Centennial — Oct. 17, 2016

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CENTENNIAL LIVESTOCK AUCTION (970) 482-6207 • FAX (970) 416-7302 • TOLL FREE: 866-899-6827 Total Livestock Sold:

This Week: 3701


Tim Hamblen – Mountain View – 50 Dorset wether lambs – 120 – 130 lbs – grass fat THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2016 – 10 A.M. CALF & YEARLING & PRODUCTION AUCTION WITH RED HIDED FEATURE

Ron Nielsen – Yampa – 20 blk strs & hfrs – 500 lbs Rodney & Nick Estes – Yampa – 30 black strs & hfrs – 500 lbs David & Robert Willich - Stoneham - 68 Simm/Angus steers - 650 - 675 lbs & 74 Simm/Angus heifers - 625 - 650 lbs Battle Mountain Ranch - Savery - 20 Angus x Hereford steers - 500 lbs & 10 Angus x Hereford heifers - 480 lbs David & Robert Willich - Stoneham - 74 Simm/Angus heifers - 625 - 650 lbs Jeff Ketchum - Cheyenne - 6 Hereford steers - 750 - 800 lbs Gary Mendenhall - Aurora - 18 blk Limousin cows - bred to reg. Angus Bull Gary Mendenhall - Aurora - 2 blk Limousin cow/calf pairs Leonard Nockels - Wheatland - 8 Charolais bulls - April & May - 1100 - 1300 lbs - semen & trich tested Pat & Keith Day – Ault – 8 red & black heifers & 12 red & black steers – 400 – 600 lbs FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2016 – 10 A.M. SLAUGHTER & FEEDING COW & BULL AUCTION

Battle Mountain Ranch - Savery – 54 Angus, Angus x Hereford Cows – open, 2 – 12 years WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2016 – 10 A.M. SHEEP, GOATS, BABY CALVES, HOGS & HORSES

Terry Gallinger – Lander – 32 Boer x kids – 70 – 75 lbs Juanita Sussex – LaGrange – 13 Nubian x Toggenberg kids – 100 lbs Green River Livestock - Rock Springs - 200 - 250 wf cull ewes and buck lambs - 110 lbs THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 2016 – 10 A.M. PRE-CONDITIONED CALF & YEARLING & PRODUCTION CATTLE AUCTION

Roslyn Ranch – Walden – 100 Angus cross steers 0 450 – 555 lbs - all natural Dan & Frank Kawcak – Craig – 15 Simm/Angus steers – 550 lbs & 15 Simm/Angus heifers – 540 lbs MONDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2016 – 10 A.M. SPECIAL BRED COW & BRED HEIFER & PAIR AUCTION

Hiatt Farms – Loveland – 3 Simm/Angus bulls – 14 & 16 months, semen & trich tested, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2016 - 10 A.M. CALF & YEARLING & PRODUCTION CATTLE - BLACK & CHAROLAIS FEATURE

Shawn & Kendall Silverburg - Walden - 250 blk, few reds strs & hfrs - 475 - 575 lbs Andy & Dawn Lawrence - Nunn - 100 bwf & wf strs & hfrs - 550 - 650 lbs Gerald Johnson – Gilcrest – 33 black steers – 750 – 800 lbs MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2016 - 11 A.M. SPECIAL HOLSTEIN, HOLSTEIN CROSS STEER AUCTION

Ross Allacher - Yuma - 12 Holstein steers - 750 - 800 lbs


Mike & Joy Ptasnik – Livermore – 35 blk Angus strs – 650 lbs & 25 blk Angus hfrs – 600 lbs Elmer Floyd Weiderspon - Greeley - 7 blk Angus steers - 900 lbs & 4 blk Angus steers - 700 lbs MARKET REPORTS CAN BE FOUND ON PAGE 143 The Café @ Centennial Livestock Auction is under new management: Sherrie Johnson, manager & staff - Come and give it a try!

Last Week: 6526

Year Ago: 3040

UPCOMING SPECIAL EVENTS @ CLA CALF & YEARLING FEATURES: 10 A.M. AUCTION TIME – THURSDAY No sale is limited to any one breed of cattle

October 20 – Featuring Red Hided Calf & Yearling • October 27 – Pre-Conditioned Calf & Yearling - Altenburg Super Baldy Ranch SimAngus Influenced Feeder Calf Feature • November 3 – Black & Charolais Feature • November 10 – Pre-Conditioned Calf & Yearling Feature • November 17 – Pre-Conditioned Calf & Yearling Feature - ALSO SELLING PRODUCTION CATTLE ON ALL THURSDAYS BRED COW, COW/CALF PAIR AUCTION – 10 A.M. Monday, October 31, 2016 | Monday, November 28, 2016 | Thursday, December 22, 2016 SPECIAL HOLSTEIN, HOLSTEIN CROSS STEER AUCTIONS - 11 A.M Monday, November 7, 2016 | Monday, December 5, 2016 HAY AUCTION - 9 A.M. – NEW STARTING TIME Wednesday, Oct 29, 2016 | Saturday, November 26, 2016 - receiving hay only on Mon, Tues & Wed. for this auction date (Receiving hay 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. starting Monday of auction week until the lot is full – we unload the large bales, seller unloads the small squares – hay sells in order received into yards) Need your hay tested: must be here by noon on Tuesday and is at seller’s expense.








NEXT HAY AUCTION: Sat., October 29, 2016 @ New Time 9:00 AM Receiving hay on Monday, Oct 24 and each day through Friday until the lot is full. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. To have your hay tested at seller’s expense it must be here by noon on Tuesday, October 25. Call our office, 970-482-6207, to consign your hay in advance. This gives us the opportunity to advertise your hay at no additional cost to you.

SALE SCHEDULE LARIMER COUNTY BRAND INSPECTOR’S Office: 970-490-1764 • Jim Easthouse: 970-219-7400 • Casey Griffith: 970-218-0420 Jesse Phillips: 970-219-9393 • Denver Brand Office: 303-869-9160 • Longmont/Boulder County: TJ Watts: 720-296-4044 WEDNESDAYS • 10 A.M. Sheep, Goats, Baby Calves, Hogs & Horses THURSDAYS • 10 A.M. Calf, Yearling & productin Cattle FRIDAYS • 10 A.M. | Slaughter Cow & Bull Auction 1ST MONDAY OF EACH MONTH • 11 A.M. Holstein, Holstein Cross Steers (some exceptions) LAST SATURDAY OF MONTH • 9 A.M. Special Hay Auction (some exceptions) RECEIVING LIVESTOCK Monday through Friday 6 a.m. until midnight | Saturdays & Sundays 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.


113 N.W. FRONTAGE ROAD • I-25 & HIGHWAY 14 (970) 482-6207 • FAX (970) 416-7302 TOLL FREE: 866-899-6827 CLA WEB SITE: www.claauction.com E-MAIL ADDRESS: cla.auction@prodigy.net

HOME CELL 970-493-7535 970-222-7700

Wayne Kruse - Owner/Auctioneer wayne@clamarkets.com Danny Kruse - Owner/Auctioneer dan@clamarkets.com Tracey Kruse - Owner/Auctioneer tracey@clamarkets.com Joyce Kruse - Owner joyce@clamarkets.com








STATE AND FEDERAL REPORTING Compared to a week ago: Slaughter lambs and feeder lambs were steady. Slaughter ewes traded 4.00 higher. In the goats, slaughter kids traded 2.00 – 10.00 lower, while slaughter nannies/does traded mostly steady. Slaughter bucks/billies as well as wethers were trading unevenly steady. Trade activity and demand were moderate to good. In the sheep supply 23% slaughter lambs, 22% feeder lambs, 55% slaughter ewes and bucks. The goat supply consisted of 64% slaughter kids, 36% slaughter nannies/does and the balance slaughter billies and wethers. Sheep and lambs sold on a per cwt basis and goats sold on a per head basis unless otherwise noted. ABBREVIATION CODE: CWT = COST PER HUNDRED WEIGHT REPRESENTATIVE SALES


13 Dorper x lambs 54 lbs 1 brown lamb 60 lbs 3 mixed lambs 70 lbs 2 bf lambs 50 lbs 1 bf lamb 75 lbs 14 wf lambs 84 lbs 2 bf lambs 83 lbs 5 bf/spotted lambs 96 lbs 3 mixed lambs 75 lbs 10 mixed lambs 67 lbs 22 wf lambs 55 lbs 13 mixed lambs 90 lbs 1 bf ram lambs 180 lbs 5 bf lambs 93 lbs 19 wf lambs 100 lbs 11 bf lambs 77 lbs 10 wf lambs 85 lbs 16 wf lambs 108 lbs 37 mixed lambs 101 lbs 43 wf lambs 104 lbs 17 wf lambs 89 lbs 1 wf ram lamb 80 lbs 1 bf lamb 155 lbs 8 Dorper x lambs 73 lbs 46 mixed lambs 117 lbs 4 smf lambs 148 lbs 1 bf ewe lamb 140 lbs 38 mixed lambs 112 lbs 3 Dorper x lambs 78 lbs 1 wf ram lamb 95 lbs 1 bf lamb 125 lbs 2 South down ram lambs 88 lbs 2 mixed lambs 45 lbs 2 Chev lambs 55 lbs 1 bf lamb 145 lbs 1 bf ewe lamb 95 lbs 1 Hamp ram lamb 175 lbs 2 wf ram lambs 110 lbs 1 bf ewe lamb 75 lbs 1 bf ewe lamb 135 lbs 2 Dorper x ram lambs 110 lbs 1 bf ram lamb 175 lbs 2 wf lambs 55 lbs 3 bf ewes 157 lbs 4 rdf ewes 79 lbs 1 bf ewe 210 lbs

182.50 cwt 182.50 cwt 180.00 cwt 180.00 cwt 175.00 cwt 160.00 cwt 157.50 cwt 157.00 cwt 155.00 cwt 152.50 cwt 151.00 cwt 151.00 cwt 150.00 cwt 148.00 cwt 147.50 cwt 147.50 cwt 147.00 cwt 147.00 cwt 145.00 cwt 145.00 cwt 144.00 cwt 144.00 cwt 143.00 cwt 142.50 cwt 141.00 cwt 141.00 cwt 140.00 cwt 138.00 cwt 137.50 cwt 137.50 cwt 135.00 cwt 135.00 cwt 130.00 cwt 130.00 cwt 130.00 cwt 130.00 cwt 130.00 cwt 127.50 cwt 125.00 cwt 125.00 cwt 121.00 cwt 112.50 cwt 90.00 cwt


105.00 cwt 105.00 cwt 92.50 cwt

Dickinson, ND Pueblo, CO Gill, CO Ault, CO Ault, CO Eden, WY Longmont, CO Gill, CO Hudson, CO Laramie, WY Monte Vista, CO Monte Vista, CO Laramie, WY Parshall, CO Ft Morgan, CO Hudson, CO Ft Morgan, CO Eden, WY Monte Vista, CO Cimarron, CO Cimarron, CO Ft Collins, CO Loveland, CO Dickinson, ND Shoshoni, WY Dickinson, ND Torrington, WY Bayard, NE Dickinson, ND Lovell, WY Bear River, WY Beulah, CO Monte Vista, CO Monte Vista, CO Chadron, NE Elizabeth, CO Laramie, WY Hudson, CO Lovell, WY Ault, CO Hudson, CO Laramie, WY Monte Vista, CO Lovell, WY Hudson, CO Gill, CO

Jim Anderson - Country Representative

HOME 970-218-4654

CELL 970-218-1833

Jason baker - Field Representative & Ringman



Ann Rowe - Office Manager



3 bf ewes 160 lbs 90.00 cwt 2 bf breeding ewes 163 lbs 86.00 cwt 1 wf ewes 95 lbs 85.00 cwt 3 bf ewes 182 lbs 83.00 cwt 2 Dorper x ewes 170 lbs 80.00 cwt 2 brown/white ewes 138 lbs 79.00 cwt 7 wf ewes 166 lbs 70.00 cwt 18 wf ewes 173 lbs 64.00 cwt 3 mixed ewes 188 lbs 63.00 cwt 38 wf ewes 164 lbs 60.00 cwt 37 wf ewes 165 lbs 60.00 cwt 4 wf ewes 170 lbs 59.00 cwt 12 mixed ewes 185 lbs 57.00 cwt 46 wf ewes 142 lbs 56.00 cwt 5 wf ewes 148 lbs 40.00 cwt 21 wf ewes 133 lbs 33.00 cwt


3 bf bucks 222 lbs 81.00 cwt 1 bf buck 195 lbs 76.00 cwt 2 wf bucks 200 lbs 75.00 cwt 2 wf bucks 250 lbs 73.00 cwt 1 wf buck 245 lbs 71.00 cwt 2 bf bucks 203 lbs 67.50 cwt 2 wf bucks 253 lbs 65.00 cwt 5 bf bucks 258 lbs 65.00 cwt 6 wf bucks 223 lbs 44.00 cwt 1 Corri ram lambs 175 lbs 190.00 each 1 Corri ram lambs 240 lbs 190.00 each 1 Boer x goat 1215 lbs 1 brown goat 185 lbs 4 Boer x goats 158 lbs 1 Toggen x goat 165 lbs 1 blk goat 145 lbs 1 brown goat 130 lbs 4 Alpine x goats 128 lbs 2 Boer x goats 133 lbs 2 Boer goats 118 lbs 1 Boer x goats 120 lbs 3 mixed goats 105 lbs 1 brown/blk goat 185 lbs 6 mixed goats 84 lbs 11 blk/brown goats 82 lbs 1 roan goat 65 lbs 1 Lama x goat 75 lbs

Hudson, CO Elizabeth, CO Hudson, CO Sterling, CO Strasburg, CO Hudson, CO Mack, CO Douglas, WY Glenrock, WY Hay Springs, NE Hay Springs, NE Glenrock, WY Glendo, WY Douglas, WY Hudson, CO Hay Springs, NE Kremmling, CO Elizabeth, CO Dickinson, ND Hudson, CO Glendo, WY Hudson, CO Glendo, WY Glendo, WY Douglas, WY Beulah, CO Beulah, CO


365.00 each Hudson, CO 335.00 each Evans, CO 325.00 each Dickinson, ND 305.00 each Dacono, CO 300.00 each Dickinson, ND 300.00 each Hotchkiss, CO 270.00 each Philip, SD 270.00 each Hudson, CO 245.00 each Eden, WY 225.00 each Harrison, NE 220.00 each Kirtland, NM 210.00 each Colorado Springs, CO 145.00 each Kirtland, NM 125.00 each Hotchkiss, CO 105.00 each Russell, MN 95.00 each Kirtland, NM


1 Boer nanny 200 lbs 235.00 each Platteville, CO 1 Boer x nanny 180 lbs 200.00 each Hayden, CO 1 Alpine x nanny 200 lbs 200.00 each Dacono, CO 1 Boer x doe 90 lbs 195.00 each Bear River, WY 1 Boer x nanny 160 lbs 192.50 each Chadron, NE 2 Boer x nannies 163 lbs 190.00 each Dickinson, ND 1 Boer x nanny 155 lbs 185.00 each Colorado Springs, CO 1 Boer doe 93 lbs 185.00 each Rozet, WY 3 Boer nannies 153 lbs 180.00 each Calhan, CO 1 Boer x doe 104 lbs 180.00 each Hudson, CO 2 Boer nannies 155 lbs 175.00 each Hayden, CO 1 Boer doe 115 lbs 170.00 each Kaycee, WY 1 brown doe 155 lbs 170.00 each LaPorte, CO 1 Boer x doe 90 lbs 170.00 each Wellington, CO 18 Boer x nannies 131 lbs 165.00 each Colorado Springs, CO 5 Boer x nannies 133 lbs 162.50 each Hotchkiss, CO 7 Boer x nannies 134 lbs 160.00 each Pueblo, CO 3 Boer x does 137 lbs 152.50 each Dickinson, ND

5 Boer x nannies 111 lbs 2 blk/brown nannies 118 lbs 5 Boer does 71 lbs 2 Boer nannies 93 lbs 8 Boer does 83 lbs 9 white nannies 111 lbs 10 mixed nannies 71 lbs 2 Boer x kids 123 lbs 4 Boer x kids 104 lbs 4 Boer kids 94 lbs 3 Boer kids 100 lbs 1 Boer kid 95 lbs 1 Boer kid 100 lbs 5 Boer kids 83 lbs 12 Boer x kids 80 lbs 7 mixed kids 76 lbs 14 Boer x kids 73 lbs 22 Angora kids 105 lbs 2 Boer x kids 65 lbs 7 Boer kids 66 lbs 11 Boer kids 56 lbs 1 brown kid 55 lbs 13 Boer kids 50 lbs 10 mixed kids 57 lbs 4 Alpine x kids 61 lbs 6 mixed kids 48 lbs 3 Pygmy kids 57 lbs 2 Boer x kids 40 lbs 17 mixed kids 38 lbs 35 Saanen kids 42 lbs 1 Boer billy 230 lbs 1 Boer billy 165 lbs 2 Alpine billies 185 lbs 1 spotted billy 160 lbs 3 Boer billies 163 lbs CO 3 mixed billies 188 lbs 5 white billies 144 lbs 1 spotted billy 140 lbs 1 Boer billy 135 lbs 1 Alpine billy 155 lbs 1 red billy 130 lbs 1 Angora x billy 115 lbs 2 mixed billies 68 lbs 1 blk billy 105 lbs 4 mixed billies 86 lbs 1 white billy 105 lbs 1 Toggen billy 95 lbs 1 Boer x billy 55 lbs 1 Boer billy 50 lbs 2 Pygmy billies 75 lbs

147.50 each Colorado Springs, CO 145.00 each Colorado Springs, CO 135.00 each Pueblo, CO 125.00 each Greeley, CO 125.00 each Pueblo, CO 122.50 each Hotchkiss, CO 110.00 each Lovell, WY


280.00 each 230.00 each 215.00 each 215.00 each 205.00 each 205.00 each 167.50 each 157.50 each 147.50 each 137.50 each 135.00 each 120.00 each 120.00 each 115.00 each 105.00 each 103.00 each 95.00 each 82.50 each 77.50 each 75.00 each 70.00 each 62.50 each 50.00 each

Chadron, NE Hudson, CO Briggsdale, CO Burns, WY Kremmling, CO Pueblo, CO Pueblo, CO Hayden, CO Dickinson, ND Chadron, NE Pueblo, CO Philip, SD Pueblo, CO Calhan, CO Whitney, NE Kirtland, NM Eden, WY Rigby, ID Eden, WY Russell, MN Rigby, ID Hotchkiss, CO Hotchkiss, CO


335.00 each Dickinson, ND 250.00 each Nunn, CO 240.00 each Philip, SD 230.00 each Gill, CO 230.00 each Colorado Springs,

225.00 each Dickinson, ND 195.00 each Kirtland, NM 190.00 each Crawford, NE 185.00 each Kirtland, NM 180.00 each Russell, MN 170.00 each Colorado Springs, CO 135.00 each Kirtland, NM 130.00 each Hotchkiss, CO 125.00 each Eden, WY 122.50 each Philip, SD 115.00 each Pueblo, CO 110.00 each Kaycee, WY 107.50 each Bear River, WY 102.50 each Craig, CO 97.50 each Russell, MN


1 blk/white llama 335 lbs 50.00 each 2 brown/white llamas 363 lbs 45.00 each 1 brown llama 375 lbs 37.50 each

Lovell, WY Lovell, WY Lovell, WY


5 Hamp pigs 79 lbs 1 Berk pig 85 lbs 5 white pigs 58 lbs 1 roan pig 79 lbs

46.00 each 40.00 each 38.00 each 32.00 each

LaSalle, CO LaSalle, CO Laramie, WY LaSalle, CO

Continued on Page #141

113 N.W. FRONTAGE ROAD • I-25 & HIGHWAY 14 (970) 482-6207 • FAX (970) 416-7302 TOLL FREE: 866-899-6827 CLA WEB SITE: www.claauction.com E-MAIL ADDRESS: cla.auction@prodigy.net CENTENNIAL’S MARKET REPORT CONTINUED FROM PAGE 143

4 Hamp pigs 68 lbs 4 red pigs 83 lbs 2 spotted pigs 158 lbs 1 Hamp pig 100 lbs 2 Hamp pigs 113 lbs 2 Berk x pigs 108 lbs

29.00 each 11.00 each 37.00 cwt 33.00 cwt 32.50 cwt 32.00 cwt


1 Blue But sow 415 lbs

23.00 cwt

1 Hamp fat hog 235 lbs 2 Hamp fat hogs 253 lbs 1 Hamp fat hog 260 lbs 1 Hamp fat hog 290 lbs 2 white fat hogs 310 lbs 3 white fat hogs 227 lbs 2 white fat hogs 285 lbs 3 Hamp fat hogs 270 lbs 2 Hamp fat hogs 255 lbs


72.50 cwt 66.00 cwt 60.00 cwt 59.00 cwt 59.00 cwt 53.00 cwt 47.50 cwt 46.00 cwt 46.00 cwt


1 blk horse 1740 lbs 1 blk horse 1700 lbs 1 gray horse 1125 lbs 1 gray horse 980 lbs 1 blk horse 1090 lbs 1 Chestnut horse 1095 lbs 1 gray horse 1045 lbs 1 gray horse 1235 lbs 1 brown/white horse 1365 lbs 1 bay horse 1235 lbs 1 bay horse 1140 lbs

130.00 cwt 118.00 cwt 115.00 cwt 86.00 cwt 81.00 cwt 70.00 cwt 67.00 cwt 62.50 cwt 61.00 cwt 60.00 cwt 45.00 cwt

Ault, CO Wright, WY Briggsdale, CO Kirtland, NM Torrington, WY Kirtland, NM

Arcadia, NE Arcadia, NE Arcadia, NE Arcadia, NE Arcadia, NE Yuma, CO Arcadia, NE Russell, MN Russell, MN Steamboat Springs, CO Fraiser, CO Wellington, CO Hudson, CO Berthoud, CO Steamboat Springs, CO Steamboat Springs, CO Wellington, CO Encampment, WY Encampment, WY Steamboat Springs, CO


24 red strs 406 lbs 7 blk strs 400 lbs 5 blk strs 511 lbs 7 red strs 438 lbs 16 blk/wf strs 498 lbs 14 blk strs 474 lbs 39 blk strs 535 lbs 2 red/blk strs 503 lbs 3 red strs 497 lbs 10 red/blk strs 527 lbs 18 mixed strs 538 lbs 12 blk strs 570 lbs 48 blk strs 583 lbs 15 blk strs 540 lbs 12 blk strs 534 lbs 16 blk/wf strs 815 lbs 7 blk/red strs 646 lbs 9 blk/wf strs 845 lbs 12 blk/wf strs 758 lbs 5 blk strs 659 lbs 17 mixed strs 644 lbs 12 blk/red strs 620 lbs 9 blk strs 786 lbs 10 blk/wf strs 754 lbs 11 blk strs 704 lbs 39 blk/wf strs 659 lbs 12 blk strs 590 lbs 11 blk/Char strs 715 lbs 6 blk strs 886 lbs 39 blk/Char strs 745 lbs 3 wf strs 787 lbs 12 blk/Char strs 600 lbs 4 blk/wf strs 1086 lbs 8 blk/wf strs 1106 lbs 5 blk strs 1295 lbs

143.00 cwt 136.00 cwt 131.50 cwt 131.00 cwt 126.00 cwt 126.00 cwt 124.50 cwt 123.00 cwt 122.00 cwt 122.00 cwt 120.50 cwt 120.00 cwt 119.00 cwt 119.00 cwt 117.00 cwt 116.50 cwt 113.00 cwt 113.00 cwt 112.50 cwt 110.50 cwt 110.00 cwt 110.00 cwt 110.00 cwt 110.00 cwt 108.50 cwt 108.25 cwt 107.50 cwt 107.00 cwt 105.50 cwt 104.75 cwt 104.00 cwt 97.75 cwt 96.00 cwt 90.25 cwt 83.00 cwt

76.00 cwt


2 red calves 363 lbs 2 blk calves 663 lbs 1 red calf 575 lbs 1 red calf 860 lbs 3 blk calves 830 lbs Laramie, WY 5 blk/red calves 675 lbs


1 blk str 1440 lbs

Clark, CO Ft Collins, CO Burns, WY Clark, CO Ft Collins, CO Cheyenne, WY Cheyenne, WY Mead, CO Wellington, CO Cheyenne, WY Carr, CO Ft Collins, CO Cheyenne, WY Ft Collins, CO Estes Park, CO Burns, CO Burns, CO Milliken, CO Golden, CO Victor, CO Carr, CO Ft Lupton, CO Loveland, CO Laramie, WY Ft Lupton, CO Livermore, CO Wellington, CO Elizabeth, CO Laramie, WY Livermore, CO Burns, CO Elizabeth, CO Burns, CO Phippsburg, CO Eaton, CO

134.00 cwt 103.00 cwt 102.00 cwt 92.00 cwt 85.00 cwt 81.50 cwt

Wellington, CO Holstein cow Holstein cow Holstein cow Grover, CO Holstein cow Longmont, CO Holstein cow Mead, CO Holstein cow Hudson, CO Holstein cow Castle Rock, CO Holstein cow Hudson, CO Holstein cow


2 blk hfrs 258 lbs 2 blk/wf hfrs 325 lbs 5 blk hfrs 333 lbs 3 blk hfrs 243 lbs 16 blk hfrs 503 lbs 2 blk hfrs 535 lbs 14 blk hfrs 498 lbs 12 blk./wf hfrs 489 lbs 9 blk hfrs 558 lbs 1 blk hfrs 665 lbs 6 blk/Char hfrs 693 lbs 13 blk/wf hfrs 732 lbs 11 blk/wf hfrs 632 lbs 33 blk/wf hfrs 632 lbs 5 blk hfrs 585 lbs 18 mixed hfrs 592 lbs 16 blk/bwf hfrs 566 lbs 14 mixed hfrs 793 lbs 11 blk/Char hfrs 528 lbs 6 blk hfrs 852 lbs 10 red/blk hfrs 967 lbs 1 blk hfr 940 lbs 1 blk hfr 1005 lbs 3 blk hfrs 857 lbs 2 blk/yellow hfrs 730 lbs

128.00 cwt Loveland, CO 126.00 cwt Livermore, CO 124.00 cwt Ft Collins, CO 124.00 cwt Ft Collins, CO 113.00 cwt Ft Collins, CO 112.00 cwt Bailey, CO 112.00 cwt Ft Collins, CO 110.00 cwt Carr, CO 106.00 cwt Hudson, CO 105.00 cwt Steamboat Springs, CO 104.00 cwt Elizabeth, CO 104.00 cwt Burns, CO 103.50 cwt Victor, CO 103.25 cwt Livermore, CO 102.50 cwt Estes Park, CO 101.50 cwt Carr, CO 101.50 cwt Livermore, CO 101.00 cwt Burns, CO 98.00 cwt Elizabeth, CO 96.00 cwt Saratoga, WY 95.00 cwt Clark, CO 92.00 cwt Greeley, CO 80.00 cwt Berthoud, CO 75.50 cwt Wellington, CO 73.00 cwt Wellington, CO


SLAUGHTER COW & BULL AUCTION RESULTS Cow market fully steady with last week. Active buyer participation on today’s market.


Blk cow Blk cow Blk cow 4 red cows Blk cow Blk cow 5 blk cows Blk cow Blk cow 6 blk cows Blk cow 6 blk cows 5 blk cows Blk cow Red cow Blk cow 12 black cows 3 red cows Blk cow Red cow Blk cow Blk cow 2 blk cows Rwf cow Rwf cow 8 blk cows Blk cow 2 bwf cows Blk cow Blk cow

1185 lbs 70.00 cwt 1250 lbs 69.00 cwt 1565 lbs 69.00 cwt 1208 lbs 68.00 cwt 1630 lbs 67.50 cwt 1525 lbs 66.00 cwt 1144 lbs 66.00 cwt 1635 lbs 66.00 cwt 1885 lbs 65.50 cwt 1472 lbs 65.00 cwt 1290 lbs 64.00 cwt 1292 lbs 64.00 cwt 1438 lbs 64.00 cwt 1460 lbs 63.00 cwt 1495 lbs 63.00 cwt 1515 lbs 63.00 cwt 1335 lbs 58.50 cwt 1300 lbs 58.00 cwt 1505 lbs 58.00 cwt 1170 lbs 57.50 cwt 1360 lbs 56.00 cwt 1470 lbs 55.50 cwt 1223 lbs 55.00 cwt 1230 lbs 54.00 cwt 1415 lbs 53.00 cwt 1175 lbs 52.50 cwt 1190 lbs 51.00 cwt 1053 lbs 51.00 cwt 1085 lbs 50.00 cwt 1280 lbs 46.50 cwt

Holstein cow Holstein cow

1590 lbs 1775 lbs


Laramie Laramie Gill Clark Gill Grnwd Village Platteville Kersey Walden Platteville Hartsel Platteville Walden Victor Platteville Kersey Walden Clark Livermore Walden Laramie Livermore Windsor Keeline Keeline Walden Laramie Hartsel Saratoga Lyons

63.00 cwt 62.50 cwt

Ft Collins Wellington

Black bull Black bull Black bull Black bull Black bull Black bull Black bull Black bull Red bull Hereford bull

1820 lbs 1915 lbs 1790 lbs 1510 lbs 1945 lbs 1715 lbs 1835 lbs 1365 lbs 1820 lbs 2120 lbs 1855 lbs 2120 lbs 2005 lbs 1860 lbs 2250 lbs 2075 lbs 1920 lbs 1860 lbs 1835 lbs

62.50 cwt 61.50 cwt 60.50 cwt 58.50 cwt 58.50 cwt 58.00 cwt 56.50 cwt 55.00 cwt 54.50 cwt


81.50 cwt 79.00 cwt 77.50 cwt 75.50 cwt 75.50 cwt 74.50 cwt 73.00 cwt 72.50 cwt 71.50 cwt 70.00 cwt

Bellvue Longmont Bellvue Ft Collins Laramie Wellington Wellington Wellington Longmont

Centennial Ft Collins Wellington Ft Collins Gill Wellington Eaton Cheyenne Ft Lupton Yampa

NEXT HAY AUCTION: Sat., October 29, 2016 @ New Time 9:00 AM Receiving hay on Monday, Oct 24 and each day through Friday until the lot is full. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. To have your hay tested at seller’s expense it must be here by noon on Tuesday, October 25. Call our office, 970-482-6207, to consign your hay in advance. This gives us the opportunity to advertise your hay at no additional cost to you.

SALE SCHEDULE LARIMER COUNTY BRAND INSPECTOR’S Office: 970-490-1764 Jim Easthouse: 970-219-7400 Casey Griffith: 970-218-0420 Jesse Phillips: 970-219-9393 Denver Brand Office: 303-869-9160 Longmont/Boulder County: TJ Watts: 720-296-4044 WEDNESDAYS • 10 A.M. Sheep, Goats, Baby Calves, Hogs & Horses THURSDAYS • 10 A.M. Calf, Yearling & productin Cattle FRIDAYS • 10 A.M. | Slaughter Cow & Bull Auction 1ST MONDAY OF EACH MONTH • 11 A.M. Holstein, Holstein Cross Steers (some exceptions) LAST SATURDAY OF MONTH • 9 A.M. Special Hay Auction (some exceptions) RECEIVING LIVESTOCK Monday through Friday 6 a.m. until midnight | Saturdays & Sundays 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.

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