Our Summary Annual Report and Quality Account for 2015/16
Reporting back, Looking Forward
Reporting Back 2015/16 has continued to see significant challenge facing the NHS nationally, and the groundworks laid for significant change in Greater Manchester through devolution. At Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust (GMW), this has been another demanding but successful year. We have delivered our key strategic plans and performance targets, maintained and improved the quality of care we provide, and continued to ensure that we use our resources as effectively as possible. Our Care Quality Committee (CQC) inspection took place in February 2016 and we were delighted to receive notification of our overall rating of ‘good’ in June 2016. In reaching this conclusion, the CQC found many areas of good practice and described our staff as caring, professional and supportive of the people who use our services. We have taken action during the year to ready ourselves for achievement of the new access targets for Early Intervention in Psychosis and Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) in 2016/17. We have also continued to be an important partner in Salford’s Integrated Care Organisation, which went live in July 2016.
We delivered a positive financial position at year-end, having maintained low levels of financial risk throughout the period and delivered the efficiencies required for future sustainability. As a result we have been able to make significant investment in a number of our physical environments for the benefit of our service users. This summary of our Annual Report and Quality Account for 2015/16 celebrates these, and a number of our other key achievements over the last twelve months. A key priority for 2016/17 and onwards will be the acquisition of Manchester Mental Health and Social Care NHS Trust. We are delighted to have been selected as preferred acquirer and are confident that, in bringing together the best of both our organisations, we can make sustainable and positive impacts on the City’s health and wellbeing. We will also continue to work closely with other providers across the region to deliver the wider priorities set out in the ‘Greater Manchester Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy’. You can find a copy of our full Annual Report and Accounts, and Quality Account, for 2015/16 on our website + www.gmw.nhs.uk
Bev Humphrey Chief Executive
Reporting back, Looking Forward
About Us We provide inpatient and community-based mental health care and treatment for adults and older people living within the North West. Our inpatient bed numbers currently stand at over 580 beds. Our adult district inpatient services on the Royal Bolton, Trafford General and Salford Royal hospital sites include psychiatric intensive care, whilst our later life services are located at Woodlands Hospital in Salford and Trafford General. Our community services are wide-ranging and focused on supporting people to maintain their mental health and stay out of hospital. They include community mental health teams, crisis care, home-based treatment, early intervention in psychosis, Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) services and memory clinics. We also provide a wide range of more specialised, or tertiary, services across Greater Manchester, the North West of England and beyond. These include substance misuse services (inpatient and community-based), forensic mental health services for adults and adolescents, child and adolescent mental health services, mental health and deafness services, health and justice services and community psychological therapies. We employ over 3,000 members of staff, who deliver our services from more than 60 sites. In a 12-month period, we see in the region of 40,000 patients. Our main commissioners are: Bolton Clinical Commissioning Group
NHS England
Salford Clinical Commissioning Group
Local authorities in Cumbria, Central Lancashire, Salford, Wigan and Leigh and
Trafford Clinical Commissioning Group
Reporting back, Looking Forward
Our Achievements 2015/16
High Quality Care + Excellent Outcomes
Working With Service Users and Carers
Effective Partnership Working
Achievement of an overall
Release of a new
GMW voice heard
‘good’ rating in our CQC
‘Service User and Carer
throughout the ‘Greater
Engagement Policy’ with
Manchester Mental Health
focus on ensuring equality,
and Wellbeing Strategy’
Redesign of our substance
fairness and transparency
misuse services in
Working with Salford Royal
Cumbria - introducing
Improved performance in
more innovation around
NHs Foundation Trust
2015 Community Mental
prevention, access, shared
and Salford City Council
Health Survey, with GMW
recovery and employment
to deliver the ‘Salford
scoring higher than any
Together’ programme
other mental health trust in Launch of our new
the country on the question
‘GMW Nursing Strategy
Launch of a new specialist
‘do staff help you with
mental heath service
what is important to you?’
‘Veterans in Mind’ in
Positive CQC inspection
Friends and Family Test
report on mental health
- During 2015/16, 1,879
crisis care in Salford
service users participated in
Provision of a new Working Well Talking Therapies service across Greater Manchester
the test with 84% stating they would recommend our services
Cheshire and Merseyside Expanding our provision of mental health and substance misuse services in prisons and secure children’s centres across the North West
Investing in our Environments
Staff Reach Potential and Innovate
Sustainable + Governed Strength
Opening of The Curve, our
Positive 2015 staff survey
Achievement of a level 4
£5million education and
results and ‘Staff Friends
Financial Sustainability Risk
training facility
and Family’ feedback -
Rating from Monitor, now
indicating improvements in
NHS Improvement, and
a number of key areas
‘green’ governance rating
Opening of a brand new ward at our Woodlands
- these are the highest
Hospital in Salford, which
‘Being Outstanding’
cost over £4 million and
workshops celebrated
offers a contemporary
our success and shared
Delivery of a normal
examples of outstanding
operating surplus for the
practice across staff groups
period of £3.3 million
Re-location of our male
Development of a ‘Staff
Achievement of Monitor
low-secure wards to a
Engagement Action Plan’,
brand new unit on our
setting out our key staff
Prestwich site. The Lowry
engagement priorities for
Unit enables care to be
the next 12 months
provided in the least restrictive environment
ratings available
Mental Health Targets and CQUIN (Commissioning For Quality and Innovation) schemes.
Looking Forward Our Quality Priorities We have worked with our staff, service users and carers, governors and other partners to identify our future quality priorities. In 2016/17, we have committed to delivering a range of quality improvements in the following seven areas: Service User Experience - Listening to and
Physical Health - Improving the assessment
learning from service user feedback
and treatment of physical health conditions and to promote health improvement
Recovery - Improving outcomes through
messages/approaches and sign-post service
the delivery of recovery-focused services
users to relevant services
Enhancing the quality of life for people
Positive and Safe - Reducing conflict in
with dementia and older people with
inpatient settings
functional illness Staffing - Improving individual and CAMHS - Delivering safe, effective and
organisational well-being to enhance
collaborative treatment
patient care
A number of these priorities build on progress made in previous years. Others are new (staffing and CAMHS), and reflect feedback received from stakeholders and learning from, for example, our CQC Inspection preparation programme and the Inspection itself. Progress against these priorities will be overseen by the Quality Governance Committee of our Board of Directors.
Reporting back, Looking Forward
Capital Investment In 2016/17, we will continue to use our strong financial performance to improve the quality of our buildings and estate. We will invest in the region of £10million to provide a new inpatient wing at our young people’s unit (Junction 17), build a new bedroom suite at our Gardener Unit, redesign Beech and Oak Wards at Royal Bolton Hospital, and provide a larger central pharmacy on our Prestwich site to improve services for our service users.
Service Transformation We will be focused on planning for our acquisition of Manchester Mental Health and Social Care NHS Trust over the coming weeks and months. The acquisition is not scheduled to complete until 1st January 2017. Between now and then, we will be working hard to better understand the organisation, and to listen to and engage with staff, service users and carers, and other key stakeholders in the City. We are viewing this transaction as a challenge, but also an opportunity to share learning and best practice, enable innovation, develop staff in both organisations and ultimately achieve a brighter future for all of our service users and carers. During the year, we will also continue to respond to opportunities to grow our business, particularly in our more specialist services, and improve our existing services. We are taking forward a programme of redesign for ‘Discover’, our substance misuse service in Central Lancashire, and will work with commissioners across the region to develop rehabilitation, recovery services and pathways.
Get Involved If you are interested in becoming a member of GMW, please contact Steph Neville, Stakeholder Development Manager, + steph.neville@gmw.nhs.uk.
Volunteer If you are interested in becoming a volunteer or would like to find out what volunteering opportunities are available please visit + www.gmw.nhs.uk/Volunteering or contact + claire.watson@gmw.nsh.uk.
Contact Us For more information about GMW, please contact us on + communications@gmw.nhs.uk, follow us on Twitter + @GMW_NHS or like us on Facebook + facebook.com/GreaterManchesterWestNHS.
Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust Trust Headquarters The Curve Bury New Road Prestwich Greater Manchester M25 3BL 0161 773 9121