sho d your I11te111e SeJVice be? Doe yoJr busiLes~ have unique \\~1ty
Internet and netwo::-tin_s needs? Road Runne JSilless Clau , service of Tun., Warne::- Ci:.ble, provide~ . . 'torn high- . . peed, broadband Internet-solution: that afuw you company to the pJwer of :he V'eb . Deploying techr:.olcgy that evolves ~'itt_ yc·· r r
busine s needs, Rmd F.UJmer B·1siness Class will adapt to meet changing m21Jc:ct trend . . \\'t ether you mar a:ge a ' mill home :::>=il:::e o c. largv corporate insti_ tion. Roai R1nner B ' iness Cia s pro" ides custom sc•LltJor: ' that tit your needs.
Office ea Network Solutions
¥ rk Fro lome Sol tions
Road Runner Business Class 704-943-4300 A SER v"ICE OF
Fore-coy Cci13Jitirg Grcup w II help you create channels to connect with customers, SUJ:·:>Iie-s., worl ::wjje leveraging the latest internet technologies, allowing •to to T p r::rve f Ol. r curren: systems for sharing information and selling products. Our co nsL1tc.1ts have tne ne::essa r•t skills re=1uired for Solutions Strategy, Technical and Information ~.rC1itectuE, :Lsm-n E-So lutic:ns Development and Site Design for robust intranet (B2E) . : :<1ranet 828), and in: ernet (E2C) applications, Content Management Systems, Packc·}e ~alu rti ors, We::>-E1abl ng :Jf ERP systems and Wireless Application Developr 3n:.
~r:m;-s, an ~ 3fT r:lo·1oos
Delivering Innovative Solutions
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路Lomps .
路 Mom and Pop
and Pop, Inc.
Business Services. Owning a business is one of the most rewarding thi gs you'll ever de. Of course, it's a whole lot easier whe.1 'fOl.l'~路e got the right people behind you. That's wtry we have r~laf nship ba kers who will pe sonally work with you to support your b-anking ne~ds. From loans and leasing to insurance and Business fAlline 8a king, we have the toots you need to succeed. To team ll'lor~.. stop by your local branch, call 1路888-FC DIRECT or visit
s~ecial ~uto
b1z sect1on
Driven For the last ten years D1ck Le\viS and 路Ther members of t he Automobile Dealers Association have
First Citizens: Banking On Success
Charlotte International Auto Solow is c. :harce for consumers, industry executives,
by some fierce industry competitors, but that 1sn't bothering William
media, and the govern-
Braddy and Allen Woodward today. Rather than worry about what
ment to all come
the guys down the street are doing, they are much more concerned
toget her to preview
h=art and soul into
producing the Charlotte Conventon Ce r.te-'s most successful consumer event of the year. Held every
First Citizen Bank's downtown branch and executive office IS flanked
with what they are
to show you that First Citizens IS the best
the latest trends, take part in roundtable dis-
cho1ce for your bank1ng needs.
cussions, and exchange
1ndustry updates.
Selling Experience
de art
Merchandise Corporation of Amenca's goal 1s to provide clients wrt:h professional retail support one customer at a time wrt:h each MCA retail associate and field manager trained to the individual coverage philosophy and specific tasks. The company builds business relationships between retailers and dnv1ng sales, building market share and increas1ng profrts.
42 Interim Help, Permanent Solutions When you hear that Monaghan Group sponsors an annual shopping trp instead of a golf excursion, you suspect there's something unusual about this financial consulting company. And you are nght Beth Monaghan started her own company because she wanted to prove that she could be respected 1n the business community while making good decisions for her family and herself.
46 Dr. Jonathan Christenbury is the founder of the Chnstenbury Eye Centers, and is Internationally known as an authority on correc-
publisher's post
employers biz
executive perks
manufacturers through their expertise in
RevitaiEYEsing the Business of Doctoring
The Co ffeeboss provides high qualit)., European style espresso-brewmg coffee machines th lt make the current offi ce coffee services look doNTl right cld-f1shioned and unsophisticated .
community biz
While national headlines are fJII 路Jf sc~n calous sto1ies about corporation executives this, the annual inductees to the North Carolina Busines; H11l o[ Fame provide shining examples of those individuals who ha.,E m<.de significant postive additions to our state.
biz resource guide
biz digest
on the cover:
Thi s month 's cover f eatures William Braddy and Allen Woodward in front of First Citizens' new Mormc roft branch. Photography by Way ne Morris.
tive eye surgery. In Charlotte, he can be cred1ted w1th turn1ng the word "LASIK" into a household term.
novem b er 2 002
cliaflotte g - e:lter Clarlotte biz
Carolinas Medical Center has received Four- and Five-Srar Awards, as well as Top Performer Awards, for 2002 from Professional Research Consultants, Inc. We humbly thank you for your trust and confidence in our care, and your gracious comments and recommendations on our performance. T hanks also w the physicians, specialists and staff who have made us the star hospitals of the region.
Caroli nas Medical Center has received the 2002 Top Performer Award in patient satisfaction. This award is based on " Excellent" responses for Patients-Recommending-to-Friends-rmd-Rel.tztives in 2001. CMC was also awarded the 2002 Four-Star Cusromer Service Award in Outpatient Care. The Four-Star designation is limited only w hospitals achieving a score in the wp 25 percent nationwide. CAROLINAS MED I CAL CENTER-PINEVILLE
Carolinas Medical Center-Pi nevi lle has again received Top Performer Awards in Inpatient and Outpatiem Care. It was named the country's wp hospital in patiem satisfaction in Outpatient Care in : OveralL
QuaLity of Care; Most InvoLved Staff Member's Expl.tznations of Treatments and Tests; Most InvoLved StaffMember's Quality ofCare; and Patients' TotaL Time Spent in the Outpatient Department. It was also #I in the country for I npaciem Care: OveralL CLeanLiness ofthe HospitaL.
Carolinas Medical Cemer-Mercy has received the 2002 Five-Star Cuswmer Service Award in Ourpaciem Care. The Five-Star designation is awarded ro the rop 10 percent of hospitals in the U.S. rated "Excellent" by patiems in terms of overall quality of care in 200 I.
Carolinas Medical Center-Un ivers ity has been nan1ed a 2002 FourStar Customer ervice Hospital fo r O utpatient Services. The award reflects a sco re wi thin the 75th and 90th percenti le nationwide based on post-hosp italization interviews, placing it among the country's elite hospitals .
[publisher's ost]
"" IZ
November 2002 Volu me 3 â&#x20AC;˘ Issue I I Publisher John Pau l G all es
Associate Publisher/Editor Maryl A. La ne maryl .a.l
Creative Director/Asst. Editor Brand on Jordan
Account Executive W anda G orges wgorges@greatercharlotteb Li ndsey D. Traus ch
Contributing Writers Susan Benedict Susanne Deitzel Casey Jacobus Mary Marshall Bryce Nielsen Lori Ri ley Ron Vinson
Are we becoming another Taxachusetts? Quietly and subtly, in the midst of pre-election rhetoric about balancing budgets, socia l security, prescription drugs and health care reform, our county comm issioners voted to raise sa les taxes in Mecklenburg County by another one-half cent to 7.5% starting January 1, 2003. To the benefit of area businesses and consumers, they postponed the increase until after Christmas so as to not discourage retail sales over the holidays. Viewed in con junction with increasing corporate restructurjohn Paul Galles, Publisher ings and massive industry layoffs, business owners are apt to be concerned about further tax increases at a time when the economy is struggling to recover. Is North Carolina becom ing the "Taxachusetts" of the Southeast? In comparing North Carolina rates of taxation by type to those of other southeastern states, it is important to keep in mind that rates are imposed on I. Tax Rate Comparisons in Southeast U.S. different goods and services and app lied with varying Corporate Personal Income Income Sales lottery exemptions and credits among the states. However, as ind icated in Chart I, North 5-7 Yes South Caroli na 2.5-7 5 Carolina does appear to Yes 2-5.75 Virginia 3.5-4.5 6 have litera lly the highest 4-7 Yes Georgia 1-6 6 rates of taxation in the Tennessee 7-9.75 6 0 * Southeast. Yes Florid a 0 6-7 .5 5.5 However, if we then look 4-7 Alabama 2-5 No 6.5 at the different sources states have chosen to fund *Tennesee results of November referendum were not available when this chart was created. their state and local prioriData Source: Tax Foundation and the Federation of Tax Administrators for ti es, Chart II indicates just the tax year 2002.
II. State Tax Collections and Distribution by Type of Tax (2000) TotalS*
Contributing Photographers Jan Homan Wayne Morris
Greater Charlotte Biz is publ ished 12 times per year by: Galles Communications G rou p, Inc. 560 I 77 Center Drive, Suite 250 Charlotte , NC 28217-073 5 704.676.5850 Phone 704.676.5853 Fax Press releases and other news-related information , please fax to the attention of "Editor" or e-mail: Editorial or advertising inquiries, please call or fax at the numbers above or e-mail: Subscription inquiries or change of ad dress, please call or fax at the num bers above or visit our Web site: All contents Š 2002, Galles Communications Grou p, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whol e or in part with out permission is
prohibited. Products named in these pages are trade names or tradem arks of their res pecti ve companies. The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily
those of Greater Charlotte Biz or Galles Communicati ons Group. Inc.
november 2002
Cor .Inc.
Pers. Inc.
North Carolina $15,216,066
South Carolina Virginia Geo rgia Tennessee Florida Alabama
3.6 4.5 5.3 7.9 4.8 3.8
38.3 54.0 47.1 2.3 00.0 32.2
38 .5 19.5 34.3 57.4 60.5 26.4
6,381 ,391 12,648,071 13,511,275 7,739,590 24,817,263 6,438,438
Mtr. Fuel
All other
5.8 6.4 4.7 10.2 6.5 7.8
5.9 4.1 3.5 11.6 6.1 8.4
7.9 11.5 5.2 10.5 22.2 21.4
Data Source: Tax Foundation
Ill. Effective State and Local Tax Burdens by State and Rank (2002)
how wide a disparity there is between the sources of tax collections, suggesting that mere rate analysis may be too Tax Burden Rank (1= highest rate) simplistic. Georgia 10.2% 25 Then, when we extrapolate the North Carolina 10.1 29 basic tax rates relative to the sources South Carolina 10.0 30 of fund ing to compare the effective tax Virgi nia 9.4 40 bu rdens imposed by th e states (Chart Il l), Florida 42 9.3 it no longer appears that North Carolina is out of sync. After stripping out federal Alabama 9.1 46 taxes and comparing the combined tax Tennessee 8.4 49 bu rdens of states and loca lities, southData Source: Tax Foundation eastern states are ran ked below average among the fifty states. Certainly, tax rates affect different people and diffe rent entities in a multitude of ways. And nobody likes to pay taxes. However, when it comes to calling North Carolina a high tax state, it does not seem that it is so disp roportionate after all. In point of fact, Maine had the highest tax burden at 12.8% and Alaska had the lowest tax burden at 6.3%. Massachusetts came in at #39 for its 9.5% tax burden - not quite as high as it had been in its "Taxachusetts" days. The national average was 10.2%, so while we may complain about taxes and want to reexam ine our tax burden and how we finance government, we are about average. With the local sales tax increase, we may even settle in at the average rate. Rats! j
greater char lotte biz
I IIUr).
"'Ma:lhuo ~ · 2fi.OIC 4YIIJ.wt• un h ea -.... per runt. 10C.OII maxlrraJa: pet e'Aflt plu £ 25,0)0 Slarpc..,ts lara1s). sapo r · s diScrllu r I~ !. advertlsenenl a ·• ol ~ e ·d a t- ,.,_ .._.esti£ Ch•llo1e duln the P". . ctl cn.a 33LIJCspu:lfJel 0. £ Slarp.>lnt h · e1B'l i l sp•ll It d t;: ible re \oiB&.Je, •P 1• 100,0(( Sta · p•lrts. aq~lle ::; b meetltfS o· 1 0 r u.~ n nitlllii • " n:re which ue lO~ •v lec:s-r : 1 211:1 t•cKJh rt• Wstln curette's ta_fes u .. 1:a r•r ~:lart .. en-. Zi ,JJI .s arUn1i: 'l.H us u11on ::;liJI'IiR9 03( the co,tnc· appll • to ,.utlngs Jf ; 5 b tal acnr • ._. 01 more toobtd ~ Jece,.tu 31 :-01 : :h-:1ugh lh• Wlltln Cl.H1•1 .. 's .S.u uc ::••r-.g :Je .J utnent. l c 't flllt:S ie1o p eedstlng mecl1g :o . II offers are suble£1 to tvalllratllty anlf1o d3rge. No· 1..1£1 a :lila 1'1 conjunctlor wla- a111 .1fn Po als {lltl-r llal 2!.,000 S-•p•llll bJJJt. at s_91 n1 ~ .,-.-ac l} wll b. l::; ne:::l to ucc ... Iller rrca~ g t; t.ekl, bas• up1n attoo ;: moUlt Jf revaraJe re;eii\et AJ 11n•. . •u associated .~~~a~ St:ar.vto.d he-.nd • l:nEr ;. fl Slb]ect to u .. ti•n alla".,. .r llll Clll~ :tS :ll tt e: Star• oil P~ derru P a1nt r Progra., - nd Prehl'l'ad Gust P·orrams , rhlct • 1 sub]ed: to c1~ .. t.ltluJ .. t:Ju. Not respon•I•IDr onlul•• o · lpO!f" le riOIS. C ;_[(2 ita:'-w.-1 lio"181£ E:_ l.!Su fs: Worldwl4•, nc.
Monday, December 9, 2002 · Adam's Mark Hotel
The Charlotte Touchdown Club and Football Writers Association of America Present the
2002 Bronko Nagurski Trophy Awards Banquet Sponsor's Reception 5:30pm • General Reception 5:30pm ·Awards Dinner 7:00pm (Black Tie Optional)
Proceeds benefit the Charlotte Touchdown Club Scholarship Fund
2002 Touchdown Club Corporate Involvement Super Bowl Sponsors Adam's Mark Hotel Bojangles' CT Communications Greater Charlotte Biz Jim Myers & Sons Meineke D1scount Mufflers ew York Life Insurance Company
Presbyterian Healthcare RBC Centura Reznick Fedder & Silverman Sonny Hancock Automotive Group The Belk Foundation Time Warner Cable WBT ews-Talk Radio 1110 AM
Pro Bowl Sponsors Alphagraphics Campbell So up Company Downs & Associates FedEx Gro und First American Title Insurance Co. Hooters Restaurant Kraft Food Services Landstar Logistics
Rae Creative Rehab Solutions of America Royal & SunAlliance Salomon Smith Barney Scurry Co nstruction Sports Ventures Street & Smith's Sports Gro up Webserve
Gridiron Sponsors Lincoln Financial Group Meineke Discount Mufflers apa Auto Parts
Sprint PCS The Sunset Club High Grove Partners
Celebrity Golf Classic Vance Flouhouse & Garges
WBT News-Ta lk Radio 1110 AM
To order tickets contact the Charlotte Touchdown Club 704-347-2918 or for more information, go to • LSO Per Individual ticket· $ 1,500 Per "Gold Gridiron" Sponsorship Table of 10. Benefits include: One table
wit h seating for ten, preferred table loca tion, corporate identification inside Ballroom, sponsor recognition in the event program, invitation to General Reception.
Charlotte Touchdown Club ~~~
3.nd HighLghts for Area
• IRS Reduces: Standard Mileage Rate Th~
mi e:age rate by nes~
k:>r bus
tioo is he
-educed the scandard 1/ 1
cent to
per mi e
criwi1g next year. The reduc-
of l:>wer gas prices in
ed, "Srrc.l bos
has lex:: teen :he
engire of ::Lr eco 1omic
v e-ed 11cr: =avora bl) than they hc:ve been
s1cu c r.ot be =o rc:d to P">'
ir the :est t..,J de:ades. Thirty-nir e pe r-
nan lar::: corpo-a:icns kr he<.ln imurance. o r :o ch::•o se i3l
201) I and e:dy 2002. n e new rate goes
anc imp:·rt<rt re<.lth be e l:s br ere r
int:> eF:ct J3ru<r( I, 2C03 . Empj oyers
wo-kers.. TI:Je.AH-=>
l e~
slatieon will lerei :he
should not : ela; in reprogramming systems
r;:laring fe lc <l'ld p -:>vi :le a::x:ess to
to reflect t ile new rate a~ e-npbye:s Vlill
alJie , quc.lit)' re tr care to:
be uxed o r liTDJn:s
S.36 pe - mile. k1
mi le.
c:-ht Ki;:>lintEr Letter)
m li:>rs of
Arre -ir:::a ns -w:rkirg in sTT"2 bu;ire!;:;es' Fo -
addition, the rare for medical crave and moving expenses w I d-op to $:.12 per
c:• ·:Jf thosz surv:yed also indica:ed negati\fZ views
::J ·large
corporations 1nd 58
p:-rent ha::l <. neg<.eive view of CEOs. The E1c loy.,e1t Law Alliance randomty surve:"""c I OOOAmericans and 75 percent of tile -es~·ordzms indicaed that the governmel: --,eeds tt> be -nore aggressive n its ~rs ig~t
COP'J' ::f the rep=rt. " A ~scxiati on
Lab:or lec.ders have used the Enron
Healrr Plar s: lnt:rovir 5 .Ac :e~s to
an = \.Vo- ld.::::m cases :o convince employ-
Afforcc.b e Quit} Health :are for Small
e:;- thc.t a jmon may
Eusire~se~ :·
h: ::: prote:t : 1em through better pens on
caJ I 356-:75-7322 or g·:> to
• DOL Bacia Association H.:alth
VIV. W.d :::1.!;0'11 p#b:t 1p.jf, ar p-rep:Jrt.pT.
(·NWW be.n
an = sev~ra; .: e
r~,=""~. ::>ri')
been at::le to
ben efit~. AFL-CIO
Job - S\1\Eeley said. "People are a1gry that tile."re ()SJ15 : heir savings to a c:Jr rupt
Tr: :::> epartmenr: of La bor :ooL) is suppor: rg egis a.ticr v.h ich would provide
• Polls
greater 3:ce5s t::> health i1surar ce =or ;m3ll
Recepti·.re tc- Un io " Representati on
M;,re Ernplo·(ees
co-porcte S;:'$tem :he) thought the:- could
Diff cut :.::on·:mic tim :; and -ecent
busi1esses.The :: O L is backing legislat on
trL :;;:. Trat'; ..,-,y more Americam :han e·ter sa) tl--et would jcin a union to-norrow
in :re -lou se of Re presentative; that would
head ines 1xut uneni cal ccrponte :enav-
to>ve : h:ir li·1es if given the chance."
escaJiis h fede -al ) regul1ted assxia-tion
ior a -e <.p:>3r31tl·t caus in5 rrore eTolo('ees
L r ::er ~ wf:Erey's l:ade rship, unions ha>e
heal:h pl<.m (AHPs).
t•J cc•rsi::er jcilinJ:: a unicn acc:>rci - g t::
b::n mxe creative in their orga1izing
In March 2C•C2, F"re.;ident Bj sh called
ecerrt ~urveys. ,l. 1ational
t<.c cs ;: nd i: i; likely nat while th: econoem1in ; :; uggis 1, this will be a -ecurring
for new ru les tra.t W·Ju ld allow small busi-
mis:sixed b·t th: AFL-C IO w d cooduc.t:d
try "eter D -a-: Res:::arc-
the!: ron the urion ;.
:o b3Jl::l :ogethe- co distribLte risk
acrcss a larger empjoyee base c.n d neg:>tiate volume pren un
di~c:JIJ1ts . Bu ~i nesses
could als o i"lsJr: enployee~ throu5h a larger
sue 1 a; a trade 3ssociuio1. lr
~.~soccc.~ ~
fou nd trat fo - rhe -'ir;t tim: (·Nhen :he >-FL-CI::> r r;t
~ir ce
3~ ked1 .
I ~=4
SJ p:rcent
said they V" •:-u ld oil a Jn Cil
t·Jmorrow if ,5i 10:1 th: :hY ce. lkrt oomber
the =ormation o( these 3S:SO :iatk>ns and
wid· errplorers.
Us ing Coo~es si·Jnal BLdgel Office sta-
up f--:::m <{2 percent las: <e1r.A 5EJ=lr<.te
SjrVe) con.:U:ted by the E-nploymen: e:> J r~els
Alliance 3 J::rcx.p of lc."' fillS tha:
tistics, the DOL claim tnat sm <.ll bjsiness-
manag_Erren: den:;, ··ooJn: tlat 53 :•e-cent
es C•JU d ;a1't: 9 percent t:> 25 f:erc:nt on
d th:>re
their heath rsLn.n:: r;rem ium; w1ile
in more comxnies to: 3SS ..-: na:
off:ring coverage tc an;'V"here ··ron
are bett:r x::tected.
]30,000 to L -n il I on cu -ren:ly Ln imured people. Secretary o( La:>or, E aine Chow, stat-
u=at=:r :harlc:te b z
S.Tllfl LlC
d the '\o -k=--s l:::t c_rret" l·t rep:=-e1ted
addition, nsurarce b oke-s : ou d a;sist in
bu ild new
('H""v jacks.:r/, Constangy, Breaks &
s~;-ed ~u:rr:ort
I0(1 no!HT1 a.ozgeri3l
o~rizin& ,-cr~rs
v....-kfiiace Jdem:ity Thieves Loss r;:reventic·n in the workplace h1:;. .:>Eel a Ixg-ti ne concern for
e"T:d oyers H:·wev:r, Vlhile in the past tbe <ocLs las ::leen on minimizing : he loss o( nsl- nr 'We rchandise, employe~"~ no'~<'
n==:d to be concerned about "idem ty"
A::cnrd irg tC• the HaL pllone 5JI"'>E) of 000
• E pbyers Mar Be Liable for
R.e~e<.rc 1
a.1d anc::t:ier
\',or~e-:;, u n i~ Oi.rE
Hu-na1 resource departments 1eed to ::e part£ J arly concerned with nis is:s ~1e.
Prva·:}' 3Jld security experts indicate ~
tha: rreny wor <pla::e
Don•t be forced into reacting to change .
come frorr
HR. w l- ere- e m:·loyee information is to
·:>t::uin. T-e
Ant cipat Change!
U . S .~ : cret
Servi::e said th.t i:len-
tity inbrmatioo is .::>ften stolen "electronically," Jut man:- low-tech methods are ji_St as effe:tiv::. "C•.Jmpter d iving" - reoi: v 1g infomEtieon frc m t1e garbage, stea in~ perail. or 3mp y lookl ng over !OOTie-
As outplac ement specialists, f Transition Tean can help your COf11Jl'lll face the cllan ~ in g tides of busin3ss trends. By ~epa ri ng for situati ns before they o;:cur, the options 1o solutions be greater and the transition smoother.
one's !tloulder at t1eir cr:dit card lt'e other 11ethod; of de rJtit)' theft.
ld-:mtity t l-:ft i1 t , e workplace- m3.y cre1te enormcus leability for the e T p orzr if the : mj:loya was negligent in tile ;to ring-
The Transi ion Team provides the following services to assist you r company and ts employees: • Professional ndivicual & ExecutivE : u~lacement • Large & Smal !:roup Outplacement • Strategic Aulysis and Evaluations • Internet Joll Searct Workshop • Career Cou1 :;;eling/:oaching • Pre-Retirer~e 1t Workshops • Transition Center & Specialized Workshops
of ing
i1fo- m <:~ to
on. Employer liability is ccnti,u-
5ro....., as a re:sult of state an d =e::Jeral
statutEs requi r ng protection of sp-:!c ic
Ol PartnerS,nc harlotte
inforrTEtion, t h g"":>wi ng 1umber c·f (X'iV3C)' lawsuits and ti-e "g--owing trend of t:'e cyt::er : riminal '
Enployer ~
704 -8~- 1 g.oo
• www.tttsolutio 3509 Cr()J.r Cres::a1 Ct. Charlotte, r-E 28227 -7733 Fax: 704-845-242(' Email: info@ttt~olutions
are advise:l to prote.:::t their
onl ine datL ju>. as careful y as they d:· cab, me -c'llnd se, <: 1d C•ther p,ysical
Al l ermlo'lees ;houl d be ;aware of til .. cc· nseque r ce ~
of inap:lropriately using cr sh l r-
ing pro tected ,forrnatior . Training in l C">'
·wr~ H
Yo ur body has al.vcys r~own how to hit c; La.'ltt!t:l a stick. A~ Targt~eJ Golf, we help yo• cail on •ha. natrmt! ability tu i111pmo:e yo ur golf game. .7~ _•ocr ~ J"l what 11!!1 ~t£rs. t~e r;e o( the clubfnce to ;,.rpnc tl.c ball. With the fr•ec'om of this singular Jow~ ~nd sJ;histicatd ftedtrJ;k .ech nology, you Cc:'1 be.:orr · ar accomplished p1e1;1er. Ccntact the Targeted,-:,~.;- Lnr1!·ng Centert~dC'), a ref discover the piaye; \l'it'u'n :of'.
to ; pr>.: a b rea.r:h ir securty is also re:o mmelced. One of t r e most importan: ;te:>s for errp iO)o·ers s tc conduct a thorough back5ourd screering of any empiC}ees wh:> ""ill (B~Keao.~
:access :o personnel ±ta.
of Na t'JnaJAffcirs, Inc.)
TARGETED GOLF '" •T ps fo r N o co11pete Agre e me:n t s M.any ern e oye-s atteTipt corfidenti ~ l
b _; ine ~ s information
b:< navilg
key ern plcyees sigr noncompete agre:emelts _These <:sreements are design=d
keep a valuabl -: errp loyee from jurrp ng ship tc work br a conpetitor or !X.rt the5r cwn col'll'etilg business. In c --::er to be :rfo rceable: noncomp-:te agree T e , ts mu5t t.e "-eascnab e ." Laws vary b·,- ! tate anc a um:Jer :>f courts l-ave limitec the scope d nonc:>mpete agreements. Fol oy,oijng a re §Uidel ines which will hc -e-;ase: the like lih·::tod t hat an agreement Yli l :>e enbrc : ab e:
november 2002
=·re:J.ter charlott::: ::>i:z
• Carefully define and
ab~l app-opria~
information as confide1tial. • Make restrictions recso1able. For EX3.11pie, consider the time fra11e. lt. woul :J rot be reasonable to expe:t
<i enplo}-
ee to not work for a competit•Jr for c.-.: next I0 years. Generaly, up to "two )'ers is the maximum. • Include a provision a lo..,ing a cour: to revise a noncompete t::> mate it enforceable. • Make sure sufficient corsidentio'l (i.e. something of valuE tc the
is provided. • Include a provision a lowing tle no•c•: 'llpete to be assigned to a future ownEr cf the company. • Include only employees with <nowled5e of trade secrets or conficentia[ infonut on or who hold the comJ:an;-'s goodwill w th customers. • Courts look favorabl1 oo em::>lcyers ......·hc: pay former employees to not compaE . • Remind departing employees of the:ir obligations. • Have new employees warrant that :-ey are not violating any noncompetes -... dformer employers. Covenants to not competE can be a valuable tool whe1 cesign:d weiL Employers must show a legit rrete bt.s 11ez purpose for the agreenent. Ccmpan e; would be wise to have le.sal coJnsel -'-" e.v any such document. (wNWhrn.c•m)
The Employers Association is a nonpl()fi! OrnJcr':te organization providing com'Jre.lensi·tf /;um :J,' resources and training serv-ces:. Founc'ed in ·;:~ g, the Association maintains a broad-txr.ea mer.-te:rship of over 700 companies fr:>m ail jncustlteS .r the greater Charlotte regioD. As one of over 70 no11prcofit HR associ::OJS nationally providing HR serlices to regio.1al '1 ~71berships, The Employers As~ociJtion (:.articip :~'!; in a national information excran:e uncl=r the " ..3Jic~ of the National Association of ,\1anufJCturer:. The above excerpts were ta~e• from T• ~ Management Report, the ,l.ssocia!io1's mo~ ~, ')' newsletter. For more informafon, pl.,ase cc II Laura Hampton at 704-522-go II :>r visit the Web site at www.emp oy6"
gr e ater charlo t te biz
Like Fax and Email. Ok~t . •c.:tbE c. m :~tcw::yc e oo an opr ·oad is more exciti1g , but bringing the b en~fls o( fa> rto your netv"ork =nail applica ion is pretty reat too. lntegratin ;;: tax em3i is a1 eBS'f NC.'!' to save mcne~ . conl::in3 systems and make ~our users more :·rodu:::tive. Captari:; RightFax enterpise fax sErver.:; !:earrlessly irtegr31:e with all emai systems and offer advanced =u-lclioroafl:}' ~ot M cm:;oft Exc 1c.roge/Outloo< and Lotus Notes. RightFax is the com:Jie-:e e-docu11ent d3li·Je; t wlution . We\e got it together! For detaas, •.;all 704.355.9177 or "isn .vwwJnfov.corr.
~ Captaris
Rightfax 4L01 Colwick Road #400
'i n f o' v i s i o n ~ JAll~G-
N: 2£211·23!$9 i1U.36iUD .. 7 Fax:
n·:vember 2(lQ:;. II
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Company name: ne Coffee Boss, LLC cf'b11 The
O•Nners: Heinz anc Erika Boss
::>ri .. ~
r- urters\'ille, NC 28J78 1-81)0-201-0181
n ovember 2002
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Tile idea for The Cofleeboss star:ec when Bossard hi$ wite , ::-il:a, meo,•ed t•~irfc: mily.
irclud ing $Ors Fhlippe, <.E e
I I, anc Marcel , age 8, "rom Sw tzel"land
to Huntersville earlier this year. Boss had
lived in the U.S. 14 years ago and was drawn to the American lifestyle . Returning
to Switzerland, he married Erika and together they dreamed to make the U.S. their home as soon as they could . Against
Sedona Staffing Services -
formidable odds, that dream became a reality in May 200 I, when Erika was one of the winners of the "green card" lottery that also allows members of the winner 's family to apply for a green card . As soon as they could make the necessary arrangements, they came to investigate several cities in the United States and in the end they chose the Charlotte area as their new home . "We all agreed , this was where we all wanted to live," said Erika. The Boss family came with their clothing, a few personal belongings, lots of ideas, but no specific plans. In Switzerland , Boss had operated the Bomotec machine shop (which he still owns) for 14 years and was an experienced machinist. His first thought was to use that experience and to duplicate that business here . When he settled in Huntersville , that idea seemed unrealistic. In the meantime, Erika Boss went about setting up their new home . They had arrived without household furnishings, so one of the first things they searched for was a coffeepot. Not an ordinary coffeepot, but one that could make the fresh espresso they were accustomed to drinking every morning. American coffeepots just were not the same. They tried , but just could not find the right kind of machine. So Heinz Boss did some research on the Internet and found that Saeco, a company famous in Europe for their automatic coffee and espresso machines, was located in nearby Annapolis, Maryland . When he contacted them, he also discovered that the distributorship for North and South Carolina was available. Boss felt like they had won the lottery again. It was a perfect match. Now he could enjoy the qual ity of espresso that he wanted and could launch a business to
introduce this product to other coffee
lovers. In addition, his machine shop experience would be beneficial. To be sure , coffee is a univers al beverage. Most of us drink coffee throughout the day. Espresso-based
greater charlotte biz
>noverr=e r
specialty coffee drinks, such as cappuccino
" Imagine that you 're a real estate agent
and latte , have become part of our culture. Just consider the current popularity of coffeehouses and the variety of specialty coffees available in supermarkets.
r f)
and are selling a million-dollar home . Why would you want to offer your client some
Integrated Busrness Solutions
ent Technoâ&#x20AC;˘ogies
coffee that has been sitting in the office coffeepot for hours, when you could offer him a freshly brewed latte topped with hot milk foam? " says Heinz. That makes an impression . " I'm just using real estate sales as an example," he continued . "The coffee machines that we are offering would be equally useful for large volume users like restaurants and hotels, or for smaller
Strategy is the Key to Successful Performance.
volume users like offices, bookstores, car dealerships, barber or beauty salons anywhere that coffee is provided to employees or to customers . We also have a model suitable for in-home use ." What makes the Saeco coffee machine different? With the press of one button , it freshly grinds and brews each cup of coffee, espresso, latte , frothy cappuccino, hot chocolate or tea in only 45 seconds, " bean to cup." Plus, espresso-brewed coffee tastes better and is healthier, with only 50% of the caffeine compared to other brewing methods . Then there 's the aroma . The unique brewing method is touted to extract the over 800 aromas that lie dormant in each little coffee bean . Boss has l 0 models of espresso machines available varying from a I0-cup home size to one with a I 00cup capacity su itable for hotels and restaurants. Some machines require a direct water line, either plumbed or
Our game plan is simple. We help yo u make rhe choices rhar move yo ur compa ny forward . O urs is a skill honed by years of experie nce, and by carefully selecting lawyers of the highest caliber fo r our team.
connected to a 5-gallon tank. Others, like a home-sized machine, require adding water. Beyond that, once the machine is filled with coffee beans, powdered
We play to win, of course. Yet for the business lawyers of Robi nson, Brads haw & Hinson, earning our clients' rrusr is the ultimate victory.
milk, sugar, or whatever supplies the customer requests, it's very easy to operate. Just push the button .
The machines are kind of sexy looking, too. They are available in an all black classical design or in a modern
Charlotte : 7 04.3 77 .2536
www.rbh .com
South Carolina : 803.325.2900
two-tone combination of black and silver. According to the literature, " its beauty is matched with state of the art technology."
november 2002
greater charlotte biz
That technology includes a powerful steam wand with an exclusive frothing attachment, a heating surface for stacking porcelain cups and programmable brew settings. You can throw out those Styrofoam cups. Saeco also offers porcelain cups in six beautiful styles inspired from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, designed by German artist Jeanette Honig. Now that's class. "The best part is," says Erika, "the
When it comes to • our service . ..
training only takes five minutes, and each cup is consistent. Plus, no one ever has to worry about turning off the machine.
The Sky' the limi !
It only brews one or two cups at a time and returns to a 'stand-by' mode ."
How the Coffeeboss Service Works "First," explains Boss, "we meet with the client to determine their needs - the estimated daily coffee consumption and
Specializing In Commqrcialand l.Rdu :rial HVA C
the range of beverages they would like to serve . Then, we install the appropriate machine, at no cost to the customer, and provide the necessary supplies . From time to time we check and restock supplies
1-800-849-1915./S erving tlte So Ntheast/bra(l services..c6m
and make sure the machine is operating properly. The customer only pays by the cups consumed . "The advantage I have is that with my machine shop background I can offer 24-hour sales and service . I not only sell the product and service the client, I am also able to maintain the machines. I keep a small inventory of parts locally, but should I need more, they can be shipped within 48 hours from our warehouse in Annapolis." For those who opt to purchase the machine and return a warranty card , Saeco offers an 12-month warranty on labor and parts and a I 0 percent discount on the purchase of accessories and main-
tenance products. Heinz and Erika Boss celebrated the official grand opening of The Coffee boss in October at the Lake Norman Chamber of Commerce. They have opened a showroom in Mooresville in the Brawley Industrial Park, although Heinz is pretty busy on the road right now helping people wake up and smell the coffee . biz
Susan Benedict is a Charlotte-based freelance writer.
greater charlotte biz
G ive the Gif t of l!•dulgence. Choose one of cur ma••y tanta/i; jJ spa treatments. A :hcrapeutic sro1e (C.f' rarr llllt..1t1WIIIl T111.r '] massage, a cleansin&fac ial, r.oni;hr!ig -~. Vl) : U" I/ body scrub, 9r a spectx ular soak .n J 704-242 -4I4I -(• Ll F ~ ·1·: purify ing bath - Balluntyne Reso-t .355- 24E -4 324 offers a whole new dim ension of l •) JCO '_l.ll \~. n~. L CoJ,l~l >:-s I ,-:~ t. ~'"~ relaxation. ( 1 '~101 n . 'c 2._ 7
.\-X \\ ' .~
an t \T,e rt:s -n
gr ~ ater
charlotte b iz
by mary rr arshall
Merchandise Corporation of America Provides Clients with Profess·onal Retail Support One Cus~ome: at a Time ,..We're in tr.e s-.3.ffins busin~ss, " says T m Pa:ombo , president/CEO and f::u:- der of Mer hancisins CJrporation of America (MCA) , a professional reta:l service fitn. ""J./e pro..,.ide labor: we dorc't buy, sell or inventory <::ty products. :Jur i 1.-store merchanchsing is a strategic process for ~ti!:fying the r-sw-e V"3.nt5 and needs of the consumer and the ingore busine.:;s -:1eed~ of ·he retailer and the :na::JUfacturer. " MCAS goal is to pro·,ridc clients with pro:essional retail support one customer at a ·me witt eacb MCA reuil associate and field manager trained to tje ndivi:lua _ coverage philosoph~ and specific tasks. The ompany build; busness rElationship between retailers and manufacturers througL :heir expense in driving sales , building market share <nC. increasi:tg pro fils. MCA has ~<perienced :;.5 percent :mnual growth since it was bunded in Ocober 19;6 en Palomb::>'s $250,000 personal line of c The pn·.atel}. held CJmpany continu~~ to grow with its business pla:- calling fer sale; in excss of $100 million in sales in five years. MCA competes witr. th:ee national food brokers and six national ~ePrice corr. pa::~ies. 3ut •heir technological ~ pproach sets them apart. ''•Ne've created a cu:otocize::l retail service mcdel ," says Palombo "that give3 the client _he !:::est valce proposiuon in the industry, i.e., we 're .)> gr~ate ~
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november 2002 17
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2r:t:::r M " As of'ice :: nd yc·u . >q:eri ~ n2£ ::. fi::J.e :_ ~..ed echn:> l•;gi : J luven. P; Jcmbo ,.;.a mm cr :i .rectbr -c. true ',._H.::'s :.rac<e.d .he TILL on rfecj-?, the att c·: rr.-s.ore ·ner::hand .3ing. 1--k:: pos_i:J
'/isit cur w:!bsitE, o· ·:a 704-687-2424 for more incorrr ation :•r th=se p1ogrcms and fo- a ccmplete li~ ting oc otlH prog-ams. novellber 2J)2
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gre:ater charlotte biz
conglomerate. But they hit a stalemate when their philosophical ideas differed. Palombo's plan emphasized technology, quality and service reliability as the future driving forces for the retail staffing industry Relocating to Charlotte from New York City, Palombo fine-tuned his business plan, which called for MCA to set the standard by utilizing the Internet to deliver daily service reports to clients at a time when there was no real leadership in this $2 billion industry. MCA was the first to take advantage of the Internet, offering clients reports 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at a time when other organizations were generating paper reports that arrived six weeks after service calls were completed. The Web site provides clients with an open door to the industry's most client-friendly retail reporting system. Clients can review executive summaries and detailed bystore reports on count, pricing, and competitive information. Store level information is accessed through Internet-based systems - Net Reporter™ and Net Manager™which allow software clients to access a ream of pertinent information. MCA's et ReporterTM Internetbased reporting system offers a personalized Web page called "Retail-Look" designed for the client's projects. It provides instant around-the -clock access to a comprehensive report on retail store execution including same day data on product conditions in any retail environment, instant retrieval of MCA's daily retail coverage, tracking of retailer compliance by execution , MCA Executive Management Summary Report by project and by retailer, MCA store-by-store performance reports and data warehousing, data mining and data analysis. Through this tool , clients are able to better troubleshoot store conditions, develop more up-to-date customized reports, enhance retail execution management , reduce out-of-stocks and drive up sales volumes. "Through Net Manager™ , field operation managers can pinpoint the
greater charlotte biz
location of our retail associates at any time," says Palombo . This proprietary MCA program instantly sends out information and updates to MCA field managers on their retail associate's daily productivity, enabling them to respond to retail opportunities rapidly, execute programs without delay, better define the best approaches for retail associates and improve performance by moni:oring retail associates' progress . MCA offers additional client services through their warehouse and fulfillmenr center. This center supports all that MCA does - kit collation , catalog fulfillment, product literature , POP materials. displays, coupon premiums , business catalogs, and samples and rebates. "Palombo has a unique innovative business model for the consumer package goods industry," says Walt Zola , director of national retail operations at Schering Plough's Health Care Products Division. "Based on competitors , he's a few years ahead of his time in terms of where the industry is today and where it's going. Palombo has been a true team player with our organization; he's ~xtremely passionate about his business."
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But Palombo operates with just a little different twist. His drive is the love of the Lord ; the business operates in his honor. "The Lord has given me the skills of leadership and communication and has allowed me to create this business," says Palombo. "All I wan: to do is honor him with these skills. " "MCA is a faith-based Christian >
·rt;~~~-4M~ . ;4~:-../P,.f ?~e~.~--..V-6 .n://d'aT-" s;,Au4//Bd, ~19'0
23 7 N. Tryon Street Charlotte, NC 28202 704-332-4141 www. dunhil/hotel. com november 2002 19
r :c•::J.::>tionil e·.::r:.t ~er:::::.rr. clisi:lg, blitz CC"\'Era_s;o:, tcc.s::r- <.: ~er.: :: cr.clisi1.g,
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BLACK lO N is .z l.1.u.ti - M~rc h an1: Reto:t i Ler Fe.:tt•tr:-r..g a C&J llc-;!:ion of .. • Eo_ e A.o: :cer ts • D ec::.-.~ live .\ : cessorief Ftr::liL! re • 6 ::-: & Anti •]U ~ • bter:oc DEsig1 C hi[,jr _n ·.s =tErns • Ga : c3 : n Ac: Erts
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Hcliliy Gift ; ••. 1VYERE PEOPL':: LO 'i'E TO SHOP .'
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CHA'U.OTTE -l;c 3HOPS- ' (16(.5 -=.v<K ROt:) 7J~/ 541- 114!3 CX:::.J•: ORD 'Ill5 -CS 580?3- He, Ext- -19 7JJJ975-S4E6 lAEE NORJL1A
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are stay-at-home moms recruited through PTA's, church groups, referrals, and an lnternet site where they can fill out an application. The position offers great flexibility with no set work hours -the only restriction is that the job must be performed within the business day. Most jobs take about one to two hours unless it's a reset, which can take between four to eight hours per day. The positions also attract retirees and those with shift schedules such as firemen and policemen. Every MCA associate possesses the training and experience to successfully execute any combination of in-store merchandising services in every major retail channel. Associates attend MCA University which is an interactive training tool based on an lnternet Web site. For each job assignment , the associate receives a detailed list of project instructions. They know exactly what to do and how to do it. Associates use MCA Net Associate™ reponing system which is a Web-based store-level data co ll ection system to enter their daily store reports. Those who are not computer literate access the company's phone reporting system. "The routes are built for the field associates," says Palombo. "They report to assigned stores through internal programs. We monitor daily performance against that route as they report in. At MCA, employees are compensated and rewarded to exceed the expectations of our clients." What makes Palombo's day? Grinning, he responds, "A big order and seeing my people performing with perfection " Palombo serves on the retail steering committee for the Association of Sales and Marketing Companies and on the board of directors for the iegel Avenue lnner City Preschool Project. He is a member of the National Association of Retail Merchandising Services. He and his wife, Kelly, and three-year-old daughter, Olivia Grace, are members of Forest Hill Presbyterian Church. biz
Mary Marshall is a Charlotte-based freelance writer.
greater charlotte biz
Richard E. Lev. is Executive Direc :>r Greacer Charlotlte Aut:omcbile Dealers Associa ton Photographed ir front of a. 1921 Marmen Roadst:=r Model Ho. 348 (gray) and 1918 LaSalle Con-ertihle Coupe (red) :>Wned by l:ussel J. Rcgers,Jr.
Dick Lewis has headed the Greater Charlotte Automobile Dealers Association for over 10 years and is the driving force behind the Charlotte International Auto Show
Dick Lewis, execulive director of the Greater Automobile Deale-s Association, has gasoline in his vel-s. At least that's what Marty Hancock, president of S:xny Hancock ChevrolEt/Cadillac, thinks. And it's probably not far from the truth. The Lewis fanily has roots in the: automotive busi1ess that stretch as far back as the late 1800s. Lewis' grancfather, JD. Perry Lewis, built the first car in St. Louis, Missou 路i. At the time it was one of the first cars in the United StdtE~, and although he sidestEpped the opportunity to go intc rronufacturing, Perry Lewis could still be con~idered an autonctive pioneer. He begar selling cars in 1900, and from 1912 to 1929, he ran his o路Nn Chandler dealership Like so many other businessmer of that era, Perry Lewis was forced to close up shop when the Great Depression wreaked havoc on the national econory. Chandler cars slip::Jed into the pages
of history, but
the groundwork h:Jd already been ldid for the next two generations cJ the Lewis family
november 2C02
gr e a-:e r charlo-:te biz
When 1\1\iCllgctn :Jn::J th.: (::e,era Motors Conpany er1~1'?-C cs Je b t = of the autorrotiv-e ircust-,t,
_o:v;~ fd_he-
answered hi~ cal ing He ~rjcy-x:: ::! Ixg as an executve br
::::1\r\. cnc
n~~-ec hi: ;en
to do the sa-ne. By this ·ime
\\-.J" no::> b:_e-
company, it Nas a wa( enrolled at the
ife. Dd L<W::
Te:1n Cdl rGtitLt€. n:::w
known as Ketter ng Jni...-~r~ty, i1 F irt, Michigan
f-(:: in
1·:1:c :n:J SP€1t
years in
<:> plai- 'vh~ n::n:
;.:b ad m:Jr <et 113 v.11th the
Pontiac civi>Ofl. Al:::ng -.vth e -h loratin~ ~ds,
a li=etimE
in the car b.l'ile:;se:; -~<:s ::omplete wit1 exhaust r 3
c:km 1c:;
C•vo::r hz yz.;rs Levvis, hi~
~ os ha-...E" 3:::>ne into
zr thu:~:l3T f::.r t lE ir·::us::-'-'
rv·oe.,.,. '/ZdG :lgc when
e ::: FL(::VIiS
::-r<: pi::::~ :h~y w::>L. o ;cnzdc.~
of the ccuntr1
compari~s c:n':
the ctf-er
'These days the
rn:o\e you uiCJlC as mLch/'
he says. 3ut :::>:lC· t1er you ,·~:e 1: where ,tcu were nee-ded
T1e cCYl;tant rd:xa:ion
drc h! vvi=e deed'!:: ::1is was
.vith g:::>l·, :ishi1s :Jno: lei~u ely ::Ia;. .r ::>s. For _ewis ~ r1e::r-: :l po::siticr .a; ~cz pEsrcent ::>F man:Jc_:znent ct :::>oc
of Charo::-3 lc:gest
Ve--:ecG Be-7
v &.r::>i.hl
'\j 5'dn
=b he
r::tre- For
:;:::me :~:Jie ~ iP-mE:nt ~ar: l;;;:-o d:Jy: filled
:orpo-::2 jcurney3 b::)j~h: hi ; =niy to
wife, D:J~a, c. --d :ho: r :hree ::1--ii:J en hav<: lived
b.r: t rzver ::Jarpznd Lewrs'
in nearf·, :l ch:::en c f·erznt c tie;, fom on~ enc
greater charlotte
ckd erships,
Dick K.dfer f·.Jtomotive. He
''C:::::..Jr 3Cill i' tc p orrcte :he enhancene-1:
International Auto Show. For the last ten
spent three years at Keffe- bdore he became
~ ""·efa~ d cur lrelll:e-s/' exp ains Lewis
t~e executive directcr of ::~e AutomobilE
[Je-,lers .Assooation i119':?0
ci=ab':"~ ~nd sales peor::le ·_..ith tlle training an:::
heart and soul into producing the Charlotte
I':':<JJ ces t~e·< need to OJ:Xrate ethically ard
Conven tion Center's most successful consumer
Hcncock, who ha~ knoiA.n Lewis since t-.e
~=n~>tlr- S::. :dl the a~ro<h ras wo·ked.
event of the year. Held every November, the
l';J?Os lhe d1rect::>r posi ion has given hm
h·is s~ys d~ale- ima~ ~ :he highest it's e.;er
show is a chance for consumers, industry exec·
:'•e opportunity tc leverc;-:e 1is tremendcus car
b:oer, and :1~ 1n:Ju:tr=' o cf.. conti1ues to
utives, media, and the government to all come
·'Dick's JUSt an e:-<ce:p: oral car guy/' >dys
S<il <
tri; lle 11eans hd:::ing :o ::xovide
,:::lz~:ribed as the t';'pe ::>f mal who neve
'·I love tlis bus ne;s b:cau>e i: ev::>lves
Te?t; a stranger "/\nc t~at'~ a great wcy to
c: -:::1 chcnges, · sa·;s Le,vi~.. ·ih s is the most
:::roT•ote an organi~at1c•n,· he says.
e cij113 incu:try
in roundtable discussions, and exchange industry updates.
can :hink of be:::ause :he·e
c:·;: 'e"" m:::·cels zvery year" And varatiors r
~<:iation's responshi ity :o educate and
•=ko:~ a1d m::ldels crer't 1~;:: crly :ransforrru-
np-ove upon an irdJslry llla: is more oft€:"• th:m
1 ::n·;
·y r<:garded with ;u~pcicn. Ever since the
I_ u<: o= tre car indu;'ry ·'\1./e need to be
PS:)s, when manu=actuea:; started mass-p:.duc·
row ~rzr~f ;ufft::ielt n our own country,r re
wg ::::~rs :~nd us1ng ~ ad-;el techniques, bu·f"rS
s.:: ;s 'As ,-.-e mc·ve
hv~ exercised cauto1 wk:n stepping onrc the
c,.. vR. can e~plcre ne'V
::::~r lot. Aggress1ve ca s.:~leo ::Je•Jple and les; :han
c·d h.e cdl te:hndo:_::ies.'·
h·est sdling procedures p..Jt a bad taste il
Automobile Dealers Association have put
together to preview the latest trends, take part
and people sblk" lr fact, Lewis is
Le-vis conside-s it :he Altomobile Dealers
years Lewis and other members of the
or L,,·..-·is' min::J. -1e'~ looking to the
·om oil depend<:r-
r: ·::lpu sion
"I love this business because it evolves and changes. This is the most exciting industry I can think of because there are new
models every year."
,!.._11th:, :alk abxr th~·latest inno·;ctiols
he puck's mouth, and i( ta~en years for :1e
c·d rro:Jif•:d:iorE is t1~ ::,dect st:3ue into 01~
ir cu~.try to restore their ref=utction.
o::= r s fevo·ite to ::JiG: -he ·:harlo::e
-Dick lewis, executive director of the Gre<!ter Charlotte Automobile Dealers Association "Dick made the car show what it is today/' says Cyndie Mynatt, president of the Ben Mynatt family of car dealerships "He has the connections and the respect it takes to bring in all the major car manufacturers
Gasoline may be in his veins, but Lewis is also driven by change After a lifetime in the car business, he is ready to step down from his executive director position. On January 1st the position will go to Loretta Allman, another industry lifetimer, who has been in the auto· motive industry since she was nineteen and with the Automobile Dealers Association for the last sixteen years. Lewis says he looks forward to retirement, but he knows his limitations. He brought the Charlotte International Auto Show to life, and he's not ready to give it up. "My wife and I plan to do some traveling/' he says. "But I still need to keep my fingers in the business as the producer of the Auto Show"
Bryce Nielsen is a Charlotte-based freelance writer.
november lOJ2
greater c h arlotte b iz
Cais, Corl1illtlnity, and Quality': On th _, Roaa and in the Classroonz, the Gt·eater ,_....J .arlott it.UtOfllobile Association Gives Back ~ = 'iOL as!< Chorlo:te: area locals what ·iey knC\.1 about the G:eate:r Charlotte .::1.u~o:nob le Dealers P_ssxia::i:ln, most
-,,i l tell ;r·::>U they've neY::r e-;e:l. heard
such 3n :xgan:zation. V:~th :hat in mind , 1:1.e n:.ajori~y wou _d alsc -:Je ~hxked to 'earn h c·A much the D :o.1 ler~- .t.ssociation ;-..35 g:.ven to tl-e community- aver the oo·.1r~z o- the past thr.::e deodes. '"Ne'e. not th= type of graup to toc t c.1r cwn horn ." s:~ys Cy:-ldie: Myran, ::residen: of the Een M;'Datt family of car d=d -ships, ar,d vice pr.::sid=nt o : the ::::eale:rs A33oci3tion·s 3card Jf Di:ectoro. ::LU v:hen .'lsked, :viynatt is one of man:' d=~le:s '1110 prouily explain the role the c·garrizc:Km plays in s·.:.:>po:ting both the ;1.1romolie industry, as we[ as Charlot.e ;LU
tOCir.uni:ies. llti y the -x g:;:-_iza..Lon is
group wm -<s l:J ::w-vide ~rea .:ea er5 w _a comprer..=ns v: s-: ries o' t·aining ·;;oEshops. Frc1 leg-Jl u hxnan resources, ::.:::J sales nunagem=m training, tL~ [•e.:.lers•ciation hs worked to raise nc. us ry ;ran :lard.:; ;:rnC. create a ccnrrunity o · d..::al =rships _bat emphasize ""ligh :p.:~1lity a'IC custorr.-:1 o.:.lisfaction. This commi·ment to ecucat •)I als.-. extends beyond th. organizati :Jns own membersh :>. The ea ler~ ftSooci -uior works clody with local :>olice c.nd [h: departments. 0:1.e prcgra..-n, "Th( Hundred Oub cf Charlene," he "J.> D provide for fami ie:: of offico::rs 'A-ho ~re killed in tre line o r duty. Recently thE organizaticn als• • do)natd f·JUT passe:ngtr vans to suppo ·t th-: police de•aru~nt's yo uth initi.Jtiv::s A'lot her cor ·ribut-·X1 included a -otor tbat police c!Tic::·s ::an
use for in-school presentations about the D.A.R.E program. And then there's nearly a dozen scholarships and charities the Dealers Association donates to each year. So how does an organization so >
What: 2002 Charlotte International Auto Show Where: Charlotte Convention Center When: November 21-24,2002 Hours: Thursday and Friday 12:00 Noon to l 0:00p.m.; Saturday I 0:00a.m. to l 0:00 p.m .; Sunday 10:00 a.m. tc 6:00p.m. Price: $7.00 Information: 704-364-1078 or www.charlotteautoshow.corn
THE JAGUAR FAI..1 LY. The XK Series, :-e XJ Series, tte x--ype and · ~ S-TYPE. Powerful AJ-V8 and V-6 engines. Connolly leather a1d wood trim irreriors. 4-ye;r/30 :oo-mile warranties. Scheduled Service Included At 10, 20, 30 and 40,000 11i e£ Or 12 "lJrlll Jntervals At No Charge.
g-=c:te- charlotte
no vember 2002 SS
We want to
Visit a Hendrich
:· I
City Chevrolet 5101 E. Independence Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28212 704-536-1410 • 800-868-2489
Hendrick Imports 6950 E. Independence Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28227 704-535-0885
HONDA Honda Cars of Rock Hill 686 Galleria Blvd. Rock Hill, SC 29731 803-366-8161 • 704-334-6620
Land Rover Charlotte 6940 E. Independence Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28227 704-536-4270
Hend1 6824 E. lndE Chari ott 704-!
Special Dick Le~ years of c leadersl Greater Auto ~
vour business. Hendrick Auto guard
All vehicles thoroughly inspected. Extended service plans and Pre-Paid maintenance plans available.
Certit.ed Dealer
Acura 1dence Blvd. c 28227 7800
'anks to 5 for 12 tstanding ~for the harlotte ~alers
Honda Cars of Concord 855 Concord Parkway South Concord, NC 28027 704-788-4188 â&#x20AC;˘ 704-376-0457
Toyota of Concord 967 Concord Parkway South Concord , NC 28027 704-788-2161
Hendrick lexus 6025 E. Independence Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28212 704-568-4122
Hendrick Porsche 6824 E. Independence Blvd . Charlotte, NC 28227 704-531-3344
few have ever heard ol ::o:ne ·_ y\.-· J-. the resources for such a::1 ir:p-essl<-e s:: c f programs an·:: ?Djeosl -t all bJ::fC..15 each ovemte r at tie Ourlo=:: Cor.vention Center -. J-o the =·e*-s Association brings to?;clher t~ tig§.est names in the car inctktry f.Jr C1E :~ :.nual Charlotte Internc.tioru. Auto _ "Carolinians ha\-(C
with cars ," sa:rs Die\. lDvs, e.- ~ o.ri"P director of ti-e Dec.lers ASsocialic . P.nd it's this passion the: t ::Tngs pe· JE --om all over the region tc t 1£. :.1-_ov. e:t:· yo::ar.
For four fun -packed jl,s visi = r ; :: the show are treated to c. c c. ::zlingc.r " ~ of
Lacker Booms and Showers
• The ltP Grill with Dining P:rviio (SCJJiog up to 150)
• Golf
llepair ODd Stor.lge
new and concept cat: , e:-uertail:!o~t. food , and pri;: s. "\lo-r.: -..u.t to pr:: j·J : e a ::llD.ilies," show that's fun nd :Ltnc i·1e says Lewis. "There's
.:t ~
etf fa-_a:;;:
involved," he says. ":: CJrshow!"letus reli\·e many of our c:ilc.:-lOod :fru.n:.~. · · Car shows are:~ 't re\V to t--2 Charlotte are<: , but ro::te l-ave =v=:. achieved this level o - ~JCC2ss. : a:::n. ye:1r attendance h.:~s ir.cre~·= , brir p ~ loeTls of thousands gue93 t::• l-_e·= do1.'.Titown lccc.tion. ' Th ~ sho':.- h·.-p:-:s the
whcole industry " say: t·1yna:t. t3 1:"1, conver.ient, .:::rx. i1 rai£s L>c consumer's level of awar::::rcss " The show also g 7c.:. local : e:u -~ and
Practice Ball Bo
industry exec•..ltives c.< co::Jort.LT t:' to participate in educaLYu lserillnn:s n::i brainstorm id ~ as. ''l rue< the ;-J•>••::; success is reinfo:ced by 'i:.: <: tlencl......"l•::: ,< 3ays Mynatt. "Not only do ·.r:_ m:n· c.nd more visitors each yt;~ :, but tl- ~ r~•: i :t pa tion of the dealers ar d manufa-.:.t"JJe::-s also continues :o grC'W<!."' That's good new:: ;t•.:rcoss the Eoard for the Dealers Asso :i:c tio"l . "Cw-DI.issio:-1 has always b ~en c :;..npor t'~ .lutemobile indusr.::y an::! ~·c l:a-:k J l.E •:ommunity," says Marty -Lru:•)ck, N'nnt of the Dealers Assoc:Hti.::•r bo::-d ~ E dire : tors. He says tl-- llitJ sh ='-'- --::1s
infss is Golf!
been a major pan ol th ~ orga:uz:<:: . n 's success . "It r:mvides ..3 with -::J.e · e-.r::nue to support a lot of iJJ:..ponant -:r•Jg3ms, and it is a tre:rendo_s :=~ c ur:: ~ fr both consumers and men::>~-3 of tl- ~ [ autc mobile commur u:' biz 8ry:2 Nielsen is a Chc.-,ne-tas-: d freElance writer.
n:J\;eiCEr :_oo:_
g - e c.t ~ r char Jc- t
The 2003 Upgrades. Even more proof German engineers don't have hobbies. Our lab-coated friends have been at it again. These 2003 upgrades reveal new stuff going on with every major model. The most common upgrades are extra standard features on all base GLs . And let us not forget that all 2003 models come with our 4-year/50,000-mile Limited Warranty. Lots of car here. Lots of car.
Golf GL • • • •
Power windows now come standard. Cruise control now comes standard . Power mirrors now come standard. CD radio now comes standard .
GLS • Luxury Package, including power sunroof and 15-inch alloy wheels with anti-theft wheel locks, now comes standard .
Jette Wagon
• • • •
• • • •
Power windows now come standard. Cruise control now comes standard. Power mirrors now come standard. CD radio now comes standard .
Power windows now come standard. Cruise control now comes standard. Power mirrors now come standard. CD radio now comes standard.
• Luxury Package, including power sunroof and 15-inch alloy wheels with anti-theft wheel locks, now comes standard.
• Luxury Package, including power sunroof and 15-inch alloy wheels with anti-theft wheel locks, now comes standard.
New Beetle
• Power windows now come standard. • Cruise control now comes standard .
• New GL model now available. • Standard features include power windows, cruise control, power mirrors, CD radio, and trip computer.
GLS • Luxury Package, including power sunroof and 16-inch alloy wheels with anti-theft wheel locks, now comes standard .
GLS • Luxury Package, including power sunroof, rear sunshade (sedan only) , anti-theft wheel locks, and 15-inch alloy wheels, now comes standard.
~ Caro~~~g ~~!!~n~agen 7800 E. Independence Blvd . at Krefeld Dr. • Charlotte, NC 28227 704-537-2336 • l-800-489-2336 Cl 2002 Volbwogen . 1-800 DRIVE VW "'VWCOM
Greater Charlotte Automobile Dea ers Association Boord ol Directors ~a n d~
Mcri : 1, Auto Show Chai"ma1
L1ar:Jr ::hevrolet/Fontiac/Bu ck
Vlcrty Ha1co:k, President
)cr ny -ian :c•:< Automoti\ e Group :y diE MfrEtt, Vice-President 3er V m t Ct'o:vrolet/Portiac/Buiclc 3il SC•Jtt
)cc:t ,.:guc.-
Steve larger
Scott Clark
/lrn old P31 mer Cadillac Mike Griffin <: riffi n ~1c tors
Scott Clark's T:Jyote: ::ity D ck Keffer
KEffer Au tom::tiv:: Gwup
Bob M~~berry
Bill Musgra.-e
Mayberty Chrysler City
Scturn Retail
Ward V'filliams
Richard Yo~mg
Folger Automotive
Yeung Ford
[nt ~r pri ~ es
Su&mortm;;, Arn:Jic, ~ r Cad illac 82' 3 E I<:Ej:~ldence Blvd. era lote. 'J: 28227 7C4 531.;;:7):
FrEEtiom Chevr:> l ~t 31 2 Hwy 74 W61 MClm, NC 2811 C 70~- ;.s9-8444
Lak~ Normar Chry~ l•r 204; • Cha1woll Cen:r<l Drive CorrEi.£, ~ C :'8031 704.S~7W}
Da • Jarrrr Ford · 6C 5~; )rive ~~oToe, NC ~8110 70<-37f.-8oJ; f
Ben M{ ~-Itt :adillac 2E · Cmocc Fl:wy. S Ccn :ord, rc !8025
Kio~ Chevrole16: 1JA Cochran~ By Pass Choser, )( 297(6 80::-::77-4147
Spa ·[ s Ch -ys ~ r-Je e p 146 . .::cncord Pkwy tJcrth Con·cd N: ;3026 704-:=?c-7: 84
DiJiln Fad 61; 'J. ~~ahS<. Be rnnt N: !80 12 /0!-320.·5 ff
Gdillac n t,est MO'TO"' J:: .!8110 7CL 283-:15 3~
Md<Enney Cher·olet 67~6 .Nilkinson Bid. Bel11cnt, NC 28C I~ 70<-£25-3306
DAE.NOO Folca Da•woo 570- :: ncEp81dence [.lvd. Charc ~ c ;8212 704-'36-9£35
Ear!Tiooal ; Jrd ;1:::· E. Frar t n Blvd. Ga!Oni< ~c 28054 /0!-36/-8::4'
: ha nt:.. N: 2:: o7 '04 53: -)83~
Sc11,y lbl:cck Cadillac 19/: S. i'-f'~ - cpe Road G<~tJne. ,c ~3052
lUI : K
Pa•: Chevrole· 64< 1 'J. Tryon St. Chalottf, ~JC 28< 13 70<-'38-4000
Tea., C<£ilac 404 Ja"' ~ : nder Blvd. Sa i>Jurt. nc 28 145 704-63 3-3"C
Parh Chevrole at the Lake 1Oc S. Old States· I= Rd. Hurtnv liE, NC :8:)78 70C-E75-6558
CH61R::J ~-
Ra• d 1 Marion C h~vrolet 18CO --iv,y ISO W MoJrEsville NC : ~ 115 70L-64-3303
.\CLRA ~en:lri d
Acu a
582: : . 1de~ru1Ce Blvd :h3 :tt= N: 2S.~7 '04 s:;: -78~c \Ul•l
\uc ol :har o t '80 - : . •de~nc t lCe Blvd. :h3 :tt= N: 2S. ~7 '04 53: -;133!i
Fr~ dcrr
M"'l' ~en:lri o lm: ort< ~95: E. •deponcoe· ce
e11 ~1~ <Itt 3 i. ~89 (•Jr :::Jrd ~Y"\ )outh O:on D'd ~c : sc"3 "04.; 1: 306E [ir•: d B. ck E45 _;n:;ster 3y Fm East lilnmts SC ~s-;.) E<J: -285-"44£ Folg=r llllick :~c - E. -:lepe1ca~e Blvd. Chern~ NC i8!'2 ;()L-);6-:'63!> Folg=r lilick T"ola Ro;cl . -77 Char ;~t .. NC 28-?' 0
144~ E.~.hi• ~- · eet
lincclnor. 1'-C 28092 704-Jh )::~ . Be.ll & ~ ME!I'd Chevrolet 1·4c 3t 1\JOO ~ 1 St<tesvi IE J.C: ~8677 704-'373-3)~4
ll()(l .VJC o
Grif-in oto-s ;soc oN. -.ocse1H 31vd. Mon~. -C 33 1 ;()L-372-294 Grif-in ~·oto -s :1 :. : A ~ersCl F·Ed Foclc Hill ;c ::'9i':: f<l:-3i4-_ 1" g
Hra,r Bk<k -~9 Jll :ochGn< l:y Pass Chfser, : : 2':'7CE: f<l:-317 ~ 147 Fantl:t I' 3rio · Eill <k "llCC ~~'· 15CW ~oo ~sv &!, N( ~- 15 i04-:0E4 -= 3o3 Sale.Au-=: M< I l1 o:: VIi nso• E..d Gastoo(lla -JC ;sc"" ?J4-H4 : sE7 CAD LU.::
Ben M~rLt· Cnevrolet Coroorc, '-': :E025 704-'37 j.5J,6 Buns Crn•·c let 251: nE·ti<·J3d Ro:c Hi I,::<: ;9730 704-33~-x: n
Ci1)• Cherd ;c1
510"<~J.;J"jence Blvd. Ch3rote, c 28212 704-336- n DalE EarTlar:lt Chevrolet 177~ HWJ JE ~outh Ne·N"on t": ~3658
l"nfuk -c ~IC
Team Chevrolet 40L J<ke Alexand~ r 31vd., NC 28 ' 45 70L-@6·9370 CHIY>LER Bo l"'ayberry Chrysler City 32Ll ~wy 7 4 We: 1 MoarcE, NC 281 : 704-233-8571 For: l"'il Chrysl ~r 80': wid Hill Roa:l Fort fllill, SC 297•~· 80~316-1000
828·16: - .: ~:1
GenyWood Auto Center 525d~e Al ~xand•r llvd. So Sali:buy, N: 28>47 704-6l7-9C90
Diar:Jobc :ile-.'Tolet 8101 Scu ~ El..d. Cha ·nn=, C 28273 704·35 ' - ~ KC
HurtEr Ch ·ysler 75()1 -outh Blvd. Chalcte, NC 28.1) 704 5; 1-6300
Dun ;ap-J:jnson Chevrolet 909 : .L~· York, SC :;~:; 803-33'- .C1
Ke e C~rysler 82n . lnd~pend··.:e Blvd. Cha lc:te, NC 28. 27 704 5;2-1cso
Arnc. d l'<lme· U::lillac 1J 72i Pnevill~ Rc .rJ n4-:>6
Sor n-. Hancock Chevrolet 19~ ;. ~Jew HofP- load Gaso1ia. 1\C 28e:.2 70L-ffi4-8?86
Fin . h lin• =ord 101" fo Je· Dive 5t<l6vil ~. -J( 28677 IOBH-3673
Folca Da•weo 4oor-.cla ~oal Charette, 1\( <8217 704-322-8L22 DOCGE Bob tolayb~rr 1 Chry:sk!r Citr 322C --lory ~4 \...est Mon CE, NC 2.3110 704-293-8:71 Carer n~ Dod : e 100:: :al]er Dr~e Stat51il=, 11( 28677 704-3i24--7C7•)
Hart:lson Fr d ES'X SoJtr n•d. ChTOltf. ~C 28210 704-352-n>:: Hilbsh Fo-CJ .incoln/MerOJry 260::: S. :am~1 Blvd. Kan""3pclis, ~C 28081 704-333-6~ 1'-
Fort tolil O.Od:Je 800 2Jic HII ~·ad Fort .iill, SC 29708
La icE Ford
[ ocge 480C :. _,d•pe-(jencE 8vd. Charx:11"' N::: 3212 704-335 5330 Keff~ -
LakE ..Jerman Jodg~ 207C:Tcm?1CE ~hapel Corn~ ~~ N::: ~3031 704-332 78)0
Fort Mi I Fo<d 78o ~ole fi ll toad Fort .J1ill sc 29715
Me hie li•a Jodge 852~ -outh Bv: . Char=t"' N: ~3224 704- Ji3 79)0 Tim l.atb~g e· Dodg ~ 287 • :Jno:or~ Pc kway N Cono c, NC 2:0025 704- ''2-97)0 FORI Burr5.Ford 111 E 9 ey 'ass ll'le;t Lanc<9e• SC 29720 803- •; 6-441 4
Cion tg•r For: 511 .3<e Alexar.Jer Bl•d S Salistuv. NC 2!' 14 7 70H:3-932'
LS H.vy ~0 Hurt ~rsv!lle rJ•: 28078 704-m-6:<W lur. s Flrd 738 wy 2: E:st AlbmarE, I.JC 28001 7J4-, 82 -1122 Moores .-me =ord 256 lJ. B·oa:J ~treet MocP-svile. ~ 0: 28115 7J4 -oi64-r:o: TOI\a & Cc:tntry Ford 5401 E. nd~j:Bldence Blvd. Cha bttE, 1\( 28212 7J4 ·36-5EO: Yo..-g Ford 54 · 1 N. fryer ~t. Cha·bttf. t--x: 28213 7)4 .98 - 2~3 GM : TRUCX. Ben lllyr att GMC Truck 2.39 con·: od : <wy South (Jn:>rd, NC ~8025 70L-: 75· 5(66
lo·;e-n b er 2 0 02
great~r c~arlotte
Dick Keffer GMC Truct 1001 Tyvola Rd . Charlotte, NC 2821 0 704-525-7650
Donal i Craig lsuZl 264 W. Pl•za Dri\>f Moores.tile, NC 2817 704-68- :008
Elrod GMC Truck 845 lancaster By ?3s; :: st Lancaster, SC 29no 803 -285-7442
Folgerls:.Jzu 5701 E lrdepencence 31vd. Charlot:e, NC 28~ · ; 704-515-3635
Griffin Motors 2500 W. Roosevelt Bl.d. Monroe, NC 28110 704-372-42S4
Griffin f\1 otors 2500 If". Foosevelt Rd. Monro•, t C 28110 704-372-1294
Griffin Motors 515 S. Anderson Road Rock Hill, SC 297~0 803-324-3119
Sale A.Jt:1 Mall 2105 lf"il~inson Eld Gastol)a, NC 28C54 704-8;;4-1567
Liberty GMC Truck 9028 E. lndependena: Evd. Matthews, NO: 28. Oo 704-708-80(0
JAGUJ!R Scott : a·s 416 TY"OI3 Road Charlol e. NC 2E 21 Co 704-5<7-1000
Sale Auto Mall 21 OS Wilkinson Bh·d. Gastonia, NC 280)4 704-824-4567 HONDA Everhart Honda 1015 Folger )rive Statesville, N: 2867/ 704-873-1891 Gerry Wood Auto Cemer 525 Jake Ale<ander 8 ~c So Salisbury, NC 28147 704-637-9090 Hendrick Honda 8901 South Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28273 704-552-2090
Honda Cars of Monre>e 2301 W. Roosevelt B•·j Monroe, NC 28110 704-282-0195 LaPointe Honda 7001 E. Independence Charlotte, NC 2822? 704-535-4444
LINCOLN-MERCLIRY Burns Ford-Mercury 1116 ~wy 9 By Pa;s N?;t Lancoster. SC 29no 803·286-L414 Finish Line Linccln · ll.l ? r : •r~ 1011 FJig?r Drive 5tJte;vllle, NC 28)77 704-873-3673 Hilbish Lincoln-r~era. ~ 2600 S. Cannon Bvd Kann3poli;, NC 23081 704-333-6914 Lum 's Lincoln-MercLry 738 Hwy 27 East Allemarle NC 28:JO 1 704-9E2-·m Queen City Lincolr -11 er =.Jr'o' 7301 South Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28: 1C• 704-5:3-8300
Fort IV ill Jeep 805 Geld Hill Roaj Fort Mi I, ;c 29/03 803-3S6-l 000
Sam Johnson Li•colm-IV ~cury 5201 E lndependmce 8 vc Charlotte, NC 28:1 ~ 704-3:5- 7 810
Gerry R•od Auto :Enter 525 Ja :e-=llexander Bll<d. ~o Salisbury, NC 281L/ 704-6:7-3090
MAZDA Donal :1 Craig Mnda 264 W Plaza Drive Mooresville, NC <!811' 704-560-3008
Keffer Jtep 8110 E. l1depend?1ce Blvd. Charloce NC 2822' 704-5:2-1050 Lake lo-man J~er 20435 ctartwell •:entral DriJE Cornel us. NC 28 )31 704·8~ 2-7800
Harrelson Mazd3 902S 5ou:h Blvd. C~ar o:te, NC 28~10 704-)52-8522 IV'ontgomery Mazda 673: E. lrdepend~nce flv:. C1ar o1e, NC 28~ 12 704-563-1510
Spark: Eep 1463 cor cord Pk\\y NJrtr Concoi:J, NC 28:;6 704- 3" 2-7784 KIA Gerry W:lod Auto Center 525 J~e .1\lexand~ - 31\d. So Salisbuy.. NC 2E. 4: 704-6: 7-3090
HYUNDAI Hyundai of Charlot1 e 8525 South 31vd. Charlotte, NC 2K 73 704-551-0664
Folge l<iia 5701 I. l1dependen:e Blvi Charlo.te NC 2821 Z 704-S: 6~635
Sonny Hancock Hyur :lai 3942 E. Franklin Blvd Gastonia, NC 28C 53 704-824-3500
Folge l<ia- Tyvola 400 Ty1oa Road Chari01E NC 28217 704-5. 2~422
INFINITI lnfiniti of Charlotte 9103 E lndependenc~ Elvd. Matthews, NC 281C5 704-847-9010
Sonn~ Hancock K~ 3942 I. •anklin Blvd. Gastor oa NC 28•)53 704-8:4 3500
LAND RJVER Land ~~e r Charlot:e 6940 I. hdepenjen:e Blvd. Charlc::tE NC 23227 704-5:64270
greater era -lct1= biz
:Gast•n .a N ssl r 275: I . =ron ~ lir El.d. Gast:-li< •JC BC~~ 7J4-!'6;.c Joo
:oa·tr of South Blvd
Harrtls.:>n Nis: a 1
:;JJ3~. U
157L cr~rry R>3c
"n ~
Rock -jil
s;.o · =:. So ;·h Blvd. •ll•re12, tK 28273 -=~·5:--6-0922
Suba ru :::-c · =:. lnc~pendence Elva .ar Clt', tJ( 28212
;c 2,T::
;;:o ~ -'r6·9~35
lndepe c~nce Jl. >sa1 690' E. lrde~et:d,.,:e 3 \d. Cha~Jtto, IK ;;g~. 2 704-:3:-<-:r 2
• Sl~e - Sutaru
'50 :if: uth 31vd. tJ( 28210
;o~ -= · ·63)0
Supeo-icr Niss.on 9215 SCJth Bl-.1. Cha~Jtto, NC ;9; 1J 704-:s:-9191
PON-It-C Ben _,I, 3tt PJrtiK 289 Cor :ad F-wt ~oL.1h Concorc. hC '3C1: 704-:7:-5066 Dick :KEffer Pt nliac 1oo· Ty-•da Rc 1d Charbtt=, NC :8~1J 704-~ 2~- '65C
: c~ ~ffet Suzuki JIBE -,Jol: Road : 1nc-.., r,•: 28210 :04 -~ 5-7: )0
:•::rai j Cr <ig Suzuki ;4i4 r 'la::a Drive ..-c<r"•illt;. NC 28117 :.0~-<::: 0-3 :·)8 ll)r(:.t.
: orr ger -oyota : I l•Q A.;xander Blvc. :.;,ts;:>..r;, I'< 28147
Elroc J>:l.-tiac 845 :y P'lls : L3nczstor, SC 37 ~ •) 803-:8~ - '442 Griffn )lot or. 2500W Focse- el [;lvc. Monoe ~ : 2: Jo:• 704-- 7:-~294 Griff n )I o1or; S15 ~.t:1 : erso• r.Jad fiocU-Ii l. SC 23/30 803-.;2-311~
Kirb- Fontiac 169l J.C: CJCh=nE Ey f'cs Ches ~r. s: 29;c.; E03-:r-414/ Libe ty Fonti;oc jw,,df·ce fi•d. Mar•e'-'S. NC 281•)5 104- ·o:-2ooo
: lar ~' s
Toyota •:it:r Independence Elvc.. : 131i•1e. ~= 28227 :•J.l.S 5- H72 o•:>J-t:
= ~)
...,..... fr Cntrntry Toycta := ) :'outb Blvd.
: 131i• :1e, 1-.: 28210 :oJl::'·1-75)0
1•· a of Concord :0 67 ColCCJ"d Parkway Suu:::>1 [ d, ~ -= 28027 : )~ 33-3)17 -,1•- ~ of Gastonia , 32 ,\ilkh;on Blvd. :ds-:::-8, I,: 28056 '}H~.l-T:/7
Sonny Hancock Mazx:.a 3942 E. Franklin 13vc. G3storia, NC 28C 5~ 704-3~4-3500
~ vd.
HUMMER Independence Humrr£ r 6700 E. lndependenc~ l!lvd. Charlotte, NC 28; 12 704-971-3400
ISUZU Diamond lsuzu 8101 South Blvd. Charlotte, NC 2821•) 704-551-64)0
Hendrick Lexus 5C25 E ln:Jepend<nc? 3 vd. ;:harbtte, NC 282 2 7(•4-568-L 122
JEEP Bob Wa~berry Chrysier uty 3220 1-w- 74 WE~t Monro•. IJC 281 · 0 704-28-3571
Hunte- Eep 7501 ':::lllh Blvd Charloce NC 2821 o 704-S: 1-3300
Honda Cars of Con :a:-d 855 Concord Parkwa) S Concord, NC 28025 704-376-0457
Tim IV arburger V1az:ia 238 :onord Parluvay \ CJncord. 'JC 28()25 704-784-3901 MERCEDES Bed: Mercedes 5141 E.lndepend~nce Elvj Cna~otte, NC 28:12 7)4-535-3400 MITSUBISHI LaPointe Mitsubishi 635' E. Independence Elvj Cha~otte, NC 28:12 7)4-531-3131 Larry Jay Mitsubishi 8415 South Blvd. Cha~otte, NC 28273 7J4-551-5500 NISSAN Con cord Nissan 955 Concord Pkv-.; 5ou h Conco·d, NC 28C25 7J4-372-7071
Raney '.\ario r Po1ti3: 180C H-" 15C J\1 Moc e s"ii e, N::: :311:; i04-;6 . d3o)3 SaleARI J Ma l ; 10::\'.J~ nsor !J.d. Gast• nE, '-JC : 9;54 /04-32J-~ss;
'"ri..JrSN.C.GEN C3r• 1--a Volkswagen - 3J J E Independence Blvc :·13 1>:-e, ~::: 28227 - ):l :J7-2336 "':lil!""Yagen South .lJ ~out· Blvd. •.131x:e, -1::: 28210 - ):l :32-6500 '"0 1..110 tr i-.,r,ity Volvo
-713 J.J. Tnon St. •:-a l:i:e, •JC 28213
PORi C; E Henilrt:~ Po ~ cke 682!: E ln:Jep2'1c~rce Chn:>t:€,N: ~l:C12
;o4-33 -:344 SAA3 Sa at ~ Cha· ~ = ;04: E l~depe1C'!f"Ce El1d. Cha ·ot~. N: !81;7 ;Q4-:J6: -10JC
-)4 :~7-1C95
"11[:1·• Jf ::harlotte --::4-J ~ ln:"pendence 8lv: J-.a l:t:e, 'JC 28227 --::4 ~ 33-1 coo
SATIR•J Satcrr> af C~ a lotte 703E E lndepe1c~rce fl;d . Charot?, N~ 2El:7 ?04-333-553( Sa!Jn cf COlle r:l 853 :cmord >Jr~ •\.iJY S.:J.Jt~ ConCJr4, rK ;;:sen ?04~82 -- 22'
Jer 20C2 Sll
b~ r::~n vinson
Balancir_g Business and Community Amidst natiolal
busin~ so ~ E:Qdlires f•
I of
l:lter~sls ,
on the OL :er
Ban~ . •Y
While Building Four Carolina Legends operati~ Oli:
wo -ld's
scandalous st:xies about cocpcrat-::>1 execJ-
only privately owle::l ln:ernatioml 3iosphere
tives, it's som:times h1rc to rem:mter tre
Preserve at Gran:lfcther Mountain, Hug•
Morton ha; Fiaye.:l a :ri:ical role
j:Eople w10 run tre O>.awhelrr-
ing majority of
busine> o es.Tho~ are :he
kinds of entrepreneuric.l ]e:ader.
n::: ~cted
res ~
annually into the Nor:h :::ar::>lilll BJ:o
Hall of Fame and wh::.s: c::>rtri:::J..Jt-::>13
[communit:t'biz I
Peggy Kirk Eell, owner, P inE N e:e es and Mid-Pines Rt=sort (So u::hem Pines,
As a World \V;3 r II combat protogrc.·
pher, he created w·xld-fa Tlous pictur;::s :>f
Vv'hen O h :>-bo·n
General Douglas MuA.rth Lr, Bo:> Hope ad the Battle of the Ph i ip:>ines, an:J
Roosevelt Ccr.ser'l3tion Atta- d federa l gover•ment.
<i"k wok up
golf at 17, littlE :lid ne n:c. i.:e Iter klture
been memor alized at th: recerdy =ened
Purple Heart and a Bronze Star for his
impact on the ptmE and
new headquarters in d:>wnt::Jvn Cko.rbtuo
service. After thE war, le continued his
indLstry in a fc.rawat sta-:e.P.Ic.-g tr:= .-.a)'.
photograplic record cJ North Cc.rolinc
she became a egen:.
(housed in ti-E offices c·fits
~fX=•scr- Juni:Jr
Achievement. ofthe Ceri:ral Caol•a< . a~ ~ite
well as on its new Web
<>. n Lt-e annual induction ceremc:n:' : his -n ~•
the totrisr
As an am'l.:eur, she "I'Cn t-e:
and the Universi:y at Chapel Hill. He headed the Carol inas Press Photograplers
International : :>ur-Ball il 194.:' "" : h
Associatio1 ir I'?49.
America's leall111g
He to:>k over the family operations at
~p ort!>"tciT'Eln
Zaharias as her pa ~er,
: :>nse~:um e
Elabe a~
tl- e
(Nov. 14, 2002) the H31 =>" Farre vl' l 3dd
Grandfatrer MoJrrtGi 1 in 1952.At that
four more
time, nearfy I O,:J()O :oJrists annucalty 'tisit-
championship; Arrong
ed the mountairt Mor: on aided cevelcp-
wins, she tool:. the '\Jorth/SoUI:h a1 d
ment at Lilville, Wli le pr::>motilg and p· o-
the Titleholder3 in 1949. AlC 3he
OL tstanding
t::l rts
exclusive ros:er for a to::a c·f 8- lu e;J.tes The Nortn Caroli na BL>in-=ss
Fame was established in I'188 tt:• r::-c:·gnize
tecting thE G ra-.::lnther Mourtain attn::-
business lead:rs who s goiicanrl;.· c:y-.:.-ibute
tion, whic h hous;ec more rare an::l endan·
to building dis state's ec:mcm} "'nd
where else in th: App1la:hian Mounn ns.
statewide service. lnduct=es int::• t~ -Jail cf
The Grandfather Moultcin Highl ;tnd
Fame must be retired f·on the: r;rima ry
Games were laulc:::P ed in 1956 triggering a
workplace or be at lea: t. 70 yeo.r; : .f age.
nationwide movement of Scottish herit1ge gatherings
Mountain, Inc. (Linvill:, N.C.) North Carolina ent place without
at the mounnin
:t. 1e·r
differ -
Wilmington, the Cape Hatteras Lig1: hcuse
Morton tc head tre LSS North ·:arolila Battleship
h ~r
I0 to:>Lrn c.Te ·t
PrO"Viding hmnru: resour~e!! and tr~
'l c~
Nortr Caroli na leaders calle:J on
preserving th= USS Nx: h Carol nz
climbed tc m::>re n an 250,000 tcoday.
gered species of flora and fauna than 2ny·
provide OLtstanding oTmUlit: ard
Hugh Morton, presider t. G r""3nd"ache:r
first of three
servicee to da b etter b usiness climate. •
Manag:!ITlen: and ht.Tncn resources l:rsining
Wages. beneits a T po Cies benchrmrk SJrYfli'S
Payroll 3:1d I:Enetits adlh stratirt Human -esoJ'Ce ::dli::!e ~di e
as pres d.ert o" the N•:>rth
e e e
Caro im Sports Hall of Fai'Tl-:
on in the early I 1&0;
and then cha ir the r;rEse -vation effort:; to:> protect th: Cape Hatteras Lig•thouse roc almo~t
twc decades.
-h snrted tr e f rst Nort.l
=3 :>I ina Azclea Festinl
(in V\oilrr inb(on in 1949), se ' ved
and co-<.u thored seve -a I l:u ·.J~.s such as .""1Cll<ir.g a Oiffuence .n Nortt
( 1983).
Over the years, "ortol has rec:ived numeroLS rec::gnitions, includi'1g the North Caro im A"''ard for Public
Computs' trailing
Employ:!-:! op nion s.r\'8!,'!:. Profes9.nal -uman resJDUl consult.g ard outsourcir J
Sening Employers Sinc:e 1958 The &lpl Dill'S io\ssccii"tion 3020 JI/BS't. AmMoo:l Ffi:d Clarlotte, 1\C :::927:: ~04-522-0C 'T 1 WWW.3mp. •ve rsas., c ..a~ rn
Servi:e :rtd the Theodore
greater crarlot:e biz
novence - 20C2 33
Alan Dickson, chainnan. Ruddick Corpo ratkm (Charlotte. l't.C.) Bek)re :harlotte beccm" c. major nome for reny Fortune 3CO ·: ompanies, there V'as :ile R.uddick Corpontion. Al;~..1 Dickson arc his brother S::La-t toc·k Rucdid: Co- poration pub I :::in 196 3. T "'1(: conglomen: e was centere:J :n Americ c.n & Efird Mils. ::Jne of the n<Jtion '.; mc.jor
produc-:rs d yarn and thread. c.s well c.s the Harr!; Teeter, Inc. food mark=t chah. $ales now e<:eed $2.6 b IL::n a year for the coq:c·ration.Aian an: h s brotre led the coq::oration to an I3--fcld incre:a.;e from in
$1 :.c• trillion in am ...c. I sale>
1969. AI;~.•
Dickson has :e -•ed as
c'la rmc.n fo - Ruddick. Bu: Aln Dickson's irr:::c.:t has be£n much nor: than just in two d iff-:·ent ~ened
Professioral G::Jif Associatioo (LPGA).
from B1ssett Furnitu -e to Lll'l·: e to BM k
short, !'he
just gettilg startEd on a
bus ine=:s caree - promot ng golf. In l 953, Pe:ggy and ller rew hL!Sband
SM·m is f~ed on i:eepi~ training dollars n Greatl:1 Charlotte b:o helping our community find all of its training resoJrces right nere- c:t horne. Save expenses and time by local, on~ source shopping! coYe:ts you with Charlotte's best • Training Providers • Local seminars 'lc worl:sbq>s • Facilities • AV Equiprrent • ... and more!
He has
became a charter mem:Jer of d-e Ladies AlthouJh 1er tournament nree:r was
bu;h~s leader ~ b
indu $ trie~
boat~ .
on rLmerous
of Americc. He has been
o-u;tee anj
c.dvisor for many edLcatic - a and putl c institut.on~.! uco
as Centnl =>iedmon:
Comm Jnity ·:o lege, Nor:t Carol na
Warrer "oullet'' Be:ll bought a course bLilt
State L niv:-:;ity and Presf::r:-:rian
by a frienc, Co1ald Ross.ThE cou rse wa;
Pine Neec les. in th-: North Carel m sand
half do:!en t:::un:lations,
hills. Prom::xilg Ncrth Carolina g·:Jif to pe<>-
Dickso1 FoJodation, wh idl s:tnpo-ts
ple throughoJt the coun:ry, they nelped a
many .,..ortl-while comrru.nity progran5".
nationa marke:ing renaissance that helped
He is active in n.o-e than a
0-..e r :be years,
in : ~..ding
Dick ~ :n's
gro·N jlcSt Jlder four mil ion U.S. ,i:Oifers in
c. od pub I c =ervice have bee:n recogni::ed
195.3 w rrcr-: than 27 million pla:-ers today..
with ttle \lll;~.tauga Medal f-on N.C.
Aoo h 1939, Peggy started offering
State, t1e
Award from
resort :,:olf school trips- G::Jifar s (coined
the Bo;- SccLts and the )Fi r it Award
from C-oif ar d Safc.ris) - began a rew tus i-
for Ou:stanaing Service
nes> trat ·,\'oold dramaticall:- groy, and
1-lu~eum .
f~· rn
the Mir t
cha'lge the fac.: of the golf and t::::>urisrr industry. She was named GolfTeKher of the Yea- in I 7~ I and is honored in the LPGA's Hall ::>f Fa me (Teacl-ing), among many ether he nors. In ] 991, Peggy Kirk Bell expanded the N:edle~
operation by buyirg anothe-
Donalc Ro$S cour>e and resort - MidPines
In "ecognitior of h-:r euts:ar ding cortritutic·n:s to &a me 1ati :ma ly and to the Ncrth Ca·olina golfing indLs:ry, t he U.S. Golf As~ociation awarded the Wemen's U.S. Open to Pine Needles Resort: in I S96, 200 I and Lpcoming in 20C7. The Men's U.S. Open follovred ro Pin eh u- st in I 799 with a returr in 20)5 .
greater char lo:te: :)iz
The late Jam:s J. Harris, fanner
CoJTeebms ..
Fresident.F!Mes J. Harris & Co. (O.;trlotte, N.C.)
J. H~rris
left 1is
t::;~o rgia
in 1933 to puGue his irsuran:= :aner in Char otte.AJong the way, he ch n :;ed th:: face of the city, as v•ell as ochef' commun itie5 around the state. As a c e'o'Eloper, f- arr s and h::u~
JA~r :ners
~hor:ping ce~er
Cct$..Va d
tt e
to the ( I"' Pto 'r'OIJ ... at tle pJsh :)t a BUTTCtr'-J! WE ~ pEci3li22 in cofEE hous2 quali y br€V"e: fres h for _:'CU 3'1d ycL- clients using the Espres;o brewir:g '11€thod
and nea.-t>y
ng. and Ia Jnched the SouthPc. -•. devel-
tr: •m the
that now incluces off CE$,
Let us show
yo: u how to make
a lc: stir ;J .:ir~ L im:Jr-= ss on!
zn:l :me of the state's najor si-c )F · g centers. Bo:h development5 have be:cme nuiooal models for othr connt.dties.
-larris fourded QucJI Hoii•::>W
OJ:er : o
0Lb and brcug1t the Kemper
Q-adotte. He a so worked on :lt:·,eb pments in :>ner cite; i11 the state. Amon& his civic sef'!ice, he chc. red the Garlotte-Mec~ len burg
fi ~m5.
Hospital .l..ut· o -ity
on 7 major boards of ::..::xnmer-
f-e al;o servec on ti-e
d UtK Charlctte,Wes:ern C1·::li· c. Davicson, Queens Colleges and ocher higher
t1 ~ "'~CAin
illSti:utions. He led
<Wld ""as a ma or suFpo•t e·.
clo1a1ing lane fc·r the Hcrris YMCA The Charlotte NeV'os sele::e:l Harris
as the ir Man of the Year in 1960. H1rris set L4J
philandro::>ic trust that s: il l ir'fl'lCts
ti-e Carolinas. j.1mes J. Harris in 1985.
hr more
in~rmation •Jr
a~te d
th'.! 'lrnuallnaucion Dinner of the No'lh
Hall of Fame, cont:'C:
s•a1non Merlin :~t Junior tlchieverr€1lt 704-!>63-4855.
gr.:: c. ter ch c.r lotte biz
n cv em:Jer
~ 002
by susanne deitzel
lfSt Banking
n Success
C.utomers First F rst Citizen'; downtown brc.u.:h and e::::ecutive office s flc.r.kctl by orne fi~rce industry compel tors, but that isn't both
First-citizens Ban-< 8 Trust Company,
eti-g William Bradd:>' and Allen Woodv,·;ud todat- Rather than
dfbfai First Citizens Bank
w:my about vJhatthe guys down the stteet are d)ing, they are ITl.l ~ h more concerned Wlth what they ;:w:e doing .o show you
Headquarter5: Raleig 1, NC Established: 1898
tho R rst CitL:~ns 1s :·,e best choice for /OUr ban <ing needs.
Charlotte '"1c:in Office:
vVhile FiLSt Citizens is a bit smallt · than some of C1c.r.:me's banking s:ions (60th in th~ nation), it is definitel}
128 South Tr;on StreEt
m:::• ; iag up the ::anks and th ese gem cnen say :hey are doir.§
704-3:!8-400) or 1-8E8-FC DIRECT (1-838-323-4732)
it 01e customer at a lime. Allen Woo:l-vard, exEcutive vice p~e;icem of the ~l.:etro Re,3ion, explair ;, "One cf the most sig-
Regionall"la1agemert: ~xecutive
Allen Woodward -
C tizens , it's a rari .y that we lose them ." By seeking and creal·
William Braddy,
irg c. em relatior.shps carefully, he ac.J , "First Citizens w 1k~ to keep that ::Lien: for life."
Emplo:,.tees: Over 5,0CO; 349 in Mecklenburg County
Wood war_ attribu:es First Citizens' ~ nviable ack of client c.t r tion to se1·eral qt.alities integral to is« "Custome-s F:rs:·· ?Olicy that is
character. One of
mxe ike a l113ntra. T-.e bank is constanly making internal
grEa:er charlotte biz
than just a slogan- i·'s
nifi:nt diffe~nces = ::a>v when I joined First Cftizens was the in::;-e.:.ible loyalty o:· our clients. Once 1 client is with First
Metro Region
Area executive
Branct·es: O•er 342 i• NC, VA and W'J; Over 26 in Charlotte Ranking: 60th
in US; $11.86 bill:on in a;sets
www. fi rstdtizens.con r ovemter 2002 37
natt. 3L barriers thr cculd ma·-2 b.mking
and xcount limits. We hJ."e creat-:xi packges that help ;mall bJ3inesse3 grcov. lather thlr pv con5traints or them and -c:ve achieved g ~eat p~netration with
di Tic:ulL for the clier:.L Ar. example of hs is the orening of tl:'ir new South ark office on M:niscn Blvd. "Tl-~ hranch cat .his one is P-placing wc-:;c't as con·en ent for pco"Jle as it she-Jld have toeen The TIE\.<' So.tthPark lo:::_tiJn has inc-eased prL·c:q and comf•rl, ·Jetter v::h.cular acces· ;end more ccn:~nient c~i-;<
thnugt lanes anc X\lls." Ad :is f.raddy, the 1 ecklenburg .11,_-e~ executr1e, "These !itt..~
:hmgs mean < · c<."
t nltlattve
group, 1rc the A!KM1/nitiative c.nd call Den6e!
gu access tJ . he kind o)f servi:::es
an ' e-ucrnal critical txaminations of the c[)en· e;:perience. T:1~ · r goal is ~c dimi-
t 1EY -.eeded, due
smal business
prohibit ve f::::s
bm~jn?; se~vices."
_1.nother vital
C · i.zens'
gro\• h is the adv H•ry -:>le of
tne bmker, Wli·: h : raddy nd \Voce. ..vard en vi>ion becotr ing rn:>1e and rore imr;onar·. " A~ t't~ wal s continu ~ o be br•)\,en dowr tet-veen :>anki:1g ;nd other servi:::es like itves.ments an:i t:~-tate pia 1ning, there is a lc·t more t~
Your Bu ness Their Business Fi-st Citizens also ,.orne
their trnmg sen i::es. For
k1Cow." '!laddy says th~t 1 fucdJmentJ.l ba 1!:: ng role to aduess ::usmes~. c ients' ne~u is "relationsh p" A bricl3: between the teller windo·,v and
the :;· reet, the relatiJnsht:J bank~ ts
e;.al'tlf\2, Woodw:n:l -.ays tha. on:: of the pr_mary goals "'' .15 to devcop a speciLl? ·ar serving ,,at businr.>ses. "In
the pas: , small bt:sm<:sses wer~n't able
ture; and needs, an:l dir::cttr.g r:-em to
for Jei"lg an advocate. o·:era\1 finnci.:l pic-
client~ '
Cenise Altman, IVI3A 704-708-6700
www al~maninitiative . com
november 2C02
greater :1-ar lo -:-:e biz
the right opti•Jns. I· create> an umbrella unde- which ::verything fnm bu siness and r·crscnal accounts to <'State planning 1nd insurance ncx:ls : an be managed h combinat on. J -addy ext=laim , "Rela ion, hip bankng is built on the persc:ral relatlon5h.p "lith the client on fa11ilicrity wit1 the dients firancial hisw-:: ard future plans. I: is a prtnership .:-eared to get the: big pi.:rur::, not just :JC.dress an imoed1te need. '. 'i/hilc focusing on :-oster ng a strons client- Janker r~lationshi p First Citizlos l-as also 5iver attention to the burgc:onir.g fdd •Jf or ine b;; nking servic.c:s. Busiless On~ne Baokin5, or BOB, offe -s accoun : mmagement features created to free U"J time for •Jwn ::rs to cot::entrate on tuil:ling their Jusinesse.:; BOB also prov; check-ima5e viewL1g online. R -sr Citizens has =ound .he online devebpment services ~ o be complimentary t::: the relationshi~ bank ng and vice 'trsa. 'vVood"'c.rd e.xp ails , "Branch bank ng and online bn king work toget-er. 'vlany banks invested heavily
in e'pensive oohre technology are finding _hat people arc::'t a5 quick tJ C.o all thei- banking Jn:i:e. They are paying for it now. L is criti:al to find the : igh _ inte.sration b::rwem the t·..vo . "At the sJmc tine , the advent of onli:1e banki1g has maC.e pecple reali~ the :1.eed for fnc.n : ial counseLng. Mary loans ;;ncl rrortga5es offered onlbe are lit ::~ 1nre than a CoJr:J.modir::. a:1.d that is file fo- so11e people. rowever the ::tgl-.t advice anc. a view o{ the ::>igger pi: ru-e can provide a better stru : tured lo;m !Dre clo5ely c.ligned wit!- a client'3 fina - cic.l goals. That kinj o[ p:: rsonal s::t v·cc we can provide through relatic•nshp bnking is irreplaceable. " All in the FamJ y At first g.ance the pcsition of a ban like First Cttizens appears akin to b::irg stuck bet'vle::n a rock and a hard place. On om hrrd, on line bankir:g services like E-lcrd ing and Lending Tree are invaJ · n~ oar_ an:! mortgage territory. Or_ the ether hand , '' super
size" banks formed via recent m ~ rgcrs and acquisitions h ave c<.pital reso _ r:es beyond First Citizens tc spend c n things like techn :•logy and persc rroJ. Still, say the compny executives , this is their niche, :heir comfort z::•re. As a family-contro lled l::ank , First C:tizens has ::>peratedl04 years ot cring a sense of security, fami y, and a mLual respect with its clients &cross the _3ble. Woodward says , "Small busines5 o,gners get the sense tha: a5 an ::nganizati: n, we have been in their shoes. Th is opens th e door for a lot of dia ogue anj st. bsequently, ur..ders .andiiJ.?,. " There are also other benefit5 t.b.:n First Citizens can claim as a f:nnily~: on trolled entity Woodward explairs "Eecause of our continuity of ownersbp , we can work toward stable, l:ngterm goals and our cherts can luv:: the utmost confidence that .ve are g J in.~. to be around for a long time. " This hisury explains wh} tl-e :lank is also shelteed -,em re:::ent feats regarding accountability ~mel the sc.m :la ls like Enron and Tyee. "TJ--e owners ,, f )>-
We've crossed s tate~ orthe~ ::.trt \Vith a relaxed state of mind. 'V _l ith its se~e ne rrivare
: ticg, colonial design and state-of- the-art techn o.og·{, it's e~ ) w >-.."<'! why Virgini a C ro ings Reso rt is -ega rded as the Ri chmorL a~a ' preemin ent co nfe rence "ac ility. Tb e resort fe a tures lu> u~ ic u - gues t roo ms J nd >uites , ::lega nt ame niti es and ILsh gard =r- s:x-ead across 20 beautifull y landscaped :teres. For bus in ess , 0\ r ::3,::00 qu are fee t of o eeting space, -hree executi ve be arc! r·. • rn and a ba llroorr. sea tit:g up to 350 p;x,r le are a·•a i ~a b l e. A-d n J»r th at the prope rty is man:tged by nchmark Hospitality, . _=tngs , co nfe rence> and e·; ents will bi! ,-,ore memon ble th an e...-zt""
The r;--.~ T I'O.Sure of mee ting~.
1000 Virgi:1ia C "11:' "A"'<wuy, Glen Allen, \'A 23059 804.'Z'. J1C.(l • 888.444. 6553 wwu_ Ll.bgi• ~rossingsreso n . com
greater charlotte biz
nc·vember 2J02 39
our com pany are also its top management, so it is not in their best interest to nake han-term decisions that are going to have a negative impact over tillL."
Counting on Growth
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Fir t itizens Annua l Report cited mouest growth in 2001. The report expla ins that its core net income rose 6 percent and tha t, despite pressure fran intcrest rate cuts and higher charge offs major industry mergers and acquisitiors, the 9/ll tragedy and the econonic downturn, "co re earnings retrained stabl e in 2001 compa red with the previous year." Woodward says th is accomplishment can be credited to the conservative nature of First Citizens Bank. "Because of our focus on smaller businesses, we have a lo. more diversity in our credit portfolios So, if one company or industry dots get in trouble, we can still cominue sprE:ading our business and support those co mpan ies who are having modes. success." Braddy adds, "We also deliberate!> wmk on cultivating a diverse mix of clie ·lls, and there are so me fields that are more stab le than others, like law pra•:tices and physician practices. By mab ng sure that we maintain and de _lop thi s mix, we can also provide a more stab le environment for our cli e1ts ." When asked about the current economic environment, Woodward admits, "Th.ngs are still pretty soft. A lot of our clints in manufacturing and warehousing have been dramatically affected by the downturn and are definitely holding on lo a wait-and-see mentality. So they aren't currently reinvesting in their companies, adding new people or locations." "Pe rhaps," he continues, "when thir gs slow clown in terms of layoffs, we .viii stan to see a change. Last quarter 1acl an avalanche of layo ffs . Also, statilization will be quiet since more companies an nounce layoffs th an they do 'lew or re-hires." Braddy ad ds that, "Everyone is trying to ga uge the eco nomy, consumers and next year's budget. It is just go ing
greater charlotte
to take some time. "
With 5,000-plus employees and $11.86 billion in assets, First Citizens is commiued to fueling its own stayin5 power. In mid-September of this year, it announced a strategic realignment designed around major markets when.: they want to focus more energy. By splitting North Carolina's former thr~ e regions into six, the bank will be ab路e to better respond to and meet the nEeds of its markets, clients and asscciates Charloue Metro is one of the bank's new regions and is expected to see more growth under the new o-ganiz::ttion. Woodward says, "To be succes5:fu! in North Carolina , you've got .o do well in Charloue. " Components of that success are multifold. For one , First Citizens reports an aggressive new external branding campaign titled, "Do Something Amazing." Corporate communications say that the message "is intended to highlight how a banking. relationship with First Citizens can help people transform their gcals into amazing achievements. " The office also repons tha: in addition to the ad campaign, First Citizet5 is expanding their reach into fast gmv, ing regions of the southeast, introdu::ing new products (such as their no- :-:~t checking account in June 2002), and enhancing their delivery channels. Expanding on the message that !hey are "here to stay," First Citizens has opened a distinctive 24,000-square- 路oot. facility in their headquarters market ir Raleigh, expanded the reach of sister company, Atlantic States Bank with a new division called IronStone Bank n Texas, Arizona and California, and c::r:ttinues its quest for increased efficiency in all delivery channels. It is notable that First Citizens has been called a "fortress " by indus_r? analysts. This "fortress" works hard to protect their clients' money. By making your money work hard for you, First itizens plans to acquire and keep your business. biz
Susanne Deitze/ is a Charlotte-bosed freelance writer.
greater charlotte biz
Stocker Associates, Inc. provides general contracting services. specializing in commercial1ntenors and build to suit construction with a h gh degree of personal serv1ce and 1ttention to detai . We have a un1que understanding of the need for precise upfi work, performed on schedule, at a competitive price, and with min1mum disruption to the workplace.
For a co:1.sulting exper:icn=e that won't leave you dazed.
~------------------------------------ ~~~i~路 Strategy & Bus i n e~s I :.Js路omer Relationship Management I Prog ram ,Ya, Jgemen t Appl ic ation Development I
PO Box 49551 :harlorte ~~ort, :::::.-oli'"lC 28277
november 2002 41
Mona ha:1 G D p l ro 'ide "'igh-1 ~1 tnancia e2iptlt=sr' o co 1pan e ... ar~e d small and i does i itt flexib t! sche es anL currently an all fen1 e ~t ft: Whn ycu hear t:.a l Mc•'1agi"UD Srotn . pon'<J'"S .m · nn·.d 8-•.:'!'ir g :rip ir ,.te :.= d
J gc· ](
sion, you suspe:::t tb ~'s sCI-ethhg 1JJTU3JUlb)..Jt -!-is - nar.:_al c::-c.;_]jng ::otT.~:<;- ·, qu .. k glarce c1rcound the C•JIT par} 3 office suik rray 'Gtrl; Rule" pillow tc~sed
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·n. U net. ?£-xp; t3 .be rc<>~r v.- _h c; fish.
1a::1ging frorr. the are chi :i- .jzec cb E S•2<' llc re_ arc·u.l.:f :. '/0<. s:cckec. w :h ·.:.h ld ·er 's \ deos ha :"inal_y give:; it
13eth Monaghan started her -esp~ ct~d
v-c -'':JT< hec ar::
: rr.en anc all ;::n ~ e·.Jble
::o1TIJry b ~Cclll3e ::he hld 5C•T.Je.iins to pro·, e:
s-:: V":nted
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and l.lkeo ~crious.:; in _hE buoi:J.~ C•J""" nil:y -N_lie :nc. n.:- g .§O: i d.::d' b ::-ts ·a- her fan ly
and he-self. A. fer o)[ l
ten years of worJ. it".§. a. a =rA with r E'g F ve ·c:c•t ::-t.T~ f:i-ro c..nd 1s chd ;in:tr'cL:d ofi cer
mdc.le na-ket c :>mpa!.;, Mc.a lm
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3h: ·;need ::; C•) -
t.Se hel
expe-ieme and skillo in the wJrk: .: g v.or..i. bw ::hf dso \\a:lt~d '-' :p~:-.c. mere_ -r~ -.·: th 1:~- fanily ·'Th.e idea that, 'l you_ ng,sle ii "isht ·;c•L arr ha\ ~ ic all, .s \-J:<:>g." say~ l.!(coru-g-a:t. "Its abo_( o:hoJices., not about l:J.ding l -e ri~h . :ala-r::;;:
srEc.ter chat- ot-:e biz
an accounting mess, or to work with
Group, PLLC
a company going through a growth change. " When Monaghan started Monaghn
Own.,.r: Empklyees:
www monaghangrp.corr
In creating Monagh;m Group, . 1onaghan -ejec e ll11l co nora~ culture in which 'g:x d" emJ)loye~s
Ins ·ad.
work 60 hou ·sa ,..,.~k m n
created :m <minnrren
wh· h a _group oi e.·pene'lc~d and sUe women ·ou ld work 41) hour.; ·>r
1 ~.:·~
still mal e an Important c ·nbibu ic 1 •c•
Lhe business c•m munily. "Thl clit!r t doesn't care '1-JJw
ho s yc•u put in,'' says M >mgh n
JUSt wan$ tl e job done. Our;: pprcac is.
lle-e's the work. do it.' T"e e's
ben.:: fit f )r the client bi!CC.U~e We're • r~
effirilnl <1'1U wr} lime lows.:: :· Mo1aghan Group offe:-s :tigh te--d , intcim :tccounting and finan.::ial t:.X?"rtise .o help grew or change a :ompar; or !:) im:::>rC·\·e its overall e:Tic e:1CJ. CoLSulto.nts fill 2. wide rc.nge of pos tiors fran interim CFO, :on rolkr, VP ::>f finance, account:ng ItlG:nagu, finrncia· analyst and aud:tor in b Jtb sm<: II and;:ed com::·an: ~s. T:te: corw.pan·J also assists with s:tJrt-t~n• pro_ ects require :;pecific ;:~ccool_· ing expcr:ise "Ou · consultants g::> in:o a siLJ<:L Jn whc:re a problem has b~en id ~ r.tif ed asst:;s it and then come up ·v;-ith ::~. p ;;m to fx th~ problem", says :\1or_aghc_n_ "Finally, they :mplement the :>ian _ O · we may g::> a compar.y tc clec.n -..p
n:::>vember 2002
excellent personal skills. "They were very helpful in buiUing team spirit and morale," she says ,
' ~od
very cognizant of the time deadline f.Jr
Group, she recruited women who had the same priorities she did. he was able to add consu ltants to the Group who had a wide range of experience with former Big Five accounting firm:; and private industry. "Making sure you find highly qu.ol -
completing the project. We agreed ·Jn a schedule ahead of time and had very little need to adjust it as we went a ong. We also had excellent communicat...:m, receiving weekly written reports." Monaghan, age 42, is a North Carolina native. She was born in
fied people is key, " says Cyndee
Chapel Hill and earned a B.A. frorc Appalachian State with a focus in
Patterson , former partner in Patterso:J Blake, Inc. and currently president o[ the Duke Mansion and Lee Institute. "There are a lot of women who are committed to their careers, who wan! o do the work and enjoy the financial awards, but don't want the long hours of a partner track in a large accounti:J& firm." Patterson hired the Monaghan Group this summer for a four-week period when the Duke Mansion neecj::i an interim CFO. The Group kept the day-to-day operations going and dTe'...r up some written procedures for the non-profit organization, in addition to reviewing resumes for a permanen. officer. "It was just a wonderful experience," says Patterson. "lt was amazing how quickly the consultant got in and picked up on things and started rolling with the daily operation." Since its founding in 1996, the Monaghan Group has served over 125 clients of all sizes, ranging from startups to Fortune 100 companies. Amon; the firm's clients are First Colony Coq: , Sara Lee Corp, Bank of America, Springs Leasing, and Krispy Kreme. Until 2002, the company saw a grow.b in revenue of anywhere from 30% to 80% each year. Two years ago, the company expanded by opening an office r Greenville, S.C. This September, it opened a branch in the Raleigh! Durham/Chapel Hill Area. One recent client reports that her experience with the Monaghan Group in troubleshooting an accounting problem "was extremely positive." The cli~nt says the consultants had both an indepth knowledge of their business arc
management Five years later, she returned to tne Univeristy of Non!-. Carolina in Charlotte to earn a secrn:l degree in accounting, although she had despised her accounting classe~. the first time around. "l couldr.'t wait to get to my sullmer job at the beach to throw my accounting books off the end of the pier," she says. Still, five years as a sales repre5 ~r.ta- tive for Nabisco Brands (now Kraft Foods) had t:mght her the value of accounting. In 1987, she went to v.o~k for Price Waterhouse (now PricewaterhouseCoopers) as a CPA and, severr years later, she became the CFO of a middle market company in Charloce. In 1996 she resigned and took a fe-v months to reassess. Having a child was a life-changing event. She wanted tJ work, but sh~ also wanted time to spend with her family. The answer was the Monaghan Group. "I loved creating something froll nothing," says Monaghan. "When \.. e started , it was just me. There were 1.0 partners, no loans. lt's my name or_ t 1.e company and nothing is more imp·.•rtant to me than my reputation." However, Monaghan found the heb and support she needed from the business community in Charlotte. Lead ~ rs like Rusty Page of Rusty Page & Company, Allen Brown of First Cobny Corporation, and john Pipkin, formerly with Bank of America , were will in& t·J serve as mentors. "This city has been so receptive t.::> us, giving us work, referring work 10 us , and being a sounding board," she says. "lt blows me away the people \.\ho
greater charlottE b z
ha\'e ·xen dfered a similar wo:-k strLcture b:: thei- new ~ mployer. ·o .n ctents saw tha t th.e flexibility o: hoL:-s wcrkzd 3.S c.1 in:e· im solution me trey w.llin§; :o .r? it as a p:n pernane::1t 30 ticn ' she says. \!Lc· b,·::s the :oncept of fl~xible \'IO k ·,a·.:rs and part-time
l-ave bc~n willing to sp~nd time ar d energy giving me advice." Monaghan also ··aund some VI.E.llcua ified CPAs who wee eager to ·;;ark with her. _eve ral had k::lO\'/TI her >.nce t:l.e Price Waterhouse d3.ys All were itterest~d in working in a different cultur~ [rem the traditioncl c:nporat~ en•iror.mem. "I thought this wodd Je abou· mammies,' said Monaghan. "I though _ the cor::ept of flexible ·No -k hours would Jpreal primarily to women vit.h fa :nil es. I was surprised." Paui Walker, who no·.v heads the Gre~nville S.C., brmch , vasn't e,rm married w:1en she s . art~d ·Norkin~ ·Ni.h the Monaghan Group four years c.go. Howev::r, she finds the flexible w:Jrki::J.g ho J rs c. "tremendous bwefit." "I can't imagine anythmg else >ow," ~a>s W;~lker. "I coul.::l nevu go baC:k to the 80-1our work week cdture ." On~ of the commo:1 [:itfalls cf · unnins a cor:sulting fi:-m is losing y:x..r employ-ees to your clients When c. consulunt serves w~ll as a tempcrar y ofrt:er, the client m3y want to hire hepe--nar:en .ly. Although Monaghan Gr:up :1a~ lost very feW' onsulta:U>, 'Na. ket sa·1s those V"ho ha·;e beer: bred
greater charlotte biz
em:>lcye::s ::auld ·Nork for •: ther corrpanie~ s··u: hJpes the 1cnc.g:-_an Grou::> rna·; impc tl-e Cha:-loue bJsiness conmumty by c:-:2nging .h£ way sor::E CF)'s lo:Jk at th~ . r wc- k fc·:-ce. PatErso:•n;:es. "Jf more companie> c:: u d figure J ut r::>V" to utilize the o:cncrp., ne:; would re:; lly benefit. lt em · 07Vt::- the ::ost of doing business , "'·ht!e still1lltocting quality e-nrlcye:.:s JY givng tben 1e ability to lu\ e a li_'e aw3y fu-n th :: office. " A 'ter 9·11 Lura Cor_ n~ decided it -.,' a> timt tc• stat wrrkir.g less and hvir.g -nJre.. She hac ~n cwn Monaghan for se·J"er: y::ars ar.d kr::VI. h~r reputatioTL La~ : 1-Jarch Conn ~ r went to war:-: forth~ Mo::ta§har Group and in Septe;nt~r rebc:1 .ecl tc the Triangle a-ec: to •Jpe:l t he Rlleigh!D·Jrl· a-.JChapel ~-{ill ofice. " l. y time is :rul? r oib e," she s3.:;s. ·::,·en with a "Jroposal dLe :lt 9:00 a n. t·le ne .~t dc.y, ~ c:n t-:1 1 :o- a marathon and s:op fc:r cinner. l shOJ= for grocerie~ en tvionda;s ct L:OO p.m , c.voiding :he
we ; kend crunch." Conner says Monaghan has been successful because she started with .1 vis on of building a consulting pract ·ce thcrt would make money and still allow people to work on their own terms md she stays focused on that goal. "She keeps the vision in the forefront ," says Conner. "With all her dr ve and direction, she has never lost sight of .he vision. She has a fabulous pe-sooality and enjoys meeting people and that's what you need to build a bminess. " Monaghan, who has seen her business grow phenomenally every year. had to face a different set of circumstances this year. The slowing econc•-ny hit hard. "It took me a while to realize tha it wasn't about me," says Monaghan. ' 'm no. doing anything wrong." When the company stopped grco Ning its revenue this year, Monaghan took time to focus on what the company could do beuer internally. She sp~nt more time and money on marketing crEating a Web site and brochure, a-d ne .working. She talked to other bu~· ne;s owners going through the sam _ thing. She considered how the com -an·; wc·uld grow in the future. Despite the slow down, she felt t wc:s time to open the Triangle office. Ev-entually she hopes to have satell~ groups in ten cities in the Southeas· She also doesn't want the company to be limited to women. Several men have worked with the Group on short-term pojects and she plans to hire a male consu ltant within the next six mon• ·,s. "I don't believe flexibility is a "VOmen 's issue, " says Monaghan. "raving a fulfilled life is not just a women's issue. Especially after 9/11 . fe"<Ver people are willing for their professional life to be the main driving fo -ce in their personal lives. This is a good time to focus on why you're in business and if it's just to mak ~ m.::mey, that's not enough. You ougr to be willing to change the world." biz
Ccsey jacobus is a Charlotte-based freelance writer. november 2002. 45
Dr. Jonallan Cllristenbury, founder Jf Chr stenbury Eye Center.
"C :I
aE 0
0 J: 0..
by ori L riley
ita E Esing
e Busi ess o oct •
See1ng Patients s ~!lo eThan a 20-20 Proposit.on
Tre Doctor
C•l01J=any N::tme: Cb rist~nbL r:,
Eye Cell:;-, F.A.
Presicent: Dr.Jo-at han D. Ch ist;nbu ry, t1.D.. Ffi..C.S. of Emplo-,ees:
Jr. Jonat1~~~ Chisten:.u r~; pJIIS" :)ff his blue surgical c3p in preparation f or h i:: ne>.t appoi1t11ent, Jrobabl'y his 11ost diff cult. --le "Nill have to 5it ~till ·o- al hour, lc ng ercu•:;Jh ~o o:ompletE an interviEw.
an:roximar:::ly 50 3~
"'l ·:: id 25 :c:taract 5vgeries today," he says, smiling, tefore even
Chrlotte, r--IC 282 1I 7.:~-3~-9365
5ibn;J do"" ~~. '' n2J ake f v= t ·: l sEven 11inutes each. The quicker
a Statesvl le, NC o:fic€]
the su·gery. the safEr
He ;_:Jrc:ts a pile of p3pers, glances over
t, crd begi1s signir g eacr page. ~ great:: - charlotte t: iz.
november 2002 47
In his next breath, he asks if I have kids, then mentions his c•w11 , talking proudly as any father wo_ld. We talk a
arnLal checkup w·th ;;:n eye chart and c doi•:E o- r:e:w frarr.e s. :1as be:ome a multi-billion dolla- induSTJ with
linle about his history in Charlone -h.= graduated from Charlotte Christian, where he played basketball and soccer. But he quickly diverts the subJect off hi11 and onto other maners. He tells the stc•ty of his parents' marriage , and how they sunived the attack on Peal Harbor. Ch ri stenbury moves Jt a pace much
ecuiJmem that riv<~.l' .h e space prognrr. Acceordi ng to th~ Am.::rican Acacemy cf O phtl:-al:-!""obgy, about t"-O m \li.:::>:.1 people h ac l;;~ r ·. isJn co rrection surgery in the Uo..itec States last year. -:-his k nd of sur§e1y- fast and effec i•1e - seems ta lo~-mJoje for a doctor
like doctors on an episode of ER, but for him, it's not so mud· aboJt emergencies as it i about efficiency. He ri~Es every morning at 5:30 LO work out, a"'ld begins his work day before lT.ost peop e
with Christenbury's d:...-nan~isn. Since l ~· 9': , CJ--.ristenbur>- h.os _J "'laS perfo -!11Zd mo~e than 35.COO procedures.
froz en, and reshaped before reattaching it to the eye. This technique was used only in the most severe cases, for patients who had little or no eyesight. A protege of Barraquer's, Dr. Luis Ruiz , deve.oped a mo re modern way to perform the surgery, called Automated Lamellar Keratectomy (ALK) , which wc.s used for more than 10 years to correct
household term. The a ronym stands for Laser-Assisted Stromal ln-Situ KeraLOmileusis, and it involves creating
moderate and high degrees of myopia. ln the ea rly 1990s, Christenbury studied under Ruiz , and began per-
a Oap on the cornea, removing a sman amount of tissue from underneath, ard replacing the Oap. Patienrs spend onl:-o a few minutes in surgery and have better
november 2002
cataract surgery." When he entered the field however, Christenbury had no idea that laser eye su rgery would take off the way it has. "I love it," he says. "l love what I do ."
The field of corneal shaping was just beginning in the 1950s , when a professor in Colombia, Dr. jose Barraquer, created a technique in which a piece of the co rnea was removed,
and clears my mind." Christenbury runs the ve ry succe,;sful Christenbu ry Eye Center on Randolph Road, and is i:- ternationally known as an authority on corrective c::e surgery. In Charlotte, he : an e credi1cd with turning th e wo rd "LASlK" inLO a
understands the new rul::s of practicin.~ medicine. The business of medicine - including that of vision correction - has indeed changed. onsumer today sh.~p for surgeons the same way they shop for cars. vVhat was once as simple as :t."l
would replace hea rt su rgery," he says, "but there would always be a n eed for
Early Vision Correction
have had thei r first cup :·f coffee. "l have more energy becau.:;c I exercise every day," he say . "lt w;1kes me up
vision almost immediately. Christenbury is so v,e ll bown in Charlotte that it's easy tc think of hiiT as a marketing expert rat 1er tha n a skilled surgeon. Some pundits even accuse Christenbury of being too interested in marketing to the massesmuch the same way scie"!tists accusec Carl Sagan of exploiting astronomy b~ bringing it to the average person- but Christenbury seems unf<zed. Truth is he can explain the most tech ni cal and complicated procedures - in great detail - better than many physi:s p ··ofessor5. lt's no surprise, then , that he a lso
a tremendous kind of operation."' His decision to pursue ophthalmology rather than cardiology was partially based on the new techniques in angioplasty. "There was talk that angioplasty
Ch.::>osi.-19 a Career in rvlicrosurgery '1 al-...ray:; wanted t:J be a marine
:Jiolcgist " says Ch-istmb ..H y who spent 'lis e:~ rly cl: ildhooc in Ne-fo k. "My Jackyard wc.s litercll; :he b.::3.Ch. But ..vben I went to colleg~, I :oJnd out that 11arhe bio ogists dor:'t s-::~rd as much inc in the ocean c:s t"::-e} :lo in the lab ." His bcus chansed tc ::>re:-med . '\Ler recei\ing an und~rg · aduate degree ·rc·m Oral RJberts :Jr.L.rersity, :::hristenbur,r atten.:lei Duke Medical · c:-to::>:. He was dr&wn tc ::nicrosurger,r, . h· that his speciotlLy \WOuld be 1ean 'urser,r. "l wc•rktrl i::1 a heart -esearch lab for about 3iJ.. mcnths stud~--1:-tg v<:5cular rd doing on ra! tear:~," :1e says. '1 ·hou.sht , 'This mictasLig~y ·s really nterestif'g. On a small sc.:.le: you can do
forming vision correction surgery. By the mid-90s, Christenbury had alread y done several thousand ALK procedures, catapulting him into a small group of expe-ts . As a result , he was asked to participate in c linical trials for new vision correction devices. To date, Christenbury has been involved with 12 such trials, which ultimately determine whether or not a new technology is ready for mass use. Through his ongoing involvement in these trials, Christenbury gains proficiency using new technology before most ophthalmo logists even have the opportunity to try it. The latest such technology, ImraLASlK, is considered t::J be one of the most significam advance5 in vision correction since Barraquer fir~ t started working with co rnea reshaping. Using IntraLASlK , 95 percent of the risks associated with laser correction surgery are removed. Christenbury was the first doctor on the East Coast to do
grea ter ch a rlotte biz
the surgery, and h ~ s done more lntraLASlK procedures than any doctor in the country perhaps even the worl:l . Barraquer died a few years ago , before he could see these new advances. "Dr Barraquer would be amazed, " says Christenbury. "We're doing this becau se he had the foresight to try to reshape the cornea. "
New Vision Technology "LASlK has become such a specialty, " continues Christenbury, "that patients dema:1d expert care. lf you want to continue, you have to make L<e financial commitment and the scienti ic commitment to ke~p on the forefront " At Christenbury's office , four lasers at ~ used for vario路Js types of vision correLtion. "Every year l get a new excimer laser for vision correction if it proves to have superior clinical results ," he say~. 'Tm skeptical about new technology that hasn't been proven, but once it's proven to be safer - with better vision results - we d::m't hesitate to go to thc: expense of getting that technology. " Rut even employing the latest technology and the savviest marketing tools do n J t ensure a successful medical practice , today, Christenbury explains. Financbl issues surrounding insurance and Medicare arise tha: often prevent medical practices from making a profit.
The Down Side of Medicine Today "We provide the proper service and do the proper pre-certification for billing, but the insurance doesn't pay " explains Christenbury "How long coLld you do that7 How long could you pa:路 bills and not get a paycheck? You wouldn't manage your own checking account this way. The bank wouldn't either. lt's an old system and it's broken, " he says. "lt is more difficult for a doctor's office LO take care of insurance comp~颅 nies than to take care of their patiem;. That is sad. Patients are more worriec about whethe ~ insurance will pay tha.'1 they are about their own condition. We let these insurance companies make >
greater charlotte biz
nov e mber 2002 49
th~ docr:rs and the patients," he s:~ys. "Here h the United Scctes," C1·istenbur ,r con:i::l..:es. "v.e 1ave access to th: test tecin: logy and the best medicine but Vi'~ c:.r.'t h1ve it because the. 1nsun:J.ce o..•m"Jaly says 'Vlc don 't agree tc tbt.' If <ve can spend hundreds cf milli::ms of :b la-s building a football s.adiurr , t:.:en socie.y can spend that l<ird cf rn.oru:y to 1elp people have the cest ca·.;lra.:t surgery possible."
w >icker, bctr
ani the finan:ial end -who you trust to run those pats of · he business ,' hE Sa)S. "1 spend most o - m~ time with pajents and doing sw-gery. Doctors wL:J micoman.age tht:ir practices don'ha·,~ enough j -ne to see :heir own pa:kn:s."
The Nature of t 1e Busine~s
just li~ othc Tdu>tries, the LASIK business, too, has •: ycle~ As the holidays approa : h , business slow:; down, only to resu11e w_th int=ns ty during tre first of .:1e year The. i:lcreased act vity in januarJ' _s du:: ir lc.rge part tc the structure o: corpmare flex plans, says Christntury, -Nhict-. allo·» employees to set aside m::mey rrx- ·re ~ for mediol care. T~ lex plms :nLst be used ar r ually or ~mplo;>e"s luse the cash in the account~. In addi_ion to .oLowJlg for cycles in his business Christenbury ha:; also ta-<~n into c.ccount the 'kyrocking dE nand for .h.:: med .cal procedures he pwvides. As h.s pEctice: has grown, so to::> , has Christenbt:ry's s::c.[, \vhich now numbers clo:;e to 50 "Y: u :,a.,e to hire pccple who Jc deci•::atEd i::1 c•perations
Efficimcy is alwa~s a· th~ top of Christenbury's ::>riorities. "I l::.ecame corrpuer zed three or four years ago,' he !::ays . ..-'iov. we can spend more time
witr the pa:ier_s than .vith
charts. "
The Need to Simp ify Realizing l - at his cwn scoeci.Lle had become overly : omplicated., Chr stenbury bgm to ta~ ;::cps to simplify. This ):!G.t, he hired ~ personal assi;:.tant. "l shculd have d::>r-:: it )-C:Jrs ago," he says. · g•)t so busy J couldn't ever. keEp oy ._wn ~ch~dule" Jne way ol si:nplifyins o~dici::J.e , says Chtistenb·_ ry, i;:. tc assign snun cards to consu-.ers 'or medi:c.l use. "It identifies you ~ a p3.tient, shews what the allov;able i_:: a d what yCA.r charge is. Right then, ~ou : o-pa} rn::nt o ·Jld be pid md tho: insuance cc-npn;' would make its. pyment. Sn:.3.rt cuds would make tho<: -,.·hole syste-:J. h =althiet , becc;use the wculd 1-E.Qe w offet the "jest care acd imurJnc~ eo:>m"J:mies would h:lve to of:cr the best servi•:E. Otherwise, :he :Jatient :auld switchthe "Jrovider o: the insurance:. And that decreases the ost of care.' A fe-;v years ago, ChristeLbur:; ·Jisited China to do char ty eye sr::rger,r. "'s tremer..:loJs need Jet. therE, " he says "There aro: cou::-ttr ,es :h-'.t ha·' e so many people v, th e~e problcns , md we can r.elp th : m. I'm alway:: thinbng, 'Wh1t ao I doing toia;-7 Ho-:o1 cc.n l rna~ it ·Jetter; , biz
Lori _. Ril':y is a •:harl<Jtte-bcsd freelance writer.
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b guide Ti: lc C·::'·,am:ag= of L~=~e prCtoiucts and services frctr~ Gulcttc's re~ ding b_siness-to-busine!:; SI..P;J'i=cs. accounting B.air, Bohl. & Wh ts il: PLK www.bbwJ: llc. : om Vance Floullocse r. Gtrg•~ . 1'1.1.:
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Jf. · 5
pr. .. t
autos I transpo...:c.tic:•n Carolina Volksworm V\Ww.carolina'lw r et Hendrick J. ut c m o~ i ,.E Grc1 p V\ww.hencrid.aLb..t: Jn
EC.. p:. ~9 p:. ~5
p:. :iS 1'::
consulthg Exervio ~ww.exerrio .:o m
J:; U
Pomeroy Cons ullin.J 6ro..o www.gopcg.c·>m
>s 2
educatien Qu eens U1iversi4' ::>: Ch.rlcae www.quee UNC Charlott• Coorira. i11[ E.,at.or
www.uncc.edJ /corte.: uc
financia service! First Citizens Bank www.firstcitizertS..o-.
greater c•a - 1:> -:-:-=- b?.
legal services pg. 40 pg. 34
pg. 14
Carolinas Medi cal .:~ n~
Catwalk CommLnicaticl5 www.silverham-ner.c:>fr
pg. 13
www.carolina s heatu~ . JIE
hospitality Dunhill Hotel www.dunhillholelcorr The Spa at Bollan tyn e F2 ~1
pg. 19
'"'~w.ba11antynercson co111
pg. 15
-:s• :.\
Altman Initiative www.altmaninitiative.c: n Sedona Staffin g Servics www. sedonagroup.cJrr The Employers Associaii.., www.emp l oyer sa5soc. ooe~
pg. 39
it I internet service ;
pg. 51
I e111:er::3.irwn~rt
Rege nt ParkGolf CU> www.rege ntpa rkgd chi com Targeted Golf www.targetedfolf. :om Blacklion www.blacklion .con The Coffeeboss Diamonds 0 rect ~ h:~
insurance pg. 49
I ~c ucct:icm
lnfoVision Road Runner Busin ess .(~~s_
R. L. Bryan Compa •~
pg. 14
pre pros
Knauff Insurance, Inc. www.knauffi
pg. 38
pg. 33
Oi partn ers www.tttsolutions com www.traincharlotte.cco
DTllntergra ted Bu ~ in e' ~ SdLt:<l • s www.dtiibs.con
human resources
pg. 5
equ ipm~t
The Westin Charlotte www.thewestin.comtch *:l:t::: Virginia Crossings Resc '1
www.rrbi zc l c.s~ .cJm
Robinson , Bradsha.- & •19>1 www.rbh .com
film production
Scott)agu~ r
www.scottiag co111 Greater C~arlo tte -"':::mx>i.., C.. <lE15 A•S>·: •Ib n www.charlotteauiDJ o;! le ·: .cm
Hilliard Lyon s rNWW.hiHiard .:o11 Staton financia l
sales training
pg. 58
pg. 10
pg ~0 pg 35 p~. 1 n;roa~erre11
Bob )a net www.bobjaneLcon Henricks Co rporat~ lrcj · i1: ucl)ey!!laprnEnl., t"lc. www.henrick.sco q::. .acn..:o,
'lg. 49 JS. 50
service gro..1p The Charlotle Tou [ d<W"TT G Lt: www .t ouchdo~o~n cLb.CliT
pg. ll IFC
pg. 8
telecommuni~ti- s
BellSouth www.bellsouth .col" /s'£. ll ...,.,. ss
[bizdigest] THEbronko=--=-=-==
ESPN Sportscaster Al Bernstein to Emcee
Bronko Nagurski Awards Banquet
Charlotte Touchdown Club
The Charlotte Touchdown Club has
Bernstein's Sports Party," on ESPN 920 in
announced ESPN Sportscaster AI Bernstein
Las Vegas, offering insights, humor and infor-
IJ1~~r~~Charlotte Touchdown •
l:t ~'it1~,i~ -_.. , ':~~!~ }~
~:· ~-:1.1CiuB " Spea~ers
as this year's master of ceremonies for the
mation about the world of sports and enter-
annual Bronko Nagurski Trophy Awards
tainment. Bernstein also serves as host or
Banquet, to be held December 9, 2002, in
analyst on many major pay per view boxing
Charlotte to honor the nation's best all-
telecasts. In 1992 and 1996, he served as
Monday, December 9, 2002
around defensive college football players as
analyst on NBC's coverage of the Olympics,
Bronko Nagurski Trophy Presentation
well as regional aspiring athletes.
earning critical acclaim from sportswriters
Bernstein has been one of ESPN's top personalities since 1981 . In that time,
around the country. "We are thrilled to have AI Bernstein
Ser1es · 'Luncheons and Events 1\
... ~
For reservations to events for club members or non-members, sponsorship inquiries, or
Bernstein has served as host and analyst on
come to Charlotte for our annual banquet;'
information on becoming a member of the
the weekly ESPN boxing series, continues to
said Touchdown Club executive director John
Charlotte Touchdown Club, contact John Rocco
cover all major boxing matches for
Rocco. "His impeccable reputation as a sports-
at 704-347-29/8. <>
Sportscenter, and wrote and hosted "Big
caster the last twenty years coupled with his
or see page eight for more details.
Fights Boxing Hour," the award winning
keen knowledge of the world of sports is the
series on ESPN Classic Network. Bernstein
perfect match for the Charlotte Touchdown
Football Writer's Association of America, is
also covers baseball, football and basketball
Club and the presentation of college football's
awarded to the top all-around defensive col-
for Sports center, and has done play-by-play
most prestigious defensive award,The Bronko
lege football player in the country. Last year's
for ESPN's college basketball.
Nagurski Trophy."
In addition to his television duties with ESPN, Bernstein does a daily radio show, "AI
The Bronko Nagurski Trophy, presented annually since 1995 in conjunction with the
recipient, Roy Williams, was a University of Oklahoma safety and the Dallas Cowboys' top draft pick this year.
Charlotte USA Mounts Agressive Advertising Campaign The 16-county Charlotte USA region is getting
In an accompanying print advertising
Regional Partnership has helped spread
valuable national exposure with an aggressive
program, four editions of Fortune magazine
advertising campaign in some of the largest
are being "wrapped" in a cover featuring
the world about our region's unique and
television markets in the U.S.The broadcast
Charlotte USA. The first edition in September featured Wachovia Corporation president and CEO Ken Thompson on the cover with the Charlotte skyline as a backdrop and the headline, "Vision of Balance: Regional leaders create the ideal relocation and expansion destination in Charlotte USA."
outstanding balance of business strength,
initiative is being bolstered with a print media effort targeting CEOs and other corporate decision makers. The campaign was kicked off last month with the premier of a 30-second television commercial on CNN and on CNBC in New
the word across the country and around
accessibility and quality of life. The message is getting through, according to a RoperASW 2002 follow-up to an earlier benchmark study commissioned by the Charlotte Regional Partnership to measure awareness and impressions of the Charlotte region locally and across the country.
York, Los Angeles, San Francisco/Oakland,
A similar campaign is being initiated
Boston and Philadelphia. The commercial,
with Travel & Leisure Golf magazine with four
produced by Luquire George Andrews Inc.
wrapped issues featuring Thompson, this time
of companies outside the area, and the
In the 2002 update, a higher percentage
of Charlotte, highlights Charlotte USA's out-
in a golf shirt and leaning on a club with the
relocation consultants who advise them,
standing business climate, global accessibility
headline, "A Balanced Approach: Well-rounded
and exceptional quality of life.
Charlotte USA welcomes the PGA Tour Spring 2003:' The headline is a reference to the Wachovia Championship. Bank of America and Wachovia have each contributed $1 .25 million in the first phase of the $5 million Charlotte USA campaign. Through its Charlotte USA initiative and other ambitious efforts, the Charlotte
had a more favorable impression of Charlotte USA than all other major Southeast regions in the poll. At the same time, the research showed that the competition among regions has become more intense. "It is essential that we reach these decision makers now, so that Charlotte USA is top of mind when economic conditions improve and companies are more inclined to expand and relocate," Almond says.
"Our research tells us that the competition among regions to lure new and expanded operations is more intense than ever;' says Michael Almond, president and CEO of the Charlotte Regional Partnership. "We must strategically and aggressively reach decision makers with the facts about Charlotte USA's unique balance of attributes."
no vember 2002
greater char lotte biz
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