Gmw223 a year in the life of gmw (v1 4) eproof

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A YEAR in the life of

GMW 2015 - 2016

Hello…. Welcome to the summary of Greater Manchester West (GMW) Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust’s performance and achievements of the last twelve months as well as our ambitions for the coming year. Firstly, a bit about our Trust. We have approximately 3000 staff, working in over 60 locations. Our core communities are Bolton, Salford and Trafford, but we also have services in Cumbria, Central Lancashire, Widnes, Wigan and Leigh as well as secure, inpatient settings based at the Trust Headquarters in Prestwich. We are proud to be in the top 120 NHS providers to work for in the country and pride ourselves on providing high quality mental health-care and substance misuse services in therapeutic and recovery-focussed settings. As a Foundation Trust we have over 8000 members and 28 active governors who do a superb job of being a ‘critical friend’ to the Trust and ensuring we continue to deliver the best care to our service users and carers. Financial pressures continue to be high - as they are for all public sector organisations, as well as increasing competition for the services we provide, however GMW has managed to achieve a financial surplus of £8 million, so we can continue with our ambitious programme of investment which will see us continue to deliver care in modern therapeutic facilities. There is much to be proud of over the past year, despite the challenges we have faced and we have had another positive and productive year. I hope you enjoy reading about some our achievements and priorities for the future. Thank you for your continued support.

Bev Humphrey Chief Executive

Where we have been what we achieved in 2014 / 2015 Improved mental health care in Bolton, Salford and Trafford by offering 24/7 crisis care in the individual’s home up to four times a day, thus reducing the need for a hospital admission and seven day a week community mental health teams Invested £10million in our low and mediumsecure environments to build therapeutic inpatient areas which promote recovery

Continued our innovative rapid access

psychiatric liaison work in hospitals across Bolton, Salford and Trafford, so that

patients presenting at A&E with mental health problems are seen quickly by a

mental health professional at a time when they are acutely unwell

Improved care for people who are sectioned by police under the Mental Health Care Act, so they are admitted to a place of safety – not detained in a police cell

Re-designed drug and alcohol services in Salford and extended the service to care for young people as well as adults living with substance misuse issues

Improved access to psychological therapies for our service users in our communities so they can access talking therapies even quicker Provided services in prisons and secure children’s homes so that individuals within these institutions can benefit from the best mental health care treatment to help them prepare for life outside a secure setting Continued with our award-winning rapid access alcohol detoxification referrals programme (RADAR) which provides an innovative pathway for transferring patients who present at any one of the 11 accident and emergency departments across Greater Manchester with alcohol problems; to a specialist alcohol inpatient facility to undergo a targetted five to seven day detoxification, fully supported with psychosocial interventions and aftercare

A £6million investment into Woodlands Hospital for later life patients to develop it as a ‘Centre of Excellence’ for those living in Bolton and Salford with dementia and other related conditions

Where we are going in 2015/16 Over the next 12 months we will: Be an influential partner in the health and social care intergration agenda including the Salford ‘Vanguard’ integrated care project, Healthier Together and Devolution Greater Manchester

Strengthen existing stakeholder relationships with CCGs, local authorities, Overview and Scrutiny Committees, Health and Wellbeing boards and Healthwatch and develop new partnerships and models of care


Expand our provision for inpatient adolescent service at the award-winning Junction 17

Develop our innovative joint venture with Priory in providing inpatient and ‘locked’ services in Widnes at a state-of-the-art hospital – Recovery First

Promote recovery through education and open our brand new education and conference facility – ‘The Curve’ which will be the new home of our Recovery Academy

Be proactive in our workforce planning, development and management, ensuring our staff are equipped to provide excellent care

Support the redesign of mental health services in Manchester to reduce fragmentation between services, focus on outcomes and improve access to services, based on the good practice throughout GMW

Continue to improve by listening to and acting on service user, carer and staff feedback

Expand our service portfolio by responding to new tender opportunities

Deliver a new clinical information system that enables the delivery of our services as efficiently as possible

We also pledge to deliver on the following EIGHT Quality Account priorities


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1. Psychological therapies – improving access and outcomes. We will improve access to our primary care, secondary care and specialist psychological therapies and deliver agreed outcomes for our service users

2. Delivering service improvements by listening to and learning from service user feedback. 3. Recovery – we will improve outcomes through the delivery of recoveryfocussed services.

4. Improving carer identification, involvement and engagement. We will deliver the strategic aims set out in our ‘Carers Strategy’ 5. Enhancing the quality of life for people with dementia and older people with functional illness. We will improve the experiences of people affected by mental illness and problematic substance misuse by listening to and acting on feedback and ideas received

6. Supporting improvements in our service users’ physical health. We will improve the assessment and treatment of physical health conditions in order to reduce the risks associated with this for our service users. We will also promote health improvement messages and approaches and sign post service users to relevant services

7. Positive and safe: promoting individualised support plans. We will aim to reduce conflict in inpatient settings 8. Dual diagnosis – we will improve our responsiveness to individuals with problematic substance misuse and mental illness





How will we know if we are successful? To make sure we achieve our ambitions and deliver high quality treatment, we have a strong set of values which become our cornerstones of care. They are more than just words – they are a set of behaviours which influence every interaction with our service users, carers and each other. They detail the values and behaviours that contribute to the delivery of great care or great service and demonstrate what we think at GMW are important for all staff to demonstrate. Our values are: • We work together • We value and respect • We go the extra mile • We are welcoming and friendly • We are caring and kind The values and behaviours define ‘how’ we want to work together to achieve the best for people who use our services. They sit alongside ‘what’ we do, which is delivering the following Trust objectives: • Promote recovery by providing high quality care and delivering excellent outcomes • Work with service users and carers to achieve their goals • Engage in effective partnership working • Invest in our environments • Enable staff to reach their potential and innovate • Achieve sustainable financial strength and be well-governed

There are a number of ways we can judge if all our efforts outlined in this document have been a success. Firstly – we can rely on the numbers. There are a number of targets which Monitor (our regulator) and our commissioners put in place, which we have met for 2014/15 and we will be on track to do so again in 2015/16. Although finances are a challenge across the NHS at the moment, we have a positive outlook, having delivered a £8million surplus last year. Our aim is to deliver a £4.4million in 2015/2016. We also rely on formal routes of feedback such as the Friends and Family Test and the NHS Staff Survey which help us to know if we are delivering high standards of care. Via the Friends and Family test, we know that 92% of people would recommend GMW as a place to receive treatment. Recent figures from our staff show that 76% would recommend GMW as a place to receive care and 65% would

recommend it as a place to work. This is the highest ever response rate, percentages recommending care and percentages recommending work - the highest ever on all three counts. One thing that is really good about our Trust is that since the Friends and Family Test started in April 2014 we have always surveyed all staff (unlike some other trusts who do very small samples). The average number of staff responding has been 980 in each test, which tells us our staff are engaged with the process and because of the consistently high numbers replying we can be confident about what they are telling us.

In the NHS Staff Survey, GMW scored higher than average in the areas of good communication between senior management and staff, as well as staff believing the Trust provides equal opportunities for career progression or promotion. Staff agree that feedback from patients and service users is used to make informed decisions in their departments. Other areas where we scored higher than average are in the areas of support from immediate managers and job satisfaction. However, there are areas which need improvement

and over the coming year we will address these. GMW has a strong future as one of the most innovative and forwardthinking mental health trusts in the country. The current political and economic climate has taught us that we must not stand still and with the continued support of our excellent staff and our valued service users, carers, Foundation Trust members and Governors we will continue to respond to future challenges and build on our successful history.

For more information about Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust please visit You can also ‘like’ us on Facebook at and follow us on Twitter @GMW_NHS You can email us at or write to us at: Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust Trust Headquarters Bury New Road Prestwich Greater Manchester M25 3BL Or call us on: 0161 773 9121

A YEAR in the life of

GMW 2015 - 2016

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