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Specialist in bulbous and tuberous crops
Grown with love for nature
Pot plant and bulb nursery Vreugdenhil in 's-Gravenzande is a large ornamental plant nursery in the Dutch Westland region, known for its high-quality cultivation. The progressive family business specialises in growing 15 different plant species, including Amaryllis, Zantedeschia, Ornithogalum, Caladium and Canna. The plants come in a wide variety of pot sizes. What's more, good cooperation with breeders ensures that new unusual (seasonal) products are added continuously.
Flexible unburdening
Jochem and Marjolijn Vreugdenhil are the third generation at the helm. Their motivated team consists of 32 permanent colleagues and 120 temporary workers. At peak times, they enlist the help of 200 to 300 additional flex workers. Vreugdenhil boasts 125,000 m2 of greenhouse surface area, spread across three locations, and markets approximately 20 million potted plants each year. "We supply the florist around the corner, as well as major garden centres, supermarkets and discount retailers throughout Europe. Every customer has individual needs," they tell us. "Our strength lies in our ability to respond to these needs in a very flexible manner, and thus always optimally serve and unburden customers. Whether it is a small tray or a full trolley – we can handle it!" waar wij nu de hoofdvestiging hebben. Opa had hier z’n tuin en schuur en teelde verschillende soorten groenten, druiven en tulpen. In de jaren 60 stapte hij als een van de eersten in ons land over op Amaryllis. Aan het begin van deze eeuw zijn we ook in de potplanten gestapt en hebben ons in de loop van de jaren daarin ontwikkeld als specialist.”
Growing together
Jochem en Marjolijn zijn ervan overtuigd dat je meer bereikt door samenwerking, zowel intern met collega’s, als extern met leveranciers, klanten en collega-kwekers. Daarom brengt Vreugdenhil bijvoorbeeld samen met tientallen andere kwekers in Nederland het kwaliteitslabel Decorum op de markt. Ook verzorgt het familiebedrijf de verkoop van een aantal producten van andere kwekers en heeft het een partnerschap met Greencre8 voor onder meer de zeer succesvolle No Water Flowers®.
De Vreugdenhil Pijlers
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Kwaliteit – Alle Vreugdenhil-planten worden met passie, liefde en toewijding gekweekt en in de kassen gelden strenge teelteisen voor een gegarandeerde hoogwaardige productkwaliteit.
Samenwerking – Partnerschappen zijn belangrijk voor Vreugdenhil vanuit de overtuiging dat je samen altijd meer bereikt dan alleen.
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Duurzaamheid en MVO – Vreugdenhil produceert met zorg voor mens, natuur en milieu.
Innovatie – Vreugdenhil investeert samen met veredelaars in productinnovaties. Ook worden teelttechnieken, sorteerprocessen en klimaatbeheersing in de kassen continu geoptimaliseerd door verdere automatisering.
Vreugdenhil was founded by Jochem's grandfather 85 years ago. "It all started in the very spot where we now have our headquarters. Grandpa had his garden and shed here and grew a variety of vegetables, grapes and tulips. In the 60s, he was one of the first in the Netherlands to switch to growing Amaryllis. At the start of this century, we also started growing potted plants, and over the years we have emerged as specialists."
Growing together
Jochem and Marjolijn firmly believe that you can achieve more through cooperation, both internally with colleagues, and externally with suppliers, customers and fellow growers. This is why Vreugdenhil, together with many other Dutch growers, markets the Decorum quality label, for example. The family business also handles sales for several products by other growers and partners with Greencre8 for products like the hugely successful No Water Flowers®.
The Vreugdenhil Pillars
Quality – All Vreugdenhil plants are grown with passion, love and dedication. Strict growing requirements apply to guarantee high-quality products.
Cooperation – Partnerships are paramount to Vreugdenhil, based on the belief that one always achieves more together than alone.
Sustainability and CSR – Vreugdenhil produces with consideration for people, nature and the environment.
Innovation – Vreugdenhil invests in product innovations, together with breeders. Cultivation technology, sorting processes and climate control in the greenhouses are continuously optimised through further automation.