Ottawa Business Journal May 7, 2018

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Smart thinking


Inside Ottawa’s galas, fundraisers and networking events

Veteran entrepreneur Eli Fathi believes Ottawa has the right stuff to be an AI leader > PAGE 26 May 7, 2018 Vol. 21, NO. 14 PAGES 20-23, 32

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Mitel’s M&A past

With news of the Kanata telecom giant’s pending acquisition by a U.S. investor group, OBJ takes stock of the firm’s own M&A record under CEO Rich McBee. > PAGES 10-11

Secure leadership ADGA chief executive Francoise Gagnon has taken the Ottawa defence and security firm to new heights despite not being a ‘natural fit’ for the role. > PAGE 15

M.P. Lundy Construction CEO Sean Lundy has led the Ottawa-based company to three-year revenue growth of nearly 800 per cent. PHOTO BY MARK HOLLERON

Lundy builds on impressive legacy High-profile projects land local construction firm on OBJ’s fastest-growing companies list Eclectic top 10 group of Ottawa business juggernauts includes eight newcomers in fields from consulting to house-cleaning > PAGES 3-8

Separating love from business Legal tips on how to manage your assets alongside family life

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