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The Logistics Take on Technology & Innovation

Written by: Carley DeGrand, Sales & Marketing Coordinator, RGL Logistics

In an ever-changing world of technology, businesses must adapt to stay relevant and identify gaps in the industry where we can step in and improve our customers’ experience. RGL Logistics achieves this by challenging our teammates to think outside the box and ask themselves daily, “What if?” This mindset has resulted in improvements that have allowed us to strengthen our partner relationships and remain their choice logistics provider.

Our Transportation Solutions Team approaches customer and carrier interactions with this frame of mind to provide creative solutions that are mutually beneficial to all parties. This mentality has empowered that team to implement versatile technology that supports efficiency around freight visibility, pricing, and bid management.

With warehousing as one of our sweet spots, you may wonder, “Just how innovative can you get inside a warehouse?” In an area where warehouse space is in high demand as companies continue to expand and grow their geographic footprint, the answer is “the sky’s the limit.”

Our customizable warehouse management system (WMS) gives us more flexibility to accommodate our customers’ unique requirements as they arise. Flexible data integration results in lower costs for our customers and quicker turnaround time since we can make any necessary adjustments in-house. The WMS system also allows us to create user profiles, resulting in role-based security to segregate customers’ data. From the information technology side, our team constantly works to keep systems and facilities secure through continuous penetration testing by a 3rd party. RGL’s IT also requires every teammate to complete monthly cybersecurity training through the KnowBe4 system. Training topics include social engineering, phishing, and other tactics hackers use.

On top of teammate detection and prevention, RGL employs advanced software to help significantly lower the risk of cyber-attacks. Sophos Endpoint Defense software is installed on all RGL computers to defend against malware, spam, and other real-time threats. Proofpoint Browser Isolation and Proofpoint email filtering work hand-inhand to protect our company from those with ill intent. Proofpoint Browser Isolation adds a layer of protection against users clicking harmful links coming from an external source. Meanwhile, Proofpoint email filtering works to eliminate spam and known malicious emails from our systems. These are but a few internal and external security measures RGL has in place.

If you’d like to learn more about RGL and how we can assist with your service or career needs, visit us at: https://www.rgllogistics.com/.

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