I continue to d o strategi c pl anning wo rk. I com e back much ri ch er, intell ectually."
_........__reative .~failing t1ons C harlJ113 704.5E::;..S<717
At 43 , she is surprisingly yo ung to h ave a massed such cred entials. ''I've h ad th e op portuni ty to m ove alon g pretty qui ckl y," sh e conced es, "but I'm n o t too youn g to b e a d ean! "
Nethea Fortney Rhinehardt is a Charlottebased freelance writer.
n ov embe r 2000
g re a ter c ha r lotte biz
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no v ember 2000
greater charlotte tiz
ovember is another Nielsen "sweeps" month. That means local television stations will again be battling it out for ratings supremacy. And while network programs provide the lion's share of revenues, it is the stations ' choice of local programming that means the difference between ratings glory and defeat. Prime tim e in the televisio n industry is really defin ed by th e Nielsen "sweeps, " the four-week periods (November, February, May and Jul y) when televisi o n stations battl e for ratings glory. Networks and stations strive to stuff their best program s into a few short weeks, hoping to attract a large audience share which, when measured by Nielsen, will result in increased ad revenue. Cha rlotte is the 28 th largest televisi o n market in the nation, with over 2 millio n viewers in a 22-cou nty area . The largest television stations all ca rry both network and loca l programming. And whi le the network progra ms generate a
greater charlotte biz
substantial share of their revenue, it is the local programm ing that really affects their bottom lines. Local statio ns also face a co ntinuing decline in th e overall broadcast audience from co mpetitors including cable television a nd the Internet. O ur local televisio n stati o ns have been respo nding to these challenges in a variety of ways- attracting new ta len t to stati on management, introducing updated programming li ke the 10 p.m . news, reengaging the co mmuni ty through relevant programming and involving themselves in community programs. ~
november 2000
Under New Management
And Linda Sherman, general
Wr_ile 1elevision personalities
manager of both W) ZY-TV (UP -affiliate, channel 46 broadcast, channel 8 cable) <www.wjzy.com> and WFVf-TV (WE-affiliate, channel 55 broadcast, channel 12 cable) <www.wM.com>, came to Charlotte just last month.
often tLITn ever as frequently as their co ntrac(s run out, the top fi ve stations in ChaLO ttE have all had significant turnove;-s ii- manage ment as well. The most senior among local
<www.wbtvcom>, who has led her
They are all enthusiastic about Charlotte, its growing market and the potential for their stations to serve the local community; each has ideas about
station fo r j..1st over two yea rs. Nen is Stuart Powell, who beca me gellÂŁral ma nager at WCNC-TV
how best to serve the local community. As Armstrong points out, "We are essentially an information provider.
(NBC-affi liate, channel 36 broadcast, channel 6 c;: bl e) <www.wcnc.com>
We are licensed to serve this community. We don't exist anywhere else. Our success is going to be based on what the community needs and how well we deliver what they need ."
general managers is Mary MacMillan at WB'IV (03S-affiliate, channel 2 broadcast, channel 3 cable)
in April of this year. Mark Tuner joined WCCB-TV (Fox-affiliat::-, channel 18 broadcast, channel 11 cable) <www.foxlSwccb.com> in )anuc.ry 1999 as operations manager and beomE ge:1eral manager in August. Lee Armstrong became general m anager at vVSOC-TV (ABC-affiliate, channel 9 bcoadcast, channel 4 cable)
<www.gocanlinas.comjpartnersjwsoctv>, Ch arlotte's largest station, as well as WAXN-TV ( cha nel 64 broadcast, channel 10 ..:abie), its smaller sister stati o n, in August as well.
Local News "This is the first city I've been in where growth is the topic of conversation every day," says Stuart Powell of WCNC ("NBC6 "). Powell is a veteran of the broadcasting industry, having spent over 30 years at stations in Kansas City, Mo ., Phoenix, Chicago and Cincinnati. WCNC is owned by A.H. Belo Corp., the "Ewing" company
of Dallas, owning and operating numerous companies in various media. "Not only is the city growing, it is embracing that growth. NBC6 is in the same business as the city of Charlottegrowth ." The station is in the process of developing a larger presence in the market by expanding its news and community outreach programs. "Local news provides the best way for a station to serve the local community," according to Powell. Powell says the BC6 news product "looks and feels different from others in the market" because it is based on a "TV News Viewers' Bill of Rights " which the station started touting through a series of on-air TV ads debuting during the Olympics. "The Bill of Rights is ten basic statements about what viewers want and what they can expect to find when they tune in to our news," says Powell. Each TV spot highlights a specific right. They are: 1. The right to be respected and taken seriously. 2. The right to hear all the stories worth talking about each day. 3. Freedom from sensational or tabloid news coverage and promotion. 4. Coverage that gets back to basics and addresses real issues. 5. Freedom from constant repetition and rebackgrounding. 6. A better balance of positive and negative stories. 7. Highly localized coverage of the entire area. 8. The right to meaningful crime reporting. 9. Freedom from exploitive newscast teasing and promotion. 10.
ewscasters who come across as down to earth, engaged and engaging.
"This campaign expresses o ur approach to reporting the news," says Powell . "We carefully scrutinize our subject matter and then present it in a sophisticated manner. We have to be watchdogs and protect the sensibi lities of our viewers." >
n::l v Em::>er 2000
greater charlotte biz
Charlotte Television Stations You can't tell the players without a scorecard, so here's the lowdown on the local television scene . Note: Cable channels listed are for subscribers to Time Warner cable, which provides cable service in most of Mecklenburg County.
Networks ABC:WSOC-TV (channel 9 broadcast, channel 4 cable). Cox Broadcasting Co., <www.gocarolinas.com/partners/wsoctv> Until June 1999, it produced I 0 p.m. news for WCCB. Produces I0 p.m. news for WAXN. Lee Armstrong, general manager.
CBS:WBTV (channel 3 broadcast, channel 2 cable). Jefferson-Pilot Communications, <www.wbtv.com> Mary MacMillan, general manager. NBC:WCNC-TV (channel 36 broadcast, channel 6 cable). A. H. Belo Corp., <www.wcnc.com> Stuart Powell, general manager. Until this year, it produced I 0 p.m. news for WCCB. As of I0/09/00, it produces I0 p.m. news for WFTV.
Fox:WCCB-TV (channel 18 broadcast, channel II cable). Bahakel Communications, Ltd., <www.fox 18wccb.com> Until this year, WCNC produced its I 0 p.m. news. As of this year, it produces its own I 0 p.m. news. Mark Turner, general manager.
UPN:WJZY-TV (channel 46 broadcast, channel 8 cable) . Capitol Broadcasting, <www.wjzy.com> Linda Sherman, general manager.
The WB:WFVT-TV (channel 55 broadcast, channel 12 cable). Capitol Broadcasting, <www.wftv.com> As of I 0/09/00, WCNC produces its I0 p.m. news. Linda Sherman, general manager.
Independents WAXN-TV (channel 64 broadcast, channel I0 cable). Cox Broadcasting Co. Lee Armstrong, general manager. WSOC produces its I0 p.m. news.
WGTB-TV (channel 28 broadcast, no cable). Religious programming. Affiliated with FamilyNet, World Harvest TV and Worship TV.
Public Broadcasting System WTVI-TV (channel 42 broadcast, channel 5 cable). Independent Charlotte public affairs station.
WUNG-TV (channel 58 broadcast, channel 13 cable). Local affiliate of the University of North Carolina Television (UNC-TV) network.
WNSC-TV (channel 30 broadcast, channel IS cable). Part of the South Carolina Educational Television (SCETV) network.
The Government Channel (channel 16 -Time Warner cable). Local , state and federal government news and information.
greater char lo tte b iz
n oJvE rn "Jer 2..0 â&#x20AC;˘} (
Those Pesky Nielsens Just what is a Nielsen "rating" anyway? Or a "sweep?" for that matter? And what's " share"? Simply put, ratings are a scorecard of how many viewers watched a given TV program. The "sweeps" are those four months in the year- November, February, May and July- when ACNielsen Media International measures every local We exist to serve you, ou r client. We demonstrate this commi tme nt thro ugh ti me.li n e~s. accu racy, custo m:zed service and innovati•e retirement so lutions. For over 4 0 years, we· ·,e guided co mpanies li ke yours to main ta in a s uccessfu l retire ment progran . O ur approach is a tota: retireme nt so lu tion that adapts where many o th ers fa i l. Timely, infor mative
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TV market in detail in addition to its ongoing national surveys . Say there are 100 million homes with TV sets in the U.S. A 15 rating means 15 percent, or 15 million homes, were watching a given program. Of course not everybody watches TV all the time . The actual viewing audience- those people watching television - is called " Homes Using Television" or HUT. At 9 p.m., the peak
Since 1954 300 E. Wendover Avenue • Greensboro, "!'JC 27401 • (336) 273-9492
www. westanley.com for television viewing, the HUT is about 70. That is, 70 percent of television homes are watching something. (At 2 a.m . it's about 5 percent.) A typical prime-time HUT is 60, representing 60 million homes. The share is the calculation of what percentage the rating is of the HUT- what share of the available viewers did a program reach? A 15 rat· ing out of a typical HUT of 60 is a 25 share because 15 is 25 percent of 60. But how does Nielsen know who is watching what? For the 4,800 fami lies who agree, Nielsen invades their home and wires up a computer device to their TV set, VCR and cable box. This device- the people meter- can tell, from the flow of electricity and the position of knobs and buttons, which television station or cable channel the
~lei·cbaiulising So I 42
11 t, i
ro v 2mber 2000
11 s
television is tuned to. At about 2 a.m . each night, a bank of Nielsen computers in Dunedin, Fla., calls those 4,800 meters and downloads the previous day's viewing data. They are published by 3 p.m . the following day.
greater charlotte b iz
News at Ten Local news is one of the most important ways in which stations serve the local audience. Therefore, it gets a lot of attention from station managers. "While we serve the market with entertainment and sports every day, news is the most obvious platform from which to serve the local community, " says Mark Turner of WCCB. ''The cha ll enge is to put something on the air wh ich is uniquely 'yours.' " The newest thing in the local news battleground is the 10:00 p.m. newscast. Five years ago, no local station carried news at that hour. ow, there are three. WSOC got the ball rolling by producing a show, using their highly regarded news team, which initially a ired at lO p.m. on WCCB, Charl otte's Fox cab le station. However, when WSOC-owner Cox Broadcasting acquired WAXN last year, WSOC dropped the Fox newscast and began broadcasting on its new sister station, WAXN. WCCB then turned to WCNC to produce its 10 p.m. local news broadcast. However, when Bahakel >-
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no v ember 2COO
increasingly useful to form partnerships with small er stations free of such connections. These partnerships make it possible for the larger stations to serve the local market with more communityresponsive programming, such as the 10 p.m. newscast, which they can' t do on their own because of network ob ligations to carry prime-time programming. (The smaller stations, free of such obligations, frequently end their syndicated programming earlier in the evening.) With federal restrictions recently loosened, two local station owners, Cox Broadcasting and Capitol Broadcasting, have actually purchased smaller stations in order to serve the market more effectively. Cox Broadcasting owns WSOC, the ABC-affiliated station that has dominated ratings in the loca l news field for the past decade. WSOC is a lso Charlotte's top-billing station, with 1999 revenues of $52 million. Last ComiTLnic~
hirEd the~
wt ich owns \VCCB.
Mar~ Turner~
ga·;e h'
gereral man age!.
resporsi bility for
launching t 1.:: ; tatiouJs o..vn newsc13t, whK:h i1 "/Y:.y
!lOA LOe S.
was :o ':::uild a oe\vs
orgJ.:ni l atiol from TumeL Wh WAXN
tt ground -up,' says
NSO C s n ~ wscast oo
d e f~e::i
year Cox acquired WAXN, which has no
now, we're on target with our predicted
network affiliation. WAXN also has the
audi ence,
revenu ~
and expenses."
The newest move in the 10 p.m.
n ~- :~ e ws
>Latic·n in a
11 2 I:ke1
lowest revenu e of any local commercial station, at $8 million last year. llowever,
musical chairs rootine is the addition
WAXN is growing and station executives
of a local news broadcast to WFfV,
anticipate a 20 percent to 30 percent
which is being produced by, not
revenue gain this year.
The opportunity to guid e two
WCCB's in th e -at ngs
dud.n g J ul ~·s s--veeps :Jeriod, Turner is ·:Jptim _sti c. ., s~ ·re th:> upstait," 1e ~ ays.
" W~'rE
with established 1ews brands. Right
stations was one of the attractions,
Partnerships Local television stations, each having a network affiliation, have found it
which lured Lee Armstrong from Dayton, Ohio, where she led Cox-owned WIIIO to a top ranking in news
nrough the Barriers as Others Have Done! Here is what they are saying ... "Res.;lts ;;pc;Jk louder than words. We have engai}eo :ief'lricks Corporate Training for both sal~;; training a1d private consulting. Our rest•l!s rvere immediate and well beyonc anyo1e'[ r9iisonable gxpectation. I advise busires:>is uf all sizes to retain Henricks CorpJra~l' Training as their personal guide to a :;ec r e ~uture." A~hl£\ Campbell . President and CEO M1dglll'd , Inc .
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greater c h ar lotte bi z
alendar For pril 28 2 01 CorJU E1~oy a'nother Incredible Day at the Raus.' Don ~l Miss the Outdoor Garden Party and Social E-'tnt .jthe Yea1·.' Come Exj}erience the Thrill c.f· the 'Chase!
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progra mmin g. Ar m stro ng, w ho has a d egree in jo urn a li sm fro m Geo rgia Sta te in Atl a nta, has spe nt over 30 yea rs in the broad cas tin g fi eld . She's do ne everyth ing fro m sa les and m a rke tin g to progra mmin g a nd she's excited abo ut th e po te nti a l offe red by th e two C ha rl o tte sta ti o ns. "The o p po rtuni ty is b roader," Arm stro ng says. "There a re two di ffe re nt paths a lo ng w hi ch we can go ." WAXN is a ttracti ve to Cox beca use of its indepe nd e nt statu s. Wi tho u t a ny network de m a nds, it can ca rry sports p rogra mmin g, w hich ofte n co nfli cts w ith the p rim e- tim e sd1 edul es o n na ti o na l netwo rks. Ea rlier this yea r, WAXN s igned a th ree-yea r d ea l w ith th e a ro li na Pan th ers to beco m e th e NFL's tea m 's ho m e sta ti o n. (As a Fox affili a te, W C B has th e ri ghts to th e Pa nth e r's
regul ar seaso n ga m es.) WAXN w ill ca rry a ll pre-seaso n ga m es as well as in -seaso n coaches' shows. WAXN a lso rece ntl y extend ed its L1 ree-yea r co ntract, schedul ed to ex pire
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Polons ANs may not be 11dden by onyooe under 16, ondol rider>shrrulrltuke osofety '"'"' F01 sofety o00 llmrnng •formoiJOn, see you<deoierO<roiPolonsotJ.I!()()-341·3764 ANs ron be hozortlou< lu ope1ote. For yoor sofety, olwoYl weor ohelmet, eye p!Oterhon, proterhve rlothmg ond never rorry possenge~
greater charlotte biz
That deal covers the 2001-02 season and an option year the following season. In addition to the Panthers and the Hornets, WAXN carries Conference USA basketball, Southeastern Conference football and some Atlantic Coast Conference basketball games. Capitol Broadcasting Company is the only company, other than Cox, with two stations in the Charlotte market. Capitol owns WJzy and WFVT, both of which target a young audience. It was Capitol's reputation that attracted
Linda Sherman from her position as manager of the NBC-affiliate station in Greenville, S.C. "I decided to go with Capitol because they are on the 'cutting edge; she says. "They are what the future of 'IV broadcasting is all about. I thought it would be a great ride." Sherman, who grew up in a "little, bitty " town outside Huntsville, Alabama, got into broadcasting by accident eighteen years ago. "I was working as director of sales for a hotel in Huntsville when I heard a local 'IV station was hiring," she says. "I was very exciting to be working in such a glamorous industry. " The glamour has faded some over the years for Sherman, but not the excitement. "Charlotte is a wonderful 'IV
The ssential S JP 0 Services Leader
market," she says. "''m so excited to be part of a growth market and to try my hand at running two separate stations." At WJZY, Sherman's first task is
Profe5sional and lndus-:rial Place ent
to hire a general sales manager, a position she calls "key" to the station's operation. Her primary responsibility at both stations is to make sure each department is adequately staffed. She also plans to point both stations
Temporary Temporary to Hire Dire.ct Hire
toward greater involvement in community events. "A station is only as strong as its community service," she says. "I believe in serving the community to my greatest ability. " In Greenville, Sherman served on the boards of the Chamber of Commerce, United Way and local arts organizations. She says she expects to make a similar commitment to Charlotte.
g r ea t er c h a rl o tte b iz
"00 Cm.:::c r. . :ud. uit·~ 'N Ckrlcn..; 1: ,.::; 2~:217 • 704: 525-c40~ 1(f) ~ :::Cn:e:r -treer Srar:..svi!L, N.C. 28577
,7w: g;3-E44-4 n c.;e-n b er 200C•
"We've been in a process over
Local Stations and the Internet
the past year to define the promise we
As evidenced by the online interest in the recent Summer Olympics and NBC's lower 1V ratings, the Internet has changed the way people get their news. Local stations have adopted different strategies for dealing with the news on the Net. NBC6 has perhaps the most extensive Web site, with regular news, weather and sports updates. This summer, they launched "nbc6.com - Broadcast@ noon" a daily Webcast that features local regional and national business news. Charlotte's ABC, CBS and Fox stations also include up-to-date news on their Web sites, while the local WB and UPN affiliates promote their television programming.
want to make to our viewers, clients and community," says MacMillan. "We did research, including focus groups and surveys, to make sure our core values are in sync with the community." Because WBTV has a long history in the market, MacMillan says viewers have huge expectations. "WBTV is a legacy station; there is an enormous amount of emotional empathy associated with it," she says. "Our job is to recognize that and honor it, without getting stuck in it." MacMillan grew up in Connecticut,
Reengaging the Community
revenues. It was also the top station in
"NBTV, the CBS-affiliate owned by
ratings for its noon newscast in the July
¡efferson-Pilot Communications, is
sweeps period this year. Under general
:::harlotte's oldest and most stable
manager, Mary MacMillan, the station is
;tation. Last year, WBTV ran second in
reexamining the way in which it serves
the local community.
sales to WSOC with $42 million in
do youwantt REA
de Ia
en me
Underwriting on WDAV gets the job done. Call (704) 894-8900 for details. A
no vember 2000 .\
Uassical~~.~ â&#x20AC;˘
but graduated with an English major from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She spent many years in radio, including three years in Charlotte, before landing at the BC-affiliate station in Richmond. She spent nine years there in promotions, marketing and programming before returning to Charlotte in 1998. Since then, she has seen many changes at WBTV. "There are a lot of new people coming in with new skills and vision," she says. "They're providing new energy and ideas. We're also seeing a lot of change in our product as we attempt to give viewers information that is relevant and affects their lives. " One of the major changes at WBTV is its new downtown studio. The station now anchors its morning and noon news shows from Founder's Hall. "Our center city studio overlooks the square on South Tryon, making it easier to access what's happening uptown," says MacMillan. "The ability to be right there in the economic and cultural engine of the city carries enormous potential. Right now we're experimenting to see what we can make of it. Something new happens every day. " MacMillan says WBTV is also serving the community by aligning itself with community projects, sponsoring such events as Hands on Charlotte, the Charlotte Symphony Pops Concerts at SouthPark, the Latin American Festival, and providing free safety forums at the Southern Women 's Show and other locales.
gr e a te r ch a r lotte biz
The Challenge of Community Service The Federal Communications Commision li censes television stations initially and renews licenses every seven years. The government entrusts loca l stations with the public airways only as long as they serve the local community. There is a long tradition of such service through the emergency broadcast system, weather alerts, traffic information and public service a nn ouncements. Charlotte's group of new station managers are reaching far beyond that, however, in looking for ways to educate the comm uni ty on issues and to rally the community to action in times of emergency. "Our overall promise is to be of service and to provide va lue for both our viewers and advertisers," says MacMillan. "When you look at the landscape of electronic media go ing on, local broadcasts are the one, unique See TV, continued on page 56.
roduci g.
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S H A _ -:-路 :C ) GRLAT G J-API- CS 'rV I N S T 0 N - S '. L E
greater charlotte biz
1 )
l M
novembe- 2000
by ke - neth s. a le ~
.... . . . . . ... . ..... .... . ........... . .. .. ..... . . , .. ,
enabling the visiona ry LogoNation's founder kn ew how his comp a.ny needed to grow, and looked to Matthews software developer lnSit: to show him the wa~·. Denny Wa tw n h as mod c.roun j a bit in hi3 26 years of
CvVat son calls th eo "Co mmu iTees" ) custo m-oade wi th c.
life - to Mo un t Airy, N .C. t a:ch.::z. ,,fus, a nd I- ill ~ borou gh,
Ci ty's logo or slcgm o n th e frc nt, J nd ::1e :-tam es and loges
N.C. In each pla::e he has ob.<:e::Yed m interestin g p lle- o n en'J
of pa rti cipatin g m ~Th :mts o n the b ack
- a di stin ct sen;e of comm u::-tit:; J::ridc am o ng tb ;': res dents of th e sma ll towns he h as cc.Jed ho me
of his old ho m eto4\·ns to see if it .vould wo rk
Wa tso n gradu ated fro m Eas t .arc-lira Uni\us it) in 1996 wi th degrees in politi cal Ec.e1ce a nc phi lcsophy, two are.:s of
Watw n sta rt e:l small ,
t es t- dri v in ~
the ::o ncept in o ne
"In Feb n.1a:-,r 1 99:> we sold our tl.~ t Co mmuniTee in atchez,
M i s~ i s~ip:: i,"
Wa tso n says. "Iu. a :own th at a lo t
of peo ple recognize. The first day·~ sold over $1,000 an c "co II ected 70 to gradu atio n 80 percent of tha t he hoo ked up M th in ::ash ." Mag no li a Grap hics Th e Na tchez Specia lty Co m pc. ny experi ence beca m in llill sbo ro ugh. a th e template fo r fa mil y-owned fir m th e bus in e~s : A th at sell s pro mo.io nsah:sm a n goes ~nto a l pro du cts - key a town, de:enr. nes cha ins, coffee m Jgs, who t e lC mo> t ice scrape rs, etc. pro minen t m e-all em b lazoned ·.vith c~ a n t s are, p itche, th e logos of th e ::>urth Em o n tr.e idea chas ing co m pa n es. of :be sh irts and Rem a rks Watso n. goes fro m :he r~ "Co mpani es love Each pa rti cipating th ese giz m os th ct let mu::ha n l ge ts a th em spread the r nu -n b er of the 5h i-ts na m es aro und \\. ith to >ell or g ve <f'.Va:,, so m ethin g fun an d and Logo~a ti on ta ngib le to give kl d o1ates so-ne soirts cu stome rs and to a non p ro fit !;"OLp. fri ends." such as the Chamber Watso n o f Comm erce or n o ti ced th e the merchan ts' co mpani es th at assxiati o n bo ught th ese souFrorr le"t tc r~t: John B om bug c.nd Brando n Fox of lnSite win jefini"er and Denny 'The >a le ve nirs we re a lo t li ke VVat5<X1 of LogoN~tion . i&mrprisingly th e sm all towns i n which ne h c.c l i~d ~h ey we r-:: p rc ud easy " Watso n. says "once th e ne rchams un de~s tan d th e of who th ey wer~ an d wlli.t tr.ey hz a:xo m [: lish cd and con cept. What we do is pro m ote bLt>imsses by p romoting wa nted peo pl e to know a:JOut it. T~n '/Ja1scn had a commun ties." visio n: If compa1ies ....-ou.d tuy sou ;e:ci ·s, maybe srralJ It was n't long befo re Wa ts::> n real ized rwo things: In o . der towns wo u ld toe. to cut coEts, he n;:Eded to sto p o utso ur::i ng th e printi ng of th e And thus was born th -:: ::D eep I o- Logo atio n, Joe. ~ bins, a nd he nEeded w m e W'irf to organi ze h :s business s:J it <www.logonatio n.com>, a cc mp 3. ny th :.t spe-:ia IiNs in T-~;: h i-rs co uld grow qui d<!_ a nd sea ml essly. study tha t, as Watson po in ts out de n'. rea ll y p repa re
to do anyth ing. \fte r
noveml:::er 200 •:
greater char I;) tt e b iz
V/:tt;or :;oh-ed the first prcblem by
t•: ·A·l•res-; i I_, h :::• E.tO\'' ' c•f his wife,
nc.-.- - ,: ~
the company
vice ~r:;..JidenL fo.rde· aud C'Vn.e-, · Watson ~ays> b _ying as:reen ~r J t
rg machi.DE and s:o>:jr15 H~e s~ccrd
U(:• a
cesign ::lou::nent.
a bit thornieL .As "Nith most i~ •rob.nre. However,
ne .<e·y tc• V'latscr's wccess
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.he ruct:er d ac spa: es a sale~p~ rson fills in a:J)7
It-Site Business Solutions is in the
of hebing
Kc ::bman m ::we that inf-Jrrratioo onto its WEb site, so the in"-:::>: rration can je constantly u dated vrithout the ost of bcnirg and mai' ing new CDs. In acdition, c. ~chitew. and e"lginee~s ca:1 comment on the prod ~ cts, ask :"or dejgn tip a -.:1 generally interact with : ne <- not.::er. F.)r VMS, In ::., a Ri ::hm::>nd company th:nmaintains
t•="'"n (t1n:~ 3Ie cnly:20 S?a·:es on a shirt) t..JL the cumte~ m•· r~ than 3.000 miles of roods in Alaska. nsissipp ., Tex · cf .:rvrr; c. s~loespi:rsc.:n h i:s ir a mo-,th. Keepi llf. track of \Yhcre a :l Virginia InSite Busines Soi..Jtior.s designed a program to L-o: sal .e>p ~ oJ l e are, V'l.lo----: Lh£y've called on. w :-_Jts beer 5old, us ::: ca er I D and pagers to :<.eep track of workers. -,.;-fyr:s s.il cut an::l the other- m~iad d ~ tai.ls -.... ell" dow ins "~ogo~· ation is a lot liJ.:e Kochoan and--.i MS." Elomb~rg ~•s.•n a:-__j is suff in a sec. ::>f paper. sa~. ". n each cas:o>, there is a. vis.::>nary with a \'iable tusin-:ss _., 1e e had : J b_ ar ea:; er wa;, " W· t:;or scys m(•d el who needs help undErsta1ding how te:hnology can '[ ju;:r e::>LLd<'t f.~re it out." dflma.ically imp ~ove his bu:;ine ' s. " Ard -o he foun.j hi5 waJ to Ir\Site Busine~ Solctions ''A lot of our dierats c.re like l:1~ :(" Busin~~s SoJut onE, LlC. fellow:; a precise mt::hodology Denny. rec.l visionari~s who nave q· .J~-wj ::t s:il: S!iz. c om> , a twowith its clients in _ding rojec y;:ar-<>k CLSIC s·J:'twarE de-v:>lcper definicion phase, a requirer:1ent5 come UF V~>ith a unique business in _'"'].;) ttb E'-IS development phast, a planning propositi::n. 'What we d() is show 'fdc-t o =our o::lie1ts ace i-<e phase :md a intera: tive development them hOVI.' custom s::lftware can D 21r_f -e :~ 1.-isi:::•rarie:; who bc:ve come phase :hat keeps tne cl iem n tl:e up .,,Lh a JntqU£ bus ne:s;; r;rcposihelp them automate their routine business Icop uery s:ep of the way. ~.cys B~ndcn Fox, [Xe:sidert ard "I had looked "t off-the-she:!.= p-ocesses . g~t thEm out af sight anj C•- c Jnje- of the bus DE~ WlLI )::>hn products. They got me a little wc.:s •::-ut of the ~--at. VVe I ke to say that E ·g. "I.Vh.:.t we d::> i:; S:lC\ol' · hen down : he road, but didn't co all I ce71 •IJELOJl s·f:\N'Irecan 1elf; tnem wanted," LogoNati•::n's \Vat3on Ec.ys. we eraNe the visionaries:· aJ.Jl::l 1 e t lti- r::•.:tin:o> b-uJIE':s "What I was loo king for wa:; a wzy to B111ndcn foJ;, !Jr~icf<>...nt, 1.1Sit:e BJshess Solutions 1=n·:essEs, ;;e- JEm ::>ut of~i§h: and out put together ou ~ whole com pan:: on d r...c: -~y- Y.'E -ik? to :say thal ""e enable the .,- :;io1-.aries." tbo: pro§Tam I wa nted tole: tecrnology help .)Ur com pan::" t'. hlQ(]gh o:::nly two years in buEiness., l~rte alread? --.ad a V"hat InSite disco~red in i:s project definition phase t::-.ll::i: r-:"•cd ::>f be:rir.g .>alve JIOblems for LtriqJe busi1esses. v. Lh LJgo c. tion was that nuch of the routine and p3pen ork ~ -± a; l<::ochna: Consu .:arG, Ltd. of :;Li:Jo.JLbar Ch cago. of -:.:- e :> c:.les force could be automated to dra:-atically reduce ]lrcoLTtc:. n pr:xlu.::es a prc--:lriz ar:; pr::>dud ::al..ed tl:.e Cf\_Dalcg, tbo: arrount .)f clerical time needed to enter and track orders. i• a =·-ba<:ecl l isting ::Jf kitchen e Lip met that atchiIn 3dc!Jtion, InSite could connect the cust::>m -oftware to te::·- mj engineers me w 1e1 e:sigring re ' tamants. The (. s L~oNa : ion'> existing acco nting software fo :- a seamless arc-t= ~ rixfic.o. lly upd<Ied and neN versi ::mE s~:- t : •Lrt. e:<•:harge of finaccial inforr:-aticm. >--
oney! ank God they didn~ ck my background!
Cri minal Record Rep erts Employee Assessme-nts Empi./Edu. Verification DMV Record Check
Tenant Screening Credit Reperts DrqTe.tlng
no v en· :Jer 2 •)0C
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Technology is Moving Fast ... Don't Get Left Behind. BCS ffers Busi:n ess-co-Bus.in£ss Solutions for: -Short ur Long Term IT Staffmg - _'Vetl1-'ll;Ak Sr.rJic ~
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the last dat~ of par:.icipHion (final ad space is sol::l), wev:ll :1cliver the shirts," Watson sa?J. "In oK.er ~o make that happe , .1 bt : f th ng~ have to fall inl:) place . .Sh _rt5 lnve toJ be designed, logos rounded up fr:::m p orti(:ipating merchants. the cirr log:> must be obta inEd, all rights h .ve 10 ::> ~ cleared, a distribution poirt bas :o 1:>:: designa ted, ~hip ping has to be matged, the blank shins
- Projec ~ Outsuurcing
Bu ilding Partne rsh i:•s anj S:>lutions "Just-in-Time" ior a Fast-Faced V\'orld .
WliVLv.bcsmis.com Bu s "ness Contro l Systems, L . .P. 402 West Tr ade Sl·e et;, Suite 102 Charlo tte, WC 2a202
have to be orcererl printing has to be scheduled. monq :k!S to be co llEcted, sales com IT iss:i ::>ns Lave -just tc n.3.rr.e a f~w. '· The lrSi tE pwgram function~
fu lly
be caJ.:ul ated
all those
-ogether for Watson. Wher:.
deplo~ed ,
it will do evErything
from alerting ~ he design >taff to c. new project to
: rd~- ingthe shin~.•
the shippi--.g a nd paying the sales force. "It helps us rr c. nc.gE workflc•w. O nce the ir f:rmc.t on i> u·igger our key
it V"iII
It will automatioUy
ge nerate manageric.l repc ns: how people are do ing, I your travel spending s mo-e til~• :t-e co~t cf s::: :::> eipt first class tickets :>er n:>nt:h; you can a_'for:J a =JLa -rer s -g -~ of a J;e: 5n;.l bt..Sin::!ss jEt or turl: ::> prop.
One ar mort 1=artn =:rs:1eedPc ~.r :=: tatl•Jn I Pa:tne r=hip. Low time <Irp:ar ~ r.'C~"lt .:'-:&-r e :)\'erh.:n..:, 2,'J CC-llour senior pile t. Fl y according:o you d<ct e. •Jj: ··J:_ F-o-r o.m.:llkr J,.:s CGJ ai rpo rG. w here vou >pend va luable ccn-pa n ~ ti:- e l;·ffi.5, n..• : V'a.rt-n.s tc fl y. A lcic-afi- <r= in ve>trr ent-qu<li-::y as;ets thatk =ep ·)Ve- 1(Ohof tb "'.n "· nt a -..iaccL ~ cl=:moc <tion t"'(ptnse.
Jet5- T J- Go, LL.C. .#
=1'3CX oO rlal
> i--::ct- J.•r ers .. b Sern::e- Canparw
&sec 1: :::n :xa<: ;;E.gbnaiPirp )l""t
•J::? l- NC
Contact awrence H . R3')'mer~Gen. Mgr. at 70U92-612S 800-767- 881
iftb ~y
need more help, that
kind of th :ng. hn::l i: accounting
ties into our
Wc.tson says.
l11e result is nat LogoNation can grow IT:>rr. i ts EX.istin.s 10-person sales force
3•), 4 J or even 50
peop le. "In order
fo ~
mo re sa les ::>eo::> le, we had to have techn o lo~," Watscr, say~. "lnSi te's custom pro:Jgrc.mr:rng anb les our expanding 5c.le3 f01ce to ::neet thE needs ofmmy mo·e communities across th ~ r ation ." biz
<:-~e.J l r~ .::~·~ w-,-..e:::.com o r visit our we b sit' h::-::/:ort-3. ·lCno r:e r e t ljct~t·l' ala\· -e nce/ho-nepage
12S3H; •:ros l·_ ll ..rrL<cr!?-•lle,t;_:2:3)7S-:025
Kenneth S Men i; farne r ec.itor of Charlotte magazitJe.T"!is i~ his frst UJ't:icle for G reareCharlotte B z.
roo ,,ember 200C
&-eater c ha r lo -: t e ::> iz
~~\ FOLI:\OVER CARDS 5 1/8 X 7
~ FOLDOVER CARDS 4 1/4 X 5 1/2
custom h o liday cc:1rds.
I h ey are a m em orable way to PXflrP~~
yn11r fnnrl
\ .~ ~
$ 1.21
S/. 08
s1./ '1
$. 91
$. 0?
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$. 98
$ 1.01
$ 1.07
$. ?0
$. 92
$. ?7
$. 79
$.68 .
~ I. VI
~I. VY
J R,1
$. 74
$. 83
1 1/1 X 5 1/2
f .61
$ 1.16
$ 1.11
$. 98
$ 1.07
and busi n ess associates .
~ 1.1 4
Express yourself ...
In a custom way... Cost effectively.
\~ ~ FLAT CARDS 5 1/8 X 7
*per ver$iOn pricing *price per card Minimal Type Settint & One Scan /nc/udcJ matchin' Envelope' u,~ nn~ nf yn11r nwn (1hntn' nr imng~~ tn ~hnw off your company's finest feature or choose one of our Hnlidoy Templates.
[q a
\1\'ith bo:b b-Lns, president, dta -lctte metro cr=d t uric•r
credit unions reach out Affiliating vith these once-sleep·;~ instin.tions yields be efitc:- .:or compan es ard e-np1oyees A.ffiliating with a credit Lnion 11a·( no: beth.: top ::>riority fc r your business, but Bot: Brune wants to
.:hange: that.As preside:r: of the 25,000-nember CharlottE Metre· :::redit Union
Wh:t is credit ur.ion mE.rr bership a ''va/rx ble pErk" f:r emt;l:yees?
a :: 11pany a=filia tes Nith 3 cr=dit uni:::l,
launched an C.Jgressive
t=lling : s
employees that it care:; c: boJJt their pesonal finan :i a situaticn - rot just pa•tingtherr a good
tut c:l:: o p·o•; d 1g tt :=-T
vtith:; valuab e too .bo>. (crecit union membe -s hip) to help t Em
-1ffiliate with hundreds o.r area conpa.1 es , large
~ av E,
bor-:•w, invest ard 11anage th2ir rnon:=•t
effecti·t ~ ly.
·:redi: union 11em:e·s1 p let5 e11pi.oyees se-ve bund r2ds o=
-1nd small. at no cost to :he comp aries. He's
dol ars en :ar loan" an:. thousand cf do Lars :Jn hom= ffi(•":g:J?;E=
spreading the "c--edit union g·: spe ',as he calls t,
- t·anks ::J a cre.jit urio1'3 significant y lcrJVEr interest
trump-:ting ti-e c.:vartages o" credit ur ions :or
\1errtership also lets =mpiJie =s earn~ gni =i:art'y rDP-
::>usines5es and :h:ir .:mployees.
i 1tErest :>n savings while avoiding the r igh fees :hat ban <s chafbe. One key e:xamp le o=fee 3'/0 dance: memb€rs :•f
1\ highly :o'ltrovers·:ll1998 federal law- strongly cppcsed bJ
:Janks- 11ak.10s hi:; niss on Jossible -.,e lc:w g \·es credit unicns 1ew
po~ver ::
tJ draraticc:ll·t expa-::J the ir menb=rsrip t: eycnc
: heir trc:c'tio na l bas=s- s gnifica1t ly i te1"ifying con:>etition :Jetweel :redi: uniors and .ocal
bank~ .
Charlotte Me: ro i:;
unicn to :apitali<:e or : he
Great~.- Cnar/0!!.::?
Biz re:ently net 'llit1 3·ur s tc dis.cLss th e
·apidly c-ang:ilg cr:=dit union indu..ctrt- c:nj what it means for ndividual
tu.oire~. es.
Chcrlotte-t ased crEdit u ions cc:r
MJs t otrer credit un·cns
in Charlotte and 3coss Ncr:h Car•Jiin3- more tha n 5·00
stat ewide- free of surcharges..
~lh:t would a stDrt-u~ or ~mG/1 busines~ went to Jfflhate witn an existing c.-edrt union, ratrer !ha,1 st:rr its own r
For nEw
e~is: · ng
eredi: unio1 is
Why shou(d a c001banv affiliate with c creeP! unio r. ?
bu sine.oses, afHiating with
mere c: t:ra:Iiv= . -he 'l n3ndal,
and administrati\1€ requireTer:s inherEnti1
r ew •:red·t union are usJally prohibi1ive for SJC l f
lc:urchi - ~ :: rm~
A.ffiliati ng v,itl a credit u1iJ · is a ,vin·IJ 1 proposition for 3ny com pa1y It's
a1d :osts :re CJmpc:ny rothing- yet
·epresen sa valuab le perk that C31 be usee to attract a·c · etain emp J',ees. This is es:•ecially importiil: ir at ght Laber -narket like Cha ·lo::.:!' s wflere it's •:ita I : hat
Ever~ busi1~s-
3 comp=:i:rte bene!i:s pack::ge. A pc::k3f.e : ha: inciLde.o cred it :Ja~
un~: 1
me11tership C3l
subs:c:ntially lcwer interest an
oans. ,i,l:.o, for =rr ployee an:! em JIO!'H corrv:!n ence, some : redit unior s rc•w ir stall no -:;urcha rg= aJtomated teller rrach nes :ATMs)- on-sit=- c. t larger companies tra: affil ate. Co3: to ~ he It n ght seem _~e a li5htwei5ht be nefit, ou: from ar employ=e's perspe:tive, a credit uricn ·s
tr e tradit cnal stereotype, many cre:it unic r:; bj3y 3Je \~os t
offer che:kirg 3nd
J ~te--ne:
a 500.0e :hal
accoLr : s, ATf{l :3rd:;, :-= b·:
ca rds, credit cards, incividual retire11ert accoun :", 1l . tLal =Jrds, bro <erage 3ccourt~. in::uran :e, Tortgages, hone eq Jrty .•Ja- ;, cUt: loa1.5,
Student Oalo, in.;es:nEn: COU c.;:, li ns
c: nc retirEment planning. .:u[:p:ort :;erv·ces i·c.uj= on- line
: om paries: oot1ir g.
lays golde r egrs.
Toda'(s :-::dit un i:Jn is net vour ·ath=r's credit Lrior. Far f·::.,
vtire::.. fLil-5ervicE finar ci31 centers.
1elp empl :•tees a\·oid e.xortitant bank fees, ean higher nterest on savings and
Credit t..n;:ms troaitio ncJJy fJave been lif:l,;ed GS s/eet•y, /'mited-service irslitutions. What's change&
tnns actior~.
on-line till
=• n- ine shop:ing (3ccomt=ani=j t:y-ICM- n:e-es-t, crelJit-
Lni•J n financing), autorr aled teleph one t·ar sactioos, Ja'frC I decuction anj di ·e:t deposi:.
greater charlo-:te b z
Bob Bruns, preside1t of the Charlotte Metro Credi: Union, wann :omp;mieos tc ·=·)nsider cfferirg cre:i t 1mi:>r me:rrbership~ a perk for their errr;loyees.
Credit unions used to be considered som~whot downscale in terms of their G'emographics. Is that an outdated stereotype, also? Absolutely. Thoug1 today's credit unions remain economically diverse- someth ng I and the rest of the industry a-E proud o · the membership c.nsists of a growing middle-class segment. At Charlot!~ \tletro, for example, 50 percent of ::>ur members have an annual household income of $50,000 or more; 80 perce1t own their own homes. AboLt 65 percent
niors can ch: rge IO'/Jer lo =. n ~.a tes, pay - igher s:r,ings rc.te ; a1d ke ep =E es r?.a;J nable Cre :J tt tr~ions al:;c .ca1 keep minimunt alar .C:! requireme1ts low- U5u3lly just$25 for e. S<l'ting s accourrt ccm::> ar=d tJ $2CO rm::>r= at rr 31y bark:;.
f-Jow does the /998 Jaw m.Jke t easi=r for a eC•i: UntO'IS v) &Jffi.'ia!e wi~h unse'YE j coT par es?
TI-e l3v..- the Credi t Ur or ~.1emb.:!'ship A.:c:!s: Ac:-
n~gc. tEd
a U.3. Supr= -'1:, :=ourt
rul ing th.U had rEotr ::ed ilciv .j . uc:J ·: redi : union ~ tJ affili 3ting
are women .
wi h onl,. a limit:!j- Jmber Jf
Why are credit 1.- r.ions able to offer better /o:11 and savings rates than banks?
relatEd co11panies. Under : h:!
Now that's sma.vt
a A credi: unions noV" cz· affil ,.e with :m u1lill-ted n_mber cr' ur :datd comp aTiies. At Char.::>tte M etr>) :o ur gJ<' l
Unlike banks, cre c i: unions are non -profit firancial cooperatives.
is to ccrne : t Aith ev=ry bu ~ ines s th at wo..Jid like teo offe r c J
A credit union's cLstomers - called "members" - co lectively
rc.lua J e benefits to ·ts em : l~e Es . biz
own the institutio•. controlling it through an elected, Jnpaid, c. llmember board of j irectors. With no profii motive and no stockholders to reNard, cred it
greater charl:::>tte biz
Tre a::s'stcn:e a{ Sheryl Con.?!rs _1ohnmn cf-le
·n the pr-ef.:a·a~cn ofth; co/um.1 s gr~tly at ,Jreciateci.
TV, continued from page 49.
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thing we bring to the market. The question we need to answer is how to engage, respond and commit to
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"We're here to serve the people of Charlotte, not NBC," says Powell. "We can make a big difference by airing
messages of importance. " The Charlotte market is more than Charlotte, however. It actually consists of 22 counties and that presents another challenge to broadcasters. "While some th ings affect the whole
Network into the world's largest source for qualified people. With 3,000 offices around the globe, we've got people that are tested, trained and ready to get to work. Adecco,
area, others have a much narrower impact," says Armstrong. "Some stories are unique to a small area, others are relevant to the larger community. Each of the stations now has mobile weather bureaus throughout the viewing area to help solve the problem of serving such a large geographic area. And, they pay careful attention to what
Carowinds Blvd. 1-888-76 1-6438
they put on the air. "When we cover issues, like the
Gastonia 1-704-866-7177
SouthPark expansion, or televise debates, we're serving the community, "
South Park 1-704-366-31 41
says Powell. "Good business for us
Tyvola 1-704-527-6691
starts with doing the right thing for the community."
Upt own Professional Services Division 1-704-334-2342 University 1-704-548-8060 Concord 1-704-79 5-562 7
november 2000
"We are clearly both a business and a community information provider," agrees Armstrong. "The challenge is to
marry them and make them work. "
Casey Jacobus is a Charlotte-area freelance writer.
greater charlo t te bi z
Rowan, continued from page I 7. provides the latest worker training, as well as specially tailored training and development programs for particular businesses. The college, which has two campuses and more than 18,000 stu-
' rt.
dents, was the first in the state to offer ISO 9000 training. It has also received two Keeping America Working awards for its industry training partnerships and cus tom-made programs for local companies. In addition, it's the only commun ity college in North Caro lina to receive an $85,000 National Science Foundation match ing grant for a computer integrated manufacturing (C IM) lab . As Rowan's deve lopment materials boast, "We're uniquely positioned- geographically, educationally and developmentally. An d that means no matter wha your industry area, we're perfectly positioned to work for you." biz
Bea Quirk is a Charlotte-based freelance writer.
U RP, continued from
page 22.
CAl Concepts brin gs to the table a hea 1-y nix :Jf t -~ cl tixal p ~ ~c p hes and fresh, new ideas. Tap our creat ive depth to impar t a fr~ ~h ~ pil b F r co路 po -aloE i - ~ g ~ o- cam paig n. Coun t on us for all your design needs from prin ted 1r~ d i <: tc wel: sr.:e :l~v=lc fT e 1 ::J 11u ltinedia presentations.
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long-range inte rests of the Park to work together- we have created something better that way, rather than working in our own separate interests," Porter says. "We 've been able to let roads follow the contour of the land, create better sites and offer a more usable, efficient layout. " The two organizations often pitched potential buyers together, presenting the Park as a whole and then having the buyers pick the site that best suited their needs, unaware of who actually owned the land. "In 1985, when AT&T bought land, they didn't realize until the closing that half of it belonged to the Pa rk and half of it belonged to us," Porter chuckles. Although hard to truly measure the impact of URP on Mecklenburg County's economy, the price of land is certainly one way to measure an area's worth . When IBM purchased its URP land in 1971, the asking price was $5,000 an acre. Today's asking price: $100,000 to $200,000 an acre. biz
Bea Quirk is a Charlotte-based freelance writer. She covers Charlotte-area real estate each month for Greater Charlotte Biz.
greater charlotte b iz
r o venter 2000
Take :1<Nant!15e of these products and services (rom Charlotte's leading business-to-business suppliers.
employee screening
1st & 10 Marketing, Inc. 119 Stone Village Dr. Fort Mill, SC 29715 www.1stand10marketing. :o11 704 .556 .7330
TIS-Total Information Source www.a pplicantb ackgro un d.con 800.843.4 199
Adecco www.a decco.com
financial services
Staff America 6000 Fairview Rd. , Ste . 1500 Charlotte, NC 282 10 www.staffamerica.com 704.944.7600
architectural/ design firms Perkins & Will 1130 E. 3rd St., Ste. 200 Charlotte, NC 28204 www.pe rkinswill.com 704 .343.9900
Charlotte Metro Credit Union www.cmcu .org 704.375 .0183 First Citizens Bank www.firstcitizens.com 888.323.4732
golf courses autos/transportatio• Polaris Country 100 N. Main St. Stanley, NC 28164 www.po lariscountry.com 704 .263 .9085
aviation services Jets-To-Go, L.L.C. 12530 Mayes Rd. Huntersville, NC 28078-502 3 http :/ / sites .netscape.net/ jetstogolawrence 704.892.6126 I 800.767.1 831
direct mail services Creative Mailing Solution ~ 11107·P S. Commerce Blv : . Charlotte, NC 28273 www.creativecms .com 704.583.9717
education McColl School of Business at Queens 1900 Selwyn Ave . Charlotte, NC 2827 4 www.mccollschool.edu 704.337 .2 224 Pfeiffer University 4701 Park Rd . Charlotte, NC 28209 www.pfeiffer.edu 704 .521.9116 UNC Charlotte Continuing Education 9201 University City Blvd . Charlotte, NC 28223·0001 www.uncc.edu / con ted 704 .687 .2 424
november 2JOO
Olde Sycamore Golf Plantation 7500 Olde Sycamore Dr. Charlotte, NC 28227 www.oldesycamoregolf.cc m 704.573 .1000 Regent Park Golf Club 5055 Regent Pkwy. Fort Mill, SC 29715 www.regen tparkgc.co m 803.547.1300 I 704.547.0023
health care OccMed@COS www.cosortho.com 704.588 .1265 Presbyterian Healthcare/ Novant Health www.presbyterian .org 704.384.2273
human resources
The Transition Team 7512 E. Indepen dence Blvd., Ste. 105 Charlott e, NC 282 27 www.tttsolutions .co m 704.532.0084 USA Staffing www.usastaffingi nc.com 800.991.2367 Westaff 800 Cla nton Rd., Ste. W Charlotte, NC 282 17 www.westaff.com 704.525.8400
insurance Hood Hargett & Associates P.O. Box 30127 Charlotte, NC 28230 www.hoodhargett.com 704.37 4.1863
investment services
i.t./internet services Ballantyne Consulting Group 15720 John) . Delaney Dr., Ste. 100 Charlotte, NC 28277 www.go bcg.com 704.540.0509 Business Control Systems 402 W. Trade St., Ste. 102 Charlotte, NC 28202 www.bcsmis .com 704.333.7794 I 800.945.2931 CAl Concepts www.ca iconce pts.com 704.338.9808 CC Communications 10100 Park Cedar Dr. , Ste. 166 Charlotte, NC 28210 www.cccommunications .com 704.543.1171 E-dreamz www.edreamz.com 704.716.3400 lnSite Business Solutions www.insitebiz.com 704.846.8121 march FIRST 2725 Water Ridge Pkwy., Ste . 350 Charlotte, NC 28217 www.marchfirst.com 704.329.4600 Project Managers 212 S. Tryon St., Ste .1680 Charlotte, NC 28281 704.332 .6611
Hilliard Lyons 5925 Ca rn egie Blvd., Ste. 101 Charlotte, NC 28 211 www.hillia rd .co m 704.556.9000
Ballantyne Resort 10000 Ballantyne Commons Pkwy. Charlotte, NC 28277 www.ballantyneresort.com 704.248.4000
Montag Management Corp. 2915 Provide nce Rd ., Ste. 250 Charlotte, NC 282 11 www. mantagmanagement.com 704.362.1886
The Revere Group www.reveregroup.com 704.944.7000
Dun hill Hotel 237 N. Tryon St. Charlotte, NC 28202 www. dunhillhotel.co m 704.332 .41 41 I 800.3 54.41 41
U.S. Trust www. ustrust.com 800.733.135 5
Robinson Bradshaw & Hinson 101 N. Tryon St., Ste. 1900 Charlotte, NC 28246 www .rb h.com 704.377.2536
Morgan Hotel and Suites 315 E. Wood lawn Rd. Charlotte, NC 28217 www.morganhotels .com 704.522.0852 I 800.522.1994 Panos Hotel Group 5936 Monroe Rd. Charlotte, NC 282 12 www.panoshotels.com 704.532.6747
W.E. Stanley & Company, Inc. 300 E. Wen dover Ave. Greensboro, NC 27 401 www.westanley.co m 336.273.9492
System 5 Technologies www.s5t.com 800.599.9089 I 704.895.3456
legal services
Womble Carlyle 3300 One First Union Center 301 S. College St. Charlotte, NC 28202-6025 www.wcsr.com 704.331.4900
media WJZY-WFVT TV www.wfvt.co m
greater charlotte biz
bi z oHice furniture
esourc Prudential Carolinas Realty 4529 Sharon Rd . Charlotte, NC 28211 www.prudentialcharlotte.com 704.366.5545
Powerhouse Color 804 Clanton Rd., Ste. C Charlotte, NC 282 17 www. realpages.co m/ powerhouse 704.523.5019
ft' acThrift Office Furniture 42CO- LSouth Blvd . C1arlotte, NC 28209 7J4.523.6220 I 800.263 .1250
T! chline 4 44 6 South Blvd. C1arlotte, NC 28209 V"W"V.techlineusa .com 7]ÂŁ.334.6823
guide Alltel www.a lltel.com 704.714.1400 iReadyWorld www.ireadyworld .com 877 .473.2399
Nextel www.nextel.com 800.639.8359
Brazas Brazilian Grill 4508 E. Independence Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28205 704.566.1009
radio stations
WDAV 89.9 Classical www.wdav.org 704.894.8900
Safecall, Inc. www.safecall.com 704.527.5100
sales training real estate: commercial
If it's important to you, it's in Greater Charlotte Biz. Each month delivers fascinating features on the people making a difference in the Charlotte region. Don't miss out. Send for your free subscription today.
Henricks Corporate Training 7621 Little Ave., Ste. 503 Charlotte, NC 28226 www.henrickscorp.sandler.com 704.566.7383
Bissell Patrick Grubb & Ellis 15720 John]. Delancey Dr., Ste. 500 Charlotte, NC 28277 www. ballantynecorporate.com 704.248.2000
Verizon Wireless www.verizonwireless .com 888.466.4646
Crescent Resources 400 S. Tryon St., Ste. 1300 Charlotte, NC 28201-1003 www.crescent-resources.com 704.382 .8009
Time Warner Telecom 316 E. Morehead St., Ste . 300 Charlotte, NC 28202 www.twtelecom.com 704.943 .2900
Adelphia 401 S. Tryon St., Ste. 2200 Charlotte, NC 28202 www.adelphia-abs.com 704.357.8080
trade show
Sharpe Images 800.688.0629 Dept. 205
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[community b
do your BEST: sign up before december 1! skil ls train ing avai able tCt sm:tlf a budd ng entrepreneL- CErtr.U
ont Comm.mity C::Le:ge (CPCC: · -;o ask you a few cue~t on:.
usiness entrepreneurs
n- is p·ogra'll is offeree to rvecklenburg Cartv businesse~-
by CPCCs CorpJratelraining Cenler t~E
in :onjuncicn vlith =irs: Citzen's Bank and Cit.' of U a ·lotte
A.re 10• an owner, ptrtner or rnr,cipll
hn in · ic l on-sit=! asse~sment evaluates pa~
n a ::1 .... 1 'JJsir·ES>!
hi5tory, ru re-nt status and !JturE goals of ea::il
>a... wock fJI-tin-e a: your
pal.icipalt'S busine35. An a:tior plar is de•JElo:>e:J )J.rress'
based on
;o hours of o~e-cn-on:= ccnoulting
s )"OL- u>lless o:a~ed in Mecl: e ourg Cot.. rtf.
Jro'essionals with experfse n the c: ·eas :argeted for
Do >OL <eep fi1ancr<i records of ;;cur -J":)ratron?
mpro•Jo:mert. Additiona . ~t. : he prc5ram provides work-
...vant t::> .~;row your bt.::>> 1essc:nd letrn lrcn other bu~1e5S o.rmer; st':Ekmg to grow .he1 •
5':udy g-Jup= to delve n-ore
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=ub jec ~s
perti'lE 1:
·o spec. ;ic bJsinesses.
i.= faci itated by senillci
eaders or on-site resources.
f vour al5vJer is '{es to
We rksh Jps c:msist of
:=ach :f -he above qtestions, )OL 1
1etworting, :>resentation b)
3nd :ar1icipate in
3 profe.;sio'l3l a1d breakcu-
3re -::igi:> le to jo
:::c rp:·a· e Training Center's
jisus9ons :o help pa ·ticip3llts
B ~3T
npty r,=orrmtion o their o~m
:>mg·...-, <www. cpcctraining.o:tg/
3ma·l_ Dusjnessf sbc.htm> . EEST :;tands or
Bus i ne ~s
~n tr~:rEne Jric.l
t is
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Skil ls Trairing.
1ile-month pogram
tu~:ness o~~>r
ers t 1e :: kil s nece:>s3 ry to grew :heir cwn
bJsire sse~.
· nducE~ :
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To sign JP for this pr:>g-iim
:ou mLEt n-c:ke an applicatiJI Jefore Jecember 1, 2000 fche ne.>:! series cf workshop; hat begin in Febuary ard
rur thrJugt October of 20W. Twice a no nth. thEse 18 V~tkshop:; meet f-om E p.m . to 9 p.ll.
.at =irst Citi:ens BanE: in the ExeCJtive Dining l'o ·· n on a wee<.:a( selectEd JY tle group participant : . Ther:= sa $400 registr~tion fee payable ()n acc:ep·a1ce to thl! progrc. 11. 3Jec ·al emphasi::. w L Je pLUlll thJSE busne:;ses ocated in
e1tori1g with graduates of the prog-crr;
• P·ac:ic3l inf01mation tl3t :an b:: c.r:p i:d inmediately; .and
eno:ot..ragec lo a J::Jlj<.
• t-i2tv1orking oJportunities .J\'ith o·1er sr1al bJsiless owners.
Far cdj;tic.n•l 'nformatcn cr tc appr", contact Ma~i Bf'3.1'1 at ::J:J-4651 o~ mbraur~cp.-:ctrairhg.org.
W::m~n irl·j 'Tlinori~·
owned bus
-!ere's tc being first. Here's to lea:J n5. 1-ere's to altering _he fcce of bJsiness :y revolution z1ng e路tery s1ng e f3cet of your CJmJ<ny. Call ou Cha-totte office at 704 :.29.46(10_
A new w:rlc.
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