Ogallala Livestock Auction Market - 2.13.17

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Dwayne Mays: (Owner) 308-289-1870 Scott Van Winkle: (Owner) 308-289-0249 Ogallala Office: 308-284-2071 www.ogallalalive.com


308-284-2071 Continued from page 127

Special Stockcow & Bred Heifer Sale Monday, February 20, 2017 Sale Time: 11:00am RANCH MANAGEMENT LLC/ BRIAN DEBRIE (251) (150) Bwf F1 Stockcows, 4 yrs old, bred to Blk Simm. bulls, due Mar. 20th for 60 days, (30) Ang Stockcows, 4 yrs old, bred to Hereford Bulls, due Mar. 20th for 60 days, (71) Ang Stockcows, SM-BM, bred to Hereford Bulls, due Mar. 20th for 60 days, COMPLETE DISPERSION TONY CANZONA (187) (19) Ang 1st Calf Hfrs, Bred to LBW Ang Bulls, due Mar. 18th for 45 days, (45) Ang Stockcows, 3&4 yrs old, (38) Ang Stockcows, 5&6 yrs old, (39) Ang Stockcows, 7&8 yrs old, (46) Ang Stockcows, 9 yrs & older, Bred to Ang Bulls, due Mar. 18th, for 65 days, given Preguard 10 in Spring, poured with Permectrin B in fall, wintered on range, hay & cake & high copper mineral program, COMPLETE DISPERSION of an outstanding set of Home Raised Cows

GARY & LORI HOFFNER (115) (75) Red Ang Stockcows, 4-7 yrs old, (40) Red Ang Stockcows, SM-BM, Bred to Top End Cardinal Charolais Bulls, due March 15th, Cows are currently on cornstalks & protein, this past fall were vaccinated with Vibrio Lepto & Scourguard, COMPLETE DISPERSION HIGH POINT RANCH (110) Ang 1st Calf Hfrs, Bred to Proven Easy Calving Gray Ang Bulls, due Feb. 21st for 60 days, PregGuard & poured last fall, these hfrs in natural flesh will weigh 1,050#, carry 1 brand, from River Bend Genetics BANNING ANGUS (70) Blk & Red Ang Stockcows, 6,7&8 yrs old, bred to Blk Ang Bulls, Grandsons of Rite Time & 8180, due Mar. 20th for 60 days GARY & RANDY KUHLMANN (65) (42) Ang 1st Calf Hfrs, (23) Bwf 1st Calf Hfrs, bred to Proven Easy Calving Ang Bulls, due Mar. 23rd for 45 days, HR, complete vacc. program, this is a very exceptional set of coming 1st Calf Hfrs

BEVERLY LYON (57) Ang Stockcows, 3-8 yrs old, bred to Blk Ang Bulls, due Mar 10th for 90 days, annual vacc. program, COMPLETE DISPERSION SPRENGER RANCH & RON BOLZE (55) (44) Mostly Bwf, balance Rwf Ang 1st Calf Hfrs, AI Bred to Sinclair Deliverance, due Apr. 15th, (11) Bwf, Rwf & Ang 1st Calf Hfrs, Bred to LBW Ang Bulls, Sons of Billy Volga, due May 5th for 45 days, HR, received Modified Live vacc. in Spring & 1st ScourGuard SCHUSTER RANCH (30) Ang, Bwf & Xbred Stockcows, S&S-BM, Bred to Ang & Hereford Bulls, due Mar. 15th for 60 days MEGAN MORGAN (23) (11) Blk Stockcows with fall calves at side, 3yrs-SM, Ultrasound tested & safe in calf to Ang Bulls, due Aug. 15th for 45 days, (6) Black Stockcows with fall calves at side, 3yrs-SM, Ultrasound tested open, (6) Blk Stockcows, 3 yrs-SM, bred to Ang Bulls, ultra sound tested to be 50-80 days

ERIC STORER (15) Blk & Bwf Stockcows, SM-BM, bred to Simm-Ang Bulls, due Mar. 20th fro 70 days ART STORM (13) Ang X Stockcows, SM-BM, bred to Ang Bulls, due Mar. 15th for 90 days, annual vacc. program & poured LEROY & PAT THELANDER (10) Red Ang Stockcows, S&S-BM, bred to Red Ang Bulls, due Mar. 1st for 60 days, been on ScourGuard Program STEVE VASA (10) Ang X Stockcows, 2nd CalfS&S, bred to Ang or Hereford Bulls, due Mar. 15th for 60 days Call our office for more info & updated listing or visit our website @ www.ogallalalive.com. This sale will be broadcast live via the internet on www.CattleUSA.com. Pre-registration is required by day of sale.

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