Total Building Maintenance Solution Provider
WWW.BMI-IND.COM 613-235-2126
The BOBs go to...
Inside Ottawa’s galas, fundraisers and networking events
A record crowd turned out for the Ottawa business community’s biggest gala of the year. Get the full story inside > PAGES 17-21
November 20, 2017 Vol. 21, NO. 3 PAGES 12-15
For daily business news visit
The end of ID cards? An Ottawa startup is hoping to make the driver’s licences and health cards in your wallet a thing of the past by replacing them with an app. > PAGE 7
All eyes on Solink Local software that quickly spots fraud on security footage using AI technology lands $5M VC investment from top-name firms. > PAGES 8-9
Veteran entrepreneur John MacBeth says the TryCycle RPS app has the potential to ‘change the substance-abuse environment.’ PHOTO BY MARK HOLLERON
Opioid fight gets high-tech weapon Smartphone app that pairs addicts with counsellors gaining traction at home and in U.S. ‘We know we’re speaking to a market that is desperate,’ TryCycle RPS co-founder John MacBeth says of latest venture > PAGES 4-5
What’s in your intellectual property toolkit? Follow these simple steps to avoid legal headaches See page 2