2 minute read
Literacy Green Bay, so much more than reading
By: Joe Burkard, Literacy Green Bay Board of Directors Member
Literacy is more than the ability to read and write. Yes, they’re big factors, but literacy also includes digital literacy, workforce skills, the ability to understand or express written thoughts or ideas and so much more. While many in our community learned to read and write at a young age, immigrants, refugees and even born and raised locals may need some assistance. It is an essential life skill that not only impacts individuals, but also their families, community and workplace.
That’s where Literacy Green Bay comes in, offering classes and tutoring services to adults so they can acquire the reading, writing, math, English language, computer and workforce literacy skills they need to function effectively as workers and community members.
The organization began in the 1980s when a group of local residents wanted to help their neighbors, refugees from Southeast Asia, improve their English. Forty years later, the nonprofit has grown, annually working with hundreds of adults from throughout Brown County and beyond. With a core staff of 12 plus 20 part-time instructors, Literacy Green Bay relies on several hundred trained volunteers who help tutor and teach to meet the demand for services.

Robyn Hallet, Executive Director of Literacy Green Bay has a passion for the organization. She was a volunteer for 18 years before becoming its Executive Director four years ago. “What I love about our organization is that we give people the skills they need to improve their lives, which in turn benefits their families, employers and the community. The people we serve are incredibly smart and resourceful, but they just need the tools to learn to effectively and confidently communicate – whether it’s the written or spoken language. By helping them improve their literacy, we’re creating a stronger community in so many different ways.”
Literacy Green Bay helps community members build literacy skills, as well as helps remove the barriers that may otherwise keep people from seeking assistance. On-site child care is available, and classes are offered in the morning and evening for optimal convenience. In recent years, class offerings have expanded in many areas, including English Learner Classes, College and Career Readiness Classes and Children First Family Literacy Classes. “This is a good problem we’ve run into, because it means we’re reaching
community members who need and want our assistance,” Hallet explains. “Thankfully, we receive great support from the business community and the community at large, which allows us to grow and meet demand. The business community is paramount to what we do.”
Literacy Green Bay’s board of directors come from large and small businesses, educational institutions as well as area nonprofits. Major donors to Literacy Green Bay include KI, Georgia-Pacific and Schneider.
“Our board members and supporting businesses are actively involved in helping us learn and grow as we serve the community,” added Hallet. “Whether it’s helping us problem solve, expand our class offerings, improve technology, volunteer, or support our fundraising efforts, their involvement is invaluable.”
Recently, in January, Literacy Green Bay has expanded its footprint at its current location to include additional classrooms and childcare space to better meet the needs of those it serves. Longer term, Hallet envisions ever-evolving opportunities to serve the community. “As our population grows and changes, we will continue to do the same thanks to the dedication and focus of our staff, volunteers, supporting businesses, and community members.”
To learn more about teaching, volunteering, and donation opportunities, visit LiteracyGreenBay.org.

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