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Starts on page 12 • Buses on Scott Street • A plea from Parkdale Food Centre • Public school board news
Upcycled projects are not just for the birds
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The Spirit of Kitchissippi
December 19, 2013
Setting goals for 2014? Local fitness expert Sarah Zahab says slow and steady always wins the race. Photos by Andrea Tomkins.
Talkin’ about resolutions
Timely advice from area experts
Story by Anita Grace
The start of a new year is often a time when people seek to make positive changes in their life. With plenty of good intentions, most start off strong. “But after the four to six week mark, motivation starts to wane,” observes Sarah Zahab, Registered Kinesiologist and co-owner of
Continuum Fitness and Movement Performance on Churchill Avenue. So how can you stay on track with your New Year’s resolutions? Local experts and goal setters offer some tips for helping you make good on your goals in 2014. Geordie McConnell, owner of Wellington West’s Ottawa Fit, recommends keeping goals realistic. “If you try to change too many
things at once, your chances of success are less likely,” he says. “You set yourself up for success by having smart, attainable goals.” He also says it is important to focus on the process, not the outcome, and that the process should be enjoyable. “It comes down to a simple three-letter word: fun. If you can find activities that are fun to do, Continued on page 6
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2 • December 19, 2013
Detour ‘destroys our community’
Residents concerned about plan to divert buses on to Scott Street
Story and photo by Kristy Strauss
Holding yellow posters with black letterhead reading “Help Us”, Kitchissippi residents packed Tom Brown Arena on December 3 to hear plans and give feedback on detours set for Scott and Albert Streets as part of the light rail transit (LRT) construction. The meeting was hosted by the City of Ottawa and Rideau Transit Group, and included Kitchissippi Ward Councillor Katherine Hobbs and Somerset Ward Councillor Diane Holmes. At the meeting, residents heard plans for buses to be diverted onto the streets as work begins on the Transitway for LRT. Construction is expected to begin on the Transitway between Bayview Station and Tunney’s Pasture in mid-2015. Construction could last about a year and a half. City and Rideau Transit Group officials told residents that alternate detours along the Sir John A. MacDonald Parkway, Queensway, and Carling Avenue were examined but concluded that Scott Street had the least impact and would ultimately reduce wait times for transit users. Hintonburg resident Cheryl Parrott said detouring buses onto Scott Street would “destroy our community” and that the process was not transparent. “This will have an incredible
Hintonburg residents at the December 3 meeting hosted by the City of Ottawa and the Rideau Transit Group.
impact on us,” she told city and Rideau Transit Group officials at the meeting. “We’ve been trying to talk to you for four years, and what you call consultation was us nagging you for meetings . . . this is a total sham, your whole process is a total sham, and this is a poor example of consultation.” Parrott added that members of the community would like to see the buses detoured across a mix of locations, and not concentrated solely on Scott and Albert Streets. Residents also voiced concerns about the number of buses that would be added onto Scott Street during peak hours. Members of the Hintonburg Community Association said they were told there would be 300
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additional buses on Scott during peak time in one hour. Pat Scrimgeour, manager of Transit Service Planning and Reporting at OC Transpo, quoted numbers at peak times in the afternoon between Tunney’s Pasture and Lebreton Station – 116 buses going east, and 137 buses going west, in one hour. Pinehurst Avenue resident Tim Golding questioned the noise impact the detour would have on neighbouring houses. “I find it interesting when looking at the study of noise, that only two days were noted – Saturday and Sunday,” he said. “The biggest problem I have is that it is not an accurate representation of traffic during the week at rush hour. This study was done lazily. If I was grading it as a teacher, I’d give it an F.” Rob Orchin of the city’s rail implementation office, said noise measurements were taken during the weekend when the Transitway was closed, and that the city would implement measures to minimize noise in neighbourhoods. Matt Whitehead, president of the Hintonburg Community Association, said he had safety concerns about pedestrians and cyclists. He echoed his neighbour’s thoughts that the process had not been transparent, and hoped the December 3 meeting would be the start of more consultation with the community.
December 19, 2013 • 3
Kitchissippi Times
Write on!
Taking up pens for others around the world
Story and photo by Denise Deby
Plenty of people send cards and letters this time of year, but a few Kitchissippi residents have been penning a different kind of letter. They’re writing to governments around the world asking them to uphold human rights, as part of Amnesty International’s annual Write for Rights campaign, and reaching out to neighbours as well as people far away. Sue Smee, who lives in Westboro, is participating in Write for Rights for the first time. For two or three hours on December 13, she sat at her dining room Westboro’s Sue Smee took part in Amnesty table and composed letters to four heads International’s annual Write for Rights of state, with copies to ambassadors or campaign. ministers, referring to individuals whose human rights have been violated and asking the authorities to take action. She Masonde, a page at the branch who’s also also wrote directly to several people an Amnesty International volunteer, who’ve been imprisoned for their beliefs organized the event with the support of or for their peaceful activities. the branch’s Teen Advisory Group (TAG), “I come from a family that was always – 20 youth from the community who keenly interested and involved in social make recommendations on library justice and human rights,â€? explains Smee, programs and services. Library staff a retired public servant. “And you see thought the letter-writing session would that Amnesty has had an impact. So I be a good way to engage young people to wanted to be part of that.â€? read and write. One of the people Smee wrote to is Lana and two other youth who’d seen Miriam LĂłpez, a young mother in Mexico a sign posted at the branch attended. In who was seized, imprisoned and tortured less than two hours, the three had by soldiers in 2011. “When I write to completed 19 hand-written letters. them personally, I really feel a personal “The human rights thing, it’s something connection,â€? says Smee. “It really— that we take for granted here,â€? says Lana. maybe all of us—touches our hearts.â€? “I hadn’t actually known how bad things As well as writing letters, Smee went have been in other places.â€? She refers to a one step further: she opened the doors of case in which a community’s homes were her Dominion Avenue condo to other bulldozed for a slum upgrading project in condo owners in her building who wanted Nigeria. “There were people whose to join her to write letters. She didn’t have homes were being destroyed without any takers, but one neighbour did come them being told that it was going to by to find out more about Write for happen. Putting myself in their shoes, it Rights. would be just ridiculous if that ever “I explained what it was all about, and happened to me—it would be just she was interested,â€? says Smee, who plans horrible.â€? to host a letter-writing session again next Lana, who lives near Carlingwood in You’re in Invited year, and open it up to more people the McKellar Heights, is active in science, community. “I think every effort counts, dance, band, karate and volunteering, but no matter how small,â€? says Smee. says Write for Rights was her first foray Lana Vuleta, 14, is also making a into human rights. difference. The Grade 9 Lisgar student “I’ve always been interested but I’ve participated in a Write for Rights event never had a really good chance to do it. for teens at the Carlingwood branch of Human rights, I don’t know, it just struck the Ottawa Public Library on December a chord in my heart.â€? Look beyond short-term uncertainties and make smart investment 10. She wrote six letters to government that will help achieve your long-term about financial Amnesty goals. officials in as many countries.For decisions Foryoumore information decades, Edward Jones has been committed to providing Let us show you ways to help: Courtney Mellor, teen services librarian International’s Write for Rights go to personalized investment service to individuals, including: at the Carlingwood branch, and •Increase Mandeep the growth potential of your portfolio
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4 • December 19, 2013
Kitchissippi Times P.O. Box 3814, Station C Ottawa, Ontario K1Y 4J8
Custom Homes & Renovations
Kitchissippi, meaning “the Grand River,” is the former Algonquin name for the Ottawa River. The name now identifies the urban community to the west of downtown Ottawa. Newswest is a not-forprofit community-owned publication that is distributed 12 times per year inside the Kitchissippi Times.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas & All the Best in the New Year
Editor Andrea Tomkins 613-238-1818 x275 @kitchissippi
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Malcolm Hicks, 8, shows off his Pixel People at Pop-Up Gallery in Westboro. The Pixel People can be purchased online or in the gallery, with all proceeds going to buy toys for children in need.
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Pixel People to the rescue Helping build Toy Mountain, one bit at a time
Donna Roney 613-238-1818 x273
Malcolm Hicks, 8, and his army of Pixel People are helping to build a mountain, a Toy Mountain. A third grade student at Elmdale Public School, Malcolm reserves his spare time around the Christmas season to construct his Pixel People. The figures are sold online and the money raised is donated to Toy Mountain, a charity that provides gifts for children living in less fortunate circumstances. This is the second season for Malcolm’s 8-bit art project. His idea took off last December, and quickly became an instant hit. “I just thought of it, then it just happened,” he says. It can be easy to forget how simple charity can be. Each Pixel Person is a unique collection of plastic dots, fixed together with a bit of tape on a paper card. Every pixelated character comes with their own personality and a name, of course, hand written on the card by Malcolm. “What’s the point of making people without names?” he says. So far, Malcolm has fashioned over 350 Pixel People. The collection is a cultural mashup of characters ranging from Sanjay to Maggie to Kanye. Each one comes out as a bubbly, miniature rainbow. “The colours are totally random, but they’re sort of festive colours, sometimes I do local team colours,” says Malcolm.
They all have a surprising amount of personality for something without a face. Malcolm gets a little help from his dad, David Hicks, to run the business side of things. The Pixel People are sold through an online store courtesy of a local company, Shopify. Pixel People have found new homes as far away as Australia. “People are usually buying three to six at once, our average order is about 15 dollars,” says David. Pixel People have also made it into the Pop-Up Gallery in Westboro (located at 332 Richmond Road until December 22), where they can be bought for $5 each. “This is the only place that sells them, on the entire planet!” says Malcolm at the gallery where his characters are set for retail in a small, handmade display box. The demand for Pixel People has more than doubled since last year. Total sales for this year are already over $1700. Malcolm and his dad recently went on a shopping spree at My Toy Shop, a family owned, small business in Manotick that was kind enough to offer a discount on the toys to make Malcolm’s donation to Toy Mountain even bigger. The young artist has accomplished a lot, yet remains humble, even when given the opportunity for some extra selfpromotion: “I don’t really have anything to say, except buy more Pixel People!” Check out the gallery of Pixel People online at
Publisher Mark Sutcliffe Associate Publisher Donna Neil Creative Director Tanya Connolly-Holmes Production Renée Depocas Regan Van Dusen (maternity leave) Advertising 613-238-1818 x268 All other enquiries 613-238-1818 x230 Distribution A minimum of 17,600 copies distributed from the Ottawa River to Carling Avenue between the O-Train tracks and Woodroffe Avenue. Most residents in this area will receive the Kitchissippi Times directly to their door through Ottawa Citizen or Flyer Force. If you did not receive your copy, or would like additional copies, please contact us and we’ll deliver to you. Bulk copies delivered to multi-unit dwellings and retail locations. Copies available at Dovercourt Recreation Centre and Hintonburg Community Centre. 613-238-1818 x248 Tips and ideas We want to hear from you about what’s happening in our community. Contact the Editor. The Kitchissippi Times is published by
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Proofreader Judith van Berkom Advertising Sales Lori Sharpe 613-238-1818 x274
Story and photo by Ted Simpson
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Mark Sutcliffe
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December 19, 2013 • 5
Kitchissippi Times
Crafts that score
A new year is on the horizon.
Turning old hockey sticks into treasures
Why not take the first step toward achieving your specific retirement objectives? Call or email me today to set up a free consultation.
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Story by Denise Deby
In Mike Patriquin’s hands, a broken hockey stick has still got game. It can become a picture frame, a province on a map of Canada or even a bottle opener. Patriquin’s creations, made of recycled materials, delighted hockey fans and craft aficionados at the Fisher Park Community Recreation Centre’s Christmas Craft Show and Sale on December 7. Patriquin, a Grade 5 Middle French Immersion teacher at Hilson Avenue Public School, spends about one evening a week turning discarded wooden hockey sticks, licence plates and weathered barn wood into popular items that he sells at craft fairs, through his website to buyers across Canada and the U.S., and wholesale to shops in Ottawa and Montreal. One of his picture frames has been on display at Hintonburger, and he’s exhibited a custom chair made of hockey sticks at the Royal Ontario Museum. Patriquin’s love of working with wood and recycled materials comes from spending time as a boy with family at his grandfather’s shed in Quebec’s Eastern Townships. “He used to do all sorts of stuff with objects that he had found in the garbage—he used to call it ‘liberating’ items from the garbage,” says Patriquin of his grandfather. Patriquin’s first project was a picture frame made of hockey sticks for his dad’s birthday about eight years ago. “I jokingly wrote ‘one of a limited edition of 500’ on the back,” says Patriquin, who says he’s sold about 550 since then. Using local and recycled materials and producing as little waste as possible are important to Patriquin. He finds old wooden hockey sticks at garage sales, online or arena garbage bins. Wooden sticks are increasingly hard to come by, so Patriquin also uses wood from old barns and metal from vintage licence plates, sourced online and in local antique shops. The plates become roofs for
Hilson Avenue Public School teacher Mike Patriquin turns old hockey sticks into pretty cool stuff. Photo by Andrea Tomkins
wooden birdhouses, or shaped into Canada’s provinces for wood-mounted maps. “People contact me with interesting ideas,” says Patriquin, who also takes on custom projects. Working with wood complements Patriquin’s teaching. “I need to do something with my hands sometimes when I have no voice at the end of the day,” he laughs. “It’s a different type of creativity, because I have a pretty creative job, but it’s hands-on creativity.” He’s introduced his students to simple building projects, and he’s helped his daughter, 5, to complete her first birdhouse. Woodworking is a hobby, says Patriquin, who also has a business degree. He’s turned down requests that were more than he wanted to take on. “I like to have fun with it,” he explains. Patriquin, who grew up near the Civic Hospital and Elmdale and now lives in Carlington, has brought his work to the Fisher Park craft sale for the past four or five years. “Fisher Park is great, because it’s word of mouth and it’s community,” he says. “It’s kind of where I grew up, so I get to see current students, former students, old family friends… it’s great fun; I really enjoy it.” Check out some of Patriquin’s projects online at
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6 • December 19, 2013
Resolution help, from the experts Continued from page 1
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you’re more likely to stick with them.” Similarly, Zahab says that it’s important to figure what motivates you, such as a group class, a personal trainer, or an app to measure progress. For one of Zahab’s clients for example, part of her motivation was setting a goal of walking a 5K race in the coming year. “In my 15 years of experience, slow and steady always wins the race,” Zahab says. “Ease into things and plan to stick to it for the long haul.” Though fitness-related goals are certainly common New Year’s resolutions, there are other areas people may choose to focus on when setting goals. For those whose aspirations are careercentred, Westboro resident Kevin Barwin, the general manager of Career Joy, says the important first step is analysis. “Try to figure out what piece of your career isn’t work,” Barwin suggests. “Figure out what’s important to you.” He suggests people ask themselves: “What do I love about my job and what do I not love about my job? It’s about the analysis at the beginning. What is actually wrong?” He recommends people take a closer look at their talents, lifestyle, and the type of work environment they want, and focus on that. The beginning of a new year may also provide an opportunity to refocus personal priorities. In 2011, Wellington West’s Tracy Ouchterlony made good on a resolution to not buy anything new for a year with the exception of food and hygiene products. While she admits there were temptations to cheat, she was able to stick
with her project because she felt positive benefits right from the start. “It was a stress reliever,” she said. As a new mom, she’d been overwhelmed by the pressure to buy every latest thing for her baby. Stepping away from all that was an immediate relief. “I replaced having stuff with actually doing stuff,” she says, which allowed her to “focus more on being and doing than on having and wanting.” Whatever your goal for the coming year, Zahab recommends that the most important thing is to find something you enjoy. “Don’t run if you hate to run. Discover a winter sport. Vary things up. Change your exercise routine. Get the family active,” she says. And most importantly: “Have fun.” We turned to Twitter to ask Kitchissippi residents what kind of resolutions they’re making for next year – if any – and here’s what some of them told us: @twitandrewking …to work on back burner projects that are burning to a crisp being on the back burner... @TwissAndWeber Gain weight, start smoking, drink more. Hah! Je joke. See what other resolutions Kitchissippi twitterati have made
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December 19, 2013 • 7
Kitchissippi Times
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Ric and Joan Potter have cycled 50,000 km over the last 10 years. Photo courtesy Ric and Joan Potter
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Pedal pushin’ vacations
Couple says cycling holidays are the way to go Story by Judith van Berkom
Retired Kitchissipi residents, Ric and Joan Potter, have been cycling Europe and North America on a tandem for over 10 years. Their love of cycling goes back a long way for the couple, starting when their children were small. “One week a year we would farm out the kids to our parents and camp, taking our pots and pans and tent with us,” explains Joan. They initially travelled with another couple and as their children grew and wanted to come along, both couples travelled with children on the back, cycling and tenting in Ontario, New York State, and Vermont. Cycling came naturally, having been posted to Germany, England (where Ric Potter has family) and later Belgium. Bikes are modes of transportation in Europe. The Potters bought their first tandem in England. Back in Ottawa, the Potters joined the Ottawa Bicycle Club and started going on weekend and Sunday rides. Ric was on the Board of the OBC for a few years and helped organize the Rideau Lakes tour, which he rode at age 70 with his grandson, who was 10 at the time. In order to escape the winter, 40 to 50 OBC cyclists go to North Carolina every year and get a 6-week head start on cycling. “We’ve gone for the last 10 to 15 years,” says Rick. Ric and Joan have cycled 50,000 km (“mostly in Europe”) over the last 10 years. They’ve been to France, Mallorca and the Pyrenees twice, to the Alps several
times, Barcelona, Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands, and are planning a possible tour of Austria on bike this year. His favourite place? It’s tough to decide. “You can’t beat France for scenery,” says Ric. “Not many French people bike, but Germany has huge networks of bike paths. They run for 10 to 20,000 km. It’s part of their health system and the need to get people fitter,” says Ric. Cycle trips are pre-planned with plenty of flexibility in terms of time and location. “It’s a nice way to see a country,” says Joan, because you are not just “rushing through.” They cycle from 8:00 a.m. to about 2:00 p.m. each day, stopping in one star accommodations along the way. “I just need a clean bed and a shower,” says Joan, a retired nurse. “We are not fussy, after all it’s only for one night,” she adds. They like to spend time in the small villages of Europe taking in the local scenery and finding a place to eat. The Potters went to France with friends in the late ‘90s and found it expensive. They quickly discovered that they could do it on their own. Their longest trip, which lasted four months, began in Crete and ended in Leiden, Holland. Ric was 59 and Joan was 55 at the time. “The first couple of weeks were tough,” remembers Joan. “But one gets stronger day after day.” They recall trying to find a place to stay in a small village in Crete on Easter Sunday. Too early for tourist season, and with all other accommodations booked, they were directed to the town inn where Continued on page 8
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8 • December 19, 2013
KT GOING OUT By Ted Simpson
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390 calories 490 mg sodium*
* Average adults need about 2000 calories and 1500 mg of sodium per day.
Musical Christmas party in Wellington End Local singer/songwriter Brendan Flynn is bringing his annual Xmas Show/Party to Hintonburg this year. December 21, the Black Pepper Pub will be rocking with Christmas cheer and good will towards all. Brendan Flynn, of Brendan Flynn and The Terribly Liars, is putting on a solo show of roots-rock and holiday favourites that will keep the party rolling from 10:00 p.m. till last call. This free show is a great way to unwind and kickoff your Christmas break. Cool jazz for a cold afternoon Keep warm at an intimate musical showcase on December 22 at GigSpace on Gladstone Avenue. Jazzin’ the Holidays is a Matinee performance featuring a trio of jazz vocalists backed up by the GigSpace house band. Classic holiday tunes and a few obscure Christmas numbers served up with some special holiday cocktails. Tickets can be reserved for $20 at 613729-0693. GigSpace in a non-profit organization and 100% of the proceeds from the event will be donated. How to keep your resolutions Did you make a new year’s resolution to eat healthy? Did you just realize you have no idea how to cook healthy food? It’s Westboro Brainery to the rescue! On January 8, the Brainery is offering a course on how to cook tofu. The mysteries of how to make this grey blob into something not only edible, but delicious will be unlocked by Elisa Bloom, a Westboro cook with over 20 years of
experience living a vegan diet. The course runs from 7:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. at McKellar Field House. For more information go to New Years Eve in Hintonburg Celebrate close to home this New Year with a classy celebration at the Elmdale Oyster House. For $125 you can spend the evening enjoying all the culinary wonders of the sea that the Elmdale kitchen has to offer. Follow up dinner with live music from the Justin Taylor band from 11:30 p.m. to closing. For $55 you can skip the dinner and show up at 11:00 p.m. for the party. Call 613-728-2848 to reserve. For a more financially friendly night out, 10Fourteen will be hosting the Hintonburg Social New Year’s Eve Party. For $45 you can enjoy a six course, small plate meal and sparkling wine in a modern, trendy atmosphere in Wellington End. Call 613-422-8610 for ticket info.
Pedal pushers Continued from page 7 they found the owner’s entire family just sitting down to Easter dinner. “They pushed over and invited us to eat with them,” says Joan. When they went to pay the bill the next morning, they were told that there was no charge. The Potters plan their trips on the Internet and often base their routes around information they find in tour guides. At $150 a day, it’s an affordable way to travel.
The Westboro Nursery School would like to thank the following businesses who donated generously to our 20th Annual Fundraising Auction: 4 Cats Art Studio Ainsley Campbell Cupcakes Aldo Allegro Alison Jordan, Personal Trainer Amy Atkinson, Personal Trainer Appleseed Snowblowing Arc of Life Chiropractic & Massage Therapy Baby En Route Baker’s Street Café Baton Rouge Bill Meyer, Keller Williams Realty Bleeker Stereo & TV Bloomfields Flowers Bija Bijoux Boomerang Kids Boston Pizza Bourk’s Car Care BraChic Bridgehead Golden Ave Brierwood Design Cooperative Bushtukah Café Mio Calypso Waterpark Chapters Charles Knapp Stained Glass Cosmic Adventures Dairy Queen Westboro David’s Tea Dovercourt Dr. John Cox Ed Novak
Elation Centre 411 DOVERCOURT AVENUE, OTTAWA, Hair Fellas ON K2A 0S9 Erin Wallace Jewelry Harvest Loaf Eric Lindgren Pottery Hillary’s Cleaners FAB Baby Gear (Wellington) Feleena’s Cantina Home Hardware (Wellington) Fil’s Diner Hot Square Studio Flock Ingrid Cox Funhaven InsideWhere Out playing Studio Barre learning GCTC Insightand Accounting and go hand Gotta Paint Business in handConsulting Hair Fellas Island Park Dental Harvest Loaf Now Jenna Sparks Photography Registering Now Registering Hillary’s Cleaners Jetblack2012 Hair Studio for September for September 2009 (Wellington) John’s Diner Together, weOPEN encourage HOUSE your child’s curiosity Home Hardware Keg Manor and (Wellington) wonder through play. 7 Tuesday, February from 1 - 3 pm • We offer a stimulating program thatKobbler promotes Hot Square Studio Kiddie Together, we and encourage your child’s curiosity and creativity discovery. through play. Ingrid Cox wonder Kiddytown • Two teachers and two parent volunteers • supervise We Barre offer aastimulating that promotes maximum program of 24 children each Inside Out Studio Kitchenalia creativityand andafternoon discovery.session. morning Insight Accounting and are Koko Chocolates •• The Twoteachers teachers andRegistered two parent volunteers superEarly Childhood vise a maximum of 24 children each morning and Educators. Business Consulting La Mode Hair Studio afternoon session. • Parent members participate on the board Island Park Dental Liquid Nutrition • ofThe teachers are Registered Early Childhood directors. Educators. Jenna SparksWestboro Photography Little Ray’s Reptile Zoo Nursery School, a non-profit • Parent members participate on the board of organization, is licensed by the Jetblack Hair charitable Studio Luv2Groove directors. Ministry of Children and Youth Services. Nursery a non-profit charitable John’s Diner Westboro SlaborganiCreamery The school is aSchool, bright andMarble secure zation, is licensedlocated by the Ministry Children and Youth environment in theofDovercourt Keg Manor Services. Merry’s Dairy Located in the Dovercourt Recreation Centre. Recreation Centre. more Kiddie Kobbler FFor or m o r e i information, n f o r m aMetro t i o n , vvisit i s(Wellington) it Eric Lindgren Pottery NAV Canada For registration information, email the Registrar at For registration information, FAB Baby Gear Orpheus Theatre please call the Registrar at 613-860-1522. or call 613-860-1522. Feleena’s Cantina Ottawa Little Theatre ToTospeak tour, speakwith withthe theteachers teachers or or arrange arrange aatour, Fil’s Diner Ottawa Gymnastics Centre pleasecall callthe theschool schoolat at613-728-1533. 613-728-1533. please Flock Petit Bill’s Bistro Funhaven Pierino Scarfo GCTC Poly Pictures Gotta Paint Produce Depot
Pure Yoga Rainbow Foods Richard’s Hintonberg Kitchen Rinaldo Hair Rob Murphy, Mortgage Brokers Ottawa Sage Wellness Saslove’s Meat Market Santosha Yoga Saunder’s Farm Second Cup St-Laurent Shopper’s Drug Mart Stella & Dot Stoneface Dolly’s Supply and Demand Sushi Umi Suzart Productions Swiss Pastries (Westboro) Terra 20 The Cuckoo’s Nest The Modern Shop The Piggy Market The Shoe Inn Thyme & Again Tivoli Florist Tuesday’s the Romance store Union Eleven Photographers Valleyview Farm Village Café Village Quire Wasabi Wellington Gastropub Westend Kids Westgate Mall Zahara Za Za Za Pizza A Parent Co-operative Preschool 411 DOVERCOURT AVENUE, OTTAWA, ON K2A 0S9 • 613-728-1533 For registration information, please call the Registrar at 613-W860-1522.
December 19, 2013 • 9
Renu Gift Cards The gift of relaxation is the perfect gift for everyone! Gift cards are available at any value or priced for a specific service.
Renu Massage Therapy & Spa 1432 Wellington St W. 613-722-2929
Cate and Levi Journals • Inspire children to write, draw and unleash their imagination • Made in Canada from reclaimed wool • Each handmade journal contains 100 blank pages PRICE: $20.00
1304 Wellington Street West
Great BIG smalls IX Small original art with BIG heart. Cube hosts its 9th annual Christmas show – November 26 to December 29. Seventy artists. Unique, affordable gifts for everyone. PRICE: At all price levels
Cube Gallery 1285 Wellington St. West 613-728-1750
Joe Fafard Holly Bronze
Accessible – Entertaining – Live Theatre Gift Vouchers* • available online and at the box office • for any show January through June • Choose from 6 professional theatre productions • 5% off through “Sampler Package” of 3 or more shows PRICE: all-in pricing Adult: $34 Senior (65+): $30 Student/Artist*/Unwaged: $20 Preview performance: $18 *some conditions apply
The Gladstone 910 Gladstone Avenue 613-233-GLAD(4523)
Doug Cosbie Dunrobin Farm oil on panel Norman Takeuchi Wall Mask Mixed Media
10 • December 19, 2013
Kitchissippi Times
...with a gift from the shops of Westboro Village! Over 150 unique shops & services One-of-a-kind selection Warm friendly service!
FREE PARKING DAILY – 1 hour along Richmond Road Up to 3 hours on neighbouring side streets
McINTOSH at its finest. A selective set of 4 fine bone china mugs, beautifully set in an attractive gift box. Depicting the works of the Group of Seven, Monet, Renoir and other famous artists or various topical designs. Price: Gift Box set $39.95
267 Richmond Rd 613-725-3333
Cast Iron Teapots Available in various designs and colors, cast iron teapots are both practical and beautiful – they will keep your tea warm for an hour or longer, and look stylish among your home décor. Price: $44.99 (trivets and cups sold separately)
The Tilley Hat The perfect gift for the adventurer. Guaranteed for life not to wear out, floats, repels rain, 4-page owner’s manual, excellent UV protection.
The Expedition Shoppe 369 Richmond Road 613.722.0166 and 43 York Street, Byward Market 613.241.8397
Half Full
285 Richmond Rd. 613-728-FULL
December 19, 2013 • 11
...with a gift from the shops of Westboro Village! Over 150 unique shops & services One-of-a-kind selection Warm friendly service!
FREE PARKING DAILY – 1 hour along Richmond Road Up to 3 hours on neighbouring side streets
Pyrrha pendants With their meaningful symbols Pyrrha is the perfect gift for the ones you love! Cast from 19th century wax seals, each image carries a thoughtful meaning. Price: starting at $141
Magpie Jewellery 430 Richmond Road 613-686-3989
Banyan Leaf Lighting The elegant beauty of nature combines with modern design and colour to create truly unique lighting statements. Stop by The Cuckoo’s Nest to view the entire line of these beautiful creations. We carry many unique styles, sizes and colours.
The Cuckoo’s Nest 291 Richmond Road 613-729-6378
December 19, 2013
Busing Trouble
A Kitchissippi Builder
Parkdale Food Centre coordinator Karen Secord received a City Builder Award from Mayor Jim Watson on December 12. The award was for her outstanding community service to families and individuals who are assisted by the Parkdale Food Centre food bank. This holiday season, she started a special fund to supply eggs, milk, yogurt and cheese to local people in need. Here she is, centre, in a holiday red scarf, with some of the many volunteers who work at the centre. Read more on pages 14 and 18. Photo by Tim Thibeault
Westboro Meeting Gets Answers from Katherine Hobbs By Gary Ludington, Outgoing Chair, WCA The Westboro Community Association (WCA) held its 2013 Annual General Meeting on Monday, December 2 at the Churchill Seniors Centre. The meeting was well attended and a new board of directors was elected. Jeff Lieper, past president of the Hintonburg Community Association conducted the election process. A new board was named at the meeting. There was also some discussion about the upcoming community forum on infill. Questions from the floor were directed to Councillor Hobbs, and her responses, included:
KH: Connected to the above noted item. (She made note of the problem with the early setup time). What is happening with the proposed changes to the south end of Winston Avenue?
KH: Got delayed for a year due to change in ownership of one of the properties and a new executive director for the Westboro BIA. Why do the new bike lanes on Churchill Avenue from Carling to Byron Avenues not connect to Scott Street?
KH: This is ongoing and is a two-year undertaking. The results of the October meeting were provided by the Councillor.
KH: Councillor Hobbs says she will look into this. Note from Gary Ludington: If memory serves me correctly we were told by staff at an earlier meeting that the proposed bike lanes would connect to Byron Linear Park and then could connect through Island Park Drive.
What can be done regarding the noise starting at 5:30 am and damage to the green space by the vendors of the Ottawa Farmers Market?
For any other questions or other information we can be contacted at or visit us at
What is planned for Byron Linear Park at Golden Avenue to Broadview?
By Cheryl Parrott More than 2,300 buses a day on Scott and Albert Street for a minimum of two and a half years. Hard to imagine how that will work. It was profoundly upsetting to learn on December 9, that City Council had voted a year ago, on December 19, to detour all of the 2,397 buses a day from the Transitway, onto Scott and Albert Streets. No one in Hintonburg, Dalhousie or Mechanicsville was aware of this vote. There was no consultation before or after and there was no notification to anyone affected. A year later we are told that it was a unanimous vote of City Council a year ago – too bad, so sad, we can’t revisit and you certainly can’t say the phrase “buses on Scott Street” around City Hall these days without being ruled out of order. The community associations, neighbours and residents around Scott and Albert Street have all been asking for consultation and information since 2007. We have been told to be patient, nothing is decided. Even in March and June of 2013 the answer was, “We have no time to think about the bus detours from Tunney’s to downtown – we are focusing on the tunnel.” Few answers to any questions were provided. On December 3 there was a full house of close to 300 affected residents at a meeting about the bus detours and they were very upset and angry to hear that all was decided a year ago. Council approved the Light Rail Project and the report was
comprised of 10 lengthy documents. Finally, after direction from the City Solicitor, the first sentence on page 34 in a 70-page document states: “From 2016 to 2018, two of the four general traffic lanes on Scott Street and Albert Street, from Holland Avenue to Empress Avenue will be converted to transit-only lanes.” It does not say all the buses will be going there, it does not say which lanes. All that is left to Rideau Transit Group, the company that won the bid to build and operate the LRT. On December 9, I attended Transit Committee to speak to an agenda item titled “Detours during Confederation Line Construction.” The City Solicitor decreed at the beginning of the meeting that the only thing that could be talked about during this agenda item was bus acquisitions. Detours could not be talked about because Council had already decided the detours a year ago and that cannot be revisited. Mere mention of the word detour when addressing the $74 million in bus acquisitions for the bus detours earned a rebuke from the Chair. Even Councillor Rainer Bloess was rebuked for asking an operational question about a future bus detour during LRT build in his ward. He showed a picture of an ambulance stuck in traffic for 20 minutes with the lights flashing – on a future detour route. So much for Emergency Response issues. No one is allowed to say anything about detours at City Hall these days.
INSIDE NEWSWEST More On the Bus Detour Debate.................................... p.13 Important School Registration Dates............................. p.14 Kringle Event Jingles.................................................... p.18 Deadline for the January 23 Newswest is January 10. Please note: 421 Richmond Road is NOT a drop-off location for Newswest. It is our mailing address only! Please drop off your material at the main reception desk of the Dovercourt Recreation Centre, 411 Dovercourt.
the Original
1310 Wellington St.
8am to 8pm
Kitchissippi Times
December 19, 2013 • 13
Bus Detour Plan Frustrates Residents
Great Food • Great Wine • Great Spirits
Meeting With the City Leaves Questions Unanswered By Matt Whitehead, Hintonburg Community Association A public meeting on the Transitway detours for the Light Rail Transit (LRT) construction was held on Tuesday, December 3 at Tom Brown Arena starting at 7 pm. The purpose of the meeting was to present the proposed designs for detouring buses onto Scott and Albert Street while construction of the LRT necessitates the closure of the Transitway. Hundreds of residents, primarily from the Hintonburg, Mechanicsville and Dalhousie neighbourhoods were in attendance. There were also residents hailing from Centretown, Island Park, Westboro and Wellington Village. The meeting, organized by Kitchissippi Councilor Hobbs at the request of the Hintonburg Community Association, was led by City staff and included presentations by the Rail Transit Group, the Rail Implementation Office, and the City Planning Department. OC Transpo also had representation at the main table. After presentations from the groups explaining the process for
choosing to re-route all buses from the Transitway onto Scott and Albert Streets (as opposed to using the Sir John A. McDonald Parkway, the Queensway, or Carling Avenue) and details of the proposed plan from the Rideau Transit Group, the floor was opened to questions from the audience. A large line formed with many residents having notes and citing public documentation and reports. Some residents even had brought props to demonstrate how close the buses would be to their kitchen tables. For the next two hours residents questioned the methodology used for determining that Scott and Albert Streets were the only choice possible for detouring all Transitway buses. The majority of residents in attendance made it quite clear they were not pleased with what they had seen. Questions about air quality and potential health impacts for those living closest to the street were not met with clear answers from City Staff. The 2011 studies, which had not been made public, cited by staff to demonstrate why Scott and Albert were the only choice for the detour, were also heavily questioned. There was a deep sense of frustra-
tion and anger at the process and the lack of clear answers to many of the community concerns. The plan will put close to 300 buses an hour, during peak hours, metres from people’s homes and yards. Operational questions were also raised. A traffic study is yet to be completed to understand some of these operational issues. A safety audit, focusing on pedestrian and cycling security, is also to be completed. It is unclear the progress, if any, of the studies to date and what roles they would play influencing the design. According to the City lead on this file the next step is for the communities to provide feedback on the proposed design plan, so that it can be reviewed and potentially incorporated in the final designs which would be presented to the community in late spring 2014. The Hintonburg Community Association has been actively asking its membership to contact Ottawa City Council to provide feedback on the plan as proposed and the process that has brought us to this point. The detour plans can be viewed online at:
Cst. Milton’s Community Corner By Andrew Milton, Community Police Officer Have you noticed how much shorter the days are lately? Yes, folks, winter is on the way. Time to start thinking about that great Canadian tradition, the winter vacation. Many Ottawans, and I admit I’m one, are partial to a bit of warm sun in the winter. Others think a ski vacation is the best way to get the most out of the cold and snow. Whether you prefer a northern or a southern destination, the goal is to get away from it all for a while, to leave the day-to-day cares behind. But just how carefree is your vacation going to be if you’re worried about the security of your home?
Once you’re in Florida or St. Jovite, it’s too late. A few simple precautions that you can take before leaving, though, will go a long way to ensure that you get full value out of your vacation. The best thing you could do is to get a trusted housesitter. This isn’t always possible, so consider the following tips that are almost as good. Put some of the indoor lights on a timer, set to make it look as if someone is at home in the evening. Arrange to have someone – perhaps one of your neighbours – pick up your mail. Have your newspaper delivery stopped while you’re away or have them picked up as well.
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Get someone to shovel the snow from your driveway and front walk. If you’ve left your car behind and it’s sitting in the driveway, it needs to have the snow brushed off it, too. And you might want to consider having a free Home Security Inspection done. Experienced police volunteers can tell you how to make your home thief resistant at little or no cost to you. A winter vacation is not your thing? Then maybe you can be the neighbour who keeps an eye on the empty house next door. And if you spot suspicious activity, don’t hesitate to make the call: 9-1-1. However you play it, have a safe winter!
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14 • December 19, 2013
C O N G E R’ S
Mother’s diamonds... Memories made new
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Yasir Naqvi, MPP Ottawa Centre
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Would You Buy Milk and Eggs for Your Neighbours? By Karen Secord, Coordinator, Parkdale Food Centre Poverty is costly. The Parkdale Food Centre is not a place of shame. Our goal is for it not to be. We aim to give people a voice. To look them in the eye and listen to what they have to say. To laugh with them, even though the reason they are here is no laughing matter. A client thanks me. He doesn’t seem as apprehensive as he once did. He tells me a bit of a story, asks me to keep an eye out for a pair of jeans, helps himself to a freshly brewed cup of coffee from Bytown Beanery, and a cupcake from Isobel’s. He has already scooped up a saran-wrapped muffin from Bridgehead and a couple of bananas from Produce Depot. A volunteer from Kitchissippi United Church greets him with a warm smile. She’s long ago abandoned any preconceived notions about a link between poverty and danger, joblessness and laziness, intelligence and hunger. Often I walk around offering gourmet soup and sandwiches from Thyme and Again. I want people to feel cared for. I want them to know that they are not invisible. Another client is excited to tell me about her dinner date. Really excited. Her smile lights up the room. On Sunday evening Zazaza Pizza treated her and her 16-year-old son to dinner on the house. She can’t remember the last time she had a meal out. It was her son’s birthday. A local woman slipped in earlier in the day and left a gift. In December, Zazaza will host a family for dinner every Sunday evening. Four mothers will create positive memories with
their children. The Hintonburg Public House has hosted two large families from the Forward Family Shelter for brunch. They joyously tell me about the food and the service and how special it felt to escape the stress of cramped living and uncertainty, if only for an afternoon. On December 2, Hintonburger opened it’s doors hours early to prepare a pancake breakfast for PFC clients. Big fluffy pancakes, maple syrup from Stanley’s Farm, bacon, juice, coffee and an armload of door prizes made for a fun morning. So much fun in fact that the Christmas breakfast will be replayed on December 16 and December 21. This is a gift. These are our neighbours. This is community. When basic needs like fresh food become luxuries we, a term which means all of us, know there is a problem. Being poor is isolating. It is lonely. Often it is hard to muster up even a modicum of hope. Thanks to our Valued Community Partners (look for identifying labels in shop windows), we are able to provide healthier food choices, better quality food, a more engaging atmosphere and educational opportunities that give people a place to gather. Thanks to you, our Christmas fundraising campaign is gaining momentum. Please help us give milk and eggs to your neighbours in need...and cheese, yogurt, lettuce and tomatoes, too. An army of volunteers delivered a red card to your door with our contact information. It’s a s easy as going to or dropping by for a tour on Tuesdays and Thursdays 11am to 2 pm.
Public School Board News By Jennifer McKenzie, Trustee for Kitchissippi and Somerset Wards The winter holiday break is fast approaching and I’d like to extend my warmest wishes for a joyful holiday season to all our students, staff, their families and school communities. Before family and community celebrations and traditional treats absorb all our attention, however, there are a few school board dates of interest I’d like to pass on. Key Registration and Transfer Application Dates for 2014 School Year
While September 2014 seems far in the future, school Board staff are already busy planning for the next school year. The key registration dates for Kindergarten, Middle French Immersion, and the dates for submitting Student Transfer applications, are as follows: Junior and Senior Kindergarten: Monday January 27 to Friday January 31
111 Sherwood Drive, Suite B Ottawa, On K1Y 3V1 Tel: (613) 722-7788 Fax:(613)722-8909
Kitchissippi Times
You may register your child for JK or SK if they will turn four or five by December 2014. To register, visit your community school and take
along proof of your child’s age (birth certificate, passport, etc.) as well as their Ontario Health card and immunization record. Middle French Immersion: Tuesday February 18 to Monday February 24
MFI is for children that will have completed grade 3 in the English/ Core French program and who choose to enter MFI in grade 4. Detailed information about the Middle French Immersion program can be found under the Programs section of the OCDSB website. School Transfer Application Period: Monday February 10 to Friday February 21
Transfer application forms can be picked up at any school office for either elementary or secondary schools. Detailed information about the student transfer policy and application process is available at in the Parents section of the website. Grade 8 Parent Information Nights
If a student in your home will be heading to high school in September Continued on page 15
Newswest 421 Richmond Rd PO Box 67057 Westboro RPO Ottawa, Ontario K2A 4E4 Phone: 613-728-3030 EDITOR: Anne Duggan ADVERTISING: For rates and other information Lori Sharpe 613-238-1818 x274 Donna Roney 613-238-1818 x273 SUBMISSIONS Newswest accepts submissions from the community. Articles, photographs and community calendar items are welcome. Send to: (Submissions can be faxed to 613-728-3030.) SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Articles should be maximum 500 words; letters to the editor maximum 300 words; community calendar items maximum 50 words. Photographs should be 300 dpi; print photos 3X5. All signed letters to the editor are welcome. We reserve the right to edit for length and content. Opinions and information published in Newswest through letters we receive, community association news, or individual columns, do not necessarily reflect the opinion(s) of this newspaper.
Kitchissippi Times
City Hall Report By Katherine Hobbs, Councillor, Kitchissippi Ward It has been another fantastic year in Kitchissippi; we are blessed to live in such a caring and thoughtful community. As 2013 draws to a close, I wanted to let you know that we have accomplished great things together - as a Council, as a City, and most importantly, as a Community. Planning for a Renewal of the Rosemount Library
Recently, I announced expansion plans for Rosemount and I wanted to share this early news with all in Kitchissippi. The Library’s 2014 budget, as approved by Council on November 27, 2013, contains $100,000 in capital funding to begin project planning, including development of program requirements and undertaking a preliminary design for a future renovation and expansion. The results of this preliminary planning will inform future planning and funding requests for the Rosemount Branch renewal project. I am pleased to have the opportunity to partner with Tamarack Homes for this exciting project. We are exploring opportunities to create some new space for a library expansion in conjunction with their mixed use project next door. Renewal of the Rosemount Branch is the second highest (of eight) facility renewal priority for the Ottawa Public Library Board. The branch was last renovated in 1982 and requires both a major renovation and expansion in order to deliver modern library services in a Jennifer McKenzie
Continued from page 14
2014, you may want to attend the Grade 8 information session offered by your local high school or other high school of interest to your child. While a few schools hold their information nights in December, most will be held in January and February. A link to a list of the dates and times of all high school Grade 8 information nights is now posted on the OCDSB main webpage under OCDSB News. Secondary International Certificate Program
During the 2012-13 school year the OCDSB piloted the innovative International Studies Certificate
growing community. When you visit the library please take the time to fill out a Post-It note to say what you would like to see, so that your voice will go into the planning of the facility improvements. Scott Street Community Design Plan
After 14 meetings, 300 submissions and a year of working with the community, the Scott Street CDP will be considered by Council on January 22. The CDP draws a line in the sand between the areas where development is appropriate, and the stable low-rise residential neighbourhoods. It also creates a vision for Scott Street after the LRT is built, with wider sidewalks, dedicated cycle tracks and green boulevards between the road and people’s homes. The plan also creates new parks in Tunney’s Pasture, on the river, and expands Mechanicsville. I look forward to working with the community to make it a reality. Karen Secord
It was with great pride that I nominated Karen Secord for the Mayor’s City Builder Award. At council, Mayor Watson and I presented the award for her outstanding community service to families and individuals who are assisted by the Parkdale Food Centre food bank. For the occasion, my office contributed 2 crock pots, vegetables and yogurt to the Food Centre. I would like to thank Hilson Public School who donated more food which filled a hamper and also a gift certificate from Saslove’s Meat Market. Program in six of its secondary schools. This unique program fosters student leadership and global citizenship by enabling students to take courses that promote a deeper understanding of global issues. Opportunities for exposure to or immersion in another culture, including learning a new language, and participation in an internationally focused project, are also components of the program. Each participating school has an International Certificate Advisor who assists and advises students in developing their certificate program and ensures that they meet all program requirements. To learn more visit the International page under Programs at
December 19, 2013 • 15
16 • December 19, 2013
Kitchissippi Times
Building a Coal-Free Ontario
KT 1/4 page - dec 5, 2013 issue
By Yasir Naqvi, MPP, Ottawa Centre Ontario is one step closer to being the first place in North America to eliminate coal as a source of electricity generation. This is the single largest greenhouse gas reduction initiative in North America, and will help us all to breathe a little easier, and enjoy a cleaner environment. Our government has closed Ontario’s coal-burning Lambton and Atikokan facilities ahead of schedule, and will soon shut Nanticoke Generating Station – the largest coal plant in North America. These early closures will save the province’s electricity customers about $95 million through reduced operating and maintenance costs. Over the next year, Thunder Bay Generating Station will stop burning coal, and will be converted to use advanced biomass, a fuel for electricity generation. According to an independent study, Ontario’s coal-fired power plants cost the people of Ontario an estimated $4.4 billion per year in health, environmental, and financial damages. We are fulfilling our commitment to phase out coal-fired electricity in Ontario by also introducing Bill 138, the Ending Coal for Cleaner Air Act. This act, if passed, would guarantee that once coal facilities stop operating by the end of 2014, coal-burning generation on the electricity grid will never happen again. Moving from regulation to legislation signals how important ending coal use is to protect clean air and public health. Since 2003, more than $19 billion has been invested in Ontario’s transmission and distribution networks and more than $21 billion has been invested in cleaner generation.
In early December, Ontario’s LongTerm Energy Plan (LTEP), Achieving Balance was announced. It encourages conservation and lays out a plan for clean, reliable and affordable energy for Ontarians, where and when they need it. The 2013 LTEP balances five principles that will guide future energy decisions: cost-effectiveness, reliability, clean energy, community engagement, and an emphasis on conservation and demand management before building new generation. Highlights of the plan include: Decreasing the need for new supply by implementing conservation programs and standards to offset most growth in electricity demand over the next 20 years; Lowering costs for consumers. Compared to the 2010 LTEP, residential customers can expect to pay about $520 less over the next five years and $3,800 less to 2030; Making new financing tools available to consumers starting in 2015, including programs to incent energy efficient retrofits to residential properties; and Extending the phasing-in of wind, solar and bioenergy for three more years than estimated in the 2010 LTEP, with 10,700 megawatts online by 2021. By 2025 about half of Ontario’s installed generating capacity will come from renewable sources. As part of the LTEP, we will continue to invest in nuclear power through the refurbishment of reactors at Darlington and Bruce. We will not proceed with plans to build two new nuclear reactors in Ontario, saving taxpayers $15 billion. Compared to the previous plan, Continued on page 18 Plowing or lack of it has become a focus for some Kitchissippi residents, including Cheryl Parrott. “Road priority plowing: plow the road and let the pedestrians slog through the snow on the sidewalks and intersections,” she writes. “The first snow storm of the year and roads have been plowed and are bare. However, the sidewalk to Bayview station was not cleared and is a path pedestrians have tromped through the snow. Clearly there is no City priority to get pedestrians to major transit hubs, the priority is roads.” Photo by Cheryl Parrott
Kitchissippi Times
My Holiday Wish List By Paul Dewar, MP, Ottawa Centre As we move towards the holiday season, I have been reflecting on five policy areas with real opportunities to work towards a better Canada. I call it my wish list of items on which I would like to see the government take real and committed action. There are many additional important issues to discuss, such as action on climate change and the environment, but we’ll leave those for the government’s New Year’s resolutions! Health Care
Canadians continue to identify health care as one of the most important issues to them. Despite this, the government continues to try and wash its hands of its responsibilities and is downloading more and more costs to the provinces and territories. In early 2014, the Health Accords will expire and the federal government has responded by offering a reduced take it or leave it nonnegotiable transfer. Leadership by the federal government on health care is and obvious way to maintain a more uniform and appropriate level of care across the country and ensure greater accessibility. There are far too many cases of Canadians going without a family doctor, a specialist, or critical medication. A strategy to deal with rising demands for quality long term and
palliative care is also urgently needed. My colleague Libby Davies, NDP Health critic, has introduced a Private Members’ bill to address these needs, and I hope that the government will agree to adopt New Democrats’ recommendations. New Democrats would also like to see the adoption of a national dementia strategy focused on prevention, early detection and support for caregivers. The cost of treating the nearly 747,000 Canadians living with the disease is approximately $33 billion annually and will only continue to rise. Canada can take a leadership role in health care. We can’t afford not to take action. Pensions
December 19, 2013 • 17
With the rising cost of living and stagnating wages, many Canadians are worried about not being able to retire. My colleagues and I have launched a national campaign to expand the CPP and QPP. Financial experts, unions and seniors’ organizations are in favour of this expansion. The CPP is actuarially sound and is more cost-effective to manage than private pension plans. My colleagues and I continue to seek answers from Finance Minister Jim Flaherty as to why he hasn’t kept his promise to meet with his provincial and territorial counterparts to increase benefits under the CPP/QPP program.
Getting Divorced?
In November, I held a forum for youth in Ottawa Centre where I heard from some amazing and engaged young people about a wide range of issues important to them. Lack of jobs, and underemployment were major issues identified. To address the high number of youth who are unemployed my colleagues and I have proposed new tax credits for businesses that hire young Canadians. We’re calling on the government to introduce tax credits to businesses hiring Canadians between the ages of 18-25. Businesses would be eligible for an amount of up to $1,000 for hiring a young employee and for matching funds for the training of the said employee. The tax credit would be doubled in areas of the country where the unemployment rate for youth is very high. My colleague Andrew Cash, MP has also introduced a new Private Members bill to better support urban workers who are precariously employed and without good benefits. Andrew’s bill calls for improving access to EI, studying income averaging options, increasing access to pensions and stopping the misuse and abuse of unpaid interns. I’m happy to report that New Democrats’ motion to study youth unemployment across the country was adopted unanimously in the House of Commons in October.
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Continued on page 18
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18 • December 19, 2013
Kitchissippi Times
Get into the holiday spirit by visiting the market and choosing from our spectacular selection of fragrant firs, spruces and pines fresh from Christmas tree farms. Pick up a real wreath and some gorgeous garlands, too, so you can channel your inner Martha Stewart and deck the halls with style! It’s all on sale daily until Santa’s loading up his sleigh and polishing Rudolph’s nose at dusk on December 24th!
Santa came to Hintonburg on Friday, 6 December and what a reception he got! The annual Kringle event put on jointly by the Hintonburg Community Centre and Hintonburg CommunityAssociation was another success in 2013. More than 100 children and their parents saw Santa, sang carols organized by The Duotangs, ate cookies lovingly made by super Hintonburg baker Marilyn Rodney and were given candy canes after sitting on Santa’s knee. Five holiday craft tables organized by staff from HCC were busy with children making holiday crafts. The fun evening was capped by a wonderful concert by our own Street of Rock. Jeff Leiper was the evening’s photographer and all were given free photos with Santa. Photo by Jeff Leiper
Paul Dewar
Continued from page 17 Veterans
I’ve heard from many constituents disgusted by the government’s decision to cut staff at Veterans Affairs and close nine district offices. The government has instead said that veterans can call a 1-800 number or use the website or a mobile app to access services. This is appalling, and New Democrats have called on the government to immediately reverse these mean spirited cutbacks. We also know there are major problems with the New Veterans Charter, as outlined in a damning report issued by the Veterans Ombudsman. Many veterans don’t have sufficient retirement income and severely injured veterans aren’t able to access benefits that they need. Under the Conservatives’ watch there has also been an increase in the number of injured veterans medically discharged before they qualify for a pension. It’s time for the government to properly honour the men and women who have served by ensuring that service and programs at Veterans Affairs are accessible and that the department is properly funded. Housing
In many of my columns I’ve mentioned the urgent need for the federal government to take a leadership role in addressing the affordable housing crisis. This is a problem that will not go away and will
continue to produce downstream social and health costs. Since the 1970s, the federal government has provided subsidies to low income renters, but many of these agreements are now ending for good because the current government has simply decided not to renew them. Cities across Canada are finding new and innovative ways to create affordable housing, but they still need support from the federal government. With hard work, these wishes can become a reality in 2014. New Democrats are looking forward to continuing to hold the government to account when the House returns on January 27. I’d like to take this opportunity to wish readers a Merry Christmas and happy holidays! Yasir Naqvi
Continued from page 16
Achieving Balance is expected to reduce projected cost increases by $16 billion in the near term (2013-2017), and $70 billion to 2030. These cost reductions will be realized even as Ontario keeps its commitment to phase out the last of its coal-fired generation by the end of 2014. We are working together to help people in their everyday lives while being stewards of our natural environment to protect our children, our grandchildren, and our community.
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Kitchissippi Times
December 19, 2013 • 19
Team Elder Home Sales Martin Elder, Broker “Selling Fine Homes... Building Community”
DECEMBER 19-24 - GLUTEN-FREE FOOD DRIVE Ottawa’s only Christmas Gluten Free Food Drive is now on until December 24 at noon. The Lazy Pickle will be collecting all non-perishable gluten free and special diet foods for the Caldwell Family Centre Food Bank. Drop off donations at the Lazy Pickle, 1809 Carling Avenue at Broadview or call 613-6956001 for more information.
p.m. at 223 Armstrong at Parkdale (right next to the Parkdale Market). All are welcome to attend. Organizers are looking for donations of turkey, ham, tourtière and home baked goodies, gifts for men, women and children as well as gift bags. Turkeys should be dropped off to the Carleton one week before Christmas. Baked goods can be dropped off anytime between December 23 to 25.
DECEMBER 21 - CELEBRATE GREAT TREES Champlain Oaks Project and the Champlain Park Community Association are unveiling a special indoor and outdoor installation that celebrates the links between trees and people, as well as the 400th anniversary of Samuel de Champlain’s trip up the Ottawa River. The event will take place from 11:00 a.m.- noon at the Champlain Park Fieldhouse (149 Cowley Avenue). Councillor Katherine Hobbs will be on hand to unveil the installations. There will be hot drinks and snacks too. Everyone is welcome! For more information go to:
DECEMBER 22 - BLUE CHRISTMAS SERVICE Do you need a different kind of comfort this Christmas? Is sorrow or loss making it difficult for you to join in the celebrations of the season? All Saints’ Anglican Church is hosting a Blue Christmas Service at 4:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome to drop by for candle-lighting and gentle music, to find the intimate, quiet, peaceful side of Christmas. For more information go to or call 613-725-9487.
DECEMBER 22 - FAMILY YOGA AND WINTER SOLSTICE AND HOLIDAY CELEBRATION Children aged 4-7 and their families are invited to celebrate the play of light and dark, connect with the rhythms of nature, and create fun family connections to cherish throughout the holidays and the new season to come! Champlain Park Field House, 149 Cowley Avenue 1:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m. Come make Ottawa Buddha bracelets with Shannon Kaya too. $20/family, with proceeds going to the Parkdale Food Centre. Register at
DECEMBER 31: NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY Greet 2014 at the Westboro Legion, 389 Richmond Road, with dance music by the Mike Fahey Band, prizes, draws, party favours and food. The door opens at 7:00 p.m. and tickets ($20) are available at the upstairs bar. For more information call 613725-2778.
DECEMBER 23 - CHRISTMAS SLEIGH RIDE IN CHAMPLAIN PARK Tour the neighbourhood on a classic horse-drawn sleigh. It’s a great family-friendly activity. Weather permitting, the plan is to have the horse-drawn sleigh gliding through the neighbourhood starting at 6:00 p.m. at the Fieldhouse. Participants are encouraged to bring cookies and snacks to share. The Champlain Park Community Association needs a few extra elves (a.k.a. volunteers) to help make this event a success. For more information contact Jim Cocks at 613-728-7881. For additional details go to
JANUARY 18 - WINTER CARNIVAL Come out to Dovercourt’s Winter Carnival for an evening of free fun on Saturday, January 18 from 4:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. Take part in horse-drawn sleigh rides, toboggan bowling, ice skating, face painting and more. If you’re looking for a little adventure, bring your bathing suit and take part in an ice-cold polar dip (a.k.a. a large outdoor pool full of icy water). The idea is that you’ll get in your bathing suit, gather your wits, and then jump in the icy cold water for anywhere from a microsecond to a minute, followed by time in the sauna and hot tub! Wind the evening down in comfort with warm drinks and food sold by WAVE Ottawa and a toasty seat at a bonfire, all outdoors at Westboro Kiwanis Park. As the carnival comes to a close, the fun will move to the Dovercourt pool, where Despicable Me 2 will be the showcase for the annual Float-In movie. For more information go to
DECEMBER 25: CARLETON CHRISTMAS MEAL The Carleton Tavern will be hosting a free Christmas Day meal on Christmas Day from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00
FEBRUARY 5 - LIBRARY READING GROUP Share the enjoyment of good books in a relaxed atmosphere at the Carlingwood branch of the
Ottawa Public Library. This month’s discussion will be about Home, by Toni Morrison and will take place from 2:00 pm - 3:30 p.m. FEBRUARY 10 – TRAVELOGUE Enjoy a fascinating travelogue at the Carlingwood branch of the Ottawa Public Library presented by experienced world traveller Alex Bissett who will talk about his travels to Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Burma. (7:00 pm - 8:15 p.m.) Registration required.
YOUR COMMUNITY ASSOCIATIONS Champlain Park Community Association Civic Hospital Neighbourhood Association Hintonburg Community Association Hampton-Iona Community Group Island Park Community Association
to do your roto-tilling or have Will trim your hedge. Stuff to the dump.
CONVERSATIONAL SPANISH - INTERMEDIATE/ ADVANCED Practice and improve your Spanish speaking skills with Los Amigos Toastmasters. Meet at the Civic Hospital, Main Building, Main floor, Room 3 at the back left of the cafeteria “Tulip Café” on Mondays at 5:15 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. For more information go to You can also call Monique at 613792-4995 or email TOASTMASTERS GROUP Join the Above and Beyond Toastmasters group and learn to turn failures into successes in a supportive and positive environment. You’ll grasp how to bring out the best in both communication and leadership. Visitors always welcome. Parkdale Clinic, 737 Parkdale Avenue. 2nd and 4th Monday at 6:15 p.m. For more information call 819-827-1274 or TEEN BOOK CLUB Chat about books and share your favorites with other teens. Teen book club takes place on the last Tuesday of the month from 7:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. at the Carlingwood branch of the Ottawa Public Library. Go to for details.
Mechanicsville Community Association Wellington Village Community Association Westboro Beach Community Association Westboro Community Association WESTBORO YOUTH CENTRE Join a free drop-in on Friday nights for sports, crafts, board games and socializing at the All Saints Anglican Church between 6:30 and 10:00 p.m. for 10 to 17 year olds. For more information go to
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