CAN VIEW - BID – BUY ON www.cattleusa.com at Crawford Livestock Market (must pre-register) THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17 - SPECIAL WEIGHUP CATTLE SALE SALE TIME – 10:00
Accepting all classes of butcher cows, bulls & heiferettes for this sale as well as any odd yearling cattle, bred cows, & pairs. We will be selling calves only on our Friday sales.
Early consignments include:
Bred Heifers Dyesville Angus ..............................97 – Angus heifers, B.V.; A.I.’d first 2 cycles to S Summit 956; calving dates-68 head to calve Feb. 9-Feb. 19, 2017; 20 head to calve Mar. 1-Mar. 10, 2017; 9 ............................................................head to calve Mar. 20-Apr. 10, 2017; calving dates determined by ultra-sound on Aug. 9; extensive vaccination & deworming program; fancy & handled ............................................................right; most of these heifers are out of A.I. sires themselves; 1000-1050#; home raised. Scott & Caitlin Schaefer ...............27 – Blk heifers, B.V.; A.I’d to Connealy Combination; cleaned up with low birth weight EPD Angus bulls; ultra-sound checked to calve Jan. 22 for 40 ............................................................days; poured & 1st Guardian shot; home raised; 1000-1050# Keith & Lori Oetken .....................27 – Angus heifers, B.V.; 15 head A.I.’d to EF Comando & Really Windy; to calve Jan. 25 for 10 days – 12 head bred to calving ease Cedar Ridge son; to ............................................................calve Feb. 15 for 30 days; Preg-guard 10 in spring; first Guardian shot, Bovishield 5 & poured w/Promectin this fall; home raised; 1000-1050#. Dave Hoffman .................................30 – Red Angus heifers, B.V.; Bred to low birth weight Red Western Red Angus bulls; to calve Feb. 15 for 70 days. Guardian &Virashield 6VL5HB & ............................................................poured w/Ivormax; home raised; 950-1000#. Galey Ranch, Inc ............................40 – Angus heifers, B.V.; 20 head A.I.’d to Prime Cut & High Regard ; to calve Feb. 1; 20 head bred to low birth weight sons of Connealy Consensus ............................................................Angus bull; to calve Mar. 1 for 40 days; excellent set of home raised heifers; complete shot program & poured; 1000-1050#. Dunbar Ranch, LLC .....................50 – Angus heifers, B.V.; bred to calving ease Consensus & Confidence Angus bulls; to calve Feb. 5 for 60 days; ultra-sound tested & sorted for calving ............................................................dates; complete vaccination program & poured; home raised; 1000-1050#. Jerome Rising .................................20 – Angus heifers, B.V.; bred to calving ease Angus bulls; to calve Mar. 10 for 60 days; Preg-guard 10 & poured; 950-1000#. Bill McCleerey.................................30 – Red Angus heifers, B.V.; Bred to calving ease Red Angus bulls; to calve Apr. 1 for 60 days; complete vaccination program & poured; 950-1000#; ............................................................home raised. Stroh & Sons, Inc. ..........................35 – Angus & Bwf heifers, B.V.; bred to low birth weight Angus bulls; to calve Feb. 26 for 60 days; Virashield 6 VL5; home raised; 950-1000#. Riley & Mandy Morava ................35 – Angus heifers, B.V.; bred to calving ease sons of Image Maker; to calve Apr. 10 for 25 days; complete vet program; home raised; 950-1000#. Duck Creek Ranch ........................151 – Black heifers, B.V.; bred to Angus sons of Cash; to calve Mar. 1 for 35 days; one iron; Preg-guard in spring; poured & 1st scour-guard shot on Sept. ............................................................15; 1000-1050#. Wayne & Patty Lux .......................10 – Red Angus heifers, B.V.; bred to calving ease Red Angus bulls; to calve Apr. 1 for 40 days; all shots & poured; home raised; 950-1000#. Martin & Lois Hanley ..................30 – Red Angus heifers, B.V.; bred to low birth weight Red Angus bulls; to calve Apr. 18 for 30 days; Preg-guard 10 & 1st Guardian shot; poured; home ............................................................raised; 1000-1050#. Kevin & Denise Christy ...............4 – Black & Red Angus heifers, B.V.; A.I.’d to calve Apr. 1; cleaned up with Oetken Angus bull for 45 days; all shots & poured. Age Dispersions Chas. & Donna Skavdahl 70.........Angus coming 3 yr olds, B.V.; syn. & A.I.’d to Connealy Consolidate; to calve Mar. 1; cleaned up with Consolidate sons for 55 days; complete vaccination ............................................................program & poured; home raised & fancy. Nathan Painter ...............................45 – Angus coming 3 yr olds, B.V.; bred to sons of Connealy Direct Deposit; to calve Mar. 10 for 60 days; complete vaccination program & poured; home ............................................................raised & fancy. Scott & Caitlin Schaefer ...............68 – Angus cows consisting of 30 head of 3 & 4 yr olds and 38 head of 5 to 8 yr old cows, B.V.; A.I.’d to Connealy Combination; cleaned up with ............................................................Smith Angus, Oetken Angus & Sellman Angus bulls; ultra-sound checked for calving dates; 46 head to calve Jan. 22 for 40 days; 22 head to calve Mar. 1 f ............................................................or 30 days; complete mod. live vaccination program; poured & all home raised. Pork Chop Mracek ........................4 – Blk & Bwf cows, coming 3 yr olds; bred Angus; to calve Apr. 1; all shots & poured. Bill McCleerey ................................35 – Red Angus coming 3 yr olds, B.V.; bred to Red Angus bulls; to calve Apr. 1 for 60 days; complete vaccination program & poured. Tom & Jaymie Lambert................10 – Angus 4 to 8 yr olds, B.V.; bred Angus, to calve Mar. 20; Preg-guard in spring; Safeguard in fall; 60 day calving period. Mt. Rushmore Angus ....................35 – Angus 4 to 10 yr olds, B.V.; A.I. cows start calving Jan. 15; bull bred cows to calve Feb. 10 for 60 days; complete vaccination program & poured. Don Huls ..........................................18 – Angus cows, 4 to 7 yrs old; bred Angus; to calve Apr. 1 for 45 days; complete vaccination program & poured; nice cows. Aged Cows Tubbs Land & Cattle .....................80 – Blk cows, S.S. to B.M.; bred Angus; to calve Feb. 20; poured. Dunbar Ranch ................................50 – Blk cows; S.S. to B.M.; bred Angus; to calve Mar. 1 for 60 days; all shots & poured. Lee & Jennilee Woltman ..............40 – Blk & Bwf cows; S.S.- B.M.; red Blk Simm-Ang bulls; to calve Mar. 1 for 60 days. Lee Ahrens ......................................40 – Blk cows; S.S. to B.M.; bred Sellman Angus bulls; to calve Mar. 20 for 60 days; all shots & poured. Bill McCleerey ................................35 – Red & Rwf cows; S.S. to B.M.; bred Red Angus; to calve Apr. 1 for 60 days; all shots & poured. Stan Rennard ..................................50 – Red Ang cows, B.V.; S.M. to B.M.; Bred Red Angus; to calve Apr. 15 for 50 days. Travis & Karina Denton ..............40 – Blk cows; S.S. to B.M.; bred Angus; to calve Mar. 15 for 60 days; complete shot program & poured. Roger Goffena.................................30 – Blk cows, S.S. to B.M.; bred Angus; to calve Mar. 20. Steve Burke .....................................24 – Blk cows; S.S. to B.M.; bred Angus; to calve Mar. 1 for 60 days; all shots & poured. U up U down Ranch .......................23 – Blk & Bwf cows; S.S. to B.M.; bred Angus; to calve Mar. 20 for 55 days; all shots & poured. Tim & Cheryl Lamont ..................17 – Blk cows; S.S. to B.M.; bred Angus; to calve Feb. 14; Preg-guard 10 & poured; Sitz, Connealy & Sandpoint bulls. Blaine & Karen Morgan ..............12 – Blk cows; B.M.; bred Angus; to calve Feb. 1. Allen & Doris Raum .....................16 – Blk cows; S.S. to B.M.; bred Angus or Hereford; to calve Mar. 20 for 50 days; all shots & poured. Mike & Bonita Henry ...................15 – Blk cows; S.S. to B.M.; bred Haas Angus bulls; to calve Mar. 1; 1300 plus #’s. Ben Wegner .....................................12 – Blk cows S.S. to B.M.; Bred Angus; to calve Mar. 5 for 60 days; all shots & poured. Jason Hunsaker ..............................17 – Blk cows; S.M. to S.S.; bred Marcy Angus bulls; to calve Mar. 10 for 45 days; all pregnancy shots; wormed & poured. Dorothy Henderson & Sons .........15 – Blk & Herf. Cows; S.S. to B.M.; bred Angus or Hereford; to calve Mar. 1; Preg-guard & poured. Glade Ranch ....................................20 – Blk cows, B.V.; B.M.; bred Herf; to calve Mar. 25 for 60 days. Bob & Sharon Cardwell ...............21 – Blk cows; S.S. to B.M.; bred Blk; to calve April/May. Donna York .....................................20 – Blk cows; 9 to 10 yrs old; Bred Ang; Apr/May calvers; Scourguard in fall & poured Furman Ranch, Inc. ......................30 – Blk cows; B.M.; Bred Angus & Simm-Angus bulls; to calve Mar. 20. John & Janet Koller ......................20 – Blk & Red cows; S.S. to B.M.; bred Blk; to calve Mar. 20 for 75 days; Preg-guard & pink eye shot in spring. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: OFFICE – 308-665-2220 TOLL FREE – 1-866-665-2220 JACK HUNTER: CELL: 308-430-9108 ---REX MICHEEL: CELL: 308-430-0552 • YARD FOREMAN: RICH ROBERTSON: CELL: 307-340-1165 www.crawfordlivestock.com
e-mail: clm@crawfordlivestock.com