IT’S A PAPER WITHIN A PAPER! FIND IT on page 11 • Remembering Vance Fandrey • Hintonbuger relocation benefits all • Music for Humanity
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Jeff Leiper City Councillor conseiller municipal
March 16, 2017
Dog “spaw” to open in Westboro PAGE 8
The Early Days of Hintonburg’s water supply PAGE 5
Caddy Ledbetter and her daughter dropped by the Ottawa Mosque open house on March 11. Photo by Ellen Bond
Warm welcome at the Ottawa Mosque SEE PAGE 3
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MArch 16, 2017 • 2
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2016-11-01 4:28 PM
Open Doors, Open Hearts
Members of the Ottawa Mosque give their neighbours a warm welcome By Bhavana Gopinath
Kitchissippi’s Dr. Neemat, volunteered at the Ottawa Mosque open house on March 11. Photo by Ellen Bond
(near Richmond & Churchill)
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3 • March 16, 2017
383 Winona Ave in Westboro Village
April 2017
women wear a hijab, she says, but as a practicing psychologist, there is one that resonates with her: Modest attire, of which the hijab is an integral part, places all women on a somewhat equal footing in terms of beauty or attractiveness. Hence self-esteem issues, especially in teenaged girls, become less problematic. Dr. Neemat is from Egypt, and moved to Canada four years ago to help with her daughter’s baby. She recalls an “open doors” event she attended at Saint Paul University. She was drawn to the institution for two reasons. First, the buildings reminded her of her Catholic school in Egypt, and second, they offered a Master’s program in her two interests, spirituality and counselling. She completed her Master’s at Saint Paul, and now works as a couples’ counsellor. She has worn the hijab almost all her life, and points out that many religions do exhort their followers to wear some kind of head covering, like a skullcap, or a scarf, or even a turban. Canadians are very accepting, she says, and she has never faced any discrimination because of her hijab. She recalls an instance in another country: at a medical conference, where a fellow participant looked askance at this Continued on page 8
warm welcome. Daniel has come here today to support his “brothers and sisters.” In these difficult times, he says, religions should work together to break down barriers between people. Blandine serves on the board of the Capital Region Interfaith Council and knows the Imam from her work there. So, when she heard about the open house, she says, she had to come. Councillor Jeff Leiper is here to back the Ottawa Mosque’s outreach initiative as well. “I am privileged to be the councillor of a ward that has such a warm and generous community,” he says. Some people, unfortunately, have preconceptions, he says, that come from a lack of knowledge or a fear of the unknown. An event like this provides an opportunity to dispel misconceptions and increase awareness about the community. Indeed, this open house, the second in as many months, is meant to spread knowledge, especially considering the recent events in Quebec, and related media coverage, says Naeem Mallik, the president of the Ottawa Muslim Association. “People are pleasantly surprised when I explain to them that Islam,
Christianity and Judaism have common roots, and that Islam is inherently peaceful and forbids the killing of innocents,” he says. Islam also preaches good neighbourliness, and he says that the local community has been wonderfully supportive. Naeem has served the Association since 1962, and knows first-hand the value of mutual respect between religions: while growing up in India, he counted Hindus among his closest friends, and later studied in a Christian missionary institution. “Everybody should have an open mind,” he says. An open-minded attitude brings Piccadilly residents Linda Banys and her daughter Mackenzie Banys here. Mackenzie’s colleague told her about the open house, and mother and daughter decided to come and learn more about Islam and the community. The mosque is helping to break down barriers, they say, and the “fabulous” women have made them feel so welcome, that they would feel comfortable walking in here any day. Mother and daughter asked the volunteers many questions about the religion, including the wearing of the hijab. Dr. Neemat, another Kitchissippi resident who is volunteering, provides an explanation. There are several reasons
It’s a steady stream of visitors at The Ottawa Muslim Association’s “Open Doors, Open Hearts” event at the Ottawa Mosque on March 11. Despite the bitter cold, people took the time to support their Muslim brethren and to learn about a religion that is often misunderstood. Volunteers from the mosque are delighted to greet the visitors, take their coats, show them where to place their shoes, and guide them on a tour of the building. These guides, many of them teenagers, show visitors the majestic main prayer hall, the community rooms, and provide a quick Islam 101 lesson—the five tenets of Islam, the Prophet, the prayers five times a day. Visitors listen intently to the guides and ask many questions about the religion, women’s rights, the hijab, and about fasting during Ramadan. The Imam, Samy Metwally, and a of couple of volunteers are seated in the downstairs room to provide indepth answers to questions. There are kids everywhere; some have an impromptu game of tag, some patiently await their turn at the face-painting station and others were busy colouring. A henna artist makes intricate henna designs on women’s and kids’ hands. A little boy scans the crowd for visitors, and gives out hand-made thank-you cards. Over at the corner, teenagers manage a table laden with food. “Please eat,” a volunteer urges. “We really feel the warm welcome,” says Caddy Ledbetter, from the Bayswater area. She is here with her two daughters aged 4 and 7. Her family is not religious, she says, but her older daughter has been learning about world religions in school and both are curious about Islam. So, Caddy figured the best thing to do was to bring them here. “This is amazing,” she says. “My kids are going to have such a wonderful memory of visiting the mosque; they’ll remember that they met lovely smiling people.” Kitchissippi residents Daniel and Blandine Stringer agree about the
Kitchissippi Times
250 City Centre Ave., Suite 500 Ottawa ON K1R-6K7 Kitchissippi, meaning “the Grand River,” is the former Algonquin name for the Ottawa River. The name now identifies the urban community to the west of downtown Ottawa. Newswest is a not-forprofit community-owned publication that is distributed 12 times per year inside the Kitchissippi Times.
Editor/Associate Publisher Andrea Tomkins Contributors Dave Allston, Ellen Bond, Jared Davidson, Bhavana Gopinath, Jacob Hoytema, Shaun Markey, Bradley Turcotte Proofreader Judith van Berkom Advertising Sales Eric Dupuis 613-238-1818 x273 Grace Fulton 613-238-1818 x274 Publisher Mark Sutcliffe Creative Director Tanya Connolly-Holmes Production Regan Van Dusen
March 16, 2017 • 4
Finance Jackie Whalen 613-238-1818 x250 All other enquiries 613-238-1818 x230
Meet Esmaa Elmahrouk Collected by Ellen Bond
“I was born in Egypt. I lived in Toronto for two years and have been in Ottawa for the past seven years. This area is amazing. It’s very familyoriented. I love my house because it’s very old. I love my neighbours, the schools are wonderful. My kids go to Elmdale School – it’s amazing – and my older kids go to Nepean. It’s a wonderful community.
“The Ottawa Mosque open house here today is wonderful and I’m so happy to be part of it. I shared the flyers with my neighbours and I can see my neighbours here today. I’m so happy that they come and support us. It’s so wonderful – I don’t know how to express my feelings. One goal I have is to learn French. French is my obstacle now. I’ve done my part in English. Back home they taught us English and I went
to school here to learn English and now my goal is to learn French. “The most important thing here in Canada is everyone is equal. When I came, one of my friends said: “You’re going to love this country,” and I did. I’m so glad we made this decision. My kids are going to have a wonderful future here, and I’m so proud to be Canadian.”
Humans of Kitchissippi is a special street photography project designed to introduce readers to some of the people who live, work, and play in Kitchissippi. Each instalment of HOK contains three elements: a photo, a name, and a quote from the subject that reveals a little bit about who they are. Go to to view our ongoing collection of humans.
Distribution A minimum of 17,600 copies distributed from the Ottawa River to Carling Avenue between the O-Train tracks and Woodroffe Avenue. Most residents in this area will receive the Kitchissippi Times directly to their door through Ottawa Citizen or Flyer Force. If you did not receive your copy, or would like additional copies, please contact us and we’ll deliver to you. Bulk copies delivered to multi-unit dwellings and retail locations. Copies available at Dovercourt Recreation Centre and Hintonburg Community Centre. 613-238-1818 x248 Tips and ideas We want to hear from you about what’s happening in our community. Contact the Editor. The Kitchissippi Times is published by
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Michael Curran The next issue of your Kitchissippi Times:
March 30 Advertising deadline:
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Building a healthy, active and engaged community through recreation
IT’S ALMOST SPRING! SPRING REGISTRATION IS UNDERWAY For Fitness & Recreation programs Tue. Mar. 21 for Aquatics programs
First built in 1899, the Hintonburg Pumphouse now lies in ruins. This is what it looked like in 1934, after it had been turned into a residence. Photo courtesy of the City of Ottawa Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development Department.
Bringing water to Hintonburg
NEED AFTER SCHOOL CARE? 2017-2018 registration is open & ongoing SUMMER CAMPS & SUMMER SWIM Register now! Get your camp guide in the Centre or online.
One of the most important buildings in early Hintonburg is now one of the most neglected By Dave Allston
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All ages and abilities. Meet again on Mon. March 6th at 6:30pm
450 CHURCHILL AVE., N OTTAWA 613.627.2762
5 • March 16, 2017
hydrants). H. B. Merrill of Ottawa was contracted for two pumping engines and two boilers (at a cost of $4,350), while the firm of Cowan and Doran of Ottawa were hired to construct the pumping station ($4,435) to house them. When work began on May 1, 1899, the first task for the large gang of Hintonburg men employed on the job was the pumphouse foundation. Its site near the Ottawa River was carefully chosen, keeping in mind water quality and flood prevention for the station. James Newton, instrumental in bringing waterworks to Hintonburg, resigned from village council to become the first pumphouse engineer. By the end of September, the pumphouse was complete, housing the boilers and two pumps with a joint capacity of 1,500 gallons per minute. The building was one-and-a-half storeys of cut limestone with a pitched roof with cedar shingles. There was a circular turret with a conical roof and unique arched half-circle windows on the north and south facades. The original structure also featured a tall brick chimney on the south side to fire the boilers. The summer of 1899 was filled with excitement for Hintonburg residents. Over the space of six months, the entire village was dug up (with much blasting required to obtain the required 7’ depth for the pipes). Continued on page 6
On the road to Lemieux Island, just off the SJAM Parkway, lies the mysterious ruins of a structure which has sat untouched and decaying for nearly thirty years. A popular spot for urban explorers and bored youths alike, this unmarked derelict site has an important history that is intrinsically tied to Hintonburg’s early development. Hintonburg became independent from Nepean Township in 1893, chiefly over the desire to allow streetcars along Richmond Road. Having accomplished that, the fast-growing village set its next infrastructure goal as the establishment of water service. Until the late 1890s, the west end was entirely without water for fire protection, manufacturing or domestic use. Throughout the decade there were endless plans, surveys and negotiations, but none were financially or realistically viable. A contract to build a system for Hintonburg was eventually awarded to Edward J. Rainboth and his Ottawa Suburban Waterworks Company in 1898. Rainboth barely got the work started, defaulted, and the matter ended up in court. Renowned engineer Charles H. Keefer was hired by village council in January 1899 to lead the project. Keefer drew up new specifications and oversaw the tendering process. 30 applications were received from companies across North America for the labour (excavation and pipelaying) and materials (cast iron pipes, valves,
Railbender hosts raffle for HCC’s childrens’ art program Affordable, Clean, Secure, Central √ Inside Storage √ Over 600 Lockers √ Climate Controlled √ Over 100 √ 7 Days/Week Different Sizes
340 Parkdale Avenue (between Wellington & Scott)
March 16, 2017 • 6
By Bradley Turcotte
Marta, explains adding Railbender artists have seen an increase in clients sourcing their children’s art work as inspiration for tattoos. Celebrating their anniversary with community outreach is an annual affair for Railbender. Previous fundraiser recipients include the Hintonburg Happening and the Parkdale Food Centre. “We do this because we owe so much of our success to our community who has embraced us, supported us and helped us reach each milestone,” Marta continues. Alex sums up the three-year milestone for the studio and gallery with one word: “success.” “We’ve come a long way and worked our butts off, [we’ve] always kept our high standards in practice and it has paid off. We’ve been constantly making changes to our space, trial and error, upgrades. [We’re] always looking to better our services for our clientele and community support has now become a huge part of our business commitment.” Alex’s bright outlook for Railbender carries over to his personal health. Diagnosed with colon cancer in 2015, Alex has endured 17 rounds of chemotherapy and undergone four surgeries. “I feel great with the exception of side effects due to the treatments,” says Alex, who is currently taking medication as part of his second clinical trial. “I am in great health and striving for optimal health.” Railbender will accept donations until March 31. For more information, check out the Railbender Facebook page at
Continued from page 5 Streets were unusable, the noise was intolerable, yet few complained. Water distribution would make life significantly easier and real estate values were exploding. Hintonburg could also establish its first fire brigade. On November 27, 1899, water flowed to the houses and businesses of Hintonburg for the first time. It represented a significant convenience, even though the water was unfiltered and untreated. Hintonburg joined the city of Ottawa in 1907, largely due to their requirement for a sewer system. Despite their urgent need, they were still paying off the debt incurred establishing the waterworks. Ottawa would regret dragging their feet on the Hintonburg sewage issue. Typhoid epidemics hit Ottawa in 1911 and 1912 due to untreated waste. Hintonburg eventually connected to the city water supply and the pumphouse was gradually phased out. It closed briefly in 1912 and was last used in 1916 while the overland pipe system was installed from Lemieux Island. The vacant building almost became a branch of the Ottawa library but lost out to Rosemount Avenue. Instead, the old pumphouse was used for city storage for nearly a decade. In 1924, the building was turned into a residence and gatehouse for Lemieux Island. The tall brick chimney was demolished, temporary storage sheds were removed, verandahs were constructed on the south and east facades and four wooden posts were added to the bellcast eaves of the steep roof. The large living room overlooked the water while the rear portion of the house featured a tiny kitchen, dining room, bathroom and bedroom. A staircase from the living room went upstairs to a sizeable second bedroom. Robert Preston Moodie (grandson and namesake of the early Bells Corners settler) was superinten-
dent of the Lemieux Island plant. Robert and family were its first occupants. The family of Caradoc Clarke were its next residents. Caradoc was also superintendent (the first for the new Lemieux Island filtration plant when it opened in mid-April 1932). In an 1988 letter, his daughter Lynn reminisced about the house she still considered home: “If walls could talk, many good parties were held there as both our Mom and Dad entertained in the lovely living room. My favourite room was the one with the turret, as I could see miles of Ottawa from it. We skated on the river and picnicked on the small island half way over the bridge, pretending we were marooned.” Carden Heeney, Deputy Commissioner (later Commissioner) of Waterworks, was its longest occupant, residing there from 1935 until his death in 1980. The City chose not to rent out the house afterwards and it sat vacant for several years. The building received heritage designation in 1987 due to its industrial significance, its role in Hintonburg’s development, and for its architectural value as an “attractive Victorian delight.” In 1988 it was rezoned Heritage Commercial and nearly repurposed as a restaurant. After a small fire was set in 1987, a chain link fence was installed. However, in the early morning hours of May 8, 1989, fire ravaged the building. Though significantly damaged, the building was still in salvageable condition. Since 1989, the building has been left to deteriorate. It has been open to the elements for nearly 30 years. The property is tragically under utilized and desperately needs a proposal that would take advantage of this scenic and historic site. Stabilization and restoration, at least in part, is still a possibility, though, realistically, time is running out for the City of Ottawa to rescue even a portion of this important piece of local history.
To mark their third anniversary, Railbender Tattoo Studio and Art Gallery is collecting art supplies for children’s programs at the Hintonburg Community Centre (HCC). Dropping off a donation at the studio – located at 3 Hamilton Ave. N. – enters the donor in a raffle for one of two $100 gift certificates for tattoo sessions with Railbender artists, Stephane Courchaine and Julien Detillieux. Clay, paintbrushes, Sharpie markers, charcoal pencils – anything that can spark or facilitate innovation is a welcome donation says HCC’s program coordinator, Jennifer Ladouceur. Every Saturday morning, the Kids Create Program acts as a canvas for children to explore their creativity. Formerly titled Artsy Kids, the program is run as a partnership between HCC and the Hintonburg Community Association. “Supplies are pretty costly, especially for free programs that we offer,” says Jennifer. “It’s nice to get some extra supplies that will get the kids trying new things, build their skills and explore new mediums.” Railbender has received countless inquiries about taking part in art classes for juveniles, says founder Alex Neron. “We’ve always thought of doing something like this to help out,” he adds. “It’s important to encourage kids to explore their creativity from a young age. It inspires them, empowers them and to be honest, this inspires us too,” Railbender co-owner and Alex’s partner,
Here we grow again
Second phase of Dovercourt’s expansion to be completed this year
By Shaun Markey
“Doing nothing was not an option. We don’t know how to stop!”
a t We s t b o r o P a r k 8793AMI_WB KitchTimes_3X3_FA.indd 1
7 • March 16, 2017
Let us treat you to lunch. Call 613-728-9274 or book a visit online at
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I didn’t expect it to feel like home.
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Dovercourt Recreation Association Executive Director, John Rapp, is pictured here with his dog, Daisy. Photo by Shaun Markey
Room) to accommodate fitness programs as well as a variety of additional activities for seniors and preschoolers. Expanding in that direction means no loss of existing parking and no impact on the adjacent open spaces behind the existing complex. With money from Dovercourt and the City of Ottawa, the board is hoping to round out the funding with community and corporate donations.
To that effect, John and his staff are busy organizing fundraising activities which will include an auction of some terrific items in the near future. Several local businesses are already key supporters of the Centre’s latest building project. They include Farm Boy, Morris Home Team, Carling Motors Co., Hobin Architecture Incorporated and Ottawa Sport and Physiotherapy Clinic. Various levels of sponsorships are being offered at this time. The Brick by Brick bronze level sponsorship ($1,000 to $3,000), the Brick Works sponsorship silver level $3,001 to $5,000) and the Brick and Mortar sponsorship gold level ($5,001 to $10,000). Each donor will receive an engraved brick with their family or business name. (Act now and get your brick in the wall, advises John.) John is confident that the new expansion will break ground as soon as possible and be completed in 2017 – just in time for Dovercourt’s 30th anniversary.
A quick, midmorning stroll through the Dovercourt Recreation Centre is all the evidence one needs to conclude that this multi- purpose facility is a busy place – very busy. On this day, like all days apparently, it appears to the casual observer that every available space at Dovercourt is being put to good and constant use. Executive Director, John Rapp, along with a volunteer board of directors, has watched Dovercourt become the busiest community centre in Ottawa. In fact, the 27-year-old notfor-profit facility currently serves 20,000 clients who make roughly 400,000 visits a year. Its success, however, has meant that demand for programs and services have outstripped the available space at the centre. Interestingly, Dovercourt is a “social enterprise,” meaning that the Centre is not for profit and managed by a community-based Board of Directors. There is little government funding involved and the Dovercourt social enterprise, on its own, has raised several million dollars since its inception in 1987 to fund ongoing operations and an earlier expansion. Over the intervening years, Dovercourt has become integral to the Westboro community, and beyond. The Centre has 32 full-time staff and employs 210 part-time staff. Given the increasing demand and the desire to respond to it, John and the board were faced with two options: do nothing and stay the existing course, knowing that there were many individuals in the Westboro community that could not be served, or raise roughly $1.2 million dollars for a building expansion. As John so succinctly put it: “Doing nothing was not an option. We don’t know how to stop!” A meeting with the original architect, Barry Hobin, led to a plan to expand the front section of the building by some 2,000 square feet thereby creating a new multi-purpose hall (deemed the Morris Home Team
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March 16, 2017 • 8
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Kitchissippi is going to the dogs New “spaw” opening in Westboro
By Jacob Hoytema
Lucie Meloche, owner of Masters n’ Dogs, sits in her makeshift office — a computer desk, swivel chair, and an old trunk — in the middle of a standalone building tucked away on Madison Avenue, just a block south of its retail location on Richmond Road. The room is unfurnished and only a small section of the concrete floor has been painted. When the Kitchissippi Times first visited, there were still a number of steps before the space would fulfill its potential by transforming into a doggy daycare. Lucie looks at the empty room with excited anticipation of the many furry friends that will soon fill it. “It’s nothing now, but when we’re done it’s going to look amazing,” she says. She describes the murals that will adorn the walls, the rubberbased (that is, accident proof) paint she’s using for the floors, and the “Spaw” in the back room for bathing and pampering her canine customers. Lucie explains that the one-storey building, which was previously owned by a sporting goods store, will be partitioned into different sections, with different dogs grouped together depending on various factors such as size and personality. “When I started mentioning that we were thinking about this, the demand was incredible. We already have pre-registers,” she says. When Lucie took over as owner and operator of Masters n’ Dogs over two years ago, she says she knew that this was going to be the next move for the business. “Daycare was always the next step, it was just a matter of the right location and the right time. And the time is now,” she says. She also adds that, in the last year, she has been hiring employees at the store that she knew would be qualified to transfer into working at the daycare later on. Two of these employees, Jay Kay and Vee Tait, who will be
Lucie Meloche, owner of Masters n’Dogs in Westboro, is opening a satellite doggie daycare and “spaw” on Madison Avenue. It’s expected to open March 20. Photos by Ellen Bond
supervisors at the new location, have dozens of years of dog daycare experience between them and have been providing input on designing the new space. Lucie says that, for now, the daycare will only be open Monday to Friday, and will offer hourly rates and discount packages to accommodate owners who will use the service regularly as well as those who may only want to drop their dogs off for the
afternoon. The grand opening of the daycare – expected to be March 20 – nearly coincides with the business’ twelfth anniversary in April. For the occasion, Lucie is planning a celebratory pet photography event to fundraise for Boxer Rescue Ontario. See the web version of this story on for extra photos.
Ottawa Mosque open house Continued from page 3 English- and French-speaking, hijab-clad Egyptian doctor. “I said to him, my hijab only covers my head, it doesn’t block my tongue or my brains,” she laughs. At the end of their tour, visitors are given long-stemmed roses as a parting gift. Each flower has a small card attached, with quotes from the Prophet and the
Holy Quran. The quotes are words to live by: choose your religion as carefully as you would choose your friends; it is better to sit alone than fraternize with the bad; silence is better than idle words. When the guides accompany the visitors to the door and see them off, they enquire if all their
questions were answered, and if they had a good time. Judging from the smiles on the visitors’ faces, the answer is a clear and resounding “Yes!” Please see the web version of this story at for more photos from this event.
Something new at Somerset Square Innovation Pod brings high tech tools to Hintonburg Story and photo by Jared Davidson
Digital Director Justin Holness and Artistic Director Komi Olaf of prototypeD.
“It’s best described as a way to introduce new technologies and creative tools to people who wouldn’t otherwise get a chance to use them.”
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9 • March 16, 2017
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There’s something unusual parked in Somerset Square in Hintonburg this month. At first glance it might be a trailer or a food truck, but its sleek design and solar-panelled exterior suggest something more. There is no signage except one by the door that beckons passersby inside. For many, the mystery is enough to get them in the door. “‘What is this?’ That’s the question we get most often,” says Komi Olaf, Artistic Director of prototypeD, the design and development studio behind the new arrival to Somerset. “We’ve answered it many times.” The answer is that this is what the prototypeD team call its Innovation Pod. It’s best described as a way to introduce new technologies and creative tools to people who wouldn’t otherwise get a chance to use them. Throughout March, the Pod parked in Somerset Square (at the intersection of Somerset and Wellington) will operate as a satellite to prototypeD’s main project, its makerspace known as MadeMill, located in the Innovation Centre at Bayview Yards. The Pod will be host to workshops on VR, 3D printing, audio design, video editing, sustainable energy and living, and more. The full list of workshops is available on, but the Innovation Pod team invites those interested to drop by during office hours to try things out. The pod is equipped with a Virtual Reality (VR) headset called an HTC Vive, a Microsoft Hololens, a 3D printer, and a number of computers upon which to experiment. Everyone is welcome, including children, who Komi says have been very interested in the VR. “Explaining VR to adults can take a long time, but kids are so fast,” says Komi. “Soon after putting it on they’re trying different things in it.” The demos they give at the
Innovation Pod are as simplistic and efficient as the Pod itself. They tell you only what you need to know, then allow you to experiment and discover. The idea is to encourage creativity, while at the same time giving people an outlet through which to express it. Part of the reason prototypeD is putting these tools in public hands is to help find new ways to use them. “A lot of ideas have come out of Ottawa over the years,” says Komi. “But a lot of ideas have also died because they got stuck.” PrototypeD sees the Innovation Pod as a way to connect with community members who might need resources for their innovative projects. It’s fitting that the Pod itself is one such project, which without the resources that the makerspace scene is bringing to Ottawa, may have never seen fruition. The Pod was conceived as a lowimpact, sustainable home. And while it shares some of its concepts with more typical container homes, there is one thing it does better than its competition: look good. “One of the things we identified about [container homes] was the boring shape, the flat roof,” says Komi. “Things like that are not very aesthetically pleasing.” In designing the Innovation Pod, Janak Alford, CEO and Founder of prototypeD, tried to implement pleasing design features, hence the curved roof, decorative led lights, and large windows. They’re currently calling this style of pod a Generation House, and hoping that people will use them as addendums to their houses, to give their children or parents a comfortable living space. At the end of March, the Innovation Pod will be making its way to another neighbourhood in the city, but Kitchissippi residents can always visit MadeMill at the Innovation Centre to get involved in the more high-tech end of maker culture.
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March 16, 2017 • 10
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March 16, 2017
Vance Fandrey 1942 - 2017 Community activist By Hintonburg Economic Development Committee Vance Fandrey passed away suddenly February 19, 2017. A gentle, kind, caring and humble man, Vance was one of the driving forces behind the transformation of Hintonburg over the last 25 years. He was also the soulmate, best friend and husband of fellow community activist, Cheryl Parrott. Vance believed strongly in the principles of fairness, social justice, community development, and that every voice has equal value. He endeavored to live those principles every day. He grew up in Ebenezer, Saskatchewan and got much of his schooling in the last of the rural one-room schoolhouses. It was a wonderful education and he cherished those good memories. Starting out as an academic, Vance later found his true calling was working with his hands. In 1979 he quit his job with the federal government to renovate his first house. Carpentry and woodwork became his passion - his artistic expression and outlet. Vance’s other passion was this community. 25 years ago he starting planting flowers in 5 local parks and he placed 40 oak barrels full of flowers on Wellington Street every summer until 2008. These were tough years in Hintonburg and Vance recognized that beautification and activism were needed if things were to improve for residents. Festivals in the parks, fund-raising BBQ’s, Carleton Tavern Street Dances, Jamborees, St. Patty’s Day floats, Police volunteer work with Home Security Audits, founding member and speaker at John School, helping install the blue spruce at Somerset Square, installing and maintaining Christmas lights at the Original
1310 Wellington Street
Open 7 days • 8am to 8pm
Vance Fandrey, community builder, social activist, friend. Photo courtesy of C. Parrott
Somerset Square for many years are just some of the projects Vance Fandrey initiated. He spearheaded efforts that raised thousands of dollars for victims of fires starting with the fire at the Caisse Populaire in 2000 – an effort that raised $8,000 for those who had lost everything. One cold winter in the 1990’s Vance spearheaded the Hintonburg Supper Club to support the struggling restaurants in the community. Vance had a strong sense of what needed to be done and was always there with his tools and van to make it happen. He was the idea guy but he also had the skills, energy and the ability to figure out how to accomplish what needed to be done. He could MacGyver anything to
allow the many events to happen – he would just say “leave it to me”. In 2001 he co-founded the Hintonburg Economic Development Committee to partner community and businesses to improve the neighbourhood. HEDC held 6 annual festivals in the parks for many years, and raised well over $ 60,000 that has been re-invested in beautification, youth programing and play equipment. Vance was always part of the Green Team at the Carleton Christmas Day Meal – diverting well over 90% of waste into recycling. A Celebration of Life was held Saturday March 4 at the Carleton Tavern. Vance worked with the owners of the Carleton for close to 25 years on all kinds of fund-raising events that benefitted Hintonburg and greater Ottawa. It
was the perfect place for the last farewell. Rest in Peace. Your work made a lasting difference.
INSIDE NEWSWEST Music for Humanity........................ p.12 Community Housing: Opinion......... p.14 Spring Chores – Sixties Style......... p.17 Deadline for the April 13 Newswest is Friday March 31. Please note our new address: Newswest c/o 132 Bayview Road, Ottawa, K1Y 2C6 Visit us online at for more photos and Web-extra content.
4 Ways to Maximize the Value of Your Home This Spring by John King, Broker of Record with Engel & Völkers Ottawa After 23 years in real estate, the number one question I continue to receive from homeowners is the same: When should we bring our home to market? While many aspects of the selling process can be complicated, the answer to this question is fairly simple: Spring. Over 44% of all Ottawa home sales occurred in the four months from March through June in 2016. While not all homeowners have the luxury of waiting for spring to come along, I typically advise my homeowners to list in this busy season if they have the option. If you are thinking of making a move this year, you should consider capitalizing on this period when more people are looking for property; more buyers looking for homes typically means that sellers can obtain a higher price and a quicker sale. To ensure you do not miss the spring rush, consider the following steps: • Meet with a professional Realtor to receive a property evaluation and an assessment of the market potential for your home.
• De-cluttering is always a good idea when you are thinking of putting your house up for sale. Less is always more! Take advantage of the time before you come to market to create clean, open spaces. • If you are having difficulty in getting your home ready for sale, you might consider hiring a stager who can help you develop a plan to present your home in its best light. A professional Realtor will have preferred staging contacts that can get your home in tip-top shape. If you have even the slightest inkling you may want to sell this year, my advice is this: Have your home evaluated and begin the process. Even if you do not end up listing this spring, a Realtor will be happy to help you begin moving in the right direction so you are prepared when the right moment strikes.
Engel & Völkers Ottawa Central, Brokerage. Independently owned & operated. +1 613-422-8688 113-1433 Wellington Street West, Ottawa, ON K1Y 2X4
• With your Realtor, put together an action plan to bring the home to market. This may include a quick paint job, simple repairs, or any other minor items that will help your house connect with the right buyer. Your Realtor can guide you on what cosmetic changes Number of 2016 will maximize the value of Ottawa Home Sales your home. in Spring
Statistics courtesy of the Ottawa Real Estate Board (OREB).
NEWSWEST 12 March 16, 2017
206 Carleton Avenue
15 Years of Music for Humanity First Unitarian Congregation reducing polio’s impact By Marilyn Letts The 15th annual Music for Humanity program will take place on April 8th, 7:30 p.m. at the First Unitarian Congregation, 30 Cleary Avenue. It showcases talented young musicians, from the music program at the University of Ottawa who are the performers, artists and teachers of the future. This has been an annual event since 2003. Joel Harder, a graduate student at the University of Ottawa’s School of Music had approached the Rotary Club of West Ottawa with respect to sponsoring such an event. This type of concert could be a fundraiser for the Club and provide needed experience and exposure for the students. This successful collaboration has continued for 15 years and the funds generated have been devoted to the world-wide elimination of polio. Rotary clubs around the world are cooperating with the World Health Organization and UNICEF to eliminate poliomyelitis. Over the past twenty years, worldwide, known cases of polio have dropped from hundreds of thousands to only three (3) so far this year. All proceeds from ticket sales for
the Music for Humanity concerts are matched by the Bill and Melinda Bates Foundation to help eradicate polio worldwide. In Canada, many will recall 1953, when 11,000 people, many of them children, were paralyzed and 500 died because of polio. Emily Shaw, classical guitarist and luthier, has organized this year’s program. It will feature musicians from the Performance Matters section of the School of Music, an outstanding faculty with a program designed to assist students in preparing for their careers as performing musicians and artists. Featured on the April 8th program will be: Edana Higham – pianist, currently a research assistant in the Piano Pedagogy Research Laboratory, Kelsey Gordon - soprano soloist in the Masters program, Alexandre Bougie – a performing musician, bandleader, arranger and teacher, and Julian Bertino, a classical guitarist interested in expanding the repertoire of the 10-string guitar. The program will also feature the Velvet Brass Ensemble from the Ottawa Youth Orchestra Academy, Malcolm Horova and Charlie Watson on trumpet, Natacha Demers on horn, Continued on page 14
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Federal Report
Community unity
churches and synagogues – stained with symbols of hatred and division. On March 3rd I sat down with faith leaders from around the city to discuss interfaith work here in our capital. I have been working closely with these leaders to listen to their ideas and explore innovative ways we can continue to stand together. It is important that we work as one to break down prejudice and do all we can to promote community unity. The federal government is also supporting projects that celebrate our multicultural heritage and diversity. If you are part of an organization that runs projects promoting inclusion and acceptance of people of different cultures, religions, and ethnic groups, your initiatives may qualify for funding through the Inter-Action: Multicultural Funding Program. Diversity is our strength and I know that we will move forward together, with love and compassion. If you’d like to find out more about this work or get engaged yourself, please don’t hesitate to contact my office. Keep in Touch with Us I am committed to engaging with residents in Ottawa Centre on all of the issues that are important to you and to our community. Please feel free to get in touch with our office at 613-9468682 or Catherine.McKenna@parl.gc. ca. And don’t forget to sign up for our e-newsletter at catherinemckennamp. ca and follow us on Facebook at McKenna.Ottawa and Twitter @ CMcKennaOttawa!
Cst Neilly’s Neighbourhood
Officer’s job both challenging and rewarding.
Date: March 25, 2017 Time: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Location: RBC Westboro branch 236 Richmond Road, Ottawa WIN* a trip to the 2017 RBC CP Women’s Open in Ottawa by visiting Visit Westboro branch for a virtual reality experience with Team RBC® golfer Brooke Henderson.
* NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Contest runs from March 25, 2017 to June 26, 2017. One (1) Grand Prize available to be won. Correct answer to skill testing question required. Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries. For full contest rules and regulations, please visit ® / ™ Trademark(s) of Royal Bank of Canada. 116410 (02/2017)
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today are educated, highly trained, and ready to deal with whatever situation presents itself, with communication skills being as important a tool as anything we carry on a belt. Because of this, police officers are paid a salary commensurate with their qualifications and can expect job security, benefits and a pension at career’s end. If you or someone you know is thinking about a job in law enforcement, I say go for it. You have financial stability and the excitement of knowing that every day is different; every call is different. The challenges can come thick and fast and you get to meet them head on. You become a problem solver and, in so doing, help keep the community on an even keel. It’s a fantastic job and I wouldn’t give it up for anything.
Immerse yourself in a virtual reality experience with Canada’s own and LPGA phenom Brooke Henderson.
March 13, 2017 13
By Cst Dawn Neilly As a community police officer, I spend part of my time just letting people know I exist. And not just me, but also my colleagues who carry out various duties, all dedicated to making Ottawa a safe place to live. I know that with so many of us in cruisers (it’s a big city!), it’s hard to get to know individual police officers. If you did have the opportunity to talk to the people who keep your streets safe, you’d have a good idea of why we do what we do. In my case -- and I know this is true for other officers -- I became a police officer because I want to help people. And, at the end of my day, going home knowing I did everything I could to make a difference, gives me a wonderful sense of satisfaction. For me, that’s the best thing about the job. But it doesn’t hurt that it’s rewarding in other, more practical ways. Long gone are the days when police were hired for their size alone. Officers
Want to know what it’s like to golf like a pro?
By Catherine McKenna, MP Ottawa Centre The month of March brings many things to look forward to. The sun is getting warmer, the days are getting longer, and soon our neighbourhoods will be filled with green grass. March is the month we celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day and Lent. The first Friday of March is also World Day of Prayer – a day dedicated to hearing the concerns and needs of others, and standing in solidarity with them around the world. With that day in mind, I wanted to take some time to write about community unity. The shooting at the Islamic Cultural Centre of Quebec on January 29, 2017 that took the lives of six innocent men shocked me. I was deeply saddened to hear of an attack on openness, diversity, and freedom of religion, an attack on the values we cherish as Canadians. In the days and weeks that followed the tragic event, I was moved by the outpouring of support from many residents of Ottawa Centre West who chose to rise and stand in solidarity with our Muslim brothers and sisters. Seeing the community unite made me proud to be Canadian and proud to represent Ottawa Centre. As residents of Ottawa, we need to make sure that every single day; we continue to stand up against intolerance, because unfortunately, this city is not immune to the type of hatred that motivated the attack in Quebec. In the Fall of 2016, we saw the very doors to our places of worship – mosques,
City of Ottawa Housing Policy and Practice
Connecting the dots... By Dennis Carr On March the 4th Cornerstone Housing for Women launched its project to convert the former Sisters of Jean D’Arc Institute at 373 Princeton Avenue in Westboro into a home for 42 low income women. It was a day of celebration for Ottawa’s affordable housing community. Joining Cornerstone for the announcement, and to express their support, were Ottawa Centre MP Catherine McKenna, MPP Yasir Naqvi, Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson, local Councillor Jeff Leiper and local community association representatives. The project is being made possible by a unique partnership between the Sisters of Jeanne d’Arc, who wanted to leave a legacy in the community and a private sector developer who will create infill housing on the remainder of the property. In addition to its own equity, Cornerstone will receive $5.3 million in federal and provincial funds.
political support for the project, the City of Ottawa has actually reduced the resources it puts towards affordable housing in the City. Last month, City officials announced plans to write to the federal housing minister asking the federal government to triple their funding so the city can build 1,300 new units. And rightly so because in 2015, 6,800 individuals used Ottawa’s emergency shelters and 10,100 applicants were on the waiting list for affordable housing. The wait time for housing is up to five years and in 2015, only 34 new affordable housing units were created, the lowest since 2005. What the City doesn’t mention is that despite having jurisdictional responsibility for affordable housing, it has significantly reduced the resources dedicated to new supply. Data compiled from recent budget documents indicate that while the city contribut-
NEWSWEST 14 March 16, 2017
“Where will the 1,300 new affordable units be created if the City of Ottawa can’t provide land and financial resources?”
The importance of community association and municipal political support for an affordable housing project cannot be understated. However, what also needs to be stated is that despite its
ed between $4.0M and $5.0M of its own funds towards the creation of new units between 2012 and 2014, it doesn’t plan to contribute any of its own funds between 2015 and 2019. Additionally where the
“The wait time for housing is up to five years and in 2015, only 34 new affordable housing units were created, the lowest since 2005.”
City once acquired land and provided its surplus land for affordable housing, it no longer banks land and is actually selling off its social housing properties. The City’s land development corporation which has a mandate to achieve strategic plan objectives through real estate development, recently listed several properties for sale, including multi-unit residential and mixed-use sites that could be used to further the City’s long term social infrastructure needs. Particularly egregious is the sale of a Randall Avenue family housing property once on the City’s list of affordable housing sites, notwithstanding that in 2015, 39% of all shelter clients were members of a homeless family! This sale contradicts Council‘s own Housing First policy for surplus City lands. Where will the 1,300 new affordable units be created if the City of Ottawa can’t provide land and financial resources? Cornerstone Housing for Women is a great example of
the resiliency of Ottawa’s affordable housing sector but if the City is going to meet its own objectives, it needs to provide better support. Council’s failure to connect the dots between its policies and practices will result in lost opportunities to build the critical social infrastructure needed to shape the future of our city. Dennis Carr has been a resident of West Wellington for over 30 years. He has 27 years’ experience creating affordable housing and social facilities in Ottawa and Vancouver. He is a past Development Manager for Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation, a local nonprofit housing agency. From 2009 to 2014 he was Assistant D i re c t o r, Social Infrastructure, for the City of Vancouver. Dennis Carr is also the recipient of the 2016 Canadian Housing and Renewal Association Lifetime Achievement Award.
Music for Humanity at First Unitarian Congregation Continued from page 12
Quinn McGillis - tenor and alto trombone and Eric Prodger – tuba and bass trombone. Last year this quintet performed at the Ottawa International Chamber Music Festival’s Rising Stars Gala. They also won first place at the Kiwanis music festival. This award-
winning quintet performs a wide variety of music including classical, jazz and pop. Music has been a significant feature of the Rotary Club of West Ottawa over its sixty-year history and it is pleased to help these young musicians as they begin their careers. Accordingly, we
welcome your support. A reception following the concert will provide an opportunity for the audience to meet and talk with the musicians. Concert tickets by email: or phone: 613853-6642 Adults $20 ($25 at the door), students $10, under 12 free.
Volunteer Driven since 1978 Newswest c/o 132 Bayview Road, Ottawa, Ontario, K1Y 2C6 613-710-3553 EDITOR: Tim Thibeault ADVERTISING: For rates and other information Eric Dupuis 613-238-1818 x273
eric Grace Fulton 613-238-1818 x274 SUBMISSIONS Newswest accepts submissions from the community. Articles, photographs and community calendar items are welcome. Send to: SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Articles should be maximum 500 words; letters to the editor maximum 300 words; community calendar items maximum 50 words. Photographs should be 300 dpi; print photos 3X5. All signed letters to the editor are welcome. We reserve the right to edit for length and content. Opinions and information published in Newswest through letters we receive, community association news, or individual columns, do not necessarily reflect the opinion(s) of this newspaper.
Provincial Report
Ontario is Cutting Your Electricity Bill by 25% By Yasir Naqvi, MPP Ottawa Centre I’m happy to report that the Ontario government will be reducing the average electricity bill by 25% for families, farms and small businesses. Future increases will be held to the rate of inflation for the next four years. Starting this summer, Ontario’s Fair Hydro Plan will provide Ottawa households with this 25% break. Many small businesses in our community like Gabriel’s Pizza, Suzy Q Doughnuts and The Clocktower Pub will also benefit from this cut. These measures include the 8% rebate introduced in January and build on previously announced initiatives to deliver broad-based rate relief on all electricity bills. Taken together, these changes will deliver the singlelargest reduction to electricity rates in Ontario’s history. Recently, electricity rates have risen for two key reasons: • Decades of under-investment in the electricity system by gov-
ernments of all stripes resulted in the need to invest more than $50 billion in generation, transmission and distribution assets to ensure the system is secure and reliable; and, • The decision to eliminate Ontario’s use of coal and produce clean, renewable power, as well as policies put in place to provide targeted support to rural and low-income customers. Over the last decade, we have created an electricity grid that is clean, reliable and sustainable. But these investments came at a cost, and we have asked one generation – today’s generation – to shoulder unfairly the burden of nearly all of it. We had to play catch-up and we asked today’s ratepayers to cover nearly the whole tab. Think of it in terms of a mortgage. We needed to rebuild the system and so we went to the bank for that money. Instead of paying off the mortgage over 30 years, we agreed to a term of 20. That means we pay things down faster. But the
monthly mortgage payments – or, in this case, your hydro bills – are higher. And it doesn’t really make sense since that house – or in this case the electricity system – is an asset that will continue to benefit people far past that twenty year window. In effect, this generation is subsidizing not just those who came before, but those who will come next. This is not right – and it has been notably unfair on today’s hydro users. So, we are fixing that. We are renegotiating the mortgage and setting a new term that stretches over a longer period. Over time, it will cost a bit more. And it will take longer to pay off. But it is fairer – because it doesn’t ask this generation of hydro customers alone to pay the freight for everyone before and after. The burden now will be shared more evenly. If you would like more information on our plan to cut hydro bills by 25% please visit fairhydroplan or contact me at org or 613-722-6414.
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Change is Growth
Hintonburger Relocation benefits all
Local troublespot, the Vibe Lounge has closed its doors with no intention to reopen after a series of regrettable occurrences in the area brought about a concerted neighbourhood response. The location will soon be occupied by a more positively communityengaged business, The Hintonburger. Photo by T. Hairbach
two public meetings to tell their stories of the impact the Vibe had had on their lives. It did make the difference. Thanks, also, to Cst. Dawn Neilly and the Ottawa Police, City of Ottawa By-Law Services, Councillor Jeff Leiper and the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario for their work to help keep our community safe.
end of February. The Hintonburger, a wellknown and respected business in the community, has announced that they are moving to this location and will open in the spring. This is a really positive change for this area and will change the dynamics on this busy street corner. Thanks to everyone who came forward individually and at the
March 13, 2017 15
By HCA Security Committee The Vibe Lounge is closed! The Hintonburger will be moving into this location. The Vibe located at 1066 Somerset St. W closed for good at the end of February. The entire Hintonburg community and residents even further afield have sighed in relief. More than 30 residents attended a license hearing at Ben Franklin Place on January 10, 2017 where the City of Ottawa By-Law Services proposed to permanently revoke the food premise license. The Hintonburg Community Association was to be called as the community witness. At the beginning of the hearing the lawyer for the City presented a joint resolution signed by the lawyer for the City and the lawyer for the licensee, as a result of which no witness or evidence was called. The Vibe had agreed to the continued suspension of the Food License and the agreement also stated that the Vibe would be closing as of March 31, 2017, and no one involved in the business would reapply for a food premises license. The community is thrilled that the Vibe closed their doors at the
ASK the pros The menopause guru Q. Can menopause affect sleep? A. Yes yes yes!
One of the first sign that indicates a woman’s hormones are changing is the change in her sleep pattern. Many patients come in who used to sleep well but when their hormones started to change, so did the quantity and quality of their sleep.
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Many of these changes can be attributed to progesterone decline. Up to 61% of women going through menopause experience insomnia like symptoms. When hormones decline during menopause they can disrupt sleep cycles, decrease REM or (deep) sleep, trigger heart palpitations and anxiety like symptoms. Not to mention the hot flashes and night sweats that can be disruptive to sleep as well.
Q. Is there one natural sleep aid you recommend?
There’s no ‘one size fits’ all supplement for sleep. It’s important to always get to the root of why someone can’t sleep. Once we treat the root cause, whether its hormones, nutritional deficiencies, adrenal imbalances, etc. then sleep will improve. Melatonin is the regulator of our sleep cycles and is the most widely used natural product for insomnia. Supplemental melatonin has been shown to be effective and safe for people who have difficulties falling asleep. It is not addictive as our bodies naturally produce it. Magnesium deficiency is another common contributor to insomnia. Supplementing with magnesium glycinate before bed can make a significant difference in sleep quality. You are the master of your own house: you can take responsibility for your health! Your Nutrichem professional can help you decide if bio-identical hormones are right for you, and can help you through menopause with the latest research about supplements and lifestyle.
Q. My Ex has posted ‘compromising’
pictures of me online for everyone including family, friends and employers to see – do I have any legal options?
A. This factual scenario has recently been examined by the Court:
NEWSWEST 16 March 16, 2017
Jonathan Wright Lawyer Mann Lawyers 1600 Scott St, Ottawa Suite 710, 613.722.1500
The parties in Jane Doe 464533 v. ND (the Plaintiff’s name is subject to a publication ban) were former high school sweethearts. When the parties moved away for university they remained in touch via internet and text message. At one point, the parties exchanged explicit, personal communications, with the Defendant promising that the communications, would be for his eyes only. The Defendant proceeded uploaded the content of the communications to an internet forum with a title that described the nature of the images/ videos. The content remained open for anyone to view for a total of three weeks. The Plaintiff sued her former spouse. In determining how much to award the Plaintiff, the Judge likened the offence to that of a sexual assault. The Judge awarded an amount of $50,000.00 for general damages. Further, being mindful that the Court needed to send a message to the public that the Defendant’s actions had violated the Plaintiff’s rights, the Court awarded a further $25,000.00 in aggravated damages to the Plaintiff. Finally, since the Defendant failed to show remorse for his actions and refused to apologize to the Plaintiff. The Court awarded a further $25,000.00 in punitive damages to the Plaintiff. In creating the tort of public disclosure of private facts, and setting a precedent with the large award of damages, the Court has sent a powerful message to anyone wishes to follow the same path as the Defendant. If you are in involved in a similar scenario, the Court has recognized your right to compensation. Jonathan Wright practices in litigation law at Mann Lawyers LLP. Mann Lawyers LLP is a full service law firm operating in Ottawa’s Hintonburg area. This article is not intended to provide legal advice. Should you require legal advice, please contact Mann Lawyers LLP at 613.722.1500 or visit
A Unique Perspective on Rosemount Library Ask the kids who use it By Blaine Marchand R.E.A.D. Since its beginning, Rosemount Library has been connected to schools. The library’s early days began in the old Connaught School. During the 1940s and 1950s when school enrolment was high, it served more schools than today. But even with fewer schools, Rosemount still remains a go-to place for the young – toddlers in a reading circle, teens doing research for school assignments. Visit Rosemount after school hours or on weekends and you will find students vying for time on the computers, sitting on the floor among the stacks - simply not enough space. Until recently, libraries were hushed, quiet repositories of books and information resources, such as encyclopediae. Today, libraries are hubs that facilitate community interaction. A 2015 Government of Ontario report, developed with community input, states: “Community hubs provide a central access point for a range of needed health and social services, along with cultural, recreational, and green spaces to nourish community life.” Increasingly libraries are integral parts of these activity centres. Woefully, Rosemount remains largely a holdover from an earlier era. Rosemount has no dedicated children’s area, sparse teen seats and no teen zone. The few computers available are in constant high demand. Compared to the Alta Vista Library, which serves a similar population, the difference is striking. Recently, I spoke to two avid Rosemount Library users – Anna Sierra (aged 13) and Jasper (10) HeffernanWilker. The two have been going to the branch
The teen area of the Alta Vista Branch Library shows a spacious, welcoming environment with adequate space for evolving activities in a contemporary library. Photo courtesy of R.E.A.D.
since they were born and now go several times a week. Not only are these two book lovers familiar with Rosemount, they can compare it with other libraries they visited on three continents when they and their parents went on a one year (August 2015-2016) bike trip, clocking a total of, as Jasper proudly announced, 12,850 kilometres. The libraries on their trip provided them with a chance to catch up on emails, do research on the countries they were visiting and just spend some quiet time reading. This gives them a unique perspective on Rosemount. Asked about their favourite library on their trek, Anna Sierra quickly mentioned one in Portland, Oregon, which “had beautiful architecture on the outside and lots of open welcoming spaces on the inside.” Jasper added his favourite was a library in British Columbia, offering a good selection of kids’ books and lounges to use the computer or simply read. Jasper pointed out that Rosemount definitely needed more iPads and more computers. Anna Sierra noted that despite there being a French school and French immersion schools close to Rosemount, the selection
of French books is lacking. She felt a branch library would better serve young people if it were more spacious. Cozy comfortable spaces would encourage young readers to linger and meet there. Jasper stressed there should be cushions and bean bag chairs, a designated area for reading, adequate tables for working on computers and more juvenile fiction books that appeal to his age group. Both stated that the librarians at Rosemount are very helpful. But they believed any future library site must be close to the current location and to schools, preferably on a street that provides easy and safe access so young people could go on their own. If you wish, as Anna Sierra and Jasper did, to visit libraries, you can do so from the comfort of your own chair at http:// new-and-renovated-libraries/ottawa-public-library-new-and-renovated-libraries/ or at https:// The READ website also contains information on upcoming meetings and news on a potential new branch library. READ also has a Facebook page, a Twitter account, and e-mail: readrosemount@gmail. com.
Spring Chores - Sixties Style
WestFest is Coming
Sweeping up old memories
Planning starts now
By Anna Borris “Don’t make plans for this morning” my dad said, early one April Saturday. Really?” said my most disappointed voice. “I did have plans to go shopping with Judy and Karen.” “I need you to help with some chores around the house first” Dad said firmly. “We’re taking off the storm windows, putting up the screens and cleaning the basement.” ”Can’t we do that tomorrow?” I said hopefully. “ To m o r r o w ’s Sunday, a day of rest and we’re going to Aunt Violet’s for dinner.” We were invited to Aunt Violet’s over on Northwestern Ave frequently. She lived alone and loved company. Dinner consisted of wonderful food followed by a stretch of boring adult conversation. The good side was an entire shelf of Nancy Drew mysteries in my grownup cousin’s old room, where I would bury myself in adventure. I was halfway through “The Ghost of Blackwood Hall” from our last visit. So out came the step ladder, rags, newspaper and pails of vinegar and water, and the project began. When the downstairs windows were finished, we brought the long extension ladder out of the garage and propped it against the wall. “Go ahead, you can do the front windows,” Dad suggested. “No thanks,” I said quickly. “I’d rather hold the ladder and pass up the rags. It’s too high for me.” My dad worked for Ottawa Hydro street lighting and thought nothing of climbing ladders, or telephone poles for that matter, so all of the upstairs windows were sparkling in no time. Then it was time to clean the basement. We moved all the furniture and brought down the brooms, dustpans
By B. Anderson/N. Ireland It’s an exciting time to be in Ottawa, and Westfest is proud yet again to present an outstanding group of Canadian artists who represent the unique voice of this country. Being a part of Ottawa west and bringing the community together have always been first and foremost goals in the creation of this vibrant and exhilarating event. As amazed as we are by the community support we’ve had in the past, we are always looking for new and incredible people to become a part of our Westfest family. For those who don’t know, Westfest is held on the first weekend of June (June 2-4) at Laroche Park in Mechanicsville, and has been a yearly staple in Ottawa west for over a decade. A free event that gives a voice to both incredible local talent and artists from across the country. Of course, an event like this can’t happen without the support of the local community, so we’re asking for you to step up, and join in a truly unique and Canadian
and more rags. The best part was when he brought out the Dustbane sweeping compound in it’s signature green box (“absorbs germ-laden dust”) and sprinkled it all over the cement floor. The heavenly odour filled the room. I always volunteered for the sweeping part of this job. We vacuumed the ratty old carpet and polished the basement windows, and when we were done the unfinished basement looked like a party room. “Is there anything else we have to do?” I asked with crossed fingers. I was afraid he would suggest that we wash the car next, but he said we were done for the day. Quickly I dialed Karen’s number. Judy was there and they were ready to hit the stores. Beamish’s on Wellington Street was closer, but if we chose Kresge’s at Westgate we could also check out the record department at Freiman’s and pick up a cream puff at Fenton’s Bakery. Of course for this trip, Westgate was the unanimous choice. As we walked along the wet sidewalk with our running shoes getting soaked, Judy said “Remember when we were kids and we had to wear those embarrassing rainettes?” Rainettes were very uncool clear plastic rainboots worn over your shoes. “I used to sneak to the side of our garage and hide them in the hedge before school, and then put them on again before going back in the house after school .” I told them. “Never got caught.” We laughed and chattered on the long walk, never once interrupted by a cell phone, enjoying the April sun’s tentative warmth, dodging the few remaining snowbanks and anticipating summer, still far off in the distance.
“Remember when we were kids and we had to wear those embarrassing rainettes.”
10201-7 14
you can help create the best music festival Ottawa has ever seen. If you can’t make it on April 11, additional volunteer sign up opportunities will be available closer to the June event; stay tuned to this paper for more details, or contact the Volunteer Coordinator at We, the Westfest family, would love for you to share in this incredible experience. Come and help us make Westfest the best and most inclusive music and arts festival Ottawa has to offer.
Ottawa. It’s my home too. Call today
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March 13, 2017 17
experience. Please do, come to our Westfest Volunteer Orientation meeting on Tuesday April 11th at the Laroche Park field house, 42 Stonehurst Avenue, from 6 and 8 pm, to learn how
MARCH 17- DROP-IN FOLK SONG CIRCLE Come by for Drop-in Folk Song Circle at the Churchill Seniors Centre (at 345 Richmond Rd.), from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. All ages and levels of experience are welcome. We will sing songs from the 50s to the 80s, Celtic and other folk music. Cost: $2.75. For more information, please call 613-798-8927. MARCH 18 - FAMILY DANCE WITH LIVE MUSIC Do you love to dance with your kids? Ottawa Contra Dance is hosting a Family Dance from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday March 18 at the Churchill Recreation Centre. This is a community dance experience with live music and a caller. All dances are taught and family friendly. Recommended for ages 3+. Free for all kids; $10 for participants over 16 yrs. For more info go to MARCH 18 - WESTBORO LEGION’S DANCE NIGHT Join us for a night of fun, music and dancing with Gord Barnes and Laredo on March 18, 2017 from 7:30 p.m. until 11 p.m. in the lower hall at 389 Richmond Rd. Doors open at 7 p.m. Admission is $5 for Legion members or $8 for the general public. Everyone is welcome. You do not need to be a member to attend this function. Join us for the fun. For more information or call 613-725-2778. MARCH 20 - FORENSIC GENEALOGY AND ADOPTION: TRACKING DOWN YOUR LIVING LIMBS Looking for living people can be one of the most difficult genealogy problems! Adoptees tracing their birth family and those looking for long-lost relatives or friends face a daunting task. Learn how to find the “living limbs” in your family tree, using both traditional and genetic genealogy resources, including social media searches, newspapers, courthouse sources, and genealogy programs. Presented by Mags Gaulden, Grandma’s Genes. Please pre-register online. Happening at the Carlingwood Library on Monday, March 20 at 6:30 p.m. For more information, go to
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MARCH 24 – NIGHT OF WORSHIP AND MINISTRY Join us for an evening of praising in song and praying at St. Mary’s Parish (100 Young St.) from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Friday March 24. The speaker will be Father Tim Devine, CC (Companions of the Cross). Prayer Teams will be available. A reception will follow in the lower hall. For more information, please email Lise Going at night. or call 613728-9811, ext. 720. MARCH 26 - PAINT WITH JANET AT THE WESTBORO LEGION FOR UNDER MY WING PUG RESCUE Who says you can’t paint? Everyone has talent. Discover yours and join us for an afternoon of
fun, laughter and painting with Janet. The bar will be open. You must register in advance. Cost is $40 per person to participate. To register, please visit Under My Wing Pug Rescue’s Facebook Page or email MARCH 26 - GREY JAZZ BIG BAND DANCE The Grey Jazz Big Band Dance is held every last Sunday of the month (March, April, May) at the Dovercourt Recreation Centre (411 Dovercourt Ave.) from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Admission is free and donations to Parkinson’s Ottawa are welcome. Sway to the musical memories from the golden age of song or dance to popular swing hits of the big band era. The Grey Jazz Big Band, now in its 30th year, is a labour of love dedicated to preserving the music of a timeless era. Don’t let the grey hair fool you. This passionate group of veteran musicians promises you a memorable evening of entertainment. For more information go to MARCH 27 - MAGNIFICENT CANADA Join us for a sesquicentennial look at some spectacular scenes from across Canada. We will travel to places familiar and less known and meet people from Atlantic to Pacific to the Arctic. Presented by Alex Bissett. Please pre-register online. Happening at the Carlingwood Library on Monday, March 27 at 6:30 p.m. For more information, go to APRIL 1 - REGISTERED DISABILITY SAVINGS PLAN Many Canadians worry about how a loved one with a disability will be cared for in future years. Thanks to the RDSP and generous federal grants and bonds, now it is easier for people with disabilities to save for their long-term financial security. Join Financial Advisor John Kitcher as he explains how the RDSP can work for you. Please pre-register online. Happening at the Carlingwood Library on Saturday April 1 at 2 p.m. For more information, go to APRIL 3 - ART BLOOMS FOR HOME & GARDEN Design and assemble brilliantly coloured blooms for tabletops, gardens, or walls. Using permanent materials, draw your inspiration from nature, imagination, or creative experiments. You may integrate personal objects (e.g. buttons, jewellery bits, tiny china/glass bits, lace) if you wish. Sponsored in partnership with MASC. Please preregister online. Happening at the Carlingwood Library on Monday April 3 at 6 p.m. For more information, go to APRIL 7 & 8 - FIBRE FLING Over forty “Out-of-the-Box” fibre artists present their sixth annual Fibre Fling Show and Sale at the Kitchissippi United Church (630 Island Park Dr.). The event runs over two days: Friday April 7 from 10 a.m. – 8 p.m. and Saturday April 8
from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Artwork includes every form of fibre art such as quilting, felting, beadwork, stitchery, doll making, rug-hooking, knitting, jewellery, wearable art and more. The popular “Sales Table” offers items for every budget. A $5 admission will support the Stephen Lewis Foundation. The very popular High Tea will be served on Saturday afternoon for $10. Parking is free. For additional information, contact Rita at 613-723-7404 or visit APRIL 20 - BUILD BETTER BONES! Attend this session to discover: myths about bone health; risk factors for breaking a bone; where to find reliable information on the prevention and management of osteoporosis; how to build strong bones for life; tips for caring for someone with osteoporosis, including how to prevent falls. Presented by Christine Thomas, Board of Directors, Osteoporosis Canada. Please pre-register online. Happening at the Carlingwood Library on Thursday April 20 at 7 p.m. For more information, go to MARCH 31 - ARTS NIGHT See presentations and performances by Peter Sorokan, Q.C., writer; Sandra Marshall, ceramic sculptor; Althea Bassude, vocalist. 7:30 p.m. at the First Unitarian Church, 30 Cleary Ave. (off Richmond Rd.) Admission is $5. For more information call 613-725-1066. APRIL 28&29 - KITCHISSIPPI UNITED CHURCH SPRING RUMMAGE SALE A fine selection of clothing, jewellery, shoes, boutique items, books, collectibles, household items, toys and more make this a popular event. Friday, April 28 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. and Saturday, April 29 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon at 630 Island Park Dr. (at the Queensway). For information call 613722-7254. THIRD FRIDAY SONG CIRCLE Drop-in Folk Song Circle at the Churchill Seniors Centre (345 Richmond Rd.), every third Friday of every month, 6:30 p.m to 8:30 p.m. All ages and levels of experience welcome. We will sing songs from the songbook “Rise up Singing” and include music from the 50s to the 80s, Celtic and other folk music. Cost: $2.75. For more information, please call 613-798-8927. PAINTERS’ CIRCLE Is it difficult for you to find the time to paint? Set aside Tuesday mornings with the Painters’ Circle. We are a friendly group with a wide range of painting experience from beginners to people who sell their work. All media are welcome including oils. This is not a class. We meet in the First Unitarian Ottawa church building on Cleary Avenue. Please contact Clea Derwent for more information at WESTBORO LEGION’S BINGO AND LEAGUES Bingo every Wednesday night at the Westboro
Legion. Doors open at 4:30 p.m. for Café 480 and games begin at 6:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome. Join us with your friends, or come and meet new friends. Funds raised are donated back to community organizations. We also have bid euchre, darts, pool and sandbag leagues on a weekly basis. For more information visit or call 613-725-2778. WESTBORO LEGION’S SATURDAY POOL Free pool from noon to 5:00 p.m. upstairs at the Westboro Legion. Everyone is welcome. For more information visit or call 613-7252778. YOUR COMMUNITY ASSOCIATIONS For up-to-date news on your neighbourhood, stay in touch with your community association. Information about events, traffic changes, development, neighbourhood clubs, volunteer opportunities and board meetings is available from the following Community Association websites. Champlain Park Community Association Civic Hospital Neighbourhood Association Friends of Churchill Seniors Centre Hintonburg Community Association Hampton-Iona Community Group Island Park Community Association McKellar Park Community Association Mechanicsville Community Association Wellington Village Community Association Westboro Beach Community Association Westboro Community Association
Deadline for submissions:
March 23 Please include “Community Calendar” in the subject line of your email.
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