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COURTESY OF WARREN G. HARDING PRESIDENTIAL SITES Pure and Simple: The family-owned Chagrin Valley Soap & Salve makes organic skin-care products by hand, with a focus on sustainability and authenticity. Game On: Every Wilson football that you’ve seen passed, kicked and punted by an NFL team this season had its start in the northwest Ohio town of Ada.
Final Tribute
On Oct. 11, 1923, two months after President Warren G. Harding’s death, the Harding Memorial Association unveiled a plan to create a monument in his honor, more than a million contributors donated the $977,821 to build it. Located less than a mile and a half from Harding’s home in Marion, the white marble memorial is built to suggest a Greek temple with no roof, fulfilling the former president’s wish to be buried beneath the open sky. 966-870 Delaware Ave., Marion 43302, hardingpresidentialsites.org