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Harm Laros
Krystyna Hamrol
The Logical Next Step Komorniki:
Logiczny następny krok
Dear Reader,
eptember 2019 our new production location in Komorniki went operational. At this site, our production employees will process chickens into delicious products for a wide range of
customers. This is our second site in Poland after a slaughterhouse
Drogi czytelniku,
and production facility in Kotowo opened in 2007, which was the
jesienią 2020 roku zostanie oficjalnie otwarty
outcome of a fruitful cooperation between Netherlands-based
nowy zakład produkcyjny w Komornikach. Nasza
Storteboom B.V. and Polish Hamrol family. Although the production
pierwsza polska placówka w Kotowie przerosła
rate of the facility in Kotowo has grown a lot over the years, its
obecnie oczekiwania. Nowa lokalizacja w Polsce
capacity is now outstripped by demand. A new production facility
jest więc dla nas logicznym następnym krokiem.
in Poland is the logical next step for our company.
W Komornikach dążymy do wytwarzania produktów z drobiu o wartości dodanej, które
We are very happy with our Dutch-Polish cooperation, because we
będziemy rozwijać w ścisłej współpracy z
are able to optimally benefit from each other’s expertise. Our site
klientem. Tak, abyśmy mogli im powiedzieć:
in Kotowo is one of the best slaughterhouses and production facili-
ties in Poland, and our ambitions for the site in Komorniki are high as well! We are aiming at the production of value-added products
Harm Laros, dyrektor 2 Sisters Storteboom B.V.
which we will develop in close cooperation with the customer.
Krystyna Hamrol, dyrektor ds. rolnictwa
So that we can say to them: smacznego! Or, enjoy your meal.
Storteboom Hamrol Sp. Zoo Harm Laros, Managing Director 2 Sisters Storteboom B.V. Krystyna Hamrol, Agriculture Director Storteboom Hamrol Sp. Zoo
SALES & TRAFFIC Marloes Oink
PHOTOGRAPHY Krzysztof Książkiewcz & Jeroen van Eijndhoven All photos were taken before the Corona crisis.
EDITING Moniek Veltman ART DIRECTION Colette Korteweg TRANSLATION Moniek Veltman Machielsen NEW BUSINESS Marja Maars Wesley Dekker
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PEOPLE, PLANET, PROFIT We have made the explicit decision to run a sustainable business. Our magazines are realised in an entirely CO2 neutral way, and we guarantee sustainability via various certifications, including ISO 9001-2008, ISO 14001, ISO 12647-2 and FSC.
2 Sisters Storteboom’s Experience in
‘The World of Chicken’ 2 Sisters Storteboom is a company with more than 100 years of experience in the poultry sector
years. In 1904, Mr. Tamme Storteboom first visited the poultry market on his butcher’s bicycle. Throughout
the 20th century, he and his family built up the company to become one of the Netherlands' largest players in the
and with roots and branches in
slaughter and further processing of chicken. In 2003, the
the Netherlands, the UK, and
stepped back, although their name is still with the company.
Poland. 4
he history of Storteboom goes back more than 100
company’s ownership changed. The Storteboom family This change resulted in a strategic shift with more focus on growth.
Doświadczenie 2 Sisters Storteboom w
‘świecie kurczaka’ Firma Storteboom rozpoczęła działalność w 1904 roku i od tego czasu rodzina Storteboom zbudowała swoją firmę, stając się jednym z największych graczy w branży drobiarskiej w Holandii. Rodzina Storteboom wycofała się z działalności w 2003 roku, choć nadal użycza swojego nazwiska firmie. Zmiana ta spowodowała strategiczną zmianę, polegającą na większym skupieniu się na ekspansji na inne kraje europejskie, począwszy od Polski. Storteboom współpracował z polską rodziną Hamrol, a w 2007 roku uruchomił nową rzeźnię i zakład produkcyjny w Kotowie. Wzrost i nowy zakład Od momentu otwarcia zakładu w Kotowie nowe budynki i maszyny przyczyniły się do pięciokrotnego wzrostu produkcji. W 2010 roku cała firma stała się częścią brytyjskiej, międzynarodowej grupy 2 Sisters Food Group i zmieniła nazwę na 2 Sisters Storteboom B.V. Obecnie zakład w Kotowie przerósł wymagania, co spowodowało konieczność
In 1904, Mr. Tamme Storteboom first visited the poultry market on his butcher’s bicycle
otwarcia nowego obiektu w Komornikach.
Polish Partnership
company became part of the multinational 2 Sisters Food
Around 2004, Storteboom started to look for opportunities
Group, a leading group of companies in the British food
to expand into other European countries. Managing Director
sector. Under the name of 2 Sisters Storteboom B.V., a wide
Harm Laros explains: “Via one of our animal feed suppliers,
range of chicken products were added to Storteboom’s
we came into contact with the Hamrol family. They owned
a small slaughterhouse in Kotowo. The Hamrols had a lot of expertise and good contacts in the poultry sector, and
Facility in Komorniki
importantly, their children were willing to take over the
The facility in Kotowo has presently outgrown the demands,
company in the future. We opened our new slaughterhouse
despite the extra buildings and machinery. Laros: “We needed
and production facility in Kotowo in 2007.”
a new site where processing and further processing take place. This adds well to the location in Kotowo that is geared
Chicken on the Left
to slaughter and production of chicken fillets. Our good
Since the opening of the facility in Kotowo, new buildings
experiences in Poland and the potential for growth drove the
and machinery supported a fivefold production growth to
decision to build a new facility in this country. This facility in
1,7 million chicken per week. Meanwhile in the Nether-
Komorniki is operational since the end of 2019 and will open
lands, a few facilities were acquired. In 2010, the entire
officially in 2020.” 5
Komorniki’s Products:
Healthy, Convenient and Tasty Produkty z Komornik:
Zdrowo, wygodnie i smacznie
The new facility in Komorniki was mainly established to meet the needs of retail customers, although other clients are
Nowy obiekt w Komornikach powstał głównie w celu zaspokojenia potrzeb klientów detalicznych, choć obsługiwane są tu również inne podmioty. Zakład łączy przetwarzanie i dalszą obróbkę kurczaków w jednym budynku o wysokości 6850 m2 z kilkoma działami produkcyjnymi. W dziale krojenia i usuwania kości mięso jest usuwane z kości i krojone np. w kostkę. Następnie większość produktów jest dalej przetwarzana i pakowana do sprzedaży detalicznej. Nowoczesne maszyny do cięcia i krojenia w kostkę zapewniają, że różnice w wadze porcji są ograniczone do minimum. Inny dział nowego zakładu zajmuje się marynowaniem produktów z kurczaka dla handlu detalicznego, restauracji szybkiej obsługi i gastronomii. Nowe pomysły na produkty są testowane w kuchni testowej.
served as well: industry, food service, wholesale, and quick service restaurants all benefit.
he new site at Komorniki combines processing and
from the bones and slice it for example into chunks. There
further processing of chickens in one 6850 m2 building.
are production lines for chicken fillets and for leg meat. A part
Production Manager Tomasz Buchalik tells about
of the bulk chicken products is supplied to industrial buyers,
the different processing departments in the facility. “In our
but most products are further processed and packaged for
department for cutting and deboning, we remove the meat
retail. Our state-of-the art ‘slicing and dicing’ machines ensure that weight variance of portions is kept to a minimum. Every product a consumer buys, for example a schnitzel, is therefore
The test kitchen is the heart of the new facility
of exactly the right size and weight. The slicing machines were developed in the Netherlands, a country with a proven track record in mechanical engineering.” Add Some Flavors Another department of the new facility marinates chicken products for retail, quick service restaurants and food service. Retail Sales Director Krzysztof Kobielski: “The marinade is tumbled or injected into the meat. Combinations of for example oils, herbs and spices give the meat a delicious flavor. But the marinating process not only gives flavor, it also improves the meat structure - the meat becomes tender and juicy after cooking in the oven or grill. New ideas for these and other products often come from our employees and are tested in our test kitchen”, Kobielski says. Test Kitchen: Experiments Allowed “The heart of our new facility”, that is how Kobielski describes the test kitchen. He explains the product development process. “Employees from the Technology and Sales Departments have brainstorm sessions to generate new ideas. Initiative often comes through the Sales Department, which has primary contact with the customer. Other times, retailers tell us what they would like to offer their customers. These ideas are tested in our test kitchen, including oven dishes and marinated grill products. Many of these products were created with the participation of several of the best ingredient suppliers in Poland. Buyers eventually decide which products end up in the retail chains' offer, after our full range is evaluated at a joint meeting in the client's test kitchen.” 7
Zrób Drób "Serce nowego obiektu", tak Dyrektor Sprzedaży Detalicznej fabryki w Komornikach opisuje kuchnię testową. Pomysły na nowe produkty są opracowywane przez pracowników Komornik lub przez sprzedawców detalicznych. Kupujący ostatecznie decydują, które produkty trafiają do oferty sieci handlowych. Pracownicy w Komornikach stworzyli również nową markę, która jest unikalna dla tej fabryki. Zastanawiasz się, jak się nazywa? Zrób Drób! Marka składa się z gotowych dań z wartością dodaną, takich jak szaszłyki kebab w marynacie truflowej z oliwkami. Produkty są zdrowe, smaczne i łatwe w przygotowaniu; konsumenci muszą tylko umieścić produkt w piekarniku lub na grillu i chwilę poczekać. Opakowania i mrożenie Inne działy w nowej siedzibie zajmują się pakowaniem i zamrażaniem. W dziale pakowania detalicznego w pełni funkcjonuje osiem linii pakujących. Pięć z nich jest przeznaczonych do pakowania w zmodyfikowanej atmosferze lub metodą MAP. Pozostałe linie są przeznaczone do pakowania próżniowego lub VAC, do pakowania całych kurczaków oraz do pakowania produktów częściowo płynnych. Natomiast w dziale zamrażania produkty są zamrażane metodą IQF (Indywidualne szybkie zamrażanie). Ogólnie rzecz biorąc, procesy pakowania i mrożenia są doskonale dopasowane do produktów z kurczaka.
Zrób Drób “Retail chains are setting their product standards higher and
the expectations of their children. That is why we create fast,
higher”, Kobielski continues. “Products not only need to taste
healthy and tasty meals in Komorniki. Dishes that satisfy our
good, but also need to have a specific salt content, no artificial
need for a good dinner, give us the speed of preparation and
additives and, above all, no preservatives. We at Storteboom
pleasure of eating.”
Hamrol aim at fulfilling this need through our a new brand Zrób Drób, or ‘Prepare Poultry’ in English. This brand is unique
Packaging and Freezing
to the factory in Komorniki and consists of ready meals with
Other departments at the new site are dedicated to packaging
added value. The new brand is also in line with another
and freezing. Buchalik explains: “In our Retail Packing Depart-
development. Poultry dishes are getting more and more inte-
ment, eight packaging lines are fully operational. Five of these
resting. With Zrób Drób we not only create simple marinated
are for modified atmosphere or MAP packaging, a technique
chicken dishes, but also more sophisticated products such
that changes the gaseous atmosphere around the chicken
as shish kebab in truffle marinade with olives, or tenderloin
product to improve preservation. These packages are supplied
flavored with avocado cheese on a stick, with guacamole dip.”
to retail chains both in Poland and abroad. Other lines are for vacuum or VAC packaging and for packaging of the whole
Easy Enough?
chicken, the so-called BDF. Another department is entirely
“Although these dishes might sound difficult to prepare, it is
geared towards the packaging of partly liquid products, such
actually really easy. Consumers only need to place the product
as marinated chicken. Lastly, in the Freezing Department pro-
in the oven or grill and wait a while”, Kobielski adds. “Surveys
ducts are frozen by means of IQF (Individual Quick Freezing)
show that 3 out of 10 consumers don’t like cooking, because
methods. Several spiral freezers are in action here. Overall,
of a wide array of reasons: lack of time, skills, or ideas, the
our packaging and freezing processes are perfectly tailored to
washing up that comes with cooking, or fear of not meeting
our chicken products.” 9
Fakty i Dane
& Figures
Business | Branża
Chicken products Produkty z drobiu
Number of Birds Processed per Week Ilość kurczaków przetwarzanych w ciągu tygodnia
Amount of Filet Processed per Week Ilość filetów przetwarzanych w ciągu tygodnia
1,750 Mt
Established | Rok założenia
1904 10
Employees | Pracownicy
Main Market Segments | PGłówne segmenty rynku retail • industry • food service • wholesale quick service restaurants Sprzedaż • przemysł • usługi spożywcze • sprzedaż hurtowa restauracje szybkiej obsługi
Mindset | Podejście
Company Turnover | Obroty firmy
€ 750 m
Sites in the Netherlands | Zakłady w Holandii
6 (Putten, Kornhorn, Nijkerk (2), Barneveld, Zeewolde)
CSB congratulates 2 Sisters Storteboom with their new plant in Komorniki Polen!
Sites in Poland | Zakłady w Polsce
2 (Kotowo, Komorniki)
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Maximum Food Safety is Paramount To ensure the food safety of the chicken products, microbiological examinations are done on samples taken from
independent status as employees carry out public service tasks concerning food safety. Microbiological
tests are performed on several types of bacteria. Head of laboratory Kees de Goffau explains: “Chicken can contain
chickens products in all eight sites of
several pathogens, such as Salmonella, Campylobacter and
2 Sisters Storteboom. Quality control
but do in humans, others are harmful for both animals and
staff at the sites send the samples
present depends on the type of bacterium and the stage
to a laboratory. 12
he laboratory is ISO 17025 accredited and has an
Listeria. Some of these bacteria don’t cause disease in chicken humans. The norm for the amount of bacteria that can be of food processing. Salmonella and Campylobacter can be present in low amount in raw chicken, but are normally killed
Kees de Goffau
Maksymalne bezpieczeństwo żywności
jest najważniejsze Aby zapewnić bezpieczeństwo żywności produktów z kurcząt, we wszystkich lokalizacjach 2 Sisters Storteboom B.V. przeprowadzane są badania mikrobiologiczne na próbkach pobieranych z produktów z kurczaka. Pracownicy zajmujący się kontrolą jakości wysyłają te próbki do laboratorium posiadający certyfikat ISO 17025. Testy mikrobiologiczne są przeprowadzane pod kątem kilku rodzajów patogenicznych bakterii,
takich jak Salmonella, Campylobacter i Listeria. Ponadto wykonywane są także testy, mające na celu wykrycie bakterii, które wskazywałyby na niezachowanie norm higieny. Certyfikaty Laboratorium w Putten wysyła swoje raporty z analiz z powrotem do pracowników zajmujących się kontrolą jakości w danych lokalizacjach, którzy następnie podejmują odpowiednie działania. Podczas dalszego przetwarzania podejmowane są wszelkiego rodzaju dodatkowe środki, aby zapewnić, najwyższe standardy wyrobów końcowych pod względem mikrobiologicznym, higienicznym
All kinds of measures are taken to ensure that the end products meet the highest microbial, hygiene and quality standards
i jakościowym. Procedury są zgodne z certyfikatami, które uzyskała firma 2 Sisters Storteboom B.V., w tym BRC (wyższy poziom kod 7AA), IFS (wyższy poziom 6), HACCP, halal, certyfikaty restauracji szybkiej obsługi, ISO 14001 i 17025.
by cooking. Norms with regard to these bacteria are therefore more stringent for cooked than for raw meat.” Certificates Ready, Set, Action
The quality management system of the laboratory is in line
Not only bacteria that can cause disease are tested for.
with certificates that are given to 2 Sisters Storteboom B.V. by
Others, for example certain types of enterobacteria, are
recognized international institutions. Some of the certificates
indicators of a lack of hygiene. The laboratory in Putten sends
of acknowledgement are: BRC (higher level- code 7AA), IFS
their analysis reports to the quality control employees of the
(Higher Level 6), HACCP, halal, certifications of quick service
sites, who take appropriate action. An example: the presence
restaurants, ISO 14001 and 17025. De Goffau says proudly:
of Salmonella is thoroughly tested before slaughtering, with
“We were one of the first laboratories internationally that
the aim to minimize the risk of cross-contamination by
attained the ISO 17025 certificate, at the end of the 1990s.
slaughtering. All kinds of extra measures are taken during
Also, by taking part in international standard committees in
the further processing to ensure that the end products meet
the field of microbiological analysis, as for example the NEN,
the highest microbial, hygiene and quality standards.
we are able to stay on the forefront.” 13
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Testimonials from
Long-term Customers Referencje
The new facility in Komorniki serves a diverse range of clients:
Nowa lokalizacja w Komornikach obsługuje różnorodną bazę klientów. Co więcej, 2 Sisters Storteboom zbudowało trwałe relacje z wieloma klientami. Dotyczy to również KFC Western Europe. Mówi David Moran, kierownik ds. zamówień publicznych w Europie: „Znajomość marki KFC przez 2 Sisters Storteboom pozwoliło nam na innowacje w celu obniżenia kosztów sprzedaży. Dzięki naszej wydajnej współpracy jesteśmy także w stanie rozszerzyć naszą ofertę produktową i wprowadzić nowe, ekscytujące produkty".
retail customers, industry, food service, wholesale, and quick service restaurants. KFC, Tesco and Kandaouroff are three long-term customers of 2 Sisters Storteboom. The new site presents them with new opportunities.
David Moran
Elastyczność Innym długoterminowym klientem jest Tesco, brytyjski, międzynarodowy sprzedawca detaliczny. Country Business, Manager Sam Watkins wyjaśnia, jakie były kluczowe powody, dla których Tesco wybrało 2 Sisters Storteboom jako swojego głównego dostawcę. „Cenimy sobie komunikację z 2 Sisters Storteboom, a także obsługę klienta i stałą jakość produktu, jaką oferuje". Menadżer handlowy, Andre Bultmann z niemieckiej sieci handlowej Kandaouroff wspomina także o elastyczności i podaje przykład: „Otrzymaliśmy bardzo pilne zapytanie od klienta. Dzięki pomyślnej współpracy z 2 Sisters Storteboom zamówienie zostało dostarczone następnego ranka".
2 Sisters Storteboom's transparant communication ensures that the capability of Komorniki positively enhances our relationship
ignificantly, 2 Sisters Storteboom has been able to build
material from 2 Sisters Storteboom. Category Buying Manager
long-term customer relationships with many clients.
Sam Watkins explains: “2 Sisters Storteboom were incredibly
This applies to KFC Western Europe, the famous chicken
flexible in changing their labels to specifically meet the needs
restaurant. The company has collaborated with 2 Sisters
of this new factory. This flexibility, combined with the speed
Storteboom on product innovation in KFC’s restaurants over
of execution, was a big help in ensuring the site is able to run
the past ten years. Western Europe Chief Supply Chain Officer
David Moran explains: “2 Sisters Storteboom’s understanding of the KFC brand, our business and our consumers has
Other key reasons why Tesco chose 2 Sisters Storteboom as an
allowed us to innovate to reduce our cost of sales through our
important supplier are communication, customer service and
“spend smarter”-program. Thanks to our efficient collabora-
consistent product quality. Sam Watkins clarifies: “The high
tion, we were also able to enhance our product offering on
quality of their diverse portfolio enables us to provide excellent
week over week Value Chicken Tuesday, and to launch new
products for our customers in what is an extremely competitive
exiting products.”
marketplace. 2 Sisters Storteboom are always open to new ideas to improve the customer offer and this is a key reason
KFC Western Europe appreciates 2 Sisters Storteboom’s
as to why we continue our strong working relationship.”
efforts to meet their needs. David Moran says: “2 Sisters Storteboom have consistently demonstrated that their
More Flexibility
strategy for growth and technology development is aligned
German retailer Kandaouroff GmbH is another long-term
with the business strategy of KFC. They have evolved their
customer. Business manager Andre Bultmann values 2 Sisters
team structure to meet the needs of all of our markets and
Storteboom’s flexibility: “We received an extremely short-term
continuously invested capital to back our partnership.”
customer inquiry in the summer of 2019. Through a successful collaboration with 2 Sisters Storteboom, the order was delivered
the following morning. This contributed enormously to the
Another long-term customer of 2 Sisters Storteboom is Tesco,
satisfaction of this particular customer. We also appreciate
the British multinational groceries and general merchandise
2 Sisters Storteboom’s speedy and uncomplicated customer
retailer. The two companies have recently established a
service. Together we work innovatively and constructively to
relationship at a new processing factory (Hilton) with raw
improve the quality of products and services.“ 17
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Nowe możliwości
New Opportunities
Lokalizacja w Komornikach może dawać
The new facility in Komorniki can create new opportunities
klientom nowe możliwości. David Moran
for customers. David Moran from KFC appreciates the trans-
docenia przejrzystą komunikację 2 Sisters
parent communication of 2 Sisters Storteboom about the
Storteboom na temat ich nowego zakładu.
investments in the new site. “This ensures that the capability
„To sprawia, że możliwości Komornik
of Komorniki positively enhances our relationship and creates
pozytywnie wzmacniają nasze relacje".
further opportunities.” Andre Bultmann from Kandaouroff
Natomiast Andre Bultmann wymienia
mentions convenient processes for food protection as an
wygodne procesy ochrony żywności jako
advantage of the new facility. “Food protection is one of the
zaletę nowego obiektu. Sam Watkins
central tasks in the food trade. The new, modern facility for
nie może się doczekać, aż obiekt zacznie
the processing of chicken products in Komorniki has signifi-
działać. „Otwarcie lokalizacji w Komornikach
cantly improved the connection between product and do-
pozwoli nam rozszerzyć i tak już bogatą
cument, facilitated traceability and thus contributed to food
ofertę produktów oferowanych nam przez
safety.” Sam Watkins of Tesco is looking forward to the site
2 Sisters Storteboom".
going operational. “The onboarding of Komorniki will enable us to increase the already diverse product range 2 Sisters Storteboom offers us.”
The New Facility in Komorniki:
a Flexible, Enduring Design Nowy zakład w Komornikach:
elastyczny, wytrzymały projekt Projekt i budowa nowego zakładu 2 Sisters Storteboom należało do polskiego głównego kontraktora, Jakon. W maju 2017 roku firma ta kupiła działkę o powierzchni 62 000 m2 w Komornikach niedaleko Poznania. Koordynator projektu Maciek Tomkowiak z Jakon tłumaczy: "Zakup nieruchomości miał charakter inwestycyjny i opierał się na założeniu utworzenia nowego parku przemysłowego na tym terenie. Dlatego po
took a bit more time than giving birth to a child. The end result is a highly flexible building that is environmentally friendly and enduring.
esign and construction of the building were in the hands of Jakon, a general contractor of production and industrial buildings in Poland. In May 2017,
this company bought a plot of 62,000 m2 in Komorniki,
zakupie nieruchomości rozpoczęto intensywne
near Poznań. Project coordinator Maciej Tomkowiak of
prace przygotowujące działkę pod przyszłe
Jakon explains: “The purchase of the real estate was of
inwestycje. Budowę rozpoczęliśmy w czerwcu
an investment nature and was based on the assumption
2018 roku, pomimo braku podpisanej umowy
of creating a new industrial park in this area. Therefore,
z konkretnym klientem. Prowadząc tego typu
after the purchase of the property, intensive work began
inwestycje, stosujemy elastyczną strategię,
to prepare the plot for future investments. We obtained
tworząc uniwersalny obiekt, który może być dostosowany do konkretnych potrzeb inwestorów. W sierpniu 2018 roku osiągnęliśmy porozumienie z 2 Sisters Storteboom na sprzedaż 16 500 m2 części całej działki i budynku w budowie".
Building the facility in Komorniki
Maciej Tomkowiak
Right from the first meeting, we were able to create good mutual partner relations
a building permit and we designed and agreed on, among others, an exit from a public road and utilities such as water, gas, electricity, and sewage systems.” A Flexible Strategy “We commenced construction in June 2018,” Maciej Tomkowiak continues. “We proceeded with a design and started construction despite the absence of a signed contract with a specific client. While conducting this type of investment, we use a flexible strategy, which aims to create a rich offer, addressed to tenants looking for a large warehouse or production space in a new location. This is the so-called Build-to-Suit formula. We created a universal facility that could be tailored to meet the specific needs of investors. In this way, investors can obtain exactly the facility they need almost right away.” Mutual Understanding of Needs In 2018, 2 Sisters Storteboom appeared on the scene as a
activity, location and the building were perfectly in line
possible investor. Maciej Tomkowiak thinks that there was
with our project in Komorniki. For example, the facility is
a good fit between the two companies. “Right from the
well connected to the A2 Berlin - Warsaw motorway and
first meeting, we were able to create good mutual partner
expressways nearby, which is crucial for an international
relations. 2 Sisters Storteboom’s profile of the planned
company like this. For both parties, time played a key role. With the Build-to-Suit formula, we would be able to create the facility that 2 Sisters Storteboom needed in a short period of time.” Agreement An agreement between 2 Sisters Storteboom and Jakon was reached in August, 2018. 2 Sisters Storteboom bought a 16,500 m2 section of the plot and a building under construction. Maciej Tomkowiak: “At that time, the construction of the universal facility was still ongoing. All foundations were already completed and an entire production hall structure had been erected – columns and girders as well as foundations for the hall and docks. The main idea was to create a production hall that could be tailored to the individual needs of clients. Therefore, we designed a 2,600 m2 building with a reinforced concrete structure and a nave span of 36 m, without any additional intermediate columns in the center of the hall. This solution offered usable space without additional obstacles and restrictions. The space was suited for cross-dock operations with the possibility of adapting all, or part, of the facility to cold stores and freezers.” 21
Fire Safety and Additional Loads
“The hall structure was designed and executed in reinforced
"W momencie zakupu trwała jeszcze budowa
concrete, which resulted in good fire resistance parameters.
uniwersalnego obiektu" - kontynuuje Maciej
The high value of the fire load factor for the production halls
Tomkowiak. "Hala produkcyjna o powierzchni
is crucial due to fire safety as well as costs and insurance op-
2600 m2 ma konstrukcję żelbetową i rozpiętość
tions for such a facility with stored goods. At the conceptual
nawy 36 m, bez dodatkowych słupów
stage, the adoption of additional loads to the main structure
pośrednich w środku hali. Zastosowanie żelbetu
of the facility enabled the assembly of process systems
pozwoliło na uzyskanie dobrych parametrów
without additional supporting substructures, for example
ognioodporności. Przyjęcie dodatkowych
air handling units, a pipeline flyover supplying cold to the
obciążeń do konstrukcji głównej obiektu
production and storage hall, or photovoltaic panels.”
umożliwiło montaż układów technologicznych bez dodatkowych konstrukcji podpierających.
Tylko niewielkie zmiany były potrzebne, aby
Only minor changes were needed to adapt the original
dostosować oryginalny projekt do wymagań
design of the production hall - on the basis of which the
2 Sisters Storteboom. Częścią adaptacji było
construction was already ongoing - to 2 Sisters Storteboom’s
powiększenie powierzchni hali do ok. 6850 m2,
requirements. The hall area was increased to approximately
dodanie doków w dziale logistyki oraz budowa
6,850 m . Owing to the flexibility of the design, the main
dwupiętrowego biurowca o powierzchni
systems and process systems were designed from scratch,
850 m2. Ponadto dodano także system zraszaczy.
including subfloor sewage systems necessary for draining
Dla celów technologicznych dodano trzy
waste water, a central hall washing system, ventilation
zbiorniki na różne gazy, a także dwa zbiorniki
systems for the production rooms consisting of up to 11
buforowe na ciepłą i zimną wodę oraz systemy
ventilation units, and a modern cooling system ensuring a
sprężonego powietrza i wody lodowej".
temperature of 0-2 degrees Celsius in production rooms and around 7 degrees Celsius in auxiliary rooms.
Only minor changes were needed to adapt the original design of the production hall to 2 Sisters Storteboom’s requirements
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Wpływ na środowisko "Wpływ na środowisko naturalne był motorem wielu decyzji związanych z projektowaniem obiektu. Systemy chłodzenia wykorzystują substancję chłodzącą, która ma minimalny wpływ na środowisko naturalne. System chłodniczego odzysku ciepła dostarcza podgrzaną wodę do zbiornika, która następnie jest wykorzystywana do mycia instalacji. Ponadto budynek jest izolowany termicznie w wysokim standardzie, co przekłada się na mniejsze zużycie energii. Podsumowując, budynek ten charakteryzuje się elastycznością, zrównoważonym charakterem i trwałością projektu" - podsumowuje Maciej Tomkowiak.
More Adaptations
Environmental Impact
Additional docks were added to the design to optimize the
“Environmental impact was a driver of many decisions
logistics department. For the administrative part, a 850 m2
related to the design of the facility”, Maciej Tomkowiak adds.
two-story office building was included. This office is equipped
“The cooling systems use a refrigerant that has minimal
with systems ensuring comfort at a high level: air conditioning
impact on the natural environment. We also included a
and mechanical ventilations. For fire and insurance reasons, a
refrigeration heat recovery system that supplies water heated
sprinkler system with a fire water tank and pumping station,
to 55 degrees Celsius to a tank, which is then used to wash
hydrant system and SAP system was added. For process
the plant. Furthermore, the building is thermally isolated
purposes three tanks for various gases were added, as well as
to a high standard, which translates into an improvement
two buffer tanks for hot and cold water for use in the produc-
of the building's energy efficiency index and lower power
tion plant washing process, and compressed air and ice water
consumption. All in all, this building offers flexibility,
sustainability and an enduring design.” 25
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Krzysztof Kobielski
Employees at Komorniki Pracownicy w Komornikach Zakład w Komornikach rozpoczął swoją działalność w październiku 2019 roku, zatrudniając ok. 200 pracowników. Dyrektor ds. sprzedaży detalicznej Krzysztof Kobielski pracuje tutaj od początku. To, co lubi w swojej pracy, to wolność, jaką ma w rozwoju produktów. "Nasza odpowiedź klientowi brzmi zawsze TAK. Dopiero po jej udzieleniu zaczynamy myśleć o tym, jak to zrobić. Nie ma w tym nic złego, ponieważ nasi
The facility in Komorniki began operation in October 2019 with around two hundred staff, working in either production or the office. Two people who have been there since the start are Retail Sales Director Krzysztof Kobielski and Production Manager Tomasz Buchalik.
kierownik ds. produkcji Tomasz Buchalik. Docenia
to, że od samego początku wszyscy dążyli do jak
inspirational. Every day brings new challenges. This is how retail
najwyższej jakości. "Jest to podstawowa zasada, a
is - unpredictable and very demanding. I like that a lot.”
wysoko wykwalifikowani pracownicy i nowoczesny park maszynowy pozwalają nam podejmować nawet najtrudniejsze wyzwania. Inną osobą, która jest zaangażowana od początku działalności, jest
s part of his job, Krzysztof Kobielski cooperates with the Sales and Technology Department to introduce new chicken products to retail customers. He loves his job
at Storteboom Hamrol: “Working with retail customers is really
nie tylko sposób na osiągnięcie dobrych wyników podczas audytów. Chociaż muszę przyznać, że
Our Response is Always YES
byliśmy zachwyceni, gdy nasz pierwszy audyt, dwa
Kobielski is content with the freedom he has in product develop-
miesiące po starcie, zaowocował najwyższymi
ment. “Our response to the customer is always YES. It’s only
możliwymi kwalifikacjami".
after we give this answer that we start thinking about how to do it. Not that this is a bad thing, since our highly qualified staff and 27
“We congratulate “We congratulate “We congratulate “We congratulate 2 Sisters Storteboom 22 Sisters Storteboom Sisters Storteboom 2 Sisters Storteboom with the opening of their with the opening their with the opening of their with the opening ofof their new production facility new production facility new production facility new production facility in Poland.” in in Poland.” inPoland.” Poland.”
modern machinery enable us to take on even the most diffi-
An Eye for More than the Audits
cult challenges. My vision for Storteboom Hamrol is that soon,
“The first two months at Komorniki were quite challenging”,
every customer will find out that our new brand "Zrób Drób"
Buchalik says. “Only a few experienced operators moved with
offers convenient, healthy and above all delicious food.”
me to this new facility. Much hard work had to be done in order to get acquainted with the new facility, machinery and
Reliable operations
with each other. What I really like about the teams is that from
Another employee who has worked in Komorniki since
the beginning, everyone was striving to the highest possible
operations started in October 2019 is Production Manager
quality. This is a basic attitude and not merely a way to achieve
Tomasz Buchalik. His job is to ensure that operational
good results at audits. Although I have to admit that we were
processes run reliably and efficiently. He has about fifteen
overjoyed when our first audit, two months after the start,
years of experience in the poultry sector and has lived and
resulted in the highest qualification possible.”
worked almost ten years of this period in the Netherlands. Since 2014, he was part of the team of Storteboom Hamrol at Kotowo. When he was asked to start working at Komorniki, he decided to embark on a new journey.
Much hard work had to be done in order to get acquainted with the new facility, machinery and with each other
ir eir eir Tomasz Buchalik 29
Trends in
‘The World of Chicken’
Several trends with consumers and society influence the meat sector. Consumption of chicken is still growing
still growing. Commercial Director Evert Sijbesma says: “Chicken has an outstanding reputation as a healthy and
lean meat and source of protein. Furthermore, chicken dishes are often very easy to prepare and the possibilities are almost
but consumers don’t have much
endless: grilled, fried, deep-fried, spit on a rotisserie, boiled in
time for cooking. Animal welfare and
vegetarianism and veganism, including fake chicken products.
sustainability are becoming more
they will be in the future.”
important and cooperation in the chain increases. 30
ne trend is that consumption of chicken products is
soups or broiled in the oven. There is a growing trend toward Nevertheless, real chicken products are popular today and I think
Convenience is Key Another trend is that convenience food is becoming more popular. Many consumers lead busy lives and the time they can spend
in the kitchen is often limited. However, they don’t want to make concessions to the quality of the food they eat. These developments lead to an increased consumption of ready-to-cook and
Trendy w
‘świecie drobiu’
ready-to-eat products. Sijbesma explains: “Ready-to-cook products are products that the consumer only has to heat or cook, such as oven dishes. Ready-to-eat products can be consumed as
Na sektor drobiu ma wpływ kilka tendencji, w
is, without any additional cooking. Examples are snacks or satay
których uczestniczą konsumenci i społeczeństwo.
sticks. The available range of both types of products has grown
Jednym w nich jest to, że konsumpcja produktów
immensely recently.”
drobiowych stale rośnie. Kurczak cieszy się doskonałą reputacją jako zdrowe i chude mięso
Happy Chickens
oraz źródło białka. Jednak wielu konsumentów
More focus on animal welfare is another trend that has shaken
ogranicza czas, jaki mogą spędzić w kuchni.
the poultry sector. The Netherlands is one of the global frontrun-
Nie chcą iść na ustępstwa, jeśli chodzi o jakość
ners when it comes to improving animal welfare, but this trend is
jedzenia, które spożywają. Zmiany te prowadzą
also visible internationally. Several leading international compa-
do zwiększonego spożycia produktów gotowych
nies have committed to the Better Chicken Commitment (BCC).
do przyrządzenia, potraw, które konsument musi
Sijbesma explains: “They aim to only sell so-called slow-growing
tylko podgrzać lub ugotować, oraz produktów
chickens. The BCC agreement also encompasses better living
gotowych do spożycia, które można spożywać
conditions with more space, natural light and opportunities for
w stanie niezmienionym, bez konieczności
natural pecking behavior. These chicken are healthier and more
dodatkowego gotowania. 31
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Szczęśliwy kurczak, brak odpadów i dobra
resistant to disease, so less antibiotics are needed. We are very
happy to support BCC”, Sijbesma says. He adds: “Although I would
Większy nacisk na dobrostan zwierząt to
like to stress that the faster-growing chicken is still a good quality,
kolejna tendencja, która wstrząsnęła sektorem
healthy chicken. We are talking about a difference between stand-
drobiarskim. Kilka wiodących międzynarodowych
ard and premium here.”
firm zobowiązało się do przestrzegania zasady Better Chicken Commitment, która gwarantuje
No Waste
lepsze warunki życia kurczaków z większą
Another societal trend is that companies focus more on
ilością przestrzeni i naturalnego światła. Innym
sustainability of their products and production processes. This
trendem społecznym jest większe skupienie
is clearly visible In the poultry sector with a tendency towards
się firm na zrównoważonym rozwoju. Jest to
using recyclable packaging materials, using less plastic and less
widoczne w sektorze drobiarskim z tendencją
energy. But also towards using the whole chicken. Sijbesma:
do stosowania materiałów opakowaniowych
“Around 70% of the animal is edible. This total amount is divided
nadających się do powtórnego przetworzenia
into white meat and dark meat. White meat, such as chicken
oraz do wykorzystywania całego kurczaka.
breast, is lean and mild in flavor. Dark meat, for example chicken
Około 70% kurczaka nadaje się do jedzenia,
legs, is more flavorful and juicy. Although white meat has
a pozostałe 30% jest przetwarzane na m.in.
traditionally been more popular, consumption of dark meat is
karmę dla zwierząt i nawozy do roślin. Nic nie
on the rise. The remaining 30% of the animal that is not fit for
jest wyrzucane. Natomiast ostatni trend dotyczy
human consumption is not wasted: organs are used in pet food,
zwiększającej się współpracy między wszystkimi
blood in plant fertilizers and feathers in aqua feed. The entire
stronami w łańcuchu. Współpraca ta gwarantuje,
chicken finds a home.”
że każda ze stron dostarcza produkt o możliwie jak najwyższej jakości i bezpieczeństwie, przy
zachowaniu wysokiej niezawodności i niskich
Another ongoing development is an increasing cooperation
between all parties involved in the chain, from egg to consumer. These parties include animal feed suppliers, egg production companies, hatcheries and veterinarians. According to Sijbesma, good cooperation ensures excellent results for all parties. “Mutual interest guarantees that each party delivers a product with the highest quality and safety possible, with high reliability and low cost.”
The entire chicken finds a home Evert Sijbesma
GEA’s Cooling and Heating Solutions
Reduce Energy Consumption and Carbon Footprint Rozwiązania GEA w zakresie chłodzenia i ogrzewania
zmniejszają zużycie energii i ślad węglowy Nowy zakład w Komornikach posiada zintegrowane systemy chłodzenia, wentylacji i ogrzewania. Firma 2 Sisters Storteboom
współpracowała z GEA w zakresie projektowania,
The new site at Komorniki has integrated cooling, ventilation and heating systems. 2 Sisters Storteboom partnered with GEA for the design, configuration and installation of these systems, thereby continuing a partnership that began in 2007 when the site in Kotowo opened.
konfiguracji i montażu tych systemów. Efektywne, ekonomiczne rozwiązanie chłodnicze GEA pomaga
technologia pomp ciepła GEA odzyskuje ciepło z
systemu chłodzenia do podgrzewania wody, która
and installed an efficient, cost-effective cooling solution for
jest następnie wykorzystywana do mycia zakładu.
the new plant at Komorniki. This system helps to maintain
Niskie zużycie energii i mały ślad węglowy
optimum conditions for the processing and storage of
Systemy te są wysoce energooszczędne i
chicken products: a temperature of 0-2 degrees Celsius in
zrównoważone. Na przykład system odzyskiwania
production rooms, around 7 degrees Celsius in auxiliary
ciepła zastępuje ogrzewanie gazowe, a tym samym
rooms and minus 40 degrees Celsius in the spiral freezer
zmniejsza emisję dwutlenku węgla. Pozwala
and blast freezer.
utrzymać optymalne warunki do przetwarzania i przechowywania produktów z kurczaka. System wentylacyjny jest dostosowany do specyficznych wymagań poszczególnych pomieszczeń. Ponadto,
również zaoszczędzić około 60 000 euro rocznie w porównaniu do standardowego kotła. Johan Nap, który jest odpowiedzialny za operacje w 2 Sisters Storteboom w Polsce, mówi: „Rozwiązania GEA bardzo dobrze pasują do zaangażowania 2 Sisters Storteboom w ochronę środowiska”.
hicken products require low temperatures for optimal safety and quality, for example to prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria such as Salmonella. Working
closely with 2 Sister’s Storteboom, GEA designed, configured
The heat recovery system saves approximately 60.000 euros per year compared to a standard boiler
Ventilation and Heating
protection.” The cooling system uses ammonia as a natural
Poorly maintained building ventilation can increase the
refrigerant, which has zero global warming potential.
spread of some bacteria and viruses, so a well-designed
The compressors and main devices are equipped with
ventilation system is paramount in a chicken processing
frequency inverters to ensure the highest efficiency of the
facility. GEA designed a ventilation system for the complete
whole installation. The heat recovery system replaces gas-
building, which is tailored to the specific demands of the
based heating (boiler), and therefore cuts carbon dioxide
different rooms. In addition, GEA’s in-depth analysis of
emissions. It also saves approximately 60.000 euros per
the heating process revealed that it could help 2 Sisters
year compared to the standard boiler, providing a return of
Storteboom to reduce fuel consumption and significantly
investment in only three years. User friendliness is achieved
increase energy efficiency through the installation of GEA
through the presence of one central control and monitoring
heat pump technology. The system reclaims heat from the
system for the complete installation.
cooling system to heat water to 55 degrees Celsius, which is then used to wash the plant.
Low Energy Consumption and Carbon Footprint The integrated configuration of cooling, ventilation and heating systems is highly energy-efficient and sustainable. Johan Nap, who is responsible for operations at 2 Sisters Storteboom in Poland, says: “GEA’s solutions fit very well with 2 Sisters Storteboom’s commitment to environmental 35
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The Future of the Company
and of Chicken Products Przyszłość firmy
i produktów drobiowych Firma 2 Sisters Storteboom ma jasny cel na przyszłość: wzrost na europejskim rynku. Coraz większe znaczenie będzie miał również dobrostan zwierząt. Nie tylko same kurczaki
Two developments that will play a role in 2 Sisters Storteboom’s future are growth and more focus on animal welfare.
Sisters Storteboom has clear a goal for the future: growth in the European market. “Our new location in Komorniki offers enormous potential”, says Harm Laros.
Our plan is to increase production from 600 tons a week in the
będą zdrowsze i szczęśliwsze w przyszłości,
first year to over than 1,000 tons in the third year. Meanwhile,
nasza żywność jako całość również będzie
we will keep an eye on other opportunities for growth.”
lepsza dla nas, ludzi. Na przykład zwiększymy nacisk na zredukowanie zawartości cukru i soli
Healthy Animals and Healthy Humans
w gotowych do przyrządzenia i gotowych do
Animal welfare will also be increasingly important. Evert Sijbes-
spożycia produktach przeznaczonych na rynek
ma is enthusiastic: “The Better Chicken Commitment, an agree-
ment between leading international companies to improve animal welfare, will have a tremendous impact on the poultry sector. We are extremely pleased that we can contribute to these developments.” Not only the chickens themselves will be healthier and happier in the future, our food as a whole will be better for us humans, as well. “In the Netherlands, we have already taken major steps forward in the reduction of sugar and salt in ready-to-cook and ready-to-eat products. This is our aim for Poland as well.”
Slow-growing chicken are healthier and more resistant to disease
Fit for the Fit for the
it for the future is our slogan. One meaning of fit is that you are ready for upcoming changes in the market and look for opportunities. Fit also means that you have strong and
reliable relationships with the stakeholders you are working with.
Fit for the future to nasz slogan. Jednym
More specifically: with suppliers and with customers, but also
ze znaczeń fit jest posiadanie silnych i
with everyone who is working hard to run your operations on a
niezawodnych relacji z interesariuszami, z
daily basis, such as employees and contract workers. These relati-
którymi pracujesz. Firma 2 Sisters Storteboom
onships are necessary not only for today, but also for tomorrow.
chciałaby podziękować wszystkim, którzy dołączyli do projektu w Komornikach. Dzięki
We at 2 Sisters Storteboom would like to thank everybody who
wysiłkowi wszystkich zaangażowanych stron
has joined this project in Komorniki, both internally as well as
udało nam się zbudować ten obiekt w krótkim
externally. Due to the effort of all parties involved, we were able
czasie i w profesjonalny sposób. Bardzo
to build this facility in a short period of time and in a professional
way. Our good collaboration was essential in achieving this success. After all, working together we certainly make the most
Harm Laros, dyrektor 2 Sisters Storteboom B.V.
progress. So: thank you, dank u wel and dziękuję bardzo! Harm Laros, Managing Director 2 Sisters Storteboom B.V.
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