Kitchissippi Times | October 1, 2015

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Your Community Newspaper

Jeff Leiper


City Councillor

Starts on page 19 • Big battle for local mother • A tree for Emma Robe • Sherbourne Road audit

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The Spirit of Kitchissippi

October 1, 2015

Alan Gustafson was diagnosed with ALS in November 2014. The community has come together to help him and his family. Photo by Ellen Bond

An expression of love

Neighbours, friends, strangers rally behind family By Andrea Cranfield

Everyone who knows Alan Gustafson knows him as a nice, honest, hard-working guy; a quiet fellow who buries himself into his work and keeps mostly to himself. He is kind to those he meets and is always willing to lend a helping hand. So when he was diagnosed with

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) at only 38 years old, those who knew him were devastated. Alan’s best friend, Peter Joynt describes him as the most genuine guy you’ll ever meet. “He’s got a real soft way about him,” say Peter. “He’s kind and nice and he’s patient and he’s quite a big guy; he’s well over six feet and a super-strong guy.”

Upon reflection, Peter corrected himself. “Or he was a strong guy,” he says with a sigh. “Sadly his strength is not what it was, but he’s one of those gentle giant types.” ALS, sometimes known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease, is a degenerative neurological condition in which the bodies’ neurons, or nerve cells, are no longer able to function. Continued on page 3










2 • October 1, 2015








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October 1, 2015 • 3


Community comes together to help local family Continued from page 3 Essentially, ALS causes a person’s muscles to waste away. There is no cure for ALS and the average life expectancy after diagnosis is three to four years. Since his official diagnosis in July, Alan has lost most of the strength in his arms and legs. It’s difficult for him to move around, and even simple things that most people take for granted – such as getting out of a chair – have become difficult for Alan. He first noticed something was wrong in November 2014 when he felt a weakness in his right hand and arm. He became convinced that he had a hernia in his neck because he’d previously had a hernia with similar symptoms. An MRI revealed there was no hernia. His file was transferred to the neurology department in May 2015. The initial findings showed that Alan’s symptoms were suspiciously similar to ALS. That’s when Alan was first informed that he might have the disease. All he could do was hope that it was anything but. “There isn’t a single test for ALS, how it’s diagnosed is the process of elimination,” says Alan. “So basically from that point they began testing me over the span of about two months: blood, urine, MRIs, CT scans, trying to rule out any potential tumors or Lyme disease or lead

Alan Gustafson and his son Harvey. Photo by Ellen Bond

poisoning, HIV, the whole gamut of potential neurological diseases.” Peter and Alan have known each other since elementary school. They still live in Kitchissippi and have stayed close over the years. Alan was even a groomsman at Peter’s wedding. So when Alan confided in Peter that he had ALS, Peter was devastated. “He had been keeping this secret for two weeks trying to

come to grips and this was the moment where he was like ‘OK I can’t keep it in any longer’ … We basically sat on my front porch and he told me through heavy tears that he’s been diagnosed with ALS and he did not have long to live,” recalls Peter. The official diagnosis was delivered on July 2, just one month before Alan and his wife Jess’s son Harvey was born. Since then their lives have been completely turned upside down.

“Our life is basically the complete opposite [of what it was]. It’s a full role reversal, a 180 degree change of direction,” says Alan. With all that’s going on in Alan and Jess’s lives right now, and with things seemingly spiraling out of control, they look to their son as a source of inspiration and shining light. “Having the baby makes the situation more complicated, but he’s a huge bright spot in all of this and we’re very lucky to have such a healthy baby,” says Jess, snuggling a squirming Harvey in her arms. With a seven-week-old to look after, Jess isn’t working right now. And when the ALS would no longer allow Alan to work, he was forced to shut down his business. He is in constant discomfort with joint pain and muscle spasms. Alan had been a welder; it was his passion, his life, his world. It was where he felt comfortable and he was good at it too. He’s created many art pieces and signs that hang in restaurants and bars in town. He welded a centurion shield that sits outside the Ottawa Senators change room, memorial altars in the Hall of Honour – which is part of the Parliament Buildings, and a brass installation at the Bank of Montreal building on Sparks Street. With his father teaching and guiding him, Alan has been

repairing and building things since he was a child. He’s worked with his hands his whole life. In high school, Alan did his co-op placement at a welding shop and immediately knew that’s what he was meant to do with his life. “The last 20 years I’ve focused on one sole trade, and that’s metal working,” says Alan. “I just loved it from the moment I tried it, from that moment I knew exactly what I’d found and I thought it was the best thing ever, such a good use of your energy.” Eleven years ago Alan opened up his own business, a metal fabrication shop attached to his house called Gusto Metal Fabrications. In those 11 years, Alan worked seven days a week, never taking a day off. A looks of frustration crosses his face as he sits further back in his chair. “Losing all strength in my hands and arms to begin with and not being able to create in a medium that I’m familiar with feels kind of like you’re choking basically,” he says quietly. “You have stuff you want to get out there but you have no avenue to express it. You have no avenue for output.” Alan says that not being able to work has been his biggest upset since getting ALS. “In the 20 years that I’ve been welding, I’ve basically Continued on page 6

4 • October 1, 2015





250 City Centre Ave., Suite 500 Ottawa ON K1R-6K7 Kitchissippi, meaning “the Grand River,” is the former Algonquin name for the Ottawa River. The name now identifies the urban community to the west of downtown Ottawa. Newswest is a not-forprofit community-owned publication that is distributed 12 times per year inside the Kitchissippi Times.

Editor Andrea Tomkins Contributors Ellen Bond, Andrea Cranfield, Denise Deby, Ted Simpson, Bradley Turcotte Proofreader Bhavana Gopinath Vice-president of Sales Don Mersereau Advertising Sales Lori Sharpe 613-238-1818 x274 Donna Roney 613-238-1818 x273 Publisher Mark Sutcliffe Creative Director Tanya Connolly-Holmes Production Regan Van Dusen Jamie Dean Advertising 613-238-1818 x268 Finance Jackie Whalen 613-238-1818 x250

Meet Adam Gallaro

All other enquiries 613-238-1818 x230

Collected by Ellen Bond

“Coffee is the one thing I’m good at. Seriously, it’s the one place I feel I have the ability to be myself, but also get to experience this sort of strange time travel, out-of-body experience. It’s impossible not to want to think deeper and look deeper into it. Once you look behind the basics, it’s more than a morning habit, it’s a lifestyle. Ten years ago, I was concerned about mastering anything I could get my hands on, whether it was coffee, food, music, arts,

culture, sports, anything I could find, I wanted to be perfect at. I wanted to excel at. Now, I worry less about being multi-talented and worry about what I am doing at that moment. I have two heroes. The first is my dad, because I watched someone create their own business and create something for themselves that was nonexistent before. He tackled it and succeeded. The other is Kurt Vonnegut Jr., an author. He has this amazing satirical way

of deconstructing society and social norms, while creating humour and offering a sense of sanity and absurdity. The best advice I’ve ever been given is ‘sometimes you have to slow down.’ It’s something I tell myself on a regular basis. It’s something I struggle with, and it’s something I think anybody who lives a fast-paced, social media ridden, modern life can easily do to get more out of everything.”

Distribution A minimum of 17,600 copies distributed from the Ottawa River to Carling Avenue between the O-Train tracks and Woodroffe Avenue. Most residents in this area will receive the Kitchissippi Times directly to their door through Ottawa Citizen or Flyer Force. If you did not receive your copy, or would like additional copies, please contact us and we’ll deliver to you. Bulk copies delivered to multi-unit dwellings and retail locations. Copies available at Dovercourt Recreation Centre and Hintonburg Community Centre. 613-238-1818 x248 Tips and ideas We want to hear from you about what’s happening in our community. Contact the Editor. The Kitchissippi Times is published by


Mark Sutcliffe PRESIDENT

Michael Curran The next issue of your Kitchissippi Times:

October 15

Humans of Kitchissippi is a special street photography project designed to introduce readers to some of the people who live, work, and play in Kitchissippi. Each instalment of HOK contains three elements: a photo, a name, and a quote from the subject that reveals a little bit about who they are. Go to to view our ongoing collection of humans.

Advertising deadline:

Reserve by October 6

October 1, 2015 • 5

Kitchissippi Times

KT LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Next steps for Westfest Dear Editor, Thank you for breaking this news, you guys are a first-class community newspaper and we’ve always appreciated how you tell Kitchissippi’s story. As the founder and producer of Westfest, I want to thank the community, businesses, our sponsors and partners for their continued outpouring of love and support. We are profoundly touched by it all. We have received hundreds of phone calls, emails, Facebook messages and visits from so many of you, all with the same positive message, that you love Westfest. And guess what, Westfest loves you too! The years collaborating with our community partners, the individual businesses, our sister art organizations and friends along Richmond road and in the village have made lasting memories that we will cherish always (we would be remiss if we didn’t thank Sheba Schmidt from West End Kids for her loving support and commitment to communication). We can’t thank the community enough for your dedication, involvement, support, participation and excitement for Westfest over the years. We have weathered the storms, danced in the rain, listened to the music, and together, we have grown. I wanted to write this letter to firstly, thank you all but more importantly, to tell you a little about our excitement for the future. As we move forward with our plans for a new host venue, we are stimulated and excited by what has become a real opportunity for growth and development. We dream of a space where families can bring blankets, lawn chairs, children, and dogs in tow to celebrate with us, all the while enjoying the plethora of Canadian art that we showcase during Westfest. We envision a kid zone like never before with more enhanced educational art opportunities for the young ones. We are planning an Indigenous food and art pavilion for you to explore and a way for us to pay tribute to the Algonquin people and roots of Kitchissippi. We are planning a healthy,




Things are looking up for Westfest founder and producer, Elaina Martin. Photo by Ted Simpson

diverse, and contemporary urban food truck zone. We want to continue to make room for our friends and long-time collaborators by providing an artisanal and small business park. AND we are ever serious about the wealth of creativity in our midst, our community, and will continue to give our voices a platform, dedicating our daytime programming on Saturday to a “community stage” and Sunday to a “youth stage” where everyone from senior dance troupes to concert bands from the local high schools and the local youth can showcase their talent and work with a professional stage team giving them all the opportunity to experience the highest levels of production. Lastly, we will invite you all, once again, to join us for our award winning main stage programming that will host a continuing line-up of some of Canada’s most beloved acts, I mean we need to get Buffy Sainte-Marie back here right? Seriously, how many countries can boast a 74 year old, internationally decorated, and dynamic force such as her? Westfest belongs in Kitchissippi Ward, your letters and outpouring of concern, have made this abundantly clear. And so it is on the heels of your community strength and vitality that we’ve started the exciting project of rehousing the festival with our mandate in our heart: FREE ART FOR ALL. We have begun negotiations with a few sites in the ward, all green, lush, open, safe spaces, both private and public, and

we are excited by the possibilities out there and by the enthusiasm we’ve seen from our potential new host partners. Westfest will take place on the same weekend as always, June 11 and 12, 2016 and will remain FREE. We are not about charging the people for what we do, we are about exploring, promoting, and programming opportunities so that the community can express itself and experience 100% Canadian multidiscipline art without boundaries. As we move into the future, we would like to open more opportunities for people to get involved and partner with Westfest. If you are a community artist, home based business, artisan, or craftsperson and have always wanted to be involved with Westfest, now is your chance. We would love to include you and will be promoting details about all of this very soon, please stand by and go to our website or Facebook pages for continual updates as we concretize details. We look forward to sharing our developments with you so stay tuned as we believe that we’ve got something magical brewing and can’t wait to show off our new festival and celebrate with you. It is hard to deny all that we have done together and how we have carved our place on Ottawa’s cultural landscape. Let’s see where this new chapter brings us. The sky is the limit! See you all June 11-12, 2016. Elaina Martin

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6 • October 1, 2015

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Alan Gustafson Continued from page 3 wanted to keep going from one thing to the next,” he says. “Welding and work was my one true love for sure. Just go, go, go, I loved it. I was making money and I was creating and the shop is right there... And I’m not doing that anymore.” Being dependent on others instead of being to do everything himself has been tremendously difficult for Alan. Sometimes his friends come over and Alan instructs them on how to weld different projects while he watches. “I can be the creative mind and they can be my hands,” he says. With no money coming in, no occupational insurance money, plus a new baby to look after, Jess and Alan were struggling to stay afloat. Peter decided he needed to do something to help his friend. He filmed a candid video of Alan speaking about how ALS has affected his life. He relayed some of his struggles, including how he can’t even lift up his baby son. As someone who is

humble and subdued, it was difficult for Alan to shoot the video because he’s never been someone comfortable with being in

“We wouldn’t be here without the support of our community and our friends and our family.” the spotlight. “I’ve let my work speak for me my whole life, and I’ve never wanted to be in the limelight, so I was reluctant of Peter’s initial request but basically, as the video says, I’m in need of some help from my friends and that’s where this real idea of community and rallying around someone seemed so appealing to me,” says Alan. Peter shot the video and posted it online. “That was to be Al’s kind of coming out to the world about his diagnosis because he’d been sort of

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reluctant to share it and I said ‘you have got to share this story’,” says Peter. He also launched a fundraising page on $50,000 was raised in the first week. Both Alan and Peter were shocked by the results and how the community rallied together to help out this struggling family. The video was shared on Facebook and Twitter and word of a local family going through a hard time spread like wildfire. After two weeks, almost $65,000 has been raised from about 400 supporters. “People dream of a response like $50,000. It is incredible,” says Peter. “People heard [about Alan] and they all jumped in. There are local artisans that are donating a percentage of their sales to Al and his family. There are people that don’t have a job right now and they still donated, and there were people who didn’t even know Al and were still moved by the story that they donated. I’m just blown away by how many people care so much about this guy and his family.” Alan says he’s glad he shot the video, not only for the assistance that the

money has afforded his family, but to be able to see all of the love and support surrounding him during this difficult time. “I think it’s fantastic… how many people have reached out to me and expressed such love, I had no idea that their expansive love was so wide,” says Alan. “The video and the campaign has been very well-received, easing the burden of our bills and perhaps allowing us to create some fun or fond memories for Harvey and Jess,” he says. “We wouldn’t be here without the support of our community and our friends and our family,” adds Jess. Peter says he is going to keep raising funds for the Gustafson family. He is planning some fundraising events involving the Kitchissippi community in the New Year. Alan’s fundraising page, and Peter’s video, can be found online at alan-gustafson-427086.

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October 1, 2015 • 7


Residents weigh in at Mizrahi info session Developer pushes for 12-storeys on Island Park By Bradley Turcotte

Dozens of area residents filled the Kitchissippi United Church to voice their concerns about the proposed Mizrahi Developments condo building on Wellington Street West at an information session hosted by City Councillor Jeff Leiper September 24. The focus of the meeting hinged on its “landmark status” architecture. City Council rejected Sam Mizrahi’s proposal of a 12-storey building in 2014. The developer then appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB), an independent adjudicative tribunal that hears appeals, usually falling under the provincial Planning Act. The OMB has the ability to approve, overturn or modify City Council decisions. The OMB’s decision states Mizrahi can go forth with a nine-storey building or demonstrate “landmark” architecture on a 12-storey building. Several residents in attendance were confused by the term, which is defined as “urban design elements that create distinctive visual orientation points and marks … an architectural form that is highly distinctive relative to its surrounding community.” The definition was met with audible groans from the audience, with some later stating it looked as though a decorative cap is being added to a condominium. Architect Henry Burstyn says the design is improving with every revision, and

his team has taken cues from existing Ottawa landmark buildings. “The top has come to the forefront and… everything that we’ve done in the design now is to precipitate the ornate top of the building,” says Burstyn. When asked if attendees liked the architecture, a crescendo of applause erupted throughout the audience. “I think that spoke volumes about what people thought about the architecture and achieving landmark status,” says Mizrahi. “The vast majority of the room was in favour of it.” Concerns from residents include the precedent a 12-storey building would set for the neighbourhood, and the oxidization of the copper roof. Mizrahi confirmed the roof would oxidize naturally. One attendant questioned the cost of the environmental cleanup process and accused Mizrahi of planting supporters in the audience. Mizrahi called the accusation “ridiculous.” There are supporters of this development, Leiper offers, and it is common for developers to encourage their supporters to be vocal at information sessions. The City Planning Committee will look over the new proposal on October 27 and vote on how to direct City lawyers in the OMB process. Leiper expects the issue to go to City Council the following day where they will decide whether the development’s landmark architecture merits the 12 storeys. Mizrahi and the

City go back to the OMB board November 7. Leiper commends Mizrahi’s engagement with the community and the project’s “beautiful architecture” but Leiper does not support the development at 12 storeys. “I don’t think the architecture is landmark enough to go above the secondary plan height [of nine storeys],” he says. The secondary design arose out of the community design plan, which sets guidelines for how the neighborhood will intensify. “The plan calls for nine at that location and there’s no universally-agreed-to benefit to the community that would justify going above nine.” Leiper says he will persuade his colleagues at City Hall to “stick to the plan” before meeting with the OMB. “There are people who consider this a beautiful building,” says Leiper. “You heard from people who say ‘nothing has happened on that site, it will never get developed at nine storeys. Let’s agree to the 12,’ that’s a legitimate point of view. My sense is that the large majority opinion is against Mizrahi going above the nine storeys.” See the web version of this story at Kitchissippi. com for photos and feedback from some of attendees of the information session.

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8 • October 1, 2015



Saving Kitchissippi’s big trees

Daniel Buckles of the Champlain Oaks Project says the City did manage to protect a mature maple on Daniel Avenue, but a black walnut was cut down.

Residents get to the root of the problem

Story and photo by Denise Deby

Community groups are calling for better protection of Ottawa’s trees after a mature black walnut tree was cut down in a Champlain Park backyard. The tree, which Daniel Avenue residents estimate at 65 years old and to be more than 45 feet high, was removed in mid-September after it was damaged during excavation on an adjacent property. Big Trees of Kitchissippi, a group formed last year by members of community associations in Westboro, Wellington Village, Champlain Park, Westboro Beach and the Civic Hospital neighbourhood, says the incident shows the city needs to consider trees on residential sites and neighbouring yards when reviewing applications for demolition or infill. They also say the city needs to enforce its bylaws that protect trees from being destroyed. Under the Urban Tree Conservation Bylaw, developers or homeowners require a permit before removing large or distinctive trees on private land. The Trees and Natural Areas Protection Bylaw requires developers to protect trees on city property.

Daniel Buckles, who lives near the construction site on Daniel Avenue, says he contacted city staff after noticing equipment close to a city-owned maple tree and the black walnut next door. After excavation began, a fence and sign went up around the maple tree indicating it was protected – “a positive step,” says Buckles – but the black walnut was subsequently cut down. City staff say that after discussions with the tree’s owner and the developer, they issued a permit allowing the black walnut tree, which had been damaged during excavation, to be removed. Tree owner Jon Bartlett says an arborist who assessed the tree advised that it wouldn’t survive for long. “Our tree was irreparably damaged before an arborist came into the picture, which is not the way the process is supposed to work,” explained Bartlett by email. “We were disappointed that the city doesn’t seem to enforce their own bylaws, or have some measures by which distinct trees would be taken into consideration when building permits were issued.” Buckles, who is also an animator with the Champlain Oaks Project, says the tree’s removal is

a loss to the homeowners and the neighbourhood. He and other Big Trees of Kitchissippi members point to this as one more example of area trees being destroyed during intensification. City staff say that in the Daniel Avenue case and others, they’re taking measures to make tree preservation a priority. “Staff work with both the community, neighbours, and the developers to educate on building design to preserve root space, methods for tree protection during construction and education and awareness on the benefits of mature trees,” explains David Barkley, the city’s manager of forestry services, by email. “Our goal has to be to stop this from happening again,” says Councillor Jeff Leiper. He says the city’s Urban Forest Management Plan, introduced September 23, is an opportunity to encourage the Committee of Adjustment to include trees on site plans and identify barriers to enforcing the bylaws. He adds that the city’s forestry department is set to begin reporting every six months on the tree bylaw, and that new infill laws will require larger backyards. “I’m hoping that will help us preserve some of our trees.”

Big Trees of Kitchissippi members came out to the Urban Forest Management Plan launch on September 23 – National Tree Day – to raise awareness about urban trees. “The mayor… needs to show leadership by instructing his legal department to support enforcement of the bylaw, and also

meeting with architects and excavation companies to indicate that they must take existing trees into account more seriously when designing the structure and excavating the site,” says Buckles. For more information about Big Trees of Kitchissippi go to f a c e b o o k . c o m / BIGTREESofKitchissippi.

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October 1, 2015 • 9


Literature lovers raising funds Bringing writers and readers together for cancer research Story and photo by Andrea Cranfield

Read for the Cure (RFTC) is a rare opportunity for book lovers to hobnob with some of Canada’s top authors. It also happens to be a major fundraiser for cancer research. This year’s event is taking place on October 6. “The event itself is a really enjoyable event but you feel like you are able to make a contribution as well,” said Beth Allan, cochair for RFTC Ottawa. Judith Nolte, also a cochair, noted, “We call it a big fun festive book club. Often books clubs come to the event themselves.” Allan and Nolte, both Kitchissippi residents, have been volunteering for the event since its inception in Ottawa in 2008. They founded the Ottawa committee and, along with four other volunteers, organize the RFTC event every year. Allan said it’s important for her to volunteer. “Everyone has the experience of a close family member or friend who has

Beth Allan and Judith Nolte, co-chairs of Read for the Cure Ottawa.

had cancer, or has died of cancer so I think it’s something that touches everyone,” says Allan. Funds from RFTC are donated to the Cancer Research Society, an organization that studies environmental links to cancer. In the past six years, the Ottawa RFTC has donated more than $120,000 to the Cancer Research Society. Other RFTC events across Canada have raised more than $850,000 towards cancer research. “The big news this year is we’re going to hit $1 million from the beginning

to now across all cities for our donation to cancer research. It is amazing,” says Allan. RFTC is made possible because it is run by volunteers and 100 per cent of ticket sales can be donated to cancer research. The event would also not be possible without the sponsors. Adrian Harewood, anchor of CBC News in Ottawa is hosting this year’s event, which will be taking place at the Marriott Hotel. Sean Michaels, the author of Us Conductors,



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Linden MacIntyre, author of the gripping Punishment, and Anne Walmsley, author of the intriguing The Prison Book Club, will join him to speak about various topics and answer questions from the audiences. Unlike many literary events, the authors will not be reading from their books. “The authors talk about their writing style, how they write, what inspires them, and there’s a lot of camaraderie among the authors,” says Nolte. Allan adds, “I think it’s what makes it a bit different. You never quite know what themes will evolve.” Guests will also enjoy complimentary hors d’oeuvres and the services of a cash bar. Every attendee will also receive three books, one written by each of the authors. There is a book signing at the end of the evening. Tickets are $90 and are available online at or by calling Ticketweb at 1-888-222-6608.

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Fundraiser for Michelle Brazeau Carleton Tavern

223 Armstrong St., Ottawa 613-728-4424 Sunday October 4th starting at 3:00 pm

Nov 30

Raw Sugar

FREE Roast Chicken Lunch


$4.50 & up (incl. toast, home fries & coffee) Mon. – Fri., (8:00 - 11:00 a.m.) Sat. & Sun. (8:00 a.m. –Wednesday 3:00p.m.) every

Dec 1

The Gruff Sisters (food bank drive) Dec 6

Open Jam Dec 7 fromSweet 11:30 am 1pm andto the Back Beat with& purchase of a beverageDec 8 LUNCH SPECIALS $7.50 UP Déjà vu Everything made fresh daily Dec 13 Watch all NHL, NFL, MLB, CFL, NBA NIGHTLY SPECIALS Jam Games on our 11 large screenOpen HD TVs Monday

1/2 price pizza

Dec 14

Rocket Rashed every 4pm-midnight LIVE ENTERTAINMENT& The Fat City 8 Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday Thursday& Saturday, no coverDec 15 Zydico Loco 1/2 price appetizers 4pm - midnight

Chicken Wing & Special Monday-Thursday Sunday .35

35 cent & wings Monday Tuesday

3pm – midnight & Sunday 1-7 pm

11:00 am to midnight

WednesdaySMOKED & Thursday MONTREAL 4:00 pm to midnight MEAT SANDWICH 4oz.Sunday $6.10 1:00Meat pm bytothe9:00 Smoked poundpm $10.00 (take out only)


Dec 20

Everyday Open Jazz Night

all food prices are plus tax

Please join us in support for Michelle, as we bring music, prizes, raffles and all to the Carleton on October 4 at 3:00 pm.

or Live Entertainment

Featuring Lucky Ron • Rogue Lemming • Jessie Rose • Peter Crawley Emma Michelle • Valerie Boudreau and John Lloyd • Ric Kersey Yavor Kresic • Dave Pritchard • John Griffith and more!

The Beer Nuts

50/50 draws • Raffles • Donations Accepted. Please come and show your support!!

We have all NFL Games

Also, visit her site at

21 or Soup Dec & BLT

End of Cheese the World Party Grilled Sandwich Livebands (12/12/2012) $6.00 incl tax Dec 22

Dec 28Salad & Small Garden The Mud Boys BLT or Grilled Cheese Sandwich Dec 29 $6.00 incl tax

8oz Strip Loin Steak on 10 Hi-Def TVs $9.95 tax incl all day everyday No cover charge December 31 Montreal Smoke Meat •Sandwich Authentic • Party favours NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY $6.90 or $10 platter tax incl • Free midnight toast WITH HELIUM *

In August 2015 Michelle was diagnosed with Stage IV Pancreatic cancer. This treasured member of the Carleton Tavern is a beautiful woman with a heart of gold and a wonderful kind spirit. She just turned 30 and is a mother of three beautiful little children, six year old Claudia, three year old Hallie and one year old Rowan.

10 • October 1, 2015

Elect / Élisez





I’m running to be your Member of Parliament because I believe better is possible. My team and I have knocked on more than 80,000 doors in order to engage with residents about the results they want on local issues. The Liberal Party’s national priorities will improve Canada for all of us, and my plan to tackle local issues will improve life in our community.

Better is Possible On Monday, October 19,

Je veux devenir votre députée parce que je pense qu’il est possible de faire mieux. Avec mon équipe, j’ai frappé à plus de 80 000 portes pour écouter et encourager la participation de mes concitoyens. Je sais qu’ils veulent voir des progrès et des résultats sur les enjeux locaux. Les priorités nationales du Parti libéral vont contribuer à améliorer le Canada pour nous tous, et mon plan de traiter des questions locales va contribuer à améliorer la vie dans notre collectivité.

Faire mieux, c'est possible Lundi 19 octobre,

Vote for new jobs and investing in our economy

Votez pour de nouveaux emplois et pour des investissements dans notre économie

Vote for protecting our environment

Votez pour la protection de notre environnement

Vote for vision and ambition for Ottawa Centre

Votez pour des idées et des visées pour Ottawa-Centre

Vote Catherine McKenna

613.728.2015 1098b rue Somerset St. Ouest/West

Votez Catherine McKenna /McKenna.Ottawa @cathmckenna

Authorized by the Official Agent for Catherine McKenna . Autorisé par l’agent officiel de Catherine McKenna.

Supplement to the Kitchissippi Times • Fall 2015










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12 • October 1, 2015


Kitchissippi Times

Kitchissippi Times

October 1, 2015 • 13


7 design ideas to make the most of small spaces By Leslie Foster


ou can make a space feel larger by incorporating a few key design elements that trick the eye. Whether you are decorating a studio apartment, a small room, or a tiny nook in your home, these design tips will help you make the most of your small space.

Use vertical space

Floor to ceiling drapes, cabinetry, shelving, and art will draw the eyes up and make a room feel more expansive. Jane Berry, Owner of Blueprint Homes in Wellington West suggests, “Use mirrors to reflect light into darker areas and open up visual square footage otherwise lost.”

A walkable neighbourhood with coffee shops and bakeries?

An area with big parks and lots of recreational centres?

Inner urban with pubs, clubs and restaurants?

Small town charm?

Authentic Chinese or Italian restaurants?

New home construction and kids playgrounds?

Use monochromatic colour schemes

Keeping your décor within the same tonal values will visually enlarge a space because the eye is able to move through the room uninterrupted.

PHOTOS BY MARK HOLLERON Independently Owned and Operated, Brokerage

Use built-ins and modular furniture units

Independently Owned and Operated, Brokerage

Built-in banquettes, shelves, bookcases, and cabinetry provide custom solutions to maximize storage, contain clutter, and define the room without creating visual barriers or adding significant bulk.

Many innovative products are now available that increase the usability of a piece of furniture. There are coffee tables that convert by rising to dining table height, tables that serve as both desk and dining table, sofa beds in living rooms or dens, wall beds that convert to an office with storage, and

more. Islands can also be used in an office, laundry room or craft room. If you choose one with wheels or folding leaves, you can store it snugly against a wall when not in use, making your space feel larger.

Continued on page 15

200-1335 Carling Ave Ottawa, ON K1Z 8N8


Maximize functionality

Make sure every piece of furniture maximizes function. “One of the golden rules of designing a small space is to make every choice matter,” says Ms. Berry. “By incorporating multi-functional furnishings into the overall design, you’re able to maximize functionality while using minimum square footage.”

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14 • October 1, 2015

Kitchissippi times





















Bound by the Ottawa River in the North, Carling Avenue in the South, the O-Train tracks in the East and Woodroffe Avenue in the West IN KITCHISSIPPI: 1. 111 West

vibrant community, the condos at 111 West offer high-end finishes and a unique array of lifestyle amenities. A spectacular 2000 square foot rooftop Ashcroft Homes terrace features a sun lounge area, hot tub, and Condominium BASELINE RD an outdoor kitchen and dining room. The ground floor of this new project has 4000 square feet of 111 Richmond Rd. amenities including cinema room, pilates studio, Sales centre phone: 613-221-5926, sales@ gym, games and zen garden with fire pit. Sales centre address: 101 Richmond Rd. (ground level) 2. 101 Richmond Rd at Island Park Sales centre hours: Mon.-Thurs. 12 p.m. to 6 Ashcroft Homes p.m., Sat.-Sun. 12 p.m. to 5 p.m Condominium Construction status: Completed or Occupancy: Immediate for remaining units Phase 1 is 90% sold Available unit sizes: From 525 to 984 sq. ft. From $240,110 to $959,565 With a focus on modern, balanced living in a 101 Richmond Rd.

Sales Centre phone: 613-221-5926 Sales Centre email: Sales Centre address: 101 Richmond Rd. (ground level) Sales centre hours: Mon.-Thurs. 12 p.m. to 6 p.m., Sat.-Sun. 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Construction status: completed Occupancy: immediate occupancy and selling fast! Total number of units: 300 units Number of storeys: 9 storeys Available unit sizes: from 495 to 1673 sq. ft. Q West’s residential and commercial space spread over an expansive green space in Westboro, one of Ottawa’s most desirable neighbourhoods. An extensive list of amenities ensures the full

boutique hotel experience, with excellent customer service, communal spaces and underground walkways.

3. Ravenhill Common, Contemporary Brownstones

Springcress Ravenhill Common Inc. Freehold Townhomes Price: Remaining Units $823,999-$893,800 450 Churchill Ave N. (one block south of Byron) Sales centre address: 453 Edison Ave. Sales centre phone: 613-825-0080 Sales centre hours: Mon.-Fri. 12 p.m. to 6 p.m., Weekends and holidays 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Construction Status: Complete

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> >

Kitchissippi Times

October 1, 2015 • 15


Occupancy: 60 day occupancy Total number of units: 19 units (only 4 remaining) Unit sizes: From 1360 to 1948 sq. ft. (two and three bedroom) Designed by Barry J. Hobin and Associates, Ravenhill Common’s two and three bedroom brownstones are two blocks away from Westboro. Finding a harmony between heritage and contemporary design, these homes will feature underground parking, two-storey galleries, a private rear terrace and rooftop decks. Showroom now open.

4. Soho Champagne

Mastercraft Starwood Condominium From $298,900 to $2.2 million Sales centre phone: 613-798-7646 Sales centre: 111 Champagne Ave S. Sales centre hours: Mon.-Thurs. 12 p.m. to 6 p.m., Sat.-Sun. 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Construction status: under construction Occupancy: April 2015 Total number of units: 191 units Number of storeys: 21 storeys Unit sizes: From 535 to 3,000 sq. ft. Parking: most units have parking. Lavish condos that evoke high-end hotel luxury at its best, ideally placed near bustling Little Italy, Dow’s Lake and the O-train, the Soho Champagne will offer over 15,000 square feet of amenities including the Dalton Brown Gym, private theatre, boardroom, and lounges. The third floor is a virtual outdoor oasis featuring a landscaped terrace with a 60’ lap pool, infinity hot tub, outdoor kitchen and views overlooking Dow’s Lake.

5. The Eddy

Windmill Development Group Ltd. Condominium 1000 Wellington St. W From $299,800 to $499,560 Sales centre phone: 613-701-0600, chantal@ Sales centre: 436 Sparks St. Sales centre hours: Mon.-Thurs. 12 p.m. to 6 p.m., Sat.-Sun. 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Construction status: complete Total number of units: only 8 units remain Number of storeys: 6 storeys Unit sizes: From 641 sq. ft. to 1079 sq. ft. The Eddy is a unique, eco-friendly condo development designed to fit the Hintonburg lifestyle. Located at Wellington and Irving Street, this urban chic development will include rooftop access with shared social space and ground floor retail space. With a variety of units within the development, The Eddy is sure to be a unique and environmentally friendly living space.

6. Stonehurst on the Park

Skywell Homes Townhouse From $625,000 66 Stonehurst Ave. Sales centre: Visit for more information Sales centre phone: 613.725.1171 Sales centre email: Construction status: Completed Total number of units: 10 units Unit sizes: From 1290 to 1880 sq. ft. These Colizza Bruni designed homes offer luxurious high end finishes and rooftop terraces. Located steps away from the Ottawa River, Tunney’s Pasture transit station and Westboro shopping and eating amenities, these exclusive homes are perfectly located for the urbanite who also wants great outdoor access close by.

7. 121 Parkdale Avenue

Brigil Condominium 121 Parkdale Ave. Sales centre phone: 819-243-7392 Construction status: Preconstruction Number of units: 232 units Number of storeys: 32 stories Unit sizes: From 650 to 1,000 sq. ft. Parking: 6 levels of underground parking This newly announced project represents Brigil’s first major foray into Ottawa city centre development. The 32 storey project promises to be a stunning development, with amenities like a rooftop terrace, swimming pool and more. Conveniently located between Westboro and West Wellington, and a stone’s throw away from the transit way. 121 Parkdale is set to be a great living location for both downsizers and young professionals.

8. UpperWest

Minto Homes and Canderel Condominium Sales centre: 485 Richmond Road Price range: $206,900-$1,231,900 Sales centre hours: Mon.-Thurs. 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Weekends and holidays 11 a.m. -6 p.m. Sales centre phone: 613-788-2786 Sales centre email: Occupancy: immediate occupancy Total number of units: 183 units Total number of storeys: 25 storeys Unit sizes: From 532 to 2188 sq. ft. Upper West is a 25-storey condominium residence designed by renowned Wallman Architects. A podium terrace 6 storeys up that serves as your backyard in the sky, a state of the art fitness centre, and stylish and sophisticated lobby are just some of the features that makes this such a special project.

9. 1140 Wellington Street

Tamarack Homes Condominium 1140 Wellington Street West From $274,400 to $529,900 Sales centre phone: 613-422-5925 Sales centre hours: Mon.-Thurs. 12 p.m. to 7 p.m., Fri., weekends and holidays 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. Construction status: Under Construction Occupancy: July/August 2016 Total number of units: 52 units in first phase (25 remain) Total number of storeys: 6 floors in first phase Available unit sizes: From 518 sq. ft. to 1181 sq. ft. Tamarack Wellington combines historic industrial with artistic modern in the heart of Hintonburg. Residents will love the location, as it is steps away from neighbourhood galleries, boutiques and eateries.

10. Mechanicsville Lofts

Modbox Condominium 92 Stonehurst Ave. Sales centre phone: 613-789-2092 Sales centre email: Sales centre address: 61A York Street, Ottawa Construction: Expected early 2017 Occupancy: Please call sales centre for details Total number of units: 6, plus penthouse Total number of storeys: 4 storeys Available unit sizes: From 1100 sq. ft. (Penthouse will be 1730 sq. ft.) There is a high demand for lofts and a lack of available buildings suitable for authentic industrial loft conversions in Ottawa. That’s why ModBox is introducing the all new “hard” lofts in Mechanicsville. Five main features that define a true hard loft: high ceilings, open spaces, exposed building materials, large windows and an urban location. The Mechanicsville Lofts incorporates all of these characteristics, and is still energy efficient and comfortable.


Mastercraft Starwood Condominium From the low $200s 500 Preston St. Sales centre phone: 613-247-7616 Number of storeys: 30 storeys Located at the entrance to Little Italy and wonderfully close to transit, this architectural stunning project will define both the skyline and street. Residents will be able to enjoy all that Little Italy and Dow’s Lake have to offer.

MAXIMIZE SMALL SPACES Keep clutter at bay with doors on cabinets and furniture that provides storage. Ms. Berry reminds us that there are many innovative storage options, “Antique storage boxes, built-in banquettes in windows or kitchens, storage ottomans that may serve as both coffee table and storage, dressers that do double duty as media stands are among my favourite practical storage solutions.”

work, play, or to chill out. Adding subtle demarcations to establish separate zones can keep the space from feeling cluttered and small. Ms. Berry explained, “With a lack of definition in a small space, you risk losing the ability to use the space to its maximum potential. Creating separate living zones in a small open concept space is achieved by using furnishings, area rugs, cabinetry and possibly drapes or screens for privacy to set visual boundaries.”

Create distinct living spaces

Think about scale

Always consider storage

This is especially important in an open concept space. Think about how the space will be used – to sleep, eat,

There are two schools of thought when it comes to the scale of furniture, says Ms. Berry. One is to exclu-

sively use smaller furnishings leaving more negative space (the empty areas around furniture). The other is to use fewer larger scale items. This can often make a room feel luxurious and grand. When selecting furniture, always consider how it will affect negative space to expand a room. Choose streamlined furniture when possible, for example, legs rather than skirts, sofas with no arms, clear acrylic end tables.


Continued from page 13

12. Nuovo

Domicile Developments Condominium Corner of Rochester and Pamilla streets From: $261,400 Sales centre phone: 613-728-7873 Sales centre address: 445 Preston St. Sales centre hours: Mon.-Thurs. 12 p.m. to 6 p.m., Sat. and Sun. 12 p.m. to 5 p.m., closed Fri. Occupancy: Spring 2016 Number of storeys: 18 storeys Unit sizes: 609 sq. ft. to 1685 sq. ft. Nuovo, located in Little Italy, includes famed fine foods grocer La Bottega Nuovo in the building and features an all-season rooftop lounge connected to an outdoor rooftop terrace and salt water relaxation pool. Residents can stay fit thanks to the second floor equipped fitness and yoga centre.

13. Minto @ Landsdowne

Minto Condominium, Townhouse 118 Holmwood From $439,900 to $1.3 million Sales centre address: Fifth Ave Court, 831 Bank St. Sales centre phone: 613-788-2784 Sales centre email: Sales centre hours: Mon.-Thurs. 12 p.m. to 7 p.m., Sat., Sun. and Holidays: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., closed Fri. Estimated completion: Vibe Tower ready for move-in, Rideau in fall 2015 Occupancy: Selling Located in the heart of the city and part of the exciting Landsdowne development, Minto @ Landsdowne will feature luxurious amenities, walking path green spaces and wonderful places to eat and drink- all within walking distance! Residents will be right by the canal, and a short walk from all that the historic Glebe neighbourhood has to offer.

14. re Residences

Ashcroft Homes Condominium 101 Queen St. Sales centre phone: 613.294.6123 Sales Centre address: 101 Richmond Rd., by appointment. Sales Centre hours: Mon.-Thurs. 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. Total number of units: 143 units Number of storeys: 18 storeys Unit sizes: From 450 to 3800 sq. ft. re will offer luxurious condominium residences with five star hotel services. Views of Parliament and surrounding area, along with fine dining, shopping and a gourmet market place nearby set this project apart.

16 • October 1, 2015

Kitchissippi times


OakWood is Honoured To receive the Highest Awards for:

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Hang your artwork like a pro By Leslie Foster


rtwork often completes the design of a room. However, when it comes to artwork, many of us are stumped. Questions flood our mind. How do I choose artwork? Where do I hang it? How high should I hang it? Do I hang one piece alone or in a grouping? Matching frames, or a mix? Confusion ensues and our walls remain bare, leaving our rooms looking unfinished. We consulted Anita Denny from Anita Denny Designs to guide us through the process.

Q: What are the main considerations when selecting artwork in your home? A: Choose artwork that speaks to you in some way. That doesn’t mean it needs to be a one of kind showstopper that only you ‘get’, but it should be a piece or pieces that make you feel good. Perhaps you love the colours, or it reminds you of a place you enjoyed. Your budget and location of the piece are the most basic of considerations. Not every wall needs something hung on it. Waiting for the perfect piece could take years, and that’s ok.

Q: How do you choose the size and colour of your artwork?

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A: The scale of a piece is a very important consideration. Take into account how the piece will frame the space. Something too big can throw an entire space off balance and shrink the furniture. Something too small will be lost and unnoticed, and won’t frame the space well. You also have to consider the subject matter and shape. Colour shouldn’t be too restrictive. It’s art and it doesn’t play by the same rules as rugs or throws for example. But, often the colours within the artwork will actually be where many other decisions can be drawn from. Pulling subtle colour cues from your favourite piece can inspire paint colour, drapes, and other décor elements, creating a well put together space.

Q: Do you have tips on hanging artwork?


236 . 8001

A: There’s no absolute on placement, as every piece and space is different. Watch that you don’t hang artwork too high, especially when you’ve got 9’ ceilings. Hanging items too high makes the ceiling feel lower and will throw off


the room’s balance. Start with where your eyes will fall on the art. Ideally, an average height person should look at the centre of the piece. Then take into consideration how low or high the sofa back is or the height of your window frames. Bringing pictures down creates a more intimate space and typically frames a room better. Take the time to measure twice, drill once. Use proper anchors and screws or picture hooks. Avoid wobbly finishing nails. Save yourself from having crooked pictures all the time.

Q: How much should you spend on artwork? How do you choose an investment piece? A: I’m a big fan of art and what it can do for a space. The right piece can literally make a design (as long as the lighting is right). However, spending your design budget on the painting you love and forgoing the more important or sensible things you may need is not a good idea. So wait and save and splurge when you can. When it comes to an investment piece, do your research, talk to professionals and make it personal. Love it first, then get technical. If art is not your thing and you don’t have a personal connection to it or the artist, then look for something economical that matches the style of your place or fills a space with great colour, scale and interest.

Q: Are there any special rules for displaying or hanging photographs?

A: This is fairly personal. Some people say go all black and white, or all colour. Some mix the frames but keep the matting similar, or go all same frame. Whatever you choose, the ‘rule’ I use for this is to display them together. You will have a greater impact when you group your photographs than if they’re scattered throughout your home. Have fun with occasionally changing the photographs. People take so many pictures, but so few are ever framed and appreciated.

Q: Should frames match or not? A: I’m very much on the modern, contemporary side of design so I like simple and neat spaces. To me when frames are similar it feels tidier and well thought out. Be mindful of not only whether the frames ‘match’ or go with one another. Think about the overall style of the picture. They don’t all need to be of nature, or only cityscapes, but a similar style looks best. I wouldn’t hang a beautiful sunset on canvass in acrylic in the same room as a glossy poster of poker-playing dogs.

Q: Any pearls of wisdom? A: Don’t underestimate the impact you can get from a great art piece. Leave room for art in your budget if you’re building or renovating. And as hard as it is to do, hang it last. Don’t put up your pictures and then realize your sofa needs to shift 6 inches to the left. Get everything in its best place with the right lighting, then hang the perfect work of art.

Kitchissippi Times

October 1, 2015 • 17


Finalist in three categories: Community of the Year Low to mid-rise Building Low rise Unit

Now open

Designer decorated show home!

Live in Westboro’s most exciting new enclave of two- and three-bedroom contemporary townhomes, ranging from 1,797 to 1,948 sq. ft., beautifully designed by Barry J. Hobin & Associates Architects. Enjoy lock-and-leave convenience and ample storage space in each home. Just two blocks from your favourite shops and restaurants in the heart of an established neighbourhood, and minutes from the Ottawa River, Queensway, Tunny’s Pasture and downtown. Starting at $699,900 includes 1 heated underground parking. Only four remaining. Immediate occupancy available.











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2015-09-23 11:07 AM

18 • October 1, 2015



Cube for Food fundraiser


Investment Advisors Q. How do I choose the right one for me? A. The investment environment is complex and navigating it properly is why people will typically look to a professional investment advisor for guidance.

But choosing one that meets your needs can be equally challenging, given the many options out there. A good place to start is asking friends and family whom they use for investment advice, or asking your personal banker for a recommendation. The Internet, of Dimitris Foss, CFP course, is also a great place to “window shop” local advisors. Wealth Advisor 613-782-6789


The more challenging step is determining whether the advisor is the right fit for you. When meeting this person for the first time, it is always good to come prepared with questions. These can include: - What experience do you have in managing portfolios?

Karen Secord of the Parkdale Food Centre hosts the Cube for Food fundraising party at Cube Gallery on September 24. Photos by Ted Simpson

- What approach do you take with investing? - What investment products do you use? - What other services do you provide (e.g. financial planning)? - How are you compensated, and what other costs might be incurred? - What sort of contact can I expect from you? - What differentiates you from other advisors? A good advisor will also take a genuine interest in you, and the reasons that brought you in front of him or her. If an advisor essentially ignores your questions and provides unrelated answers, you will know pretty quickly that you are being given a sales pitch. The foundation of a good advisor-client relationship is built upon trust, and coming prepared with questions (and the answers you receive) will go a long way to deciding if this person should earn your trust.

Glen McInnes and members of the local arts community came out to show their support for the cause.

® Registered trademark of The Bank of Nova Scotia, used by ScotiaMcLeod. ScotiaMcLeod is a division of Scotia Capital Inc. (“SCI”). SCI is a member of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada and the Canadian Investor Protection Fund. This article is for information purposes only.

THANK YOU! The 2015 West End Studio Tour would like to thank all visitors, sponsors and local businesses who made the tour a great success again this year. Your support of community artists is greatly appreciated and we look forward to seeing you again next year!

NOW OPEN Expedia® CruiseShipCenters® is now open in Westboro

Please return the generosity of our Sponsors: Allegra. Design · Print · Mail Bluesfest School of Music & Art Bridgehead Cube Gallery Dave Rennie’s Autocare Dr. Kenneth Crossman Hampton Park Dental Cerec E.R. Fisher Menswear Exposure Gallery Farrow Dreessen Architects Inc.

Herb & Spice Shop Morris Home Team Royal LePage Performance Realty Nectar Fine Teas Ottawa Bagel Shop and Deli Ottawa Life Magazine Otto’s Subaru and Otto’s 2 Professional Decorative Art Classes in the South of France Skeggs Landscaping & Design Inc

Susan Chell, broker Re/Max The John Lindsay Group Royal LePage Team Realty The Royal Oak Thyme & Again Creative Catering Urban Turf Landscape Solutions Wallack’s Art Supplies Wellington West

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1337B Wellington Street West, Ottawa

October 1, 2015

Big battle for local Mom Carleton Tavern Hosts Fundraiser Oct. 4

Area resident and mother Michelle Brazeau, seen here with her three youngsters, faces a mighty challenge with determination, courage and a little help from her friends. Photo by Maggie-May Neelin

Newswest Annual General Meeting Nov. 23 at HCC - Save the date

By Newswest Board Newswest’s Annual General Meeting is just over the horizon. It will occur on Monday November 23, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. in the Laurel Room of the Hintonburg Community Centre, 1064 Wellington St. West. Come and be a part of your community newspaper, written by the community and for the community. Since 1978, Newswest has kept the residents of Ottawa west informed about what‘s happening in their neighbourhoods. This makes Newswest one of the longest surviving community newspapers in Ottawa. Since 2003 Newswest has been published within Kitchissippi Times, but Newswest remains an

independent publication governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. Newswest covers the area bordered by the O-train tracks and Woodroffe Avenue, between the Ottawa River and Carling Avenue. This area includes the neighbourhoods of Mechanicsville, Hintonburg, Champlain Park, West Wellington, Hampton Park, Westboro Beach, Westboro, Highland Park, McKellar Park, Carlingwood and Civic Hospital. If you live within the distribution area you are eligible to become a member (at a cost of $5.00 per year) and to run for the Board of Directors. For information contact us at

By Lorrie Marlow The Carleton Tavern is your old-time tavern. It has no computers with fancy restaurant software and no electronic cash register. The servers at the CT still use pen and paper and need to calculate the change from your bill in their heads. I admire everyone that works there for retaining these almost forgotten skills. I also admire their personal compassion, kindness and patience with the “old-timers” who frequent the joint daily. One such compassionate, long-time server is Michelle Brazeau. Michelle has been slinging beer at the Carleton Tavern for almost 10 years. She has a smile that lights up both the ladies and gents side of the tavern. Don’t get me wrong, all the servers at the Carleton are beautiful, kind and compassionate and Michelle is a perfect fit for this team. The Carleton Tavern, its servers, and local residents are rallying around Michelle right now as she faces a tough challenge. She developed symptoms in late June early July of this year, and by August was diagnosed with Stage 4 pancreatic cancer. The swiftness of this insidious disease was stunning. The cancer has spread to her lungs and it has been determined that surgery is not an option. Michelle is currently undergoing chemotherapy and her lungs are being pumped. Michelle is seeking alternative methods to tackle this cancer and they can be expensive. Michelle is 30 years old with three small children - her young-

est just 1 year old. The image of Michelle and her children is heartbreaking. Her long time partner and father of her children has quit work to care for her. This lovely family have had to move into her parent’s home for assistance with childcare. Through all of this, and despite debilitating pain, Michelle is in good spirits and has tons of faith. She is a fighter and hopes to beat the cancer and come out a survivor. This young family need our help. The Carleton Tavern, its servers and Dan Baker with his list of musicians, have banded together to host a fundraiser on Sunday October 4, starting at 3:00 p.m. at the Carleton. When local resident, Dan Baker, put out the call for musicians to perform, the schedule was filled in just 30 minutes. The Hintonburg Economic Development Committee joined in to conduct the 50/50 and raffle draws, and are seeking raffle items. If you would like to donate a raffle item, please drop off with one of the lovely servers at the Carleton Tavern. A donation jar is currently set up at the CT to take donations up to this event. A GoFundMe page has been established by Lisa Hale and I encourage anyone who cannot attend this event to please donate on this page, the link is: y533u8b8. Michelle may be fighting the battle of her life, but she is not fighting it alone. She is fighting it with courage, hope and faith – and with a little help from her friends.

INSIDE NEWSWEST GCTC Theatre Review................................................... p.21 Battle of Britain Sunday................................................ p.22 Sherbourne Rd Street Safety......................................... p.26 Deadline for the October 20 Newswest is Friday October 16. Please note our new address: Newswest c/o 132 Bayview Road, Ottawa, K1Y 2C6 Visit us online at for more photos and Web-extra content.

the Original


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20 • October 1, 2015


Kitchissippi Times

Jaqui DuToit, left, and Jack Pyl of 8th Generation entertain with African folk tales at Ottawa West Community Support Centre. Photo by Sarah Doiron

Stories for Seniors

OWCS Adult Program Tells Tales By Sarah Doiron OWCS On Wednesday September 9, a group of seniors at Ottawa West Community Support got to experience African storytelling, music, and dancing without even leaving the city. Jacqui Du Toit and Jack Pyl of 8th Generation brought an interactive entertainment experience to the Adult Day Program at OWCS. Du Toit hails from South Africa, and Pyl from South Ontario. Together, with Du Toit’s animated storytelling and Pyl’s unique collection of percussion instru-

ments, the audience was told tales passed down through multiple generations. For over 30 years OWCS has been providing services aimed at keeping seniors in their own homes for as long as possible. Services provided include an Adult Day Program; Medical Transportation; Friday Social Lunches; Respite Care and Personal Support Work; Homemaking and Housecleaning; and Yard Work. These services are provided from Preston Street to Woodroffe and beyond. OWCS is accessible online at

Distracted Driving Is Costly Neilly’s Neighbourhood By Cst. Dawn Neilly Those of you who read my last article may remember that I led off with the new increased penalties for infractions involving school buses. Well, in keeping with a theme, this time I’m going to go with the new increased penalties for distracted driving. That would be a fine of $490, three demerit points and, if you’re a novice driver, a minimum 30-day suspension. There are lots of ways to become distracted when driving a vehicle – kids squabbling, putting make-up on, the dog on your lap trying to get out of the window – but we all know that the main culprit responsible for forcing the harsher penalties is the mobile phone. I get that, if your phone

has become an extension of your arm, it’s really, really hard to put it down. But I also get – and so should you – that calling, texting or GPSing while driving is a disaster waiting to happen. For your own good, for the good of your passengers, for the good of the pedestrians, cyclists and drivers around you, please leave the phone alone. By the way, waiting at a red light is also considered driving time and using a device while you’re stopped makes you eligible for a ticket. Ottawa police are actually more interested in preventing accidents, injury and death than they are in levying fines. Ticketing distracted drivers is just one way of getting their attention. But in addition to en-

forcement of the law, the Ottawa Police Service has undertaken the “Leave the Phone Alone” campaign that aims to educate drivers and make them aware of the dangers of distracted driving. Part of the campaign is an invitation to all drivers to pledge to leave the phone alone while driving (don’t forget the red light stop!) Thousands of drivers have already signed on, and you can join them by filling out the online form found at this site: https:// pledge-form.php When you’re behind the wheel of a vehicle, your responsibility is to yourself and everyone around you. Please Leave the Phone Alone.


Kitchissippi times

October 1, 2015 • 21

GCTC’s “Generous” Talent Isn’t Stingy Theatre Review By Allyson Domanski The Great Canadian Theatre Company’s 41st season opened to a packed house on September 17 with “Generous,” written in 2006 by Michael Healey, and directed by Eric Coates. This is a play that makes you wait. It keeps you yearning for connections, waiting to see how it all fits, and what the seemingly disparate pieces have to do with each other. It leaves you wondering when the threads will weave together into a coherent whole. It’s hardly subtle-it first comes at you yelling and screaming at the top of its lungs-yet it divulges information so slowly and guardedly that by intermission, you’re still pretty clueless as to what it’s about. At the break you’ll ask yourself how the collapse of the Government relates to an adulteress Alberta oil patch CEO, and to an Ottawa court judge who flings with an underling half her age, then to a



“What’s important to know before heading into “Generous” is that the play’s first half comprises four distinct one-act plays, half taking place now, half fifteen years earlier.” couple in their living room doing choreographed battle over a bucket of fried chicken. Politics plays a part in its humour but political satire it’s not. What’s important to know before heading into “Generous” is that the play’s first half comprises four distinct one-act plays, half taking place now, half fifteen years earlier. The second acts unfold in reverse order following Intermission. You don’t know where the actors are taking you, but trust that the talent in “Generous” isn’t stingy. Astute direction gets you there in an ultimately satisfying way. The play whose mysti-

fying title is anything but generous to viewers, gives nothing away until the very last scenes. One character, narcissistic Julia the Alberta oil company CEO (played by Marion Day), sees herself as having become more generous in the play’s 15year leap forward from Act I to Act II. But her self-importance, deceit and browbeating approach leaves others unconvinced of her new-found magnanimity, especially the vulnerable young journalist she shamelessly took advantage of earlier, in abusing her power over him.

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Continued on page 23


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22 • October 1, 2015

Kitchissippi Times

The Few and The Many


RCL Branch 480 remembers the Battle of Britain Editorial On Sept. 20, the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 480 in Westboro, joined with comrades across Canada and around the world in commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain. Winston Churchill’s famously quoted speech of 21 August 1940, put the Second World War, and the Battle of Britain in particular, in perspective for citizens of the British Commonwealth then, and now. Among Churchill’s observations, was this recounting of the price of war: “The British casualties in the first twelve months of the Great War amounted to 365,000. In this war, I am thankful to say, British killed, wounded, prisoner, and missing, including civilians, do not exceed 22,000. A large proportion of these are alive as prisoners of war.” In the three months from July to October of 1940 nearly 3000 pilots and air crews flew bombers and their escort fighters in a bid to damage Germany’s ability to carry the ground war across the channel to England. They succeeded at considerable cost. Almost 17%, or one in 6, were lost. One of Churchill’s most quoted expressions came from this speech: “Never in the field of human

Newswest c/o 132 Bayview Road, Ottawa, Ontario, K1Y 2C6 613-710-3553 EDITOR: Tim Thibeault

conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.” He went on to say, “The gratitude of every home in our island, in our Empire, and indeed throughout the world except in the abodes of the guilty goes out to the British airmen who, undaunted by odds, unweakened by their constant challenge and mortal danger, are turning the tide of world war by their prowess and their devotion.” The summer of 1940 was a historic turning point that some RCL Branch 480 veterans can

Battle of Britain Sunday was celebrated with a flypast by planes of WWII vintage. This formation, including a Lancaster bomber and fighter escorts, was spotted over Westboro minutes before the ceremony at the Westboro Cenotaph. Photo by Tim Thibeault

indeed remember, and commemorated with a parade. It was a summer that younger veterans and their cadet comrades might not remember, but could, and did, respect and honour with a ceremony, a silence, and a thought about the unthinkable. With each passing year, the number of veterans who remember the Battle of Britain

grows smaller while the number of citizens who benefited from that battle increases. The freedom they fought to defend is now ours to protect. They were the few; we are the many. More information about upcoming Royal Canadian Legion events in Kitchissippi ward can be found online at www.rcl480. com/calendar.html.

Fall Recreation in the Hood

Song and sports across the seasons By Lorrie Marlow, Chair - Recreation Association of Hintonburg Song Hintonburg’s own, Street of Rock choir laid down some tracks at Little Horn Studio in June and produced videos of their successful year in music. You can check out their video at: for a fantastic look at the time we spent in studio and at the HCC. You can even access their tracks on http This free choir program for children which runs at the Hintonburg Community Center, started again on Monday September 28 and has expanded to two classes this year. The session for children from Grades 1 to 3 starts at 6:00 p.m. and goes to 6:40 p.m. Grades 4 and up children start at 6:30 and go to to 7:30 p.m. Register at the Hintonburg Community Center. There will be no classes on October 12 for Thanksgiving and probably election day on October 19. If you have any questions, contact Kayren at: or check out their videos on their blog at And don’t forget to friend them on Facebook. Look for “Rock Choir” w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / p r o f i l e .

php?id=100005981775418. Street of Rock also packed the house at the Carleton Tavern for a performance raising $435 for the SPCA of Western Quebec. Soccer This summer, many Saturday mornings were spent sitting in a lawn chair drinking coffee and watching the RAH Ottawa Cougars Soccer Program at Laroche Park. Coach Martin put kids through their soccer drills and played a game every Saturday until the end of August. Beautiful weather encourged a great turnout from Hintonburg and Mechanicsville kids, and every child received a free soccer ball thanks to the Canadian Tire Jump Start program. This successful free program continued from the 2014/2015 winter soccer program at Devonshire School last year. The RAH is pleased to have locked down Coach Martin again to run the RAH soccer program at Connaught School on Friday evenings from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. starting September 25 for younger kids from ages 5 to 10, and from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. for ages 11 to 13. Coach Martin will assess each child’s skills and determine which class is more suitable on the first evening. Younger kids will be considered if they can concentrate for an hour and take instruction. Coach Martin is a

professional soccer coach with the El Potreo Soccer Club and runs a tight league. Basketball The free Open Gym Basketball drop-in program also starts on Friday evening September 25 from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. at Connaught School gym. This was a popular program for older youth. Coach Martin and his staff of coaching trainees do some basketball drills and then play a serious game of hoops. Last year, saw both boys and girls ages 12 and up who played hard and took no prisoners. These programs are realized for the community by the Recreation Association of Hintonburg. They are drop-in program and we take registration at the class. On registration, we need a parent or caregiver to provide basic information and sign a waiver form. This important data is essential when we apply for grants to fund these programs. RAH is also looking for volunteers to help with supervision and registration, please contact: HintonburgRecreationAssociation@ and join our Facebook page for updates: Recreation Association of Hintonburg. RAH is open to your ideas which can be sent to our Facebook page or by email. All suggestions are taken seriously when it comes to guiding and growing our community and its future artists and athletes.

ADVERTISING: For rates and other information Lori Sharpe 613-238-1818 x274 Donna Roney 613-238-1818 x273 SUBMISSIONS Newswest accepts submissions from the community. Articles, photographs and community calendar items are welcome. Send to: SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Articles should be maximum 500 words; letters to the editor maximum 300 words; community calendar items maximum 50 words. Photographs should be 300 dpi; print photos 3X5. All signed letters to the editor are welcome. We reserve the right to edit for length and content. Opinions and information published in Newswest through letters we receive, community association news, or individual columns, do not necessarily reflect the opinion(s) of this newspaper.

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Kitchissippi Times

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A Tree for Emma Robe

Friends and Family Remember

Join us for this informative seminar. Member – Canadian Investor Protection Fund

For decades, Edward Jones has been committed to providing For decades, Edward Jones has been committed to providing Tuesdayincluding: March 20th @ 7:00 p.m. personalized investment service toWhen: individuals, personalized investment service to individuals, including: ] Convenience ] Convenience Where: 2301 Carling Ave., Suite #102 Face-to-face meetings, when and where you’re available ForFace-to-face decades, Edward Jones committed to providing personalized investment service meetings, whenhas andbeen where you’re available For decades, Edward Jones has been committed to providing ] Timely information to individuals, including: ] Timely information personalized investment service to individuals, including: Refreshments will be served. Technology that gives you instant access to information • Technology Convenience meetings, and where you’re available thatFace-to-face gives you instant accesswhen to information on your account and other investments ] Convenience Call Laura at 613-721-1004 by March 19th to reserve your seat for on your information account and other investments •Face-to-face Timely Technology that gives you this you’re event. availableinstant access to information meetings, when and where ] Personal service ] Personal service on your account and other investments ] Timely information Investment guidance based on your needs Edwardneeds Jones, its employees Edward Jones advisors cannot provide tax or legal advice. Investment guidance based onaccess your •Technology Personal that service guidance based on and your needs gives Investment you instant to information


By HEDC A tree has been planted at 123 Stirling on September 15th in honour of the late Emma Robe. The new tree is a Serviceberry tree, very hardy in urban environments.

“Emma taught many of us the importance of trees to our environment and that care and effort need to be expended to ensure their survival.�

This seminar is informational only. You should consult a qualified tax specialist or lawyer for on your account and other investments professional advice regarding your situation.

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Friends and family gather to remember Emma Robe, Hintonburg’s “Teacup Gardener� at a tree planting in her homour held on Sept. 15. Photo by Tim Thibeault

Many neighbours and friends attended the tree dedication ceremony. Emma’s sister Jackie was present and scattered some of Emma’s ashes around the tree. Emma will be watching over this tree and nurturing it to good health. It will survive as a legacy to her fighting spirit. A Newswest web-extra photo gallery commemorating this event can be viewed online at

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GCTC Review Another character, aloof Maria the widowed judge, (played by Kristina Watt) is estranged from her twenty-something daughter Lily, and likewise abuses her authority in bedding a subordinateone of Lily’s twentysomething ex’s. Maria shows a glimmer of generosity by acknowledging that she probably won’t let ‘I-love-you-guy’ (Drew Moore) give up on her.

That women command the two most compelling abuse-of-power roles makes for an effective twist on the usual portrayal of power relations dominated by men. We’re used to being put off by male characters abusing their authority over women, but the role reversal of women doing it is curiously captivating. The sets consist of gray louvered-panel walls that depict everything from the Prime Minister’s Office

following the loss of a non-confidence vote, to a post-tryst kitchen where mismatched lovers introduce themselves after a drunken one-night-stand. The sets work equally well as a CEO’s swank office, a judge’s chambers and the living room of fried chicken acrobatics. This play is worth seeing for its oddly funny love story alone. Tickets: “Jake’s Gift� opens at GCTC on October 29th.

The OCDSB is looking for Parent Involvement Committee Members Are you a parent of an OCDSB student? Are you interested in public education, student achievement and well-being?

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Do you want to volunteer your time to make a difference in public education? Apply to be a member of the OCDSB’s Parent Involvement Committee! For more details about the committee and the responsibility of members please visit: Please complete the application found at: by Thursday October 8, 2015.

If you have difficulty completing the application form or need an accessible version, please contact Kelly Sullivan at or 613-596-8211 ext. 8643.

939 Carling Ave Carling Ave & Sherwood Dr Ottawa, ON K1Y 4E4 613-759-8094

Member – Canadian Investor Protection Fund Member – Canadian Investor Protection Fund

When the Spine Shifts..

Emma was passionate about trees and flowers. She created the wonderful “Tea Cup Garden� at this property. A number of years ago Emma became concerned about the health of several of the oak trees at this property. She was convinced they were showing signs of stress and she was right. She worked very hard to get some help for the trees. It was too late and they eventually died and were removed. Emma taught many of us the importance of trees to our environment and that care and effort need to be expended to ensure their survival.

Richard Santiago Financial Advisor

Member – Canadian Investor Protection Fund

Continued from page 21



24 • October 1, 2015

Kitchissippi times

Drumming in the Square

Baobab Youth Group

By Kathy Armstrong September 16, 2015. Baobab Drum Dance Community is proud and excited to announce its 20th Anniversary Season, kicking off a year of celebrations with a launch on Saturday, October 3, 2015, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at Somerset Square, across from the West End Well at 939 Wellington West in Hintonburg. The launch will feature free performances by the Baobab Youth Performers, special guest speakers, including Honorary Patron Yasir Naqvi, MPP, Ottawa Centre, and light refreshments (rain or shine.). In this, its 20th year, Baobab celebrates the theme: “Sankofa”, a Ghanaian Adinkra symbol teaching us to go back to our roots in order to move forward. Reaching back and gathering the best of what the past has to teach us, means we can achieve our full potential as we move forward. Events throughout the 20th Anniversary year have been planned with this theme in mind. There are concerts and workshops connecting to the community, events led and performed by the youth group and alumnae, and a roster of exceptional guest artists from Ghana leading many of these events. Founded in 1995 , Baobab has brought together people of all ages and backgrounds to learn, participate in and perform the music of Ghana, West Africa. Named for the resilient and powerful African baobab tree, the organization has provided public drum and dance classes, workshops, teacher training, cross-cul-

“Founded in 1995 , Baobab has brought together people of all ages and backgrounds to learn, participate in and perform the music of Ghana, West Africa.” tural education and performances in the Ottawa region and beyond. Baobab Youth Performers, their remarkable program for teens, has engaged well over 100 students in in-depth experiences of musical excellence, community building, skill acquisition, peer mentoring and leadership development through programming in Ottawa and Ghana. Many of those youth spend up to ten years with the organization through formative and often challenging times in their lives. We hope that you will join us for the celebrations. For more information visit online at or contact:

the Walkway

Join us in celebrating the historical re-opening of The Walkway!

Sponsored by:

After being closed to the public as part of a secluded monastery for over 100 years, Ashcroft is excited to invite you to take part in this new chapter of history. Owned and developed by Ashcroft Homes, this public lane is being given back to the Westboro community in collaboration with the City of Ottawa. It has been carefully constructed on the exact location of the original Walkway that was built by the nuns of the Sisters of the Visitation Monastery.

Thursday, October 15, 2015 2:30pm to 5:30pm Q West, 88 Richmond Road (the Breezeway between 88 & 98 Richmond Road) Refreshments will be provided.




Kitchissippi times

October 1, 2015 • 25

Provincial Report

The Mobile Lawyer

Ontario Connecting More Seniors in Our Community By Yasir Naqvi, MPP Ottawa-Centre As of 2015, for the first time, people over the age of 65 outnumbered children under the age of 15 in our population. In response to this changing demographic, I was proud to announce on Sept. 9, 2015 at the Bronson Centre, that the Seniors Community Grant Program is providing $55,730 directly to nine non-profit organizations in our community. Through the Seniors Community Grant, Club Casa de los Abuelos is receiving $8,000 to partner with local health organizations to deliver health education classes. Other organizations receiving funding include: $3,000 to Ottawa Sui Yi Multicultural Arts Academy to organize cultural walking tours and art classes focusing on local scenery; $10,000 to the Active Jewish Adults 50+ to provide an interactive music therapy program to build social and cognitive wellbeing;

LEGAL SERVICES AT YOUR DOOR Discover How The Mobile Lawyer Can Save You Time and Money. · real estate · wills and estates · corporate /commercial

Yasir Naqvi, MPP with representatives from 5 community organizations receiving the Senior’s Community Grant Program. From left to right:-Eugene Williams (Yet Keen)-Margaret TourondTownson (Canadian Organic Growers)-Anna Yip (Yet Keen)-Bill Horne (Artswell)-MPP Yasir Naqvi-Ana Maria Cruz Valderamma (Club Casa de los Abuelos)-Ken Campbell (Jaku Konbit)-3 participants of the Club Casa de los Abuelos program. Photo by Lindsay Whitty

$10,000 to the Canadian Organic Growers Inc. to deliver therapeutic organic gardening programs to seniors in residences; $9,730 to the Domestic Pioneers: Senior Volunteers Learning and Sharing in Community to initiative volunteer opportunities for local seniors; $10,000 to the Jewish Youth Library to deliver a conference on personal health and well-being; $3,000 to the Ottawa Chinese Community Service Centre to provide

information to Chinese speaking seniors of available health related resources in their community; $3,000 to Yet Keen Seniors Day Centre to administer five field trips for seniors with an emphasis on being active in the outdoors; and $10,000 to Artswell to deliver a program that will allow seniors to express themselves through a variety of art forms. The Seniors Community Grant Program has been such a Tel. 613-722-8381 David McLean B.A.,LL.B Fax: 613-722-4891 Joyce Owen AD_Kissippi 2015-05-05 11:53 AM Page 2

success that Ontario doubled the grant program from $1 million to $2 million this year in order to support 367 not-for-profit community projects in the province. To learn more about applying to the Seniors Community Grant program, please contact my Community Office at or 613-722-6414. For more information on government services for seniors please visit

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Kitchissippi times

October 1, 2015 • 26

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Residents and volunteers gather at Westwood Park as Ecology Ottawa prepares a street audit in the Carlingwood neighbourhood. Photo by Shawn Lepage

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Sherbourne Road Audit

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The best place for her future is a place with a lot of history. E L M W O O D S C H O O L – C E L E B R AT I N G 1 0 0 Y E A R S O F E D U C AT I N G G I R L S A N D Y O U N G W O M E N .

We have learned a lot about teaching girls over the past century—and how to inspire them to reach their full potential. Come to our upcoming Open House to learn more about how we foster creativity, growth and academic excellence in our supportive and collaborative environment.

Open House: Saturday, October 24 at 9:30 a.m. Call (613) 744-7783 or email to RSVP.

By Nandita Bijur and Neeta McMurtry Ecology Ottawa | Écologie Ottawa The sun was still shining at 6:30 p.m. when residents of Carlingwood and McKellar Park Community Associations, and Ecology Ottawa volunteers convened at Westwood Park to conduct a walk and cycle audit of Sherbourne Road on September 14th. The audit attracted over 50 participants ranging in age from 1 to 81. It’s goal was to gather input from people of all ages and abilities in evaluating pedestrian and cyclist safety concerns in neighbourhoods along Sherbourne Road. One of the main concerns is the level and speed of commuter traffic in this residential and school area. Parents in the area note the increasing number of school-aged children having to cross Sherbourne twice daily without any safe pedestrian facilities. Seniors who walk to Carlingwood Mall and dog-owners who walk to off-leash Westwood Park, are also raising concerns. The wide road and unmarked lanes, coupled with the lack of pedestrian and cyclist infrastructure, encourages drivers to speed and makes crossing the road unnecessarily dangerous. “It’s already busy and we expect it’s only going to get busier,” says Christine Barlow, a concerned Sherbourne Road homeowner. “Without appropriate trafficcalming measures, Sherbourne is an accident waiting to happen.” Barlow is referring to the City of Ottawa’s Light Rail plans, which include stations at Dominion and Cleary. Residents worry this could turn Sherbourne into an unofficial extension of the 417 between

the Maitland exit and LRT stations. With scheduled resurfacing on the horizon from 2015 to 2018, this is an opportunity for McKellar Park and Carlingwood residents to raise traffic safety concerns with the City. The inclusion of “Complete Streets” in council priorities brings all future roadwork into the design and implementation process. This type of planning will make streets safe and accessible to people of all ages and abilities, including cyclists, pedestrians, and motorists. Ecology Ottawa volunteers will be aiding in this process by compiling all the information collected on September 14, analyzing it, and composing an active transportation audit report. This document will include a list of immediate actions to increase pedestrian and cyclist safety, as well as long term ideas for Sherbourne Road development. The partnership between the community and Ecology Ottawa has yielded an opportunity to address core safety issues for the community. “Having Ecology Ottawa assess traffic concerns along one of the gateways to our communities is invaluable,” says Sybil Powell of McKellar Park Community Association. “It will organize traffic concerns we have throughout both neighbourhoods.” The three organizations are asking concerned citizens to participate in a short electronic survey at www.ecologyottawa. org/sherbourne_road_survey. Alternatively, you can contact Ecology Ottawa, McKellar Park Community Association or Carlingwood Community Association to provide your own input. Visit for a Web-extra photo gallery of the Sherbourne Rd street audit.

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Kitchissippi times

OCTOBER 1 – ALL CANDIDATES DEBATE Come hear the federal candidates for Ottawa Centre on Thursday, October 1. Start time is 7 p.m. with doors opening at 6:30 p.m. St. George’s Parish, 415 Piccadilly Ave. (located between Wellington St. West and Byron Avenue). Co-sponsored by the community associations of Hampton Iona, McKellar Park, Westboro, Wellington Village, Island Park Drive and Champlain Park. For further information please go to OCTOBER 2 TO DECEMBER 11 - GENTLE YOGA Please join us in a welcoming, friendly atmosphere, where everyone is encouraged to proceed at his or her own pace and level of difficulty and challenge. Led by Linda Percy. Fridays to December 11, 10:15-11:15 a.m. (no class on November 13) First Unitarian Congregation, 30 Cleary Ave. The cost is $110 for 12 weeks or $12 drop-in. For more information email or call 613-725-1066. OCTOBER 2 - TRIVIA CHALLENGE FOR CHARITY Get a team together (maximum of six players) and compete for cash donations to your favourite charity at the Westboro Legion, 389 Richmond Rd. The door and bar open at 6 p.m. and the tournament begins at 7:30. The cost is $10/player (maximum six per team), and the winning captain’s team plays for free at the next tournament. Register in advance by emailing a registration form to WestboroLegionPR@ and pay at the door on game night. All participants must be 19 or older. For information go to or follow on Twitter @WestboroLegion #Trivia4Charity. OCTOBER 3 - BAOBAB DRUM COMMUNITY 20TH SEASON LAUNCH FREE performances by Baobab Youth Performers, guest speakers, including Honorary Patron Yasir Naqvi, MPP; light refreshments. Rain or shine at Somerset Square, 939 Wellington West. 4 p.m. – 6 p.m. For more information go to or call 613729-0987. OCTOBER 3 – E-WASTE DROP OFF This one day e-waste (electronic waste) drop off event will be taking place at the Dovercourt Recreation Centre (411 Dovercourt Avenue) from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. “Junk that Funk” will set up in the west end of the parking lot during that time period. Residential, industrial, commercial and institutional e-waste material will be accepted. OCTOBER 3 & 4 - RE-SHAPING REID PARK IN-DEPTH CONSULTATION Come to either event but please arrive on time! October 3, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m., Wellington Room, Hintonburg Community Centre; October 4, 2 p.m.–5 p.m., second floor, Tom Brown Arena. This is the second round of sessions in a threepart process. In this meeting we will translate ideas from the users of Reid Park into cost estimates to begin to build recommendation on how the funds available for the redevelopment of Reid Park should be spent. For further infor-

mation go to reid-park-update or send an email to reidpark@ If you are not able to participate in person, send your suggestions online! OCTOBER 4 - FUNDRAISER FOR MICHELLE BRAZEAU In August 2015, Michelle Brazeau, a staff member at the Carleton Tavern, was diagnosed with Stage IV Pancreatic cancer. Please join us in support for Michelle, as we bring music, prizes, raffles and all to the Carleton on October 4 at 3 p.m. Featuring Lucky Ron, Rogue Lemming, Jessie Rose, Peter Crawley, Emma Michelle, Calere Boudreau and John Lloyd, Ric Kersey, Yavor Kresic, Dave Pritchard, John Griffith and more! For more information turn to page 19. OCTOBER 7 – FREE PUBLIC TALK ON CLIMATE CHANGE Erratic Weather, Health Threats, Agricultural Plagues – Climate disruption and its impact on the world and on us. Presentation by Paul Beckwith, Department of Geography, University of Ottawa. Wednesday, October 7 at 7 p.m. Churchill Seniors Centre, 345 Richmond Rd. For more information please go to, or email infowestborobeach@gmail. com. OCTOBER 7 TO DECEMBER 9 – FRIENDS FOR LIFE This 9-week anxiety prevention program for 7-9 year olds has proven to be effective in building emotional resilience and teaching strategies that are practical and useful for coping with times of worry and change. It’s fun too! Wednesdays, 6 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. (Nov. 11 excluded). Call 613-725-3601 ext. 207 for information and registration or go to OCTOBER 13 TO NOVEMBER 10 - YOU’RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME Under the expert direction of Joanne Boyd at Family Services Ottawa, this five-week course on Tuesday evenings 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. offers an informative and interactive exploration of the challenges and opportunities facing parents of children aged 0 to 6. Topics include: child development, effective communication, building self-esteem, setting limits, positive discipline techniques. Call 613-725-3601 ext. 207 for information and registration or go to OCTOBER 15 TO NOVEMBER 12 - PARENTING THROUGH SEPARATION AND DIVORCE Family Services Ottawa is offering a five session parenting course on Thursday evenings from Oct. 15 to Nov. 12, 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Topics include coping with stress, understanding conflict and how it affects your family, problem solving, cooperative communication, co-parenting and parenting plans. Call 613725-3601 ext. 207 for information and registration or go to OCTOBER 16 - FALL RUMMAGE SALE Friday October 16 from 7 p.m. – 9 p.m. and Saturday October 17 from 9 a.m. – noon at the Kitchissippi United Church (630 Island Park Dr.). Clothes, books, toys, kitchenware, small


October 1, 2015 • 27

appliances, boutique specials and more! Call 613-722-7254 for info. OCTOBER 17 - KIWANIS CLUB OF OTTAWA SHREDIT DAY Get rid of old documents in a safe and secure way, and help raise money for Kiwanis at the same time. Hampton Park Plaza (Carling & Kirkwood) from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Cost is $8.00 per box. Box should be about the size of a banker’s box (12x16x12) or any size that you can carry. For more information email OCTOBER 24 - WOODROFFE UNITED CHURCH FALL BAZAAR Items available include china, books, bake table, silent auction, toys, jewellery, used furniture, and much more. 207 Woodroffe Ave., from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. Refreshments and lunch available. For more information, please contact the Woodroffe United Church at 613-7229250. OCTOBER 29 - ENRICHED BREAD ARTISTS ANNUAL OPEN STUDIO OPENING NIGHT The Enriched Bread Artists (951 Gladstone Ave.) is an art collective. EBA artists work in all media and originate from all over the world. The Annual Open Studio is a prime time to share their work and vision with Ottawa. The studios will be open over two weekends, beginning with the Opening Night on Thursday, October 29, from 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. It continues through that weekend to Sunday, November 1, and reopens the following weekend from November 6 to the 8. The times are Friday evenings from 6 p.m. – 9 p.m., and Saturdays and Sundays from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Admission is free. For further details visit EBA’s website at NOVEMBER 14 - FOOD BAZAAR St. Stephen’s Presbyterian Church (579 Parkdale Ave.) will be holding its annual Food Bazaar on Saturday November 14 from 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Drop by for deli, frozen foods, candy, baking, Christmas table and coffee shop items. NOVEMBER 14 - GRAND MARKETPLACE Churchill Seniors’ Centre (345 Richmond Rd.) from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Hosted by 11 Grandmother Groups. High quality, gently used goods; handmade crafts and goodies; homemade lunch at the Sweet & Savoury Café. All proceeds go to the Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign of the Stephen Lewis Foundation, in support of African Grandmothers raising their grandchildren orphaned by AIDS. NOVEMBER 21 – SNOW FEST Falling flakes make us happy, so MEC is throwing a party to welcome winter. Join your neighbours for a flurry of activities and connect with your local outdoor community. There will be activities and clinics for people of all ages and skill levels, in winter cycling, winter running, winter camping, and basic ski waxing. At MEC (366 Richmond Rd.) from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

SOCIAL SENIORS Join in an afternoon of cards, bridge, euchre, board games and socializing every Wednesday from 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Our Lady of Fatima Parish Hall, 153 Woodroffe Ave. All seniors are welcome to attend this weekly nondenominational social gathering. For more information contact Ellena 613-728-4018 or Celine 613-234-0853. FRIDAY OPEN MIC NIGHTS Show off your musical chops and bask in the applause at the Westboro Legion! We have the sound equipment so just bring your talent and instrument(s). For information, call the branch any afternoon: 613-725-2778. YOUR COMMUNITY ASSOCIATIONS For up-to-date news on your neighbourhood, stay in touch with your community association. Information about events, traffic changes, development, neighbourhood clubs, volunteer opportunities and board meetings is available from the following Community Association websites. Champlain Park Community Association Civic Hospital Neighbourhood Association Hintonburg Community Association Hampton-Iona Community Group Island Park Community Association McKellar Park Community Association Mechanicsville Community Association Wellington Village Community Association Westboro Beach Community Association Westboro Community Association

Deadline for submissions:

October 7 Please include “Community Calendar” in the subject line of your email.

To place a Classified or Marketplace ad, please call


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