GMW branching out summer 2016

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Summer 2016


Branching Out

New recovery publication GMW’s Recovery Academy is looking to produce a new and exciting publication to support our principles of inspiring hope and challenging stigma. A competition was launched in May inviting service users, carers and people with lived experience of mental health difficulties and/or substance misuse problems to submit short pieces of inspiration that can be included in the book. The criteria for these short pieces was: • A short story, poem or piece of art-work; • No more than one side of A4 paper; and

• Be inspirational to others, giving messages of hope and recovery. The closing date for entries was the 30 June and a judging panel including, Claire Watson, Recovery Academy Lead, Maria Clifton, Functional Skills Tutor, and Gerry Halpin MBE, President of the Manchester Academy for Fine Art, met on the 12 July to select 20 pieces to be published in the book. The final publication will be launched as part of World Mental Health Day on the 10 October 2016, which is also the date of our Annual Members Meeting.

Branching Out Recovery Academy Newsletter Summer 2016

Inside: this issue Mayor of Bury praises staff, ............. service users & volunteers


Young people with psychosis .......... urged to get physical


Our work with HMP Hindley ...........

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Early onset dementia dining club ..... Launch of service user ...................... engagement strategy

If you’d like to sign up to become a member of our Trust, please visit and register online. World Mental Health Day, hosted by the World Federation of Mental Health, is on 10 October each year. The theme for this year’s World Mental Health Day is psychological first aid, which covers both psychological and social support. Page


Mayor of Bury praises staff, service users and volunteers Year’ awards by staff, for making an exemplary contribution to the Trust in their volunteering role.

GMW played host to a ‘Celebration of Volunteering and Learning’ event during this year’s nationwide Festival of Learning (1 May to 30 June) and Volunteers’ Week (1-12 June) where the Mayor of Bury, Cllr Mike Connolly, praised staff, service users and volunteers for their achievements.

Students from GMW’s learning programmes were awarded their certificates of achievement, at the event, by the Mayor of Bury. Delegates heard how courses run at the Trust, such as ‘Leadership and Management’ training and ‘British Sign Language Courses’ can improve the care provided to service users. During the event, delegates also heard from peer mentors who shared how further training and experience empowers and enhances their lives and the lives of others.

The event, which took place on Friday 10 June 2016 at the Recovery Academy’s Central Hub, The Curve in Prestwich, celebrated lifelong learning and the invaluable work of GMW’s volunteers. The event gave recognition to the positive impact adult learning and volunteering can achieve for individuals, their families, communities, employers and the economy. This year, volunteers across the Trust were nominated for ‘Volunteer of the

Mayor of Bury, Cllr Mike Connolly, at our ‘Celebration of Volunteering and Learning’ event

year, formally known as Adult Learners Week. Mayor of Bury, Cllr Mike Connolly, said: “It was an honour to be invited to present the certificates for the learners and volunteers and we both enjoyed ourselves immensely. Congratulations and best wishes to all who received the awards.”

Festival of Learning, which is run by the Learning and Work Institute, is a national celebration of lifelong learning; the biggest in England and is now in its 24th

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West Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust ers are on your

Your health practition

Our work with Recovery Academy - limited HMP Hindley number of spaces still available Following the success of our Recovery Academy prospectuses in the Edenfield Centre and HMP Haverigg, we are now establishing a campus in HMP Hindley. Recruitment for staff and prisoners to work collaboratively to co-produce and co-deliver education programmes is underway and we aim to have a prospectus of learning aimed at all prison staff and prisoners within HMP Hindley by March 2017. Courses are aimed at understanding mental health and addiction and developing the skills for recovery both within the prison environment and post release so that recovery is maintained and the likelihood of reoffending is reduced.

The Accessible information Standard - making health and social care information accessible The Standard sets out what steps health and social care providers must take in order that people with a disability, impairment or sensory loss receive information in the format they require and have appropriate communication support. The Accessible Information Standard must be implemented by the end of July 2016. Find out how the Accessible Information Standard will improve your care and experience: www.england.nhs. uk/ourwork/patients/ accessibleinfo/patient/

Recovery Academy

prospectus Learn Recovery Grow Hope Believe

on the following courses: Completing an Advance Decision - 12 September, 9.30am to 12.30pm, Room 3, The Curve, GMW, Bury New Road, Prestwich, Manchester M25 3BL. An Introduction to Life Story Work - 14 September, 9.30am to 1pm, J2 Training Room, General Outpatients, Royal Bolton Hospital, Minerva Road, Farnworth, Bolton BL4 0JR Job Application Skills – 16 September, 10am to 4pm, J2 Training Room, General Outpatients, Royal Bolton Hospital, Minerva Road, Farnworth, Bolton BL4 0JR

Health and Wellbeing for Carers 20 September, 10am to 2.30pm, Room 3, The Curve, GMW, Bury New Road, Prestwich, Manchester M25 3BL. April - September 2016

Spring/Summer Term

Recovery Star – 21 September, 9.30am to 1pm, Meeting Room 1, General Outpatients, Royal Bolton Hospital, Minerva Road, Farnworth, Bolton BL4 0JR Build a Better You - 30 September, 10am to 3pm, Start in Salford, Brunswick House, 62 Broad Street, Salford M6 5BZ

To book, please visit:

Early Onset Dementia Dining Club We launched our new dining club for people living with early onset dementia in Salford during Dementia Awareness Week (1521 May) on Tuesday 17 May 2016 at the Angel Centre, Salford. The dining club, run by GMW, provides a way for people living with early onset dementia to take part in a social activity that will help improve their self-esteem and meet people in a similar situation.

The Early Onset Dementia Dining Club takes place on the first Wednesday of every month in restaurants of the clubs choosing across Salford. For more information about the dining club, visit, email: or Tel: 0161 703 1071. Keeping an active social life is

Branching Out Recovery Academy Newsletter Summer 2016

key to helping someone living with dementia feel happy and motivated. That’s why, as well as running support groups like the Early Onset Dementia Dining Club, the Recovery Academy runs courses for people affected by dementia and to raise awareness. The next course, with spaces, is our Dementia Friends information session, which takes place on the 21 September in Prestwich. We also run a Living Well with Dementia course in the prospectus each term. The course in September is full, but look out for this course in our next prospectus available on the 1 October 2016. Page


Recovery Academy, Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust, The Curve, Bury New Road, Prestwich, Manchester M25 3BL Tel: 0161 358 1771 Email: Website:

Launch of new Service User Engagement Strategy An exciting new beginning in how we engage more effectively with people who use our services has been marked with the launch of our first Service User Engagement Strategy. The new strategy was officially launched on the 1 July and will shape the Trust’s engagement activities during the next three years. We have agreed eight key priorities in relation to getting feedback from our service users, using that feedback to help improve services, and engaging service users to develop and deliver services. The priorities also encourage staff to maximise opportunities to learn from people with lived

experience, tackle the stigma of mental health problems, support service users to access education, training and employment opportunities and utilise volunteers, peer mentor and peer support worker roles to engage with service users in service delivery. The strategy also outlines our new Service User and Carer Involvement Scheme, which we hope will strengthen the value of service user and staff collaboration as well as ensuring paid roles for services users and carers are advertised as widely as possible to encourage a range of people to apply.

Service User Engagement Strategy 2016 to 2019

Service User Engagement 2016-2019


You can check the Trust’s website for new opportunities to get involved:

The results are in - we are rated as ‘Good’ England’s Chief Inspector of Hospitals has rated GMW as ‘Good’ following our latest inspection by the Care Quality Commission. The Trust has been rated as ‘Good’ for providing services that were caring, effective, responsive, and well-led and ‘Requires



Improvement’ for safe. Full reports of the inspection in February 2016, including ratings for all core services are available at: As well as running the Recovery Academy, GMW provide community-based and inpatient

mental health care and treatment for people living within Salford, Bolton and Trafford. The trust also provides a wide range of more specialised mental health and substance misuse services across Greater Manchester, the North West of England and beyond

Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust

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