Torrington Livestock Markets PO Box 1097 • Torrington, WY 82240 307.532.3333 Fax: 307.532.2040
Lex Madden: 307-532-1580 Shawn Madden: 307-532-1575 Michael Schmitt: 307-532-1776
Red Lewis/L & L Livestock 74 Mostly Blk Spayed Hfrs, 650#, All Natural, Pyramid @ Branding, Vita Ferm Mineral CALVES Rice Ranch Corp. 220 Red Angus Strs, 460-540#, Weaned on Oct. 1, Running out on pasture, Branding & Precond. Shots, Home Raised M W Ranch 180 Blk/Rd Strs & Hfrs, 500-600#, Pre-cond. Shots: UltraBac 7, Pyramid 5+ Presponse, Banded, Implanted Fish Hook Ranch/Nick Jamison 160 Mx Strs & Hfrs, 500-600#, Weaned, Branding & Pre-cond. Shots, A nice Set of Choice Strs & Hfrs, Cody Smith 150 Blk/bwf/Rd/Rwf Strs & Hfrs, 500-600#, Pre-cond. On Oct. 28: Bovi-Shield One Shot, All Natural Ralph Whitney 140 Mx Strs & Hfrs, 525#, Pre-cond. Shots: One Shot Ultra 7, Express 5 w/Somnus, Dextromac Pour on, Merl Glick 120 Mostly Blk Strs, 450-600#, Branding Shots, High Elevation; 8000-9000’, Home Raised Larry Olson 100 Blk Strs & Hfrs, 500-600#, Weaned 45 Days, All Natural, Precond: 7-Way & Pasturella Spearhead Ranch/Dave Moore 100 Mostly Blk few Red/Rwf Strs & Hfrs, 400-450#, Branding Shots: Vira Shield w/Somnus, All Natural Chuck Engebretsen 100 Blk/Bwf Strs & Hfrs, 450-550#, Pre-cond. Shots: Vira Shield 6 w/Somnus, Ivermectic Pour On, No Implants, Seth Brockman 90 Blk strs & Hfrs, 500-700#, Pre-cond. Shots: Bovi-Shield Gold One Shot, Ultra Choice 7, Ivomec Pour On Bennett Creek Ranch 90 Blk/Bwf Strs, 475#, Weaned 50 days, Pre-cond. Shots: Titanum 5, Vision 7, Poured, All Natural H 5 Cattle Co./Todd & Michelle Shults 85 100% Blk Strs, 625-700#, Pre-cond. Shots: Bovi-Shield Gold w/Somnus, Ivomec Pour On, All Natural, 72% are AI Sired by KG High Regard balance Sired by Retail Product & Connealy thunder Sons, AI Program for 12 years, Graded 80% Choice or Prime the last 13 years Leonard Helms 80 Mxd Strs & Hfrs, 500-600#, Precond Pat Chambers 80 Mx Strs & Hfrs, 525-600#, Pre-cond. Shots: One Shot Ricky Jones 90 Blk Hfrs & Strs, 550#, Weaned, Pre-cond. Shots: 7-way, Vira Shield 6, (70 hd will make good Replacement Heifers) John Shepperson 78 Blk few Rd Strs & Hfrs, 450-580#, Home Raised, Limousine Sired, Pre-cond. Shots: Pyramid 5+ Presponse, Vista Once Galliger Ranch 75 Mx Strs & Hfrs, 550-580#, No Shots, All Natural Brian Christensen 70 Blk Angus Strs & Hfrs, 600#, Weaned for 70 days, 3 Rounds of Shots: Bovi-Shield Gold, One Shot, Vision 7 w/Somnus, Poured w/ Ivomec, All AI’d Calves from Flag Ranch Cross Country & Sitz Senasation, Bunk & Hotwire Broke, Been Running on regrowth meadows Tom Dunlap 60 Blk/Bwf Strs & Hfrs, 460-535#, Branding & Pre-cond. Shots Randy Cole 60 Blk Strs & Hfrs, 400-600#, Brand Shots: 7-Way Dustin Whitehead/Dean Barent 52 Red Angus Strs, 500-600#, Branding & Pre-cond. Shots: Bovi-Shield One Shot, 7-way,Weaned 60 days, Red Angus FCCP tagged, Sired by Ludvigson & Six Iron Bulls, Knife Cut, Two brands, One Raising John Donnelly 50 Blk/Bwf Strs & Hfrs, 450-600#, Branding & Pre-cond. Shots: Ultra Choice 7, Vista Once SQ, All Natural Justin & Kristi Ellis 45 Blk Angus, 475-525#, Pre-cond. & Boostered Shots: 5-way, 8-way, Weaned for 30+ days Gordan Ranch 43 Mx Strs & Hfrs, 530#, Weaned since Sept. 15, Pre-cond. Shots: Vision 7 w/Somnus, Vista Once, No Implants L3 Cattle 28 Blk Hfrs, 490-510#, Weaned 30 days, Pre-cond. Shots: Enforce, 7-way, Bovi-Shield One Shot, Wormed, All Natural Cody Kremers 25 Blk Strs, 450-550#, Pre-cond. Shots on 9/28: Ultra 7 w/Somnus, Vista Once SQ, Ivomec Joe Wood 8 Mx Strs, 575#, Pre-cond. Shot: One Shot
Cattle Country Video - 1:00
Little Sandy Ranch 100 Weaned Heifer Calves; 520 lbs; Slide: .20 cents; 95% Blk, 5% Bwf; Delivery: 12/1/2016 to 12/10/2016; Location: Farson, WY; Precond: Vista Once SQ, Vision 8 & Poured @ Weaning, Cattle Active (3X); BQA; Fancy hfr calves run at 8500 ft and weaned on hay meadows. Good weigh up, sort from 130 hd. No replacements kept. The heart of the heifers. Three Quarter Box C Ranch 95 Weaned Heifer Calves; 550 lbs, Wt Stop at 565 lbs; Slide: .20 cents; 100% Black; Delivery: 12/1/2016 to 12/5/2016; Ranch Raised; Location: 40 mi N of Laramie, WY; Precond: ViraShield 6, Poly Bac, 7-way & Poured; BQA; Fancy heifers, wintered on grass hay. No grain. Weaned Oct 3rd, 2016. Test weigh Nov 4th to be 532 gross. Sort from 114 hd and can be all black. Kaufman Cattle Co 78 Weaned Steer Calves; 650 lbs; Slide: .08 cents; 75 Blk, 2 Reds, 1 CharX; Delivery: 11/21/2016; Ranch Raised; Location: Torrington, WY; Shots: Pyramid 5+Presponse, boostered w/ BoviShield 5 & 7-way w/ Somnus, Poured w/ Ivomec & Wormed with Safe Guard; Knife Cut, All Natural, BQA, CAB; Top set of Eastern WY calves. Filmed 11/7/2016. Sorting from 86 hd. Buyers option to take the reds & charx. Shane & Ted Rippen 4 Lots: 85 Steers; 600 lbs/130 Steers; 530 lbs/85 Heifers; 570 lbs/135 Heifers; 500 lbs 85% Blk, 10% Bwf, 5% Red; Slide: .15 cents; Ranch Raised; Delivery: 11/18/16 to 11/23/2016; Location: Culbertson, NE; Precond: BoviShield Gold, 7-way & Poured w/ Ivermectin, Knife Cut; Comments: Shane & Ted have a 500 hd cow herd with powerful genetics in their cows & bulls. Calves really perform in feedlot and wheat pasture or grass yearlings. All 500 will be shipped same day. Fancy for quality and handled by cattlemen.
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COMPLETE DISPERSALS Park Range Ranch 400 Mostly Blk Cows, Complete Dispersal, Mx Ages, Bred to Sim Bulls, CF: April/May, High Elevation; Running at 8500’ BRED COWS Bates Creek 120 Mx Cows, Mx Ages, Bred to Blk & Hereford Bulls, CF: March 10 for 90 days Jack & Aletha Garson 80 Blk Cows, 3 yr olds, Bred to PAP Tested Blk Angus Bulls, CF: March 10, Pre-breeding Shots: Guardian, Vision 7, Multimin, High Elev Paul Kukowski 50 Mx cows, Mx Ages, Bred to Wolfe Limousine Bulls (Lim/FlexBulls/Rd & Blk Composite Bulls), CF: April 15 for 60 days Kinchen Ranch 45 Red Angus Cows, ST, Bred to Red Angus Bulls, CF: Mx Ricky Jones 35 Blk/Rd Cows, Mx Ages, Bred to Blk Bulls, CF: March/April, Home Raised, Current on all Shots, Poured Arrow Crown Angus 25 Reg Blk Cows & Hfrs, Ages 2-7, Fall Reduction Sale, Shots: Mod. Live Vac Prog, Bred to High End Blk Ang Bulls, CF: Feb 25 for 45 Days GEORGE OCHSNER RANCH INC
All Ochsner Heifers are on a Complete Vac Prog with 2 rnds of Bovi-Gold 5, One Shot Pasturella, Multi-min and Ultrabac 7 w/Somnus @ Weaned & Bovi-Gold FP+L5 HB preBreeding:
274 Blk Heifers, AI Bred to “Poss Element 215”, A Blk Angus Bull with Exceptional Calving Ease and Growth & Carcus Traits, Ultra-sounded to Calve Feb. 6 88 Blk Heifers, Bred to Low Birth Weight Blk Angus Bulls, Ultra-sound to Calve Feb. 7 through Feb. 28 BRED HFRS Sidwell Herefords 59 Bwf Hfrs/47 Blk Hfrs; Bred to Calving Ease Line 1 Hereford Bulls, CF: Feb 2 for 50 days, Shots: Cattle Master 4VL+5, Vision 7 w/Spur, Poured w/Ivomec Harold & Marleen Sidwell 94 Blk Hfrs, Bred to Herf Easy Clvng Bulls, CF:Feb. 2 for 50 days, Shots: Cattlemaster 4VL+5, Vision 7 w/Spur, Poured w/Ivermectin