iRun Get up & Go Issue | February | Issue 02 2014|

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2014 ISSUE 02








OUTGOING EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Diane Hart 613.238.1818 x272 PUBLISHER & EXECUTIVE CONTENT DIRECTOR Lisa Georges 613.238.1818 x230 COPY EDITOR Karen Karnis CONTRIBUTORS Anna Lee Boschetto, Andrew Chak, Michelle Clarke, Krista DuChene, Ben Kaplan, Patience Lister, Karen Karnis, Wendy Morley, Mark Sutcliffe, Ray Zahab WEB EDITOR Anna Lee Boschetto CREATIVE DIRECTOR & DESIGN Tanya Connolly-Holmes GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Renée Depocas Sarah Ellis Regan Van Dusen ADVERTISING SALES Jenn Price 613.238.1818 x252 GROUP PUBLISHER Mark Sutcliffe



COVER Motivation 101 Thoughts, musings, questions and tips by Author and Contributor Ben Kaplan

30 32


The sweet spot The truth about sugar By Karen Karnis

Run this city! Experience sightrunning: a guided tour on the run By Anna Lee Boschetto

SUBSCRIPTIONS 613.238.1818 x248 iRun is published six times per year by great river media inc.


VICE-PRESIDENT OF SALES Terry Tyo Canada Post Publications PM#41639025 Postage paid at Ottawa, ON Return undeliverable Canadian and other addresses to iRun: P.O Box 3814, Station C Ottawa, ON K1Y 4J8

Oops! This beautiful photo found on p.34 of Issue 01 2014 should have been credited to photographer Robert Shaer. iRun apologizes for the omission. K EVER R BEST 10 RUN YOU










18 From the Director’s Chair meet Vancouver International Marathon Society’s Executive Director, Charlene Krepiakevich

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NUTRITION 20 6 immune boosting ingredients to help keep you running strong TRAINING 22 Your best 10K ever! RACE CALENDAR 42 Great Canadian events from April-June GEAR 43 Skin deep: tips and products that protect your outer layer TRAIL RUNNING 44 Michelle Clarke’s top reasons to LOVE trail races

Check out the iRun Raceboard starting on page 34

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2014 $5.95 ISSUE 02 1

iRun because I feel great when I’m done! — Karen Morgenweg, Ontario PB

iRun VOICES 12 How does Ray Zahab stay motivated during his intense winter training? He buddies up!

46 Mark Sutcliffe’s character-building minus-30 training run




10 Don’t dread it! Great reasons to take on the treadmill




2014 ISSUE

9 At the races Women’s only events

14 Consistency is Krista Duchene’s secret to success

250 City Centre Ave., Suite 500 Ottawa, ON K1R 6K7


STARTLINE 7 Beat the laggard Online contributor, the Obsessive Runner teaches us how to be a #badass!



The Calgary Marathon was Western Canada’s first marathon. 1963 was the first year of Canada's longest running marathon, with nineteen men entering the race and twelve finishers. Canada’s strongest middle distance runner, Olympian Doug Kyle, first thought of the Calgary Marathon. Kyle competed for Canada in both 1956 and 1960 in the 5,000 and 10,000 metre race.

Doug Kyle won the first Calgary Marathon in a time of 2:45:54 at the age of 31.

Water (and only water) was available on the marathon course. Kyle convinced fellow Calgarian runner Bill Wyllie to co-race direct the first

edition. Wyllie went on to race direct in 1964, when the Calgary Marathon was both the Canadian Championships and an Olympic Trial for the Tokyo Olympics. Before the age of chip timing, runners were met by officials with clipboards at water stations. The officials checked off the runners’ bib numbers to make sure they were staying on course and completing the full distance.















CALGARY MARATHON C e l e b r a t i n g 5 0 Ye a r s R u n n i n g J u n e 1 , 2 0 1 4

The Calgary Roadrunners took over the organization of the Calgary Marathon and it has been an annual event in Calgary since 1971.

One of the biggest highlights of the 1970's, however, remains the inclusion of women in the race. According to runner Neil Topping, once women started participating in the marathon they got “very good very fast.”


Margaret Carlton-Glover, who started running the 70s and went on to co-race direct in 1985 with Peter Jones, said “In the 70s there was very little, if any, walking in the marathon.” As a member of the Calgary Marathon’s first female cohort, Carlton-Glover says the male marathoners were always “very welcoming.”

In 1975, 41-year-old Carmen Robinson of Banff became the first winner of the women's division in the Calgary Marathon in a time of 3:59:12. Second place Cathy Broderick was a full forty minutes behind Carmen, with a time of 4:30:04. These two women were also among the first women ever to run a marathon in western Canada.

Post-race refreshments weren’t boxes of bananas and bagels but a potluck in the park.

Start of the '72 Marathon

C e l e2014 bra t i n02 g 5 0 Ye a r s R u n n i n g J u n e 1 , 2 0 1 4 ISSUE

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1991 was the first year that prize money was given out to the top performers. Lorna Hawley of Calgary boasted five straight victories in the women's division starting in 1981. Her first marathon was in 1980.

Kelvin Broad received $500 for his efforts that day. He continued to win every Calgary Marathon he entered and remains the Overall Winner of the Men's Division with a record eight victories.

decade that the race finish line moved three times: from Eau Claire to Mewata Armouries, then to Bridgeland and finally to Stampede Park where it has stayed ever since.

Two spoonfulls of honey the night before a marathon was Hawley’s nutrition secret in the days before gels.

The women's record was set in 1990 by Claire Kroshus, with a winning time of 2:45:59.

In 1998 Heather McRae took the previous (large) Calgary Herald 10K and merged it with the marathon event, making the 10k the premier 10k event in the City. Fort Calgary was the venue.

The Stampede Run-Off was coined to cover the entire event, including the marathon, the 10K and the Mayor's 3K Fun Run. It was in this

Hawley remained unbeatable for another four years, breaking the three-hour barrier in four of the five races. Her fastest race was in 1984, with a time of 2:54:45. Now 60, Hawley still holds the record as the Overall Winner in the Women's Division and plans to run the half marathon this year.

In 1985 the 10K race was added, with babysitting provided for runners by the Eau Claire YMCA at a fee of $2. In 1989 the Calgary Marathon moved from its May date to the new date of July, to team up with the fourth running of the Stampede 10k event. The famous Stampede Breakfast was introduced and remained part of the event for more than a decade.

Some runners race in costumes. Venue coordinator Tamara Stitchbury once dressed as Twinkle, a star mascot when the race was held in July. Volunteers and course officials are on the course by 4:00 am to prepare for the 7:00 am start. Start of the '92 Marathon

The half marathon was introduced in 2003. Despite the extreme weather conditions, the Calgary Marathon can still boast an average race day temperature of perfect +15 degrees!

A new marathon course that started and finished in the Stampede Stadium was introduced in 1985. “It jazzed things up a bit,” says 1985’s co-race director Margaret Carlton-Glover, who remembers water and giant raisin oatmeal cookies being the post-race refreshments.

The half marathon was introduced by Jacqui Sanderson in 2003, with Fort Calgary as the venue. In 2009 Scotiabank signed on as the title sponsor of the Calgary Marathon. A Kids’ Marathon, 5K walk and run, 10K race and half marathon are now part of the Calgary Marathon race weekend. What does it take to put on the marathon? According to venue coordinators Tamara and Rob Stitchbury, the last count was: 10,000 zip ties, 115,000 cups, 120 tables, 30 tents, 1500 metres of fencing, 1200 traffic cones (600 at the Start/Finish, 600 on course) and 150 porta potties.

Margaret CarltonGlover crossing the finish line at the '86 race

Rob Reid, who won the Calgary Marathon four years in the 80s, starting with 1980, moved out to Victoria where he opened a running store called Front Runners and started race directing the Victoria Marathon. Reid, who founded a charity called Runners of Compassion, is inspired by his running hero Terry Fox.

When the marathon was after the Stampede Parade, start line prep included cleaning up manure.

The Neighbourhood Spirit Challenge ensures lots of cheering as you run across the city. Every event in the marathon weekend has expanded. The 5K family walk and run has become a huge vehicle for the Scotiabank Charity Challenge and a big part of the weekend. 1997 Finish Line Runner Unknown

C e l e b r a t i n g 5 0 Ye a r s R u n n i n g J u n e 1 , 2 0 1 4

This year’s Wild Rose Brewery 50K Ultra, to mark the 50th anniversary for 500 qualified runners is sold out. The Calgary Marathon has been voted by runners the best road race in Alberta in 2009, 2010, (there was no awards in 2011) 2012 and 2013. Register at calgarymarath


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2014 ISSUE 02



Getting going BEAT THE LAGGARD By The Obsessive Runner, Andrew Chak


hen it comes to waking up in the dark of winter, there are two sides of me: the runner who dreams of finishing his next race with a personal best and the lazy laggard who doesn’t believe anyone should wake up while it’s dark. If I don’t drag my butt out the door fast enough, the laggard takes over and convinces me to stay in where it’s warm, cozy and sedentary. With my training schedule, beating the laggard is an every-other-day affair and it involves more than looking at myself in the mirror and shouting repeatedly, “Bad laggard! Bad laggard!” Here are some of my ludicrous perspectives on what works for me.

wearing a jacket, then it’s ugly race t-shirt day. And on top of this, I make it a game to colour-coordinate as much as possible - you can never regret looking good even if no one is really going to see you at dark o’clock in the morning.



Being committed to a morning winter run is just as crazy as being committed so beating the laggard requires some pre-planning. The evening before a run is where I play do-ityourself race director and plot out my exact workout and route. Am I going to run urban or scenic? Flat or hills? Loop or out-andback? I also pre-program my GPS with any distance or time intervals. This is part of my anti-waffling strategy so that I am absolutely pre-committed to my target run the next day.


The next step is to check the weather forecast for the hourly temperature and if there’s any (shudder) windchill. The challenge I put upon myself is: come up with the perfect running outfit for the conditions so that I am not too hot or not too cold. If it’s a long run day, I usually like to wear my favourite gear. If I’m

Once the clothes are laid out, the next step is to prep all of my gear. I pour out my sports drink into my portable bottles, my gels are looped into my belt and my armband is next to my smartphone on the counter. I select my running shoes, untie their laces and place my socks within. My goal is to lay everything out in an assembly line fashion so that I can go from bed to door in record time before the laggard catches up (this laggard is really creepy, isn’t he?)


All of this preparation is bound to make anyone tired so it’s time to sleep. I set my alarm and dream of my next personal record. When the alarm sounds, my first strategy is to bolt open my eyes. I then, as quickly as possible, spring out of my bed. Imagine someone being woken up by electrocution and this paints the picture as to what I look

“I’m-runningin-horrendousconditions-andI’m-a-#badass selfie.” like. Waking up is where the laggard is most likely to slow you down, so if you can bolt yourself up at the alarm, you can stay ahead and get yourself out that door as quickly as possible.


So after you effortlessly put on your assembly line of clothing and gear, you peer out your window one last time before you head out. If the conditions look particularly awful, you have one final ace up your sleeve to get you going: the “I’m-running-in-horrendous-conditionsand-I’m-a-#badass selfie.” Posting a picture of yourself completely covered up with a real-life planet Hoth backdrop (Google it if you don’t what this is) can only result in you actually doing the run behind you (and be proud of it!). So there you have it, you have all that you need to beat that laggard and take on those seasonal running conditions. And if you ever pass me by on a wintry morning’s run and hear me muttering, “Bad laggard! Bad laggard!” you'll know why.

Are you a #badass? Check out our #winterrunningrocks board on pinterest. iRun not to find the remote for the TV. — Keith Harrison, Ontario



Smart Training Takes Heart According to a small study from Université Laval, recreational runners are wise to follow a proper training program before tackling a marathon. Findings published in the Canadian Journal of Cardiology show that the runners do experience changes to the heart muscle post marathon, and in fact, the effect increased among runners with

lower fitness and training levels. While the research doesn't indicate permanent injury, the researchers say that there may be a minimum level of fitness required for optimal recovery. YOUR PLAN: Whether you're running a marathon or half marathon, following a training plan that's tailored to your running level will help you get there in a healthy way.


25K Number of sponges handed out to marathon and half-marathon runners during Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend.

8TO 8.5 Hours of sleep required per night that’s associated with having the lowest body fat.

Break the Fast Even if you’re not a morning runner, you probably already know that your morning meal fuels you through the rest of your day. But you might not know that what you choose to eat is just as important as not skipping out on breakfast. In fact, according to new research

Imagine if you could outrun death? According to new Australian research, it turns out that long distance runners, specifically those logging about 40 kilometres a week, may in fact have

presented at The Obesity Society’s annual meeting, a protein-rich meal, such as eggs and turkey bacon, is more effective at keeping hunger at bay throughout the rest of your morning than a carbohydrate-based one such as pancakes or toast. YOUR PLAN: Instead

a longer lifespan. In the study, researchers found that these runners, with an average age of 43, actually put the brakes on the aging process by protecting the part of the body that prevents


Along with a host of n a rece utritio Hypertensi nt study published in nal benefits, on has dis covered th the journal a cup of b e reduce blo etroot juice, may be at the nitrates in od pressu re. That sa enough to help fan of the id ro increasing ot vegetable, rese , if you’re not a arc yo are high in ur vegetable intake hers say that such as ka nitrate including le with ones that a le enough to , spinach and Swis fy vegetables s chard m benefit yo ay be u r Researche health. FO rs O of dietary also found that the D FACT: am nit impact wa rate needed to hav ount e s amount th only a 0.2 g, the sa an me at you can fi n cups of m ixed salad d in a few greens.

1894 Year Hamilton, Ontario’s prestigious Around the Bay Road Race began, making it the oldest road race in North America.

of grabbing a bagel when you’re eating on the go, aim for a breakfast that packs about 30 grams of protein; options include teaming a couple of hard cooked eggs with turkey bacon or blending you favourite fruits with protein powder for a morning breakfast shake.

Boost Your Brain

Fitting in your lunchtime run can help sharpen your mind as much as it boosts your body. A recent study published in the journal Frontiers in Aging demonstrates that an aerobic exercise program, including running, improved the memory of adults over the age of 50 by increasing blood flow to the brain. Along with a combination of mental exercises, researchers say that the fact that physical exercise can alter the brain is inspiring. YOUR PLAN: Give your body and mind a lift by switching up your running routes every couple of weeks. Changing running surface, scenery and directions are fun challenges for both your mind and your body.

Live an Ultra-Long Life

cells from breaking down, leading to a biological age of 27. These findings appear to send the longheld assumption that extreme distance running could be detrimental to your health into question.

While additional research is required, study authors believe that even highintensity interval training may offer similar life enhancing benefits. YOUR PLAN: While you may not be able to add

40 kilometres to your training log every week, you can reap some of the benefits (not to mention pick up your pace) by boosting the intensity of every run.

Submit your Personal Best story at and you could be featured in an upcoming issue! 8

2014 ISSUE 02

iRun for fun. — Annie Biron, Québec




ictoria From the V s Run inle Goddesto the So t s the We ce out East Sisters Ra erything – and ev – click in between aces At the R a! at iRun.c

As women’s participation rates at running events increase, events catering to them continue to grow and flourish. by Karen Karnis


s the sport of running continues to grow, women are making up more and more of the field every year. According to Running USA, women accounted for 56 per cent of finishers of all running events in 2012, compared to 42 per cent in 2000 and 25 per cent in 1990. And as more women come into the sport, events that cater to them continue to flourish. I have had the pleasure of running several of these in the past few years, and enjoy including them in my annual race calendar. Here are just a few reasons why.


“The event is friendly and supportive,” says Ross Robinson, race director for

the Niagara Falls Women’s Half Marathon. “The course is out-and-back, and everyone cheers for everyone else.” Michelle Clarke, who has won several races in the TO Women’s Series, agrees. “I have run this series since its inception and whether you are crossing the finish line first or last, the feeling in the park before, during and after is one hundred per cent supportive,” she says.

they run, they get to race against each other. And the woman who breaks the tape wins the race.”


Change tents, better ratios of washrooms-to-runners, firefighters handing out water or medals, wet facecloths at the finish, course marshals in tuxes – these are just some of the fun things I have seen at women’s running events. This year I saw something new, too – the

But don’t let the fun, supportive atmosphere fool you. “We attract the best of the best to these events,” says Cory Freedman, race director for the TO Women’s Run Series. “We don’t have a big prize purse, but here, they know exactly where they are as


It is such a bonus to enter an event and get to choose a t-shirt that is cut and sized for women! Other swag I’ve experienced personally includes wine, make-up, shampoo, chocolate and even jewelry in place of a medal.


Mizuno Run Birds at the TO Women’s Series are like pace bunnies, only without a pace. That is, while they run the race, they chat with the other runners, make it fun, and help anyone who might be struggling along the way.


“Studies show girls excel in math when they are separated from boys. I feel very strongly that these women-only races will be a good space for young women to nurture their confidence as athletes,” says Clarke. Freedman agrees. “A lot of the women weren’t encouraged as athletes when they were girls. This setting provides obvious role models – younger women and girls see that not only can girls run, there are runs just for them.” These events also go out of their way to bring

female role models on board. Kathrine Switzer is returning to the Niagara Falls Women’s Half Marathon for the second year in 2014, and when I did the Run for Women in Unionville, ON, Canadian Olympic medalist Catriona Le May Doan was the guest speaker.


Women-focussed events often direct funds raised toward women-focussed causes. For example, À Toi Lola in Mont Tremblant, QC raises funds for the Lola Fund, a program that awards bursaries to girls aged 12 to 18 to encourage them to excel at their studies and physical activities. The Niagara Falls Women’s Half Marathon benefits Women's Place of South Niagara Inc., a charity dedicated to helping women and children who are fleeing domestic violence.

For a complete list of Canadian Women’s races click At the Races at iRun to stay fit. — Lesia Luciuk, Alberta





HEALTHY COMPETITION. Think you can’t go any faster? There’s nothing like being in close proximity to another treadmill runner to fuel your inner competitor. And who knows, you may also have scored a new running buddy come spring!


STAY SAFE & SOUND. Slippery sidewalks are a challenge at any time of the year, and in the winter black ice makes pounding the pavement that much more dangerous. Taking it indoors will also keep you running injury-free, not to mention upright.


ENTERTAINMENT VALUE. Sure the great outdoors can provide awe-inspiring scenery, but can you catch up on your favourite Netflix shows – Homeland, House of Cards or Orange is the New Black? Boring no more.


NO EXCUSES. Cold, sleet, snow, rain, or even heat can’t keep you from ditching your run now. Inclement weather happens, but that’s the beauty of your treadmill — climate control!


BE INTENSE. Kick up the intensity of your training by varying the speed or incline of the treadmill

on If you’re m ill d a the tre e, the next to mis yes, answer acing. we are r m someecard

which will keep your body challenged to adapt to the new conditions throughout your run. (Note: Generally speaking, maintaining a 1% incline helps simulate the outdoor running environment.)


KEEP IN GOOD FORM. Although running on a treadmill provides different challenges than the outdoors, you can still work on fine tuning your running posture by focusing on the details of your form, including keeping your feet under your body.


GAIN STRENGTH. Let’s face it, we’re runners not weight trainers – but long, lean muscles can help your endurance. Given most treadmills are within close proximity to the free weights at most fitness centres, there’s a better chance you’ll squeeze in a 20-minute session or two each week.


EASE BACK INTO YOUR TRAINING. Between the holidays and the frigid temperatures, your training may have lagged. Stepping on the ‘mill is definitely a kinder, gentler way to get up and running today!


SPARE YOUR SKIN. Getting your daily dose of vitamin D is a very good thing, but the wind lashing at your face, not so much. On the days when a face shield won’t even cut it, you can still keep on the running track.


GO THE COURSE. Training for a specific race for spring? These days, treadmills can now be programmed with a specific course which is a terrific way to prepare for an event, while keeping your training interesting.

Get the most out of treadmill training, click Training at for tips and workouts. 10

2014 ISSUE 02

iRun because it makes me feel free. — Jess Gibson, Ontario




Buddy up on the run

Give your inner runner a kick-start by teaming up with a running companion on your next trek.


hile winter running features some unique challenges, it’s the time of year where the rewards can be the greatest. One of the easiest ways to get through tough-weather months and even improve is by training with other runners. A group setting helps keep you motivated and less focused on the inclement weather, and teaming up with a running buddy can easily help improve your pace, speed and technique. In addition, you’ll find great satisfaction, reward and motivation in being that buddy for a beginner runner. Especially on my longer runs on the weekends, I enjoy running with my friends. In some cases, I train on longer runs with

runners who are faster or more efficient trail runners so that I can improve my fitness and skill level by trying to keep pace with them.

“Having a running buddy ... can be a great training tool, an essential motivator.” Other times I simply share in the company of other people and have fun while running. When you have conversation and laughs throughout the entire run, the company of other runners can really make a longer, slowerpaced distance fly by. In training for my upcoming

expedition in Baffin Island in March I’ve employed an extreme case of buddy training. Two of my friends, Ferg Hawke and Stefano Gregoretti, are flying in from opposite sides of the globe to train with me. With each of our different strengths, there’s no better way to prepare ourselves for what is surely to be a challenging expedition than to not only push each other to build on our own strengths, but to also find the areas that we need to improve on before heading to the Arctic. I’ve also had a few unexpected running partners. While running across the Gobi Desert in Mongolia last year, I met a Korean adventurer who was hauling a cart unsupported across a section of the Gobi. We ran into each other by pure chance; the odds of meeting were slim so I felt it was something that I needed to embrace. He asked if he could run with me for a few days and of course I agreed. Although he spoke no English, the next few days proved to be some of the greatest and most enjoyable runs I’ve experienced. Communicating through running and human spirit, I saw someone push beyond his own limits, something which continues to amaze me every time!

Having a running buddy is more than just having someone you run with. It can be a great training tool, an essential motivator, and also it can be an awesome way to stay committed to your running program. Here are three ways you can buddy up on your next run.


A planned weekly run that involves many runners, some new, some of every level and ability, that begins and ends at a specific spot (a coffee shop is typically my favourite ending point!), is predictable and comfortable. You get to meet new runners while training, along with the valueadded bonus of a commitment to the group which is very motivating simply because you know that you’ve got to show up.


Running with a smaller group of runners that really are focused on the training effect is terrific for runners with a little bit more experience and knowledge than you have. These are people that you can learn from and push yourself with.


Whether it’s for a short run, long run, trail or road, having a go-to running pal is awesome. My buddy Mark Sutcliffe has a few folks that he runs with regularly and I have one or two friends that I consistently run with every week too. I look forward to those runs because we push each other hard, but we also get caught up on our lives. It’s great to have this steady constant in your running program that you know and can count on every week to be a great run.


When it’s all too easy to skip a run because it’s just too cold, too rainy or too hot, having a run that you look forward to is essential. Building these moments into your running program can only lead to running success.

Ray co-hosts iRun | The Running Show on Saturdays 8am EST on 12

2014 ISSUE 02

iRun or iGo crazy… — Bob Connelly, Ontario


iRun to get HEALTHY Introducing a special partnership between



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The secret to success

If you want to achieve big goals, it takes years of planning, goal-setting, and consistency.



ince breaking the 28-yearold Canadian women’s marathon record just behind Lanni Marchant at the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon in October 2013, I’ve been asked even more about the secret to my success, especially given my age of 36 and busy life with three young children under the age of seven. The answer is simple and remains unchanged: consistency. Over 11 years, 10 marathons and 3 pregnancies, I’ve been successful in taking exactly one hour off my marathon time. I steadily increased my mileage and intensity from 60 kilometres per week and somewhat vague paces for a debut of 3:28 in 2002, to 160 kilometres per week and very specific workouts for a tenth marathon of 2:28 in 2013. There is no secret. It has not happened overnight. My situation is rare: varsity hockey player returns to running amidst building a career as a dietitian and mom. It has been a real blessing and an honour to motivate other marathoning parents in their journey to faster times while balancing the various other demands of life that go with work and family. I think many have thought it was not possible, or at least doubted that it could be done successfully. So what do I mean exactly when I say consistency? And specifically how have I done it? I set goals using the S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely) technique. Years ago, I set the bar high and dreamed of making the 2016 Olympic Games. I did the math, included babies in the equation, and gave myself several years to

“It is all about knowing what you need to do, deciding to do it, getting ready, acting, and maintaining. Over and over. Day after day. Year after year.” chip away at achieving a high standard. I’ve run several of the same races from year to year and gotten into a healthy rhythm in order to properly rest in the downtime and peak in the racing season. Most races have been personal best times each year, which has only inspired me to dig deeper and continue reaching higher. I have been consistent in all aspects: training and racing, rest and sleep, hydration and diet. One of the changes I knew I had to make in entering my 2014 season was improving my stretching and rolling routine. By focusing on speed in the first

part of the year, I knew my body would suffer without proper maintenance. I train in the mornings and last year established a core routine in the evenings, in my pyjamas right before getting into bed. I made a promise to my coach – and myself – to do it regularly and said I was only allowed to get into bed once it was done. Similar to the increase in mileage and intensity in running over the years, I have built upon the little things that are very important. My bedtime routine

now includes a specific and measurable core, plank, rolling, and stretching routine that is achievable, realistic and timely. It is all about knowing what you need to do, deciding to do it, getting ready, acting, and maintaining. Over and over. Day after day. Year after year. As a dietitian, I often tell my patients to make slow and steady changes they can maintain for life. Consciously act and be consistent so that it becomes normal. Then once routinely established, get after another one. It takes time. Trust me!


A few months ago I saw a picture of a "plank challenge," which inspired me to finally try it. I wanted to be realistic so started with just a few seconds, once. Then I added just a few more seconds every couple of days, continuing to do one plank daily. I am now up to one 2:30 plank. Also did the same for rolling and stretching. I cover a variety of areas, mainly back and legs for both the rolling and stretching. As long as I do 5 minutes of each, I'm pleased. The next step is adding a bit more to the plank (core), stretching and rolling. Just enough, gradually so that I know I can sustain it. Consistency!

For training tips from Krista's coach Rick Mannen, visit Current Issue at 14

2014 ISSUE 02

iRun to feel alive. — Joseph Camilleri, British Columbia

YOU’VE GOT THIS The MEC Race Series has everything you need in a race – low entry fees, marked routes, timed results, finish-line bananas – in cities across Canada, all year long. Great for newbies and families, athletes with training schedules, or any runner who values the basics. MEC RACE SERIES

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Half Marathon $20

Marathon* $25

Register online



COME RUN, COME ALL! If you’re coming to the Capital for Ottawa Race Weekend 2014, bring along your personal cheering section and take time to see the sights, immerse yourself in arts and culture, and indulge in shopping, dining and other urban pleasures. Book an Ottawa Tourism Getaway Package or hotel today and extend your stay!


2014 ISSUE 02



Are you ready? Here we come. Sleet, snow, slush? Bring it on! We’ve got a marathon to run and this isn’t just another race. This is the 40th running of the Ottawa Marathon, the largest marathon in Canada, known around the world. So, a little cold isn’t going to faze us. We’re in training. And we love this race! Sincerely, THE RUNNERS OF THE 40TH OTTAWA MARATHON


Missed signing up for the Marathon, Half Marathon or 10K? You’re still invited to the big running party on May 24th and 25th! There are spots in the 5K, 2K and Kids Marathon and we need all the cheering and volunteering we can get!




Marathons are for runners just like you (and me!) You don’t have to be a professional athlete – just determined and committed.


espite what many people seem to believe, marathon runners are not all professional athletes who never seem to sleep past dawn. Runners come in all shapes and sizes; some are motivated by speed or fitness, while others are inspired by special causes. At the BMO Vancouver Marathon, we see elite and sub-elite runners strive for records and personal bests, recreational runners keeping fit, and charity runners participating in honour of others who are unable to run themselves. Running a marathon or half marathon requires building strength and endurance by putting in the time – it takes practice and more practice. Making a goal and devising a plan to achieve it are also important: each year, I set a running goal and put plans in place to ensure that I get there. This means signing up for a race and blocking out time in my calendar for long runs, cross training, and clinics. Logging weeks of training during the winter months is tough but necessary to build strength, speed and confidence. Commitment is key: here are five tips that will keep you inspired and motivate your training during the long, cold days (and nights) of winter, and take you right on through until the brighter ones ahead this spring.


Look for a race that takes place in the spring, offering a unique and rewarding experience. Consider the scenery, on-course entertainment, activities for friends and family, and maybe even an opportunity to travel. In fact, runners often select the BMO Vancouver Marathon because of the beauty of the shoreline views, city skyline and historic landmarks, spectator support, and live music. Think of race day as your reward for all your hard work.


Consider running for those who can’t. Most races have charity programs, such as our RUN4HOPE program, that make winter training more meaningful. In 2013, RUN4HOPE runners raised over $500,000 for local and national charities. To learn more about the dozens of great causes in need of your support, please visit our website at www.


If you’re a first-time runner or someone who finds it difficult to stick to a training schedule, then run clinics or clubs are your solution. The Running Room, a sponsor of the BMO Vancouver Marathon, offers clinics specifically for our event at each of their locations across Canada and online. Clinics match runners with others who have similar running goals, so you might meet a running partner who’ll keep you motivated to cross the finish line in your desired time.


Get in the race mindset by connecting with event organizers like the Vancouver International Marathon Society which are helpful in choosing your hotel and navigating the registration process. In addition, the Society’s Facebook and Twitter accounts post links to helpful information including nutrition, injury-prevention, and training, as well as encourage runners to post their own

stories and videos about running. What’s more, most race organizers have training blogs, free events, and other tools available on their websites.


Visualization eases pre-race jitters. Before you begin training, look at the course map for your race and pick your favourite points, such as Vancouver’s famous Stanley Park or iconic Burrard Street Bridge. During your runs, visualize passing over these points at a specific pace; next, watch yourself cross the downtown finish line surrounded by thousands of cheering spectators. Whether you’re training for a marathon or any other distance, the right combination of food and rest is just as important as the number of miles you log. Thankfully, running burns calories, so refueling is the fun part. Eat and drink wisely to replenish your body with a colourful mix of healthy options to ensure you are ready for the next run. Schedule your training to allow time for rest; the right amount of sleep and rest builds the physical capacity required for long-distance running. About Charlene Krepiakevich As the Vancouver International Marathon Society’s Executive Director and an avid distance runner, Charlene Krepiakevich understands firsthand that a running lifestyle truly is a year-round commitment.For more information about this year’s BMO Vancouver Marathon, including the RUNFORHOPE program check out

Follow Rob Watson's team as they work towards the Scotiabank Ottawa Marathon at! 18

2014 ISSUE 02

iRun because it energizes me! — Michele-Marie Beer,Ontario


Going the Distance

Hi, I enjoy writing about sports nutrition, endurance sports, and adventure!

Can a combo of Alpha-Lipoic Acid, Co-Q10 and Green Tea help you run a faster marathon?



Yes, I’ve heard of Corduzin. It’s safe and legal and manufactured in the USA by a GMP registered facility. I take it for marathon training and general well being. It makes me feel good when I run and it seems to work great! I’m 35 this year and It’s called Corduzin and it’s for endurance and just ran my second fastest marathon. stamina.* She was saying it makes her run Corduzin has 200 mg of Alpha-lipoic acid faster.* and 110 mg of CoQ10 and 80 mg green I’ve tried a lot of supplements through the tea extract (providing the amount of cafyears. Some are good, some are bogus. But I feine as a regular cup of green tea). I take it and feel like I’m running harder for tried Corduzin and it was pretty insane! longer periods of time. My friend gave me a couple tablets and told me to try it. It was like an instant jolt of en- The way Corduzin works is the Alpha-lipoic acid and CoQ10 help the body make energy! ergy and the green tea stimulates the body, I was about to run out and buy some but I giving you a jolt of freshness and alertness!* wanted to make sure it’s safe and legal. I run marathons and don’t want to be doing any CoQ10 has been used extensively by millions of folks in Japan - as well as Europe funny stuff. and Russia - for decades as a treatment for Have you heard of Corduzin? Do you heart disease, especially congestive heart know if it’s legit and how it works? failure. Since it’s thought to be good for My friend and I have been running together for years. We were hanging out the other day after a training run and she started telling me about a new supplement she was taking.


your heart, CoQ10 is used as a way to improve exercise performance.* The complete Corduzin formula contains 200 mg Alpha-lipoic acid, 110 mg CoQ10, 80 mg green tea extract, 60 mg vitamin C, 30 IU of vitamin E, 82 mg fenugreek 4:1, 45 mg of turmeric 95%, 80 mg of hawthorn berry, 47 mg of cinnamon bark and 100 mg of grape seed extract. It’s a great formula for anyone interested in supporting heart health, increasing mental and physical alertness and improving exercise performance.* To learn more, call 855.820.4029 or visit Hope this helps! P.S. They also have this stuff called Lurosil for joint discomfort. Pretty good for runners and skiers and those with bad knees. Check it out at or call the phone number listed here.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.



Slow cooker sweet potato ginger soup


Outrun winter colds with


immune strengthening foods

Making it through the winter with a better immune system is as simple as incorporating these six delicious ingredients.

The limited daylight and cool temperatures of Canadian winter can be tough on your body as it is. But when combined with long and intense runs in the rain, sleet, or snow, and exposure to winter viruses, it is only a matter of time before your immune system begins to weaken. Aside from fatigue and stress, food plays a key role in keeping you healthy and your immune system strong. Poor nutrition is a common cause of a weakened immune response. If you want to make it through this winter without the set-back of a cold or flu, adding immune-strengthening foods to your regular nutritional plan may give you the extra advantage you need.

multiple levels. Garlic is a broadspectrum antimicrobial that helps to defeat bacterial, viral, parasitic, and fungal infections. Its renowned flavour and therapeutic benefits are due to its organosulfur compounds that communicate with immune system cells to stimulate infectionfighting activity. Garlic relieves symptoms of respiratory tract infection and congestion from inflamed mucous membranes in the nose and throat. It is also a powerful antioxidant that counteracts diseasecausing free radicals. TOP TIP: Chop or crush garlic five minutes before cooking it. This allows time for enzymes to convert the organosulfur chemicals into their most therapeutic form.


These Canadian-grown infectionfighters are loaded with antioxidants that help counteract the oxidative

This super-bulb can strengthen a runner’s immune system on


stress generated during long and intense runs. Studies show that cranberries have antibacterial properties that prevent pathogenic bacteria from sticking to the lining of the mouth and digestive tract, while their elite vitamin C content revs-up the production of white blood cells and antibodies. Cranberry proanthocyanidins are even powerful enough to inhibit the influenza virus from infecting our cells. TOP TIP: Kick your post-run smoothie up a notch with a handful of frozen cranberries.


Orange, yellow, and purple fleshed sweet potatoes are bursting with immune-boosting vitamins A, C, and B, along with beta-carotene and other key micronutrients. One medium sweet potato will provide a runner with five times their daily requirement of vitamin A, which is vital for the activation of white blood cells and antibody production. Yellow fleshed varieties have up to ten times more carotenoids than

Too tired, chilled or hungry to make dinner after your run? Use your slow cooker and have a warm dinner ready when you get home from that cold winter run. By Patience Lister


2 medium orange fleshed sweet potatoes (peeled)** 4 medium carrots (peeled) 1 half onion 3 cloves of fresh garlic (minced) 2 tbsp freshly grated ginger 1/4 tsp pepper 3 1/4 cups low-sodium vegetable stock 225 ml coconut milk **Orange fleshed sweet potatoes are often sold as “yams” in North American grocery stores.


Dice sweet potatoes, carrots, and onion into slow cooker pot. Add minced garlic, ginger, pepper, and vegetable stock and stir to combine. Cover and cook on low for 8 hours. Purée in a food processor and mix in coconut milk until well combined.


For runners who have limited access to fresh nutrient-dense food or those with restricted diets, commercial plant extracts provide an alternate way to strengthen their immune system this winter. Ginseng, elderberry and Echinacea are three effective options.


WHAT IT IS: A medicinal root classified as an adaptogen. BENEFIT FOR RUNNERS: Enhances the production of antibodies and immune system cells when the body is under physical or mental stress. COST: $12 - 25


WHAT IT IS: An edible berry native to Europe and North America. BENEFIT FOR RUNNERS: Shortens cold and flu recovery by four days to get runners back on their training schedule sooner. COST: $9 - 10


WHAT IT IS: A native North American coneflower. BENEFIT FOR RUNNERS: Clinically shown to counteract immune suppression caused by intense physical activity. COST: $10 - 15

You can find more recipes on the iRuntoEat Pinterest board! 20

2014 ISSUE 02

iRun to inspire others. — Mark Kerr, Ontario

white potatoes, helping to stimulate lymphocytes and fight off foreign antigens. To top it off, sweet potatoes are a low-glycemic index food that promote steady blood sugar levels. TOP TIP: Add a small amount of fat, such as olive oil, to sweet potatoes to maximize your absorption of vitamin A.


These inconspicuous fungi are first place contenders when it comes to supporting the immune system. Culinary mushrooms, such as shiitake and maitake, are not only rich in flavour and micronutrients, but chock-full of beta-glucans. These nutrients awaken the immune system and increase resistance to bacterial, fungal and viral pathogens. A study published in the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine found that beta-glucans reduced the severity of post-race upper respiratory tract infections in marathon

runners. Shiitake mushrooms also demonstrate antiviral activity against the common cold and have one of the highest vitamin D contents of any food – an important winter nutrient for preventing infection and keeping autoimmune disorders at rest. TOP TIP: Use dried shiitake mushrooms in homemade vegetable stock for enhanced flavour and nutritional value.


When it comes to antioxidant power, oregano is a gold medalist. Its antioxidant value is four times greater than blueberries, and a significant help in protecting a runner’s lungs from potential damage caused by the flu virus. Oregano’s aromatic oil contains active antimicrobial and antifungal agents that can kill bacteria, including E. coli, Salmonella species, and certain drug-resistant strains. For those runners who have already come down

with a cold, oregano contains expectorants that help clear congested lungs. TOP TIP: Sprinkle fresh oregano on eggs, pasta, salad, or garlic bread as an aromatic and antimicrobial garnish.


Ginger is a key winter staple with a long history of use as a medicinal food. Its root is both a soothing and warming herb that helps break down toxins in the lungs and sinuses to prevent congestion. It contains anti-influenza agents and antioxidant nutrients that reduce the inflammatory reactions caused by viral infections. A recent study in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology found that fresh ginger stimulates lung cells to secrete an anti-viral protein that reduces infection by 70%. TOP TIP: Keep ginger fresh longer by refrigerating it in a dry, sealed bag with the air pressed out.





Sign up for the podcast and listen while you run! SPONSORED BY


A new app to help you practice your fuelling After listening to an interview with Dr. Trent Stellingwerff on fuelling for a marathon, Torontonian Mark Kennedy, former Kinesiologist and Personal Trainer came to understand that he wasn't consuming enough fuel during his runs to avoid hitting a wall. So he geeked out, created a spreadsheet, practiced and tracked his fuel intake, and at his next marathon beat his previous time by 45 minutes. During this process, the need for an app became apparent to Mark and the idea of Fuel My Run came to fruition. This new app includes sample half-marathon and marathon fuel plans for beginners; it will allow you to develop your own plan, choose distance and time reminders and track your run history so you can see how much fuel works for you. Available for iPhone only.

in Ottawa the in Ottawa oror onon the web web at at Join author and iRun Founding Publisher Mark Sutcliffe and adventure runner and iRun Runner-in-Chief Ray Zahab as they talk running and welcome iRun contributors and other interesting guests with the best advice on nutrition, training and reports from great race experiences across the country and beyond.

Listen to Mark Kennedy on the January 18 iRun Podcast for his complete story or visit

For more information, click iRun because it grounds me. — Stacia Loft, Ontario




iRun because it is the simplest, easiest form of exercise that I can do wherever I am in the world with no special equipment required. Dave Jenkin

iRun because it makes me happy and I love it!

iRun because it makes me feel great. Carl Worrell

Georgie Islip



Looking for a 10K? Click At the Races at for a Canadian guide! 22

2014 ISSUE 01 02

iRun because it makes everything right. — Wendy Dunlop-Walker, Manitoba

TOP TIPS iRun because a quiet peaceful jog in the forest helps me tackle the demands of the day with ease. Lynn Kanuka

CARL WORRELL Consistency is the name of the game. You can’t get better if you’re not working out. Hang with positive people, choose realistic goals, tailor your training to your goal and don’t miss workouts.


en kilometres is, for many, the perfect distance. Combining speed and stamina, the 10K can be used as part of a training program for other distances or it can be your main race. But whatever the case, once you’ve done even one 10K, chances are you’ll want to get faster.


improve their running time is Running is simple. You lace courting injury by trying to do up your shoes and go. You want too much too soon. You need to to run 5 kilometres? Run 5. prepare your body before taking You want to run 10? Run 10. it to the next You want to get level. faster? Run faster. COMPONENTS To get faster This can work to OF YOUR PLAN you need to a certain degree, 3 A long steady run faster, and but if you really workout you also need want to improve 3 A tempo workout to run enough. your race time, 3 A speed workout According to then you’ll need 3 Hill training Lynn Kanuka, a plan created ( with that purpose. 3 Rest days Olympic bronze Carl Worrell, medalist and formerly an elite running coach quarter-miler and in White Rock, BC, you must now owner of run a minimum of three times online running store, says many per week. Part of what makes runners have a goal of getting you faster and faster but stick able to increase with the same OPTIMAL your distance and program. CONDITION speed is simply The key to MEANS: becoming a more having a fast race efficient runner, at any distance is 3 Well trained and that comes to balance your (volume + speed) from running training in such 3 Well rested often. According a way that you (taper + sleep to Dave Jenkin, a achieve both work the night before) multisport coach and recovery, 3 Well fuelled in Brampton, do speedwork (nutrition throughout training + race fuel) ON, your plan without injury, should last 12 increase your 3 Mentally prepared to 16 weeks and workload without (to push yourself beyond your comfort consist of base, overtraining, and zone) build and peak peak on race day. phases, ending While speedwork with a week-long and increased taper before your race. During volume are both important the base phase you will increase in improving your 10K time, your volume and distance. Georgie Islip, a fitness coach in Calgary, says the biggest mistake During the build phase you will increase the intensity of your people make when trying to

DAVE JENKIN The basic principle behind running fast is to build endurance with the long run and do enough hill and speed training to build strength and speed. Always practice your hydration/nutrition plan to avoid GI distress during the race. LYNN KANUKA Listen to your body. If something hurts, then it’s not right and you’re doing too much.

TYPICAL FOUR-DAYSPER-WEEK SCHEDULE Monday Tempo run Tuesday Easy run Wednesday Cross train Thursday Speed training

The most common mistake people make is trying to do too much, too fast, too soon. People don’t understand the risk of injury. JONNY JAMES Training is 90 per cent physical and 10 per cent mental. Racing is 90 per cent mental and 10 per cent physical. If you arrive on race day having trained properly, and are rested and ready, then 90 per cent of the work is done.

Friday off Saturday Long run Sunday Cross train

training and reduce the volume. Your peak phase will mimic race conditions. At that point your training is done and you just have to concentrate on achieving the optimal condition for your race, part of which is rested legs, accomplished by reducing your volume and intensity during the pre-race week.

Train on the terrain as close as possible to what you’ll encounter on race day. GEORGIE ISLIP You need to get to the start line uninjured, so make sure to get adequate rest. Learn the difference between mentally tired and physically fatigued. If you’re mentally tired, then a run will do you good. But if you’re physically fatigued then you need rest. Good nutrition helps recovery and performance.

Beginner to experienced phase guide Starts on page 24 iRun because it connects me to the universe. — Scott Prokopetz, Ontario






If you are a beginning runner then don’t worry about speed. Your goal should be getting to the finish line feeling good, strong, and most important, uninjured. If you are an experienced runner then you already have a good base and can proceed directly to the build phase. If you are an intermediate runner who’s done your first 10K and now wants to add some speed, according to Islip, you should begin by adding short bursts of speed – just a few strides. She suggests intervals of 30 seconds at a level of about 8 out of 10 on the perceived exertion scale. You will need to work your way into doing the speed workouts in the build phase.

Your week should consist of one long run with a strong finish, one tempo run* and one speed or hill workout. If you run four days per week, add in one easy recovery run. Make sure you have one day of complete rest, and cross train or do strength training the other two days. Inge Johnson/CANADA RUNNING


SPEED WORKOUTS Add speed workouts in your build phase. Don’t try to go faster than the stated pace. That will not improve your speed but will make you more likely to get injured. These workouts should be challenging but manageable. If you cannot manage them, then you should revise your goal race pace.

6 X 1.5KM Warm up, then run six 1.5 kilometre repeats at your goal race pace. Between each repeat, jog slowly for about four minutes.

2 X 2.5KM + 2 X 1.5KM After warming up, run two 3 kilometre repeats at your race pace. Jog easily for five minutes before tackling your two 1.5 kilometre repeats.


MPO? *WHY seTofEthe tempo

The purpo way you react is run to improve the ing pace over ng lle cha a at to running ur tempo run Yo e. a longer period of tim rm-up wa g lon a e lud inc should 20 to 30 of run a of 10 to 15 minutes, 10 to t ou ab ce pa a at minutes goal ur yo n 15 seconds less tha to 10a n the d an ce, 10K pa . wn do l 15-minute coo

3 X 3KM One to two weeks before your race, do your final speed workout. Jog for four minutes between the three repeats, running at your goal race pace.

TRACK WORKOUTS On alternate weeks you can replace these speed workouts with one of the following track workouts or with hill repeats:


16 X 400M repeats at goal pace, with 200m slow jog between repeats

After your warm-up, run four 2.5 kilometre repeats at goal pace, jogging for two minutes in between.

10 X 800M repeats at goal pace, with 400m slow jog between repeats

RACE DAY On race day, do what you’ve been doing. Wear

shoes you’ve run in before, clothes you know are comfortable and don’t chafe, and eat food you’ve used in your speed training. Gastrointestinal distress is a common cause of DNFs. Jenkins suggests learning which sports drink they will have on hand and try using that brand while training. Don’t underestimate the power of organization and a race-day plan. Jonny James, a passionate runner whose time improved as he learned to avoid common mistakes, says to have everything set out ahead of time for your race morning, and to avoid getting caught up in the excitement of race day. Nothing will kill your chance at a PB like going out too fast. If you’ve been consistent, followed your training plan and pushed yourself to improve without overtraining, then you should find yourself at the end of the race with your best 10K time ever.

For race day tips from Rick Hellard and other experts, visit Current Issue at 24

2014 ISSUE 02

iRun for bacon. — Helene Carluen, Ontario

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Will this be your marathon year?

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ZEN AND THE ART OF ENDURANCE RUNNING What does it take to go 42.2 and beyond? Lisa Georges explores the motivation and training insights of those who go the distance.

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If you’re having trouble getting out the door, Ben Kaplan’s got 101 thoughts, musings, questions and tips that will get you going. PHOTO OF BEN KAPLAN BY RICHARD SIBBALD


otivation can be evasive and yet we all dream big when we set out for our new year’s goals. Come February, as the air stays cold and the sky is glum and gray, it can be very hard to throw on six layers and go out for a run. And yet, this is just the time when a run can be most beneficial: it’s easy to run when you’re feeling good, all warm and happy. But when you’re tired, eating too much and grumpy, that’s when running can be truly transformative. Presenting Ben Kaplan and friends’ 101 thoughts on making winter months a time for crushing running milestones, feeling great and having fun. Remember: the world is your oyster; all you have to do is dust off your sneakers and peer inside.


Take a long hard look at yourself naked in the mirror, perhaps there’s something about what’s staring back at you that you want to change?


Nothing gets you out and running like a goal.


Keep that image in mind each time you walk past your sneakers and head towards the fridge.


Sign up for a race – any race, any distance. And something that takes place in the next 12 weeks. The goal shouldn’t have anything to do with how quickly you finish or whether you run the whole thing – the goal should only be to get you running today.


2014 ISSUE 02


Except maybe Feet, Don’t Fail Me Now by Ben Kaplan. Sure, it’s my book. But trust me: it’s funny and inspiring. Plus, it’s my mom’s favourite book of the year!


“Get the right gear and dress for the weather,” says Reid Coolsaet, one of the country’s fastest marathon men. “Bright colours are best for the dark, which is why I love my New Balance Beacon jacket.”


And Reid is onto something: spend a few dollars, buy some new gear.


This helps in a bunch of ways. For one thing, if you buy some flashy earmuffs, you’ll feel compelled to use them. It’s just lame leaving your fluorescent yellow headgear on the shelf.


So make a schedule, and stick to it. It’s hard to get motivated when you have no set times. You need to make a time for your runs – then lock it down like Fort Knox.


Lanni Marchant, the fastest Canadian female marathon runner of all time, says, “To get my bum out of bed in the AM, or to motivate me to go get after it when the work day is over I

iRun to compete with myself. — Gerald Losier, New Brunswick

always try to have something cooking in a crock pot to come back to oatmeal, chicken and rice, chili. Something warm that I can sit on my kitchen floor and eat while I stretch post run.”


Marchant is saying: make your running (and life) enjoyable. Reward yourself afterwards. If you hate it, it’s hard to stick with it.


Of course Michael Bublé recommends Footloose by Kenny Loggins.

“Remember: running, being able to run, is a gift.”

76 75

Selena Gomez tells you to turn up Toxic by Britney Spears. And when Jack White says to listen to Baba O’Riley by The Who, how can you possibly disagree?


Still, I don’t know how many of you have children. But I just had my second and a little peace and quiet is sometimes all the incentive I need to brave the cold.


Remember: after a run, your water tastes colder, your work seems more interesting, your desk chair feels more comfortable. Running elevates your senses in a way the couch never can.


So get up an hour earlier and, on days you don’t run, begin your day with some pushups and sit-ups. Try and do something – even walk briskly – every day.


“On weekends I look at the weather and pick the warmest and sunniest part of the day to run,” says Marchant. “Not every Sunday long run has to start early in the morning.”


So squeeze it in during your lunch hour or after the kids go to bed if you must.


Krista DuChene, the second fastest Canadian female marathon runner of all-time, agrees. “Think about how good the shower will feel,” she says. “Food tastes better after you run.”



Plus, all that comfort food you’ve been eating? Might be a good idea to work some of it off. Change your momentum. You’re not a prisoner. You’re free!


Because remember, the cold will wane and the warm will return and we will need to wear our bathing suits once again.


Which leads Alan Brookes, race director of the Canada Running Series, to say: “February is the month of romance: so be brave, invite your favourite heartthrob for

a date-run, and definitely add spark/get your heart-rate up/ crush the blahs!”


And if you don’t currently have a heartthrob, I might add, find one. There are running groups all over the country, from the YMCA to Lululemon to The Running Room, join one!


Dave ScottThomas, who trains Coolsaet and Eric Gillis, a couple of fellas who ran the marathon for Canada at the London Olympics, says: “Make it social: get out with a friend you haven’t seen in a while,

iRun because it’s what makes me. — Alicia Chiesa, Ontario

and tie in a warm drink after to relax!”


Coolsaet adds: “I like to drive out to a country road with little traffic. Find clear roads.”


Which is excellent advice. If you’re sick of your same four square blocks: change them. Go somewhere different. Try something. Wake up!


And this might be a good time to refresh your iPod. Here are five songs from musicians featured in my book that I assure you will put a smile on your face as you run out the door:


Brian Wilson recommends Be My Baby by The Ronettes.


Slash’s favourite Slayer record is Reign in Blood.

Routines are great to get you started with a program. Breaking them sometimes is even better for making you love the program you choose.


“If there’s a ton of snow and you dread the treadmill then perhaps try XC skiing,” says Coolsaet. “I took up XC skiing a few years ago and love it. Snowshoeing is another good option.”


Which is another excellent point: take advantage of the natural environment. Though it seems endless, winter will end. Won’t you want to have done something other than gain twelve pounds?


So diversify your workouts. If you’re doing the same loop around your house


64 63

Inspire the people you love.

“Run to a destination,” says John Halvorsen, president of Ottawa Race Weekend. “Say you’re going to a friend’s house for dinner. Run there. Give your runs purpose. I’m sure you can borrow a quick shower before you eat.”


each time you run, of course you find running boring. Today, cut your run in half: but run it as fast as you can.


And scream and yell while you’re out there. Running is playtime. Your time to act like a kid. On a run, there’s no reason to behave like you’re in temple. Go crazy. It’s your time to act mad.


And if you think I was joking about 74, here’s another Krista DuChene tip about motivation: “Have a kid or two or three...You appreciate the opportunity to run and don't have time to search for motivation before you go! You will love the alone time and coming back to them recharged.”


This is key: the February blahs are contagious. Be a beacon of light to those around you. 28

2014 ISSUE 02

Lanni Marchant seconds the motion: “Run errands,” she says. “Literally. I would run with my debit card in my pocket and whatever mail I needed to send, or bills I needed to drop off, papers I needed to turn in, etc. Two feet and a heartbeat ladies a nd gents.”


Which is awesome. Commit to the lifestyle. And by that I mean: swap out potato chips for baby carrots, beer for carbonated water and the escalator for stairs. Start

seeing yourself as an athlete. Mentally open that door.


That way, if you sneak the occasional Frito or Molson Canadian, it’s fine.

59 58

hearing people that don’t complain.


Another thought from the legendary Dave Scott-Thomas: “Test out a new modality such as bike, pool, elliptical.” Runners, you can do more than just run.


I love this about running: I’m lucky enough to run with my boss. We get more work done in our twice-a-week 20K sessions than we ever accomplish over email. Think of running as an exercise not just for your body, but for your mind.


Or, try the opposite: how nice is it not to be attached to a screen?


And this is important for all you clock-watchers. Sometimes, leave the technology at home.


I’m a music junkie, but this also includes your tunes.

And make a project out of your endeavours. Tell the world of your aspirations to get active. Enlist a cheering squad. And here I might mention EachCoach, my project with iRun and the National Post where runners help other runners. Go to and tell us what your goal is. We’ll pair you with another runner who’ll help you year-round see your goal through.


Plus, we put every member’s picture in the paper and offer weekly incentives. This way, you’re part of a community all working towards better health.


Besides: it’s so much nicer


Just step gingerly if you’re running on ice.


“When I lived in Ottawa and in Michigan, I’d start my run outside with the promise that if I at least did 45 minutes outside I could finish up the last portion on the treadmill in my apartment gym,” says Marchant. “Usually just making that promise was enough to get me out the door and I'd end up not coming in for the treadmill.”


I’m almost jealous of treadmill runners about to make the outdoor transition. Your experience with the sport is about to be amplified and perhaps the best way to get out there is to sign up for an outdoor February race:

44 43 42

There’s the Winterman in Ottawa on February 16.

The Course Polar Hero in Montreal on February 22.

And a half marathon in Peterborough on February 23.

The point is: earn your rewards.


I implore you to step outside. A whole new universe awaits you.



Connecting to nature, I think, is one of the great good fortunes of running outside. Trust me: it’s much colder when you wait for the bus than when you’re halfway through a run.


Which is why, if you’re a runner, but only use the treadmill,

I don’t know where you live, but odds are, there’s a race there. And, if there isn’t, be a rockstar: gather fifteen of your friends and start your own.


I’ll even go further: if you gather 15 of your friends and hold a race in your hometown, iRun and the National Post will cover your event.


(We can’t supply you with T-shirts, though. That, you gotta do on your own). Unless: any sneaker companies out there want to sponsor an event? Let us know!


“The harsh wintry conditions only make you stronger, mentally and physically,” says Krista Duchene.


Every kilometre that you run in winter is going to be that much easier when you run them in May.


Besides, every dentist’s wife in Malibu is a “runner.” It takes a little something extra to run in February in Winnipeg. Which type of athlete do you want to be?


It’s like my father always reminds me: we’re stronger than we think.


So start a logbook of your running. Just something simple: the date and how far you go. That way, you can track your progress. Keep it somewhere focal. And keep your shoes out by the door.


“Have a bag of Epsom salts or even just bubble bath ready and waiting for you to pour into the tub after your run,” says Marchant.


Note: this also works for an episode of your favourite show or else the big game. I always run a marathon before the Super Bowl. I don’t like being a witness, I like to participate.


And I know I professed the glory of communing with nature, but the opposite can also be true. John Halvorsen of the Ottawa

iRun to inspire and save others. — Michelle Mabe, Nova Scotia

Marathon says: “When longing for a chance to don shorts, find an indoor track and do 1K or 1-mile repeats.”


And “repeats,” is a terrific notion. Nothing gets me out of a funk like a really hard workout. I like to do 1-mile six times, each under six minutes, with the goal making the sixth mile as quick as the first one.

socks in the dryer for a few minutes right before you're going to head out for your run.”


And from Coolsaet: “Wear grippy shoes or get straps with nubs to put over your sneakers.”


Because that’s the point, really. Obviously we want to be in shape but it also just feels better to reach different mental planes. Running can alter your state of mind.


Some other things do that, too. But can’t we all agree that running is healthier?


If you need help getting out the door, shower first. Michael Jordan showered before each game.


And when you’re out there, give yourself tiny goals. Just don’t run aimlessly around the block. Sprint between trees and when the lights turn yellow (but only when you're already in the intersection when the light turns!).


Another thought from Lanni Marchant: “Put your gloves, running cap, and


At night, in front of the TV, do core work.

My friend, the author Chris Shulgan, once told me a story about when his son picked up his running shoes and said he was going as daddy for Halloween. Think about that. What do you want your child to associate with you? You can do a lot worse than a pair of shoes.




You don’t fight the winter blahs in one evening, just like you don’t wake up able to run a marathon in one day. Incorporate incremental change into everything that you do.


“Run somewhere new,” says John Halvorsen. “Even if less convenient, say, because of lots of traffic lights — it stimulates your brain and makes you forget about the cold.”

iRun so I can play hockey! — David O’Brien, Ontario

Remember: running, being able to run, is a gift. Celebrate your health.

And take a chance. Why not create an ambitious goal for the new year?

13 12

You’re not going to let the cold get in the way of that, are you?

From Marchant: “Stand in front of your space heater or crank the heat in your car if you're driving to a run... Makes you ready to step out in that cold.”


I’ve got three: 2 hours at Around the Bay, 3 hours at the BMO Vancouver Marathon and to volunteer at at least one race.


From DuChene: “Think about how light and fast you will feel with a few less layers in the spring.”


Stand against the wall, bend your knees, and support yourself with your abdominal muscles.

Or else drop onto the floor, face it, and put your elbows down in front of your ribs and get up on your toes. That’s The Plank, and one of the best things a runner can do.

8 7 6

And the best way to do that is incorporate your friends and family. Recruit your husband or wife to take up running with you and, if you can run with your kid, how cool is that?



When you do these kinds of things, bear in mind: it doesn’t matter if you don’t succeed. The point is: it’s not your typical Tuesday.



Because running, ultimately, has to become a sort of philosophy if you’re going to stick with it. Ticking off aimless kilometres is boring. Becoming a better human being, that’s an interesting hobby to pursue.


And I mean “better” just in the sense of being more productive, more intune, more awake, more involved. Being active I always associate with being alive.

And if you want to see a great little film that glorifies running by a Canadian director, try Saint Ralph. It’s a true story about a kid in ninth grade who wants to win the 1954 Boston Marathon.


What you give to the sport is just as important as what you take.

3 2

So dust off your sneakers and get started right now!


Speaking of Boston, run for the people who can’t. And that includes the people in New York, the people in Staten Island, who lost homes and lives during Hurricane Sandy.

“When you aren’t braving it, someone else is,” Krista DuChene says.


Why let them have all the fun?




The controversial carbohydrate fuels your running. But how does it work, and how much do you need? By Karen Karnis


ugar. Simultaneously beloved and demonized. Conflicting information both blames and exonerates sugar for all kinds of health problems including diabetes, depression, hyperactivity, Alzheimer’s disease and even cancer. The debate is complex and emotional, but the reality is, we all consume sugar in one form or another, and it can be useful for runners.


The most basic definition: sugars are simple carbohydrates. On Canadian food labels, a food’s sugar content includes all monosaccharides (the simplest of sugar molecules, they cannot be broken down further into smaller sugar molecules; e.g. glucose, fructose) and disaccharides (the next simplest, made of two monosaccharides minus one water molecule; e.g. sucrose, lactose).


Stellingwerff, Lead of Innovation, Research and Physiology at the Canadian Sport Institute Pacific, sugar is used by the body as energy. “Sugar provides energy (calories) for glucose utilization during exercise or glycogen re-synthesis post exercise, or when not exercising, and in positive energy balance, energy for eventual lipogenesis (storage of fat),” he says.

ARE SOME SUGARS CONSIDERED HEALTHIER THAN OTHERS? When browsing recipes online, you might see a recipe

that is touted as healthier because it uses a sweetener other than table sugar (also known as sucrose, which is half glucose and half fructose). Lauren Jawno, nutritionist, iRun contributor and author of Change4Good says that in the case of sugar, less-processed does not necessarily equal healthier. “More natural sugars like honey, maple syrup, agave nectar and molasses are still sugar, and an excess is problematic. One small advantage may be that they have a stronger taste so you might get the sweetness you like using less,” she says.

A great debate: for more information and discussion about sugar, click Nutrition at 30

2014 ISSUE 02

iRun to feel good. — Sebastien Turcotte, Quebec

“All carbohydrates convert to sugar in the bloodstream,” adds Jawno. All of these sugars are treated the same way by our bodies, and contain the same four calories per gram as other carbohydrates.


Since the body treats all carbohydrates the same way – that is, breaks them down into glucose – the sources of those carbohydrates are pretty much up to you. But remember, any glucose that isn’t used up for energy is converted to fat for storage. That means that if you are trying to maintain or lose weight, your best bet is to eat plenty of complex carbohydrates because they provide more bulk (fibre, water), helping you fill up more quickly, and they take longer to break down, helping you feel full for longer. In addition, if you use a large portion of a limited calorie budget consuming sugar, you could be displacing foods from your diet that contain vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. “High sugar foods, which are so prevalent in many people's diets, add calories and displace other nutritious foods, denying the body many important nutrients - not a good equation,” says Jawno.


The body also doesn’t distinguish between natural and added sugars. The most common sources of natural sugars are fruit and vegetables, where the quantities are quite reasonable, especially if you consider the other benefits to these nutritional powerhouses. When it comes to added sugars, well, they’re everywhere. According to Statistics Canada, in 2004 Canadians consumed an average of 110 grams of sugar per day – which works out to about 40 kilograms

per year, or 20 bags of the sweet crystals. This may seem shocking, but when you consider sugar is added even to foods you might not expect, it isn’t such a stretch. The key is to read the labels, says Jawno. Look for ingredients ending in “-ose” as well as things like hydrolysed starch, invert sugar, maltodextrin, honey, cane sugar, high fructose corn syrup, maple sugar and molasses. You’ll find these in all kinds of strange places including crackers, barbecue sauces, salad dressings, processed meats, canned fruits, cereals, yogurts – the list goes on.

“High sugar foods, which are so prevalent in many people's diets, add calories and displace other nutritious foods, denying the body many important nutrients - not a good equation.”



How much sugar is required by athletes? According to Stellingwerff, “Since complex carbohydrate and sugar (or simple carbohydrate) are both carbohydrates, there are no separate recommendations. Most athletes, depending on training, need between three and 10 grams of [carbohydrate] per kilogram bodyweight per day to recover, stay in energy balance and have positive training adaptation.” Where you fall in this scale depends on several factors including

iRun because I want to eat more! — Guy Leblanc, Ontario

training volume, intensity, and your body’s efficiency at absorption and metabolism. The key, he says, is a well-balanced diet. A person who meets their caloric needs through a poor diet high in sugar and low in complex carbohydrates may be at risk for vitamin and mineral deficiencies. “However, after hard training sessions, in elite athletes training two or 3 times per day, who also eat a well-balanced diet, sugar is absolutely part of their diet in the immediate time after training to enhance recovery and glycogen re-synthesis,” says Stellingwerff. “They need this simple and immediate source to optimize recovery time, and also to keep energy balance.” The rest of us whose caloric needs aren’t quite as high can still consume sugar for activity and recovery as long as we are realistic about how much our bodies can use and don’t treat it as a free-for-all.


Excessive amounts of sugar are not good for anyone, and sugar is highly abundant in a lot of the foods we enjoy. Therefore, while runners need carbohydrates to fuel their activity and recovery, it is important to be realistic about our actual energy requirements, and stick with a healthy, balanced diet. This includes reading food labels, and consuming plenty of fruit, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein. When in doubt, consult your physician or visit for information, resources and recipes. About Karen Karnis Karen is a runner with a bit of a sweet tooth. Check out her blog, Endorphin Junkie, at


DURING ACTIVITY When it comes to fuelling during exercise, runners should aim for 30-60 grams of carbohydrate per hour for runs lasting longer than 90 minutes – preferably in the form of simple sugar that makes it to your muscles quickly. But there are so many products to choose from – are some better than others? “You bet,” says Dr. Stellingwerff. “There is a lot of research to show that combined carbohydrate blends of glucose and fructose are better than either glucose or fructose alone.” This is because glucose and fructose are absorbed through different transporters in the small intestine. Think of these transporters as doors – consuming more glucose or fructose creates lineups outside the door, whereas consuming a mix of both means they are using the two different doors, leading to a higher overall absorption rate. Not only that, it turns out glucose and fructose are also oxidized slightly differently, so once again, using different mechanisms means more fuel can be burned (converted to energy) in the same period of time - like using two ovens instead of one. To see if your preferred sports drink has both glucose and fructose, read the ingredient listing on the label. Gatorade, for example, contains liquid sugar (which is dissolved sucrose) and glucosefructose. Since sugars can be known by so many different names, visit the Canadian Sugar Institute’s website at for a chart that identifies the molecules behind the common names.



Run this city! Running tours are popping up across Canada as runners find the joy in discovering a new city while getting their runs in. By Anna Lee Boschetto


hether you’re in marathon training mode or simply want to see your destination from a runner’s point of view, running tour companies may be just the ticket, and they are cropping up in major cities across Canada and the United States. From the mountains of British Columbia to the streets of Manhattan, four running guides explain the sights and sounds you can experience the next time you’re visiting Whistler, Toronto, Montreal or New York City.


MUST SEE: From Rosedale’s estate homes to the quaint heritage cottages found in Cabbage Town, as you wind your way through the city’s neighbourhoods Pulfer will Having lived in Toronto for nearly explain points of interest and share 30 years, Sue Pulfer knows her architectural history. Along with running routes. After returning finding the hidden gems among from a trip to Berlin in 2009 where residential neighbourhoods, she she was part of a running tour has also enjoyed exploring the group, Pulfer did a little research downtown areas including the and was surprised to discover a Art Gallery of Ontario, lack of running University Avenue and tour companies iRun as a form of Kensington Market, in Toronto. As a cross training for cycling but I also each one offering result, she founded lost a lot of weight a different historic Toronto Guided and then decided to perspective and cultural Running Tours, train for a triathlon flavour that is woven which offers and then I was custom five- to hooked. After about into your run. ten-kilometre a year and a half, it became a big buzz, OFF THE BEATEN running tours that you’re running out in PATH: When you usually last about nature and I always think of Toronto, most an hour and can get a bit of a high people don’t realize that be geared to a from it. — Sue Pulfer it’s really a city within a tourist’s running and park. Pulfer shares her sightseeing interests. trail expertise with clients who are “I try to ask people what they interested in exploring running like – restaurants, movies, music,” and nature hotspots including the explains Pulfer who is not only able Don Valley Trails and the Toronto to offer café recommendations in Beaches, both of which offer paved Little Italy and King West, but can paths that can be run at your also advise on the best outdoor chosen pace. “We run as long as adventures including kayaking. Toronto Guided Runs


2014 ISSUE 02


kilometres while training for races, Janelle can appreciate the fact that runners want to iRun because I’m a enjoy touring a new city while continuing WHAT PEOPLE bit of a foodie and I SAY: “More so now like to cook at home to train. “What’s so I really need to interesting is finding than even 10 years out the names of ago, I think generally run to enjoy the extra calories. different buildings or we like to be active — Martin Janelle some historical facts,” and we’re looking he explains. for different ways to be active on holidays,” offers WHAT CAN PEOPLE Pulfer, who says that her clients EXPECT: From running up the have said they would never have hill of Montreal’s Mount Royal discovered hidden neighourhoods to the Old Port, Janelle will or little restaurants without her meet runners at their hotel, and local perspective. depending on the length of the run, provide an energy bar. Janelle SEE MONTREAL is able to accommodate a variety Montreal Running Companion of distances, but generally a 10 to 12-kilometre distance is preferable. After Martin Janelle returned from POINTS OF INTEREST: With a trip to Italy where he through his knowledge of Montreal, Janelle the streets of Rome, he launched is able to show runners paths, stairs Montreal Running Companion and shortcuts that are otherwise based on the one thing that he unknown to visitors. For both the found was missing from those view and workout, Janelle says treks: a tour guide. “I felt that I that one of his must-see running should have had someone to guide destinations is Mount Royal. “It’s me, knowing where to go and fun because you get to the top what I should see,” says Janelle. As lookout and have a view of the a runner who has logged countless they want, or until they get tired and head back up into the city,” shares Pulfer.

iRun because it keeps me happy. — Jane Widdecombe, Ontario

iRun because I enjoy the simplicity of lacing up my shoes and heading out the door. I always know that I’ll feel better after a run and for trail running out here, it’s a great simple way to see some beautiful sights in a relatively quick and easy way.


— Chris Kennedy

MONTREAL mountain and the St. Lawrence River.” And you never know when you might stumble upon an unexpected fashion or film shoot.

SEE WHISTLER Whistler Running As a personal trainer and avid runner, Chris Kennedy had received a number of requests from his clients for guided runs, which sparked the idea of Whistler Running Tours. “Basically, the idea behind it, is for people to come and experience Whistler in a way that they wouldn’t be able to do without our local knowledge,” offers Kennedy. WHAT TO EXPECT: Each run is rated the same way as a downhill ski run with green circle being the easiest

through to the most challenging double black diamond. “Some trails are filled with rocks and roots and significant changes in elevation and it requires some fancy footwork,” explains Kennedy. But whether you’re a road runner or a more aggressive trail junkie, Kennedy has a suitable option that will have you experiencing Whistler Village with distances ranging from a quick seven kilometres up to 30 or 35 kilometres of technical terrain. MATTERS OF SIZE: Although Whistler’s terrain can be challenging, Kennedy accommodates larger groups, staff and bachelor parties by dividing the group with multiple guides offering a five-to-one runner-to-guide ratio. POINT OF INTEREST: “We have some incredible viewpoints,” shares Kennedy, “but it takes a bit of effort to get to some of these places, so we’re really getting away from the crowds and kind of being one with nature.” Along with different types of trees and lakes, Kennedy says that BC’s


iRun because I am a warrior! (at heart). — Jacinda Sullivan, Nova Scotia

completely customized runs. No wildlife offers much for guides to matter which run you choose, interpret. “Often times there are guides will meet you and bring bear sightings, we’ll see glaciers; you back to your hotel making it a we make an effort to answer as completely safe adventure. many questions as we can while running,” he explains. “Because MUST SEE: According to Whistler gets dumped on in the Gazaleh there’s nothing quite winter, we are limited to not very like running across the Brooklyn much terrain during that time of year, so during the months of mid- Bridge, an experience that he says can be completely May to mid-October different each day. but I’ve done tours iRun early before right into midthe rest of my family From Central Park to the Statue of Liberty, November.” wakes up. I enjoy the quietness, which some of New York helps me get my City’s most wellWHAT THEY day started. It’s an known landmarks SAID: For some important part of my are an essential part clients, Kennedy says day, my week and of most running tour that running with my year. requests. “A lot of a guide in Whistler — Michael Gazaleh times, we’ll customize is a matter of safety. a run based on that “Getting onto the trail networks if you don’t know the information but we take it one step further and ask our guides to offer route, there’s a good chance you’ll their personal recommendations,” get lost.” And for others, it’s a way says Gazaleh adding that guides to decompress. “You can turn your are encouraged to share their own brain off, play follow the leader and perspectives as people who live, it beats the hotel treadmill.” work and play in the city.

SEE NEW YORK CITY City Running Tours As a Manhattan-based chiropractor, Michael Gazaleh received a request to run with a tourist interested in having a guided run around the city. “It wasn’t that I had an in-depth history of the city,” explains Gazaleh, “I was in the right place at the right time and took advantage of the opportunity.” Now with running tours functioning in eleven cities across the US, including New York City, the company offers tours that capture a local perspective while still offering running tourists

HOW TO PREPARE: Guides are equipped with backpacks, water is provided and Michael encourages runners to bring their camera to take photos along the way. WHO ENJOYS IT: “Running is getting to be a larger niche and more people are doing 5Ks, marathons or challenge races,” says Gazaleh who says that tour groups like his offer runners the chance to feel like themselves even while on vacation. Although the group is casual, you will be asked about pace when you’re booking to make sure that guides are able to offer an enjoyable experience for everyone.




2014 ISSUE 2014 ISSUE 0202

iRun because helps my lungs stay and strong. — Helene Desormeau, Ontario iRunit for health, pleasure pride. Carol Ford, British Columbia




1:07 PM


Sit Ups

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Tanya Ontario iRun because because there’s I like chocolate. iRun no greater highMero, in life. — Claire Davis, Alberta



“See? I just added it to the list! Run the Scotiabank Calgary Marathon”


2014 ISSUE 2014 ISSUE 0202 01

iRun to eat dark drink red Michelle Ontario iRunchocolate for health,and pleasure andwine! pride.—Carol Ford,Kennedy, British Columbia

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Mero,better. Ontario— Ron Thurlow, Saskatchewan iRun because because itI like chocolate. iRun makes my daysTanya so much





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2014 ISSUE 2014 ISSUE 0202

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is no such Tanya thing Mero, as a bad run. — Jason Bungay, Nova Scotia Ontario iRun because Ithere like chocolate.





2014 ISSUE 0202 2014 ISSUE

iRun to become a stronger person — Jason Cotnam, Ontario


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4:27 PM


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and you’ll be part of Halifax’s social event of the year. May 16-18, 2014 #BlueNose2014

Sign-up for the iRun Newsletter for updates, gear reviews and contest promotions at iRun because I was made to run. — Pierre Lafontaine, Québec


G A I T A N A LY S I S | O R T H O T I C S | B R A C I N G

w w w. s o l e f i t. c a


RACECALENDAR [ WEST ] SUNDAY, APRIL 6 Homeless Dreams Awareness Dreams Run/Walk, Edmonton, AB SUNDAY, APRIL 6 BMO Sunshine Coast April Fool's Run, Gibsons, BC SUNDAY, APRIL 6 Merville 15K, Merville, BC SATURDAY, APRIL 12 PIH Magical Mile, Victoria, BC SUNDAY, APRIL 27 Vancouver Sun Run, Vancouver, BC SUNDAY, MAY 4 BMO Vancouver Marathon 2014, Vancouver, BC SATURDAY, MAY 24 OLQP Fun Run and Walk 2014, Airdrie, AB SUNDAY, MAY 25 MS Walk and Run, Red Deer, AB

Winnipeg Police Service Half Marathon 2014, Winnipeg, MB wpshalfmarathon. FRIDAY, MAY 9 AND SATURDAY, MAY 10 Spruce Woods Ultra & Half Marathon, Spruce Woods, MB SATURDAY, MAY 10 8th Annual Andrew Dunn Walk/Run, Oakbank, MB SUNDAY, MAY 25 Saskatchewan Marathon, Saskatoon, SK SUNDAY, JUNE 1 5ish Fun Run 2014, Winnipeg SUNDAY, JUNE 15 Manitoba Marathon, Winnipeg [ ONTARIO & QUEBEC ] SATURDAY, APRIL 5 5K/10K Easter Dash, Oshawa, ON

SUNDAY, APRIL 27 Kms for Care, Peterborough, ON SATURDAY, MAY 3 AND SUNDAY, MAY 4 Mississauga Marathon 2014, Mississauga, ON SUNDAY, MAY 4 GoodLife Fitness Toronto Marathon 2014, SUNDAY, MAY 4 The Denise Van Hooren Inspirational Race, Sarnia, ON SUNDAY, MAY 4 Course Printaniere SainteAgathe, Sainte-Agathe, QC SATURDAY, MAY 10 Day Before Mothers Day/All In, Ottawa SATURDAY, MAY 10 Gatineau Run, Gatineau, QC SATURDAY, MAY 10 The 'Goode Run, Osgoode, ON

SUNDAY, MAY 25 MS Walk and Run, Edmonton, AB

SATURDAY, APRIL 5 Lake Front Fun Run, Ajax, ON

SUNDAY, MAY 25 P.L.A.N. Run for Friends, Kelowna, BC

SUNDAY, APRIL 13 Cambridge Mill Race, Cambridge, ON

SUNDAY, MAY 11 SudburyROCKS!!! Marathon, Sudbury, ON

SUNDAY, JUNE 1 Scotiabank Calgary Marathon, Calgary, AB

SUNDAY, APRIL 13 Festivals des Sucres, Ottawa

SUNDAY, MAY 18 Subway WIN Race Weekend, Whitby, ON

SUNDAY, JUNE 1 29th annual ChildRun presented by the Wilson Family, Vancouver, BC

FRIDAY, APRIL 18 Good Friday Road Races, Burlington, ON

SATURDAY, MAY 24 AND SUNDAY, MAY 25 Tamara Ottawa Race Weekend,

SATURDAY, APRIL 19 Uxbridge Half Marathon Run for the Diamond, Uxbridge, ON

SUNDAY, MAY 25 Easter Seals 10K Run, 5K Run/Walk, Newmarket, ON

SATURDAY, APRIL 12 Run for the Girls, Regina, SK

SUNDAY, APRIL 20 Course Printaniere Oka, Oka, QC

SUNDAY, MAY 25 Giddy Up & Gallop, Campbellville, ON

FRIDAY, APRIL 18 Look Matters Gopher Attack, Regina, SK SUNDAY, MAY 4

SATURDAY, APRIL 26 AND SUNDAY, APRIL 27 Limestone Race Weekend, Kingston, ON

SUNDAY, JUNE 8 Edge to Edge 2014, Ucluelet, BC [ PRAIRIES ]


2014 ISSUE 02

SUNDAY, MAY 11 Sporting Life 10K, Toronto

SUNDAY, MAY 25 Toronto Women's Half Marathon/5K, Toronto, ON

SATURDAY, MAY 31 GoodLife Kids Foundation 5/10K Run/Walk, Whitby, ON

SATURDAY, JUNE 14 Britannia Beach Runs, Ottawa, ON [ EAST ]

SATURDAY, MAY 31 Kayla Baker's 2nd Annual Run aLung, Cambridge, ON SUNDAY, JUNE 1 Niagara Falls Women's Half Marathon, Niagara Falls, ON SUNDAY, JUNE 1 Olgas Boys and Girls Night Out, Hamilton, ON SUNDAY, JUNE 1 Les petits pieds des Bouts de Chou 2014, Témiscaming, QC SUNDAY, JUNE 1 Beat Beethoven Run, Kingston, ON SATURDAY, JUNE 7 A Campaign of Hope 2014, Toronto, ON SATURDAY, JUNE 7 Healing for Women’s Cancers, Oakville, ON SATURDAY, JUNE 7 Peterborough Zoo Run, Peterborough, ON SATURDAY, JUNE 7 12 Mile Creek Trail Half Marathon, St. Catharines, ON SATURDAY, JUNE 7 Community Care Durham's 9th Annual Walk for Mental Health Awareness, Whitby, ON SATURDAY, JUNE 7 Unforgettable Run, Mississauga, ON SUNDAY, JUNE 8 Bread and Honey Race, Mississauga, ON SUNDAY, JUNE 8 Race for Teens at Risk 10K/5K, Oakville, ON

SATURDAY, APRIL 5 Charlottetown Birthday Celebration, Charlottetown, PEI SUNDAY, APRIL 13 Lorneville Loop 13K, Saint John, NB SATURDAY, APRIL 19 Transplant Trot – Moncton, Moncton, NB SATURDAY, APRIL 19 Transplant Trot – Fredericton, Fredericton, NB SATURDAY, MAY 3 Mercury March, New Maryland, NB SATURDAY, MAY 3 Benny Bulldog 5K Trail Run/Walk, Dartmouth, NS SATURDAY, MAY 3 YSJ 5K/10K and Kids Fun Run, Saint John, NB SUNDAY, MAY 11 36th Annual Scotiabank Fredericton Marathon, Fredericton, NB FRIDAY, MAY 16 TO SUNDAY, MAY 18 2014 Blue Nose Marathon, Halifax, NS SATURDAY, MAY 31 Hillside 2 Haiti 5K, Cole Harbour, NS SATURDAY, JUNE 7 Penguin Run, Enfield, NS SATURDAY, JUNE 7 Sole Sisters Women's Race, Dartmouth, NS SUNDAY, JUNE 8 TELUS Walk/Run to Cure Diabetes, Moncton , NB SATURDAY, JUNE 14 AND SUNDAY, JUNE 15 Johnny Miles Running Event Weekend, New Glasgow, NS

iRun because it makes me — Anna Turner, Alberta





As runners, we all think about the gear that allows us to perform (ahhh, merino wool - perfect for winter running) and obsess over our own biomechanics (was that a twinge in my knee? I think it was a twinge…), but we often don’t consider the very thing that protects us from the elements — our skin.

Before beginning research for this piece, I thought I’d start by asking my teammates what their go-to products were to protect their skin from constant exposure to frigid Kingston winters. Most reported simply slathering on their usual daily moisturizers before and after runs, but by far the most interesting suggestion I received was to try out coconut oil as a facial balm. A bit skeptical at first, I took to the internet and discovered that this is an up-and-coming skin trend. The compelling argument “if you wouldn’t put it in your mouth, why would you put it on your face?” won me over and I decided to try it. I was pleasantly surprised with the result—my face felt smooth and protected and I liked the idea that it was an all-natural substance. TOP TIP: In desperate times, take desperate measures—for skin that really needs moisture, Vichy Aqualia Thermal Rich Moisturizer is a miracle for restoring cracked and flaking winter skin.


3 Cover up with clothing. 3 Light gloves can prevent cracked skin on knuckles. 3 Pull on your socks before your tights to prevent Jack Frost nipping at your ankles. 3 When it is really cold, don’t be afraid to pull out the balaclava (and maybe make your run extra exciting with an imaginary police chase). 3 For in-between seasons, reach for clothing that is light, but still protects skin from the elements, like arm warmers or Pearl Izumi’s



Apply lip balm before heading out the door to prevent cracked lips at the end of a cold winter run. Extra points for balms with SPF rating—the sun’s rays aren’t diminished by lower temperatures! Try Eco Lips SPF 30 Sport Lip Balm (Fair Trade Certified)

Perfect for warming up for a higher intensity workout or for those days when you just need a little bit more than a t-shirt. Less bulky than a sweater if you do end up removing layers—the shrug can be tied around one’s waist without flapping. MSRP $45.00

TOP TIP: Ladies! A rogue ponytail stuck to your lips after application can put a damper on activity—Eco Lips is not super sticky, so hair can swoosh to its heart’s content.

iRun with purpose. — Paul, Radcliffe, Ontario


3 Fact: Blisters are the worst. Blisters occur when there is moisture and friction, which is the reason that feet are the most common location. Sweat-wicking socks (a light wool is a great choice) and properly fitted shoes are the best ways to prevent blisters. 3 For those prone to blisters, products such as BodyGlide or self-adhesive moleskin lessen the impact of friction on problem areas. 3 Try rubbing some hypoallergenic Vaseline Petroleum Jelly on blister sites. TOP TIP: Even if you’re not prone to blisters, petroleum jelly can moisturize dry areas elsewhere—think lips and hands!


iRun because it’s

part of my DNA now, and I hope to inspire others to stay active and healthy. Michelle Clarke

"There was a point in my race where time and pace became irrelevant and the joy of running through dirt and jumping over overgrown stumps made me feel like a kid again." Looking for the right trail shoe for you? Visit The Buzz on Gear at 44

2014 ISSUE 02

iRun because I want to find focus. — Kyla Kryski, Ontario


Feel like a kid again When Toronto runner Michelle Clarke signed up for her first trail race, she had no idea what she was getting into. Now that she’s done one, she can’t say enough good things about it. By Michelle Clarke


hen I went to sign up for my first trail race in the Marin Headlands near San Francisco, I was actually secretly relieved that it was sold out because I had a ragged training season, and was ready to hang up my racing shoes until 2014. But thanks to a chance meeting with the legendary Dean Karnazes, I was able to get a last-minute entry into The North Face Endurance Challenge Series Championships marathon race. My relief was quickly replaced with fear – and excitement. I haven’t spent a lot of time on trails in the past, but thanks to my coaches at Longboat Roadrunners I’d been encouraged to use trails for some of my weekly runs to build strength and help with recovery. Whispering to my closest friends how much I enjoyed trails for training, I still never considered a trail race. With only four weeks to get myself “trail-race ready,” I spent up to three days a week practicing on the trails. All I could do was get comfortable with the terrain and find the pace that was going to take me over 42.2 kilometres, and up about 6,000 feet of elevation. I really had no idea what I was getting myself into so the plan was

going to be simple: Start easy and run slower than I was used to. To my surprise, I took the lead about four miles into the race and held onto it for the duration. Going into this race completely unaware of what to expect, I realized after the first big climb that as a road runner I’d been missing something extraordinary. Some believe trail running is easy just because you run slower, and that may be true, but there is more than pace in trail racing.

TOP REASONS TO LOVE TRAIL RACES THE FOOD: The aid stations are stocked with every kind of carbohydrate you can imagine: potatoes, M&M’s, big bowls of Clif Shots and Clif Bloks, and even flat cola. Physically and mentally you are working harder on the trails so picking the right fuel for your distance is critical to getting to the finish line in one piece.

THE PAIN: You can read an elevation map all you want but you can’t translate what that will actually feel like until you’re running a climb 3,000 metres long. You will quickly realize how much pain you can endure going up and how good it feels to let your legs run free going down. Bonus! Trails allow you to strengthen the tiny muscles in your feet as well as your stabilizing muscles and ligaments, ultimately making you an even stronger road runner.

Michelle Clarke is a runner based in Toronto with a marathon PB of 2:57 and a halfmarathon 1:22. She has completed six marathons; four of those were completed in 2013. This is not something she recommends for the general public. You can read about her running adventures at:

THE COMPANY: With no one in front to pull you and no behind to push you – especially in longer events – a trail race is really a race against you and only you. THE SCENERY: I looked down a long winding descent riddled with rocks, but out beyond that was an ocean as smooth as glass. It was at this moment I was happy to be running alone and able to enjoy the scenery around me. THE FUN: There was a point in my race where time and pace became irrelevant and the joy of running through dirt and jumping over overgrown stumps made me feel like a kid again. PHOTOS SUPPLIED BY MICHELLE CLARKE


Adventure and trail races continue to multiply and grow, in participants and distance across Canada, so it was only a matter of time before we saw an endurance event we could call our own. Enter lands End Racing and the inaugural Trans Gaspesia 2014: the first and only self supported 6-stage, 7 day foot race in Canada. Taking place from August 3-9, 2014 in the beautiful landscape of the Gaspé Peninsula (QC), runners (and walkers) will take on a mix of single track trails, rocky shores and fire trails. Are you up for the challenge? Check out the website at

iRun because it makes me a better father and husband. — Jason Evans, Newfoundland




Running strong in windchill or tropical heat


riday, the 13th of December was ominous for more than just the superstitious. As I looked ahead to my weekend long run, the numbers in the weather forecast seemed more frightening than unlucky.

For Saturday morning, the weather experts were calling for minus-24, with a windchill of minus-33 or worse. On Sunday, it was supposed to warm up to a balmy minus-14 but heavy snow was also coming and the winds were expected to pick up to 50 kilometres an hour. My choice, then, was to run on a clear but blistering cold day or try my luck in a blizzard. That’s a familiar predicament for Canadian runners. But this was to be no ordinary run. Just two weeks ahead of my next marathon, I was supposed to cover 38 kilometres, including the last 5 at my expected race pace. This weekend was to be the peak of a new program – supplied by coach Rick Hellard – that would take me farther and faster in my training runs than I’d ever travelled before. I’ve run on colder days, but never for this long. So over the course of that Friday the 13th (in the last month of a year ending in 13, no less) I clicked on the weather forecast two or three times an hour, hoping to see some improvement on either day, something that would help me decide when would be best to brave the elements. Nothing changed. Avoiding the weather was


2014 ISSUE 02

not an option. I occasionally run on a treadmill but the most I can manage without succumbing to sheer boredom is about an hour. That was barely 30 per cent of the time I needed to be moving. And I’m too busy during the week to push my long run to Monday. Maybe I’ll be able to do that when I’m retired (although by then I hope to avoid winter weather using travel rather than procrastination). In the end I chose footing over temperature. For this important run I figured I was better off being cold than sliding all over snowy sidewalks. My training buddy Bob and I set out at 10:00 am on Saturday, both of us bundled in layers, he with plastic bags over his socks for wind protection. For many of my long runs, I keep it simple: travel half the distance and then turn around and head home. But in these conditions, I didn’t fancy running into the wind for 19 consecutive kilometres. So apart from one

or two straight stretches we ran mostly a series of loops around different parts of our neighbourhood, including an office park. It wasn’t the most exciting route but it meant that we were never far from home in case something went wrong, and we were changing direction often to avoid the wind at regular intervals.

Avoiding the weather was not an option. I occasionally run on a treadmill but the most I can manage without succumbing to sheer boredom is about an hour. That was barely 30 per cent of the time I needed to be moving. Bob was planning to join me for 20 kilometres, but I convinced him to do an extra three for moral support. That still left me with 15 on my own. After dropping him off at his house, I headed straight into the wind so that I could finish with it at my back. That first solo stretch was the toughest of the day.

But even that wasn’t as bad as I expected. And it certainly wasn’t difficult finding the inspiration to speed up for the last 5 kilometres. After all, it meant I would be home sooner. I felt prouder at the end of that run than I have at the finish line of some marathons. When I peeled off my clothing, I noticed one of my toes was sore and discoloured. Fortunately that turned out to be bruising, not frostbite. Two weeks later, the conditions couldn’t have been more different. The forecast for race day in Jacksonville, Florida was for humidity and thunderstorms. I ended up getting soaked with sweat and rain, but I ran my fastest marathon ever. A few kilometres from the finish line, with the rain pouring down, I thought about my character-building experience in the bitter cold and wind. Can a training run in early Canadian winter really prepare you for a race in tropical heat? In one important respect alone: once I finished that run, I knew I was ready for anything Florida could throw at me.

Mark Sutcliffe is the founder of iRun and the author of Why I Run: The Remarkable Journey of the Ordinary Runner. READ his blog and download his podcasts: LISTEN to iRun The Running Show: FOLLOW him on Twitter: @_marksutcliffe SEE excerpts of his book:

iRun to prove to myself that I can overcome any obstacle. — Christine Dorcin, Ontario

Share your stories from the Ottawa Marathon!


Huneault by Denise submitted

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Were you one of the 146 runners who lined up at Carleton University for the first Ottawa Marathon back on May 25th, 1975? Did you bundle up to brave the -8 C temperatures of 1996’s marathon? Were you there in 2012 when Laban Moiben broke the course record? If so, we want to hear from you! Visit to submit your stories, photos and memories for The Magnificent Marathon, the commemorative book marking the 40th edition of Canada’s biggest and most historic marathon written by iRun founder Mark Sutcliffe.


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by May 1, 2014 to save 40%!

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