CENTENNIAL LIVESTOCK AUCTION (970) 482-6207 • FAX (970) 416-7302 • TOLL FREE: 866-899-6827 Total Livestock Sold This Week: 4053
1 Red Baldy Bred Cow - bred to Blk Sim/Angus Bull - Jarred Lloyd - Collbran 7 Corriente 4 year old Bred Cows - Bred to Blk Angus Bull - Mark Banister - Brighton 6 Red Angus hfrs -Bred to Red Angus Bull - Jack Teff - Penrose 1 Rd/Blk Angus x - Yearling virgin Bull 30 Blk Angus 1st calf heifers exposed for Feb calving - McDonald Farms - Longmont 5 Blk /Red running age bred cows - bred to Blk Lim - to calve Mar/May - Steve Ferree - Limon 35 Blk 1st calf Hfrs - 1000 lbs - bred to Angus bulls - start calving Feb 10 - Ed Orr - Greeley 16 Blk 1st calf hfrs - 1000 lbs - bred to Blk Bulls - Piney Peak Ranch - Bond 5 blk and red running age cows - bred to blk Limousin bulls - calve March thru May - Steve Ferree - Limon
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 2014 Sheep, Goats, Baby Calves , Hogs & Horses
10 Blk/White & White fat hogs - 275 lbs + - Berthoud 4 Quarter horse brood mares ages 18 - 21 yrs old - Triple A mares - open - Carpenter
Last Week: 4574
Year Ago: 5140
HOLSTEIN, HOLSTEIN CROSS STEER AUCTIONS Monday, December 1, 2014 – 11 a.m. HAY AUCTIONS Saturday, November 29, 2014 – 10 a.m. Saturday, December 20, 2014 – 10 a.m. Calf & Yearling Special Features – 10 a.m. Thursday, December 4 . 2014 Bred Cow, Cow/Calf Pair Auction – 10 a.m. Monday, November 24 Thursday, December 18
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2014 • 10AM Special Hay Sale
150 bales of small square grass - -Laramie 1 load of 3x3 grass - Laramie 60 bales of 3x3 2nd cut orchard/alfalfa - No Rain, Barn Stored - Lusk 300 bales of small square grass/alfalfa - Ft Collins 65 round bales 2nd cut grass/alfalfa - Lyman
MONDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2014 • 11AM Special Holstein, Holstein Cross Steer Auction 65 hol strs - 800 lbs - Ed Foss - Gill 15 Dairy x strs - Darwin Schmidt - Dumas Tx 3 Hol - 1 Jersey str - 500 - 600 lbs - Boyd Collins - Kersey 40 hol strs - 375 - 425 - Jim Collins - La Junta
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2014 • 10AM Sheep, Goats, Baby Calves, Hogs & Horses
26 Boer does kids - replacement quality Clayton Novak - Briggsdale 4 Boer x wethers - Clayton Novak - Briggsdale
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2014 • 10AM Calf & Yearling and Production Cattle Auction
85 Blk & Bwf - Strs - out of Walter Angus bulls - 450 - 900 lbs - Darwin Schmidt - Dumas Tx 85 Blk - strs & hfrs - 550-600 lbs - Aaron Woodward - Rifle 60 Blk/Bwf - strs & hfrs - 500 - 650 lbs - Boyd Collins - Kersey 35 Blk - strs & hfrs - 300 lbs - Buffalo Ranch - Rand 20 Blk & Blk Wf - strs & hfrs - 550 - 650 lbs - Glen Sanger - Morrison
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2014 • 10AM Calf & Yearling and Production Cattle Auction
23 Blk - strs & hfrs - 500 lbs - 5 D Ranch - Ft Collins 25 Blk & Red - strs & hfrs - 300 - 325 lbs - Lonesome Pines - Grover 4 Blk Angus & Bwf - strs - 600 - 700 lbs - Lynn Downey - Wellington 1 Bred Horned Hereford Cow - Brian Prouty - Wellington
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2014 • 10AM Calf & Yearling Auction and Bred Cows Feature
35 blk & bwf cows - young - high altitude - bred to Hereford & Angus bulls, calve March & April - Culbreath Ranches - Kremmling
BRANDS TO SELL @ AUCTION December 11, 2014 • Noon No Irons - Assessment Paid
We are having a Special Bred cow sale November 24, 2014 - Monday - 10 a.m We are also having Wednesday, November 26, 2014 - Sheep, Goats, Baby Calves, Hogs & Horses - 10 a.m We are having the Special Hay Auction - Saturday, November 29,2014 - 10 a.m PLEASE NOTE WE WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTING HAY: Monday, November 24, 2014 - 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Tuesday, November 25, 2014 - 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Wednesday, November 26, 2014 - 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
We will be Closed Thursday and Friday, November 27, 2014 & November 28, 2014
Vesicular Stomatitis Concerns: All horses will be required to have a health inspection by a licensed veterinarian within 2 days of auction. And will be reinspected at the auction by Colorado’s licensed veterinarian on premise. All horses bought at the auction must leave same day as purchase – no exceptions. Health papers and a Vesicular Stomatitis statement will be required to sell at time of unloading. All out of state horses must have a current coggins too - no exceptions
Sat., November 29, 2014 10:00 AM All hay brought in before Tues., November 25 @ noon will be eligible for testing at seller’s request & expense. Receiving hay starting Monday, November 24 through Wednesday, November 26 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day or until lot is full Call our office, 970-482-6207, to consign your hay in advance. This gives us the opportunity to advertise your hay at no additional cost to you.
113 N.W. FRONTAGE ROAD • I-25 & HIGHWAY 14 (970) 482-6207 • FAX (970) 416-7302 TOLL FREE: 866-899-6827 CLA WEB SITE: www.claauction.com E-MAIL ADDRESS: cla.auction@prodigy.net
WAYNE KRUSE-Owner/Auctioneer 970-493-7535 970-222-7700 wayne@clamarkets.com DANNY KRUSE-Owner/Auctioneer 970-224-9426 970-217-1112 dan@clamarkets.com TRACEY KRUSE-Owner/Auctioneer 970-897-2825 970-222-0836 tracey@clamarkets.com JOYCE KRUSE-Owner 970-493-7535 970-217-1133 joyce@clamarkets.com
STATE AND FEDERAL REPORTING Compared to last week: Slaughter lambs and bucks were too thinly traded last week for an adequate market test, but a firmer undertone noted. Slaughter ewes traded mostly steady. Feeder lambs traded mostly 1.00 -2.00 higher compared to a light offering last week. Slaughter kids traded 2.00- 5.00 higher on improved quality from last week. Slaughter nannies, billies and wethers were too thinly traded last week for an adequate market test. Trade activity was light on moderate buyer demand. In the sheep supply 32% slaughter lambs, 34% feeder lambs, 34% slaughter ewes and bucks. The goat supply consisted of 74% slaughter kids, 20% slaughter nannies and the balance slaughter billies and wethers. Sheep and lambs sold on a per cwt basis and goats sold on a per head basis unless otherwise noted. ABBREVIATION CODE: CWT = COST PER HUNDRED WEIGHT REPRESENTATIVE SALES
3 wf lambs 57 lbs 2 dorper lambs 58 lbs 1 wf lamb 65 lbs 6 wf lambs 51 lbs 2 dorper lambs 53 lbs 9 mixed lambs 66 lbs 15 wf lambs 52 lbs 33 wf lambs 57 lbs 5 wf lambs 88 lbs 13 mixed lambs 90 lbs 37 mixed lambs 102 lbs 25 wf lambs 106 lbs 9 bf lambs 112 lbs 15 dorper lambs 72 lbs 2 smf ram lambs85 lbs 37 mixed lambs 114 lbs 8 dorper lambs 89 lbs 25 mixed lambs 120 lbs 19 dorper lambs 88 lbs 3 smf lambs 127 lbs 4 bf ram lambs 79 lbs 15 dorper lambs 101 lbs 1 dorper ram lamb 100 lbs 63 dorper lambs 79 lbs 16 mixed lambs 117 lbs 2 bf lambs 128 lbs 2 bf ewe lambs 148 lbs 20 wf ram lambs 102 lbs 20 wf ram lambs 105 lbs 100 wf ram lambs 114 lbs
225.00 cwt 222.50 cwt 220.00 cwt 219.00 cwt 210.00 cwt 210.00 cwt 210.00 cwt 206.00 cwt 195.00 cwt 194.00 cwt 194.00 cwt 192.00 cwt 191.00 cwt 190.00 cwt 190.00 cwt 189.00 cwt 184.00 cwt 180.00 cwt 176.00 cwt 175.00 cwt 175.00 cwt 174.00 cwt 172.50 cwt 170.00 cwt 163.00 cwt 162.50 cwt 155.00 cwt 150.00 cwt 147.00 cwt 134.00 cwt
Craig, CO Ft Collins, CO Greeley, CO Rick Springs, WY Ft Collins, CO Savery, WY Cheyenne, WY Ft Collins, CO Chadron, NE Monte Vista, CO Monte Vista, CO Douglas, WY Meeker, CO Lewis, CO Craig. CO Myton, UT Lewis, CO Myton, UT Otis, CO Craig, CO Saguache, CO Otis, CO Ft Collins, CO Wiggins, CO Myton, UT Grand Lake, CO Hudson, CO Rock Springs, WY Rock Springs, WY Rock Springs, WY
165.00 each 160.00 each 150.00 each 145.00 each 145.00 each 123.00 each 120.00 each
Bosler, WY Minatare, NE Minatare, NE Lewis, CO Ft Lupton, CO Lewis, CO Ft Collins, CO
3 wf ewes 243 lbs 3 bf ewes 130 lbs 4 bf ewes 160 lbs 1 wf ewe 155 lbs 2 wf ewes 192 lbs 11 wf ewes 126 lbs 4 dorper ewes 125 lbs
HOME 970-218-4654
JASON BAKER-Field Representative & Ringman
ANN ROWE-Office Manager
DAN GREENWALT -Country Representative
2 dorper ewes 125 lbs 1 bf ewe 150 lbs 3 bf ewes 172 lbs 3 dorper ewes 132 lbs 3 dorper ewes 157 lbs 1 speckled ewe 205 lbs 3 mixed ewes 153 lbs 2 dorper ewes 90 lbs 4 bf ewes 195 lbs 11 wf ewes 153 lbs 4 dorper ewes 113 lbs 10 wf ewes 170 lbs 18 wf ewes 153 lbs 30 wf ewes 161 lbs 20 wf ewes 167 lbs 6 wf ewes 170 lbs 1 wf ewe 160 lbs 56 wf ewes 143 lbs 57 wf ewes 141 lbs 45 wf ewes 130 lbs 17 wf ewes 149 lbs 20 wf ewes 124 lbs
1 mixed buck 145 lbs 1 mixed buck 135 lbs 1 dorper buck 185 lbs 2 south down bucks 200 lbs 1 wf buck 190 lbs 2 boer cross goats 138 lbs 3 nubian goats 165 lbs 1 boer cross goat 165 lbs 1 white goat 110 lbs 1 boer cross goat 100 lbs 7 boer cross goats 95 lbs 20 boer cross goats 90 lbs 6 boer cross goats 86 lbs 1 boer cross goat 85 lbs 5 mixed goats 81 lbs 37 boer cross goats 76 lbs 24 boer cross goats 64 lbs 3 boer cross goats 62 lbs 6 mixed goats 55 lbs
135.00 cwt 122.50 cwt 90.00 cwt 86.00 cwt 85.00 cwt 85.00 cwt 84.00 cwt 82.00 cwt 80.00 cwt 76.00 cwt 75.00 cwt 66.00 cwt 66.00 cwt 65.00 cwt 65.00 cwt 60.00 cwt 56.00 cwt 55.00 cwt 55.00 cwt 51.00 cwt 50.50 cwt 50.00 cwt
Burns, WY Evans, CO Longmont, CO Burns, WY Ft Collins, CO Alliance, NE Nunn, CO Burns, WY Granby, CO Hudson, CO Burns, WY Greeley, CO Greeley, CO Greeley, CO Greeley, CO Hudson, CO Hudson, CO Eaton, CO Eaton, CO Medicine Bow, WY Hudson, CO Evans, CO
175.00 cwt 160.00 cwt 75.00 cwt 73.00 cwt 68.00 cwt
Thermopolis, WY Thermopolis, WY Ft Collins, CO Longmont, CO Savery, WY
230.00 each Grand Junction, CO 222.50 each LaSalle, CO 222.50 each Dacono, COCO 220.00 each Kremmling, CO 200.00 each Evans, CO 187.50 each Thermopolis, WY 177.00 each Alamosa, CO 165.00 each Thermopolis, WY 165.00 each Saguache, CO 157.00 each Craig, CO 144.00 each Monte Vista, CO 138.00 each Monte Vista, CO 136.00 each Thermopolis, WY 107.50 each Whitney, NE
1 boer cross nanny 145 lbs 3 boer cross nannies 152 lbs 1 boer cross nanny 160 lbs 5 boer cross does 125 lbs 1 roan nanny 130 lbs 1 blk doe 110 lbs 2 boer cross nannies 158 lbs 3 white nannies 155 lbs 1 boer cross nanny 140 lbs 7 boer cross does 92 lbs 3 mixed nannies 158 lbs 4 boer cross does 79 lbs
JIM ANDERSON-Country Representative
170.00 each Thermopolis, WY 167.50 each Hudson, CO 167.50 each Grand Junction, CO 167.50 each Crawford, NE 167.50 each Crawford, NE 162.50 each Morrill, NE 162.00 each Grand Junction, CO 160.00 each Mitchell, NE 157.50 each Bayard, NE 152.50 each Alamosa, CO 150.00 each Otis, CO 147.50 each Myton, UT
2 mixed nannies 114 lbs 1 roan nanny 135 lbs 1 mixed nanny 155 lbs 5 boer cross does 70 lbs 2 brown/white nannies 88 lbs 1 brown nanny 160 lbs 2 boer cross kids 93 lbs 3 boer cross kids 80 lbs 2 boer cross kids 78 lbs 1 boer cross kids 66 lbs 1 red kid 75 lbs 3 boer cross kids 75 lbs 5 mixed kids 58 lbs 19 boer cross kids 53 lbs 4 mixed kids 56 lbs 11 boer cross kids 50 lbs 2 boer cross kids 53 lbs 2 boer cross kids 50 lbs 3 boer cross kids 47 lbs 15 mixed kids 46 lbs 2 boer cross kids 40 lbs 5 boer cross kids 36 lbs 4 mixed kids 41 lbs 9 mixed kids 51 lbs 1 boer cross billy 135 lbs 1 boer cross billy 167 lbs 1 boer cross billy 166 lbs 1 boer cross billy 12 lbs 1 boer cross billy 155 lbs 1 blk billy 165 lbs 1 blk billy 85 lbs 1 boer cross billy 150 lbs 2 boer cross billies 166 lbs 1 boer cross billy 75 lbs 1 boer cross billy 70 lbs
142.50 each 140.00 each 140.00 each 138.00 each 137.50 each 132.50 each
Crawford, NE Cheyenne, WY Bayard, NE Craig, CO Cheyenne, WY Morrill, NE
170.00each 158.00 each 157.50 each 145.00 each 142.50 each 140.00 each 129.00 each 125.00 each 125.00 each 120.00 each 117.00 each 112.50 each 109.00 each 95.00 each 90.00 each 82.50 each 82.50 each 82.50 each
Harrisburg, NE Wellington, CO Granby, CO Ft Collins, CO Meeker, CO Briggsdale, CO Scottsbluff, NE Castle Rock, CO Keenesburg, CO Bayard, NE Granby, CO Ft Collins, CO Meeker, CO Mitchell, NE Monte Vista, CO Wellington, CO Scottsbluff, NE Windsor, CO
255.00 each 240.00 each 235.00 each 215.00 each 210.00 each 205.00 each 202.50 each 200.00 each 195.00 each 165.00 each 140.00 each
Laramie, WY Hudson, CO Hudson, CO Hudson, CO LaSalle, CO Otis, CO Wheatland, WY Greeley, CO Hudson, CO Eaton, CO Lance Creek, WY
250.00 each 65.00 each 62.50 each 60.00 each 60.00 each
Wellington, CO LaSalle, CO LaSalle, CO Windsor, CO LaSalle, CO
58.00 each 57.00 each 49.00 each 42.50 each
Ault, CO Ault, CO Platteville, CO Ault, CO
59.00 cwt 59.00 cwt 120.00 each 110.00 each
Roggen, CO Longmont, CO Platteville, CO Platteville, CO
1 blk calf 80 lbs 2 jersey calves 59 lbs 2 jersey calves 64 lbs 1 jersey calf 55 lbs 2 jersey calves 59 lbs
1 hampshire pig 46 lbs 2 white pigs 65 lbs 2 white pigs 45 lbs 4 mixed pigs 36 lbs 1 hampshire sow 535 lbs 2 red sows 550 lbs 2 white sows 378 lbs 1 white sow 380 lbs
Continued on Page #125
113 N.W. FRONTAGE ROAD • I-25 & HIGHWAY 14 (970) 482-6207 • FAX (970) 416-7302 TOLL FREE: 866-899-6827 CLA WEB SITE: www.claauction.com E-MAIL ADDRESS: cla.auction@prodigy.net
75 blk strs 552 lbs 280.50 cwt Hayden, CO 66 red/Char strs 584 lbs 271.00 cwt Hayden, CO 8 blk/bwf strs 571 lbs 270.50 cwt Tie Siding, WY 8 mixed strs 577 lbs 262.50 cwt Jelm, WY 4 blk strs 626 lbs 259.50 cwt Hygiene, CO 64 blk strs 646 lbs 258.00 cwt Hayden, CO 27 mixed strs 589 lbs 257.00 cwt Craig, CO 30 mixed strs 639 lbs 255.00 cwt Briggsdale, CO 16 mixed strs 574 lbs 252.50 cwt Burns, WY 44 blk/red strs 605 lbs 249.00 cwt Coalmont, CO 52 red/Char strs 665 lbs 244.00 cwt Hayden, CO 10 blk strs 684 lbs 242.00 cwt Brighton, CO 8 blk strs 789 lbs 240.00 cwt Granby, CO BOARS 9 mixed strs 866 lbs 234.00 cwt Granby, CO 1 hampshire boar 205 lbs 52.00 cwt Arcadia, NE 2 longhorn strs 540 lbs 151.00 cwt Cheyenne, WY 1 white boar 275 lbs 39.00 cwt Platteville, CO 2 longhorn strs 578 lbs 140.00 cwt Granby, CO 1 white boar 515 lbs 24.00 cwt Platteville, CO 4 longhorn strs 598 lbs 135.00 cwt Laramie, WY 1 white boar 460 lbs 20.00 cwt Watkins, CO 1 red boar 375 lbs 19.00 cwt Platteville, CO HEIFERS 1 Hampshire boar 345 lbs 18.00 cwt Watkins, CO 2 blk/Char hfrs 278 lbs 370.00 cwt Encampment, WY 12 mixed hfrs 340 lbs 365.00 cwt Greeley, CO HORSES 312.50 cwt Steamboat Springs, CO 1 bay/white horse 1245 lbs 61.00 cwt Platteville, CO 11 blk hfrs 450 lbs 299.00 cwt Coalmont, CO 1 paint horse 1030 lbs 54.00 cwt Wellington, CO 10 mixed hfrs 390 lbs 43 blk/bwf hfrs 420 lbs 296.50 cwt Kremmling, CO 1 bay horse 1180 lbs 43.00 cwt Encampment, WY 10 blk hfrs 419 lbs 295.00 cwt Hayden, CO 1 dunn horse 1115 lbs 32.50 cwt Wellington, CO 49 mixed hfrs 411 lbs 294.00 cwt Maybell, CO 1 sorrel/white horse 1245 lbs 32.50 cwt Livermore, CO 13 blk/bwf hfrs 477 lbs 293.00 cwt Craig, CO 1 bay horse 1010 lbs 32.50 cwt Encampment, WY 39 blk hfrs 471 lbs 290.00 cwt Hayden, CO 1 bay horse 1275 lbs 32.50 cwt Encampment, WY 20 red/Char hfrs 489 lbs 285.50 cwt Hayden, CO 1 sorrel horse 1170 lbs 28.00 cwt Bond, CO 8 blk hfrs 496 lbs 285.00 cwt Steamboat Springs, CO 1 palomino horse 875 lbs 19.00 cwt Broomfield, CO 46 mixed hfrs 482 lbs 277.00 cwt Maybell, CO 16 red/rwf hfrs 529 lbs 270.00 cwt Ault, CO MULES 267.00 cwt Burns, WY 1 brown mule 935 lbs 22.00 cwt Longmont, CO 10 blk/bwf hfrs 528 lbs 20 mixed hfrs 553 lbs 257.00 cwt Elk Mountain, WY 64 blk hfrs 552 lbs 253.50 cwt Hayden, CO THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20 , 2014 18 red/blk hfrs 565 lbs 247.00 cwt Hayden, CO CALF AND YEARLING AND PRODUCTION 12 blk hfrs 590 lbs 242.00 cwt Steamboat Springs, CO 7 blk hfrs 603 lbs 239.00 cwt Brighton, CO CATTLE AUCTION 14 red hfrs 606 lbs 237.00 cwt Nunn, CO FEDERAL & STATE REPORTING SERVICE 232.00 cwt Strasburg, CO Compared to a week ago: Feeder steers under 600 lbs traded 6.00 7 blk hfrs 625 lbs 230.00 cwt Bailey, CO higher and over 600 lbs traded 2.00 lower and feeder heifers traded 5 blk hfrs 634 lbs 229.00 cwt Ft Lupton, CO 4.00 higher. Trading activity was moderate on very good buyer demand. 8 blk hfrs 688 lbs 225.00 cwt Eaton, CO Was a good run of cattle before taking a break for Thanksgiving. The 4 blk hfrs 683 lbs 211.00 cwt Platteville, CO supply included approximately 90% feeder cattle with the balance 2 blk hfrs 878 lbs consisting of replacement stock. In the feeder supply 58% steers and 38% heifers with the balance consisting of bulls. In the feeder supply COLOR IDENTIFICATION CODE FOR THE FOLLOWING BLUE – Heifers – 2 yr old and under approximately 33% weighed over 600 lbs. PINK - Heifers – approximately 3-4 year old cows GREEN – Solid mouth approximately 4-6 year old cows ABBREVIATION CODE: CWT= BY THE HUNDRED WEIGHT ORANGE – Spreader mouth approximately 6 -8 year old cows REPRESENTATIVE SALES YELLOW – Broken mouth and older 1 white fat hog 315 lbs 2 white fat hogs 255 lbs 2 mixed fat hogs 253 lbs 4 white fat hogs 260 lbs 1 white fat hog 255 lbs 2 white fat hogs 230 lbs 2 white fat hogs 258 lbs 1 white fat hog 225 lbs 1 white fat hog 240 lbs 2 white/red white fat hogs 250 lbs
1 blk str 360 lbs 6 blk strs 358 lbs 5 blk strs 323 lbs 15 blk strs 377 lbs 19 mixed strs 481 lbs 10 blk/bwf strs 469 lbs 15 blk/Char strs 448 lbs 10 blk/red strs 483 lbs 2 rwf strs 498 lbs 8 blk strs 501 lbs 22 mixed strs 519 lbs 5 blk strs 517 lbs 24 mixed strs 536 lbs 41 blk/red strs 524 lbs 3 mixed strs 553 lbs 12 blk/bwf strs 547 lbs 12 blk/red strs 543 lbs
109.00 cwt 105.00 cwt 104.00 cwt 103.00 cwt 102.00 cwt 101.00 cwt 100.00 cwt 97.00 cwt 95.00 cwt 91.00 cwt
Arcadia, NE Arcadia, NE Arcadia, NE Arcadia NE Arcadia, NE Arcadia, NE Arcadia, NE Arcadia, NE Arcadia, NE Arcadia, NE
405.00 cwt Steamboat Springs, CO 390.00 cwt Hayden, CO 372.50 cwt Steamboat Springs, CO 367.00 cwt Kremmling, CO 317.00 cwt Elk Mountain, WY 315.00 cwt Burns, WY 313.00 cwt Maybell, CO 304.00 cwt Hayden, CO 303.00 cwt Kremmling, CO 300.00 cwt LaPorte, CO 297.50 cwt Craig, CO 297.50 cwt Cowdrey, CO 291.00 cwt Maybell, CO 290.00 cwt Coalmont, CO 286.00 cwt Gill, CO 282.50 cwt Meeker, CO 282.50 cwt Briggsdale, CO
LEGIBLE TATTOO – Leg NON LEGIBLE TATTOO – Non Leg 12 blk cows 5 blk cows 7 blk cows 13 blk cows 5 red cows 8 blk cows 1 blk cow 1 blk cow 1 blk cow 1 blk cow
Blue 4-6 Leg Pink 4-5 Leg Pink 3-4 Leg Green 4-5 Leg Green 4-5 Leg Green 4-5 Leg
2575.00 each Bailey, CO 2575.00 each Bailey, CO 2350.00 each Walden, CO 2300.00 each Walden, CO 2250.00 each Walden, CO 2075.00 each Platteville, CO
Orange Leg/1 calf Pink Non Leg/ 1 calf Green Leg/1 calf Blue Non Leg/1 calf
3250.00 per pair Kremmling, CO 3000.00 per pair Kremmling, CO 2975.00 per pair Windsor, CO 2900.00 per pair Carr, CO
FEDERAL & STATE REPORTING SERVICE Slaughter cows $1.00 to $3.00 higher Slaughter bulls steady, Feeding cows $3.00 higher Demand moderate to good with moderate trading activity. Today’s supply included 10% slaughter and balance feedings cows and bulls. SLAUGHTER COWS Breakers: 75 – 80 % lean: 1455 – 2045 lbs 115.00 – 119.00 cwt Higher Dressing: 121.00 – 123.00 cwt Boners: 80 – 85 % lean: 1105 – 1780 lbs 114.50 – 122.00 cwt Lower Dressing: 106.00 – 110.00 cwt Lean: 85 – 90 % lean: 930 – 1525 lbs 106.00 – 114.00 cwt Low Dressing: 93.00 – 98.00 cwt
SLAUGHTER BULLS Yield Grade 1 – 2: 1180 – 2260 lbs 126.50 – 133.00 cwt Higher Dressing: 136.50 – 140.50 cwt Lower Dressing: 120.00 – 124.50 cwt FEEDING COWS – Medium and Large 1 – 2 Heifers: 795 – 1070 lbs 175.00 – 187.00 cwt Heiferettes: 1075 – 1225 lbs 140.00 – 150.00 cwt Young: 1055 – 1235 lbs 122.50 – 137.50 cwt Middle Age: 1295 – 1625 lbs 115.00 – 123.00 cwt Aged: 1100 – 1374 lbs 103.00 – 112.00 cwt blk hfrette 945 lbs 2 red hfrs 798 lbs 6 mixed hfrs 992 lbs wf hfr 985 lbs blk hfrette 1070 lbs blk hfrette 980 lbs bbf hfrette 1010 lbs blk hfrette 1070 lbs char hfrette 1045 lbs blk hfrette 1165 lbs bbf cow 1130 lbs 3 blk, bwf cows 1125 lbs blk hfrette 1015 lbs blk hfrette 840 lbs wf cow 1075 lbs blk cow 1190 lbs blk cow 1255 lbs blk cow 1130 lbs 3 blk cows 1418 lbs 2 red cows 1418 lbs red cow 1845 lbs 2 blk cows 1248 lbs blk cow 1860 lbs blk cow 1295 lbs red cow 1630 lbs blk cow 1660 lbs 3 blk cows 1418 lbs blk cow 1515 lbs char cow 1685 lbs blk cow 1625 lbs blk cow 1670 lbs blk cow 1165 lbs 2 rbf cows 1453 lbs blk cow 1480 lbs red cow 1250 lbs red cow 1300 lbs blk cow 2045 lbs
193.00 cwt 187.00 cwt 186.00 cwt 186.00 cwt 185.00 cwt 184.00 cwt 180.00 cwt 174.00 cwt 172.50 cwt 158.00 cwt 145.00 cwt 142.00 cwt 140.00 cwt 140.00 cwt 136.00 cwt 132.00 cwt 125.50 cwt 125.00 cwt 123.50 cwt 123.50 cwt 123.00 cwt 123.00 cwt 123.00 cwt 122.50 cwt 121.50 cwt 121.50 cwt 121.50 cwt 121.00 cwt 121.00 cwt 120.50 cwt 120.00 cwt 120.00 cwt 119.50 cwt 119.50 cwt 119.00 cwt 118.00 cwt 117.50 cwt
Laramie Hayden Hayden Granby Platteville Platteville Burns Burns Nunn Burns Burns Gypsum Walden Granby Walden Burns Hayden Walden Craig Ault Erie Hayden Boulder Walden Laramie Cheyenne Encampment McCoy Nunn Cheyenne Steamboat Rand Ault Elk Mountain Hayden Walden Shawnee
Continued on Page #123
REPRESENTIVE SALES CONTINUED FR0M PAGE 125 blk cow 1195 lbs blk cow 1105 lbs rwf cow 1490 lbs 4 blk cows 1285 lbs red cow 1435 lbs char x cow 1260 lbs
116.00 cwt 114.50 cwt 114.00 cwt 114.00 cwt 112.00 cwt 110.50 cwt
Walden Walden McCoy Burns Cheyenne Laramie
hol hfrette 960 lbs hol hfrette 1090 lbs hol hfrette 1215 lbs 5 hol cows 1744 lbs 6 hol cows 1693 lbs hol cow 1725 lbs hol cow 1850 lbs 2 hol cows 1868 lbs hol cow 1635 lbs hol cow 1770 lbs hol cow 1750 lbs hol cow 1600 lbs hol cow 1340 lbs
141.00 cwt 135.00 cwt 131.00 cwt 115.00 cwt 115.00 cwt 113.00 cwt 112.50 cwt 110.50 cwt 110.50 cwt 110.00 cwt 109.50 cwt 108.00 cwt 103.00 cwt
Carr Wellington Byers Pierce Pierce Loveland Eaton Pierce Wellington Gill Wellington Ft Collins Gill
2 blk/gray steers 1105 lbs blk bull 1135 lbs blk bull 1215 lbs blk bull 1965 lbs blk bull 2025 lbs 2 blk bulls 2065 lbs blk bull 1865 lbs blk bull 1840 lbs hol bull 1400 lbs 2 blk bulls 1375 lbs hereford bull 2260 lbs
190.00 cwt 158.00 cwt 148.00 cwt 140.50 cwt 136.50 cwt 135.50 cwt 131.50 cwt 129.50 cwt 126.50 cwt 125.00 cwt 120.00 cwt
Hayden Saratoga Gypsum Bailey Ft Collins Encampment Steamboat Steamboat Byers Steamboat Kremmling
Since 1958
BOX 647 • STERLING, CO 80751
Contact us for all your auction needs! MACHINERY REAL ESTATE Feeder Cattle Weighted Average Report for Saturday, January 12, 2013 Phone: 970-522-1950 Receipts: 3087 Wednesday Special: 3709 Year Ago: 2855 TOTAL RECEIPTS FOR THE 3 SALES 10,461 HD HOUSEHOLD Compared to Wednesday’s Stock Show Special: Steer calves weighing under 700 pounds traded mostly 5.00 to 6.00 lower, with instances Fax: of 8.00 lower calves weighing between 550 and 600 pounds. Yearling type steers970-522-2021 weighing over 700 pounds traded 2.00 to 3.00 lower. ANTIQUES AND MORE! Heifers traded mostly 3.00 to 6.00 where comparable sales were noted.
ompany, inc.
Jim Santomaso 970-522-3363 970-520-3047
Jason Santomaso 970-520-3049
Sil Tadolini 970-522-8142
Ronnie Wheeler 970-520-7588
Ed Coryell 970-878-5378
Wednesday November 19, 2014 Receipts: 1512 Last Week: 1720 Year Ago: 3065
Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 1 Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price 16 21 4 25 4 59
Compared to last week: Feeder steers and feeder heifers were steady on a very thin test. Slaughter cows and bulls 4.00 to 5.00 higher. Trading activity was moderate on good to very good buyer demand. The supply consisted of 20 percent feeder cattle, 30 percent slaughter cows and bulls, and 50 percent replacement stock. The feeder cattle supply was comprised of approximately 44 percent steers and 52 percent heifers. Approximately 45 percent of the feeder supply weighed over 600 lbs.
3 4 1 8 14 10 23 5 16
High Dress Low Dress 125.00-128.00 106.00 125.00-130.00 110.00-115.00 110.00 93.00-95.00
Slaughter Cows:
Weight Average Dress High Dress Low Dress Yield Grade 1-2 1295-2280 130.00-138.00 141.00-142.00 122.00-127.00 SLA MARKET REPORT WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 19, 2014 STOCK COW COLOR CODE BLUE=1ST CLF RED=2ND &3RD CLF GRN=SOLID MOUTH ORG=SPREADER YEL=GUMMER BRED COW HEAD 3 Blk Brd Cow Yel4 1,143 $1,950.00 Fleming 2 Bwf Brd Cow Red5 1,168 $2,500.00 Sedgwick 5 Blk Brd Cow Yel4 1,182 $2,100.00 Snyder 9 Blk Brd Cow Org5 1,219 $1,875.00 Greeley 6 Xbred Brd Cow Sho Sol 4 1,247 $2,125.00 Greeley 15 Xbred Brd Cow Yel5 1,250 $2,200.00 Crook 8 Blk Brd Cow Grn4 1,259 $3,300.00 Crook 19 Blk Brd Cow Sho Sol 4 1,300 $2,500.00 Greeley 15 Blk Brd Cow Grn4 1,307 $2,800.00 Greeley 3 Blk Brd Cow Yel4 1,335 $2,100.00 Iliff 3 Blk Brd Cow Grn4 1,350 $3,100.00 Crook 4 Blk Brd Cow Sho Sol 4 1,363 $2,125.00 Peetz 5 Blk Brd Cow Grn5 1,372 $2,200.00 Snyder 4 Blk Brd Cow Red5 1,388 $3,000.00 Sterling 12 Xbred Brd Cow Sho Sol 4 1,388 $2,500.00 Sterling 4 Bwf Brd Cow Yel4 1,389 $2,075.00 Ovid 8 Blk Brd Cow Grn4 1,398 $2,700.00 Sterling 11 Rd/Ch Brd Cow Yel5 1,400 $2,175.00 Sterling 8 Red Brd Cow Sho Sol 5 1,402 $2,500.00 Greeley 8 Blk Brd Cow Sho Sol 4 1,413 $2,550.00 Sterling 7 Char Brd Cow Grn5 1,414 $2,575.00 Sterling 4 Blk Brd Cow Sho Sol 4 1,433 $3,000.00 Crook 19 Blk Brd Cow Sho Sol 5 1,443 $2,550.00 Sterling 3 Bwf Brd Cow Sho Sol 4 1,445 $2,150.00 Meeker 11 Blk Brd Cow Grn4 1,455 $2,850.00 Weldona 5 Blk Brd Cow Sho Sol 5 1,503 $2,050.00 Crook 3 Bwf Brd Cow Sho Sol 4 1,620 $2,375.00 Meeker 4 Blk Bwf Brd Cow Grn4 1,640 $2,500.00 Meeker BRED HEIFER HEAD 80 Blk Brd Hfr Blue4 908 $2,000.00 Haxtun 5 Bwf Brd Hfr Blue5 918 $2,300.00 Haxtun 20 Blk Brd Hfr Blue4 957 $2,250.00 Haxtun 10 Blk Brd Hfr Blue4 29 Blk Brd Hfr Blue5 15 Blk Brd Hfr Blue5 10 Blk Brd Hfr Blue6 12 Blk Brd Hfr Blue6 4 Red Brd Hfr Blue5 10 Bwf Brd Hfr Blue5 5 Blk Brd Hfr Blue5 46 Blk Brd Hfr Blue5 10 Blk Brd Hfr
961 964 1,001 1,006 1,024 1,030 1,040 1,051 1,053 1,057
$2,400.00 $2,600.00 $2,700.00 $2,825.00 $2,700.00 $2,550.00 $2,850.00 $2,700.00 $2,725.00 $2,850.00
Haxtun Akron Akron Haxtun Haxtun Silt Haxtun Silt Akron Silt
525 585 610 712 814 529
289.00-295.00 246.00-255.00 244.00-251.00 225.00-230.00 223.50 250.00-260.00
291.42 249.15 249.19 228.76 223.50 254.47
235.00 293.00 286.00 279.00 286.00 238.00-242.00 236.00-240.00 225.00 206.00-209.00
235.00 293.00 286.00 279.00 Fleshy 286.00 Fancy 240.26 236.87 225.00 206.73
Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 1 Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
Slaughter Cows:
Grade Pct Lean Weight Average Dress Breakers 75-80 1560-1810 119.00-123.00 Boners 80-85 1120-1715 116.00-120.00 Lean 85-90 1090-1515 101.00-107.00
519-529 555-599 603-630 701-716 814 508-537
15 7 3 7 5
372 435 455 490 515 558-595 602-604 688 803-838
372 435 455 490 515 572 602 688 829
Blk Brd Hfr Blue5 Blk Brd Hfr Red4 Red Brd Hfr Red5 Char Brd Hfr Red Char Brd Hfr Grn4
1,058 $2,850.00 Akron 1,169 $2,900.00 Julesburg 1,182 $2,550.00 Byers 1,458 $2,450.00 Meeker 1,687 $2,600.00 Meeker BULL WEIGHT 1 Blk Bull 1,645 $137.50 Anton 1 Blk Bull 1,670 $133.00 Sterling 1 Blk Bull 1,795 $138.00 Cope 1 Blk Bull 1,860 $142.00 Meeker 2 Blk Bull 1,915 $137.00 Iliff 1 Blk Bull 2,035 $139.00 Sterling 1 Blk Bull 2,160 $138.00 Atwood BULL CALF WEIGHT 1 Blk Bullcf 300 $342.50 Meeker COW SLAUGHTER & HEIFERETTES WEIGHT 4 Bwf Cow 803 $209.00 Meeker, 1 Blk Cow 855 $201.00 Gillette 1 Bwf Cow 890 $198.00 Meeker, 1 Blk Cow 950 $149.00 Yuma 1 Bwf Cow 1,000 $118.00 Rifle 5 Red Cow 1,029 $170.00 Yuma 3 Blk Cow 1,030 $130.00 Meeker 1 Blk Cow 1,055 $170.00 Grover 6 Blk Bwf Cow 1,063 $131.00 Yuma 1 Red Cow 1,075 $133.00 Jensen 1 Blk Cow 1,085 $160.00 Yuma 1 Wf Cow 1,095 $125.00 Grover 1 Char Cow 1,115 $119.00 Sterling 1 Red Cow 1,125 $130.00 Jensen 1 Red Cow 1,135 $119.00 Hamilton 2 Blk Cow 1,143 $170.00 New Raymer 3 Blk Cow 1,145 $123.00 Meeker 1 Blk Cow 1,150 $128.00 Yuma 2 Blk Cow 1,173 $121.00 Crook 1 Blk Cow 1,200 $117.00 Holyoke 1 Blk Cow 1,205 $125.00 Yuma 3 Blk Cow 1,215 $129.00 Jensen 2 Blk Cow 1,220 $128.00 Lake Charles 18 Blk Cow 1,223 $121.00 Meeker 2 Blk Cow 1,238 $126.00 Yuma 1 Blk Cow 1,245 $110.50 Haxtun 4 Blk Cow 1,248 $127.50 Rifle 1 Bwf Cow 1,270 $117.00 Cope 1 Blk Cow 1,280 $130.00 New Raymer
Rep Sales Continued on Page 115
SLA MARKET REPORT CONTINUED FROM PAGE 126 WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 19, 2014 3 1 4 1 1 1 9 6 1 1 1 2 7 1 4 1
Blk Cow Blk Cow Bwf Cow Blk Cow Bwf Cow Bwf Cow Wf Cow Blk Cow Blk Cow Red Cow Blk Cow Blk Cow Blk Bwf Cow Blk Cow Blk Cow Wf Cow
4 Bwf Hfr 9 Red Hfr 1 Blk Hfr 6 Blk Hfr 8 Blk Bwf Hfr 14 Red Hfr 5 Blk Hfr 3 Blk Hfr 2 Bwf Hfr 18 Blk/Red Hfr 5 Red Hfr 3 Blk/Char Hfr 6 Bl/Rd/Ch Hfr 5 Blk Hfr 12 Blk/Red Hfr 2 Blk Hfr 3 B/Bwf/Rd Hfr 4 Red Hfr 2 Blk Hfr 7/7 4/4 1/1 1/1 2 2 6 5 2 3 5 3 3 5 5 6 7 3 3 6 5 14 4
Blk Pair Sht Solid Blk Pair Org Blk Pair Grn Roan Pair Grn
Blk Bwf Str Blk Str Blk Bwf Str Blk/Red Str Blk Str Blk Str Blk Str Bl/Rd/Ch Str Blk Str Blk Str Blk/Red Str Blk Str B/Bwf/Ch Str Xbred Str Blk Str Blk Str Blk/Char Str Xbred Str Blk Str
1,290 1,315 1,334 1,335 1,335 1,345 1,346 1,372 1,390 1,400 1,430 1,443 1,448 1,555 1,599 1,795 HEIFER WEIGHT 435 437 450 458 490 515 558 580 595 602 604 672 683 688 838 933 957 968 968 PAIR HEAD 1,226 1,334 1,370 1,595 STEER WEIGHT 305 455 477 487 488 488 519 525 528 529 584 599 599 603 648 701 715 716 814
$133.00 $128.00 $130.00 $124.00 $128.50 $127.00 $119.50 $125.00 $128.00 $129.00 $130.00 $127.00 $127.00 $127.00 $116.00 $125.00
Yuma Rangely Meeker Greeley Crook Fleming Grover Yuma Grover Jensen Atwood Wray Meeker Meeker Jensen Grover
$293.00 $281.00 $271.00 $274.00 $279.00 $286.00 $242.00 $239.00 $238.00 $236.00 $240.00 $235.00 $224.00 $225.00 $206.00 $199.00 $205.00 $197.00 $204.00
Grover Meeker Meeker Meeker Grover Meeker Meeker Meeker Ft. Morgan Meeker Meeker Meeker Meeker Galeton Haxtun Holyoke Meeker Stoneham Jensen
$3,000.00 $2,100.00 $3,000.00 $2,800.00 $332.50 $325.00 $323.00 $322.50 $299.00 $300.00 $295.00 $290.00 $291.00 $289.00 $255.00 $246.00 $239.00 $251.00 $239.00 $229.00 $225.00 $230.00 $223.50
Fleming Fleming Peetz Otis Rangely Meeker Grover Meeker Merino Meeker Meeker Meeker Ft. Morgan Meeker Sterling Meeker Grover Sterling Ft. Morgan Sterling Merino Meeker Meeker
Wed. Dec 3 • Special Calf Wed. Dec 10 • Special Calf Wed. Dec 17 • Special Bred Cow & Hfr Wed. Dec 24 • No Sale Merry Christmas Wed. Dec 31 • No Sale Happy New Year Wed. Jan 7 • Regular Sale Sat. Jan 10 1st • Stock Show Special Wed. Jan 14 2nd • Stock Show Special Sat. Jan 17 3rd • Stock Show Special
OTHER SALES Sat. Dec 13 • Open Consignment Gun & Related Items Mon. Jan 26 • Open Consignment Machinery
Stocker and Feeders, Calves, Stock Cows sell 10:00 a.m. Wednesday Office Phone: 719-384-7781 or 1-800-748-1795 • Fax: 1-719-384-8521 P.O. Box 69 • La Junta, CO 81050 • ljlivestock@centurytel.net • www.ljlivestock.com Don Honey, Owner 719-384-7189 cell: 719-469-7781
Tom Walter, Field Rep 719-254-7781 cell: 719-469-7782
Jace Honey, Auctioneer cell: 719-332-3512
Brian Elder, Field Rep cell: 719-469-7785
Keo Honey, Field Rep cell: 719-469-7784
Sandy Singer Office Manager
On Wednesday, November 19, 2014, we sold 2355 cattle for 118 consignors. Steer Calves sold 2.00 to 3.00 higher 300 weights 325.00 to 390.00 with 400 weights 290.00 to 365.00. Heifer calves sold 2.00 to 3.00 higher 300 weights 295.00 to 380.00 with 400 weights 257.00 to 325.00. Stocker steers sold 2.00 to 3.00 higher 255.00 to 295.00 with bigger 600 weights 240.00 to 255.00. Stocker heifers sold 3.00 to 5.00 higher replacement quality 260.00 to 285.00 with 600 weights 232.00 to 251.00. Feeder steers sold 3.00 to 5.00 higher 221.00 to 255.00 with 900 weights 205.00 to 228.00. Feeder heifers sold 3.00 to 5.00 higher 215.00 to 235.00 with 900 weights 195.00 to 215.00. Butcher cows sold 1.00 to 2.00 higher 95.00 to 130.00. Butcher bulls sold steady to 1.00 higher 121.00 to 142.00.
Patricia Berg........................2 blk strs...............................358 lbs........................................ 390.00 Patricia Berg........................1 char str...............................320 lbs........................................ 360.00 Patricia Berg........................1 blk hfr................................360 lbs........................................ 380.00 Rose Ranch.........................18 bwf & blk strs...................365 lbs........................................ 375.00 Rose Ranch.........................12 blk & red strs....................448 lbs........................................ 320.00 Rose Ranch.........................10 blk & red strs....................696 lbs........................................ 236.00 Rose Ranch.........................12 blk hfrs.............................348 lbs........................................ 340.00 Rose Ranch.........................3 blk hfrs...............................702 lbs........................................ 221.00 Redden Ranches..................3 blk & bbf strs......................357 lbs........................................ 375.00 Redden Ranches..................22 blk & bbf strs....................440 lbs........................................ 315.00 Redden Ranches..................25 bwf strs............................553 lbs........................................ 267.00 Redden Ranches..................6 blk & red hfrs.....................359 lbs........................................ 362.50 Redden Ranches..................24 bbf hfrs............................415 lbs........................................ 325.00 Redden Ranches..................21 blk & bbf hfrs....................556 lbs........................................ 270.00 William Duzenack................4 red strs...............................400 lbs........................................ 365.00 William Duzenack................4 mix strs..............................595 lbs........................................ 265.00 William Duzenack................5 mix strs..............................752 lbs........................................ 228.00 Bill Hancock.........................2 blk strs...............................405 lbs........................................ 355.00 Bill Hancock.........................7 blk strs...............................681 lbs........................................ 245.00 Jack Sniff Ranch..................12 wf strs..............................357 lbs........................................ 355.00 Jack Sniff Ranch..................40 bwf strs............................449 lbs........................................ 320.00 Jack Sniff Ranch..................96 bwf strs............................549 lbs........................................ 267.50 Jack Sniff Ranch..................38 bwf strs............................660 lbs........................................ 242.50 Jack Sniff Ranch..................32 bwf & bbf hfrs..................483 lbs........................................ 299.00 Jack Sniff Ranch..................15 wf & bwf hfrs....................395 lbs........................................ 295.00 Jack Sniff Ranch..................17 bwf & bbf hfrs..................586 lbs........................................ 242.50 Jack Sniff Ranch..................32 wf hfrs..............................546 lbs........................................ 237.00 Jack Sniff Ranch..................13 wf hfrs..............................624 lbs........................................ 234.00 J & K Neuhold......................2 blk strs...............................298 lbs........................................ 340.00 J & K Neuhold......................11 blk strs.............................532 lbs........................................ 290.00 J & K Neuhold......................4 blk hfrs...............................430 lbs........................................ 295.00 J & K Neuhold......................5 blk hfrs...............................519 lbs........................................ 285.00 Ramon Maes.......................37 blk & bwf strs...................342 lbs........................................ 340.00 Ramon Maes.......................9 red & rbf.............................345 lbs........................................ 330.00 Ramon Maes.......................26 blk strs.............................411 lbs........................................ 312.50 Ramon Maes.......................2 char strs.............................493 lbs........................................ 277.50 Ramon Maes.......................26 blk hfrs.............................376 lbs........................................ 315.00 Ramon Maes.......................13 blk hfrs.............................492 lbs........................................ 270.00 Tom Hatton..........................3 blk strs...............................427 lbs........................................ 340.00 Tom Hatton..........................10 blk strs.............................573 lbs........................................ 282.50 Tom Hatton..........................8 blk hfrs...............................419 lbs........................................ 315.00 Tom Hatton..........................15 blk hfrs.............................513 lbs........................................ 280.00 Werner Ranches..................13 mix strs............................402 lbs........................................ 340.00 Werner Ranches..................37 blk & red strs....................561 lbs........................................ 285.00 Werner Ranches..................16 blk & red strs....................645 lbs........................................ 241.00 Werner Ranches..................8 blk & red hfrs.....................362 lbs........................................ 335.00 Werner Ranches..................9 blk & bwf hfrs.....................482 lbs........................................ 275.00 Valdez Rio Culebra ..............11 blk & bwf strs...................447 lbs........................................ 335.00 Valdez Rio Culebra...............32 bwf & red strs...................554 lbs........................................ 271.00 Valdez Rio Culebra...............23 blk & bwf hfrs...................459 lbs........................................ 300.00
Valdez Rio Culebra...............3 red hfrs..............................568 lbs........................................ 251.00 Valdez Rio Culebra...............3 blk hfrs...............................570 lbs........................................ 249.00 Roy Armstrong.....................3 blk strs...............................313 lbs........................................ 350.00 Roy Armstrong.....................6 blk & red strs......................447 lbs........................................ 330.00 Roy Armstrong.....................2 blk hfrs...............................355 lbs........................................ 335.00 Roy Armstrong.....................7 blk hfrs...............................426 lbs........................................ 305.00 Gale & Eva Phillips...............2 blk strs...............................285 lbs........................................ 305.00 Gale & Eva Phillips...............7 red & blk strs......................448 lbs........................................ 325.00 Gale & Eva Phillips...............2 blk & red strs......................523 lbs........................................ 295.00 Jackie Wallace Estate..........2 wf strs................................345 lbs........................................ 325.00 Jackie Wallace Estate..........8 rwf strs...............................475 lbs........................................ 305.00 Jackie Wallace Estate..........16 wf strs..............................567 lbs........................................ 250.00 Jackie Wallace Estate..........3 rwf hfrs..............................437 lbs........................................ 275.00 Jackie Wallace Estate..........16 bwf & rwf hfrs..................517 lbs........................................ 233.00 Glen Humiston.....................2 char & blk strs....................403 lbs........................................ 320.00 Glen Humiston.....................3 red & char strs....................495 lbs........................................ 300.00 Glen Humiston.....................11 blk & red strs....................620 lbs........................................ 242.00 Glen Humiston.....................25 mix strs............................682 lbs........................................ 241.50 Glen Humiston.....................8 blk & red hfrs.....................540 lbs........................................ 250.00 Glen Humiston.....................19 mix hfrs............................632 lbs........................................ 227.50 Ben Rusher..........................8 char & red strs....................474 lbs........................................ 315.00 Ben Rusher..........................3 char strs.............................593 lbs........................................ 246.00 Ben Rusher..........................13 char hfrs...........................485 lbs........................................ 270.00 Josh Hawk...........................26 mix strs............................456 lbs........................................ 312.50 Josh Hawk...........................10 blk & red strs....................541 lbs........................................ 272.50 Thomas Vigil........................4 blk strs...............................475 lbs........................................ 305.00 Thomas Vigil........................3 blk strs...............................590 lbs........................................ 259.00 Thomas Vigil........................8 blk & red hfrs.....................474 lbs........................................ 262.50 Fred Tanner.........................1 red str................................400 lbs........................................ 305.00 Fred Tanner.........................2 bwf & bbf strs.....................558 lbs........................................ 255.00 Fred Tanner.........................1 bbf str................................710 lbs........................................ 236.00 Fred Tanner.........................3 blk & red hfrs.....................397 lbs........................................ 320.00 Fred Tanner.........................2 rwf & bbf hfrs.....................508 lbs........................................ 241.00 Fred Tanner.........................6 bwf & bbf hfrs....................688 lbs........................................ 218.00 Justin Lucero.......................6 bwf strs..............................543 lbs........................................ 292.50 Justin Lucero.......................3 bwf strs..............................708 lbs........................................ 242.00 Justin Lucero.......................5 blk & wf hfrs.......................568 lbs........................................ 275.00 Jim Pace.............................4 blk & red strs......................504 lbs........................................ 287.50 Jim Pace.............................2 blk strs...............................605 lbs........................................ 252.50 Jim Perrino..........................8 mix strs..............................492 lbs........................................ 287.00 Jim Perrino..........................20 mix strs............................602 lbs........................................ 239.00 Jim Perrino..........................4 blk & red hfrs.....................416 lbs........................................ 295.00 Jim Perrino..........................16 blk & red hfrs...................506 lbs........................................ 255.00 Kep Proctor..........................4 blk & red hfrs.....................473 lbs........................................ 265.00 Kep Proctor..........................3 blk & red hfrs.....................613 lbs........................................ 226.00 Wallace Farm & Ranch.........18 mix strs............................557 lbs........................................ 271.00 Wallace Farm & Ranch.........3 gray strs.............................635 lbs........................................ 238.00 Wallace Farm & Ranch.........17 blk hfrs.............................503 lbs........................................ 270.00 Wallace Farm & Ranch.........9 red hfrs..............................504 lbs........................................ 252.50 Wallace Farm & Ranch8.......char hfrs................................604 lbs........................................ 238.00
ESTIMATE 700 CATTLE FOR WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 2014 & NOW HAVE CONSIGNED: Pete Mortin—36 ang lim x strs & hfrs, 350-450#, hi alt Alvin Masters—20 ang str & hfrs 400-500# mostly weaned Dave Ansley—40 mix strs, 400-450#, rep herd Jim Harris—24 ang x strs & hfrs, 400-550#, weaned Gerald Maglia—18 blk strs & hfrs, 500-600#, weaned 21 days
Don Honey 3 registered colts Coming 2 yr old
To Consign Cattle at La Junta Livestock: 719-384-7781 or 1-800-748-1795 DON HONEY 719-384-7189 JACE HONEY 719-332-3512
KEO HONEY 719-469-7784 BRIAN ELDER 719-469-7785
TOM WALTER 719-254-7781
Bill Wilkinson................ 7 blk & red strs.............. 571 lbs.......................270.00 Bill Wilkinson................ 28 blk & red strs............ 693 lbs.......................241.00 Bill Wilkinson................ 9 blk hfrs....................... 510 lbs.......................272.50 Bill Wilkinson................ 6 blk hfrs....................... 617 lbs.......................252.50 Bill Wilkinson................ 3 red & char hfrs............ 585 lbs.......................241.00 Brent Fillmore............... 14 blk strs...................... 549 lbs.......................268.00 L & B Fillmore............... 14 blk & red strs............ 633 lbs.......................245.00 L & B Fillmore............... 6 blk hfrs....................... 476 lbs.......................270.00 L & B Fillmore............... 2 red hfrs....................... 508 lbs.......................245.00 Larry Leonard............... 6 blk & bwf strs.............. 563 lbs.......................265.00 Larry Leonard............... 15 rbf & bwf strs............ 673 lbs.......................242.00 Larry Leonard............... 8 blk hfrs....................... 511 lbs.......................265.00 Larry Leonard............... 17 bwf hfrs.................... 621 lbs.......................255.00 Russell Nicklin.............. 3 blk hfrs....................... 595 lbs.......................247.00 Russell Nicklin.............. 1 blk hfr......................... 750 lbs.......................211.00 Lone Trail Cattle............ 3 char strs..................... 662 lbs.......................250.00 Lone Trail Cattle............ 1 bwf str........................ 845 lbs.......................205.00 Larry & Linda Hall......... 7 mix strs....................... 611 lbs.......................245.00 Larry & Linda Hall......... 9 bwf strs....................... 678 lbs.......................241.00 D & C Watson............... 9 blk strs........................ 671 lbs.......................244.00 Arland Simshauser....... 4 blk strs........................ 686 lbs.......................241.00 Arland Simshauser....... 1 blk str......................... 790 lbs.......................223.00 John & Leroy Rusher.... 5 mix strs....................... 696 lbs.......................235.00 John & Leroy Rusher.... 22 mix hfrs.................... 751 lbs.......................216.00 McClain LLLP................ 41 bwf & rwf strs........... 818 lbs.......................230.50 McClain LLLP................ 99 bwf & rwf strs........... 897 lbs.......................229.50 McClain LLLP................ 24 bbf and rbf hfrs......... 779 lbs.......................219.00 C & D Baker.................. 5 char strs..................... 734 lbs.......................231.00
To Consign Cattle at La Junta Livestock: Office: 719-384-7781 or 1-800-748-1795
28601 Hwy 34 • PO Box 506 Brush, Co 80723 Phone 970-842-5115 / 970-380-3798 / Fax: 970-842-5088 Auctioneer: Tyler Knode 970-580-5311 Field Reps: Rodger Woodard 719-439-2011 • Royce Ford 970-381-4835 • Larry Castor 970-768-5113 • Dick Jones 970-768-0435 Joe Schalnus 970-846-7971 DVM Dr Paul Chard 970-842-0274 • Owner Robin Varelman
www.livestockexchange.org e-mail: livestockexchange@hotmail.com
cattlemen taking care of cattlemen, Supporting the community that supports you CATTLE SOLD FOR 8164 CONSIGNORS 61 BUYERS RECEIPTS THIS WEEK: 1666 RECEIPTS LAST WEEK: 1363 Market Report - Thursday, November 20, 2014 Check auction calendar
BULLS John Texer Falcon, Co 3 LIGHTWEIGHT L & N Cattle Briggsdale, Co 9 YIELD GRADE 1 $132.00-$138.00 Boyd Arnold Keenesburg, Co 6 YIELD GRADE 2 $123.00-$131.00 Harold (Butch) Hosmer Hudson, Co 3 Glen Frihauf Wiggins, Co 3 COWS & HEIFERETTES HFRETES $145.00-$199.00 A-W Cattle Company Llc Milliken, Co 2 HIGH YIELDING $115.00-$129.00 Gerken Farms Fort Morgan, Co 2 LOWER YIELDING $106.00-$114.00 5 THINNER/LEANER $98.00-$105.00 Joel Shoeneman Roggen, Co Joe Marino Denver, Co 4 BRED COWS 1st CALF HEIFER $2250.00-$2800.00 Edwin Lay Colorado Springs, Co 7 SOLID $2300.00-$3025.00 A-W Cattle Company Llc Milliken, Co 4 SHORT SOLID $2000.00-$2550.00 16 BROKEN MOUTH $1700.00-$2150.00 Clint Porche Limon, Co John Texer Falcon, Co 8 L & N Cattle Briggsdale, Co 8 PAIRS $2550.00-$3050.00 Glen Frihauf Wiggins, Co 5 Gerken Farms Fort Morgan, Co 6 LOOSE HORSES Harold (Butch) Hosmer Hudson, Co 7 SORREL 1025 LBS 30.00 CWT Jim Hain Otis, Co 3 2 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2014 Kelly Seward Yuma, Co Gerken Farms Fort Morgan, Co 24 Steers John Texer Falcon, Co 7 John Texer Falcon, Co 2 Blk 373 $355.00 L & N Cattle Briggsdale, Co 3 Glen Frihauf Wiggins, Co 4 Blk 443 $332.50 Don Haiar Hudson, Co 4 Edwin Lay Colorado Springs, Co 4 Blk 468 $319.50 Heifers Clint Porche Limon, Co 7 Red 489 $315.00
Kelly Seward Yuma, Co
Blk Blk Mix Mix Blk Blk Blk Char Blk Blk Blk Red Blk Blk Mix Blk Mix Blk Blk Blk Blk Blk Blk
495 488 477 502 532 485 483 527 575 574 558 639 629 609 668 613 623 605 605 724 786 743 734
$307.00 $302.50 $297.50 $291.00 $285.00 $282.50 $280.00 $268.00 $266.00 $263.00 $262.00 $255.00 $252.00 $251.00 $250.00 $250.00 $250.00 $242.50 $241.00 $235.50 $231.00 $230.00 $226.00
Blk Blk Red Blk Blk Blk Blk Red Blk Red Blk Blk Blk Mix Blk
440 $291.00 453 $287.00 491 $278.00 508 $262.50 520 $258.00 521 $256.00 546 $250.00 587 $247.50 550 $245.00 567 $237.50 650 $230.50 618 $228.00 735 $222.50 781 $214.00 1048 $203.50
Friday, December 5th 80 blk/rd 5-600# VP, PC, knife cut 35 rd angus s/h 3-650# fall shots, NI 80 blk s/h 550-650# pc, NI 270 blk s/h 550-650# PC 18 mixed s/h 500-600# VP, PC, W, NI, knife cut, BB 100 rd/blk mixed s/h 500-600# PC, DW, DH, NI 23 blk strs 675# PC,DW,knife cut 30 rwf s/h 500-600# 16 blk hfrs 650# W 2 months, all shots 60 mixed s/h 500-750# VP,PC 70 mostly blk s/h 550# AN, c&d @ birth 31 wf/bwf s/h 500-600# 115 blk/rd s/h 500-600# NI 27 blk s/h 500-600# W 4 weeks 15 red s/h 550-650# 80 blk s/h 500-600# NI 65 blk strs 500-600# all shots, W 4 weeks, NI 30 blk s/h 500-650#
on our website
Upcoming Sales you won’t want to miss
November 27 & 28th No Sale Have a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving from Robin and all the staff
Thursday, Dec 4th Weigh Cows/Bulls 9:00am Pairs/Breds 1:00pm Loose Horses to follow
Friday, Dec 5th
2 Blk 358 $322.50
ADVANCED CONSIGNMENTS Deer trail, CO Bennett, CO Hayden, CO Craig, CO Calhan, CO Kiowa, CO Eaton, CO Ft Morgan, CO Lasalle, CO Brighton, CO Hygeine, CO Akron, CO New Raymer,Co Stoneham, CO Brush, CO Steamboat Spgs, CO Brighton, CO Woodrow, CO
L & N Cattle Briggsdale, Co 8 Edwin Lay Colorado Springs, Co 2 Clint Porche Limon, Co 11 Kelly Seward Yuma, Co 5 A-W Cattle Company Llc Milliken, Co 3 L & N Cattle Briggsdale, Co 7 Glen Frihauf Wiggins, Co 4 Clint Porche Limon, Co 11 Edwin Lay Colorado Springs, Co 3 Butch Hosmer Hudson, Co 3 John Texer Falcon, Co 9 L & N Cattle Briggsdale, Co 7 Woody Smith Kiowa, Co 2 Jtb Ventures Fairplay, Co 13 Harvey Ranch Aspen, Co 2
Nov 15th, 2014 Hay Market Report
SOLD 961 BALES FOR 25 CONSIGNORS WITH 30 BUYERS Alfalfa 60 # SM SQ $7.00 a bale/$233.40 a ton Alfalfa 590# 3X3 $57.50 a bale/$195.00 a ton Alfalfa 604# 3x3 $52.50 a bale/$173.80 a ton Alfalfa 798# 3X3 $65.00 a bale/$163.00 a ton Alfalfa 607#3X3 $47.50 a bale/$156.60 a ton Alfalfa 1132# 3X4 $85.00 a bale/$150.20 a ton Millet 1358# RND $65.00 a bale/$95.80 a ton Millet 688# 3X3 $32.50 a bale/$94.40 a ton Millet 608# 3X3 $27.50 a bale/ $90.40 a ton Millet 1402# RND $57.50 a bale/$82.00 a ton Oat 1097# 3x4 $47.50 a bale/ $86.60 a ton Grass 48# SM SQ $6.50 a bale/$270.80 a ton Grass 837# 3X3 $62.50 a bale/$149.40 a ton Grass 737# 3X3 $47.50 a bale/$129.00 a ton Grass 677#3x3 $42.50 a bale /$125.60 a ton Hay Grazer 961# 3x4 $47.50 a bale/ $98.80 a ton Cornstalks 63# SM SQ $2.50 a bale / $102.00 a ton Straw 57# SM SQ $3.50 a bale/ $218.75 a ton
Next Hay Sale December 20, 2014
Friday, Dec 5th **Calf Special** 10:30am calf special Thursday, Dec 11th **Bred Cow Special** 1:00pm Weight Cow/Bulls 9am Loose Horses to follow
WWW.PRODUCERSLIVESTOCK.COM www.facebook.com/greeleyproducers
Russ Moss
Bob Elliott,
Senior Order Buyer
Asst. Manager
Brad Jones,
Rod Venn,
Craig Weichel
Auction Manager
Yard Foreman
Market Rep
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Greeley Producers Is Now On Facebook. View Market Reports, Learn About Special Sales And Events at www.facebook.com/ greeleyproducers
DEC 13TH @ 10:00 AM JAN 10TH @ 10:00 AM
Hay Auctions are the 2nd Saturday of Every Month. For More Information Or To Consign Call Craig Weichel, 970-302-0018
NEXT SALE : NOV 26TH @ 10:30 AM
Over 730 head of slaughter cattle, and 400 head of feeders, heiferettes and bred cows sold today. The beef and slaughter FUTURE COMBINED FEEDER/SLAUGHTER SALE: cow, and bull markets were higher today as compared to WED. DEC 3RD, 10:30 AM last week- with cows considerably higher. Fleshy and lean beef cows sold equally well with a lot of overlap in prices, ranging $115.00-129.00. Thin beef cows who had a decent Advanced Consignments body condition still averaged $108.00. Smooth Holstein cows ranged 110.00-117.50 and lean Holstein cows ranged $105.00November 26, 2014 112.00. Highlights of today’s beef cow sale included lean and fleshy cows with excellent body condition from Mt. Home TOWN HD# KIND COMMENTS and Talmage UT, Cheyenne and Evanston WY and Kremmling, LARAMIE, WY 2 2YR REG ANG COWS BRED TO LOW PAP(37), CO. Holstein cows from dairies in Wiggins, Greeley, Pierce LOW BW BULL, CALVE IN MAY (NO PAPERS) and Loveland topped today’s slaughter cow market. Bulls 2 4YR REG ANG COWS BRED TO LOW PAP(37), from various UT ranches, as well as Kremmling and Hygiene LARAMIE, WY sold quite well today. Another highlight from today were LOW BW BULL, CALVE IN MAY (NO PAPERS) bred cows from Ault. Feeder cattle from Cheyenne, Walden, Ft. Lupton, and Evanston also sold very well today.
For our full livestock report visit www.producerslivestock.com
1369 12 1/2 Rd. Just off Hwy 6 & 50 Loma, Colorado
MARKET REPORT FOR 11/19/2014 - 11/21/2014
Stray Horn Grill
Jim Brach Owner 970-260-2041 Tony Brach Yard Man 970-260-4141 Ty Tingey Auctioneer 801-367-4959
200 - 300 LBS............................................. FEW $340 – 395 300 - 400 LBS..................................................... $360 – 390 400 - 500 LBS..................................................... $330 – 385 500 - 600 LBS... $250 – 327.50 / 500# – 550# $285 – 327 / . .....................................................550# – 600# $250 – 285 600 - 700 LBS...................................................... $235 – 260 700 - 800 LBS..................................................... $215 – 234 800 - 900 LBS........................ $200 – 220 / MOSTLY CALVES 900 -1000 LBS................................................... NOT TESTED HEIFERS 200 - 300 LBS.................................................... NOT TESTED 300 - 400 LBS..................................................... $310 – 355 400 - 500 LBS......................$285 – 330 / MOST $290 – 310 500 - 600 LBS..................................................... $240 – 265 600 - 700 LBS..................................................... $210 – 230 700 - 800 LBS...................700# – 725# CALVES $205 – 225 800 - 900 LBS..................................................... NOT TESTED 900-1000 LBS.................................................... NOT TESTED WEIGH COWS High Yield.................................... $105 – 110 / top 114 Medium Yield............................................... $95 – 103 Low Yield........................................................ $90 – 94 WEIGH BULLS High Yield................................................... $125 – 131 Medium Yield............................................. $115 – 125 Low Yield........................................................ $95 – 110 Calves............................................................................ Pairs.............................................................................. Bred Cows.........................Few 3-4 yrs. old / 4-6 months ....................................................... Bred $2300 – 2700 ............... Several Solid mouth 4-6 months, small groups \ ............................................................... $2000 – 2400 ....................................................Singles $1800 – 2200 Sheep.............. Nice Lambs 90# – 115# $160 – 170 cwt Goats............................................................................. Pigs................................................................................
Bill Martin Owner/Manager 970-302-5834
Jimmy Flowers Field Rep 970-249-4126
NOVEMBER 26 REMINDER – CLOSED ON FRIDAY. WSCLA WILL SELL EVERYTHING ON WEDNESDAY’S SALE. DECEMBER 3RD 41 Calves. Nice Black Angus Calves. Weaned 45 days. 2 Rounds of Shots. Consigned by Wayne Guccini Many more consignments by sale time. Please call Bill Martin 970-302-5834 for more details.
V i s i t us On
Kenny Nelson Field Representative 970-210-6159 Ed Rosendale Field Representative 970-629-5508 Don Hale Field Representative 970-433-8538 Josh Nicklas Josh Sinks Brand Inspector 970-263-0071
All cows to be preg checked or mouthed must be in the yard before noon on Tues. All lambs & sheep must be scrapie tagged before arrival. All cattle coming from Utah must have brand papers showing proof of ownership
Go to www.wscattlemens.com or see our auction LIVE at www.cattleusa.com
For market & upcoming sales information, visit us online at
We work to get the best market for you! 700 West Fifth Street Delta, Colorado 81416
NEXT WEEK: Remember No Sale Thanksgiving Week - November 27th. Thank you to all our customers for your continued business. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and acknowledge your blessing.
Big fall sale this week. All classes of cattle: $2-5 higher. Few pairs: $2200-2600. Top bred cows: $1600-2500. Broken mouth cows: $1450-1800. Special Sheep & Goat Sale: Fat Goats: 1.75-2.25 a pound. Lambs: 1.80-2.10 a pound. Ewes .60-.70 a pound. REMINDERS: We will not be stopping for lunch. Weigh cows and bulls start at 10:00 a.m. followed by sheep & goats at 11:00. Baby calves, pigs and bred cows starting at 11:30-12:00. We will be having a sale every week until Thanksgiving. Now that it is getting dark earlier - Please have your livestock in during the daylight hours in order to be sorted & worked early. UPCOMING SALES: December 4th - 100 bred cows (80% Blk mostly solid mouths). Expecting a big after the Thanksgiving holiday. Will be picking up all the late gathers and butcher cows from the preg checks. December 6th - Next Special Horse Sale. Call Dan for information or to consign: 970-874-4612 December 11th - Next Special Sheep Sale. Early consignment of 15 Boer kids. December 25th - No Sale January 1st - No Sale January 3rd - No Horse Sale February 7th - Horse Sale - Special Collectible bits & Spurs sale.
STEERS 200-400#......................................$3.30-3.65 400-500#......................................$2.75-3.65 500-600#......................................$2.55-3.10 600-700#......................................$2.35-2.59 700-800#......................................$2.15-2.38 800-900#......................................$2.15-2.25 900-1000# ...................................$1.80-2.09 HEIFERS 200-400#......................................$2.75-3.30 400-500#......................................$2.50-2.85 500-600#......................................$2.30-2.58 600-700#......................................$2.15-2.38 700-800#......................................$1.80-2.25 800-900#......................................$1.80-2.15 900-1000#....................................$1.65-2.00 COWS & BULLS Top Bulls.......................................$1.28-1.38 Med Bulls......................................$1.20-1.27 Top Cows.......................................$1.12-1.22 Young Cows...................................$1.30-1.60 Medium Cows................................$1.00-1.11 Low Yielding Cows.......................... $.99 down
Please have butcher cattle in by 9:30 or bring them in the day before. Most of the time they will be sold by 12:30 on Thursday. Sheep must be unloaded into our yard by 10:00 OR bring them in the day before. Please have bred cows in by 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday for our vet to preg check.
Happy Thanksgiving! FROM OGALLALA LIVESTOCK! December 13th & 20th will be Ogallala Livestock Auction Market Special Stock Cow & Bred Heifer Sales.
Please have consignments in by December 1st for both sales. We ask that you be open to selling on either day and that you work with us as to what day we sell your cattle in order to market them to the best of our ability. Thanks!
Weekly Market Report
Market Report from Special Stock Cow, Bred Heifer & Cow/Calf Sale & Stock Cow and Bred Heifer Video Internet Sale on November 15, 2014. Spring Calving Stock Cows: 3 & 4 yr olds:...................... $2,600.00 to $3,300.00 5 & 6 yr olds:...................... $2,200.00 to $2,800.00 Solid Mouth:....................... $2,100.00 to $2,800.00 Short & Broken:.................. $1,600.00 to $2,050.00 First Calf Heifers: Med to Large Frame A.I. Bred or Short Calving Periods: $2,400.00 to $3,000.00 Med to Large Frame Bull Bred 60 day Calving Periods: $2,200.00 to $2,600.00 Small Frame A.I. & Bull Bred: $1,900.00 to $2,050.00
Cow/Calf Pairs: 3 & 4 yr olds:...................... $3,200.00 to $3,675.00 5 & 6 yr olds:...................... $3,000.00 to $3,200.00
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26TH REGULAR SALE Selling Butcher & Feeding Cows & Bulls, Stock Cows, Stocker & Feeders & Baby Calves WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3RD REGULAR SALE Selling Butcher & Feeding Cows & Bulls, Stock Cows & Baby Calves THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4TH 8th ANNUAL COWBOY CAPITAL CLASSIC FALL ROUNDUP SPECIAL STOCKER & FEEDER SALE Please have consignments by November 25th WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10TH REGULAR SALE Selling Butcher & Feeding Cows & Bulls, Stocker & Feeders & Baby Calves SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13TH SPECIAL STOCKCOW & BRED HEIFER SALE Please have consignments in by December 1st
Dates to Remember
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17TH REGUALR SALE Selling Butcher & Feeding Cows & Bulls & Baby Calves
THURSDAY, JANUARY 8TH SPECIAL STOCKER & FEEDER SALE Please have consignments by December 29th
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18TH SPECIAL STOCKER & FEEDER SALE Please have consignments in by December 9th
WEDNESDAY, JANAURY 14TH REGULAR SALE Selling Butcher & Feeding Cows & Bulls, Stocker & Feeders & Baby Calves
SATURDAY, JANUARY 17TH SPECIAL STOCKCOW & BRED HEIFER SALE Please have consignments in by January 5TH WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21ST REGUALR SALE Selling Butcher & Feeding Cows & Bulls & Baby Calves THURSDAY, JANUARY 22nd 57TH ANNUAL STOCK SHOW SPECIAL STOCKER & FEEDER SALE Please have consignments by January 13th
Dwayne Mays : (Owner) 308-289 -1870 • Scott Van Winkle: (Owner) 308-289-0249 • Ogallala Office - 308 - 284 - 2071 • www.ogallalalive.com
NO SALE THIS WEEK – HAVE A GREAT THANKSGIVING! COMING UP NEXT WEEK ON FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2014 SPECIAL WEANED CALF SALE – EXPECTING 2,500-3,000 HEAD UPCOMING SALES Friday, December 12 – Special Bred Cow & Bred Heifer Sale Friday, December 19 – Regular Cattle Sale – Last Sale of 2014
FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: OFFICE – 308-665-2220 TOLL FREE – 1-866-665-2220 OWNERS: JACK & LAUREL HUNTER CELL: 308-430-9108 or 308-665-5665
REX MICHEEL 308-665-1357 CELL: 308-430-0552 RICH ROBERTSON CELL: 307-340-1165 www.crawfordlivestock.com • e-mail: clm@crawfordlivestock.com
Lexington Livestock Market
Lexington, Nebraska OFFICE: 1-308-324-4663 • www.lexlivestock.com TUESDAY DECEMBER 2ND BRED HEIFER & COW AUCTION
Weigh Ups @ 9:oo AM, Bred Heifers @ 12:00 Noon, followed by Cows BRED COWS
346 Angus & a few Bwf Hfrs (166) AI’d to Right Answer. Calf Jan 23rd 31st. (180) Bred to TC Angus, Calf Feb 15th for 60 days. 1st Scour Boss & Pelvic Measured................ Mark & Lanae Schamberger 110 Angus Hfrs, Bred Angus, Calf Feb 25th for 44 days.................................... ..................................................................WM Zutavern Cattle Co 100 F1X Angus & Bwf Hfrs, 1100-1150#, Home Raised no brand, OCV, Calf Feb 20th for 45 days, Bred low Birthweight Angus with 72# Birthweight or less............................................................ Campbell Ag Inc 60 Angus Hfrs Bred to Sitz Angus of Harrison Mt, Son’s of Final Answer & Game Day, Calf Feb 15th - 42 days.........................Amsberry Farm 30 Angus Angus X Bred Hfrs, 1st Scour Boss, Pelvic Measured. (20) AI’d to ABS, Absolute, calf Jan 30th. Balance Bred to Connealy Front Page Grandson, Calf Feb & March................................................ Nick Haack Bred Cows 120 Mostly Red Stock Cows, 5 yrs old & Older, Bred Rishel Angus, March & April Calvers........................................................................... Gary Miller 90 Angus & a few Red Angus (20) 2nd & 3rd clavers, Balance Solid to Broken Mouth, bred Angus or Simm Angus X, Calf March 15th for 60 days..................................................Craig Uden & Agri Steer Inc 50 Angus & Bwf Broken Mouth Cows, Bred Angus Simm X Calf March 5th.... ............................................................................. Larry & Pat Young 34 Angus - Gehl X & Simm X 7 Year Old to Broken Mouth, Bred Balancer, Calf March 1st for 70 days, complete dispersion................Jack Morse 29 (25)Corrientes 1st Calf Hfrs, calf Jan 15th for 60 days. 4 two Year Old Corrientes Bulls (2) Blk & (2) Colored. .............................Lyle Martin 25 Angus & Bwf Broken Mouth Cows, Calf March 10th for 50 days, Bred to Blk Angus...............................................................Cattle Connection 25 Angus & Bwf Solid to Broken Mouth, Start Calving March 20th................. .............................................................................. Joe & Tom Phillips 20 Angus, Bwf & a few Red Solid to Broken Mouth, Calf April 1st to middle of May..............................Todd Grabenstein & Ken Adkisson 13 Angus & Bwf Cows 3 Yrs Old to Solid, Calf May 16th for 35 days Bred Angus......................................................................Cattle Connection 8 Angus & a few Red Angus Solid Mouth, bred Angus or Simm Angus X, Calf March 15th for 60 days........................................... Rowe & Uden 6 Angus & a few Red Angus Solid Mouth, bred Angus or Simm Angus X, Calf March 15th for 60 days....................................Uden & Caraway Breeding Bull Division 1 Hereford Bull 3 Years Old, Jamison Hereford Breeding.Cattle Connection
Office@ 1-308-324-4663 www.lexlivestock.com
Rick Shoemaker, Owner 627-7284, Ron Huss 627-7285, Jeff Rogers 325-1272, Bruce Barrett 320-2115, Jeff Marshall 233-4633, Ryan Rogers 325-1273, Dean Dallman 380-2615, Gary Cook 870-0414, Geoff Cook 870-2791, Brian Eberle 440-4798
The Old Reliable Tuesday, Nov. 25th Auction Special Breeding Cattle Auction
9:30 a.m. – Slaughter Cattle
12:00 Noon – Calves
40 Angus 1st calf hfrs. (30 AI’d to calve Feb. 20th, 10 bull bred to calve Mar. 1st ) AI’d hfrs. and bull bred hfrs. all mated to same sire. A fancy set...................... .................................................................................................................. Flannery Inc. 20 Blk & Blk baldy running age cows, mated Angus, calve Mar. 1st........................... .................................................................................................................. Don Pokorny 12 Blk & Blk baldy running age cows, mated Angus, calve Mar. 5th........................... ...............................................................................................................Gene Hoffman 12 Blk & Blk baldy running age fall cows w/calves at side............Gene Hoffman 3 Fall pair............................................................................................................Bob Belik
View our sales live over internet at www.cattleusa.com Listen to WNAX radio station every Monday morning at 10:38 a.m. for our live broadcast market update, also at 10:39 a.m. on KZ 100 FM “Our Desire is to be of Service to You”
Atkinson Livestock Market - Atkinson, NE PH: 402-925-5141 Fax: 1-402-925-2727 www.atkinsonlivestock.com Mike & Diane Tasler, Owners Ph. 402-925-5736 • Mike’s cell 402-340-1821 Cliff Pacha • Ph. 402-340-2207 • Bob Weber Ph. 402-340-2565
Torrington Livestock Markets PO Box 1097 • Torrington, WY 82240 307.532.3333 Fax: 307.532.2040
Happy Thanksgiving From Torrington Livestock Markets
All Classes - Every Friday Feeders - Every Wednesday Bred Cow Specials as Advertised
Torrington Livestock is Offering many Bred Females for Sale by Private Treaty Go to www.torringtonlivestock.com Country Cattle Page for more info or Call Lex Madden @ 307-532-1580 Lex Madden: 307-532-1580 | Michael Schmitt: 307-532-1776 Shawn Madden: 307-532-1575
www.torringtonlivestock.com | 307.532.3333