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Mayor’s Message

The City of Greater Dandenong is an inclusive and diverse community, welcoming people from all walks of life to enjoy everything our vibrant city has to offer.

We are committed to the needs of our community, ensuring residents and businesses are supported and able to thrive. Now more than ever, our community needs certainty, and to do this, we need a clear vision and plan for the future. Our vision was developed by the Greater Dandenong People’s Panel, highlighting our city as a home to all, where everyone can enjoy and embrace life through celebration and equal opportunity. We strive to be a healthy, vibrant, innovative and creative community, with a commitment to growth and environmental sustainability. In January 2020, Council declared a Climate and Ecological Emergency and developed a strategic framework to develop a whole of Council and community response to climate change. Since then, the world has changed dramatically due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and Council has needed to adapt to the changing needs of our community as we navigate a global health and economic crisis, and look towards recovery. For the first time, the Council Plan 2021-25 incorporates the Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan, outlining how Council will protect, improve and promote public health and wellbeing. Council believes in equality for all, no matter your age, gender, culture, religion, race, abilities, sexual orientation or economic status. We know disadvantage can be associated with these factors, and the pandemic has widened existing health, employment and social inequities within our city. Council believes that by nurturing physical and mental health, creating meaningful local employment, increasing opportunities for education and training and investing in infrastructure, we will create a connected, safe and healthy community. This plan outlines six key objectives for the City of Greater Dandenong and what we hope to achieve from now until 2025: 1. A socially connected, safe and healthy city 2. A city that respects and celebrates diversity, our history and the arts 3. A city of accessible, vibrant centres and neighbourhoods 4. A green city committed to a sustainable future 5. A city that supports entrepreneurship, quality education and employment outcomes 6. A Council that demonstrates leadership and a commitment to investing in the community The initiatives planned will foster community connection, enhance services and boost the local economy – providing Greater Dandenong with a bright and healthy future for many generations to come. We welcome everyone to engage with our exciting and peaceful community and look forward to the next four years as we enact this plan.

Cr Angela Long Mayor

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