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Legislative Impacts

Local Government Act 2020

This draft plan meets all of the requirements of the Local Government Act 2020 by highlighting: • the strategic direction of the Council;

• strategic objectives for achieving the strategic direction;

• strategies/priorities for achieving the objectives for the next 4 financial years;

• strategic indicators for monitoring the achievement of the objectives; and

• a description of the Council's initiatives and priorities for services, infrastructure and amenity. It also addresses the requirements for addressing climate change by promoting the economic, social and environmental sustainability of the area, including mitigation and planning for climate change risks, and giving priority to achieving the best outcomes for the community, including future generations.

Emergency Management Act 2013

Amendments to the Emergency Management Act 2013 came into effect on 1 December 2020, as a result of the Emergency Management Legislation Amendment Act 2018 (the EMLA Act). The priorities in this plan, and the associated Municipal Emergency Management Plan, address these changes: Functional roles within Council previously established under the Emergency Management Act 1986, Emergency Management Manual Victoria (EMMV), Country Fire Authority Act 1958 and Fire Rescue Victoria Act 1958 have been amended. Responsibility for Municipal level Emergency Planning is transferred from councils to new multi-agency Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committees (MEMPCs). Municipal Emergency Management Plans (MEMPs) will be required to cover Mitigation, Response and Recovery, and address the roles and responsibilities of agencies in relation to Emergency Management. Plans are also intended to be integrated and comprehensive. Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008

Council has incorporated its public health and wellbeing matters in the Council Plan for the first time in 2021. The plan meets all of the requirements of the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 (s26 and s27) which include: • an examination of data about health status and health determinants in the local government area;

• goals and strategies based on available evidence for creating a local community in which people can achieve maximum health and wellbeing;

• specific measures are included to prevent family violence and respond to the needs of victims of family violence in the local community;

• providing for the involvement of the community in the development, implementation and evaluation of the public health and wellbeing plan;

• details on how Council will work in partnership with the Department of Health and other agencies undertaking public health initiatives, projects and programs to accomplish the goals and strategies identified in the plan; and

• having regard to the State Public Health and Wellbeing Plan and its priorities.

Gender Equality Act 2020

The Council Plan has been developed with consideration of the Gender Equality Act 2020. A Gender Impact Assessment has been conducted to ensure the strategic priorities of Council do not impose any barriers on participation in Council’s activities, services or programs regarding gender.

Climate Change Act 2017

Greater Dandenong City Council is committed to addressing climate change and in 2020 declared a Climate Emergency. The draft Council Plan reflects the intentions of the Climate Change Act 2017 by embedding zero net emission targets and highlighting the commitments made in the Climate Emergency Strategy and associated adaptation plans.

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