13 minute read
Agriculture and Forestry - The Global Impact of Trees - Wisconsin Maple Syrup Producers Association - Parallel 44 Vineyard & Winery
The Global Impact of Trees
By: Henry Schienebeck, Executive Director, Great Lakes Timber Professionals Association
According to Wisconsin’s Department of Natural Resources, the forest products industry in Wisconsin provides more than 64,000 full and part-time jobs and has a total industry output of $24.5 billion and value-added of $7.1 billion. It ranks 11th in the number of full-and part-time jobs, 9th in value-added, and 3rd in industry output in the state. It accounts for 1.7% of jobs in the state, many in and near Greater Green Bay. Additionally, Wisconsin’s forestry industry is a major player in the export market, providing 4.9% of foreign exports and 9.3% of domestic exports. It is an industry that has benefitted from improvement in process, realized efficiencies, and greatly improved management.
The impact of improved forest management throughout the U.S., Great Lakes Region and in particular Wisconsin, has a far-reaching impact on not only the global and area economy but climate change mitigation as well. Wisconsin is well known for its diversified forest and its participation in certified forest programs.
Sustainable well-managed forests go handin-hand with a vibrant forest products industry. One cannot exist without the other and Wisconsin remains the number 1 paper producer in the nation with Greater Green Bay playing a leading role in that production. Trees grow continuously and just like a garden; the best results occur when they are cared for and nurtured. In addition to providing the products we depend on daily, forest management provides a variety of ecological services, wildlife habitat, clean air, clean water, and recreational opportunities for visitors from around the state and globe. This results not only in a healthier environment but also provides a great place for recreation and exploration. This is one of the greatest attractions for people looking at Greater Green Bay as a place to live, work, and grow.
Helping to conserve and enhance this great resource are Wisconsin forest managers and loggers adhering to forest management guidelines provided by the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI). SFI is a global third-party verification system designed to ensure the public that sustainable forest management is implemented on certified public lands and that private forest land is enrolled in tax programs such as the Managed Forest Law. Wisconsin loggers, foresters, and Master Loggers are trained annually in a variety of topics including Best Management Practices for water quality, invasive species, endangered species, and conservation measures for sustainable forest management. In addition, landowners are audited annually to ensure SFI standards are being implemented and adhered to. Purchasers of forest products locally and from around the world may rest assured their products came from sustainable, well-managed forests. Like the implementers of forest management, the forest management plans and practices used are scientifically driven and the equipment is highly technical to ensure the greatest value for the resource is achieved.
An opportunity for you to learn more about the work done by timber professionals from Greater Green Bay and across Wisconsin is coming to Green Bay in September. The Great Lakes Timber Professionals Association hosts the 76th Annual Great Lakes Logging and Heavy Equipment EXPO. The 2022 EXPO will be held at the Resch Complex beginning at Noon, September 8th (opening ceremony at 5:00 P.M.) and closes at 1:00 P.M. September 10th. The entire complex and surrounding area will be home to hundreds of exhibitors and displays from around the world including Finland, Sweden, and Canada.
Wisconsin’s forest products industry is truly an international business impacting not only the global economy but also the global environment.
Wisconsin Maple Syrup Producers Association
By: Theresa Baran, Executive Dierector, WMSPA
In the 1950’s a small group of maple syrup producers formed the Antigo Producers Maple Group, this group later transitioned into a state organization now known as the Wisconsin Maple Syrup Producers Association (WMSPA). The group’s main purpose was to promote and sell Pure Maple Syrup. Under the leadership of dedicated presidents, executive directors, and members the organization has grown in size and in its mission.
While the WMSPA still has promotion of Pure Maple Syrup at its core, it has evolved to help producers with many other issues, ranging from teaching new technologies to working with the government on maple related issues. The goal of Wisconsin Maple Syrup Producers Association is to help our members make and market the finest pure maple syrup in North America. We accomplish this by promoting maple syrup and educating our producer members.

In addition, the WMSPA: • Works with state agencies to promote legislation that recognizes our hard- working producers • Organizes and promotes a First
Tapping event to bring attention to the maple season • Members work with local festivals and events to increase visibility of the maple industry • Sponsors a booth at the Wisconsin State
Fair that allows our members to promote and sell Wisconsin’s finest maple syrup • Hosts an annual Fall Tour which allows
our members to visit other maple producers and businesses around the state • Works with National and International
Maple organizations including NAMSC and IMSI to promote and support maple production, education, and research • Produces a Newsletter, Wisconsin
Maple News, to keep our members up to date on current events
The WMSPA has also created great teacher’s packets and kits free for teachers throughout the state to help teach students about the maple industry. The WMSPA website (www.wismaple.org) is used to promote producers and provide a means to keep everyone informed of current activities. The website also has a map for consumers to find where their nearest maple producers are located. International Maple Conference October 26-29, 2022, La Crosse, WI Open to the Public!
Join the WMSPA, along with the NAMSC (North American Maple Syrup Council), for the 2022 International Maple Conference. This event showcases WI and the maple industry to maple producers of all sizes from the U.S. and beyond. The conference includes a vendor trade show, Taste of WI, tours, educational sessions, NAMCS meetings, and so much more.
More information:
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Parallel 44 Vineyard and Winery
By: Maria Johnson, Owner, Parallel 44 Vineyard & Winery
Pictured: Maria & Steve Johnson, Owners of Parallel 44 W hat started as a dream for two local newlyweds on their California honeymoon in 1994 has turned into an idyllic and pioneering vineyard and winery in 2005 in the heart of Greater Green Bay’s Kewaunee County. At that time, the idea of a pioneering world class wine region in the heart of the “Frozen Tundra” seemed like an impossibility to most everyone.

Since that time, Steve and Maria Johnson and family have spent the last 16 years growing grapes and making wines that are winning international acclaim. Most recently they were awarded the 2022 International Cold Climate Winery of the Year. You are invited to walk amongst the vines, take a tour, or relax on the patio overlooking their 10 acre vineyard. At Parallel 44 Vineyard and Winery you will learn, enjoy, and experience why it is the largest producer of unique and delicious “Wisconsin Ledge” wines in the state.
Parallel 44 Vineyard & Winery is located at N2185 Sleepy Hollow Rd, Kewaunee, WI 54216.
For more information on tastings, tours, and events:

Formal Group Created to Assist the Community During Times of Crisis
As a community, we’ve learned a lot of lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic and one, in particular, was the importance of having a core group of community leaders and communicators willing to lend their expertise during times of crisis.
During the early days of the pandemic, key agencies, community leaders and communications professionals assisted Brown County Emergency Management by distributing important pandemic-related information created by Brown County Public Health and their Public Information Officers out to the community. This included everything from the importance of social distancing to the specifics on COVID-19 community testing sites. This effort then continued among hospitals and public health departments as the pandemic played out during 2020 and 2021.
“Their expertise and diverse connections were a valuable asset to distribute information and educate the public about the pandemic,” said Brown County Emergency Management Director Lauri Maki. “This group enhanced the COVID response team’s ability to quickly distribute key messages to the community while reaching the broadest audience possible. It proved to be a highly effective strategy, especially during a time when there was new information and updates happening frequently.”
To build on its success, the Greater Green Bay Chamber is working with Brown County Emergency Management and Leonard & Finco Public Relations to expand the group of communicators by identifying a broad range of public information officers and communication experts from a wide variety of businesses, industries, nonprofits, and the community. The idea is, when the next community-impacting crisis occurs, these individuals will be available to assist in getting messaging and information out at any time, day, or night. That assistance might include immediate messaging or longer-term support as the community recovers.
“This group’s role will be to provide support services as needed,” explained Greater Green Bay Chamber President/CEO Laurie Radke. “If a significant crisis occurs, Brown County Emergency Management will let us know when and how we can assist based on a community’s needs during an incident. What’s important is that we have a group of experienced and knowledgeable communicators willing and ready to help for the greater good of the community.” The team will be activated as needed by Brown County Emergency Management when requested by emergency response leaders.
“This is a unique initiative, but we’ve seen firsthand throughout the pandemic how successful a group like this can be,” added Radke. “The sole goal will be to serve our community through a crisis and during its recovery.”
Helping you Export Your Products Around the World
By: Ron Franklin, Hub Manager, Greater Green Bay Chamber
Do you export? Do you manufacture cool products and send them around the world? If so, the Greater Green Bay Chamber can help!
What is a Certificate of Origin (COO)? The Certificate to Origin, or COO, is a globally required document that states where your product is made and verifies that it is a quality product made to the specifications it should be in a country that verifies it as such. Every country outside of NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) requires this piece of paper in order to accept it into the country. Regardless of what the product is, if it is being sold and imported for commercial use, a COO is required. The Greater Green Bay Chamber recently made the shift to an online COO. For you, this means time and money saved, thus allowing you to get your products shipped out faster and through customs without issues.

How can we help? Through the online processing system, we can assist in supplying this documentation with a typical turnaround time of under 24 hours! The cost per certificate starts at $25 for Chamber members. Sign up for your free account by visiting the Small Business Resources page on the Chamber’s website.
Youth Apprenticeship Program
By: Emily Bangen, Talent Development Manager, Greater Green Bay Chamber
As we know, many businesses are looking to fill open positions within their company. One strategic approach to filling those positions is Youth Apprenticeship. Youth Apprenticeship is a highly effective talent acquisition strategy that allows students the opportunity to explore career interests, earn credit and wages, and gain valuable industry experience under career coaches and business mentors. This program allows businesses to hire students growing their industries talent pipeline and shaping their future workforce’s skills, expectations, and habits.
The students’ interests span a wide variety of career pathways and industries. From human resources and marketing to welding and engineering there is a student in our area eager to work and ready to learn. With such a wide variety of interests from our students we are always welcoming new employers to join the program! Currently our biggest need is law offices, sound/av/technology, dentist offices, and chiropractic offices. Even if your business doesn’t fit into one of these categories, we might still have a student for you!
Outside of just Youth Apprenticeship employment, our program stives to give all students in the area access to career bases learning opportunities. This includes career fairs, job shadows, job tours, mock interviews, and much more. To learn more and get involved contact Emily Bangen at ebangen@greatergbc.org. Governed by the State of Wisconsin and the Department of Workforce Development, Youth Apprenticeship in Northeast Wisconsin (NEWYA) is run in collaboration of CESA 7, the Greater Green Bay Chamber and Luxemburg - Casco School District.

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2022 Chamber Events at a Glance
Learn more about events at GreaterGBC.org/events
Chamber Annual Dinner | Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2022
Join us as we celebrate the Chamber’s 140th Annual Dinner. This special event celebrates our members and honors the many volunteers who make the Chamber successful. The Daniel Whitney, Ambassador of the Year, and ATHENA Leadership awards will be presented.
CYP - Leader’s Luncheon | Thursday, Oct. 6, 2022
Current Young Professional’s (CYP) annual Leaders Luncheon brings together community leaders and young professionals in a celebration of programming accomplishments from the past year. Invited community leaders are placed at each table to allow an opportunity for young professionals to meet and interact with those who have significantly more leadership experience.
Find Your Inspiration | Wednesday, November 2, 2022
The Find Your Inspiration event provides an opportunity for eighth grade students and educators to learn about different industries and career fields as they are selecting their high school classes.
Employers have the opportunity to showcase their industry and different career paths within their own organization through interactive activities at their booths.
View all Chamber events:
AUGUST 2022 30 years
Leonard & Finco Public Relations, Inc.
20 years
15 years
AmeriLux International LLC Iron Mountain Pecard Leather Care Co., Inc. Rasmussen University
10 years
Green Bay Smiles Dental
5 years
Oneida Nation School System
Prevea Health
35 years
Oneida Golf and Country Club
30 years
BMO Harris Bank HVS / Image Keepers, Inc. Wander Springs Golf Course
25 years
The Family Radio Network, Inc.
20 years
STV Advisors, Inc.
15 years
Special Forces Building & Grounds LLC
10 years
Ashwaubenon Bowling Alley Staples
5 years
Axicor Inc. Home2 Suites by Hilton Green Bay Twist Boutique
OCTOBER 2022 35 years
Connect, powered by American Family Insurance CP Green Bay Packaging Inc. Green Bay Packers, Inc.
30 years
Broadway Rental Cars, Inc.
20 years
S&L Companies - Culver’s Franchise Group Tundra Lodge Resort & Waterpark
15 years
Culver’s - Voyager Drive Robinson Heating & Cooling, LLC
10 years
Prevea 360 Health Plan
5 years
Realty World Greater Green Bay, Ltd. Symes Realty LLC - Suamico Office