Your Community Newspaper The Company Friends & Family Recommend
613 366 1803 22 Pretoria Avenue
Starts on page 17 • Scott Street bus detour update • Ready, set, go! CycleLogik 5K planned for July 13 • Meet the newest officer on the Kitchissippi beat
Wasn’t that a party? Page 4
The Company Friends & Family Recommend
613 366 1803 22 Pretoria Avenue
The Spirit of Kitchissippi
June 26, 2014 Kitchissippi’s Cory Levesque will be playing at Bluesfest with The North Fields.
One for the road
Local musician strikes one big thing off his bucket list Story and photos by Adam Feibel
Cory Levesque is nervous. He’s only been interviewed once before — years ago — and it didn’t go so well. Levesque has never been a huge talker, having often gone several days without uttering more than a few words. Here, sipping a pint at the Elmdale Oyster House, he’s having a hard time talking
about himself. But if you see him perform, you wouldn’t expect it. As soon as Levesque straps on his guitar, it’s “party mode” — a bravado born from a lifelong passion for sharing the fun of music. The 26-year-old singer-songwriter grew up in Sarsfield, then Orleans and Rockland before settling down in the Ottawa core. Now he lives
with his girlfriend on Beech Street in the southeast corner of Kitchissippi, makes a living working construction in Vanier, and does what he can to keep taking his music out of town. Many people will say they love to travel, and so does Levesque. But he puts it differently — he likes “being away.” It’s a small difference, Continued on page 3
Summer Guide
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June 26, 2014 • 3
Kitchissippi Times
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Meet local musician Cory Levesque. You can check out his music at
Bluesfest bound Continued from page 1 but one with an underlying meaning. “I put a lot of stress and weight on myself,” he explains. “When I’m gone, nothing matters but getting to the next shows and playing songs and sharing that experience with people.” Levesque performs his own solo music, and also with Ottawa bands Jonathan Becker & The North Fields and Fresh Hell. He has plans to release a new solo album within the next year, this time in hopes of recording it with a full band rather than just him and his acoustic guitar. He’ll also have the privilege of playing this year’s Ottawa Bluesfest with The North Fields, which he still finds hard to believe. “It’s incredibly exciting,” he says. “I never thought I’d play Bluesfest before because I never saw myself in a band that would fit, or a band that would be recognized.” Levesque has been able to check a number of things off his to-do list — among them recording an album,
“It’s incredibly exciting… I never thought I’d play Bluesfest before because I never saw myself in a band that would fit, or a band that would be recognized.” touring the country, and now, playing a major festival — but he also appreciates the little things, like changing the brakes on a car, fixing things around the house, and even managing to several times drive a car to and from gigs that couldn’t go in reverse. “If something needs to be done I learn how to do it,” he says. “Maybe I’m proud of my independence? As cheesy as that sounds.” It’s that resourcefulness that allowed him to pursue his passion over the years.
“I was raised around music but never around instruments,” he says. He grew up listening to honky-tonk and country, but no one in his family ever played. “I just happened to fall into a group of people who showed me music that blew my mind, and I just wanted to keep sharing.” See Jonathan Becker & The North Fields perform live at Ottawa Bluesfest on July 12 at 3:00 p.m. on the River Stage. You can listen to their music at
4 • June 26, 2014
Kitchissippi Times
How the West(fest) was won Westboro’s neighbourhood street festival shines on
P.O. Box 3814, Station C Ottawa, Ontario K1Y 4J8
Photos by Ted Simpson
Kitchissippi, meaning “the Grand River,” is the former Algonquin name for the Ottawa River. The name now identifies the urban community to the west of downtown Ottawa. Newswest is a not-forprofit community-owned publication that is distributed 12 times per year inside the Kitchissippi Times.
From June 13-15, a substantial chunk of Westboro was taken over by the 11th edition of Westfest, an annual street festival that fills Richmond Road with music, food, street performers, and lots of free family fun. A smattering of rain on Friday night and cooler temperatures on Saturday didn’t seem to faze Westfest fans. Sunday, which also happened to be Father’s Day, was picture perfect.
Editor Andrea Tomkins
Family friendly street performances are a big draw at Westfest.
Contributors Adam Feibel, Anita Grace, Rebecca Peng, Ted Simpson Proofreader Judith van Berkom Advertising Sales Lori Sharpe 613-238-1818 x274 Donna Roney 613-238-1818 x273 Publisher Mark Sutcliffe
Kids, DO try this at home!
Associate Publisher Donna Neil Creative Director Tanya Connolly-Holmes Production Regan Van Dusen Advertising 613-238-1818 x268 All other enquiries 613-238-1818 x230
A Tribe Called Red was the big headliner on Sunday night. Their performance included elements of traditional First Nations vocals, drumming, and electronic music that rocked the Westfest crowd.
The Meri Squares stepped out and had audience members tapping their toes and dancing along.
Scout’s honour
Hintonburg resident earns highest scouting award
By Rebecca Peng
Hintonburg resident Jose Antonio Ramos Mendoza – or, as he’s known to his friends and fellow scouts, Tonito – is the first scout in Ottawa’s 32nd St. Matthius group to receive the Chief’s Scout Award. The Chief Scout’s Award is the highest award that can be achieved at the Scout level in Scouts Canada. “It’s probably been thirty or forty years since the award has been issued to anyone,” says Mendoza’s Lead Scouter, Steve Fischer. The award is the accumulation of three years of hard work, but it was an undertaking that came naturally to the young scout. “He was our keenest guy in terms of badges and that sort of stuff,” says Fischer. “Other kids like badges and get them, but he was the only guy who kept coming to me, asking, ‘Can work on something else?’ When he came back this year, I said, ‘Let’s go for the Chief’s Scout Award.’” “He’s a great kid… a month ago, he got his standard first aid.
Jose Antonio Ramos Mendoza of the 32nd St. Matthius Scout group and his mother Rita Mendoza. Photo by Mimi Golding
He had to spend a whole weekend with adults at a first aid course downtown with a bunch of fiftyyear-olds. He was very determined and we’re all quite proud of him that he worked so hard at it.” Mendoza’s mother, Rita, echoes those sentiments. “Oh my god, I feel really proud,” she says. “It’s really hard to describe. He worked so hard. He’s a good kid. I can’t complain.” As for the award winner, his feelings are much more
simply put: “It feels good.” Earning the badge required Mendoza, 14, to excel at a number of skills, exercise leadership, and commit himself to volunteer work within the community. He researched and learned about different levels of government, aided Fischer in organizing Scout camps, and helped his fellow scouts work to get their knife permits, among other tasks. “It’s quite a bit more involved than just running with the pack,” Fischer admits. “It leads you towards being a civic-minded and real community volunteer.” Working towards the award has not only been about giving back to the community, but also receiving its support. Family friends, Mimi Golding and her husband Tim, took Mendoza under their wing and helped with all the “onerous requirements outside of Scout Headquarters,” Fischer adds. “That phrase ‘it takes a community to raise a child’, he’s an example of that. He’s really been thriving with all that help from
friend, family, and cohorts.” Despite all his hard work and dedication, the new Chief’s Scout Award winner isn’t all serious. “He’s a totally fun guy. Kids would always want to be in his tent or in his van. He’s kind of a quiet guy around adults, but with kids he can spin a yarn like nobody else,” says Fischer. “Some kids have tiffs with this kid or that kid, but he’s one that everyone loves,” says Fischer. “He’s been setting a great example for the other kids too. A lot of kids did a lot more badge work. They’d see him up at the front getting this badge and that badge and then the others would pull me aside and say, ‘Hey, how hard is it to get that one?’” Mendoza will be advancing to the Venturer Scouts program, where he’ll be able to exercise the leadership skills he’s learned over the past years and have more of a say in organizing different activities. “He was wondering whether he should move up next year, and I said, ‘You know what? You’re ready for it.’”
Distribution A minimum of 17,600 copies distributed from the Ottawa River to Carling Avenue between the O-Train tracks and Woodroffe Avenue. Most residents in this area will receive the Kitchissippi Times directly to their door through Ottawa Citizen or Flyer Force. If you did not receive your copy, or would like additional copies, please contact us and we’ll deliver to you. Bulk copies delivered to multi-unit dwellings and retail locations. Copies available at Dovercourt Recreation Centre and Hintonburg Community Centre. 613-238-1818 x248 Tips and ideas We want to hear from you about what’s happening in our community. Contact the Editor. The Kitchissippi Times is published by
Mark Sutcliffe PRESIDENT
Terry Tyo The next issue of your Kitchissippi Times:
July 10
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June 26, 2014 • 5
Kitchissippi Times
Making streets safer
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15-month-old toddler lives. “I’m scared to have my kids on the sidewalk,” says Whitewolf. Fueled by frustration and fear, both Whitewolf and Chiarelli began reaching Story and photo by Anita Grace out to their neighbours, their community associations and local politicians to try to The residents of Wellington West have improve the safety of their streets. When an important message they are trying to they did not get any help through formal communicate to the many drivers zip- channels, they took matters into their own ping down their streets: Slow down! We hands. live here! Last summer, Chiarelli and her neighLise Whitewolf and Donna Chiarelli bours engaged Agent Signs, a local comboth live near Scott Street and report pany on Harmer Street North, to make there’s too much traffic in their neighbour- bright yellow signs that read “Slow: hood, and it’s much too fast. Children Playing.” Whitewolf says that “It’s over the top,” says Whitewolf, the signs seemed to make a difference at who has witnessed several accidents and first but the problems have not gone away. countless near-misses. Whitewolf, Chiarelli and other neigh“I feel unsafe for my children,” says bours applied to the City of Ottawa’s Chiarelli. “The city is not investing enough Better Neighbourhoods program, which to make sure our streets are safe.” provides funding of up to $30,000 for small-scale community projects. The aim was to create a pilot “slow zone” that would use basic, cost-effective tools like signs, crosswalk painting and planters to encourage drivers to slow down at corners and intersections. Despite having support from the Wellington West BIA, Wellington West Community Association and from Councillor Katherine Hobbs—as well as more than 200 signatures gathered in just five days— the application was denied. “I’ve been really frustratLise Whitewolf and Donna Chiarelli are trying to improve the ed by the whole thing,” safety of their streets. admits Chiarelli. After having invested hours of her time, she feels that no real improveThe residential streets that run between ments are forthcoming. Wellington Street West and Scott Street Whitewolf, however, saw some are often used as short cuts by impatient improvements on her street after there commuters, especially those directly south were two accidents in as many days at the of Tunney’s Pasture. Chiarelli notes that intersection of Ross Avenue and Scott many of these roads are fairly wide. “It’s Street. On May 22, barrels were put up on an invitation to go quickly,” she says. Scott Avenue to prevent cars from turning “These streets are not designed to calm onto Ross, and on June 4 the City began traffic.” painting 30 km/hr signs on the pavement. “People are coming off Scott Street Whitewolf is grateful for these changes really fast,” echoes Whitewolf. “Cars – she gave a City worker a hug when she have jumped up on the sidewalk and fish- saw him setting up the barrels – but she tailed on dry pavement.” Just last month sees this as the first step in an uphill climb. there was an accident at Ross Avenue and “We’re trying to save lives,” she says. “And Scott Street that pushed a car up on the as frustrated as I am, I want to keep fightsidewalk, right in front of a home where a ing until it’s as safe as we can make it.”
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6 • June 26, 2014
Top marks for two local teachers
Sherri Billowits and André Roberge received Capital Educators’ Awards
Story and photo by Anita Grace
Two local teachers have been recognized for their outstanding commitment to their students. On May 22, Sherri Billowits, who teaches grade one at St. George School, and André Roberge, an education resource teacher at St-François-d’Assise, received the Capital Educators’ Awards. The Capital Educators’ Awards are presented by the Ottawa Network for Education in collaboration with 10 participating education institutions. Recipients are nominated by their institution and chosen by a community panel of judges. Billowits, who lives just up the street from St. George, was lauded for her efforts to integrate a non-verbal special needs child into her classroom. Her success not only benefited the child with special needs, but sensitized and engaged the entire class. “We worked on creating activities that he would enjoy,” she says. Once she discovered that he responded well to music, she used that to interact with him in many ways, like singing the letters of his name. “I can’t be sure,” she says, “but I think he appreciated having [his interest in music] recognized, and having that feeling of connection.” Roberge was also recognized for going above and beyond with his Hintonburg students. As a resource teacher, he works alongside children over a span of several
Sherri Billowits, a first grade teacher at St. George School, is one of the recipients of the Capital Educators’ Awards presented by the Ottawa Network for Education.
years, supporting them as they move up through the grades. He says he enjoys the unique relationship he is able to develop with them. “I am in a role where I don’t have to evaluate them or judge them,” he explains. “I just work with them to build their
confidence.” Roberge has been teaching for eight years, Billowits for 10 years. Finding ways to engage and motivate their students is something they have been doing, and perfecting, for years. When asked for tips on how to continue to keep kids in learning over the summer holidays, both teachers emphasized the importance of taking a break from structured learning and getting active outdoors. “It’s a long academic year,” says Roberge. “So relax and have fun. Get active. Get outside. When you’re active your brain works better.” Billowits adds that parents can find activities that keep children involved in learning while also being physically active. She gives the example of games of tag where children who are tagged need to spell out a word. She also emphasizes the importance of reading and recommends that families take advantage of fantastic local resources such as the Ottawa Public Library. “Read for pleasure and be read to for pleasure,” she encourages. “This will go a long way.” The Ottawa Network for Education annually recognizes outstanding teachers from across Ottawa. Roberge and Billowits were among 18 award recipients who come from the whole spectrum of public education; from kindergarten teachers to PhD professors. To learn more about the Capital Educators Awards, visit
Advice from the experts Interested in keeping your children’s brains engaged over the summer holidays? Take some advice from Kitchissippi’s awardwinning educators: • Take a break from structured learning; get active and have fun outdoors. When you’re active your brain works better. (This is true for parents too!) • Find activities that can keep children learning while also being physically active at the same time. (For example, play games of tag where children who are tagged need to spell out a word.) • Keep reading! One way to do this is to take advantage of the Ottawa Public Library. Check out the OPL website and get the scoop on their summer reading club. There’s one for teens too. For more information go to
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SummerGuide The Essential Kitchissippi
100+ Amazing Things To Do in AND AROUND Kitchissippi This Summer SUPPLEMENT TO
Camps For Kids • Entertainment • Clubs To Join • Family-FRIENDLY Events• Shopping Ideas • Community Groups
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Page 8 • June 26, 2014
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Kitchissippi Times
Amazing things to do in July
Wednesday July 2 to Sunday July 27
Until Sunday, July 27
Railbender Tattoo Studio and Art Gallery Railbender Gallery proudly presents four years in the punk underground, a photography exhibit by Ottawa punk photographer Darryl Reid. The exhibit showcases photography – using both digital and analogue cameras - of the local underground music scene in Ottawa, Toronto and Montreal. Railbender Gallery is located at 3 Hamilton Ave. North. Contact 613-725-6061 or visit: for more information.
Cube Gallery Sanjeev Sivarulrasa will launch his solo exhibition vanishing stars with a vernissage and book launch that takes place Sunday, July 6 from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. In concert with the Nocturne Festival, Cube Gallery hosts a solo show by Ottawa artist and astrophotographer Sanjeev Sivarulrasa, featuring a series of photographic works and oil paintings. Visit the Cube Gallery website for updates on Star Parties, lectures and other activities during this year’s festival at:
Thursday July 3, 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.
First Thursdays Art Walk Enjoy a gorgeous summer night on July 3 strolling
Continued on page 10
A.Y. Jackson, Lake Rouvière, 1961 © Carleton University Art Gallery, Ottawa / The City of Ottawa / The Ottawa Art Gallery
Discover how the First World War soldiering experiences of two artists shaped their art and their concepts of national identity.
Combine with the History Museum
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National Presenting Sponsor
An exhibition produced by the Canadian War Museum, with the generous support of the National Gallery of Canada.
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Kitchissippi Times
June 26, 2014 • Page 9
Amazing things happening all summer long
Alcatel-Lucent Sunday Bikedays Learn to run or train for an event with the Ottawa Running Club ( • Meet at the Wellington Bridgehead at 8:15 a.m. on Sundays for the marathon and half program at Bridgehead Coffeehouse, 1277 Wellington St. (two blocks west of Holland). • Meet at Notre Dame High School on Broadview Avenue for track workouts at 6:15 p.m. Under the eye of the coach, you’ll take part in a progression of drills and interval runs that will increase your fitness, power and efficiency. • Meet Tuesday evenings from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Dovercourt’s downstairs doors, rain or shine. Stretches, warm-ups and cool downs will start and finish every workout. Workouts are posted in advance near the pool desk. Call 613-798-8950 ext. 229 for more information.
Alcatel-Lucent Sunday Bikedays Grab your bike and head out on the empty and open road in Canada’s Capital Region. Since 1970, the National Capital Commission has opened scenic parkways to cyclists in Ottawa and Gatineau Park. Nine kilometres of the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway is open every Sunday for biking, rollerblading or running from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Check out the National Capital Commission website for online maps.
All campers will earn a highly sought after opportunity to perform at the RBC Bluesfest or Ottawa Folk Festival. Local professionals will work with campers to develop technical and musical skills; define their image through wardrobe and stage presence training; and build confidence for their big performance!
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Don’t have a bike? Don’t worry! RightBike, a community owned-and-operated bike share service, operates in the Westboro and Wellington West neighbourhoods and allows members access to 65 distinctive, comfortable, and easy-to-ride bicycles spread across many convenient hubs including: • RightBike Headquarters, 1A McCormick St. (one block north of Wellington West and one block east of Parkdale Ave) • Hintonburg Community Centre, 1064 Wellington St. West (corner of Merton) • Causeway Work Centre, 22 O’Meara Street (near Tom Brown Arena) • Cyclelogik, 1111A Wellington Avenue West (corner of Stirling) • Mountain Equipment Co-op, 366 Richmond Road (between Churchill & Roosevelt) • Dovercourt Recreation Centre, 411 Dovercourt Avenue (corner of Roosevelt). For more information, email or call 613-722-4440.
Brush up on your tennis skills at: Fairmont Park , 265 Fairmont Ave, two courts McKellar Park, 539 Wavell Ave , two courts Westboro Kiwanis Park (Dovercourt), 411 Dovercourt Ave , one court The Elmdale Tennis Club located, 184 Holland Ave. Visit:
Try Something New!
Want to try your hand at lawn bowling? Check out the Highland Park Lawn Bowling Club, located at the corner of Byron and Golden Avenues. Drop-in sessions are held on Monday and Wednesday nights at 6:30 pm. Members also play several times throughout the week: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6:45 p.m. All are welcome to drop in and have a look. For more information call Jean at 613-592-1007 or visit: Visit the Elmdale Lawn Bowling Club at 1 MacFarlane Avenue (near the Civic Hospital) during their open houses on Monday mornings at 10 a.m. Beginners and new bowlers are encouraged to come for some instruction and practice. Flat soled shoes are required. More information is available by calling 613- 722-2205.
Our stories. Our museums
This summer, discover Ottawa’s community museums: Cumberland Heritage Village museum: Classic Car show - July 13
nepean museum: Community sports day - July 19
Vanier museopark: Summer day camps - July and August
FairFields Heritage House: Summer day camps - July and August
bytown museum: Monday night movies - July and August
pinHey’s point HistoriC site: Children’s programs - Thursdays and Saturdays in July and August
osgoode townsHip museum: Kindermusik Tuesday mornings - Weekly watson’s mill: Craft Beer tasting - July 11 billings estate: Canada Day Tea - July 1
goulbourn museum: Teddy Bear’s Picnic family craft day - July 20 dieFenbunker: Canada’s Cold war museum: Spy Camp - Daily starting June 30
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Page 10 • June 26, 2014
Paul Dewar
MP/Député Ottawa Centre Working for you! Au travail pour vous!
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Kitchissippi Times
Continued from page 8 the streets of Wellington West at the yearround First Thursdays Art Walk. The art walk is a neighbourhood celebration that takes place the first Thursday of every month, and brings you to five unique galleries where you will enjoy worldclass art, good vibes and good conversation. For more information visit:
Saturday July 5, 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. Hintonburg Park
Ottawa Brewery Market. Have a chance to learn about and try the best beer both locally and in Ontario – and, meet the people behind the brands. At the Ottawa Brewery Market, you will be able to sample beers from a variety of Ontario craft breweries. For more information visit:
Saturday July 5, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Highland Park Lawn Bowling 100-year Strawberry Social. Celebrate a century of lawn bowling in the nation’s capital at the Highland Park Lawn Bowling Club’s 100th anniversary strawberry social. For more information contact Jean Higgins at: or 613-5921007. Located on the corner of Byron Avenue and Golden Avenue.
Tuesday July 8, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Westboro Wading Pool Fairytale Splash at the Westboro wading pool. Bring your favourite storybooks to life in this fun and enchanting water world with your children!
Saturday July 12, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Hintonburg Public House Join the latest beer tasting group in town at the HPH Craft Beer Sessions. Every month a different brewery will stop by to pour their delicious brews. Admission is $25 to$30 depending on the number of beers and the brewery. For more information visit:
Sunday July 13, 5K: 9 a.m. start , 1K: 9:10 a.m. start, Parkdale Park
Hintonburg Cenntennial 5K is back for the eighth year! Run or walk through Hintonburg or cheer on your neighbours during this fun family event. The race also includes a 1K for kids, T-shirts, chip-times and it’s always free for children 13 and under! Register in person or pick up your kit at Cyclelogik, 1111 Wellington Street W. from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, July 12. For more information contact
Tuesday July 15, 10:30 a.m.
Carlingwood Library Tante Caroline presents: Miss Trinket’s Gadgets. Miss Trinket invents, fixes, and creates gizmos and widgets from all kinds of thing-a-majigs but can’t seem to finish her projects! She asks for help from the kids of the Summer Reading Club to create an incredible tale about her inventions. An original story where word play and creativity are honoured guests for all ages four to eight. For more information visit: 281 Woodroffe Avenue.
Combine with the War Museum
and SAVE
1 0 0 L aur i e r St r e e t, Gat i n e au Q C
819-7 76 -7000
ADvert ising Feat ure
Kitchissippi Times
Amazing things to do in August Every Monday, 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Whisper’s Pub and Eatery Take in local talent – or even perform – at open mic with Spirit of Rasputin’s at Whispers Pub and Eatery. It’s a great way to get out and enjoy a summer evening! For more information visit: 249 Richmond Road.
Every Sunday starting at 9:30 a.m.
Lululemon Westboro location Start your day with Sunday morning yoga! Come out and take part in a complimentary yoga class every Sunday morning. Doors open at 9:20 a.m. and class starts at 9:30 a.m.! Call 613-761-1839 for more details. 340 Richmond Road.
Friday August 1, 1:30 p.m.
Tuesday July 15, 10:30 a.m.
Rosemount Library Morse Code Jewelry. Children ages nine to 12 are invited to join the Rosemount Library for some DIY Morse Code jewelry! Kids can spell their name or favourite word in beads – all while learning Morse Code and practicing their skills on a telegraph key. For more information visit: 18 Rosemount Street.
Thursday July 17, 10:30 a.m.
Carlingwood Public Library Electro-cards workshop. Children ages six to 12 can use conductive paint to make a greeting card that lights up! Kids ages 7 and
under must be accompanied by an adult. Registration required for children only. For more information visit: 281 Woodroffe Avenue.
Friday July 18 and Saturday July 19, 7 pm
Hintonburg Park A Company of Fools Theatre presents As You Like It in Hintonburg Park. Directed by Scott Florence, and featuring Catriona Leger, Matthew John Lundvall, Kate McArthur, Geoff McBride, and Katie Ryerson. Bring a blanket or a lawn chair, and the entire family. 1064 Wellington St. W..
Carlingwood Public Library Ready for a summer Block Party? Bring the kids to the Carlingwood Public Library for Building Boom, where they can show off their architectural creativity with Lego. 281 Woodroffe Avenue.
Sunday August 3, 9 p.m. to 11 p.m.
Hintonburg Public House Celebrate the long weekend with the HPH Trivia Challenge. Good at trivia? Organize a team of two to four people and discover who is the true trivia genius of the month. If you win, stay out late and celebrate!
Tuesday August 5, 7 p.m.
Clare Gardens Park A Company of Fools Theatre presents As You Like It in Hintonburg Park. Directed by Scott
Continued on page 15
Come live an interactive trip around the world!
Combine with IMAX
and SAVE
1 0 0 L au r i e r St r e e t, Gat i ne au Q C
June 26, 2014 • Page 11
Stay local! Westboro Farmers’ Market, Saturdays 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. , until October 25, Byron Park Now in its third year, the Ottawa Farmers’ Market is back in Westboro. Located along the beautiful walking path of the Byron Linear Park, between Golden, Richmond and Byron Avenues, the Westboro Farmers’ Market is growing with more than 65 vendors. See the complete list of Westboro vendors at Parkdale Market: Located at the corner of Parkdale and Wellington in Hintonburg, this market was established in 1927 and is run by the City of Ottawa. Features fresh fruit and vegetables and flowers. Open from early spring to late fall, and during the Christmas season. Newly renovated in 2011. Come and shop for local produce at your community market! Support local restaurants and join the Hintonburg Supper Club! Meet neighbourhood residents while socializing at local restaurants. The Club meets roughly once a month. There is no charge other than what you choose to eat or drink. For more information see supperclub.html. Take your dog for an off-leash run at one of the neighbourhood’s off-leash parks including: Laroche Park, Riverside Terrace Park, Westwood Park and Woodroffe Park. For a map of offleash parks see: Visit Maplelawn Gardens, one of the city’s few remaining walled gardens from the 1800s, situated next to the historic Keg Manor. Open dawn to dusk. For more information about the history and plants see Take a walk by Remic Rapids to see “The Art of Balance” inukshuks created by local artist John Ceprano. For more information about the artist, visit
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Page 12 • June 26, 2014
Kitchissippi Times
SWIM! splash pads and wading pools
Check out one of the area’s 3 splash pads and wading pools! Fun for kids of all ages. • Enjoy a cool dip in the pool! Open swims take place at
• Swim, or just lie in the sun (or shade!) at Westboro Beach. • The Soloway JCC outdoor pool is a great place to spend a
day with the family. Swim laps and get fit, or just lounge by the pool.
nd RD
nada Ca ns Tra
Dovercourt Recreation Centre throughout the summer on Mondays from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m., Wednesdays from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., Fridays 2 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., and Saturdays 1:45 p.m. to 3 p.m. Check or call 613-798-8950 for more details.
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Kitchissippi Times
June 26, 2014 • Page 13
1. Ev Tremblay Park
5. Iona Park
9. Woodroffe Park
108 Beech Ave Open July 4 to August 27 June & July weekdays: 11 am – 6 pm; August & weekends: 11 am – 5 pm Closed: Mondays
223 Iona St Open July 4 to August 27 June & July weekdays: 11:15 a.m. to 6 p.m. August & Saturdays: 11:15 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed: Sundays & Mondays
180 Lockhart Ave Open June 20 to August 15 June & July weekdays: 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. August & Sundays: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed: Saturdays
2. Parkdale Market Park
6. Lions Park
366 Parkdale Ave Open June 20 to August 15 June & July weekdays: 11:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. August & weekends: 11:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Closed: Thursdays
294 Elmgrove Ave Open June 27 to August 22 June & July weekdays: 11:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. August: 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed: Saturdays & Sundays
10. Hintonburg Park Splash Pad
3. Champlain Park
7. Westboro Kiwanis (Dovercourt)
12. Roy Duncan Park Splash Pad
411 Dovercourt Ave Open June 29 to August 30 June & July weekdays: 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. August weekdays: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. June, July & August weekends: 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Closed: Mondays
295 Churchill Ave
140 Carleton Ave Open June 27 to August 22 June & July weekdays: 11 am – 6 pm June & July Mondays and Fridays: 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. June & July Tuesdays and Thursdays: Noon to 7 p.m. August Mondays and Fridays: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. August Tuesdays and Thursdays: Noon to 6 p.m. June, July & August weekends : 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesdays: Closed
1064 Wellington St. W.
11. Laroche Park Splash Pad 52 Bayview Ave
8. McKellar Park 4. Hampton Park 645 Parkview Rd Open June 20 to August 15 June & July weekdays: 11:30 am - 6 pm August & Sundays: 11:30 am - 5 pm Closed: Saturdays
539 Wavell Ave Open June 29 to August 16 July Mon, Wed, Fri: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tue & Thu: 1:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. August: Mon, Wed, Fri. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tues & Thu: 1:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. June, July & August weekends: Closed
Witness the war through the paintings, drawings and sketches of Canadian war artists and soldiers.
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ADvert ising Feat ure
Page 14 • June 26, 2014
W I L LY ’ S
Little Florist Wo r k s h o p s
Kitchissippi Times
PLAY! in amazing parks
Parks are the centre of the community in the summer. Check out which one is closet to you or spend your summer visiting them all! There are a total of 29 parks in Kitchissippi!
10. FISHER PARK, 250 Holland Ave 11. HAMPTON PARK, 645 Parkview Rd
Rates & Packages
12. HEATHER CROWE PARK, 1902 ScottSt 13. HINTONBURGH PARK, 101 Duhamel St
July & August Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday
14. IONA PARK, 223 Iona St 15. LAROCHE PARK, 52 Bayview Rd 16. LION’S PARK, 294 Elmgrove Ave
Morning Session 10am – 12pm $45
Experience the wonder of being an actual florist.
17. MAHONEY PARK, 160 Lanark Ave 18. MCCORMICK PARK, 294 Carruthers Ave
Afternoon Session 2pm – 4pm $45
Learn how to dream, design and create your own arrangement – then make your own to take home! Learn tips and strategies for flower care Giggle with friends as you learn a new skill to enjoy for years to come!
3 Sessions $120
It’s SO Easy!
19. MCKELLAR PARK, 539 Wavell Ave 20. PARKDALE PARK, 366 Parkdale Ave 21. REID PARK, 40 Reid Ave 1. ARMSTRONG PARK, 69 Armstrong St 2. BAYVIEW PARK SITE, 128 Bayview Rd 3. BYRON TRAMWAY PARK, 579 Byron Ave
Daily Themes Fairy Garden
Tea Party
Little Florists
Create a fairy Garden terrarium!
Create flower arrangement in a teacup!
Create a corsage and lovely floral arrangement!
Create a wild garden, complete with itty-bitty plants and itty-bitty places!
Flower Fairy Create a magical flower wand in a beautiful bud vase!
1252 Wellington Street - (613) 722-5990 -
155 Island Park Dr
23. RIVERSIDE TERRACE PARK, 225 Clearview Ave
24. ROY DUNCAN PARK, 295 Churchill Ave
Wild Willy’s Garden
195 Carruthers Ave
5. CHAMPLAIN PARK, 140 Carleton Ave
25. SENIOR CITIZEN’S CENTRE, 345 Richmond Rd
26. SOMERSET SQUARE, 2 Spadina Ave
7. EV TREMBLAY PARK, 108 Beech St
27. TILLBURY PARK, 725 Sherbourne Rd
8. EVERGREEN PARK, 906 Dension Cres
28. WESTBORO BEACH, 529 Richmond Rd
9. FAIRMONT PARK, 265 Fairmont Ave
29. WESTBORO KIWANIS PARK, 411 Dovercourt Ave
C a n a d a’ s T i t a n i c
“Emotional and engaging”
Original painting by Ken Marschall © 1996. Modifications and design, CMH
— The Ottawa Citizen
Combine with the War Museum
and SAVE Exhibition Partner
Official Partner An exhibition developed by the Canadian Museum of History, Gatineau, in partnership with the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21, Halifax.
Media Partner
10 0 L aur i e r St r e e t, Gat i n e au Q C
819-7 76 -7000
ADvert ising Feat ure
Kitchissippi Times
Thursday August 7, 2 p.m.
Rosemount Public Library Join the Flip Book Workshop and make your own animation! Come out to the Rosemount Public Library and join staff from the Ottawa Art Gallery to learn how to make your own animated flip book and watch your drawings come to life. Ages seven to 12. 18 Rosemount Ave.
Sunday August 24, 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Continued from page 11 Florence, and featuring Catriona Leger, Matthew John Lundvall, Kate McArthur, Geoff McBride, and Katie Ryerson. Bring a blanket or a lawn chair, and the entire family.1064 Wellington St. W.
Westboro Wading Pool 19th Annual Dog Swim: Bring your pooch for a dip in Westboro’s wading pool. Dogs must be on a leash and should have a long walk prior to the swim. Owners, prepare to get wet! 411 Dovercourt Ave.
Stay connected! Want to spend time giving back to your community this summer? The Parkdale Food Centre is always looking for energetic, kind and community-minded folks to join its team of volunteers! Volunteers are needed Tuesday or Thursday afternoons or on Tuesday evenings for many activities including welcoming and interviewing guests, preparing food orders and serving food. For more information email: or call 613-722-8019.
June 26, 2014 • Page 15
Parkdale Market turns 90 this July! You’re invited to a celebration, on July 12th. Our anniversary ceremony will begin at 11 am so please drop by and enjoy yummy treats and fresh local products! The market’s officially in full swing & the stands are plentiful! Plump veggies, juicy strawberries and heirloom tomatoes. Psst! There is exciting news for the Field House! Find out more at!
9 years in the community
Techno Buddies at the Carlingwood Public Library. Teen volunteers share their knowledge of technology with older adults one-on-one. Learn about Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, and e-mail. Sessions are held at the branch at 2 p.m. on Wednesday, August 6 and Wednesday, August 27. Toastmasters: Achieve great communication skills and success! The Westboro Masonic Hall hosts Toastmasters meetings every Tuesday from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Meetings are located at 430 Churchill Ave. in Westboro. For more information visit:
Parkdale & Wellington Streets
Open 7 days a week
from dawn till dusk! 613-244-4410
Reading Buddies at the Carlingwood Public Library: Teens can pair up with children and help them read in both English and French. This program is in partnership with Frontier College and Algonquin College and takes place at 2 p.m. Saturday, July 5, Saturday, July 12, Saturday, August 16, and Saturday, August 23. Ages six to 11.
PHOTO : Hung Chung Chih/
Combine with the Children’s museum
and SAVE Media Partner
10 0 L aur i e r St r e e t, Gat i n e au Q C
819-7 76 -7000
an Ontario government agency un organisme du gouvernement de l’Ontario
June 26, 2014
Residents Re-route Bus Info Session
Obfuscation or Honest Incompetence?
Resident Dennis van Staalduinen initiates dialogue with City presenters at June 16 meeting on West Transitway Detour Final Design Plans. Photo by Tim Thibeault
CycleLogik 5K Run Set for July 13 A Hintonburg Summer Tradition Returns
By Lisa Georges, 2014 Race Director Runners and walkers from all over Ottawa are getting ready to toe the line at the Cyclelogik Hintonburg Centennial 5K and Newswest 1K Kids’ Run on Sunday July 13, 2014. This fun, accessible race includes all the amenities of a big scale event: chip-timing, professional photography, water stations, prizing…bundled together with a warm community spirit and cake! You too, can enter Ottawa’s funkiest, family-friendly road race! The (mostly) flat course always invites a little friendly competition amongst new and returning runners, and participants of all abilities are welcome. Families, teams, charities, costumes...come join us at Ottawa’s funkiest little road race and have some fun! In 2013, one talented fellow ran while playing the ukulele! We are pleased to offer the 1K Kids Run at no charge again this year. Donation jars will be available on site and at the race kit pick up. 100% of
✓Cook in ✓Eat Well y ✓Be Health ✓Save $$$
the proceeds will go to youth programming in our community. Please consider donating if you can! Parents are welcome to run with their children on the course, or stand on the sidelines and cheer them on! Let’s make some noise for all the participants! Register online at before midnight of Thursday, July 10, or in person on Saturday, July 12 from 10am-4:30pm at Cyclelogik, 1111 Wellington Street West. Race kit pick-up is the same day and location. Commemorative t-shirts and water bottles—along with a few other goodies—are available to the first 275 participants. If you’re not running, you might consider volunteering—it’s a great way to take part in the event without straining yourself. Please contact Lisa at to get signed up. We look forward to seeing you there! Follow us on Facebook: Hintonburg5K
Fuel your body for life!
See pg 22 for route details
By Pat MacLeod The Bus Detour Public Information Session of June 16, seemed doomed from the start. With residents expressing a desire for a question and answer session, and the City prepared to explain how things are going to be, even the format of the meeting was contentious. Instead of answers, attendees were offered explanations, and that made the City look like a guilty little boy trying to explain away a broken window while scuffing his toes in the sand, and hiding a baseball behind his back. The nearly 200 people in attendance would not fill two of the city’s articulated buses, but if a compromise isn’t found, they are going to play host to over 2000 buses every day for at least 2 years. Little wonder then, that they were leery at the outset, that the city was trying to gain acceptance of a ‘fait accompli’ rather than cooperate on finding agreeable solutions to severe long-term problems. When the doors opened at 6:30, the hall had been laid out with three rows of illustrated placards, 31 in all, explaining what future LRT stations will look like, how air quality issues will be addressed, how the traffic patterns of various stretches of affected areas will be handled, and how multiuse pathways and non-vehicular traffic will be affected. The colourful and informative placards were manned by approximately 15 smartly attired staffers, some with clearly visible name tags, (others, slightly harder to identify,) but no one addressed the room as a group until local resident Dennis Van Staalduinen,
stood on a chair and rallied those looking for answers. Presenting an immediate audience of 50 or so, he invited city representatives to offer someone “with expertise” to address citizens’ concerns. At this point the crowd began to chant for Councillor Katherine Hobbs who had been in the room at the 6:30 opening, but by 7:00 had left for another meeting to launch her re-election campaign. MP Paul Dewar was pressed to speak, and mentioned that the NCC hadn’t been asked by the city to take extra buses. He urged residents to take to their telephones and demand some answers. In the absence of Kitchissippi Councillor Hobbs, Diane Holmes of Somerset Ward, was asked to address the group. (The Albert Street section of the detour affects Holmes’ area.) Her opinion was that “...the city doesn’t care.” Although the LRT budget does include a contingency fund, it is not being applied here. Should residents believe that the city is putting lives and safety at risk to save money? Is it already too late to hope for a solution to LRT construction challenges – one that will satisfy and protect area residents – or will Hintonburg pedestrians and cyclists face a life-or-death traffic lottery every day for the next few years? By 8:00 pm, when a question and answer session had been hastily put together, most residents had already left and the little boy still looked guilty and embarrassed. The window has been broken but no one is taking responsibility and, it appears, the game isn’t over yet.
INSIDE NEWSWEST Air Cadets Annual Review............................................. p.19 Letters to Newswest..................................................... p.20 Neilly’s Neighbourhood................................................. p.21 Deadline for the September 4 Newswest is August 22. Please note: 421 Richmond Road is NOT a drop-off location for Newswest. It is our mailing address only! Please drop off your material at the main reception desk of the Dovercourt Recreation Centre, 411 Dovercourt.
the Original
1310 Wellington Street
Open 7 days • 8am to 8pm
18 • June 26, 2014
What’s Your Platform?
The Candidates Tweet By K. Hobbs, J. Leiper, E. Lougheed, and M. Reimer
Newswest asked each of the City Councillor candidates to address Ward 15 constituents with their best reasons for voter support. We asked each candidate to address voters, by Tweet – in a message of 140 (or fewer) characters. Then, we asked each candidate to expound on his or her tweet with a paragraph of 140 (or fewer) words. Of the five candidates we contacted, all the results we received are here. And do remember – when tweeting, abbreviations and informality in punctuation are the norm. Katherine Hobbs Bettering our great community for all w/more recreation, safe cycling, complete streets, building LRT, protecting our neighbourhoods & river (140 Characters) Jeff Leiper We need a Councillor on our side with the deep experience to *lead* on development, traffic, transit. We can do better. Together. (129 characters) Ellen Lougheed Kitchissippi’s interests must dictate its development and not vice versa. A community’s role is to build itself to benefit ALL of its people.(140 Characters) Michelle Reimer I will solve traffic issues, protect river & parks, respect CDPs, enable small business growth and enhance dialogue btw all stakeholders.
Kitchissippi Times
Katherine Hobbs It’s been my privilege as your Councillor to work with you to make your ideas come to life. Together, we will continue to invest in our great communities, making them more sustainable and better places to live and play. We will complete the LRT and expand it to 7 stations in Kitchissippi, build more and better cycling and pedestrian pathways, and implement policies to reduce speeds, making our residential streets safer for families and seniors. We will upgrade our parks and expand recreation centres, and implement the Ottawa River Action Plan. We will implement the policies of our 5 new Community Design Plans to create vibrant, desirable communities that are great places for local businesses. We will continue investing in arts, culture and heritage in our community. Most importantly, we’ll move forward, working as a dedicated, proud and passionate community. Jeff Leiper We have a lot to lose without the best leadership in Kitchissippi. Why Jeff Leiper? I have nearly two decades’ experience working hard for our community. My priorities are to: protect against inappropriate development, minimize traffic on our streets, promote transit, protect greenspace, promote a diversity of housing for everyone and ensure that city spending reflects our priorities. We need a change. I’ll be responsive and work only for you; I’m not taking campaign contributions from special interests like developers. I’ll involve you in decisions about how we spend parks and development money. I’ve proven myself, leading the Hintonburg Community Association during the neighbourhood’s renaissance, actively opposing many inappropriate developments, founding a successful 5K run, and helping establish an arts district. We need a councillor with real and proven experience on residents’ side. My promise: we will do better. Together. Ellen Lougheed As a woman with a lifelong disability, I have no previous experience with campaigning. I do have
plenty of community experience, 3 university degrees (one from Concordia, 2 from McGill), and relevant work experience. I entered this campaign because I believe my perspective is very different from those of the other candidates. With first hand experience, I address every issue and concern from the disabled point of view and a senior’s point of view. I have had considerable experience working with new Canadians. I have also worked with people with little or no money; I know their issues. Most candidates know of these issues, but for them these are 9-5 committee discussions. I live and breathe social justice and community awareness and sensitivities. I can give city hall an accurate expression of the concerns and expectations of all Kitchissippi residents. Michelle Reimer Kitchissippi is undergoing rapid population growth and urban renewal. It is this rejuvenation that helps our community to grow and prosper. With this growth comes opportunity and challenge - what I like to call “growing pains”. As your councillor, I will support families and promote economic prosperity for all by taking action on the key issues that residents have shared with me over the last few months and years: address traffic issues on residential streets across the ward, preserve and restore the Ottawa River and local parks, ensure development occurs in a manner that reflects the distinct characteristics of our neighbourhoods and respects the CDPs, and finally, I will enable small businesses to flourish. There you have our candidates’ responses. We now invite your opinion of each candidate’s statement. You can express that opinion in a tweet, or in a letter to the editor. And, as a voter, you have a third, secret option. You can make your opinion known most loudly, and where it really counts – at a ballot box near you, on Monday, October 27.
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Kitchissippi Times
June 26, 2014 • 19
Go to & enter the KT Smiles Contest
Westboro Cadets, (from left), Aylin Ilkmen, Daniel Poirier, Kingsong Chen, Sam Cianfaglione, and Brad Martire, all participants in the 211th Squadron’s Annual Ceremonial Review. Photo by Emily Gooding
Air Cadets’ 211th Squadron ACR Westboro Air Cadets Strut Their Stuff
By Daniel Poirier As the training year comes to a close, the cadets of the 211th Ottawa Kiwanis Royal Canadian Air Cadet squadron find themselves marching on their last big parade.
This event, known as the ACR, or Annual Ceremonial Review, serves to conclude the training year, as the cadets prepare for summer holidays, while some find themselves heading off to various air force bases to continue more extensive training for either 2, 3 or 6 week
periods. These summer courses offer extracurricular teachings in fields as diverse as survival, marksmanship, drill and ceremony, aviation and even scholarships allowing cadets to obtain their glider or power flying wings. This particular ACR however marks a bittersweet point in the 211th’s history, as Major Sylvie McMillan takes her leave from the squadron, to be replaced by Captain Nathan Daley. All the while knowing that the
cadets will be in good hands under Captain Daley’s authority, Major McMillan will be missed. The Westboro squadron, which this year celebrates its 72nd anniversary, can be found parading through Westboro on every commemorative occasion, be it for the battle of the Atlantic, battle of Britain or Remembrance Day. The 211th in particular also gets a myriad of unique opportunities, not readily available to all Continued on page 21
CAUSEWAY – Call for Volunteers
223 Armstrong Street • 613-728-4424 223 Armstrong Street LIVE ENTERTAINMENT ESTABLISHED SINCE 1935 EVERY WEEKEND
$4.50 &CABANA up (incl. toast, homeGET fries &A coffee) NEW Mon. – Fri., (8:00 ELECTRIC - 11:00 a.m.) Sat. & Sun. (8:00 a.m. – 3:00p.m.)
WHEEL LUNCH SPECIALS $7.50 & UP CHAIR Everything made fresh daily
NIGHTLY SPECIALS Fundraiser Featuring Monday • A conversation with John Robert Rowlands 1/2 price pizza • BONE – featuring Paul & John Fenton, Uncle 4pm-midnight Bob & Don Little Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday • Bailinhey – featuring Robert Paterson 1/2 price appetizers • Photo Exhibit – Rock & Roll – Silent Auction 4pm - midnight • Tons of Prizes Monday-Thursday & Sunday
35 cent wings
An Opportunity for Seniors By Causeway Volunteer Committee You’ve developed a wealth of knowledge throughout your career; here’s a chance to share your skills and life experience to benefit others and gain a sense of fulfillment for yourself. The volunteer program, “Tapping the Expertise and Experience of Seniors”, is geared specifically to promote volunteerism among Seniors and Baby Boomers. Causeway Work Centre is focused on helping people overcome complex employ-
ment barriers such as mental health issues, homelessness, lack of education, and poverty. We currently have openings for volunteers to do marketing and sales for our bike share program, and to offer computer-skills tutoring to help our clients achieve their employment goals. If you have a few hours to spare, and some skill sets to share, we’d like to invite you to join the Causeway community. Contact:
DOORS OPEN AT 3pm – midnight & Sunday 1-7 pm 8AM SUNDAY JUNE 28 MONTREAL SMOKED TICKETS AVAILABLE AT MEAT SANDWICH FABGEAR 4oz. $6.10 64 (613-725-1964) Smoked Meat by the pound $10.00 out only) OR AT(take THE DOOR HOMEMADE HUMMUS $10 OR 2 FOR $15 *
all food prices are plus tax
Nov 30
27 RawJUNE Sugar HINTONBURG Dec 1 HAPPENING EVENT The Gruff Sisters (food bank drive) Dec 6
featuring Third Wave
Open Jam
Dec 7 - Prizes No Cover
1ST and the Back Beat Y Sweet
Dec 8
Déjà vu
CANADA DAY PARTY Dec 13 OpenRocket Jam Rashed Featuring Dec Fat 14 City 8 & the Rocket Rashed From & The Fat4:30pm City 8
Dec 15 ½ price appetizers Zydico Loco No cover – Prizes Dec 20
Open Jazz Night Dec 21
End of the World Party
Purchase 32oz Livebands (12/12/2012) draft in glass Dec 22 boot &Live ‘KeepEntertainment Dec 28 The Boot’ WIN aThe Mud Boys Dec 29 Muskoka The Beer Nuts Chair!! We have all NFL Games on 10 Hi-Def TVs
• No cover December 31 Watch all your favourite sportscharge on 11 Hi DAILY • Party favours Def TVs • Free WIFI • Special Occasion NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY • Free midnight toast at no charge SPECIALS WITH HELIUM room available for booking
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Please contact me about education issues that affect our community.
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20 • June 26, 2014
Kitchissippi Times
Letters to Newswest
City Fails to Detour Resident Concerns By Cheryl Parrott, resident near Scott St. “Thanks for the changes, it is not enough”, vs “This is as good as it gets”. The affected communities vs the City. This is what played out the evening of June 16 at Tom Brown Arena at the “Final Design Meeting” for the diversion of 2500 Buses a Day onto Scott/ Albert Streets.
The format for the evening did not work for many of the residents who came. The City changed the format for the meeting a few weeks ago from a presentation format to an open house style where people look at display boards and ask questions of staff. Many in the community had written in asking for them to return to the presentation format. There were so many people at the meeting it was difficult to hear anything unless you were right beside the staff person speaking.
People had to line up to get near the display boards to see anything and ask any questions. Those who were not able to stand for 2 ½ hours had to find one of the dozen chairs available and they got lost in the standing crowd. The format was not working. At 45 minutes into the session, and with only 2 boards viewed, many frustrated residents demanded a change to a group Question and Answer format. The City eventually agreed to it and said it would start at 8:00 p.m. for anyone interested. Before the City came forward to agree, MP Paul Dewar spoke to the group of his frustration that the City has not been in contact with the CEO of the National Capital Commission to ask for their help. Several times over the past 3 to 4 years the various CEOs of the NCC have told him and the community it would consider a request from the City, should they ask. The City is now dealing with the NCC at some level, but clearly Continued on page 22
About that Bus Detour… For the people who use Scott Street everyday, “Someday” is hard to picture. It’s hard to hear. It’s hard to smell “Someday”. Someday – they say by 2018 for sure-there will only be 20 buses driving down Scott Street a day. The Confederation Light Rail project will be finished! Birds will be singing in the trees. There will hardly be any cars! Cyclists will be safely cruising. Mothers with toddlers will be able to get across the street - people in wheel chairs too! Lovely transit stations will be constructed at Bayview to whisk us to our modern, wonderful lives! But right now that time is impossible for
the residents of Hintonburg to imagine. Sadly the public meeting Monday night between Scott and Albert Street residents and city planners detailing the West Transitway Detour didn’t help much to focus on that bright new day. It’s hard to hear a better future over the roar of thousands of buses. The stink of diesel fumes from those buses which now travel safely and unnoticed along a sunken roadway will be unbearable during the transition to the Big New Transitway of the Future. Some Scott Street residents will have to take their chances pulling into busy bus
traffic everyday just to exit their driveways. Cycling along Scott Street next to thousands of buses? I don’t think so. I cycle. But not along Scott Street. Even now, with ordinary vehicular traffic, it’s suicide. Monday’s meeting was an exercise, an empty gesture of democracy that is becoming increasingly common. The powers-that-be set a goal, public meetings are held, people are allowed to vent, and then their wishes are ignored.
Roxanne Merits Parkdale Avenue, Ottawa
Bus Meeting Falls Short Over the last 20 years I have attended numerous city/community meetings in Hintonburg on all sorts of subjects. Until last two-three years these “community consultations” were always the same format. There would be a presentation from city staff/councillor/ invited speakers. Sometimes, if needed, and this was certainly true during the Hintonburg/Mechanicsville Neighbourhood Planning Initiative (NPI) and for the Wellington West Community Design Plan (CDP), there might be city produced boards where questions could be asked of city staff before the formal question and answer period. But always – and I stress this – ALWAYS – there was an organized question and answer period where the entire community could hear the same question and the same answer of the presenters. Over the last couple of years I have witnessed a disturbing trend, and this was all too evident at the Monday 16 June meeting at Tom Brown arena on the Scott St. bus issue. The city seems to believe that displaying the information boards around a room with staff to speak to each one constitutes a “community consultation”. I would disagree
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and as evidenced by Monday’s meeting – I am not alone! Often community members learn just as much from the questions and comments presented at a question and answer meeting as they do from the information boards. This type of presentation with no chairs to sit on is not only badmannered on the part of the city, it is also completely disrespectful to members of our community who have either mobility issues, hard of hearing or deaf, have children in tow or just tired at the end of a long day at work. This divide and conquer method is not assisting the city in explaining the intricacies of these complicated issues in front of us. Many of us have already written to the city and our councillor many times on this issue, but we continue to be ignored. Bring back our tried and tested community consultation process and start really listening to our communities!
Newswest 421 Richmond Rd PO Box 67057 Westboro RPO Ottawa, Ontario K2A 4E4 EDITOR: Tim Thibeault ADVERTISING: For rates and other information Lori Sharpe 613-238-1818 x274 Donna Roney 613-238-1818 x273
SUBMISSIONS Newswest accepts submissions from the community. Articles, photographs and community calendar items are welcome. Send to: SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Articles should be maximum 500 words; letters to the editor maximum 300 words; community calendar items maximum 50 words. Photographs should be 300 dpi; print photos 3X5. All signed letters to the editor are welcome. We reserve the right to edit for length and content. Opinions and information published in Newswest through letters we receive, community association news, or individual columns, do not necessarily reflect the opinion(s) of this newspaper.
Paulette Dozois Hintonburg resident
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Kitchissippi Times
June 26, 2014 • 21
Neilly’s Neighbourhood
A new officer on the Kitchissippi beat so I’m glad to be coming back to a familBy Cst. Dawn Neilly At the beginning of June, I took over from iar area. This is a good time to be starting the Andrew Milton as the community police officer for the area served by the Wellington job, because of the many outdoor comCommunity Police Centre. From all ac- munity events that take place in summer. These are usually family counts you have been affairs and we’re always well served by previous happy to talk to parents officers at the Centre and and children about best I’m looking forward to practices for promoting carrying on the same trapersonal safety. Some of dition of service to the the rules are tried and community. true, number one in my Like my predecessors, book being “Don’t acI’ll be working with an cept rides from strangenthusiastic team of volers.” unteers, strong commuBut we’re now facing nity associations, and a whole new set of chalconcerned citizens to lenges and behaviours help make our neighrelated to our wi-fi way bourhoods safe for everyone. In fact, on June Constable Dawn Neilly takes over the of life, and we need to talk about how to live 10, I had a chance to Hintonburg office as Cst. Milton safely in a digital world. meet a number of area rotates to new duties in Ottawa. Following in the footresidents at a fraud semi- Photo by Eileen Reardon steps of Andrew Milton, nar organized by the Civic Hospital NeighbourhoodAssociation I’ll be using this space as a way to keep in and the Hintonburg Community touch with the community. In the meantime, if you have concerns Association. Cooperation by all concerned parties is key to creating a safe communi- or questions, please don’t hesitate to give me a call at (613) 236-1222 ext. 5871, or ty. Just to let you know a bit about me, I drop in to the office in the Hintonburg can tell you that I have been with Ottawa Community Centre, 1064 Wellington St. Police Service for over 12 years, including W., Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 a three-year stint on patrol in Central West, p.m.
Air Cadets’ ACR Continued from page 19 cadet squadrons, be it private marksmanship practices, flying days or even having lunch with the Governor General at the Chateau Laurier. Furthermore, as the cadets program is not a paid program and is open to any and everyone who desires to join, it is incredibly accessible and as per the 211th, there is always room for more young and ambitious cadets. As a Sergeant and senior cadet, I can affirm that the organization will teach many great skills. Aside from the strictly curricular
education one can receive, many other traits can be developed. There is constant encouragement for leaders amongst the cadets to step forward. This gives aspiring leaders the opportunities they need to learn and to get comfortable with the notion of leading their colleagues through various tasks. As cleanliness is next to godliness, so discipline is next to leadership. If I can say that I’ve picked up one thing in being with the cadets, it would have to be discipline. Not only is the environment rife with an
air noticeably focused on discipline, discipline is also taught, namely through the use of salutes, addressing rank and using the semiprefixes Sir and Ma’am. This is however not done in an intimidating manner, which I find important in the fostering of a positive sense of duty and discipline. I encourage and invite anyone between the ages of 12 and 19 to join us in September at Notre Dame High School for an introduction to our squadron, and to meet the amazing members of Squadron 211, now 90 strong. You will find us very friendly and supportive of your best self.
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22 • June 26, 2014
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Ward 15 Report
Residents paint the town! By Katherine Hobbs Councillor, Kitchissippi Ward
Kitchissippi has Art in the Street! On June 7th, Wellington Village residents created the first street painting in Ottawa on Clarendon Avenue. What a success! Designed by a local artist, Jennifer Nicol, over the course of the day more than 200 people participated on the 23 metre street mural. Huge thanks are due to Katie Paris of the Wellington Village Community Association, Elmdale School and Jennifer Nicol for making this street art a reality. Thanks to the group of dedicated volunteers who have made their neighbourhood more connected and beautiful. Check out the video at: LRT Detours: The $2.1 billion investment in LRT will bring Kitchissippi two new stations. And, a new “complete street” (like Churchill) is planned for Scott in 2018. But LRT construction has caused woes in our neighbourhood. An enhanced plan for the Scott Street LRT bus detour (2016-2018) was presented to the community in June. Working with the community through a dozen meetings over the past 7 months, 29 changes have been made. My focus has been on finding solutions for cyclists, pedestrians and school children, and on reducing the impact on immediate neighbours. This has been balanced by the need to maintain excellent transit service in Kitchissippi and throughout the City during the detour. The design includes:
• Two new multi-use pathways (MUPs) one north and one south of Scott. These provide safe, at grade connections to Bayview O-Train and transitway stations. The southern MUP eliminates the need to climb the hill behind Tom Brown Arena to access Bayview station. Both will be lighted & snow cleared.
Suite 710, 1600 Scott St, Ottawa • 613.722.1500 •
Many thanks are due to the dedication of community members, and to all residents who have been working hard with the City on this plan. Traffic Calming Pilots: Construction barrels on Scott Street at Ross Avenue were added to reduce traffic accidents at this location. It is critical that we are safe on our sidewalks and streets. I am working on permanent measures to help in this location and am interested in any suggestions you have for making our neighbourhoods safer. How can I help you? 613-580-2485, Katherine., @OurKitchissippi
at 8:00 p.m. Residents found chairs for themselves and brought them out. The City found a microphone. Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager, said other communities are suffering as well – but the comparisons given are not the same, so provided no comfort to residents at all. There were still more questions at 9:00 p.m. but the City shut it off and packed up. The City says they have met with residents 12 times, that we have had more access to City staff than any other community has. Residents feel the meetings have not been very productive and are not collaborative
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• Widening of the existing MUPs on Scott Street to 3.5 metres Provision of bike boxes for safe left turns at Bayview/ Scott • Connection of the cycling grid to the Laurier Segregated Bike Lanes at Albert. This extends cycling lanes for safe passage from Churchill to Cumberland Street. • Additional new stop for routes #94 and #95 at Bayview/Scott. Maintaining #16 route. • Temporarily moving Bayview O-Train Station under the Albert Bridge • Reducing bus volumes by 14% during peak periods; that’s 267 fewer buses on Scott. • Additional speed boards and traffic cameras to monitor traffic and adjust signal timing • New pedestrian crossings at City Centre, Merton and Smirle and added adult crossing guards for children going to school. • New 2.25 metre (7’4”) buffer between sidewalk and vehicle lanes, including a bike lane with flexible delineator posts on the south.
Letters - Resident Concerns... Continued from page 20 there needs to be a direct request from the City to the CEO. It is a lost opportunity if it is not explored at that level. Councillor Diane Holmes from Somerset Ward also showed her frustration with the meeting format and the entire process. She said the City is not putting the resources to this issue that it should. There is a $100 million contingency fund for the LRT project – but none of it is to provide protection for us. Councillor Hobbs from Kitchissippi Ward had already left the meeting. The Q & A session finally started
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Kitchissippi Times
Continued from page 17 Covering a stretch from just east of Island Park Drive, all the way to Bayview Road, area residents can expect brief street closures between 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. on race day, Sunday July 13, 2014..
or consultative – something which would go a long way to producing more positive changes. Unfortunately for all – the battle continues. Residents call on the City to work with us – not tell us “this is good as it gets”. Working together we can all improve this plan. To see the display boards shown that evening go to the Hintonburg Community Association web site at and to follow the community concerns, actions and a recent video of the simulation of the proposed bus stop at Albert/ Preston go to the facebook page For informationinfo@hintonburg. com.
Kitchissippi Times
June 26, 2014 • 23
Team Elder Home Sales Martin Elder, Broker “Selling Fine Homes... Building Community”
June 27: Ottawa West Community Support (OWCS) Ottawa West Community Support’s 9th Annual summer of pennies has expanded to the Five and Dime drop! All forms of change gratefully accepted. Change can be dropped off at the OWCS office or in jars at local churches and businesses. This year you can also “Pie a Guy” or “Save a Guy” by buying tickets for the pie throwing contest to take place on June 27 at the annual client BBQ. For more information visit or call the office directly at 613-728-6016. Donations help provide services to allow seniors remaining living independently in our community. July 1: Free Canada Day Party The Westboro Legion is holding a Canada Day party with door and raffle prizes and free admission. The bar and kitchen open at noon, and The Classics will play country & rock ‘n’ roll favourites from 2-7 p.m. in the downstairs hall, 389 Richmond Rd. The public is welcome, so come meet your neighbours. For info call 613-725-2778. July 3: Nocturne VI, Lecture and star party Hosted by Cube Gallery, this free lecture with Peter Watson titled The Dark Side of the Sun will take place from 8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. The Julian Avenue Star Party will follow, beginning at approximately 9:30 p.m. and go to 11:00 p.m. This family friendly “streetwide star party” will feature telescopes, videos and star viewing with members of RASC. For more information go to July 5: Highland Park Lawn Bowling Club High Tea The Highland Park Lawn Bowling Club’s 100th Anniversary High Tea (sandwiches and scones with strawberries and cream), will be held between 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. at the Clubhouse, 439 Golden Avenue (corner of Golden and Byron Avenues). Cost: $10 per adult, $8 children under 12, $24 for a family. July 5: Reading buddies Teens help children with reading in both English and French at the Carlingwood branch of the Ottawa Public Library. For ages: 6 to 11. In partnership with Frontier College and Algonquin College. Register online at biblioottawalibrary. ca. July 10: Nocturne VI, Lecture and star party part II Hosted by Cube Gallery, this free lecture with Robert Dick titled LEDs, the Good, the Bad & the Ugly will take place from 8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. The Sidewalk Star Party will
follow from 9:30 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. and will be held in front of Cube Gallery. For more information go to July 13: Hintonburg Centennial 5K and Newswest 1K Kids Run Join us for Ottawa’s funkiest road race! Everything you need in a race: Chip-timed, finish line photos, bagels and bananas! $20 / Free for kids under 13. Visit hintonburg. com for details. July 15 - make Morse Code Jewelry Spell your name or favourite word in beads, while learning Morse code and practicing your skills on a telegraph key. Ages 9-12 at the Rosemount branch of the Ottawa Public Library. Register online at July 15 - Healthy Eating for Toddlers and Preschoolers A free information session for parents of children aged 18 months- 4 years. A registered dietician will be speaking about serving sizes, menu ideas, how to teach and maintain healthy eating habits and attitudes to food. 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. at the Pinecrest Queensway Community Health Centre (1365 Richmond Road). For more information call 613-820-4922 x 3640 or visit July 22 - Neighbors Helping Neighbours This program takes place at the Carlingwood branch of the Ottawa Public Library, and teaches teenagers how to be a good neighbor by offering their assistance in their community informally. Teens can earn volunteer hours too. 5:00 p.m. Register online at July 28: Camp Awesome Children 4 to 12 are invited to join in the fun at Camp Awesome, July 28 – Aug. 1, at Kitchissippi United Church (630 Island Park Dr.) This Christian day camp offers a funfilled program for kids to explore their faith through biblebased games, stories, songs, crafts, and indoor & outdoor play. Hours are 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.; pre-camp and post-camp care is also offered. Camp fee is $80 for the week; subsidized spots are still available. For registration and information go to or contact Kitchissippi United Church at 613-722-7254.
August 6 – Techno buddies Teen volunteers share their knowledge of technology with older adults one-on-one at the Carlingwood branch of the Ottawa Public Library. Learn about Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, and email. 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Register online at August 8 - infant massage For parents with infants seven months or younger who are not yet crawling. This free workshop runs over three Friday sessions, 9:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m. at the Pinecrest Queensway Community Health Centre (1365 Richmond Road). Bring a thick blanket for your baby to lie on and dress comfortably as participants be sitting on mats on the floor. For more information call 613-820-4922 x 3640. September 6-7 and 13-14: WEST End Studio Tour WEST is a free tour that has been organized annually since 1995 by the artists themselves. It’s a unique opportunity for art lovers to see where the art is inspired and made, and explore one of Ottawa’s most interesting neighbourhoods. For more information go to Your Community Associations For up-to-date news on your neighbourhood, stay in touch with your community association. Information about events, traffic changes, development, neighbourhood clubs, volunteer opportunities and board meetings is available from the following Community Association websites. Champlain Park Community Association Civic Hospital Neighbourhood Association Hintonburg Community Association
Independently Owned & Operated Wellington Village Community Association Westboro Beach Community Association Westboro Community Association SENIOR’S CHOIR Belles & Beaux are a group of retired seniors who love to get together and sing. They practice every Tuesday at the Churchill Recreation Centre on Richmond Road from 1:00 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. New members are always welcome! For more information, please call Vera Cloutier at 613228-3428.
WESTBORO YOUTH CENTRE Join a free drop-in on Friday nights for sports, crafts, board games and socializing at the All Saints Anglican Church between 6:30 p.m. and 10 p.m. for 10 to 17 year olds. For more information: Toastmasters Group Join the Above and Beyond Toastmasters group and learn to turn failures into successes in a supportive and positive environment. You’ll grasp how to bring out the best in both communication and leadership. Visitors always welcome. Parkdale Clinic, 737 Parkdale Avenue. 2nd and 4th Monday at 6:15 p.m. More info call 819-827-1274 or email
Deadline for submissions:
Hampton-Iona Community Group
July 2
Island Park Community Association
Please include “Community Calendar” in the subject line of your email.
McKellar Park Community Association Mechanicsville Community Association
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