Kitchissippi is quickly evolving. Used car lots are being torn down to make way for massive developments. Single-storey buildings are being replaced by condos and apartments.
As the community tries to keep its village feel, intensification is changing its once simple landscape. Kitchissippi has seen more development applications come forward than most of the other 24 municipal wards in Ottawa.
To keep up with the changes, a comprehensive zoning bylaw review will make it easier for developers to get applications passed, while ensuring the community is aware of what can be built in each neighbourhood.
“Hintonburg and Mechanicsville are not likely to change very much. But for Westboro Beach, Hampton Iona [and] Champlain Park, we will probably see some new zoning that will increase density,” said Kitchissippi Coun. Jeff Leiper in a recent interview.
The city's new Official Plan, which was approved two years ago, allows for greater density. Leiper said in its previous form, density hadn’t changed in over 40 years
and reflected thinking that was popular in 1968. That will soon change.
“Residents are often uncomfortable with the density. The lens in which we look is if it’s justified by the official plan,” said Leiper. “Owners go through significant time and expense getting rezoning. There is a lot of conflict and there is a lot of resentment that zoning is getting changed. This will make it easier for builders to understand the limits of what they are allowed to build and will help the residents as well.”
Leiper noted the 2018 development at the former Trailhead site at Scott Street and McRae Avenue as an example. Height limits were between four to six storeys, but in the end, 26 storeys were given.
“There was no rezoning to guide what it reasonably should be,” said Leiper. “I personally would have liked to see it capped at 15.”
Real estate firm CLV Group is in the early stages of a development at 327 Richmond Rd near Churchill Ave. The project would demolish five vacant buildings, including the former Westboro Sports Centre. The group proposes building a nine-storey
building with commercial space and 177 apartments.
Plans are also underway for an 87-dwelling unit, mixed-use building where the former Whisper’s Pub once stood at the corner of Richmond Road and Tweedsmuir Avenue. When built, it will contain ground-floor retail space and underground parking.
Minto’s proposed high-rise for Parkdale Ave at Wellington West’s corner remains uncertain. The City recommended its approval, but those opposed took it to the Ontario Land Tribunal, where progress has stalled. The city has received no document updates to the proposal since 2022.
Meanwhile development at the former Soeurs de la Visitation convent on Richmond Road has also seen no movement. Designated a heritage property, it will need to be incorporated into whatever is one day constructed.
Built in the 1860s with additions added in 1913, Ashcroft Homes quickly picked up the property when it went on the market a decade and a half ago. They’ve planned to convert the former monastery into a mixed-use space with an apartment building attached, but the building has remained vacant and boarded up since 2018. Community residents are concerned it will remain unused until it’s condemned and torn down.
The enormous 40-storey building proposed for a vacant plot of land at 2026 Scott St in Westboro continues to take incremental steps toward completion. The land is the former home of the Granite Curling Club, now an empty building. The approximate 850 apartments would be just steps away from Westboro Station once the Western leg of the O-Train expansion is complete in a few years.
Owners go through significant time and expense getting rezoning. — KITCHISSIPPI COUN. JEFF LEIPER
Valentina, an artist with a resilient spirit, emerged from a challenging start in war-torn Russia to become an accomplished classical pianist. Now at Wellington West Retirement Community, she shares her musical legacy with grandchildren through a cherished CD that she proudly made at the height of her career as a musician.
Interestedinlearning moreabout retirement living? Meet our staff and takealook around. Join us from 1-4 pm for an Open House
“I love the high ceilings, even in my room! Staff members are also extremely friendly!”
- Valentina Kotko, resident
Jan 26 |1:00-4:00pm | CelebrateChinese NewYear
Celebratethe Chinese NewYear at our open house.The Success Dragon Lion DanceTroupe performs at 2pmand will have aluckydrawfor agift.
TheChinese Lion Danceisa3000-year-old Chinese tradition thatsymbolizes
4 kitchissippi.com
The newly established Bayview Yards Working Group is looking for volunteers. The BYWG (supported by local community associations) is intended to be a quick moving, proactive group of local community volunteers working to ensure the nine hectare, NCC and city-owned Bayview Yards land parcel is developed as a showcase 15-minute, Transit-Oriented Development neighbourhood with a prime focus on real, long-term affordable housing. This includes establishing supportive relationships with surrounding communities and ensuring both new and existing communities have appropriate public amenities. Contact co-chairs Rhys Phillips (phillipsrhys@hotmail.com) or Roy Atkinson (roycatkinson@gmail.com).
APRIL 23 AT 7:00 P.M.:
Have you ever wondered when your house was built or who lived in it over the years? Perhaps you are interested in its design or how your neighbourhood was developed. The Civic Hospital Neighbourhood Association (CHNA) is offering an interactive webinar where you can learn about the main sources of information you need to write a house history, where to find this information, and what different types of records and research sources can tell you. Attendance for this online event is limited and priority will be given to Civic Hospital area residents. Contact history@chnaottawa. ca to reserve your spot and receive the webinar link.
When spring finally arrives, you can visit an area of high biological diversity
in Champlain Park, created by the local Environment Committee. Over 100 native tree, shrub, and herb species are planted along Pontiac Ave. Located at the Carleton Avenue gateway to the Ottawa River Pathway, the restored former roadside includes a Miyawaki mini-forest plantation of trees native to Ottawa, a large pollinator garden, a Carolinian forest terrace showcasing species from a more southerly biome, an ethnobotanical food and medicine terrace, and a rain garden with native herb species.
Building upon a long history of neighbourhood tree care, the restoration began in 2019 when the Champlain Park Community Association partnered with City Councillor Jeff Leiper to de-pave a block of Pontiac Avenue. This project connected the local park to the NCC woods. To prepare the space for planting, community volunteers Kris Phillips, Daniel Buckles, Catherine Shearer, John Arnason, Joscelyn Coolican, and others removed invasive buckthorn, broken fences, construction waste and dug out gravel. They then incorporated fresh soil and mulch to build level terraces. These areas have been gradually replanted with native plants, started indoors under lights and in backyards by community volunteers or purchased from Ontario plant nurseries. Donations from individuals, the Champlain Park Community Association, and the City of Ottawa, added up to about $3,000 of financial support to date.
During the spring, summer and early fall, these restored areas are alive with colourful flowers, birds, and insects. Grade school classes and university groups periodically visit, as do groups interested in pollinators, trees, and bird life. City Councillors, Federal MPs, and Provincial MPPs have visited as well. The gardens are dormant until late April but come to life in late spring and summer.
For more information contact: John. Arnason@uOttawa.ca
A first in our 100-year history, IPCA is offering a guided walking tour on August 11th 2024 as part of the Heritage Ottawa walking tours. The tour will cover most of Island Park Drive, touching upon interesting information about its history and residents. As part of our Meet Your Neighbour series, we are celebrating the life of Connie Gail (Feller) Salomon who lived at 480 Island Park Drive. Known for her natural beauty and talent for entertaining people, she was crowned Miss Canada for six weeks in 1962. Connie-Gail’s mother, Betty Feller, was one of 5 daughters of Malka and Wolf Goldman who fled the pogroms and escaped Krasnostav, Ukraine (then USSR) onwards to Warsaw Poland with the help of Ukrainians. The girls traveled hundreds of miles separately via an underground wagon network, hidden under hay in wagons, sleeping in the wagon or in pig pens to avoid the risk of soldiers seeing them. When selling their home, Betty intentionally selected the Ukrainian Embassy as the new stewards for 480 Island Park Drive, in gratitude for the support the Ukrainian people showed towards the Goldman family escaping Russia during World War ll. Find out more at www.islandparkcommunityassociation.ca.
Councillor Leiper held the first consultation on the redevelopment of Lion’s Park. Morley Hoppner Construction will be building two Hobin Architecture designed, bird-friendly, 40-storey buildings at the site of the Granite Curling Club. While most residents are leery of sky-scrapers, the team clearly understand the value of Lion’s Park to the community and it is being redesigned as a destination spot for Westboro residents. One of the more innovative attractions is the proposed refrigerated ice rink that transforms into a concert venue, and more, during the summer. Of the over 40 residents who attended the consultation, most left with hopeful smiles on their faces.
Great River Media Inc
PO Box 91585
Ottawa ON K1W 1K0
Kitchissippi, “meaning great river” is the former Algonquin name for the Ottawa River. The name now identifies the urban community to the west of downtown Ottawa.
Charlie Senack editor@kitchissippi.com twitter.com/kitchissippi twitter.com/charlie_senack
Dave Allston, Mat Dicsi, Evert Lindquist, Hannah Wanamaker, Daria Maystruk and Simon Hopkins.
Susan Rothery
Eric Dupuis 613-696-9485 eric@kitchissippi.com
Tanya Connolly-Holmes creative@greatriver.ca
Celine Paquette celine@greatriver.ca
Deborah Ekuma deborah@obj.ca
Cheryl Schunk, 613-696-9490 cheryl@greatriver.ca
All other enquiries 613-696-9494 info@kitchissippi.com
A minimum of 15,000 copies are distributed from the Ottawa River to Carling Avenue between the O-Train tracks and Sherbourne Road. Most residents in this area will receive the Kitchissippi Times directly to their door. If you did not receive your copy, or would like additional copies, please contact us. Bulk copies are delivered to multi-unit dwellings and retail locations. Copies are available at Dovercourt Recreation Centre and Hintonburg Community Centre.
DISTRIBUTOR Comet 2000 info@kitchissippi.com
The Kitchissippi Times is published by
FOUNDER PUBLISHER Mark Sutcliffe Michael Curran
Happy spring, Kitchissippi!
It looks like the warmer weather is here to stay and summer will not be that far off. I’m already thinking about what flowers I want to plant in my garden this season. In this issue of KT we are turning the pages to the past and reflecting on the rich history that makes Westboro and Wellington West so unique.
It’s no secret Kitchissippi has been enriched with new buildings over the last decade or two. The community's landscape is vastly changing and it’s caused a divide. Some residents support intensification; others would like to see it retain the village charm. New condos, apartments, and highrises are replacing older buildings that have reached the end of their lifecycle.
In ‘Early Days’, Dave Allston brings us back to the Industrial Revolution which resulted in the railway coming to Kitchissippi. Dave and I also compiled a map of heritage properties which should be designated to protect them from development.
Mat Dicsi stopped by St. Francois d’Assise church to learn more about its century-old history and the mysteries behind its architecture.
Mat also met up with Highland Park Lawn Bowling Club members who are celebrating its 110th anniversary with heritage designation.
Simon Hopkins has compiled a list of developments taking place in Kitchissippi, and tells us more about new zoning that will help developers.
While they can’t all be protected, it’s important we save those which matter most. They are the bread and butter of what makes Kitchissippi unique. You can walk down Wellington Street and picture the horse and carriages which would have once roamed the street; or look at the historical churches and think of the generations of parishioners who worshiped there before you; or perhaps the stone farmhouses which reflect simpler times. If only walls could talk.
For the April 2024 issue, I had the chance to meet with archeologists from the National Capital Commission who are unearthing Bytown’s past at LeBreton Flats. A number of artifacts have also been discovered at Westboro Beach and Maplelawn Gardens.
In other news, I spoke with bike advocates who are calling for a safer Carling Avenue, enriched with bike lanes and bus rapid transit. I also interviewed former Stella Luna employees who say they are owed tips and severance after the Wellington West location closed in December.
In ‘Humans’, Daria Maystruck met up with 93-year-old Shirley Ashton, who is showing no signs of slowing down. The former occupational therapist now lives at Wellington West’s retirement community.
Evert Lindquist went to Hampton Park to speak with Sharon Boddy, an environmentalist who is looking to better the public greenspace.
And for ‘Giving,’ Hannah Wanamaker has a rundown on how various religious groups are coming together to promote peace amidst the Easter holidays.
That’s all the news that fits into print this month. Visit Kitchissippi.com for all the latest news and events.
• Spring recreation including dance, sports, art, music, culinary and more are underway.
• Spring II swim registration begins April 2 (session runs Apr 27 – Jun 28).
• Spring fitness - registration begins April 2; classes begin April 20.
Summer Camps are coming! We still have spaces in Theme Camps, Adventure Overnight, Band, Flag Rugby, Baseball, Acrobatic Jump Rope, Fashion & Jewelry Design, Circus Performers and more! Swim lessons are available once a week or 5 days in a row.
The best value and most fun! 40+/ week classes including group fit, spin, and aquafit classes, fitness centre, pool access and pickleball. Starting at $46/ month.
Registration for the 2024-2025 After School program begins April 2.
Save the date: The Wild Westboro Garage Sale, presented by the WCA, is Sat. June 8, 8-11am at Dovercourt.
Understand climate change in 3 hours at upcoming interactive workshops, presented by facilitator and Westboro resident Don Sproule. April 11 or April 23, 5:30-8:30pm at Dovercourt. Register online from our Events webpage.
Much of Ottawa’s past is hidden beneath layers of dirt. Everyday, commuters pass LeBreton Flats, unaware of the treasures buried below.
Since the 1990s, archeology teams from the National Capital Commission have been peeling away the surface at the former industrial site to learn more about how the city worked during the 19th-century Bytown era. Because of the great fire in 1900, much of its archives and history were lost.
Pieces of broken dishes, coins, and foundations of buildings have been discovered.
One of the greatest finds was remnants of the Malloch House and stables. Next to it were hundreds of old bottles in various shapes and sizes — some molded and others with hand finishes.
Monica Maika, acting manager of the NCC’s archeology program, said they believe the glassware came from a brewery that ran out of the site before the 1900 fire.
“Once the brewery closed, they no longer needed them and they were discarded in place,” said Maika. “What was really interesting was on the north side of the stable we could see where an addition was built because it was made of a different stone than the original.”
As a lawyer and politician, Edward Malloch moved to LeBreton Flats in the 1850s. His house, built sometime before 1861, was used as a brewery in the later half of the century. It’s believed the site was also once part of J.R. Booth’s Canada Atlantic Railway yard for piling lumber.
A shocking find at the Malloch site, Maika said, was a largely intact
cobblestone pathway which connected the home to the stables.
“At first I thought it could be the remains of a storm chimney,” she recalled. “But when we saw the remains of the drain that ran from the house to the stable, that was fascinating because I haven’t seen one like that in this area.”
Some coins dating to the 1800s, pieces of ceramic, and the lid of a toothpaste jar were also unearthed for the first time in over a century. What was not discovered was an outhouse, something Maika was hoping to find. She said they were often used to discard items people did not want to be found.
Another dig occurred at the former site of the St. Lawrence and Ottawa Railway warehouse, but there was little of value. No Indigenous artifacts have been uncovered at any of the sites either.
“Based on oral history, we know that their ancestors would have used LeBreton Flats and camped or crossed the plains,” said Maika. “Given the amount of destruction that occurred during the great fire and industrial use of the area, it’s not surprising we haven’t found them yet.”
The demise of LeBreton Flats began in April 1862, when thousands learned they would lose their homes after the federal government announced a plan to reduce the pollution industry and began bulldozing deteriorating buildings in the area. The land has, for the most part, since remained untouched due to contaminated soil and disputes over what can be built there.
Today LeBreton Flats is primarily empty fields awaiting future development. The War Museum was constructed in 2005, and some road infrastructure projects, including
• James Skead was born in England in 1817 and came to Canada at the age of 10 after his mother passed away.
Skead’s list of accomplishments is extraordinary, acting as president for at least five major organizations including the Dominion Board of Trade. Politically, he served as a city councilor and represented Rideau in the Legislative Council of the Province of Canada.
• Ezra Butler (E.B.) Eddy first began manufacturing wooden matches by hand in Burlington, Vermont in 1851. Three years later, the then 24-year-old moved to Hull, Quebec, where he produced matches using discarded wood from the nearby sawmills. His business ventures quickly grew to be one of the biggest in the world. In 1882 his entire operation went up in flames but rose
from the ashes quickly. When the great fire hit about two decades later, Eddy lost everything — net of about $3 million — but rebuilt it in a year.
• The great fire of 1900 is one of Ottawa’s greatest tragedies. It began at around 10:00 a.m. on April 26 when a defective chimney caught fire at a house in Hull. Huge lumber companies on the Rideau River made it quickly spread. Two thirds of Hull was destroyed alongside about one fifth of Ottawa. The fire raged all the way to Dow’s Lake. Two major ironworks, two flour mills, and both the Ottawa Electric Railway and Electric Lighting Company were destroyed. A fire break, luckily, stopped it from reaching Hintonburg. Seven people were killed and 15,000 were left homeless.
realigning the parkway, have been built. The recently researched lands is where the new proposed Ottawa Senators Arena might one day welcome fans.
In Westboro, Bob Clark has been digging up part of that community's past.
When the Westboro Beach redevelopment started, he was tasked with investigating the former Skead’s Mill, which was long forgotten.
“We found a lot of intact wall and floor remains [and] the boiler house had a lot of brick work intact,” said Clark, an archeology program officer with the NCC.
“We figured out how the sawmill sat on the site which people hadn’t understood before,” he added. “We found lots of interesting artifacts like boiler parts, pieces of the machinery, other lumbering tools, nails, hardware, things like that.”
Built by James Skead in 1871, the mill went bankrupt when there was a recession about a decade later. In 1880, Ezra Butler (E.B.) Eddy purchased the property and ran it for eight years until a “spectacular fire” burned it and surrounding outbuildings to the ground. It was never rebuilt.
The smokestack remained a landmark at Westboro beach until the late 1920s or early 30s when it was torn down.
When Clark dug up the site, signs of the fire were immediately noticeable and dozens of nails were discovered.
A few streets over, a few artifacts were also unearthed at Maplelawn Gardens, which is in the middle of having its stonewall rebuilt using original materials.
“Before municipal garbage pickup, a lot of waste ended up along walls. If you broke a plate for example, you’d dispose of it nearby,” said Clark.
Leslie Ruth Pitt, CS Christian Science practitioner Member of the Christian Science Board of Leadership
First Church of Christ, Scientist
Ottawa ON
First Church of Christ, Scientist
288 Metcalfe Street
Ottawa ON
613 233 1427
When Gabriel Rivett-Carnac sold his car and moved to a condo on Carling Avenue near Britannia Beach, he was looking for an accessible neighborhood to raise his family.
The “radical decision” to go from a vehicle with four wheels to relying on public transit and cycling has saved the of two roughly $10,000$12,000 a year. But it also comes with physical costs.
“I once rode my bike down to Carlingwood and it was the most terrifying experience
I’ve had biking in Ottawa,” said Rivett-Carnac.
“It’s only two kilometers away.”
Cars were swerving past and turning in various directions.
It was not an enjoyable or relaxing experience, said Rivett-Carnac. When deciding to move to the waterfront community, it was chosen over other neighbourhoods due to its close proximity to shopping, trails, and the beach.
“When I step out on my balcony, to the south I can see Ikea [at Pinecrest] and to the east I can see Lincoln Fields. Right now, to access those locations, I will wait and build up a bunch of reasons before I make the trip,” said Rivett-Carnac.
Carling Avenue is in the midst of a massive transformation. Dozens of high-rise buildings are being developed along the street, changing its landscape and purpose. Before the Queensway was built, it was used as the main thoroughfare connecting people from the east side of
Bay ward councillor Theresa Kavanagh, who lives near Britannia Beach, said she’s long dreamed of biking down Carling without fear.
“Its character has changed over the years. Now it’s part of our urban landscape and we need to make it more liveable. To add bus lanes and bike lanes makes a lot of sense,”
I once rode my bike down to Carlingwood and it was the most terrifying experience I’ve had biking in Ottawa.
she said. “It’s a long, straight road and it will get me where I’m going.”
Bus rapid transit has been scheduled to go down Carling for about a decade, but plans have been stalled due to safety studies.
“I don’t know why it’s taking so long. I think it would be very, very helpful,” said Kavanagh. “It’s part of the dream.”
The Trillium line LRT extension from Bayview to Riverside South is expected to open this summer, whereas the Confederation line extension out to Moodie Drive and Algonquin College won’t be complete until at least 2026. There is hope when this happens BRT will be used to better connect the system.
River ward councillor Riley Brockington said he wants to see a better and faster public transit corridor along Carling. In his ward’s section of the road, massive development is occurring at Westgate Shopping Centre and where the former Travelodge Hotel once stood. Multiple highrise apartments could also be built at the former Canadian Tire near Clyde.
“We have long-term transit plans with stations at the major intersections, but whether that’s BRT, LRT or a tram system, I don't know,” he said. “The new Civic Hospital [near Dow’s Lake] will be a big draw. The old Civic site will one day be redeveloped. I don't know what it’s going to look like but we do know it won’t be an empty field.”
Dave Robertson, vice president of Bike Ottawa, said Carling is considered a strode — a type of thoroughfare that is a mix between a street and a road.
“It’s running that fine line between being a place where people can move about their neighbourhood which is more of what a street is versus a road which is meant to move traffic quickly and efficiently,” said Robertson. “It tries to do both of those but it doesn’t do either very well. What you have instead is a traffic sewer which makes it dangerous for everyone. You’ve got to be a daredevil to bike down Carling right now.”
To make the community more accessible for cyclists and pedestrians, he’d like to see Carling put on a “road diet” with the number of lanes dedicated to cars reduced.
Robertson also suggested using quickbuild materials like concrete barriers and pin curves to clearly define bike lanes, making it harder for cars to swerve into that space.
“It’s something that can change very quickly. It’s a willingness. If we are talking about bus rapid transit, you just have to
dedicate a lane. You’ve already got that space you’re canvassed to work with,” he said. “For mobility lanes, people walking, using mobility devices… you create a nice wide curb lane so that people can move safely and it’s an attractive place to be.”
Until these simple pieces of infrastructure are added, Robertson said Ottawa is missing an opportunity. He said city staff are aware of these methods, and noted they have been used well on Laurier Avenue for the past 14 years.
Rivett-Carnac agreed and said a vehicle-only Carling is not needed when the Queensway can quickly take drivers from Dow’s Lake to Kanata.
“At some juncture the city is just going to have to go for it,” he said. “You don't need six lanes with a 60 to 80 kilometer an hour speed limit. I have a lot of hopes and dreams, which is a dangerous thing in this city when you don't own a car.”
Gabriel Rivett-Carnac and his family are avid cyclists who live off Carling. They are calling for better bike infrastructure on the road to make it safer for everyone. When the weather allows, they bike on nearby trails.
ALL PHOTOS BY AARON REID.April marks five years since Sharon Boddy and other volunteers in her Westboro community banded together to restore and conserve Hampton Park.
As director of Friends of Hampton Park, Boddy envisions various improvements for the 10-hectare greenspace and wants the largely-absent National Capital Commission to step up as the landowner.
The park, bought from Brennan Brothers in 1927 by the present-day NCC, dodged urbanization as a designated forest for 200 years and possibly connected the trails of Algonquinspeaking First Nations at Black Rapids on the Rideau River with those at Britannia
Bay on the Ottawa River.
Today, it retains the hollow of a creek that flowed through with frogs and tadpoles until at least the 1970s. Though since dried up, the bed remains mostly clay and plays an instrumental role in absorbing an “awful lot of stormwater”
that can otherwise pose basement flood risks to nearby homes.
“When it’s dry, it’s like cement,” Boddy explained. “When it’s wet, it’s like potter’s clay. It acts like a sponge.”
Hampton Park also reaps carbonstoring climate benefits with its resilient
If the majority of people understand the importance of a place like this in a densifying neighbourhood, we have a shot at hanging onto it. — SHARON BODDY
selection of trees, which dates back nearly 200 years. It includes three of Ottawa’s 170 species of remarkable trees: a red maple, American beech and black cherry.
“I have a real affinity for the eastern white pines because we’re running out of them,” Boddy lamented. “The big trees are such a treat.”
Béatrice Boutilier, a Gatineau-based NCC conservation biologist who enjoys visiting Hampton Park, prefers its seven or eight eastern hemlocks.
“It’s not a tree that’s super common,” she said. “To have it in the city is pretty cool.”
In a warming world, the shade and transpiration these tree canopies provide can keep the park a refreshing five degrees cooler than the surrounding neighbourhoods, Boddy said. This makes
the park a vital temperature moderator for a community whose population of at least 43,000 is projected to gain 12,000 people the next 10 years.
Despite the park’s popularity, Boddy and Boutilier described the NCC lacking harmony with Friends of Hampton Park. Conservation officers visit only when summoned by Boddy’s group, no longer performing two check-ups per year in spring and fall like they did years ago. NCC staff shortages are a leading problem, Boutilier said, with just 12 officers allocated to cover 4,700 square kilometres and only three or four on call per day.
“In the absence of the leadership of the NCC, we have no authority,” Boddy said. “That doesn’t work in the long run.”
If the NCC resumes its twice-yearly visits to Hampton Park, it can facilitate public consultation for projects such as improved trail infrastructure, Boddy said. The signage and maintenance of the park’s pathway network, Boutilier explained, don’t hold a candle to the extensive NCC trails just 20 kilometres north in Gatineau Park.
“It’s really frustrating sometimes to come here and see that they don’t have that,” she said.
Boddy also wants procedural changes to how the City of Ottawa — responsible for recreational facilities, garbage and gardening — maintains the park. She said municipal staff waste emissions and resources by mowing already-short grass and watering in the rain, just to follow schedule. More training would equip them to instead provide extra eyes on the health of the plants and park as an ecosystem, Boddy suggested.
“That could be done very quickly,” she said. “They have a very important role in keeping our greenspaces healthy.”
The park suffers too from a lack of designated walking routes and informational signage. At the north entrance, a decaying wooden map of the NCC is so distanced that a thick staple has remained punched into the centre for decades to identify Hampton Park.
Boddy plans to distribute better signs that mark trails, indicate fines for noncompliance, and educate visitors about the park’s species and history. The NCC is already equipping Friends of
Hampton Park with more “Please respect regeneration area” signs that have quickly put an end to people trampling designated areas.
Boddy also envisions having a boardwalk installed in the next 20 years to allow equal access to visitors with assistive mobility devices. More pressing, she said, is the need to fence off the wilderness areas vulnerable to human and pet traffic.
“The forest is only going to be protected if people know where to walk,” Boddy said. “If the majority of people understand the importance of a place like this in a densifying neighbourhood, we have a shot at hanging onto it.”
Everyone will have to “give a little,” she added, noting this might mean scaling back to just one major trail through the woods or not permitting cyclists. Additionally, she hopes to have more water sources installed. The park’s sole clean water source — a fountain that takes 90 seconds just to fill a four-litre jug — forces Boddy and others to provision household water on their own dime.
Meanwhile, the taps in the no-longeroperational washroom facility stay dry unless the pool in the park’s south end is running water. This year, Boddy aims to have municipal staff extend the water-running period, also hoping to save the washroom from its years-slated demolition and transform it into a muraldecorated potting house.
This last year, Friends of Hampton Park added 100 plants to its pollinator meadow with support from Ecology Ottawa, immediately attracting hummingbirds, monarch butterflies and other species.
“I’ve seen bats hang out over the meadow, which just speaks to how much it’s doing, even if it’s just a little patch,” Boutilier said.
They also planted some 30 trees and 100 NCC-supplied shrubs, additionally receiving free wildflowers through partnership with Nepean High School. For Earth Day this April 22, Friends of Hampton Park will install a naturethemed little free library by the north parking lot and lead interpretive ecology walks.
“It’s a well-loved park,” Boddy remarked. “Try to come here without any distractions. Consider what it means to you — how it might look different in 10, 20 years.”
Many people are rejoicing and feeling blessed about the mild non-winter we have had in Ottawa. But some, including yours truly, have the opposite view.
We shouldn’t be celebrating a lack of winter but grieve its loss.
Besides the obvious — no skating on the Rideau Canal or not much skiing on the Kichi Sibi Winter Trail — there is much more to think about before we permanently hang up our winter gear.
Will you feel thankful when you are dosing on doxycycline to cure your Lyme Disease as hordes of southern deer ticks invade the city this spring? Fewer -20 days means more ticks. Or what about when you’re swatting mosquitoes away in April? A warm winter means more mosquitoes and a longer mosquito season. If that’s not all, what about when you slip and fall on an icy trail or in your driveway? Multiple close friends of mine already have broken bones doing this.
Falls on ice are the number one cause of winter sport injuries, according
to the latest stats from the Canadian Institute for Health Information, and warmer winter temperatures result in more fall-related visits to the Emergency Department. Colder temperatures, however, decrease fall-related hospital visits, according tosaid Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada.
That’s the toll climate change takes on us, but what about our non-human neighbours?
Warm winter weather disrupts natural cycles for prey and predators. Birds
mistime their arrival and have fewer insects to feed on. Bears end hibernation early and must find food when there isn’t much around. Less snow and above-zero days and nights means very little spring runoff, and what little there has been this year ran off early. Pickerel and pike will struggle when they find that their spring spawning sites, gravel riffles and flooded fields are bone dry when spawning and mating time comes around in late April.
I could go on, but you get the gist of my frustration.
The inhabitants of winter, both human and non-human, need to breathe cold air and feel the vigor and freedom that winter sunshine blesses us with. Winter gives us the freedom to glide over ice and snow and roam the forests, fields and frozen waterways.
My wife Connie and I were so discouraged by the warm winter weather that we spent much of the winter in Dawson City in the northern Yukon. We are snowbirds in reverse, migrating north in winter — and we are not alone.
The next time you think about rejoicing over a mild non-winter, think about what we are giving up in exchange for shoveling a little less snow and wearing one less layer.
Max is a Kitchissippi resident who has spent his career as a biologist, interpretive planner and park planner with Canada’s national parks and the Canadian Wildlife Service. He has travelled more than 25,000 km by canoe throughout North America, South America, Europe, Africa and Australia.
After being closed for use this winter, the Chief William Commanda Bridge reopened to cyclists and pedestrians.
Gates went up at the pedestrian bridge entrance points in November, despite the city branding it as a multi-seasonal attraction when construction started. Officials had planned to look at the bridge this winter to see if it could one day be used for winter activities. However, that never fully happened.
Due to a mild winter with little snow accumulation, city staff said in a memo to council the feasibility was unable to
accurately be assessed.
“Staff will continue to explore the potential for winter use of the bridge and will provide Council with an update,” wrote Dan Chenier, general manager of the Recreation, Cultural, and Facility Services department.
A decision to keep the bridge open yearround cannot come soon enough. The Kichi Sibi Winter Trail is hoping to incorporate it into their grooming operations.
Plans are also underway to open a winter trail on the Quebec side of the Ottawa River. That could happen as early as next season. Dave Adams, groomer of the Kichi Sibi Winter Trail, said he’s hopeful the bridge can connect the two communities through
Carling Dental (Singhal Dentistry) is a modern, bright, and welcoming Dental Practice offering exceptional care by experienced Dental Professionals. Located at 100-1525 Carling Ave, it is an ideal Dental practice delivering unparalleled cosmetic and Family Dentistry out of a comfortable, cheerful, and modern office.
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the colder season.
“Judging by the words that they used, I’m a little bit concerned that they may not open the bridge for next winter either,” said Adams.
In his memo to council, Chenier noted the bridge was not designed for plowing, salt or grip operations. Adams said that shouldn’t matter. At least 15 centimeters of snow is needed before grooming operations can start.
“The equipment we have is not what they have in Gatineau Park. We are using lightweight equipment,” he said. “It’s not killing snow, it’s just drafting a large object over it. We would not damage the bridge.”
It’s been a tough season for the winter
Outdoor enthusiasts are hopeful the Chief William Commanda Bridge will remain open year-round.
PHOTO BY CHARLIE SENACK.trail. Adams said it was their worst. Only about 50 grooming days occurred this year compared to 100 last year — a record.
Looking ahead to next winter, Adams is hopeful for their best season yet.
“We are seeing a lot of projects getting close to concluding. Potentially we will have Westboro Beach back, the Churchill underpass ready, and with a little bit of pressure, hopefully they will reconsider the Chief William Commanda Bridge staying open,” said Adams.
dedicated team at Carling dental help them feel welcomed and make their experiences very fun and lively.
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As longer days and warmer weather draw near, Ottawa’s religious communities are celebrating and promoting peace.
During this holy time, many seek to renew their beliefs by fasting, exhibiting charitable deeds, and gathering for celebratory meals.
“We have our rituals that remind us of the need to be humble, the need to be loving, the need to be forgiving, and the need to work assiduously to promote justice and equity and care and celebration,” said Rev. Dr. Anthony Bailey of Parkdale United Church.
For Christians, the Easter season is a time to practice compassion and inclusivity as a means of bringing peace. This sacred time begins each year on the Thursday leading into Easter weekend as people meditate on Jesus washing his disciples' feet and instructing them to love each other as Jesus had loved them.
On Good Friday, communities gather in churches to observe the 14 stages of the Crucifixion depicted in the Stations of the Cross.
His resurrection on Easter Sunday is then celebrated during church services and meals
Next page: The inside of Kehillat Beth Israel synagogue on Coldrey Avenue. PROVIDED
shared among families and communities.
“God has life beyond death and that is what we celebrate during Easter when we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus,” said Bailey.
Another pillar of this spiritual season is inviting others to partake in these celebrations. Bailey said that people
feel honoured when they are invited to participate in these communal enterprises.
“People feel like they don’t have to be despairing about things. There’s a certain joy that they can spread to other people – that they can give them hope and encourage them to do the works of justice, and love, and peace, and care.”
Rabbi Adina Lewittes, a scholar and temporary leader at Kehillat Beth Israel synagogue, said that members of Christianity, Judaism and Islam employ the same values while performing rituals.
“It’s important to note that not only do we share in different ritual practices, but we
focus through those rituals – each in our own way – of becoming more intentional about the world we wish to build.”
During the spring season, the Jewish community partakes in two rich, historical celebrations.
The first holiday, Purim, revolves around the survival of the Jewish community living in Persia during the 4th century BCE, told in the Biblical story of Esther. The holiday begins with the fast of Esther, a minor fast from dawn to nightfall, like the fasts of Ramadan.
“It's the only day in which the Jewish community and the Muslim community were fasting at the same time. It was the Fast of Esther and it was Ramadan,” Lewittes said.
During the holiday, Jews are called to partake in charitable deeds and offer gestures of kindness and generosity to those in need and to those within their community, Lewittes added.
David Sachs, the community relations and antisemitism specialist at the Jewish Federation of Ottawa, described Purim as
“one of the more fun events in the Jewish calendar.” Purim begins a day after the fast and ends at dusk the following day.
“It’s a joyous holiday. We’re celebrating the survival [of the Jewish people] and one of the interesting traditions is that it’s a dress-up holiday, so we often get together in costume, even in synagogue,” he said.
Later in April, the Jewish community gathers for Passover – a holiday commemorating the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt. Similar in style to Greek symposiums, families and friends feast, drink glasses of wine, retell the exodus story, and discuss and
debate ideas, Lewittes said.
While people of faith are encouraged to share their religious traditions with others, many have experienced religious traditions outside of their circles too.
Sachs added that an “important goal of the Ottawa Jewish community is to continue building bridges with other communities.”
“The Ahmadiyya Jama’at community has hosted an Iftar dinner on Parliament Hill for some years,” he said. “They have always invited members of the Jewish community to join them in this display of brotherhood.”
During the 30 days of Ramadan, Muslims fast from dawn to sundown. Once the sun sets, families and communities gather for Iftar where they break their fasts.
“Ramadan brings the community together and it strengthens the brotherhood between the Muslims in Ottawa. It also cleanses our spiritual connection with our Lord, Allah,” said Mohammed Adi, president
of the Ottawa Muslim Association.
The Ottawa Mosque on Northwestern Avenue prepares and serves meals to Muslims and those in need every day during Ramadan.
“We try to make sure everyone has something good to eat,” said Adi. “We start off with dates and soup and then they get a plate of salad, rice, and chicken. There’s trays of sweets and cake.”
Though not all mosques hold an Iftar meal, Adi said that all hold the Darkness to Complete Darkness prayer. The hour-long prayer led by an Imam consists of reciting longer citations from the Qu’ran.
With community and charitable deeds being core tenets of Islam, Adi said that Muslims welcome people to partake in their rituals and traditions to learn more about the faith.
“We invite people and give them a little tour, we have Iftar together,” he said. “This opens the door and people start asking more questions about our religion.”
The Talisman caters to any mood, with a balance of energy and serenity, solitude and socialization
Sleepwell Property Management is now accepting applications on a new apartment building under their management, The Talisman, located on the historic grounds of one of Ottawa’s oldest party spots.
Situated at 1354 Carling Ave, the building is named after the historic Talisman Motor Inn that once stood as Ottawa’s hottest nightlife destination. The Talisman combines classic Ottawa architecture with modern convenience and amenities, granting the contemporary citydweller’s wish for a tranquil sanctuary in the middle of the bustling city.
The trendy apartment complex is nestled at the intersection of Carling Avenue and Merivale Road, which is quickly expanding into a charming city centre. It is located across the street from Westgate Shopping Centre which is in the midst of a redevelopment of its own.
Get some breakfast at one of the fantastic restaurants
just steps away from your front door and spend the day strolling through acres of public greenspace at Hampton Park or the Central Experimental Farm. Britannia Beach is also just five minutes away!
With close proximity to Carlingwood Shopping Centre and just a few streets away from Westboro, you can shop until you drop in one of Ottawa’s hottest and trendiest neighbourhoods. After dark, you can take part in bustling nearby nightlife that will keep the party going well into the wee hours.
The Talisman is located just a five minute drive away from Little Italy and a 10 minute drive to downtown. It’s also on key transit routes for those who prefer to keep their vehicles at home.
If you prefer to spend the day inside, the Talisman caters to any mood, with a balance of energy and serenity, solitude and socialization. Focus on your personal well-being in the state-of-the-art gym, host and socialize in the sophisticated lounge, or relax on the panoramic seventh-floor terrace where you can
enjoy breathtaking views of the Ottawa skyline.
Students and business professionals alike can buckle down and get some work done in the inhouse coworking space, which provides focus and collaboration without the hassle of a commute. Once you get that last report in, you can relax and let your stress melt away in the original Japanese garden that designer William Teron created for the former Motor Inn. It’s perfect for a leisurely stroll, a font of creative insight, or a moment of quiet introspection.
At the end of the day, retreat to your own quiet corner of the city. Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with indoor parking — which includes charging stations for electric vehicles and the convenience of keyless entry.
Every suite in The Talisman, from studios to threebedrooms, are equipped with seamless smart doors that offer effortless access control with the push of a button. Whether you’re retiring after a hard day or settling down for some quality family time, The Talisman will provide.
I s it hair loss that is bothering you? Skin concerns? Or simply getting your strength back after an injury?
Springtime is all about renewal. Flowers bloom, plants grow, the grass turns green. The birds sing.
Dr. Sonam Maghera at AmbrosiaMD can help your body, too, feel and/or look better.
AmbrosiaMD is a doctor-run clinic that will follow the current treatment guidelines using the latest research and technologies. “Ambrosia MD is my passion project that encompasses aesthetic and regenerative medicine treatments,” says Dr. Maghera. “It blends my interest in procedural and regenerative based medicine.”
Regenerative medicine is a cuttingedge field.
“It is focused on using the body’s natural processes to repair, replace, or regenerate damaged tissues or
organs,” adds Dr. Maghera. “It involves techniques like platelet rich plasma, platelet rich fibrin, micro needling, and exosomes to promote healing and restore function in the tissues treated.”
Essentially, it’s about harnessing the body’s innate ability to heal itself for improved health outcomes.
AmbrosiaMD offers many services, including the following:
Hair loss treatments (platelet rich fibrin); Micro-needling (skin pen) for skin concerns, scarring, and more;
• Anti-wrinkle, or Botox injections;
Their truFlex treatment, which can stimulate a 30 per cent increase in muscle mass, is run under the guidance of Dr. Maghera, a board-certified Sport and Exercise Medicine physician.
Whether you need to recover from something or simply want to look and feel your best, AmbrosiaMD will help your body sing a better tune.
Dr. Maghera and her staff will work with you to ensure that a proper treatment plan is prepared to address your personal wishes and concerns.
When walking up to St. François d’Assise Church, only one word comes to mind – big. From the massive three-door entrance to the giant asymmetrical bell towers at each side, it’s easy to be awestruck by its scale.
Stepping into the place of worship, you’re greeted by dozens of pews lining the length of the church. Windows let in beams of light with a cool blue tint, giving the whole nave an atmospheric hue fit for worship.
“When they built the great cathedrals, they had in mind that the church [would] be visible,” said Gilles Leclerc, organist of St. François d’Assise since 1977.
In 1890, two Capuchin brothers came to Ottawa from France in hopes of setting up a monastery. When talking with JosephThomas Duhamel, archbishop at the time, they were given permission to set up their monastery — with one condition.
“The deal was that if he accepted them, they had to set up a new parish,” said Leclerc. “The archbishop said, ‘I’ll give you a territory and it will be a segment of St. John Baptist parish.’”
They built a monastery where the Hintonburg Community Association now stands in winter 1891 with the original church attached. It served parishioners until 1915 when the current St. François d’Assise opened.
But beauty doesn’t come from sheer scale alone. For a few years Leclerc was fascinated by the original plans, hand-drawn by architect Charles Brodeur. While surveying them, he found a unique mystery.
“I was struck by the strange height of the ceiling of the vault. It's 53 feet high and it sounds like a funny number,” said Leclerc. “Then I started noticing the proportions which relate to the golden ratio.”
The golden ratio is the relation between
the variables in the Fibonacci sequence. When you divide the bigger number by the smaller number, the answer will come close to 1.618 also known as Phi. The larger the numbers, the closer it will be.
The Fibonacci sequence refers to a historic equation. By using this sequence with different variables, people have made some of the greatest pieces of art like the Mona Lisa or built historic structures like the pyramids.
“The entire church is, generally speaking, in a golden ratio,” said Leclerc. “That’s the reason why it looks so great. It provides these great proportions that have it sitting really elegantly and majestically like the Greek temples. It really is the jewel of Hintonburg.”
St. François d’Assise’s organ was originally built in 1886 for Knox Presbyterian Church, said Leclerc. It was expropriated in 1929
to make way for Confederation square where the national war monument now stands. The keyboard instrument was abandoned until 1933 when the Wellington West Church took it in. In 1961 it was decommissioned due to a lack of funds for repairs before being unearthed and refurbished in 1988.
While the church is a place for worship, over 30 organizations have also used it as a concert venue. Leclerc called it “one of the best music venues in the city.”
Though large and gorgeous, the church has seen better days. Due to changing generations, the parish has had the Korean Martyrs Church share the building and a private Catholic school rents space in the basement.
“We do have challenges ahead,” said Leclerc. “Obviously, church attendance isn't what it used to be. Now we are kind of thinking, ‘Where do we go from here, how do we maintain such a grand building?’”
The upkeep of grand, century-old buildings costs lots of money. A fundraising campaign is being launched this year to help raise funds so the church can remain in the community for decades to come.
“If we let go of everything we have in our generation, what will we give to the next
It’s a building that has stood in Westboro for over a century. The Highland Park Lawn Bowling Club has received heritage designation just as the group gets set to celebrate its 110th anniversary.
The structure, located on Byron Ave near Golden and Ravenhill, previously sat on the city's heritage register for two years.
“The heritage register didn’t protect the green or the building at all,” said Tom (Paul) Sawyer, groundskeeper of the Lawn Bowling Club. “When you get a designation, it goes to the province and is registered as a cultural heritage landmark within the city.”
That gives the city more control over what can be done with the building and prevents it from being torn down for development. Any alterations or advanced modifications would need to be approved in advance.
City officials are in a mad dash to designate as many properties as possible by the end of year due to Bill 23, known as the More Homes Built Faster Act. As of Jan. 1, 2025, any buildings still on the list will be removed for at least five years, opening them up to the possibility of demolition and development.
“It just stops developers from changing the zoning. We are zoned as recreational but taxed as commercial so it’s a bit tricky,” said Sawyer.
The Highland Park Lawn Bowling Club was founded in 1914 when a group of men from the Village of Westboro and Township of Nepean approached John E. Cole who owned the farmland. They requested permission to construct a lawn bowling
green and tennis courts on part of the property. It was a successful deal.
The site was leased for many years until 1941 when Club members took shares on the land and purchased it. Cole was then made a lifetime member due to his years of generosity.
The tennis courts were in operation until 1954 when that section of land was sold for housing due to money strains. In
1955, a thunderstorm caused a large elm tree to fall, destroying the west end of the clubhouse. Then in 1962, a fire broke out from within the building, engulfing it in flames.
Located in the center of Ottawa’s hottest neighbourhood, it’s a costly process to keep the club going.
“We are looking at a [tax] bill of probably over $14,000,” said club president Marrie-Anne Rene de Cotret. “Our water bill was (over) $3,000 last year, and we are anticipating it to be higher this year.”
“We’re also a non-profit organization, so we have to do all the fundraising ourselves, without help from the municipal or provincial governments,” she added.
Part of these funds come from sponsors who place signs along the club's fence.
Thanks to community support, the club has been able to remain in existence for many decades.
“The past few years we’ve had families come to bowl on Friday afternoons after school or Sundays. We have our barbeque so they can have an evening meal with their kids,” said Rene de Cotret.
The premise of lawn bowling is fairly straightforward. The sport combines the technique of bowling with the discipline of curling. You roll the bowls along the green, try to get them close to the mark, and keep them there.
The City of Ottawa staff report said the Highland Park Bowling Club was worthy of designation due to it being one of the few remaining greenspaces in the area. “The club has served as a community sports hub for over a century, preserving the traditions of lawn bowling amidst urban development,” it read.
The club will be holding an open house on May 11, and the 110-year-anniversary on August 17.
City council is in a mad dash to save properties on Ottawa’s heritage register before they are taken off by year’s end.
The buildings, which have some kind of historical significance, are on the municipal register to give them more protection from being demolished. If an owner decides to tear down the building, the city is given 60 days to choose if they want to save the structure through heritage designation.
Out of all Ontario municipalities, Ottawa has the largest number of properties on the heritage register at 4,600.
Due to Bill 23 which was brought forward by the Doug Ford-led provincial government, buildings remaining on the list by Jan 1, 2025, will be removed and can not be relisted for five years, opening them up to possible development.
will be done by community or architectural features.
KT historian Dave Allston has created a comprehensive list of 20 properties in Kitchissippi that are on the heritage register and are worthy of designation.
Built: 1871-1872
Once a farmhouse belonging to the Stewart family, it is one of a few remaining buildings in the Kitchissippi community from the 19th century. Their family farm was the only development the neighbourhood saw until after World War l.
But city hall has found a loophole to buy more time.
Because newly listed properties can remain on the list for two years, Ottawa’s built heritage committee has agreed to de-list most of the properties through various stages and re-list them in January.
“It’s a made in Ottawa solution,” said Rideau-Rockcliffe Coun. Rawlson King, chair of the built heritage committee.
“We don’t want to lose all the work that was undertaken. Staff have committed to ensuring the information around the listed properties are archived and retained on the website,” he added. “At the end of the day we’d love to see them re-listed when we know that we will be able to get the designation of key properties.”
King said designation will also come in packages to ensure more properties are saved. Heritage staff are working to see if that
Built: 1913-1915
This landmark of Hintonburg has been seen from many vantage points across the city for the last 100 years. Built with superior materials and craftsmanship, it has been an important hub to the francophone population of Hintonburg, which first established the paroisse in 1890.
Part of this site might date back as far as 1855, but the Fitzgibbon House was built in the 1870s. It was later modified to become the New Orpington Lodge, also known as the St. George’s Receiving Home for Boys. The central portion was a grand two-and-a-half storey wood-framed home built by James Fitzgibbon, who was an engineer on Colonel By’s staff. In 1895, Lord Archibald Douglas, who had been arranging for the emigration and placement of Catholic children from England, acquired the home and converted it into “New Orpington Lodge” — later
renamed St. George’s Home. It was used by the Navy for storage and testing during WWII before being changed to Holy Rosary Church in 1947.
Built: 1906-1907
This house dates back to Champlain Park’s cottage era as “Riverside Park.'' It was constructed by Charles Thicke from one of the community's most prominent families at the time. Champlain Park was established as a summer resort upon the opening of the electric railway line to Britannia.
Built: 1873
Jane Birch, daughter of Thomas Birch, built this home. The family arrived in the area in 1838 and was one of the area’s pioneers. In fact, the east half of Westboro — east of Churchill — was originally known as Birchton. Jane Birch was enterprising and opened Westboro’s first commercial grocery store here in 1873. She later married Pierre Paysant, who became an important figure in early Westboro.
Built: 1900-1901
Located on Parkdale, this building was constructed by James Forward (known as “Honest Jim”), who was one of Hintonburg’s most prominent and well-loved citizens. He operated a flour and feed mill on Wellington until 1942, served on the Hintonburg Village council for five years, and later represented
the community as Alderman for 26 years. It was sold to the Amethyst Women’s Addiction Centre and later Abbeyfield House.
Built: 1872-1873
This building is one of the original houses of Mechanicsville. Its location at the north end of the street is in close proximity to the river and Lazy Bay. Its owners, the Vachon family, were longtime ice dealers to the west end who had extensive operations in Mechanicsville on and around this property.
Built: 1891
This house was constructed by Anthony Tunney, the namesake of Tunney’s Pasture. He was a key resident of Mechanicsville, and one of its original lot buyers in 1872.
Built: 1886
Built by David Cuthbertson, a top builder of the late 19th century in Ottawa, the house is well-known to those traveling through Hintonburg, at the important intersection of Bayswater and Gladstone.
Built: 1901 & 1911-1912
This Iconic commercial and residential block of Hintonburg was built in two main portions. The western section was constructed by D. H. MacLean in 1901, and the eastern portion by Henry and Nelson Fauteux between 1911-1912. Many important businesses have operated from this building, including the early Wong Sing Chinese laundry, Doucet & Charbonneau dry goods, Fauteux & Fauteux paints, and Kitchissippi’s first LCBO.
Built: 1929-1930
Built in the Tudor style of architecture by Stafford F. Kirkpatrick, this stately home was designed by Noffke, Morin and Sylvester. Kirkpatrick was the vice-president and managing director of the Deloro Smelting and Mining Company of Ottawa. He retired in 1939 and leased the home for free as a school for fleeing British schoolchildren, known as Byron House School, for the duration of WWII. In 1945, it was sold to the Republic of Peru.
Built: 1883-1884
Richmond Road was for many years a toll road, from Hintonburg through to Bells Corners, managed by the Bytown and
Nepean Road Company.
The original toll house at the corner of Parkdale burned in a fire in 1883, and a new building was built to replace it at 1121 Wellington. A small fire in 1888 led to some rebuilding, but the structure is largely the same today. The toll house was in operation here until 1895. 1121 Wellington then became the office of Kitchissippi’s first doctor Israel G. Smith until 1907, then a pharmacy until 1958, and a shoe repair shop until about 2010, when it became Oresta.
Built: 1889
An early example of a commercial building in Hintonburg, this merchant shop was constructed when Hintonburg was still part of Nepean Township. It was built by Francis Holmes Gilchrist, one of the Village’s inaugural councillors. The building temporarily acted as the Richmond Road tollhouse in 1888-1890 after a fire had destroyed the previous one. It was originally a store for eggs, and in 1892 became a flour and feed store called Gilchrist & Son.
and convalescence home for employees. It was sold to the Institut Jeanne D’Arc in 1973.
Built: 1872-1873
Likely the oldest still-standing house in Mechanicsville, it was constructed by F.X. Sauve. He worked as a stonemason on the original Parliament Buildings, and was one of the builders of St. Francois D’Assise Church.
Built: 1903
This iconic building at the SomersetWellington turn was constructed by Edward C. Jones. It replaced a previous block that burned by fire a year prior. It was labeled as “the finest structure in the municipality” and was the site of Hintonburg’s first pool room opened by Paul Pelletier in 1904.
Built: 1906-1907 — though perhaps a decade sooner
This is an excellent example of the early days of Hintonburg commerce, a mixed commercial-residential building that has been in the heart of the community since its village days. Some research indicates it was constructed in 1906 by John Proudman, who operated a shoe store in the building while residing upstairs for many years.
Built: 1914
Constructed by William Ross, who had laid out a small subdivision consisting largely of the length of Clifton Avenue, he divided the street into 52 building lots and offered them for sale. Ross built himself a stately home at 363 Clifton, which later became the home of Charles A. Port and his family in 1940.
Built: 1911-1912
This house was built by J.Y. Caldwell, who acquired the property from CPR. This house was one of the first three built in the area, and was a showcase home for the neighbourhood. It was later the long-time home of Charles E. Clark and his family.
Built: 1907-1908
This home was built by W.J. Hamilton for Charles Ogilvy, who was founder of the Ottawa-based Ogilvy department store chain. A provision of Ogilvy's will left the home to his wife for use until her death after which it would be given to Charles Ogilvy Ltd as a rest
Built: 1923-1924
This long-time English community Catholic Church predates nearly all of the houses in Wellington Village. It originally served the households from Holland west to Britannia and from the Ottawa River south to Manotick. Designed by Noffke, Morin and Sylvester, its interior has remained virtually unchanged for a century.
Nearly three months after its closure, laid-off employees of Stella Luna in Wellington West say they have not received their severance or tip money.
The once popular gelato shop fell into controversy in 2022 when owner Tammy Giuliani donated $250 to the so-called “freedom convoy” truckers’ protest. The donation was made public after crowdfunding “Give-Send-Go” contributions were leaked.
Stella Luna once boasted four locations. The Wellington West and Carleton Place locations have closed. The Old Ottawa South and Merrickville locations are still open.
Kasey Tierney, who worked at Stella Luna for more than six years, said the owner, Tammy Giuliani, agreed to pay her in January. The money never came.
“I had no issues doing it in installments because it was a substantial amount of money. Tammy said she would start payments the following Monday. I never got any money,” Tierney told KT. “I reached out a week later and I got excuses.”
KT has requested a comment from Giuliani and other family members
who worked at the business. However, they did not respond by deadline.
In an email sent to Tierney on Feb. 1, Giuliani wrote that she appreciated her former employees' support, and said there is no money to pay employees.
“It's gut wrenching for us to not have enough to pay people what they are owed.
As you know, Zachary, Chris, Erica, Sandro and I are all working without pay while we try to cover basic expenses,” wrote Giuliani. “We are trying to keep the hydro on and the water flowing so we can stay alive until spring when business picks up. If we close permanently, then no one benefits. We can't pay salaries owed, tips or severance if this happens. The bank accounts are empty, our savings
[are] long gone and all credit options exhausted.”
On March 8, Stella Luna posted to its Instagram page that an in-person job fair was being held at its Bank Street location. When the layoffs were announced in December, a Facebook statement said they
would welcome the team back when possible.
Reggie Clark, who has worked at Stella Luna for about four months, said he is owed a few hundred dollars in tips.
“Being laid off two weeks before Christmas was quite a bummer for me and my coworkers, especially trying to buy gifts for friends and family. A lot of us felt like we couldn’t do that and it impacted our ability to enjoy the holidays,” said Clark. “Three months later I’m still without a job. I’ve been doing interviews, applying in-person and online, but haven’t found anything that gives me the hours I need.”
In March 2023, it was announced that Giuliani handed the company down to her son Zach and his partner Christopher Berneck. In an interview with KT at the time, the pair said they were excited to rebuild the company as an inclusive and welcoming space
Despite the apparent change in leadership, all pay requests went through Tammy, former staff said. When the new ownership was announced, the Stella Luna founder was supposed to only be involved in the catering side of business.
Leading up to the Wellington Street location’s closure, Tierney said customers tipped generously as an act of support for the employees who were losing their jobs at Christmas.
“People were very, very kind,” she said. “It’s a huge testimony to the Hintonburg community about how respectful they were to us. I’m grateful for it.”
Ottawa’s Phase 2 LRT Trillium Line could still open this summer if testing goes smoothly, says Michael Morgan, Ottawa's director of rail operations.
Progress has been good, he said, an optimistic sign that Kitchissippi residents could soon be riding the rails two years after the former O-Train line extension was supposed to be completed.
At this point the earliest potential launch date will be in July, though that could also be pushed back due to driver training and software testing.
Once complete, trains will run from Bayview Station to Limebank Road in Riverside South and to the airport. It will provide benefits to Carleton University students and better connect Little Italy and South Keys.
To accommodate the new trains, a total of 42 bus routes are being canceled, with 18 new added. Over 130 routes will see some change occur, but 27 will remain unchanged.
OC Transpo general manager Renée Amilcar said it wasn’t just about cutting costs but making “a responsible decision.” The changes won’t come into effect until the Phase 2 line opens.
“You will see a shift from downtownfocused bus routes to routes that improve connections to community hubs and key destinations," OC Transpo said in a statement. "Some customers may have to go further to the bus stop, have additional transfers to buses or trains and/or have faster travel times.”
City council will soon be tasked with deciding whether or not to fund Phase 3 LRT out to Barrhaven, Kanata, and Stittsville. Kitchissippi Coun. Jeff Leiper believes it should be paused — for now. An emphasis is currently being put on bus rapid transit.
“It is starting to look like a more compelling option now, especially since the city has gone in with both feet on electrification of the bus league,” he said.
OC Transpo is continuing to face financial challenges due to low ridership caused by COVID-19. A $49.8 million budget deficit is projected for 2024. Ridership last year was 66 per cent over pre-pandemic levels. Officials warn it will take a decade before it recovers.
The Northeast corner of Kitchissippi has always been an industrial center with railways, mills, lumber yards and manufacturing firms. It’s what came to this area first. The people and the houses followed.
Those days are nearly gone, with only a few physical remnants remaining. In February, Ottawa’s Built Heritage Committee voted unanimously to designate what was recently the Orange Art Gallery. Built in 1925, this building served as the offices for major eastern Ontario lumber firm W.C. Edwards.
Early growth and the development of west Centretown, Hintonburg and Mechanicsville can all be tied back to the arrival of the trains. You wouldn’t know it today, but the area all around Tom Brown Arena, City Centre, Bayview and east to Booth Street and north to the Ottawa River, was the site of sprawling, complex, massive early railway operations.
The Canada Central Railway opened a line running west from Bayview to Carleton Place in 1870, while the St. Lawrence and Ottawa Railway opened a branch off their Prescott line to Bayview from about where Heron
meets the Airport Parkway (now the Trillium rail corridor) a year later. The arrival of these lines meant building stations, platforms, roundhouses, offices, stockyard pens, storage buildings and coal chutes.
Lumber and manufacturing companies jockeyed for real estate near the tracks, anxious to have access to shipping lines via a short siding off the main. These same companies, and the railroads themselves, fought for land nearby to lay out subdivisions to enable their workers to live close to work. Hence a community like Mechanicsville was established in 1872.
Not long after, the Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa and Occidental Railway opened a line across the Ottawa River in 1880 via what is now the Chief William Commanda Bridge that came into Bayview. Three years later, the Canada Atlantic Railway extended their line from Elgin into Bayview, and finally J.R. Booth’s Ottawa, Arnprior and Parry Sound Railway opened a line from Bayview west to Arnprior in 1893.
Some of this infrastructure still lives buried underneath the fields and grounds, surprisingly well preserved as we found out in 2016 when an archaeology team working at the Trinity site next to City Centre uncovered the original turntable, engine
house and roundhouse. Sadly, it will soon be removed as contaminated ground to make way for the condo development.
Long-time residents will recall that where Tom Brown Arena now stands was where the CPR roundhouse stood until it was demolished in April 1968. Across the street, where the Bayview LRT station now is was roughly where the original Ottawa West passenger station stood.
Proximity to the railways brought some major firms, none more significant in our area than J.R. Booth and his mills and lumber piling grounds. Nearly the entire tract of land north of the Somerset Bridge between the Trillium line to Preston Street was owned by Booth to maintain his massive piles of lumber. Where the City Centre tower now stands was Martin & Warnock’s Dominion Flour Mills, and a little to the south, where the Orange Monkey is was a large match factory.
All of these lumber facilities were wiped out in the great Ottawa-Hull fire of 1900, and again in 1903 when Rochesterville was decimated by a second blaze. Booth relocated to what is now the Carlington vet homes. This left behind a large open piece of land. The W.C. Edwards Company took over what is now the City Centre property.
In Hintonburg, there were many early industries that were built around the railway. The Mason mill — later Shephard and Morse — was a large operation along the river that is now Bayview Yard and the approach to Lemieux Island. Not to mention Zagerman’s Lumber and Supply — now Merkley’s across the road from 1930 onwards.
The quiet residential development called Hintonburg Place just to the south of Tom Brown Arena is only a little over 20 years old, but was the long-time home of D. Kemp Edwards (nephew of W.C.) Lumber. On the opposite side of Hintonburg Place, adjacent to the Trillium line, is a small nondescript
parking lot, but for many years this was the site of the Canadian Oil Company’s office building and massive holding tanks of gasoline, coal oil and naphtha oil.
One important remnant of the early industrial days we still have is the Somerset Street Bridge, which also has an important relationship with the early days of west end rail.
It’s hard to imagine today that the communities of Centretown and Hintonburg were once continuous, homogeneous land. The installation of numerous railroad tracks, and the later trenching of the tracks, created a massive man-made barrier between the two communities.
Once the tracks arrived in the 1870s, it essentially severed the neighbourhood from Dow’s Lake to Bayview. From that point on, bridges were required over the rail to access anywhere east. A level crossing in this area was out of the question, with the volume of trains coming and going creating a dangerous situation.
A wooden bridge was constructed over Cedar Street — as Somerset Street was known in the late 19th century — to span the railway tracks below. This was an important bridge for the community, made even more critical with the arrival of the electric streetcars in October of 1895. Hintonburg residents had been so insistent that the streetcars come to the village and use the Somerset Street bridge and Wellington Street that they separated from Nepean Township in 1893 primarily over this issue.
The great fire of 1900 destroyed the Somerset Street bridge, completely cutting off access to the east. The bridge was quickly rebuilt using iron this time, but there was also an impetus made for a second bridge, which after years of political wrangling opened in 1909 as the Wellington Viaduct. It stood until 1969 when the new Scott-Albert bridge at Bayview replaced it.
“...extremely touching.”
Living in assisted living hasn’t stopped Shirley Ashton from living a life full of adventures.
Ashton, 93, spends her days at the Wellington West Retirement Community playing games, attending the knitting club and socializing with other residents.
While Ashton’s travels don’t take her as far geographically nowadays, that wasn’t always the case. Before moving to Ottawa in 2022 to be closer to the care of her son, Ashton spent the majority of her life moving from coast-to-coast.
Born in Quebec, her father’s mail management job meant the family had to move frequently: first to Sault Ste. Marie when she was seven, then to Toronto where she went to university for physio and occupational therapy.
Ashton said she doesn’t know why the degree stood out to her, but she enjoyed meeting new people and helping them.
“I enjoyed it until computers came
along because I thought I couldn't cope with that. So I quit. And to this day, I can't use a computer because I didn't learn,” she said with a coy laugh.
Although you may not be able to tell nowadays, Ashton said she had a rather shy disposition growing up, making moving to the big city quite challenging.
“It's hard making that initial move, and I wasn't a really outgoing person … It takes a while to get to know people and to get used to it,” she said. “I was a city girl because I lived in the city, but I didn't know anybody else in the city. So the minute I finished [at the University of Toronto], I decided I was moving on.”
Upon graduating, Ashton picked up her bags one more time to follow a friend to Calgary, where she would work as an occupational therapist in the Veterans Hospital.
Ashton then began working in Winnipeg as an occupational therapist in a region where there weren’t many others at the time.
“[The program in B.C.] just had a van and they had a workshop in it. I went out there and spent three weeks with them and they said, ‘Oh, if you're gonna get a workshop, don't get something that you've got to work all bent over.’”
So she rented a half tonne truck, tall enough to stand in, and began driving to rural communities to offer her care.
After taking a quick hiatus to travel around Europe for six months with a friend from Scotland, Ashton returned
to Winnipeg, where she would live most of her life.
Not only did Ashton see the occupational therapy industry change over time, but she has seen the world change.
“Things have changed for younger people [more] than they did for us. In my generation, you got a job and you usually stayed in the job for most of your life and you ended up with a pension and this and that. The younger generation doesn’t have that today. It's harder with jobs.”
With all her years of wisdom, Ashton said there are two things she recommends for the younger generation: to travel more and to move into assisted living before you have to in order to get a headstart in building a community there.
“The one thing that I wish I'd done more of when I was working was I wish I travelled in Europe more,” she said.
Since first calling Ottawa home two years ago, Ashton is adjusting well to the retirement home in the nation’s capital. She said it was hard at first knowing no one but her son and his young kids.
“He had a family of his own, he had a life of his own — he couldn't spend it all with me,” she said. “It's a whole new light, yes. Sometimes it's a bit hard. But once you get here, you've got to make the effort. If you don't make the effort to get out of your room and to get down and do things, nobody else can do it for you.”
GoodStory is a real estate firm that stepped out of its comfort zone recently to take on the massive renovation of a tired, one-and-a-half storey century home in Hintonburg that transformed it into a unique modern family home.
“We didn’t think that it was going to be a full rebuild,” admits GoodStory co-founder Leo Alvarenga who — according to his wife and business partner, Jenniffer Alvarenga — has always loved the development side of real estate. “We were looking at it as a big renovation. But the more we peeled the onion, the more we realized that we had to do significant work to be able to put our name behind it, whether we kept it and moved into it or we sold it.”
The challenging full gut and rebuild was an intensive, 14-month renovation that spared no detail, with everything ripped out to the studs and rebuilt, including the roof. They were able to re-use the existing footprint to take advantage of old setbacks — a vestige from the early 1900s that allowed
construction along the property line and meant the company could include a driveway long enough for three cars (a rarity in the area) and one of the most spacious backyards found in the neighbourhood.
The transformation saw a neglected property turned into a beautifully contemporary home with an interior crafted by designer Giovanna Rivellini that maximizes space, and a meticulously landscaped backyard.
It also resulted in the project being named a finalist in last fall’s Housing Design Awards put on by the Greater Ottawa Home Builders’ Association and it was a stop on the 2023 Reno Tour house tour of renovation projects. The home can still be toured virtually for anyone looking for design inspiration.
“At the end of the project, we weren’t 100 per cent certain how well it had turned out, but the nomination at the (awards) and the overwhelming positive feedback gave us that reassurance and it was one of the best feelings ever, after so much hard work and time,” Leo says.
Today it’s a three-bedroom home
with an open-concept main floor, two full spa-like baths, a main-floor flex room that could be a dining room, family room, office or another bedroom, and a ton of thoughtful details that give the home an abundance of charm while making it thoroughly modern. Chief among those details is the wealth of clever storage options to maximize every square foot of this home.
“Giovanna took a small space and added very unique features with an amazing balance of colours and textures,” Leo says of the roughly 1,600-square-foot home. “But what was most impressive was the way that she worked the storage throughout the home … in a reminder that we don’t always need a huge amount of space; it just needs to be used properly.”
Jenniffer agrees. “I always thought a dream home had to be grand, but now I’ve come to learn that it just needs to be functional — and Giova did a great job at creating this with the space.”
Other details include the moulding added to the living room walls and ceiling for texture, the 12-foot sloped ceilings upstairs and niches and nooks
To take a virtual tour of the revamped home, visit https://www.gohba.ca/renomark-reno-tour/#2023
sprinkled throughout. Then there’s the custom kitchen island, designed by Rivellini and hand-made by Chelsea carpenter Nick Barna with legs and knife-edge detailing to look like a piece of furniture. “This is a work of art,” says Leo, who singles it out as one of his favourite parts of the home.
Although the home is for sale, the Alvarenga family, which includes two young children, is currently enjoying it.
“We truly fell in love with the neighbourhood and its people because our daughters were so loved and welcomed from day one, when we brought them in to check the progress of the project,” Jenniffer says.
AnitaMurrayistheco-founderof AllThingsHomeInc.andownerofThreeC Communications.Theveteranjournalisthas coveredtheOttawahousingindustrysince2011.
Moving up, or down, the real estate ladder is much easier when you have some help.
“The first thing to do is set up a meeting with a realtor,” says Jennifer Stewart, of the Diane & Jen Team, a real estate company that works under the Engel & Völkers banner. More importantly, they are very familiar to Westboro residents.
“It’s important to find out what is happening in the marketplace and also get a current value for your home.”
The spring market is looking good for buyers. “Setting up a meeting with your lender is the next step,” says Jen. “Buyers need to have a very good handle on financing.”
Current owners, whether they are ‘movingup’ or ‘downsizing’, are affected by timing. “If you need the equity from your current home to purchase the next home, it can pose a timing issue.” This is one of the most important reasons to have a realtor.
Some people are afraid of selling their house first and not being able to find something that they want to move to.
“It’s a very valid concern,” adds Jen, “but in the current market, it can be a real risk to buy first and then sell. Unless you have a plan in place. Of course, every situation is different but if you’re thinking about moving, now is a great time and definitely one we can help with.”
So while interest rates are not as low as they were a couple years ago, the prevailing theory is they have peaked, and will go down over the next few years.
“Speak to your lender and learn what to expect when your mortgage comes due,” says Jen. If you find yourself in a property that is going to become unaffordable, it’s time to think about that and maybe consider a move. It’s important to live in a place that you not only love “…but also one that you can comfortably afford and feel content in.”
Stewart has been a Realtor in Ottawa for 20 years. She is someone who is trusted in the community and can get you “from point A to point B,” even when the market may seem daunting. Working with someone who is experienced and comfortable with the various market conditions will definitely help Home Buyers and Sellers .
Call 613.795-9793 or email home@dianeandjen.com to reach Jen and get the process started.
If you’re going to make a move this year, work with someone experienced & knowledgeable. Visit dianeandjen.com today.
While we could still get a dump of snow, spring has officially been here since mid-March and that means it’s time for seasonal home maintenance. Tackle a bit at a time, enlist family and friends when you need to, and remember it’s better to hire a pro for anything you’re unsure about or that could be dangerous.
Roof: The roof is your home’s first line of defence against the elements and needs regular inspections. Use binoculars to check for damage like broken or missing shingles or faulty flashing. With climate change increasing the intensity of summer storms, remember to check again after severe weather. It’s a long way from the roof to the ground, so call in a professional if you spot problems.
Gutters: A clogged gutter or downspout prevents water draining away from your home the way it should. That can lead to plants taking root in the gutters, damaged fascia and soffit, and pools of water around your foundation. If you are careful, cleaning gutters from a ladder isn’t
difficult. If your home is a bungalow, you could try one of the extendible gutter cleaning gizmos sold at building materials stores.
Attic: Check for wet spots or water staining on the underside of the roof and moisture or mould on insulation, any of which could mean a leak. When you’re in the attic, watch for signs of mice or squirrels like droppings or bits of chewed garbage. Mouse traps usually do the job for small critters, but bigger animals may require a pest control expert.
Basement: To prevent flooding, check your sump pump (YouTube brims with how-to videos), clean your window wells (you can get inexpensive transparent covers at building materials stores) and make sure the grading directs water away from your foundation (again, the internet is a good source for how to identify and rectify problems). And make sure you have a backwater valve in case the sewer backs up — ask your plumber if you’re unsure whether you have one.
Back and front yards: When was the last time you checked your trees for damaged or weakened limbs that
could fall on your house, your car or even a person? Tree care that involves climbing is best left to a professional. While you’re outside, see if steps, porches and decks are in good shape and that walkway and patio pavers don’t present a tripping hazard. If you have a deck, it may be time to give it a protective coating for good looks and a longer life.
Door and window care: Spring is a great time to check the door and window caulking that keeps out water and increases energy efficiency by preventing outside air infiltration.
Caulking is an easy DIY task once you know how. While you’re inspecting the caulking, watch for rot in window or door frames. Window and door installers are busy in summer, so make an appointment immediately if needed.
Air conditioner: Central air conditioners work hard during Ottawa summers. Preparing yours now
minimizes the chance of a failure on a steamy July night. If you are not a natural DIYer, hire a professional to inspect and maintain it annually – the $200-$300 you spend will be well worth it.
Smoke detectors: If you didn’t check your smoke detectors and change the batteries when the clocks went ahead, now is the time. Also, check the expiry date on the back or side of the device: battery-operated detectors usually last about 10 years.
PatrickLangstonistheco-founderofAllThings HomeInc.,wheredetailsonhowtodomostof theabovetaskscanbefound(allthingshome.ca). TheveteranjournalisthascoveredtheOttawa housingindustrysince2008.
Luciano Sicoli respects, values and appreciates his customers. He takes the time to educate the customer about different materials, different options that are available to the customer and the process that will be used to complete the work. You meet the boss, the boss is the one that comes to discuss your issues and the boss will be the one that comes to do the work. We do not sub-contract out our work to anyone. Our reputation is too important. I have heard customers say that people have come, given them a price and just left them with their business card and many times have other people come to do the work.
Luciano’s teacher, Antonio Sicoli, his 82-year-old father, who still comes with him to different job sites, has provided him with a simple formula for longevity: be honest with your customers, make sure you provide them with an excellent job and make sure that your prices are fair and you will have many telephone calls, along with many satisfied customers.
My father always taught me that even
though you may be comfortable with the skills you have acquired, there is always more to learn and you can never stop this process if you choose to strive to be the best you can be.
Learning this craft is not only about acquiring skills, it is about investing passion into your work. This allows Luciano Sicoli to provide a little bit extra in a job. Others may not always do this part. An example of this is when bricks get installed on the front of a home, on a chimney or elsewhere, there may be mortar on the face of those bricks. We mix a special muriatic acid solution and wash the bricks upon completion of a job to clean them. You would not believe the number of customers that I visit that ask me what can be done to remove the mortar from their bricks. This issue is quite often on new home construction, where the bricks have not been cleaned after the bricklayer has intstalled them. Investing two more hours to clean the front face of bricks on a home, where customers are investing $400-
$500,000 should not even be something to have a discussion about. It should be a given.
We take pride in our work and when we drive by a job that has been completed by L. A. Sicoli Masonry and Restoration it provides a sense of gratification that can’t be described by words. Word of
mouth from our customers is always the best form of advertising and this is greatly appreciated.
L.A. Sicoli Masonry
Luciano Sicoli
l.a.sicoli_masonry@bell.net 613-859-4684
Ottawa Centre MPP Joel Harden could campaign against MP Yasir Naqvi again.
Harden confirmed to KT that he has recently filed paperwork to be a federal NDP candidate in Ottawa Centre. As the current MPP for the riding, who beat Naqvi for the provincial position in 2018, he said he would not comment further until being authorized as a nomination contestant. Campaigning cannot take place until that occurs.
“I can’t say any more about the nomination process,” Harden said. “I’m very proud to be part of the Ontario NDP Party. It’s the dream job of my life. I love working for the community and I believe that Ontarians deserve nice things.”
It’s unclear when the next federal election will occur, but pressure is building. A recent Nanos survey suggested that nearly one in two Canadians would prefer it take place this year over next.
An Abacus Data survey found that Conservatives are leading by 17 points over the current Liberal government. If an
was before news of Harden’s potential candidacy started to swirl.
Yasir Naqvi has represented the residents of Ottawa Centre on Parliament Hill since 2021 when he handily won with 45.5 per cent of the vote. Most recently, he ran for Ontario Liberal Party Leader and came in third.
Ottawa Centre has been federally Liberal since Catherine McKenna beat NDP incumbent Paul Dewar in 2015.
election were held today, the survey found that 41 per cent of committed voters would go Conservative with 24 per cent stating they would vote Liberal. The NDP are in third place at 19 per cent.
In Ottawa Centre, latest 311 projections from March 10 showed the NDP leading by one per cent over the Liberals, and that
Since being elected to Queen’s Park, Harden has been a vocal critic of the Doug Ford-led provincial government. He served as the opposition critic for Accessibility and Persons with Disabilities Pensions until 2022, and more recently as the Opposition Critic for Transit and Active Transportation.
Former Somerset ward councillor Catherine McKenney has also hinted they are considering running for the federal NDP nomination in Ottawa Centre. McKenney, who also ran for mayor in 2022, told CTV they have not made any decisions on their political future so far.
Spring is finally here in Kitchissippi and it’s been delightful to see everyone outdoors enjoying the longer days and warmer temperatures. Because April showers tend to bring May flowers, I encourage you to check out Rain Ready Ottawa; this pilot program helps residents reduce the harmful effects of rainwater runoff, and includes everything from learning modules to help you understand and implement rainwater management solutions to home assessments and rebates.
parking demands. However, I expect I would advocate to delay implementation until Stage 2 is complete. You can get involved in the Kitchissippi parking study through the Engage Ottawa website.
The City has posted public consultation materials for the Kitchissippi parking study. The first round of the study, undertaken a few years ago, recommended implementing paid parking on Richmond/Wellington/Somerset West. At that time, the process included some vetoes which prevented paid parking from being implemented. The process has since been redesigned and the vetoes have been eliminated. With traffic and parking woes returning to pre-pandemic levels, the City is likely to recommend introducing paid parking. I am unlikely to oppose this, as I feel it’s the last available tool to manage
My office is working with community members to host an event about making supportive and affordable seniors housing a reality in Kitchissippi. The Seniors Housing in Kitchissippi event will take place April 19 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Churchill Seniors Centre. Our list of speakers includes Jackie Holzman, Soul Sisters, The Council on Aging, and MP Yasir Naqvi to discuss topics including not-for-profit seniors housing, co-housing, naturally occurring retirement communities, and converting federal buildings into seniors housing. To RSVP, please email Cody Wilby at cody.wilby@ ottawa.ca or call 613-580-2485.
If you want to keep in touch with my office and get signed up to receive our newsletter, which includes regular information about my upcoming Pop-Up Office Hours, send me an email at jeff.leiper@ottawa.ca. My staff will be happy to get us connected.
Centennial Season Opening Ceremony & Market Kick-Off
Saturday, May 11
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
1 p.m. - Ceremony Begins
Parkdale Night Market
June 5 - October 9
5pm - 9pm
Night Market: 100th Birthday Party Edition
Wednesday, July 10 5pm - 9pm
Pride Night Market
Saturday, August 17
5pm - 9pm
Our 100th Harvest Night Market
Wednesday, October 9
5pm - 9pm
The Parkdale Public Market is celebrating a century of excellence in 2024, and you’re invited to our birthday party!