Thanks to a plethora of ways to get around, it’s easier to explore the Cincy region than ever before. Download the Transit app to ride Metro Bus, TANK (Transit Authority of Northern Kentucky) and the Connector — an electric streetcar connecting Cincy’s most popular destinations on a 3.6-mile loop.
With its zero-emission electric vehicles, GEST offers an eco-friendly way to navigate downtown Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky at night. Just download the app, wait for your driver and ride for free.
Getting Around Movilizarse
For a bit more adventure, hop on a Bird or Lime-S scooter or rent a Cincinnati Red Bike to explore the Cincy region on two wheels. For a guided experience, check out a Segway tour from The Garage OTR or book a walking tour from a local company such as American Legacy Tours or Mainstrasse Village Tour.
Gracias a las diferentes maneras para movilizarse, es más fácil que nunca explorar la región de Cincy. Descarga la aplicación Transit para viajar en Metro Bus, TANK (Autoridad de Tránsito del Norte de Kentucky), y Connector — un tranvía eléctrico que conecta los destinos más populares de Cincy en un circuito de 3.6 millas.
Con sus vehículos eléctricos de cero emisiones, GEST ofertas una manera ecológica para navegar por el centro de Cincinnati y el Norte de Kentucky por la noche. Simplemente descarga la aplicación, espera el conductor, y viaja gratis.
Para un poco más de aventura, súbete en un scooter de Bird o Lime-S o renta una Cincinnati Red Bike para explorar la región de Cincy sobre dos ruedas. Para una experiencia guiada, toma un tour en Segway de The Garage OTR o reserva un tour a pie de una compañía local, como American Legacy Tours o Mainstrasse Village Tour.
Cincinnati Museum Center
Hard Rock Casino 39 30 (2-2024) Public Library Hamilton County Court House © 2024 GC Cincy 1 2 3 4 7 9 13 14 21 17 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 31 74 33 37 35 35 36 40 42 72 73 47 49 76 50 51 57 60 65 66 64 68 53 55 71 77 45 12 61 80 82 12 87 85 86 88 97 89 94 95 99 100 92 91 109 110 101 111 115 117 116 114 34 119 120 107 121 122 123 124 125 127 128 129 130 132 133 133 133 133 118 131 |1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|1 A B C D E F G H I J 70 79 58 69 Ziegler Park Fifth Sixth W Sixth Sixth E Pike WPike Wa shingto n Russel l Craig Crai g Craig WSeventh Seventh Eighth Seventh Brighto n Lowell WThir Paycor Stadium TQL Stadium Home of FC Cincinnati Goebel Park HeritageCenterBank 83 11 Andrew J. Brady Music Center 113 16 19 Carrol Chimes Bell Tower MegaCorp Pavilion Carol Ann’s Carousel Northern ConventionKentucky Center Roebling Suspension Bridge Riverfront Plaza Roebling Point Point School for Creative and PerforArtsmaning 26 32 44 43 48 18 108 1 Sixth Goose Girl Fountain Black Music Walk of Fame Second Sight Distillery - Ludlow 1.8 Miles Ovation on the River Mother of God Church 10 103 102 104 105 Ark Encounter Williamstown 35 miles South Linn Southbank Points Connector/Str Entertainment Clive the Alien Madison Avenue Entertainment District Madison Avenue Entertainment District 6 126 Broadway Commons and Pendleton District Broadway Commons and
PrPincetoike Sec t io n Rd Creek Rd ddPa Dana Delta dR Miami Va lley Gaming © 2024 GC Cinc y 39 25 94 23 34 112 SpringGrove Cemetery C ooperCo oper Creek Event Center SummitPa rk H ollywood,Rising Star RockQuest Full Throttle S p o r t s P u s & Belterra Casinos & Ski Slopes 91 84 106 McMillan W.St H Ta t 77 89 n Belterra Park Gamming ock Werk RdNeeb MuddyRd Creek Rd SouthRd Kemper Rd Pfeiffer Rd Glenmore eAv Montana Av e West Fork Rd 31 74 UC BLUE ASH COLLEGE 100 131 T urfway P ark Racing & Gaming MARIEMON T WhitewaterRiver Red Bike Area Attractions Shoppin g Hotels Cr estview Hills TA YL OR MILL PETERSB UR G INDEPENDENC E BU RLINGT ON HEBR ON FL ORENCE LU D LOW HIGHLAND HEIGHTS WILDER FT . THOMAS BELLEVU E UNION COLD SPRINGS ALEXANDRI A Burling t on Pk RdPetersburg TurfwayRd Donaldson Amsterdam Rd Kyles Ln HighlandPike RdTurkeyfoot eolanMi Pk LimaburgRd RdGraves BullittsvilleRd RdHouston yHwDixie Ark Encounter 25 Mile s Florence Y’alls Buttermilk Pike Sc en c Ov e rlook LibertyCente DA YT ON NEWPOR T CO VINGT ON FT . WRIGHT FT . MI TC HELL RO SS HARRISO N MIAMIT OW N COLERAI N BRENTW OOD WY OMIN G READING MONT GOMER Y KENW OOD ST . BERNARD MADEIR A MILFOR D NEWT OW N WITHAMSVILLE SHAR ONVILLE SPRINGD AL E HAMI LT ON FA IRFIEL D GR OESBEC K CLEVES DELHI BRIDGET OW N CHEVIO T NORTH BEND ADD YS TO N MT . HEA LT HY FOREST P ARK WEST CHESTER INDIAN HILL ANDERSON TO WNSHI P DEER P ARK HYDE P ARK BL UE AS H NORTH COLLEGE HIL L WHITE OA K BEVI S 10 68 96