Beyond BRS Event Guide 2025

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Event Guide 2025


BEYOND BRISTOL is just around the corner and we can’t wait to welcome you to our first Beyond Trails event of the year!

This guide gives you all of the key event information you need in the build-up to Saturday 29 March . A final race briefing with any additional information will be sent by email closer to the event.

This guide includes information on:

• The Route

• The Start and Finish

• Feed Stations

• Registration, Bag Drop and Start Times

• Mandatory Kit

• Cut-Off Times

• Rules

• Supporters

• Parking

• Medics

• Risks and Dangers

• Race Bling



Download the route GPX file

55 TRAIL 25

Download the route GPX file


The multi-terrain route includes sections on footpaths, parks, woodland, pavement and roads. If weather conditions in the run up to BEYOND BRISTOL are predominantly wet parts of the route (mainly the section along the River Avon Trail) may become muddy.

The route passes over the Clifton Suspension Bridge, along canal side paths, the Bristol to Bath Cycle Path and the River Avon Trail. The route will be wellsignposted with our BEYOND TRAILS signage.

At various points it is necessary to cross main roads. Care is required at all road crossings and designated crossings (e.g. pelican or zebra crossings) should be used where available. Route signage will direct you to the closest crossing. Please stop and check the way is clear before crossing any roads.




Museum Square, Museum St, Bristol, BS1 4RN


06.00hrs to 08.00hrs

Bag Drop : 06.30hrs to 07.30hrs

Start 07.00hrs to 07.40hrs



Museum Square, Museum St, Bristol, BS1 4RN

Time: 09.00hrs to 11.20hrs

Bag Drop : 09.00hrs to 11.15hrs

Start 10.00hrs to 11.20hrs

All participants must register at the start. Please bring a copy of your entry confirmation email with you to registration (a copy on your phone is fine). Your mandatory kit may be checked (see below) before you will be allocated your race number.


Please note whilst we will make every effort to ensure all bags and belongings are stored securely, all participants leave belongings at their own risk. Please limit your bag to 30L.


To ensure that everyone gets off to a smooth start participants are set off in small groups every 10 minutes. The start times are allocated based on your estimated completion time, with slower participants setting off before faster runners so that they have more time to complete the event within the cut off times (see cut off times page 10).



START Time: 07.00hrs


Museum Square, Museum St, Bristol, BS1 4RN

What3words location: ///reward.piano.hears


Eastville Park

What3words location: /// whites.shady.haven


Avon Railway

What3words location: ///gains.agenda.field


Chequers Inn

What3words location: ///swift.payer.complains


Museum Square, Museum St, Bristol, BS1 4RN

What3words location: ///reward.piano.hears

START Time: 10.00hrs


Museum Square, Museum St, Bristol, BS1 4RN

What3words location: ///reward.piano.hears


Eastville Park

What3words location: /// whites.shady.haven


Museum Square, Museum St, Bristol, BS1 4RN

What3words location: ///reward.piano.hears


Coca Cola

Voom Nutrition Hydrate Electrolyte drink

Voom Nutrition Pocket Rocket

Jelly Sweets



Cadbury Dairy Milk Freddo

Caramelised Biscuit Beignets

�eedstation Dietary In�ormation

Available at All �eedstations

Available at All �eedstations

Available at All �eedstations

Available at All �eedstations

Available at All �eedstations

Available at All �eedstations

Available at All �eedstations

Available at All �eedstations

Available at All �eedstations

Available at All �eedstations

Walkers Ready Salted Crisps

Soreen Malt Loa�

Hovis White Bread

Sun-Pat Peanut Butter

Hartleys Strawberry Jam

Available at All �eedstations

55K route Only �S 2 & 3

55K route Only �S 2 & 3

55K route Only

2 & 3


All participants (both ULTRA 55 & TRAIL 25) must carry with them the mandatory kit listed which is shown below. This may be inspected at registration and we will not be able to issue your race number if any items are missing.

Note that unfortunately there will not be an opportunity to purchase any kit at the start so please ensure you bring all you need with you.

Fully charged mobile phone with Beyond Trails event control number saved on the phone.

Debit/credit card to enable travel on public transport if required.

Running pack to carry mandatory kit.

Cash/card for any required food/drink purchases on route.

Cup(s) for water (ideally collapsible) or a water bottle.

Minimum water supply: 1L.

Food reserve (recommendation: 500kcal minimum for example: 2 gels + 2 power bars).

Closed-toe running shoes.

Sunglasses .


Minimum water supply: 2L.

Waterproof running jacket.

Waterproof trousers.




BEYOND TRAILS events do have cut off times that will be enforced. The cut off times are to ensure that all participants have completed the route by 18.00 .

CUT OFF POINT 1 (ULTRA 55 only):

Feedstation 2 at 13.25hrs regardless of the start time of the participant. Any participant who has not left the feed station by this time will not be permitted to continue.

CUT OFF POINT 2 (all participants):

Feedstation 3 at 16.10hrs regardless of the start time of the participant. participant who has not left the feed station by this time will not be permitted to continue.


Supporters are encouraged throughout the event.

There is no dedicated event parking available for spectators at the Feed Stations so please plan ahead if you are planning to find public parking locations nearby.

Supporters may wish to use bikes to travel around, although please be aware that parts of the route are not suitable for cycling and in some parts cycling is not permitted.


You can find loads of information on the link below as the venue is right next to the M Shed.


Medical support is provided at each feed station and at the finish, please note that due to the nature of the event participants should recognise the physical challenge and should train and prepare adequately. If you have not been able to prepare properly please do not take part. For much of the route participants are expected to be self-supported.

If you have a problem that requires medical attention and you can make your way to the next feed station please do so. If you (or another participant you are attending to) require medical assistance or are unable to reach the next feed station call Event Control.

If emergency medical attention is required then please call the emergency services on 999 in the first instance and then call the Event Control. Please note that the event medical provision is put in place to ensure the welfare of participants and in order to maintain this level of provision we are not able to provide support to those not taking part. If urgent medical attention is required by supporters they should use public medical services.


As part of our efforts to locate you quickly and to get you back on track we will use a free app called what3words.

This app is available to download for free to your smartphone from your app store in the usual way and we strongly recommend you have it installed on your device during the event. You can learn more about the app and how it works here but don’t worry too much about how it works – if you need to use it we will give you instructions when you call Event Control.



Depending on the weather conditions leading up to the event and on the day of BEYOND BRISTOL , parts of the route may be slippery, so you will need to be careful. Sections across parks and through woodland can be particularly muddy, rocky or have tree roots. Steps can also be more slippery than you might imagine.


Please be aware that, even though we will put route signage out as late as possible, there is always the potential that signage may be removed or changed by those unconnected with the event.

If you are unsure of the route, we recommend you retrace your steps to when you were last sure of the route, or wait for a following participant who may be able to assist with way finding.

Parts of the route are quite technical in nature and it will be worth pausing briefly to check your GPX device and to ensure you take the correct path forward.


If you get completely lost you can call Event Control and we will help you find you way back to the route. If doing this, it’s best to use the WHAT3WORDS app to help us pinpoint your location, or failing that find a road junction or at least a road name so that the team can quickly locate your current position.


It is important that participants are aware of their surroundings at all times. If you wish to wear headphones during the event it is your responsibility to ensure you are aware of what’s going on around you.


The course is on public footways, cycle paths and bridleways and will be in use by others unconnected with the event. Please give due consideration to other users to ensure that everyone can enjoy their use of the route. As always, watch out for dogs off leads and cyclists.


We advise running/walking with others or to try to keep within sight of other participants. This can help with your navigation and safety.

As with any event and location there is a potential for anti-social behaviour to be present and may be a nuisance for participants. Participants are strongly advised not to engage in any situations. If you need to report an issue during the event, call Event Control. As always, if a situation requires emergency assistance participants are advised to call the emergency services on 999 in addition to calling the Even Control.


There are several points on the route where participants are required to travel along, and cross public highways. Some of these are busy at all times of the day. It is extremely important that participants use footpaths and do not run on the roads. When crossing roads you will be signed to the closest designated crossing if one is available – this might not be the most direct route. None of the crossings are marshalled so please take care and wait until it is safe to cross roads.


The finish line is at:

Museum Square, Museum St, Bristol, BS1 4RN W3W ///reward.piano.hears

We encourage all your friends and family members to come watch you as you cross the line at the finish.

All finishers who complete the event within the cut off times stated will receive a medal and event t-shirt, unless you have selected not to receive a t-shirt when entering the event (this will be marked on your race number).

We are excited to give all finishers a token to redeem a half pint at Left Handed Giant brewery, our beer and run club partner for Beyond Bristol

We look forward to welcoming you to BEYOND BRISTOL . BEYOND TRAILS Race Team

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