Kitchissippi Times, January 17 2013

Page 1

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Starts on page 11 • Snowbound, clearing the banks • Newswest celebrates 35 years • Hintonburg shinny tourney

Breathing fire from the West End at the Bell Capital Cup

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Page 9

The Spirit of Kitchissippi

January 17, 2013

West Wellington foodie Paula Roy will be invited into the Back Lane Café’s kitchen to dish up her famous pig cheeks on January 21. All proceeds will go to the Parkdale Food Centre. Photo by Kristy Strauss

Foodie dishes up Pig in a Puddle

Record number

raising funds

Packed house for LRT

Elf-sized entrepreneurs

West Wellington food writer in the kitchen By Kristy Strauss

At only five years of age, Paula Roy remembers canning pickles and jams from her mother’s garden. At 12, she made her first turkey dinner for the family. Now, the West Wellington resident is taking her love of cooking and giving back to the community.

On January 21, Roy will cook up her well-loved dish – pig cheeks on a celery and potato purée – as a guest chef at the Back Lane Café in a fundraiser to help the Parkdale Food Centre. She calls the dish “cheeky pig in a puddle.” “You cannot begin to imagine my excitement when I was asked to

come and cook at the Back Lane Café. I literally jumped for joy,” said Roy, who has written about food in Ottawa since 1999 and has been the food editor of Ottawa at Home magazine for more than four years. “The chance to work for one night in what I consider one of Continued on page 10



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10:22 AM

Kitchissippi Times

January 17, 2013 • Page 3

five students at St. George Homemade help Grade give back to charities of their choice Story and Photos by Kristy Strauss

Nadia Etzinger of West Abi Gasparotto wants to make sure that children Wellington got into the holiday have toys to play with and all the medicine they need spirit by making homemade to get better when they’re at CHEO. Jack Stewart record bowls, donating all (see cover) wants polar bears to still exist someday. proceeds to help purchase Katherine Chadwick hopes to empower girls in develanimals for families around the oping countries. world. These three Grade 5 students at St. George Elementary School in Champlain Park were part of a class project, where students developed their own products and sold them at a craft fair – with all proceeds going to the charities of their choice. The craft fair took place on December 20. “It covers math, language, media – so many different areas,” said Fiona Fahey, a Grade 5 teacher at the school who led the project. “All the students chose their own charities. They found something personal that matters to them.” Students gave back to both local and international charities, including the World Wildlife Fund and the Ottawa Food Bank. Gasparotto said she has visited children at CHEO, and knew she wanted to give back to them. With her mom’s help, she made Christmas decorations and hoped to raise at least $70. “Someday, my cousins or other kids might have to go to CHEO,” she said. “They need money to buy new medicine and toys for little kids. I wanted to help them.” Stewart, another Grade 5 student at the school, made Christmas finger puppets to help Earth Rangers – an organization that teaches children about biodiversity and adopting sustainable behaviours to help animals worldwide. Katherine Chadwick “I want to help animals that lost their habitat, and , of the Civic Hosp ital neighbourhood, ma polar bears because of global warming,” Stewart said, de bottle cap neck lac es and ma gnets for the Beca adding that he hopes to make at least $50 for the charity. use I am a Girl char ity, wh ich helps girls in the de “I really love animals, and they need a habitat. I found out veloping world. a lot of polar bears are dying and there’s not many left, and I felt really bad. I wanted to help as much as I can.”

Abi Gasparotto of sold homemade oro Westb s in Christmas decoration EO. CH of ort supp Matt Cotroneo of West Wellington shows off hockey puck pencil holders he made to raise funds to help build classrooms in Nicaragua.

Page 4 • January 17, 2013


The strike from students’ perspectives Kitchissippi high school students reflect her clubs will still be active. It was clear to the students that if they wanted help with something schoolAs a result of the Ontario provincial related, it would have to be done during government passing Bill 115 in class. September, teachers are being advised “Our teachers aren’t allowed to help us not to participate in any out-of-class after school,” says high school student Juliet activities. This includes coaching sports Goulet, a resident of Hintonburg, “which is teams, leading programs, supervising annoying considering this is the time when our clubs and assisting stusummatives are due.” dents with work after Student Emi class. The new legislaVargatoth’s father is an tion is not only affectelementary school ing teachers, but also teacher. When asked students. about the strike, young Bill 115 states that Vargatoth, a resident of teachers’ wages would Wellington West, said, be frozen, their number “My dad had over 200 of sick days would be sick days banked up, diminished, their and now they’re all contractual right to gone because of this legbank sick days until islation. The teachers retirement would be have also had a walkrevoked and their right out, where they don’t to bargain collectively teach and instead prowith the government test in front of their was taken away. school.” Many of those Rotating walk-outs affected were furious. took place across the Teachers voted province in mid-Decemoverwhelmingly in ber, with elemenry Juliet Goulet favour of strike action, teachers at the Ottawa but striking was made Carleton District School illegal through Bill 115 Board participating on and they were forced to Tuesday, December 18. find a different way to voice their On Friday January 11, elementary discontent. They chose to do only the teachers across the province planned a obligations of their contract. walk-out which was cancelled when it At school, when the strike was brought was declared illegal by the Labour Board up, teachers were often not willing to after an all-night meeting that finished at speak openly on the topic. 4 a.m. When asked what she knew about the Dalton McGuinty claims that he is trying teachers’ strike, student Kimberley Farris- to find another way for teachers to protest Manning said “I know that the teachers that doesn’t directly affect students. High aren’t allowed to talk about it and I can’t school teachers had planned a similar walkget extra help on my English summative. out for Wednesday January 16, which was My teacher had to take extra class time to cancelled after the elementary teachers’ help us write them, which means we can’t walk-out was declared illegal. have a poetry unit.” Students in high school are coping as Farris-Manning lives in Westboro best they can. The situation is in stasis Beach area, and is a participant in the and everyone in the high school music program at Glebe. She is waiting community is waiting for a concrete until next semester to find out whether solution. By Claire Loewen, guest columnist and high school student

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“Our teachers aren’t allowed to help us after school, which is annoying considering this is the time when our summatives are due.”

Kitchissippi Times

Kitchissippi Times P.O. Box 3814, Station C Ottawa, Ontario K1Y 4J8 Kitchissippi, meaning “the Grand River,” is the former Algonquin name for the Ottawa River. The name now identifies the urban community to the west of downtown Ottawa. Newswest is a not-forprofit community-owned publication that is distributed 12 times per year inside the Kitchissippi Times.

Managing Editor Kathleen Wilker 613-238-1818 x275 Contributors Denise Deby, Steph Fahey, Claire Loewen, Kristy Strauss Contributing Photographers Denise Deby, Kristy Strauss Proofreader Judith van Berkom Advertising Sales Lori Sharpe 613-238-1818 x274 Donna Roney 613-238-1818 x273 Group Publisher Mark Sutcliffe Publisher Lisa Georges Production Regan Van Dusen Advertising 613-238-1818 x268 All other enquiries 613-238-1818 x230 Distribution A minimum of 17,600 copies distributed from the Ottawa River to Carling Avenue between the O-Train tracks and Woodroffe Avenue. Most residents in this area will receive the Kitchissippi Times directly to their door from Sun Distribution. If you did not receive your copy, or would like additional copies, please contact us and we’ll deliver to you. Bulk copies delivered to multi-unit dwellings and retail locations. Copies available at Dovercourt Recreation Centre and Hintonburg Community Centre. 613-238-1818 x248 Tips and ideas We want to hear from you about what’s happening in our community. Contact Managing Editor. The Kitchissippi Times is published by


Mark Sutcliffe PRESIDENT


Donna Neil The next issue of your Kitchissippi Times:

January 31

Advertising Deadline:

Reserve by January 23

January 17, 2013 • Page 5

Kitchissippi Times

KT CATCH UP Artist Andrew King shares art with Kitchissippi kids Christmas arrived early for Connaught Public School’s grade three class when area artist Andrew

Andrew King opens the art box. Photo by Kathleen Wilker

King, with some assistance from Wallack’s Art Supplies, brought boxes of new art supplies for the children to use. The children were wide-eyed during the unveiling as sketching paper and tins of drawing pencils were unwrapped. King promised to return in the new year to help the kids learn how to use their new art supplies. Devonshire’s Stephen Skoutajan recognized for environmental education West Wellington’s Stephen Skoutajan has led the school in environmental


initiatives, resulting in three consecutive years of certification at the provinical level through EcoSchools - two years of Silver and a Gold certification. Devonshire was the District’s first provincially-certified EcoSchool. Skoutajan was presented with a work of art by renowned Canadian landscape photographer Edward Burtynsky at a ceremony in December. Grade four teacher Skoutajan is a valued member of the School Board’s Environmental Education Steering Committee and the recipient of the Teacher Learning and Leadership Program Grant from the Ministry of Education focused on issues-based literacy.

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Stephen Skoutajan. Photo by Kathleen Wilker

school built in Kanata North and additions to four other schools within the Ottawa Carleton District School Board. “The Capital Priority List is determined by the School Board, based on the highest need across the district,� said Naqvi. “The schools receiving funding were the top five on the Capital Priority List. Broadview is now at number three and parents need to work closely with the Board to maintain that position and to be sure the school has a strong business case.� Naqvi anticipates another round of funding announcements at the end of 2013 or the beginning of 2014. He says he is committed to working closely with parents, but that the Capital Priority List is determined by the School Board and then submitted to the Ministry of Education.

Broadview Public School waiting for capital funding Now positioned at number three on the Board’s Capital Priority List, Broadview Public School is close to the top of the list for future funding from the Ministry of Education. On Tuesday January 15, Yasir Naqvi announced the schools that would benefit from the current $47.9 million dollar investment. There will be one new

KT BUSINESS BRIEFS Loss of a chocolatier Lara VaarrĂŠ, a celebrated chocolatier and the founder of Truffle Treasures, 314 Richmond Rd., was diagnosed with advanced colon cancer in March 2012. She died at home on December 26 at the age of 42. Along with her passion for chocolate, VaarrĂŠ loved scuba diving and travelled widely to pursue her passion.


athletic icons – one from each decade. Takahashi family named The Takahashi family of among greatest athletes Takahashi Dojo, 5 Melrose in Ottawa Ave, are the iconic athletes You’re Invited Ottawa’s greatest athletes of the 1970s. During the of the past, present and 1970s and into the 1980s, future will come together at the members of the the 60th anniversary of the Takahashi family were the Ottawa Sports Awards, to kings and queen of judo be held Wednesday, Jan. 30 and wrestling. Siblings at Algonquin College. Allyn, Phil, Ray and Tina For the milestone edition won a combined 23 Look beyond short-term uncertainties and make smart investment of decisions the dinner, the Ottawa individual sport goals. awards that will help you achieve long-termto financial For decades, Edward Jones has beenyour committed providing and attended five Olympic Sports Awards will pay Let us show you ways toservice help: to individuals, including: personalized investment tribute to six representative Games.

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Page 6 • January 17, 2013

Kitchissippi Times

Designed to impress

Compliments and concerns for LRT plans

Text and photos by Denise Deby

Dozens of residents dropped in at the Hintonburg Community Centre on December 11 to view displays of the LRT’s first phase and to ask questions of city staff, Rideau Transit Group consortium representatives and Kitchissippi ward councillor Katherine Hobbs. Here’s what some people had to say about the project, which includes construction of LRT stations at Bayview and Tunney’s Pasture in 2016 and 2017.

Ant West says the system looks great and he’s hoping it will extend to McKellar Park where he lives. “I believe our neighbourhood will benefit over the long term by being as closely connected to the transit system as it can possibly be.” He thinks the effects on the neighbourhood can be managed, although his daughter, Margot West, wonders how the city will make space for the big stops.

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Carol Paschal of Hintonburg had questions about accessibility for people with disabilities, and safety as a transit rider, which she says the resource people answered. For her, LRT means a faster trip downtown, although she’ll still have a 20-minute walk to Tunney’s. “It’s pretty hard to argue with the look and feel of the stations; they look pretty spiffy.”

Carlingwood Medical Centre Judy and David Chaplin appreciate seeing the plans, which have implications for their McKellar Park home. David says while much of the route will be on the existing transitway or underground, “my long-term concern is what happens west of Tunney’s. I’m hoping we’re not going to have some monstrous right-of-way through an existing community, which has really come alive in the last few years with more and more young kids and lots of walkers.”

Hintonburg resident Michel Frojmovic, who is an urban planner, father of four and board member of Wellington West BIA, thinks the system will attract riders, although he has concerns about its viability. He says the project is “huge, significant and potentially a bit of a game changer around certain stations.” He’d also like to see the Tunney’s Pasture station name reflect the surrounding neighbourhoods.

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January 17, 2013 • Page 7

Kitchissippi Times

KT GOING OUT Live Music January 17 Brian Browne, Juniper Kitchen & Wine Bar, 245 Richmond Rd. Open Jazz @ 9:00pm, Carleton Tavern, 223 Armstrong St. January 18 Live Jazz @ 9:00pm, Alpha Soul Café, 1015 Wellington St. W. Dee Van Zee @ 9:00pm, Carleton Tavern, 223 Armstrong St. Dave Kalil and Todd Huckabone @ 9:00pm, Whispers Pub & Eatery, 249 Richmond Rd. January 19 Chuck Carn @ 9:00pm, Carleton Tavern, 223 Armstrong St. January 20 Dynamite Motel, Hintonburg Public House, 1020 Wellington St. W.

Carleton Tavern, 223 Armstrong St. January 24 Trivia Night with Paul Paquet, Royal Oak Pub, 1217 Wellington St. W. January 27 Comedy/Open Mic, Hintonburg Public House, 1020 Wellington St. W January 28 Live Comedy, Whispers Pub & Eatery,

249 Richmond Rd. January 30 Trivia Night, Carleton Tavern, 223 Armstrong St. Theatre Listings Bat Boy: The Musical, until Feb. 2, The Gladstone, 910 Gladstone Ave Carmen Aguirre’s Blue Box, until Feb. 3, Great Canadian Theatre Company, 1233 Wellington St. W.

Gallery Listings Fight or Flight: Crystal Beshara, until Jan. 27, Orange Art Gallery 233 Armstrong St

BIG F, Little f, What Begins with F? February 1 – 28, Wallspace Gallery, 358 Richmond Rd.

Heads up!, until Jan. 27, Cube Gallery, 1285 Wellington St. W

Miscellaneous January 22 Cook your Own Lunch @ 12:30-2:30pm, Parkdale Food Centre 10-89 Stonehurst Ave.

Arctic Kaleidoscope, until Mar. 5, Exposure Gallery, 1255 Wellington St. W Chikonzero Chazunguza, until March 31, Lorraine Fritzi Gallery, 1233 Wellington St. W.

Kindergarten Registration January 21 - 25, 2013

January 24 Brian Browne, Juniper Kitchen &Wine Bar, 245 Richmond Rd.

. . .with continuing registration at any time…, all are welcome

Open Jam @ 9:00pm, Carleton Tavern, 223 Armstrong St.

Catholic Schools Educate, Nurture & Inspire

January 25 Live Jazz @ 9:00pm, Alpha Soul Café, 1015 Wellington St. W. The Ryvals @ 9:00pm, Carleton Tavern, 223 Armstrong St. Dave Kalil and Todd Huckabone @ 9:00pm, Whispers Pub & Eatery, 249 Richmond Rd. January 26 Rocket Rached & The Fat City 8 @ 9:00pm, Carleton Tavern, 223 Armstrong St. Comedy/Open Mic January 17 Trivia Night with Paul Paquet, Royal Oak Pub, 1217 Wellington St.

Faith in our Future

January 21 Live Comedy, Whispers Pub & Eatery, 249 Richmond Rd. Open Mic Night with Troy Lajambe, Royal Oak Pub, 1217 Wellington St. January 23, 30 Trivia Night, Visit our website for more information

January 26 National Human Library Day Canadians are invited to interact with people they

otherwise might not have met. From 11am-3pm, Two Kitchissippi residents, CBC personality Giacomo Panico of West Wellington and Drag Queen Zelda Marshall of Tunney’s Pasture, are among the 40 ‘books’ available to be signed out for a 20-minute conversation. for info.

Page 8 • January 17, 2013

Kitchissippi Times


CARLETON TAVERN 223 Armstrong Armstrong Street 223 Street


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December 31



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Ren Krewski (left) with classmates and Highland Park residents Ila Jordan, Zoe Harris and Sage Kirchmann in front of the quilt Ren’s grandma made of used school uniforms to raise funds for the school. Photo by Denise Deby

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Spreading the warmth

Neighbourhood girls reuse, recycle and raise funds By Denise Deby

A group of grade four girls and their families came up with a way to support their school and recycle at the same time. Ila Jordan, Sage Kirchmann and Zoe Harris, all Highland Park residents and students at Joan of Arc Academy, helped organize a raffle in December to raise money for the school. The prize: a quilt sewn from old, up-cycled school uniforms by the grandmother of classmate Ren Krewski. The idea to make the quilt came from Ren’s grandmother, Mollie Shelton, who lives in Dartmouth, NS. It took the sewing grandma a couple of months and about a dozen uniforms, but the resulting double-bed-sized quilt, in school colours and bearing school crests, was much coveted by the many students, teachers, families and friends who bought raffle tickets. “It’s really nice,” says Jordan of the quilt. “It’s a labour of love,” adds Jordan’s mom, Manjit Kerr-Upal. Students at Joan of Arc Academy normally pass their used uniforms down to younger siblings, or families donate them to the school’s annual fundraising sale where they can purchase the next size up. This year, though, a new design is being phased in, leaving the challenge of what to do with the old ones. “This is one of the more ingenious ways to use them,” says Kerr-Upal. The grade four girls helped run the raffle with support from their parents. Jordan and Kirchmann sold tickets to students and teachers during recesses and lunch periods. Sales were brisk, they say. “It was actually pretty easy because we’re pretty cute,” comments Kirchmann. “It took a lot of work,” says Jordan, who explains that her hand got tired from helping people write their names and contact information on the tickets. “I think I got a blister that day,” adds Kirchmann. “But it was for a good cause.” Despite the effort, the girls say it was worth it. “I thought it was pretty fun,” says Jordan. “We’re very happy that this could

“It’s one of the first times the girls have been actively involved in fundraising. It’s been really a fun and positive experience.” Manjit Kerr-Upal

occur,” says Harris. She explains that the raffle benefits the school by enabling it to purchase new supplies, while providing something of value—the quilt—to the raffle winner: “It represents the Joan of Arc Academy, and also it’s just really useful,” says Harris of the sturdy green and blue quilt. “I thought the raffle was pretty cool,” says Kirchmann. “No one really sews anymore…but there are lots of grandmas out there who are still sewing as a hobby, and they usually just sew for their granddaughters. But it’s really nice that now this one grandma at least gets to show off her work.” Parents are also pleased with the raffle and its results, which has not only raised funds, but has also broadened horizons for the girls involved. “It’s one of the first times the girls have been actively involved in fundraising. It’s been really a fun and positive experience,” says Kerr-Upal. She and Kirchmann’s mom, Jane, an active volunteer at the school, enjoyed engaging with the students. “It’s been an opportunity to chat with all the girls,” says Jane Kirchmann. Quilt-maker Shelton was in Ottawa to draw the winning ticket at the school’s Christmas concert on December 20. The raffle raised over $600 for books and supplies for the grade four class.

January 17, 2013 • Page 9

Kitchissippi Times

500 team tournament

Ice Dragons remember the Bell Capital Cup By Kathleen Wilker

“I could play hockey every day of the week,” says Quinn Stewart of West Wellington.

teams we played and teams who played each other,” says Jakob Bouse of Westboro, proudly showing his well-decorated commemorative hat that

Left to right, starting with the back row: Max Magnusson, Colin Dennis, Braeden Moore, Phoenix Kazmierski Gavin Blackburn, Andrew Stewart, Justin Lu, Jakob Bouse, Quinn Stewart. Photo by Kathleen Wilker

The Ice Dragons, Stewart’s West End Hockey League Atom B team who competed in the 500 team Bell Capital Cup tournament from December 28-January 1 along with thousands of hockey enthusiasts from across Kitchissippi and around the world, echoed his enthusiasm. “I traded pins with

includes pins from American teams. Max Magnusson of West Wellington, who won a shooting contest in the tournament’s skills contest, says “the whole thing was really exciting.” His teammate Phoenix Kazmierski, also of West Wellington, remembers the Ice Dragons final period of their third game for how

well the team played together. “We reckon that if we play like that for the rest of our season, we’ll do really well,” says an earnest Kazmierski. Thrilled that the NHL lockout is finally over, Colin Dennis of Westboro hopes next year the Ice Dragons—who have been playing together for three or four years—will have a chance to compete with international teams from Germany, Hong Kong or Finland. For assistant coach Karlis Bouse who maintains his own small backyard rink on Clifton Road where the kids—on his son’s team and in the neighbourhood—can practice shooting, the Ice Dragons have become like a family over the years they’ve been together. “All the moms and dads have strapped on skates at some point,” says Bouse For team manager Jen Stewart of West Wellington, volunteering with the team is a way to give back, especially because both her sons play on the team.


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Page 10 • January 17, 2013

Kitchissippi Times

Kitchen goddess for a day: A foodie dream come true Continued from page 1 Ottawa’s finest kitchens is like a dream come true.” While writing has always been her career path, Roy said cooking is her main hobby. The Back Lane Café invited Roy West Wellington foodie Paula Roy will be invited into to make her poputhe Back Lane Café’s kitchen to dish up her famous pig cheeks on January 21. All proceeds will go to the lar dish after customers came in Parkdale Food Centre. Photo by Kristy Strauss one day, raving about the meal. Roy had entered it intothe My Neighbourhood Bites

“The chance to work for one night in what I consider one of Ottawa’s finest kitchens is like a dream come true.” event, held at the Cube Gallery in December. The meal was inspired by a trip to the United Kingdom, where Roy and her husband vacationed last year. While out for dinner,

Unique in Westboro Have you dreamed of living in a gracious brownstone townhome, in a lovely old neighbourhood, surrounded by families and retirees and young professionals? Have you wished for something in Westboro, but without the old house hassle? Have you wanted to stroll along quiet tree-lined streets until you come to the old church, and your home?

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they noticed the pig cheeks dinner on the menu. “I tasted it, and thought it was the best thing ever,” she said. “I had to figure out how to cook it.” When she got home, Roy visited the butcher and started trying out different methods with the meat. She didn’t want to just re-create it, and so she put her own spin on the meal – simmering braised pig cheeks in a very fragrant stock accented with cardamom and other seasonings, and serving the pork on top of a bed of celery root and potato purée. When the Back Lane Café invited her to be a guest chef for the night, Roy knew it would be the perfect way to give back to the Parkdale Food Centre’s Nutrition Fund. The fund helps buy much needed healthy and fresh items like milk, cheese and yogurt for the food bank’s clients. “The food bank is always on my mind,” said Roy. “I’m a frugal cook, but I never have to think gosh, there’s no food in the cupboard. Or, I have to make it last until the next paycheck.” The meal she’s making will also be three-courses and will include Roy’s homemade soup recipe and donuts for dessert. “The fact that I get to play in this amazing space and help a favourite charity just makes everything more special,” Roy said. “It is going to be an unforgetable experience for me, for sure.” She added that it’s important for the community to remember to donate to their local food bank year round, not just over the holidays when many organizations host food drives. “In January it’s hard, but the need is the same,” Roy said. Those interested in attending Paula Roy’s Pig in a Puddle for Parkdale Food Centre on January 21 can make reservations by calling the Back Lane Café at 613-695-2999 or visiting

January 17, 2013

Snowbound By Cheryl Parrott, Security Committee, Hintonburg Community Association Are your streets too narrow with the snowbanks? Don’t assume that the City knows and is just ignoring it. Don’t think someone else has called. Don’t wait for the City to do a drive-around to see the state of the streets. It is important to let them know if your street needs snow removal. We are all the eyes on the street. A recent article in the Ottawa Citizen said the City is hearing from the Glebe and Old Ottawa

Christmas Day dinner came with all the trimmings at the Carleton Tavern. Photo by Tim Thibeault

Christmas Dinner at the Carleton Tavern By Hintonburg Economic Development Committee What makes Christmas a day to remember? Spending it with other people–family, friends, neighbours or having Christmas dinner with 500 guests and 150 volunteers. For 12 years now, the Carleton Tavern has opened its doors on Christmas Day to provide a fabulous free meal to anyone who comes. At least 150 volunteers, co-ordinated by the Hintonburg Economic Development Committee, worked with the Carleton owners Sam, Simon and Billy to make this wonderfully magical day happen. About 40 musicians came to provide live music all day and songbooks were provided so everyone could join in singing Christmas carols. Thanks to Midnight Mike for organizing all the music and musicians. The diversity of the people and families that come each year is wonderful–from new Canadians to people who have lived here all their lives,

from children to senior citizens. There are so many people and no one can eat alone at a table– and that is the beautiful part. The day is centred around being with people–no one should be alone at Christmas. For many– including the volunteers–this is now their Christmas tradition and the way they want to spend Christmas. The donations of food, gifts and volunteer labour from so many people made this day possible. Turkey and all the trimmings, ham, tourtière, and a much appreciated vegetarian alternative were all consumed by the hungry crowd. Lots of desserts, both homemade and from our local bakeries, as well as oranges were enjoyed at the end of the meal and washed down with 400 cups of coffee and about 500 soft drinks and juice. We served about 500 meals at the Carleton with another 200 meals taken out by people there and 120 meals delivered to those who could not come. At

the end of the day, all remaining food was divided between a little more than 200 people in rooming houses and the local family shelter. Even the dogs and cats were provided for. Every bit of food is used and appreciated, as are all the gifts For the second year we greened the event and our recycling team filled nine green bins with all the compostables (paper plates, coffee cups, napkins) and had several recycle bags of pop cans and juice boxes plus cardboard. What a mound of recycling we had at the end of the day. Thanks to the City for their support so we could really reduce the garbage from this event. Our faithful elves were kept busy all day delivering gifts to all the guests, while Santa and Mrs. Claus spent time visiting with guests and even had time for the occasional dance. More than 150 volunteers, 37 businesses, several organizations Continued on page 18

mirrors knocked off. IT was not due to vandalism–there just was no room because of enormous snow banks. Recently, someone backed down a one-way street rather than scrape a parked car. Enormous snow banks are created at some corners–great fun for kids to play on but really dangerous if they slide out into a road. Again last year it was only after complaints to the City that two very large snow banks were removed. One of these was right near Connaught

“Many streets in the old west end are really narrow and in dire need of cleaning after winter storms – but we need to let the City know.” South. Many streets in the old west end are really narrow and often in dire need of cleaning after winter storms – but we need to let the City know. Hintonburg has very many narrow one-way streets. With the increase in building and a reduction in the parking that is required for new units, there is a lot more on street parking. This congests our already narrow streets even more. Last year snow removal on one of the streets did not happen until one night several vehicles parked on the street had their side-view

School at Gladstone–lots of very young children and a really busy intersection for cars and buses, an accident waiting to happen. If you can’t see coming out of your driveway, if you can’t safely get down a street, if there are large snow mountains at intersections where kids can slide down into traffic, let the City know. Poorly cleaned sidewalks create hazards. There are many seniors in the area: walking through snow, slush and ice Continued on page 12

INSIDE NEWSWEST Are you paying to pay?................................................. p.14 Hintonburg Shinny........................................................ p.15 A Call for Milk............................................................... p.15 New Mini Library .......................................................... p.16 Deadline for the February 14 issue of Newswest is February 1. Please note: 421 Richmond Road is NOT a drop-off location for Newswest. It is our mailing address only! Please drop off your material at the main reception desk of the Dovercourt Recreation Centre, 411 Dovercourt.

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Page 12 • January 17, 2013

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Kitchissippi Times

Eating for Good By Donna Henhoeffer, Event Organizer Wellington West residents and business sponsors were thrilled on Saturday, December 15 with the number of neighbours and foodies across Ottawa who came out to the Cube Gallery to eat and vote at the My Neighbourhood Bites Cooking Competition. Chantal Albert’s Mary Had a Little Lamb Meatball with it’s Moroccan inspired flavours, side of roasted eggplant puree and toasted chickpeas was voted as the best of the dishes. However, in a very close second place was Christine Libon’s Wellington West Sernik (cottage

cheese cake) and third was Bobby Ghosh’s Blackened Catfish. The three winners will have their recipes published in a cookbook with proceeds going to the Ottawa Recent winners, along with event organizer, of the My Food Bank at the end Neighbourhood Bites Cooking Competition: Bobby Ghosh (third of the competition se- place), Donna Henhoeffer, Chantal Albert (first place) and ries in May, 2013. Christine Libon (second place). Photo provided by Taboo Eats. The Parkdale Food Centre raised $218.73 with Corey Cote’s donation of a din- outside the Taboo Eat organization’s ner for six at home with the winning control, as of 5 pm Monday, January 7, the event series has been candish as the focal point of the meal! Editor’s note: Due to situations celled until further notice.

SHARE YOUR STORY Newswest Begins Its 35th Year

If you or someone you know has lived in the Kitchissippi area for many years, and has stories Community Support is gathering the memories and stories of local seniors to put together a

Local History Anthology seniors. We would love to hear your stories!

Interested Seniors, please contact Stacey, 613-728-6016, or for over 30 years

By Cameron Brace Newswest held what must be its 34th annual general meeting on November 19. It was an upbeat meeting in space kindly provided by the Westboro Village BIA. All were pleasantly pleased with the number of new volunteers for the board. With representation from other community groups and professions, 2013 should be a good year for getting more neighbourhood voices into the paper.

Our treasurer, Gary, reported how our finances are healthy and in good order for our year end at the close of the month. Our editor, Anne, discussed the coming issue and gave insight to her work collaborating with the Kitchissippi Times editor, Kathleen Wilker. The board chair, in his report, especially thanked Monica Freedman, retiring long time board member, for her participation for many years. He also gave congratulations to board member Paulette Dozois for receiving the The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for her other volunteer work. The Newswest Kids run in July 2012 was great fun with lots of new faces, with thanks to Pat O’Brien for organizing the cakes again. After the nominations for board members (old and new), all were acclaimed after a motion from our volunteer photographer Tim Thibeault. Returning board members are: Gary Ludington, Wayne Rodney, Cheryl Parrott, Jeff Leiper, Lorrie Marlow, Natalie Hanson, Tim Thibeault, Paulette Dozois, Pat O’Brien. New board members are: Allyson Domanski, Barbara Long and Karen Secord of the Parkdale Food Centre. In 2012, work on provided alternate delivery of recent articles and photos, six new photo albums plus notices of local community events. And we reached our first 1,000 event notices tweeted, emailed and available in newsfeed or in our on-line calendar. Projects for 2013 include more online reviews on local park facilities, plus more tidbits of history from Newswest’s past.

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“If you can’t see coming out of your driveway, if you can’t safely get down a street, if there are large snow mountains at intersections where kids can slide down into traffic, let the City know,” writes Cheryl Parrott. Photo by Cheryl Parrott.

Snowy Streets Continued from page 11

pushing a walker is exhausting and dangerous. Pedestrians trying to get through at intersections over mounds of snow are dangerous. Let the City know. Call 311, e-mail or through the new Service Ottawa web site–go to www.ottawa. ca, then choose Service Ottawa, Roads and Transportation, Road Maintenance (or Sidewalk Maintenance). If the City does not respond then let the Hintonburg Community Association know and we will follow-up as part of our Transportation Committee and the Pedestrian Safety work through the Security Committee. Contact us at info@ or 613-798-7987.

CHRISTMAS CHEER RAFFLE 2012 RESUL TS Camp Misquah is a summer camp for developmentally handicapped youth and adults. The winners of its Christmas Cheer Raffle were: 1st # 1444 Ryan Doyle 2nd # 1447 Paul Albert 3rd # 319 Steve Dal 4th # 465 Arcelie Sordido 5th # 1659 Jen Scollard 6th # 311 Mallory Chambers 7th # 481 Mark Pitcher 8th # 559 Lise Paradis 9th # 1298 Marc Sabourin 10th # 309 Morgen Burch 11th # 1540 Shane Lamesse 12th # 1549 Clare Ostler 13th # 1399 Martine Richer 14th # 382 Eileen O'Reilly

The camp raised just over $1,700. Thanks to all who supported this event.


Kitchissippi Times

Hintonburg’s New Super Duper Clean Machine

January 17, 2013 • Page 13

Letter to the Editor Dear Editor, Just wanted to say a huge thanks to Sam, Simon, Billy and the staff of the Carleton Tavern for once again opening their doors to the community and welcoming hundreds of folks for Christmas dinner on December 25. The Hintonburg Economic Development Committee,

“Smiles, hugs, laughter, great tunes, presents and of course the food – put it all together and you have one fine Christmas day gathering.”

Paul McCann from the City of Ottawa presents a gas-powered pressure washer to Pat MacLeod and Cheryl Parrott of the Hintonburg Economic Development Committee. This first prize was won for participation in the City of Ottawa Cleaning the Capital Program. HEDC has been cleaning and beautifying several of the local parks for the past 12 years. Tim Thibeault photo

along with scores of volunteers and musicians, come together and make this day truly a day of giving and receiving. Smiles, hugs, laughter, great tunes, presents and of course the food – put it all together and you have one fine Christmas day gathering. Again thanks to all who every year make this a no place like home moment for many!! See you next year. Brenna Rivier Hintonburg resident

Modernizing Child Care in Ontario By Yasir Naqvi, MPP, Ottawa Centre Child care provides a strong foundation for our youngest learners, and the Government of Ontario is committed to its modernization. Our record of support for child care has been very consistent; licensed child care capacity has grown by nearly 80,000 spaces since 2003, and we have created more than 22,000 new licensed non-profit child care spaces in the last four years. Despite this steady support, the child care sector continues to face significant pressures as a result of changing demographics and the implementation of full day kindergarten. In June 2012, our government released the Modernizing Child Care in Ontario: Sharing Conversations, Strengthening Partnerships, Working Together discussion paper. This began a conversation with child care providers and the public to help move Ontario towards a high quality, accessible, and coordinated early learning and child care system. The paper outlines our recognition that funding for child care must include an efficient funding formula that should be transparent and based on evidence and experience to support consistency in approach, accessibility for families, and quality for children and child care operators. We recently released a revised child care funding formula, with an objective to modernize the approach to operating funding, beginning in 2013. Under this new formula,

“In addition, we have been opening Parenting and Family Literacy Centres across the province.” child care funding for the City of Ottawa is expected to increase to $70 million for 2013. This means that child care funding in our community will increase by $1,741,176 this year! In addition, we have been opening Parenting and Family Literacy Centres across the province. They help children up to six years of age build essential literacy, numeracy and social skills through stories, music and play. The centres are located in urban high-needs communities, and help support the transition to kindergarten by: • Familiarizing children and families with school routines; • Giving children and parents the chance to spend time with other families; and • Linking families with appropriate community resources for special needs, health, and other related services.

In 2011-12 we provided $10.6 million to support 155 Centres across the province. We are committed to increase the number of Centres to 300 across the province, and last fall we announced the opening of 17 new Parenting and Family Literacy Centres across the province, including one at Carleton Heights Public School in our community, which complements existing centres at Hilson and Cambridge Street public schools. Full day kindergarten is the most significant transformation in early learning that we have seen in a generation, and it is one of the most important investments we can make in Ontario’s future prosperity. It provides our four and five-year olds with the opportunity to learn in challenging, dynamic, play-based environments, setting them on the road to success and building a stronger knowledgebased economy in Ontario. Already, eight schools in our community of Ottawa Centre are benefiting from full day kindergarten, and another five schools will offer it next year. By September 2014, the seven remaining schools in our community will provide full day kindergarten, as every school in the province offers this program to their students. For further information, please visit, or You can also contact my Community Office at, or 613-722-6414.


Newswest 421 Richmond Rd PO Box 67057 Westboro RPO Ottawa, Ontario K2A 4E4 Phone: 613-728-3030 EDITOR: Anne Duggan ADVERTISING: For rates and other information Lori Sharpe 613-238-1818 x274 Donna Roney 613-238-1818 x273 SUBMISSIONS Newswest accepts submissions from the community. Articles, photographs and community calendar items are welcome. Send to: (Submissions can be faxed to 613-728-3030.) SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Articles should be maximum 500 words; letters to the editor maximum 300 words; community calendar items maximum 50 words. Photographs should be 300 dpi; print photos 3X5. All signed letters to the editor are welcome. We reserve the right to edit for length and content. Opinions and information published in Newswest through letters we receive, community association news, or individual columns, do not necessarily reflect the opinion(s) of this newspaper.


Page 14 • January 17, 2013

Kitchissippi Times

Welcome to 2013

Thank You!

The Westboro Nursery School would like to thank the following businesses

Westboro Nursery School who donated generously to our 19th Annual Fundraising Auction: A PARENT CO-OPERATIVE PRESCHOOL


100% Martial Arts 501st Capital City Garrison A Gym Tale Absinthe Cafe Absolute Comedy Adam’s Apple Café Agave Where playing Allium Restaurant and learning Al’s Diner go hand in hand Arc of Life Bonini & Associates Boston Pizza Registering Now Registering Now BraChic for September 2012 for September 2009 Broadway Restaurant Together, weOPEN encourage HOUSE your child’s curiosity Bushtukah and wonder through play. 7 from 1 - 3 pm Tuesday, February Canadian Museum program of Nature • We offer a stimulating that promotes Together, we and encourage your child’s curiosity and creativity discovery. Canadian Museum of Science & Tech, wonder through play. • Two teachers and two parent volunteers Agriculture & that Aviation •Museum We offer aaof stimulating promotes supervise maximum program of 24 children each creativityand andafternoon discovery.session. morning Museum •• The Twoteachers teachersare andRegistered two parentEarly volunteers superChildhood Canadian Tire vise a maximum of 24 children each morning and Educators. afternoon session. CD Warehouse • Parent members participate on the board •Chickpea teachers are Registered Early Childhood ofThe directors. Boutique Educators. Westboro Nursery School, a non-profit Cineplex Theatres • Parent members participate on the board of charitable organization, is licensed by the directors. Claridge Ministry ofHomes Children and Youth Services. Westboro Nursery a non-profit charitable organiThe school is aSchool, bright and secure Collected Works zation, is licensedlocated by the Ministry Children and Youth environment in theofDovercourt Services. Located in the Dovercourt Recreation Centre. ComCon Security Recreation Centre. CosmicFFor more oAdventures r m o r e i information, n f o r m a t i o n , vvisit isit Critter Jungle For registration information, email the Registrar at CycleLogik For registration information, please call the Registrar at 613-860-1522. Dairy Queen or call 613-860-1522. ToTospeak the arrange tour, speakwith with theteachers teachers or orDental arrange aatour, Dr. Claudia Courchesne please call the school at 613-728-1533. please call the school at 613-728-1533. Dream Weaver Edible Arrangements Empower Me Yoga Fab Baby Gear Foolish Chicken Fun Haven GCTC

Gotta Paint Hampton Park Plaza Pharmaplus Haute Mama Herb & Spice Hintonburger Il Negozio Nicastro ItalFoods Kichesippi Beer Co. Kiddie Kobbler Kitchenalia Koko Chocolates LCBO Le Café Little Ray’s Reptiles Loblaws Lotus Music Center LuluCoco Magpie Jewellery Malabar Marilyn Mikkelson Mayfair Theatre Milagro Grill MIV Photography Mod Mop Hairdressing Mont Cascades Morris Home Team Mortgage Brokers Ottawa Mrs. Tiggywinkles NAC Napoli Pizzeria National Art Gallery Orpheus Theatre Ottawa Little Theatre Ottawa Senators Ottawa Storytellers Out of Ruins Parma Ravioli Pierino Scarfo Salon

Rag & Bone Puppet Theatre Rainbow Foods Red Chair Kids Remax Metro Renu Spa Richcraft Homes Rinaldo’s Spa Ronin Mixed Martial Arts Royal Oak Wellington Santosha Yoga Scientique Boutique Scratch Kitchen Second Cup Shoppers Drug Mart Siam Bistro Starbucks Coffee Starr Gymnastics Stoneface Dolly’s SV Jewellers The Comic Shop Extraordinary Baby Shoppe The Piggy Market The Shoe Inn The Works Truly Swedish Design Tuesday’s Romance Store Urban Element Valet Tires Vitallife Integrative Medicine Vittoria Trattoria Viva Esthetics Wellington Gastropub West End Kids Westboro Pharmasave Westboro Station Dental Westgate Shopping Center Whispers Yuk Yuk’s A Parent Co-operative Preschool

411 Dovercourt Avenue, Ottawa, ON K2A 0S9 • Tel: 613-728-1533 For registration information, please call the Registrar at 613 860-1522. To speak with the teachers or arrange a tour, please call 613-728-1533.

By Katherine Hobbs, Councillor for Kitchissippi Ward Happy New Year to all residents of Kitchissippi! My top 2013 goal during this term is to create great people, places, and build an even more vibrant community. Starting in January, I will issue an electronic version of what has been accomplished in Kitchissippi. Ottawa can expect four and 10 snow events in an average year. The City of Ottawa’s maintenance costs are $67 million to clear thousands of kilometres of roads, lanes, sidewalks and transit way. While the city clears its roadways, it’s important to keep in mind that Ottawa’s harmonized Noise By-law (By-law 2004253) and subsequent amendments exempt all snow clearing and snow removal activities. When the snow gets cleared, the city prefers that all residents use their garages and driveways – particularly many Ottawa residents who are shift workers or who have flexible hours, and may need to leave or return from work at an early hour. Vehicles parked on the street can impede the city’s snow clearing operations. Maintenance Quality Standards (MQS)

determines equipment deployment based on snow accumulation, and when to clear snow and treat icy conditions. I advise you to call 311 to create an immediate record of a snow operations issue. If you are a senior citizen or a person with disabilities, the city’s SNOW GO program can help you find individuals or contractors to clear snow from your private driveway and walkway. The City of Ottawa funds the program, and it is cocoordinated by the Senior Citizens Council in co-operation with eight community support agencies. Residents can contact screened workers who have completed a police record check. For information on what to expect during a storm and more information on maintenance road classifications, please visit my website at If you would like to receive winter parking alerts, you can sign up at: winter_parking/index_en.html Don’t hibernate this winter, and subscribe to the new recreation and culture enewsletter at: and click on the DiscoverRec link. Please remember to stay safe, and wear helmets when participating in winter activities.

they would have offered Paying Extra for the Bill? tion a discount for those who use By Paul Dewar, MP, Ottawa Centre This past year, many companies started charging you two dollars per month to keep receiving your bill by mail. It seems everywhere you look, someone is jumping on the pay-to-pay bandwagon and sticking consumers with the cost of doing business. These fees force even loyal customers who have always received bill by mail, to be charged extra for it. They’re making you pay, to pay. My opposition colleagues and I are calling on the Conservative Government and its agencies to take action to stop pay-to-pay fees from impacting Canadians. This new cost disproportionately affects certain segments of the population.

Many seniors don’t have a computer of their own, or prefer to receive bills the way we always have: by mail. Low-income Canadians are also disproportionately affected because of lower rates of computer ownership and less access to computers. Two dollars a month may not seem like much to some, but if you are on a fixed income and have several bills coming in month to month, this fee can add up in a hurry. While public libraries and other organizations provide much-needed computer access, many feel that the library is too public a place to be looking at or printing out bills or invoices. If these companies were serious about reducing the amount of paper in circula-

online billing. Instead, they are penalizing those who cannot easily make the transition. This way, consumers would have the opportunity to save some money by switching, rather than getting dinged for doing what they have always been doing. But charging consumers for paper billing (an outlay that companies have been paying for as a part of the cost of doing business up until now) is an obvious cash-grab. It’s worth millions of dollars and it is largely Canadian seniors and low-income families who are being stuck with the bill. Canadians should not be expected to pay extra for the bill itself. It is my hope that the government will agree and take action to stop this unfair practice.


Kitchissippi Times

January 17, 2013 • Page 15


Tara Arbour PHOTO

Giving Back By Tara Arbour Before Christmas, on a Tuesday evening we, the Rogers Ottawa Field Sales Team, braved the wet, slushy streets of Westboro, canvassing the neighbourhood on behalf of the Ottawa Food Bank. Together we collected more than 800 lbs of food and $250 in cash. We knocked on several hundred doors and thought it a good idea to somehow inform the residents of Westboro on the success we had, all by way of their generosity. Our office is located at 475 Richmond Rd and as a team we are very proud of our efforts and are delighted to have had the opportunity to give back to our community!

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Season’s Greetings

Monique (assistant/office administrator) Lise Knowles (senior consultant / manager)

Hintonburg Shinny

Healthful Food Needed

By Jeff Leiper The Hintonburg Community Association is hosting a neighbourhood street hockey tournament after a successful inaugural event in 2012. Last January, around 40 people braved a chilly Saturday afternoon to play fiveon-five ball hockey, with the Hintonburg Hustlers claiming the top spot after besting the Y-rec RoadRunners. The rules will again be loose to ensure family-friendly fun. Games are self-refereed, and one man, woman and youth must be on the rink at all times - At least one player on each team must live in Hintonburg. Players should keep equipment, especially goalie equipment, to a minimum so that no teams have an unfair advantage. Participants who have extra sticks, gloves, and other equipment should come prepared to share. Finally, be ready to help newcomers to the game understand the rules and enjoy the day. We expect the number of players to increase this year, and will have additional space to accommodate extra games. The tournament runs from roughly 11:30 am to 4:30 pm. Registration and details are available at

By Karen Secord, Coordinator, Parkdale Food Centre A call for donations of dairy products is building momentum at the Parkdale Food Centre. It all started with a desire to encourage a healthier diet among food bank clients, and is slowly growing to include nutrition advocacy and good old fashion community engagement. “What we eat and drink each day, the amount and quality of the food we consume, has a huge impact on our brains and bodies,” emphasizes holistic nutritionist, Sue Hall. “When we eat properly, giving our body proper nutrition, we feel better about ourselves and have more confidence, which in turn gives us the energy to move forward.” With this in mind, the Parkdale Food Centre is now working towards replacing traditional food bank staples with low nutritional value, such as hot dogs and boxed macaroni and cheese, with milk, yogurt and cheese. Fresh fruit and vegetables, in varying amounts from week to week, are already rounding out emergency food

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Continued on page 16

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Page 16 • January 17, 2013


Getting Divorced?

Bookwise in Wellington West


Possibly Ottawa’s smallest library has recently been established at the corner of Garrison and Carleton streets where the Farruga family has erected a tiny, fence-top building bulging with books for readers of all ages on a take a book, leave a book basis. “My good friend Adam Smith started one at his home in Milton, Ontario. Myself and other friends loved it. He had more wood scraps lying around so he built a number of extra libraries and offered them to friends wanting their own. We took one. He has a page about it on Facebook called Commercial Street Mini Free Library.” In Kitchissippi at least, literacy lights the path to the future. Tim Thibeault photo

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Sign-up at

Parkdale Food Centre Continued from page 15

orders at the Centre’s Tuesday and Thursday distribution days, thanks in large part to The Produce Depot on Carling Avenue. Hall, whose Wellington Street practice, Nutrition Made Simple, uses food to guide people towards better health. She points to The Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders to make her case for donating nutritionally dense foods to our neighbours in need. “Chronic hunger and energy deprivation profoundly affects mood and responsiveness. The body responds to energy deprivation by shutting or slowing down nonessential functions, altering activity levels, hormonal levels, oxygen and nutrient transport, the body’s ability to fight infection, and many other bodily functions that directly or indirectly affect brain function.” Thanks to financial contributions from area churches, the commitment of local businesses and the generosity of residents the fridges at the Parkdale Food Centre have

been brimming with dairy. But with numbers rising, the need is still great. Donating is as easy as going to the Centre’s website and clicking. Or, call 613722-8019 to make arrangements for drop-off. “It’s always wonderful to see people thinking about the needs of others during the Christmas season,” says Don Flynn, Chair of the Parkdale Food Centre’s Board of Directors. “However, the area we serve has a very full family shelter and 14 rooming houses 12 months of the year.” On Tuesday, January 22 Parkdale Food Centre users are invited to participate in a “make your own lunch” cooking workshop with Judi Varga-Toth owner of Credible Edibles Judi and Sue will work with participants to create a tasty, nutritious meal using items typically found on food bank shelves. It is a hands-on cook-and-eat event; the first of a regular series to be hosted by area chefs. Registration is required. The Parkdale Food Centre is located at 10-89 Stonehurst Avenue in Mechanicsville.


Kitchissippi Times

Award Proudly Received By Don McMillan Kitchissippi resident Ruth Hall-McMillan recently received the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee medal, along with Dr. David Grimes Jr., who heads the main Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Clinic at the Civic Campus. In 2012, the Parkinson Society of Ottawa celebrated its 35th anniversary and Hall-McMillan was a founding member of the organization. Hall-McMillan is proud to receive this award as, “The medals were presented as a tangible way for Canada to honor Her Majesty for her service to this country. At the same time, it serves to honour significant contributions and achievements by Canadians.” Striking of the medals took place at the Royal Canadian Mint in Ottawa on December 6, in the presence of his Excellency Governor General David Johnson and accompanied by the Honorable James Moore, Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages and Mr. James B. Love, Chairman of the Royal Canadian Mint Board of Directors,” says Hall-McMillan. “I accepted the Queen’s Jubilee medal on behalf of our first group of four people, who sat together back in 1974 and pledged to create a lasting organization for the

Ottawa Carleton District School Board News By Jennifer McKenzie, Kitchissippi Ward Trustee Happy New Year to everyone and welcome back to school! Here are a few of the key dates that are coming up of special interest to Kitchissippi residents.

Kitchissippi resident Ruth Hall-McMillan recently received a Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee medal for her life-long work with the Parkinson Society of Ottawa. Photo by Don McMillan

future of all Parkinson’s patients,” explains Hall-McMillan, who has multiple sclerosis but contributes to her community through a number of local organizations.

ASK the Expert

then they are ready for kindergarten starting in September. Please visit your local school to register during this period. If you are unsure which school is your designated school for kindergarten, you may use the school locator feature of the website and enter your street address. You may be asked to choose beNear West Review - Interim Measures for tween French Immersion, English Elmdale PS and Devonshire Community PS A public meeting will be held on January or Alternative Programs. More informa23rd at Fisher Park School (please con- tion on these programs may be found on firm time and location as date gets closer the OCDSB website. We are phasing in All-Day Kindergarten on the ocdsb website) to review the options to address immediate overcrowding across the district. Please check with concerns at Elmdale PS and Devonshire your school’s office or on the kindergarCommunity PS for September 2013. ten registration page of the OCDSB webThese are the measures that will address site if you are unsure whether it will the immediate situation while longer term be offered in your child’s school in 2013. Don’t worry if you cannot register solutions are explored by the Accommodation Working Group for your child during the registration period as registration is on-going. However, it September 2014 and beyond. helps for planning purposes and you will receive helpful information and learn Accommodation Review about upcoming kindergarten welcome Public Information Packages More information on the Near West sessions, if you register early. Please Review as well as the Broadview Rebuild don’t forget to take proof of age, your and Churchill Alternative PS accommo- child’s health card and immunization redation measures may be found on the cord with you when you go. website under the Schools/ Accommodation/Program New to Canada? Reviews banner. If you are new to Canada and come from a country where English is not the first language, your first stop to enter the Kindergarten Registration Kindergarten registration week runs from school system is usually the Family January 28 to February 1. If your child Reception Centre. The Centre’s staff will will be age four by December 31, 2013, Continued on page 18

Your Mortgage Questions Answered

No Lead in My Lipstick Please

Q. I’m selling my current home in the spring. Can I buy

Q. Why invest in an organic lipstick?

a new house before selling my current one?

Amanda Farris Mortgage Broker 788 Island Park Drive 613-866-4089

January 17, 2013 • Page 17

A. We are all concerned about the food that we eat, the air

A. The timing of buying and selling is often a challenge.

In most cases, you’ll need to have an unconditional purchase offer for your current home before you can waive the financing conditions on a new home purchase. You can certainly “house hunt” before you sell your current house, but any offer you make should be conditional on receiving a bona fide offer to purchase your current home. Waiving purchase conditions when your house is not yet sold could lead to owning two houses at the same time…that can be an expensive and stressful mistake! Have questions? I’m here to help.

Natural Health Q.

What’s the biggest mistake people make regarding weight loss/maintenance?

A. Avoiding fats! You need to eat fat to lose fat! There’s a lot of conflict-

ing information out there about fats, and some important information that needs to be shared. Not all animal fats are evil. Not all vegetable oils are healthy. Making the wrong choices sabotages weight loss AND your overall health! To separate fact from fiction, I invite you to attend my workshop “The Skinny on Fats: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly”, Thursday, January 613-299-4022 31st from 7-9 pm. For more details visit the events section at or call 613-299-4022. Anna Varriano

BSc, MBA, RNT, NHP Perfect Resonance Natural Health Counselling 2605 Carling Ave (inside the Natural Health Centre)

For tips and recipes

Laryssa Korbutiak Owner, Esthetician

ORESTA organic skin care apothecary 1121 Wellington St. West


that we breathe yet we do not give the same attention to the products that we put on our skin. Skin is our largest organ and absorbs 60-70% of products that are topically applied. I love wearing lipstick! It is the most popular tool in my makeup bag as it changes my look with just a quick stroke of color. What is astounding is the amount of toxic chemicals found in lipsticks. Lead, a known neurotoxin that causes learning and behavioural problems is an ingredient commonly found in conventional lipsticks. Aluminium, found in synthetic dyes to pigment lipstick and mercury, used as a preservative or coloring agent also contribute to neurotoxicity. Hormone disrupting parabens, which are used as preservatives in lipstick have been linked to breast cancer. Whether we intend to or not, we eat our lipstick. Women consume between four to seven pounds of lipstick in a lifetime. What we don’t consume, we absorb through the thin skin in our lips which is then absorbed in our bloodstream. That is a significant accumulation of toxins. At ORESTA, we opt for lipsticks, lipglosses and lip balms that contain beeswax, shea butter and jojoba oil as natural moisturizers that are more hydrating to the lips than traditional drying petroleum-based lip products. We seek out lip products that are naturally preserved with vitamins and citrus oils. Only plant and mineral pigments are used to create a beautiful palette of lip color shades. I believe that you do not need to compromise your health for beauty. Shop with confidence at ORESTA.


Page 18 • January 17, 2013

Kitchissippi Times

McKenzie Continued from page 17

provide student assessment and guidance for English language learners and their families. Please call 613-239-2416 for assistance. Student Transfer Requests

Student transfer requests for the 2013-2014 school year must be made during the week of Monday, February 11 to Friday, February 22 for accommodation planning purposes. The transfer request form is available at the student’s designated school’s office. There is a handy transfer guide available on the OCDSB website to help you with the transfer process.

Carleton Christmas

Middle French Immersion Registration

Continued from page 11

Students entering Grade 4 may opt to take Middle French Immersion. The registration period is from Tuesday, February 19 to Monday Febuary 25. To find out where your Middle French Immersion program is located, please use the school locator feature on the OCDSB website.

Tim Thibeault PHOTOS (5)

and countless individuals donating food, money and gifts made this Christmas Day possible. The spirit of friendship and fellowship, companionship and great music was obvious to all who came for a hot meal. Thanks to the Carleton Tavern for hosting this day every year and thanks to the many volunteers and donors for your generosity. Please see the Carleton Tavern advertisement for a list of the sponsors. Drop into the Carleton to see some photos of the event or go to and look at the article on line.

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Kichissippi and Somerset Ottawa Carleton District Scool Board 133 Greenbank Road, Nepean, ON K2H 6L3 613.729.1021 Please contact me about education issues that affect our community.

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(just west of Churchill)

Dimitris Foss combines comprehensive financial planning with a disciplined investment strategy to ensure that your investments will help achieve your specific retirement objectives. A resident of Kitchissippi, Dimitris and his team of experts can help you achieve financial peace of mind.

Public School Trustee for

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Isn’t it time to take the first step? Call or email today for a free consultation. Trademark used under authorization and control of The Bank of Nova Scotia. ScotiaMcLeod is a division of Scotia Capital Inc., Member CIPF. ScotiaMcLeod does not offer tax advice, but working with our team of experts we are able to provide a suite of financial services for clients.


iB camp Hey Kitchissppi Kids! for photos and stories about your camp We’re We’re lookinglooking for photos and stories about your summer summer experience. Askyour your Mom or Dad experience for ancamp upcoming feature. Ask Mom or Dad to send us to send us your camp” andname storyandtophone your “fun at camp” photo“fun and at story, alongphoto with your number, before December 31. Maybe before we’ll see January YOU in our31. next camps feature! post mailcamps (see address p.6). Maybe we’ll see YOUorinbyour next feature!


Kitchissippi Times

January 17, 2013 • Page 19

Team Elder Home Sales Martin Elder, Broker “Selling Fine Homes... Building Community”


january 18: reflections on aging There are no maps for the journeys we take through our years as older adults. But many writers provide signposts as they consider the issues we all encounter as we age. Be part of a reading circle that meets weekly for six weeks to explore older adulthood. 10 am, Carlingwood Library, 281 Woodroffe Ave. New registrants, 50 plus only. See to register. january 18: brick builders book club 4:00 pm, at Carlingwood Library, 281 Woodroffe Ave. Meet up with other Lego enthusiasts to read and take on building challenges. Books and bricks will be provided. Ages 7-11. Registration required: January 19: YOUTH WRITING WORKSHOP Local author Brenda Chapman will host a writing workshop for kids 9-14 on Saturday, January 19 to help them get ready to participate in the Ottawa Public Library’s 18th annual Awesome Authors Youth Writing Contest. Chapman will host a short story workshop from 2 to 3 pm at the Carlingwood branch (281 Woodroffe). Online registration is required but programs are free to attend. OPL invites aspiring young authors to submit poems and short stories in English and/or French before the contest deadline, February 11, 2013. Participants can win awesome prizes which will be presented in the Spring. For contest details, visit AwesomeAuthors or contact InfoService at 613-580-2950 or InfoService@BiblioOttawaLibrary. ca. January 19: Concert Terry Tufts with Kathryn Briggs and Ken Workman at 8 pm on Saturday, January 19 at the Westboro Masonic Hall, 430 Churchill Ave. Tickets $20. January 19: FAMILY DANCE Family Dance for kids and their parents on Saturday, January 19, from 3:30-5:00 pm! Come out to a fun family dance with live celtic/quebecois music! All dances are taught by the caller - these are fun oldtime community dances geared towards families. No experience is necessary. Kids are free, $10 for adults (admission helps cover the cost of the caller, band, sound and hall) At Churchill Rec Center, 345 Richmond Road. For more information including a video of our last family dance, visit Facebook event here: https://www.facebook. com/events/112397738935135/ January 20: Ottawa Running Club Our 2013 training officially starts up on Sunday, January 20 at 8:30 am. We’ll have Learn to Run, 5K and 10K groups at the Wellington Bridgehead (at Caroline Ave) and Half Marathon and Marathon groups at the Westboro Bridgehead (Golden Ave). Entering our sixth year, our club helps to lower personal bests while raising more than $10,000 a year for charity. Full details, including online registration, at January 22: Free Cooking Event Join us for a free cook your own lunch event on Tuesday, January 22, from 12:30 to 2:30 pm at the Parkdale Food Centre, 105-89 Stonehurst Ave. Take home leftovers! Nutritious and simple recipes in a hands-on class, led by the owner of Credible Edibles. A nutritionist will be on hand to answer questions.

Register today! Call Karen at 613-722-8019. Please leave a message with your name and phone number. january 22: want to play bridge? Drop in to play and meet other intermediate bridge players in the community. Carlingwood Library, 3:00 pm. 281 Woodroffe Ave. January 23: Tea and Tour Abbeyfield House, 425 Parkdale Avenue, is a nonprofit organization that provides accommodation for ten senior citizens. Please join us for tea, cake and a tour on the fourth Wednesday of every month from 2 to 4 pm. Please RSVP at: 613-729-4817. January 26: Winter Carnival at Westboro Beach The Westboro Beach Community Association welcomes you to its annual winter carnival to be held Saturday, January 26 at Westboro Beach from 12 to 4 pm. The carnival will feature a bonfire and marshmallows, snow soccer, tobogganing, snow building and colouring, Hot dogs and coffee will also be available. For more information, please call 613-725-9872. January 26: Hintonburg street hockey tournament 11:30-4:30 pm, adjacent to Parkdale Park (Corner of Hamilton Avenue North and Spencer Street). We’ll close the streets and you bring the game. It’s Hintonburg’s second annual street hockey tournament. In the spirit of shinny, this will be a low-key, familyfriendly, just-for-fun event to determine the ‘Burg’s hottest street hockey team. For info, rules and how to enter, go to January 29: FROZEN BERRY FUNDRAISER Canadian Centennial Choir is selling individually flash frozen wild blueberries from Nova Scotia (2 kg bag for $19), frozen raspberries from Chile (2.5 kg bag for $28), and frozen cranberries from Maine (2 kg bag for $14). Order deadline is Tuesday, January 29. Call Stephen at 613-230-7850 or email at for information about prepayment and pick up location/time. January 30: FREE PEACE LECTURE At 7:30 pm, “Building peace in the 21st Century: Reflections over four decades” by Peggy Mason, former UN Canadian Ambassador for disarmament, and Senior Fellow Norman Patterson School of International Affairs speaking on challenges in building international peace. One in a series, in memory of committed peace-activist Edith Holtom. At First Unitarian Church, 30 Cleary Ave, Ottawa (off Richmond Rd. east of Woodroffe Ave.). Question/ answer session and refreshments to follow; ample free parking. Info: 613-725-1066. February 1: Deadline for Youth Writing Contest February 1st, midnight, is the deadline for the National Capital Youth Writing Contest. The contest is sponsored by the Canadian Authors Association, National Capital Region.There are first, second and third prizes of $250, $125 and $75. The contest is open to National Capital Region youth age 13 as of September 1st, 2012 to 17, as of February 2nd, 2013. Stories must be in English, a maximum of 2,000 words, original and previously

unpublished. Names must not appear on the story itself but entrants should include a separate page with the title of their story, and name, address, phone number, e-mail address, birth date and school. Entry fee is $5 for each story or a CAA-NCR Workshop Coupon. Make cheques or money orders payable to CAA–NCR and designate NCWC.Mail entries to: Attention: Sherrill Wark.Youth Short Story Contest, 163 Bell St., N., Box 57081, Ottawa ON K1R 7E1. Before entering, please check the complete rules for the 2013 National Capital Writing Contest at: For further information, contact Sharyn Heagle, president, CAA-NCR at February 2: CONCERT The Parkdale United Church Orchestra and Music Director Angus Armstrong present “A Musical Tapestry” on Saturday, February 2 at 7:30 pm at Parkdale United Church, Parkdale and Gladstone. A reception will follow the concert.Tickets at the door: $15 adults; $10 students/seniors; free ages 12 and under.For information: (819) 778 3438 or www. February 10: PHOTO FUNDRAISER is back with another CARE Canada fundraiser. Please join us at Wall Space Gallery, 358 Richmond Road, from 1-4 pm, to purchase our limited edition fundraiser photobook, and enjoy a silent auction, live music and complimentary Bridgehead refreshments. Details at March 1: DAY OF PRAYER St. George’s Roman Catholic Church is hosting the World Day of Prayer service on behalf of area churches. The service begins at 7:30 pm on Friday, March 1. St. George’s is located at 415 Piccadilly Ave. Reception to follow. All are welcome. Library programs at Rosemount Library Parents and caregivers are welcome to attend Toddlertime, Babytime and Family Storytime at Rosemount Library, 18 Rosemount Ave. Toddlertime is Tusdays at 10:15 am, Family Storytime is Wednesdays at 10:15 am and Babytime is Thursdays at 10:15 am. Homework Club is offered Wednesdays from 4:30-5:30 pm. conversational spanish, intermediate and advanced Practice and improve your Spanish speaking skills. We are Los Amigos Toastmasters, We meet at the Civic Hospital, Main Building, Main Floor, Room 3 at the back left of the Cafeteria “Tulip Café” Mondays at 5:15 pm to 6:30 pm. Call Carole at 613-761-6537 or e-mail: New Members Needed The Hintonburg Community Association Environment Committee welcomes new volunteers. Meetings are at 7 pm on the third Tuesday of the month (Feb. 19th, Mar. 19th). For more information contact Female Volunteer Needed Jennifer is a young woman with an undergraduate degree and a wide range of interests, including religion. She also has Cerebral Palsy and her shyness


Independently Owned & Operated

makes it hard to make (and keep) friends. Jennifer lives independently in Kitchissippi and gives back through volunteering. She would enjoy sharing social activities with a volunteer. More than 310 people with disabilities are waiting to be matched one-on-one with a volunteer through Citizen Advocacy. Visit, drop by 312 Parkdale Ave, or call 613-761-9522 if you’re interested in volunteering. SCOUTS CANADA IN WEST WELLINGTON/WESTBORO The 24th Ottawa Scout Group has been part of the Elmdale Public School community for more than eighty years, and we are accepting registrations for BEAVER SCOUTS (5 to 7 year-olds), CUB SCOUTS (8 to 10 year-olds) and SCOUTS (11 to 14 yearolds). Join us for exciting adventures, challenging activities, friends and fun! For more information about any of the programs, please contact Dave Stremes at 613-729-7850, or at Ottawa24th@gmail. com PAINTERS’ CIRCLE Tuesday mornings, 9:30 am to 12:30 pm, Unitarian Church, 30 Cleary Ave. We are a friendly, encouraging group with a wide range of painting experience. Sharing our ideas, showing what we have done, seeking suggestions, is a really pleasant experience for painters whose activity is usually alone. All media except oils are welcome. No tuition, so experience is necessary. 613-695-0505 or clderwent@ for further information. LAROCHE PARK YOUTH DROP-IN Wednesdays, 6:30 to 8:30pm; Laroche Park Field House, 7 Stonehurst Ave. All are welcome. Feel free to bring a friend. WESTBORO YOUTH CENTRE Join a free drop-in on Friday nights for sports, crafts, board games and socializing at the All Saints Anglican Church between 6:30 and 10 pm for 10 to 17 year olds. For more information: TEEN ADVISORY GROUP Join the Teen Advisory Group (TAG) to earn community involvement hours and help design programs for teens at the Ottawa Public Library Carlingwood branch. Ages 14-18. Tuesdays, 5-6:30 pm. TEEN BOOK CLUB Chat about books and share your favorites with other teens. Ages 13 and up. Last Tuesday of the month at 7 pm (1 hr.) at the Ottawa Public Library Carlingwood Branch. FREE FITNESS CLASSES Come join us for free fitness classes at One Tooth Activewear, 261 Richmond Road. Mondays: Pilates at 7 pm, Tuesdays: Jump’n Junkies at 6:15 pm., Thursdays: Mom & Baby Yoga at 10:15 am, and every second Saturday: Family Yoga at 8:45 am. For more info: 613-728-8948.

Deadline for submissions:

January 24, 2013

Kitchissippi MARKET PLACE

To place a Classified or Marketplace ad, please call


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to do your roto-tilling or have Will trim your hedge. Stuff to the dump.

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